Jeeves #2


Dublin Core


Jeeves #2


Norwescon 35


The Saturday issue of the Norwescon 35 daily 'zine


Katrina Marier




April 7, 2012



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When in doubt...when in need... When the apocalypse hits...

Query Jeeves



Rachel Kenoyer
Ras Rasmussen


Art Show Tour with Sienna Morris in GR 1
Ken Scholes reads Time Dancing in the Key of E Minor, 10:30 am, CAS 1
Pat MacEwen reads Taking the Low Road, 8 pm, CAS 1


SFWA Meeting at 9 AM in Pres. Suite
Bob Brown reads Tommy Tales at 2PM in CAS 1
Evolu on of a Writing Career, 5-7 PM in the Salon. With J.A. Pitts


Fandom in Daily Life at 10 AM in CAS 2
New moderator: Judith Herman

The Philip K. Dick Award Ceremony

The 30th P.K. Dick Memorial Award Ceremony was presented Friday, April 6th, to a packed ballroom and streamed online to viewers around the world! The nominees were:

A Soldier’s Duty
by Jean Johnson
Ace Books

by Mira Grant

The Other
by Matthew Hughes
Underland Press

After The Apocalypse
by Maureen F. McHugh
Small Beer Press

The Company Man by Robert Jackson Bennett

The Postmortal
by Drew Magary
Penguin Books

The Samuil Petrovitch Trilogy
by Simon Morden

The 2011 Philip K. Dick Award was awarded to The Samuil Petrovitch Trilogy by Simon Morden

The Special Citation was awarded to The Company Man by Robert Jackson Bennett

Movie Previews Are Off The Air!

Movie Previews will again take center stage at Haltime of the Masquerade. Halftime will not be shown on the hotel video channels this year, so if you want to hear the latest movie news you need to be at the Masquerade. Media junkies, you have been warned!

The Hugo Award Nominations

will be announced in Maxi’s Lounge at 1 pm today.

SAT Concerts

Electric Children
Evergreen 1&2, 7 p.m.

Evergreen 1&2, 8 p.m.

Vixy & Tony
Evergreen 1&2, 9 p.m.

The Doubleclicks
Evergreen 1&2, 10 p.m.

And then...Open Filk!

Love the Saturday concert bands? Follow them on Twitter!

Electric Children - #chiptunes
Ultraklystron - #chiptunes #nerdcore
Vixy & Tony - #filk
The Doubleclicks - #geekrock #filk

Maxi’s Lounge

is open for Norwescon members age 21+ on Friday and Saturday night. Remember to bring your photo ID along with your membership badge. Please note that the 14th floor of the tower is closed to people under 21 as of 8 p.m. on Friday and Saturday night.


Steven Baxter

Reading, Noon – 1 pm in Evergreen 3&4
Autograph Session 1, 2-3 pm in Grand 2
Autograph Session 2, 3-4 pm in Grand 2

Bridget Landry

Autograph Session 1, 2-3 pm in Grand 2
Autograph Session 2, 3-4 pm in Grand 2

John Picacio

The Art of George R.R. Martin, 10-11 am in Grand 2
Autograph Session 1, 2-3 pm in Grand 2
Autograph Session 2, 3-4 pm in Grand 2
John Picacio Q & A, 5-6 pm in Evergreen 3&4

Sheila Gilbert & Betsy Wolheim of DAW Books

DAW Books Live, 1 -2 pm in Evergreen 3&4
Autograph Session 1, 2-3 pm in Grand 2
Autograph Session 2, 3-4 pm in Grand 2


“Your spankings await you upstairs.”


Jeeves wishes to remind attendees that they should park only in undesignated spots. Violators may be towed and the tickets are expensive. Don’t be penny-wise and pound-foolish!


is the daily newsletter of Norwescon 35. Articles from the membership are greatly desired. The deadline for each issue is 10 pm the night before. Submission boxes are located at Registration, the Con Office, and Hospitality, or you may email Jeeves at Your editrix is Katrina Marier with ad hoc assistance from the Publications Team!


Players should turn in their forms at the Info Desk by 10 AM Sunday! Winners will be announced at Noon! If there’s more than one correct contestant, names will be put in a jar!

Want a Special Ribbon?

For a $1 or more donation to NWC charities, you get a sticker with the NWC QR code, and a ribbon that says “Show Me Your Stamp.” See Becky Citrak in the Volunteers Lounge in Olympic 3!


Today you get to do EVERYTHING! At Noon, we have a mini Irish Session. This is the ancestor of so many geekmusic forms so come play along! No instrument? No problem! Several pros agreed to bring theirs to our Find Your Instrument panel at 2 pm in the Salon, and will demo then let you try! Then at 3 pm—Cascadia's Got Talent! Signup by 2 pm at Info to par cipate, or just come up to the Salon and see who survives the gong!

Norwescon Charity Auction:

Don’t forget that this Sunday is our Charity Auction to benefit Clarion West & Northwest College of Art & Design. Some of the cool things up for bid are:

  • Signed poster by Michael Bay
  • Signed books by Stephen Baxter, Bridget Landry, Jim Butcher, and Marion Zimmer Bradley
  • Art by NWC 34 Artist GOH Kinuko Y. Craft and a signed print by NWC 35 Artist GOH John Picacio.


We Sure Hope So, Anyway

It's the show you've all been waiting for, Cascadia's Got A (Gong!) Talent! Come bring your stupid human tricks, and perform them before our audience and team of celebrity d/r/u/n/k/s/ judges! If you survive the Gong, you can win one of our allegedly fabulous prizes! Signup

Volunteer Party!

SAT @ 3 PM in the Vol. Lounge. Root beer floats & prizes! Volunteers ARE Norwescon!

Winners of the Friday’s Volunteer Raffle:

Punitive—Alien Doll
Bill Castle—Wings & Tutu
Susan Price– Bag’o’Swag
Todd Clayton, Jr.— Beaded Headdress
Michael Ormes—NWC 18 T-shirt
Robin Deleon—Smile face pot
Cora Booth—Wire earrings
Dave Dorais—STYX T-Shirt
Heather Dee—Bag’o’Swag
Linda Poplowski—Gaming paper adventure maps
Cosmic Ray—NWC 26 membership

Be sure to turn your volunteer hour sheets and drop off your raffle ticket in the jar for the Saturday drawing!


Mother to arguing child: “No you CAN’T, because black holes are two-dimensional.”

At the 501st Photo Shoot: “I want Master Chick, Vader, off the stage!”

“It looks like a Victoria’s Secret blew up in here.”

“I stream My Little Pony at work. It’s easier to explain to my boss than Swedish death metal.”

“Are you gonna speak or just play with it?”

“Now that you’ve gotten it to work, I can shut it down!”


The Doctor’s new Companion now has a name: JASMINE and she will be introduced in this year’s Xmas special. Jasmine will be played by Jenna Tovise


Prelims at 1 PM, 3 PM, & 5 PM in the Rotunda. Finals after Masquerade!

Maxi’s Lounge

is open for Norwescon members age 21+ on Friday and Saturday night. Remember to bring your photo ID along with your membership badge. Please note that the 14th floor of the tower is closed to people under 21 as of 8 p.m. on Fri. and Sat. night.

Norwescon 35 Zine #2 4/7/12



Katrina Marier, “Jeeves #2,” Norwescon History, accessed March 12, 2025,

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