Norwescon 7 Progress Report

The first page of the Norwescon 7 progress report. Full text is available on this page or in the linked PDF.

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Norwescon 7 Progress Report


Norwescon 7


The January 1984 status update for the upcoming Norwescon 7.


From the January 1984 Westwind 78, pgs. 7-19


Northwest Science Fiction Society


January 1984


8.5x11 paper



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Norwescon 7 Progress Report

NORWESCON has been fortunate to have had an impressive list of guests who have contributed to NORWESCON’s overall success.

Our past Guests of Honor have been…… Norwescon 1 - Theodore Sturgeon, Norwescon 2 - Philip Jose Farmer, Norwescon 3 - Alfred Bester, Norwescon 4 - Samuel Delaney, Norwescon 5 - Thomas Disch, and Norwescon 6 - Jack Williamson.

This year will be no exception. Already, NORWESCON has racked up an impressive list of “pros” who will continue to make NORWESCON the best place (except maybe Worldcon) to meet your favorite author, artist, editor, poet, and filmmaker.

Along with the 100 or so “attending pros” at this year’s convention, NORWESCON is proud to present L. Sprague and Catherine Crook de Camp as our Guests of Honor, Don Maitz as our Art GoH, Jack Speer as Fan GoH, and Mart Randall as Toastmaster.

Our GoH’s biographies and a list of the attending “pros” are presented herewith.

Guests of Honor L. Sprague and Catherine Crook de Camp

L. Sprague de Camp’s first published SF story was “The Isolinguals” in Astounding (Sept. 1937). Since then he has authored or edited over ninety-five books in such diverse fields as historical fiction, SF, fantasy, poetry, biography and history of science. His SF and fantasy earned him the Gandalf Award as a Grand Master of Fantasy in 1976 and a Grand Master Nebula Award from the Science Fiction Writes of America in 1978.

Sprague de Camp’s SF and fantasy has always been characterized by both logic and deft humor. Some of his better known works include: Genus Homo, Divide and Rule, Rogue Queen, The Wheels of SF, The Viagens Interplanetaries series, the Khrishna Series, the Compleat Enchanter series and The Fallible Fiend.

He has also written a great deal about Robert E. Howard and Howard’s most famous character, Conan of Cimmeria. He has written or edited over a dozen Conan novels and two non-fiction books on Conan. Most recently, he and Catherine co-authored Dark Valley Destiny, a biography of Robert E. Howard.

Sprague de Camp’s non-fiction includes Lost Continents, Ancient Engineers, The Great Monkey Trial and Cities of the Ancient World. He also produced 76 radio scripts on scientific topics for “Voice of America.” Sprague has also written five historical novels.

Catherine Crook de Camp is a long time collaborator with Sprague. Together they authored or edited the following books: Science Fiction Handbook (revised edition), Ancient Ruins and Archaeology, Spirits, Stars and Spells, The Day of the Dinosaur, Three Thousand Years of Fantasy and Science Fiction, and Tales Beyond Time.

The de Camps have been married for 44 years and have two sons. They currently live in Villanova, Pennsylvania.

Art Guest of Honor Don Maitz

Don Maitz, our Artist Guest of Honor, is a lifelong resident of Plainville, Connecticut. He studied at the University of Hartford Art School and Paier School of Art, where he graduated at the top of his class.

Don is a freelance illustrator who, since 1976, has created over one hundred covers for such publishers as Simon and Schuster, Playboy, Fawcett, Berkley, Ace, DAW, Popular Library and Doubleday. A great deal of his work has graced the covers of fantasy and SF novels, including Gene Wolfe’s Book of the New Sun tetralogy, Tanigh Lee’s Silver Metal Lover, Kill the Dead, Day by Night and Drinking Sapphire Wine, and richard Purtill’s Mirror of Helen, to name a few.

Don’s work has not gone unnoticed. He is a four-time Hugo nominee. In 1980, he was awarded the H. P. Lovecraft Award for Best Artist at the 6th World Fantasy Convention and was a nominee the next three years.

He has also done freelance work for NBC, TV Guide, Bell Telephone, Kodak and Seagram & Sons. His work has been exhibited at the New Britain Museum of American Art: the 22nd Annual Exhibit for the Society of Illustrators, N.Y.: The Canton Art institute, Canton, Ohio: Kent State University, Kent, Ohio: UCLA: Central Connecticut State University, New Britain, Conn.: and numerous conventions.

