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  • Tags: NWC32

The 10/29/08 newsletter for Norwescon 32

The 9/10/08 newsletter for Norwescon 32

End of convention talk with Geno Salvatore and Todd Lockwood.mp4
Brief interviews with Geno Salvatore and Todd Lockwood at the Norwescon 32 closing ceremonies.

PK Dick Award Presentation.mp4
The announcement of the 2008 Philip K. Dick Award winner and special citation winner at Norwescon 32.

Reading from Terminal Mind by David Walton at Norwescon 32.mp4
David Walton reading from his book Terminal Mind at the 2008 Philip K. Dick Awards at Norwescon 32

Reading from Plague War by Jeff Carlson at Norwescon 32.mp4
Jeff Carlson reading from his book Plague War at the 2008 Philip K. Dick Awards at Norwescon 32

NWC32 Pocket Program Cover.jpg
The cover of the Norwescon 32 pocket program.

Photos from Norwescon 32

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The program grid schedule of events for Norwescon 32

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The Sunday issue of the Norwescon 32 daily 'zine.

The Friday issue of the Norwescon 32 daily 'zine.

The Saturday issue of the Norwescon 32 daily 'zine.

The Thursday issue of the Norwescon 32 daily 'zine.

Promotional flyer for Norwescon 32

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Cover of the Norwescon 32 program book, with art by Todd Lockwood of a white-haired, black-skinned adventurer bearing a sword, dressed in flowing white robes under armor, walking with a large black cat through a cave.
The cover to the Norwescon 32 Program Book


Cover of the Norwescon 32 member's guide, with art by Todd Lockwood of a scantily clad woman emerging from a swirl of butterflies, birds, and insects.
The cover for the Norwescon 32 Member's Guide


Norwescon 32 badge with art by Todd Lockwood of a blimp carrying a ship-like woven basket with metal fuel tanks slung underneath powering a propeller on the back. Two people are in the basket, one of them hanging onto ropes with a hook prosthesis, aiming a pistol at another blimp giving chase. Text printed on the badge says 'Norwescon 2009' and 'Michael (djwudi) 946'.
Badge #946

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Screenshot of the Norwescon 32 website.
Promotional website for Norwescon 32

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