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The pocket program guide for Norwecon 7.

Norwescon 7 Masquerade.mp4
The masquerade for Norwescon 7

nwc7 flyer.jpg
Advertising flyer for Norwescon 7

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The daily zine for Sunday of Norwescon 7.

The Saturday daily 'zine for Norwescon 7.

Art by Bill Warren of an astronaut piloting a spacecraft with a clear canopy bubble, crouched over controls similar to a motorcycle handlebar. Bright rays shoot out from projections on the front, while a bright pink hexagonal grid emits a bright pink ray beam. Typed text says, "21 Don Glover".
Badge #21

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Membership badge for Norwescon 6.5

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nwc6 pocket program.jpg
Partial foldable pocket program schedule for Norwescon 6 (only covers Thursday and Friday; Saturday and Sunday probably on reverse side).

Photos from Norwescon 6 (hosted externally on Flickr).

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Norwescon 6 Masquerade.mp4
The masquerade for Norwescon 6

Membership badge for Norwescon 6

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nwc6 flyer.jpg
Advertisement for Norwescon 6

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nwc5.5 program 1.jpg
Norwescon 5.5 Program Booklet

Membership badge for Norwescon 5.5. Shown on its own, and within the plastic "license plate" badge holder.

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nwc5 pocket program.jpg
Foldable pocket program for Norwescon 5. Schedule on one side; hotel map and list of Dealers Room vendors on other side.

Norwescon 5 Masquerade.mp4
The masquerade at Norwescon 5

nwc5 flyer.jpg
Advertising flyer for Norwescon 5.

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Art of a white brunette woman in a red jumpsuit with yellow high-heeled boots, sitting on the floor and leaning against a wall. She is holding a smoking pistol in one hand and a soda can in the other. A cat-like creature crouches under her legs. Handwritten text says "900 Don Glover".
Badge #900

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The September 3, 2024 newsletter for Norwescon 47.

The October 4, 2024 newsletter for Norwescon 47.
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