Toastmaster Marta Randall

Born in Mexico City in 1948, Marta Randall has been a confirmed Bay Area resident since 1950.

She began writing SF professionally in 1970 and has authored A City in the North, Islands, Journey, and Dangerous Games. Her most recent novel, The Sword of Winter (Timescape 1983) has garnered excellent reviews. Marta Randall currently edits the prestigious series, New Demensions. In addition to authoring and editing, Marta has taught would-be SF writers at the Clarion and Haystack Workshops.

Marta is currently serving her second term as president of the Science Fiction Writers of America and previously served as vice president. (She’s either a masochist or a candidate for sainthood.)

NORWESCON 7 will be Marta’s fourth NORWESCON.

Fan Guest of Honor Jack Speer

Jack Speer, Fan Guest of Honor, is probably the one person who best defined early SF and fantasy fandom, and in doing so gave it a sense of identity, a place of its own. Jack had an early interest in SF, reading his first issue of Amazing at the age of seven. At 14, he discovered “organized” fandom. Two years later his “Institute of Public Opinion” completed the first fannish poll.

In 1938 Jack moved to Washington, D.C., and helped start FAPA, the first modern SF/fantasy amateur press association. A year later he published Up to Now, the first history of fandom. With the realization that fandom had a history, fandom became self conscious.

Jack became the first fan traveler, one who traveled across country just to visit other fans. In 1943, he completed the first fan encyclopedia, that for once defined fannish culture and language. Two years later he became official editor for the National Fantasy Fan Federation, which had been started by Damon Knight to unify fandom. Jack has also been official editor for FAPA.

While in the Capitol, Jack worked for the War Dept.’s Lend-Lease Administration, and spent a year in Algiers in the U.S Food Mission to North Africa. After the war, he moved to Seattle to attend the U.W. Law School and was admitted to the Bar in 1949. In 1958 Jack became our 41st District’s state representative. Then in 1962 he moved to New Mexico where he practiced law and was a Judge.

Jack is still quite active in fandom and still contributing to FAPA. He holds some kind of record by publishing 53 issues of StefNews in two years. Jack is also known as fandom’s grammarian (wonder what he is going to do to this?). NORWESCON is pleased to honor Jack for his many first contributions to fandom.

Attending pros

We are pleased to welcome the following guests to this years convention.

Richard & Wendy Pini
Frank Marshall
Maureen Garrett
Sid Ganis
Robert Watts
Julian May
George Harper
Jessica Salmonson
Wendy Wees
Julie Stevens
Joel Davis
Gene Van Troyer
Eric Vinicoff
Jody Scott
Joanna Russ
Phyllis Ann Karr
Robert Wilfred Franson
Vonda N. McIntyre
Marilyn Holt
Gordon Eklund
Bruce Taylor
Frank Catalano
Craig Miller
Steve Perry
David Brin
FM Busby
John G. Cramer
Craig W. Anderson
Sharon Newman
Richard Mueller
Richard Purtill
Mildred Downey Broxon
Cyn Mason
Harry J.N. Andruschak
Charles Platt
Michael D. Mayo
Jerry Oltion
Madeline E. Robins
Robert Adams
JT Stewart
Paul Sammon
Joan Vinge
Jim Frenkel
Vicki Poyser
Janet Gluckman
Robert Lynn Asprin

Hotel Accomodations

Yet again this year, Norwescon is glad to announce that we will be holding the convention at our old buddy the SEA-TAC HYATT HOTEL.

So, enclosed with this progress report is your personal reservation card for the Hyatt. Though room reservations will be available up until the day of the convention, you should, nevertheless, make your reservation promptly. Room space (as we’ve learned in the past) is limited.

The Hyatt will confirm all reservations. Should you manage to procrastinate into Mid-March on your hotel reservations, or if you are temporarily lacking personal wealth, there is an assortment of alternative motels/hotels within a block or two of the Hyatt. One of which is Nendels located just kitty-corner to the Hyatt.

Both the Hyatt and Nendels spurn inflation by offering low, low convention rates. The Hyatt is still $49 for any multiple occupancy. Nendells is $37 for either a double or single room.

We think that the service at the Hyatt and Nenedls are both worth every penny. We are sure you’ll agree. The Hyatt can be reached by phone at [omitted] or by spaceship at [address omitted].

If you choose to stay at Nendels, you may call [omitted] or write [address omitted].

P.S. The Hyatt will gladly hold your luggage in a secure place beyond checkout time on Sunday (or Monday) if you desire.

