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After the photo shoot NWC 11.mp4
People milling about, taking photos, talking, and socializing.


After Masquerade Photo Line up at NWC 11.mp4
Selected people (friends of Don Glover) from the Photo line up at Norwescon 11.


Program booklet for the 2016 Philip K. Dick Awards ceremony at Norwescon 40

Philip K. Dick Award Ceremony 2016.mp4
The full 2016 Philip K. Dick Awards Ceremony at Norwescon 39.

Douglas Lain reads from AFTER THE SAUCERS LANDED
Brenda Cooper reads from EDGE OF DARK
Ramez Naam reads from APEX
PJ Manney reads from (R)EVOLUTION
Marguerite Reed reads from…

2017 Philip K. Dick Award Ceremony (normal).mp4
The 2016 Philip K. Dick Awards ceremony, held at Norwescon 40.

2015 Philip K. Dick Award Ceremony.mp4
The full 2015 Philip K. Dick Awards Ceremony at Norwescon 38.

2014 Philip K. Dick Award Ceremony.mp4
The full 2014 Philip K. Dick Awards ceremony at Norwescon 37, with readings from the nominated works by Anne Charnock, Cassandra Rose Clarke, David Tackett, Toh EnJoe, Terry Gallagher, Skillingstead, and Ben H. Winters.

The nominees were:

The program for the Philip K. Dick awards presented at Norwescon 36

The program for the Philip K. Dick Awards ceremony at Norwescon 35

PK Dick Award Announcement at Norwescon 34.mp4
The announcement of the 2010 Philip K. Dick Award winner and Special Citation winner at Norwescon 34

David Hartwell presents the PK Dick Award.mp4
The presentation of the 2009 Philip K. Dick Award winner and Special Citation winner

PK Dick Award Presentation.mp4
The announcement of the 2008 Philip K. Dick Award winner and special citation winner at Norwescon 32.
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