Norwescon 32 October 29 Newsletter


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Norwescon 32 October 29 Newsletter


Norwescon 32


The 10/29/08 newsletter for Norwescon 32




October 29, 2008



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Norwescon 32

April 9-12, 2009
DoubleTree Hotel
SeaTac, WA

Guest of Honor: R.A. Salvatore
Artist Guest of Honor: Todd Lockwood
Special Guest: Geno Salvatore
Spotlight Publisher: Wizards of the Coast

Newsletter of the Northwest's Premiere Science Fiction & and Fantasy Convention
October 2008

In This Issue

  • GoH R.A. Salvatore
  • Interview: Patrick Swenson of Fairwood Press & Talebones
  • Executive Team Bios
  • Volunteer Opportunities
  • NWC32 Writers' Workshop
  • Fandance Film Festival
  • Announcements
  • Local Events Calendar


$50 through December 31
You still have a few days to register at this fabulous rate!
Download a registration form or pay for your membership online with PayPal!

Next Committee Meetings:

November 15, 2008
December 13, 2008
And you are invited! Come on out, say hi and see how you can get involved!
Click for the concom meeting schedule

Award winning artist John Picacio and his wife Traci attended Norwescon 31

"Loved Norwescon. Loved the People. Love Seattle." - John Picacio

DoubleTree Seattle Airport Seatac, WA

We extended the block AGAIN, but we won't be able to do it again. Make your reservations soon! You can even reserve your room online!

The DoubleTree has gone Green! Read about the Hilton family of hotels' commitment to sustainability.

Seattle author Richelle Mead was spotted at Borderlands Books in San Francisco promoting the recent release of Succubus Dreams.

"I have lots of friends who are coming in from out of town for Norwescon 32. Looking forward to being there again this year!"


Curious to know the daily buzz? The Forums are a great place to regularly interact with fellow members. Stop by and introduce yourself today!

We were not surprised to learn that the most popular forum topic last month was Parties. Want to throw a party? Click here for the Party Rules and remember to visit the Forums for the latest party announcements!


Convention Events
Ride Sharing
Room Sharing
The Fandom Universe
Lost and Found
Norwescon Media
Comments & Suggestions
Why I Volunteer
In Memoriam
Convention Department Discussions

NEXT MONTH in the Norwescon eNewsletter:

Artist GoH Todd Lockwood

Stephen Segal of Weird Tales Magazine
Barb and J.C. Hendee
Authors of the Noble Dead Saga

The Philip K. Dick Awards at Norwescon

Sneak Preview!

We love our volunteers! Next month meet the volunteers of the year for Norwescon 31



Download a PDF of the Norwescon flyer and share it with your friends or post it at your favorite bookstore and coffeehouse!

Quick Links...

Our Website
News and Forums
Panels and Events


Do you know that there is a monthly drawing for fabulous prizes?

And do you know that you are entered into that monthly drawing simply by subscribing to this eNewsletter?

It's true!

You may be saying to yourself, "But I haven't seen any contest or fabulous prizes!?!?"

That's because the monthly drawing section is at the bottom of the eNewsletter.

This means that you must scroll down.

That's right. Scroll down.



Scroll more...

A little more...

(They really are fabulous prizes!)

Almost there...

You made it!

Good luck!

Autumnal salutations from Norwescon!

Fall is in full swing, and with it is planning for Norwescon 32!

The convention committee convened for its second meeting on October 11. We're still in early planning stages, so we aren't able to announce any of the exciting, innovative and downright awesome ideas that the team has in the works, but we anticipate being able to make some of those announcments in November. Stay tuned!

In the mean time, we've packed the October eNewsletter with introductions, interviews, announcements and so much more.


Your Norwescon 32 Planning Committe

Norwescon 32 Guest of Honor R.A. Salvatore

As one of the fantasy genre's most succesful authors, R.A. Salvatore enjoys an ever-expanding and tremendously loyal following. His books regularly appear on The New York Times best-seller lists and have sold more than 10,000,000 copies. Salvatore's most recent original hardcover, The Two Swords, Book III of The Hunter's Blade Trilogy (October 2004) debuted at # 1 on The Wall Street Journal best-seller list and at # 4 on The New York Times best-seller list. His books have been translated into numerous foreign languages including German, Italian, Finnish, Greek, Hungarian, Turkish, Croatian, Bulgarian, Yiddish, Spanish, Russian, Polish, Czech and French.

Salvatore's first published novel, The Crystal Shard from TSR in 1988, became the first volume of the acclaimed Icewind Dale Trilogy and introduced an enormously popular character, the dark elf Drizzt Do'Urden. Since that time, Salvatore has published numerous novels for each of his signature multi-volume series including The Dark Elf Trilogy, Paths of Darkness, The Hunter's Blades Trilogy, and The Cleric Quintet.

His love affair with fantasy, and with literature in general, began during his sophomore year of college when he was given a copy of J.R.R. Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings as a Christmas gift. Read more...

Interview with Patrick Swenson of Fairwood Press and Talebones Magazine

Patrick Swenson is the owner and publisher of Fairwood Press located in Bonney Lake, Washington and he is the owner and editor of Talebones magazine which features science fiction and dark fantasy. He also organizes and administrates the Rainforest Writers' Village, a writer's retreat held each spring at Lake Quinault on Washington's Olympic Peninsula.

Thank you for talking the time with us this month! We are so pleased that you will be returning to Norwescon as a panel participant this year.

I've been going to Norwescon since 1985, back when I was a wide-eyed writer just starting to submit stories. It's my hometown convention and I'm always excited to see old friends and make new ones. For the last ten plus years it's been host to the popular Talebones Live! Readings.