Getting There

For the sixth time, the NORWESCON committee has picked (on) the Hyatt Seattle. It is still Seattle. It is still located right on Pacific Highway (Highway 99), at the north end of Seattle-Tacoma International Airport.

Flying fen can take the free two-minute Hyatt shuttlebus (just call them) from the airport to the hotel or spend hours discovering there is no pedestrian thoroughfare connecting the airport with any of the surrounding hotels.

Driving south on I-5 from the Northern Lands you would be prudent to take the exit on your right marked “Burien-Southcenter Blvd” and follow the left fork (Burien) onto Highway 518. Proceed on up the hill for about a mile til you see the Highway 99 exit. Travel southbound on 99 until you arrive at the Hyatt, which is on your right just after you cross 170th.

Journeying south (and then westward) on I-405 you will observe it to metamorphose suddenly into Hwy 518 at the Southcenter Shopping Mall. Don’t panic! Just proceed as the Northern Folk from there.

Should you be migrating North from Oregon or California on I-5, may we suggest the senic 188th Street (Airport) exit, which you follow till you hit Hwy 99. Hang a right onto Pacific Hwy s. (it’s 99), drive past dozens of hotels, and you will find the Hyatt to be one on the left at the end of the hotel strip. Take a left onto 170th and left into the Hyatt back parking lot. If you find yourself driving by the Washington Memorial Park (boneyard), you just passed it!

Those arriving in downtown Seattle by train, boat or bus can take a taxi or bus to the hotel. Taxis from Seattle to Sea-Tac run $18 to $20.

Bussing to the Hyatt is simple. Coming from Seattle take a #174 to Sea-Tac. DO NOT get on a 174 EXPRESS, you may never be seen again. Downtown, the 174 runs west down Stewart St. and south on Second Ave. The 174 stops at every other bus stop downtown (they are marked). The Greyhound station is on 9th and Stewart is on the bus line, and the King Street AMTRAK station is one block away from the 2nd and Jackson stop. From the ferries, go east up the hill to Second Ave.

Bus fare from Seattle is 75 cents during non-peak hours and week ends and 90 cents during peak hours, Monday through Friday, 6-9 a.m. and 3-6 p.m. If you get on before 6th and Stewart, you pay then and get a paid transfer coupon. Otherwise you pay when you get off at the Hyatt (downtown Seattle is a “Free Ride” area).

Coming from the Eastside, Renton or Burien areas take a #240 bus. It connects with many other bus lines along the way. Fare is 50 cents normally and 60 cents Monday through Friday 6-9 a.m. and 3-6 p.m.

Both the #174 and #240 stop right in front of the Hyatt. Metro’s information number is [omitted] if you need more help.



It’s a fact! We are doing it again! A full 3 1/2 days of NORWESCON fun. Beginning at 6 p.m. on Thursday, March 22, there will be the opening ceremonies, GOH introductions and the usual dance with live band. The Hospitality Room will also be open to keep you going through the night.

Friday, Norwescon starts its diverse four track programming, featuring panels on science fiction, fantasy, art, comics, the sciences, the media, and dozens of other areas which are of interest to the members of Norwescon. The evening ends with fabulous NORWESCONE SOCIAL and STARDANCE.

Saturday, the hectic programming continues and culminates with the Lucasfilm presentation of Indy II - The Temple of Doom: the Meet-the-Pros Autograph Party: the fabulous Norwescon Masquerade: and finally, the ever popular Seattle in ‘81 Bidding Party.

The Sunday line-up of events will be a little different than last year. Our usual Banquet is being turned into a Breakfast Buffet with the usual GOH speeches. Immediately after the breakfast buffet, the Art Auction will take place, followed by an afternoon of more programming, special events, and the Fannish Olympics.

Last year, the winner of the Fannish Olympics was Hogan’s Goat. This year, NWSFS challenges Hogan’s Goat to a rematch. NWSFS also challenged all other teams who we have handily beaten in the last three years to an even more exciting match of fate.

Sunday will end with the Closing Ceremonies, where the winners of the various Norwescon contests will receive their just rewards: yet another Norwescon Dance for those who still have the energy left to boogy: and last but not least, the Dead Sasquatch Party, for those who wish to share a few moments of zaniness before returning to reality. And, for those who can barely make it, there is the traditional survivor’s brunch on Monday morning.

With all that going on, you’d figure we’d run out of energy to do any more, but no. There’s the 3 channel, 72 hour video network, featuring the usual collection of movies: the 16mm Film Program: role gaming and classes: the Norwescon Daily, a fannish newspaper for those “who need to know”: and of course, the Norwescon Hospitality Suite for those who may need an occasional moment’s respite from the foregoing, the irrepressible Elizabeth “Dragon Lady” Warren.

Also, at this year’s Norwescon, there will be several programs for those with special interests. Some of these programs are listed below:


Just as you transform yourself for the Masquerade, so has it transformed itself for you. Forget every line you ever stood in, and every hour you waited in a hallway. This year it’s as easy as A,B,C. A-fill out your form in the Masquerade office from noon until 8:30 on Saturday. B-Show up 30 minutes before Starting Time to choose your seat and place in the Master Sequence. C-Parade in front of the audience, out through the photography lobby, back into the audience and through the kitchen to your seat to watch the rest of the Masquerade, the Entertainment, and wait for the Awards Presentations.

There are exceptions to C-in that you can, with prior arrangement, show up 30 minutes after the Masquerade has started and be inserted directly into the Parade Sequence. Qualifications for this exception include costumes which are large, heavy, hot, or fragile, and/or contestants who have obligations during Masquerade Preparation time. However, you MUST have already filled out your entry form with office personnel.

So we’ll wee you in March, for the most streamlined and super Masquerade ever.

Artists’ Workshop

It has been said that watching an artist at work in worth more than spending a thousand hours at the canvas. This year, the artist workshop will be a place where amateur artists can observe the “Pros” in action: learning the techniques for drawing and painting that made the pros, “Pros”.

Art Show

The Norwescon Art Show will again be located in the portable office modules just outside the main programming rooms. The show will be open for three full days and will again include a gala artists’ reception Saturday evening.

Hanging space is available for $10 per panel (approximately 4 by 4 feet) with a limit of two panels per artists. Display space (for 3-D, etc.) is available for $10 per half table or half case (approximately 2 1/2 by 3 feet). There will also be a ten percent commission on art sold in the show or at auction. Full payment is required to reserve space.

The deadline for requests id February 15, 1984 but the Show is expected to fill up well before then, so please make them early.

DO NOT mail in art unless you have received confirmation of reserved space. For further information, write Thom Walls at [omitted] or call [omitted].

Short Story Workshop

Hosted by Michael Scanlon.

The Norwescon Short Fiction Workshop is coming up again, so all aspiring authors are reminded of the rules.

Stories should be speculative fiction (SF or Fantasy), no more than 3000 words long, and done in a standard manuscript format. (A good one is: double spaced, one inch margines, with name and address, along with title, on the first page. The name, all or some of the story title, and page number on the rest of the pages in the upper right hand corner of the page.)

The will be four workshops at Norwescon 7, each two hours long. Each will have three submitters and three professionals.

The deadline for entries to the workshop is March 1, 1984. Send seven copies of the story to [omitted].

Costuming Workshop

For those who are interested in the art of costuming, Norwescon has a room where the award winners of previous costume contests can show their wares.

For those who are interested in learning about costumes and how to go about making them, this is the place.

If you would like to display your costume, please contact the costuming room coordinator at [omitted].

Trivia Bowl

Hosted by Sue & Leroy Berven.

Faster than a speeding spaceship, more pointless than a “New Wave ‘SF’ novel” - it’s the Trivia Bowl! One to four creatures compromise a team for the preliminary, semi-final, and final rounds. Preposterous precision will reap the remarkable rewards for rapid reitteration of the facts nobody else thought worth memorizing…..and your friends won’t believe it either. Be there! NORWESCON TRIVIA BOWL, hosted by Sue & Leroy Berven. For information call [omitted].


Because it worked so well at NORWESCON 6.5 (and not to be outdone by Moscon and Rustycon), we are changing the format of the NORWESCON Banquet to a Sunday morning brunch. For the ridiculously low price of $6.50, you will buffet serve yourself fruit juices, fresh fruit, danish, bisquits, hash browns, bacon, sausages, scrambled eggs, and coffee, tea, or Sanka. Milk and no-host Champagne will also be available.

Special entertainment will accompany this sumptous spread, which will begin at 10:30 Sunday morning. At 11:30 the room will open up for Guests of Honor speeches. After the room is turned around, the famous NORWESCON Art Auction will start at 1:30.