I understand things have be very busy over at Fairwood Press. Can you tell us about some of your recent releases?

This year has indeed been busy, what with seven new titles out. Earlier in the year saw the publication of a novel by Norwescon regular James C. Glass, and a story collection by Paul Melko, who had his first novel appear from Tor earlier in the year. Read more...

Your Norwescon 32 Executive Team says hello!

The Norwescon Executive Team is comprised of the Chair, the Vice Chair and the division heads who they appoint. This team will oversee all of the planning aspects of Norwescon 32. Get to know them by reading their bios or, of course, by attending a convention committee meeting. This year's Executive Team members are:

Chair - Becky Citrak
Vice Chair - Jeanine Gray Swanson
Secretary - Christy Berelman
Treasurer - Eric Webber
Business Director - Mike Orosz
Convention Services Director - Rob Stewart
Member Services Director - Charlie Knoedler
Personnel Director - Jim Sullivan
Programming Director - Sunny Jim Morgan
Publications Director - Don Glover
Special Events Director - Peggy Stewart


Do you know that Norwescon is run entirely by volunteers? Over 250 people generously give their time each year in order to make Norwescon the best it can be for its member and participants.

Some people assume that when you volunteer you are giving away all of your time at the convention. Not true! You only have to give as much time as you want to and you get to choose what department you volunteer for.

The best way to get started is to drop us an email at and let us know a little about you and where your interests and talents lie. Below are just a few positions that are available - first come first served so get 'em while they're hot!

Member Services

  • Tier 2 Tech Support (Art Show IT)
  • IT Support 3 (daytime, short shifts, computer skills required)
  • Registration staff (meet everyone at the convention!)

Convention Services

  • Convention Office Assistants (day and evening shifts)
  • Convention Office Runners (a great opportunity for teens, too!)


Green Room Hosts (take care of our pros and guests!)

Special Events

  • Casino Dealers (6 to 8 hours on Thursday night)
  • Masquerade Stage Ninjas (managing the flow, front and back stage)
  • Masquerade Den Parents (backstage contestant wrangling)
  • Pre-Masqureade Lineup Control Ninjas (2 positions available)

Writers' Workshop deadline: December 14, 2008!!!

The Fairwood Writers are pleased to sponsor the writing workshop for Norwescon 32 in 2009. We accept both short stories and novel excerpts to be critiqued by professional writers during Norwescon 32 in April, 2009

Please note that the submission deadline is much earlier this year than in most previous years - December 14. Please refer to the published guidelines for information about submission requirements and deadlines.

The Fandance Film Festival is celebrating its 10th year at Norwescon 32!

Ten years of madness, ten years of filmmaking, ten years of seeing all the latest, the greatest, the funniest, the weirdest, and the most bleeding, squealing, giant smashing, robot-ing edge entertainment still available without extensive tipping (mind you, we're not saying "no"). The Festival is a celebration of low- and no-budget cinema, brought to wondrous lurching life by amateur filmmakers from all around the Pacific Northwest.

More than just the movies, this 120-minute extravaganza of entertainment will also include the filmmakers, who will regale you terrifying tales of their productions. Be there or be a regular right quadrilateral! Read more...

The submission deadline is March 15, 2009. Click here for details.


DEALERS ROOM - Applications being accepted through December 1, 2008

Norwescon is now accepting applications for the Dealers Room. Are you a seller of items that might be of interest to the fannish community? Books, media, games, jewelry, costumes, weaponry, clothing, art - or perhaps you have something that falls into a category of its own!

  • The deadline for applications is December 1, 2008.
  • The Dealers Room schedule, application and contract are post here.
  • Email questions to

LOBBY TABLES - Table request forms are now available!

Club Tables - Norwescon offers free table space to science, science fiction, fantasy, writing, and fan organizations that are owned and operated by fans whose activities are of direct interest to the fannish community. These tables, known as "Club Tables", are located in the hotel convention lobby and at other designated areas throughout the hotel.

Corporate Tables - A limited amount of table space is made available to companies wishing to promote producst that are of interest to the fannish community.

  • The Lobby Table request form and policies can be found here and must be received at least 4 weeks prior to the convention.
  • Email all lobby table questions to

ART SHOW - Registration is open!

The Norwescon Art Show features many of the best artists from the northwest and around the country. If you are interested in showing in this year's show, applications are now being accepted.

  • Art Show policies, the registration form and a snap shot describing what to expect can be found here.
  • Email questions to

PROGRAMMING - Panel topics will be finalized soon!

The programming department would love to hear your ideas for new panel topics! Tracks include: Art, comics, costuming, filk, fannish, gaming, goth, education, science, space, readings, family, publishing/editing, poetry, horror, literature, alt. life, midieval, media, technology, writing, science fiction, fantasy and history/myth.

  • Email your suggestions to

Pacific Northwest Fannish Event Calendar


Harmony of the Universe: The Art of Toshiro Sawanuki
Museum of Flight | Now through January 4, 2009

Literary book party at University Bookstore
University Bookstore (U District) | Friday, October 31 | 7:00pm

For a complete listing of events in October and November click here.

Monthly Drawing: OCTOBER

Everyone who receives this eNewsletter is entered to win these AUTOGRAPHED books!

R.A. Salvatore: The Pirate King (Wizard of the Coast)
Ken Scholes: Long Walks, Last Flights and Other Strange Journeys (Fairwood Press)

Winners' names will be posted with permission in the November eNewsletter. Good luck!



“Norwescon 32 October 29 Newsletter,” Norwescon History, accessed March 13, 2025,

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