We expect the NORWESCON Banquet brunch to sell out fast. To reserve your space at this feast, please mail $6.50 to [omitted]. Don’t miss this best meal value in town! You will also be eligible for some fantastic Banquet door prizes.

Fan room

Hosted by Jerry Kaufman.

Would you like to know about fanzines: What they are, how to get them, who publishes them, how they’re done? Do you want to find out what fandom was like before you came to your first convention? Do you want to meet other fans in a relaxed atmosphere, off the beaten ground of the Autograph Party? Do you just want to rest your feet and have a cup of coffee or tea? These are the reasons we’re having the FAN ROOM this year: if you can think of any others, come by and tell us.

We’re planning to have fanzines for sale and display, as well as programming devoted to fanzine production, current causes, and convention organization. If you want to sell, display, give away your fanzine, make any suggestions, or volunteer you help, write Jerry Kaufman and Suzle at [omitted]. For information call [omitted].

Hucksters Room

The Norwescon Hucksters’ Room continues to be one of the finest in the country and this year will be no exception. The room will have its usual assortment of quality dealers from all over the United States and Canada. For three full days they will provide a fine selection of new and rare books, magazines, art, games, and other unusual science fiction and fantasy paraphernalia.

The Hucksters’ Room will again be located in the spacious Satellite Room with about 55 tables available. At $45 per table (includes one Norwescon membership), they are expected to sell out very rapidly. The deadline for requests is February 15, 1984 and full payment is required to reserve your table(s). There is a three table limit per dealer. For further information, write [omitted] or call Dave Bray at [omitted].

Children’s Programming

In the past, Norwescon has lacked programming for children. This year, a special workshop will be open for children ages 4-10. This is where children can learn about science and science fiction through creative activities such as: storytelling, filksinging, fantasy role playing, art contests, and science demonstrations.

If you are interested in helping coordinate some of these activities, please write: Children’s Programming, [omitted].


Norwescon will again offer a “live art” exhibit area in the upper Phoenix Lobby of the convention area. In the area, artists and crafts people wil perform to your specifications and pleasures.

Exhibit space is available for $30 per table and includes one Norwescon membership. Full payment is required to reserve your table(s). The deadline for table requests is February 15, 1984.

For further information, write NORWESCON EXHIBITS, [omitted] or call Dave Bray at [omitted].

Film Contest

Hosted by Jim Cobb.

After a highly successful first year, our amateur film contest is gearing up to bring convention goers a whole new set of first run works by the cream of the Northwests’s Amateur Filmmakers.

This year we will be using a revised judging and awards system that should provide for an even better representation of the talent. Awards will be given for all of the visual midea, S8mm, 16mm, and VHS video.

Anyone interested in entering this years’ contest should contact the contest director, Jim Cobb at [omitted] or write AMATEUR FILM CONTEST, [omitted].

Computer room

Hosted by the Telecommunications Group (T.U.G.).

The computer room’s format will be different from the previous years. In addition to the usual games there will also be representatives from T.U.G. who will be giving demonstrations on how to communicate from computer to computer via phone lines. There will hopefully be a BBS (Bulletin Board System) running to leave messages and party notices to other people at the convention.

If you would be interested in having your computer displayed in the computer room, either contact Dean Dearinger at [omitted] or write COMPUTER ROOM, [omitted].

Program Book

The Norwescon 7 program book will be 80 offset printed pages containing fiction by the de Camps and Marta Randall and a full color cover by Art Guest of Honor Don Maitz.

Publishers and editors will find the NORWESCON Program Book a fine showcase for advertising recent or forthcoming books by the attending authors.

The Dealers around you should particularly consider advertising in the program book. Even a small ad will give you an edge, and greater recognition, among the 55+ tables facing the bewildered fan. A quarter-page ad costs only $35 and we’ll even do the layout for you with prior arrangements. Just write out what you want, suggest an illustration, and enclose a check.

Actually, regardless of whether you plan to have a dealer table or no, you should still consider program book advertising. It’s an ideal means for reaching hordes of SF fans and readers throughout the Pacific Northwest, most of whom probably don’t know your store or merchandise. It’s also inexpensive. Printing and postage for a flyer mailed to our 1600 members would be $275—eight times the cost of a quarter-page program book ad!


WIDTH HEIGHT PRICE Full Page 7 1/2 x 10 $100 Inside covers $120 1/2 page,vertical 4 1/2 x 7 3/4 $55 1/2 page,horiz. 7 1/4 x 5 $55 1/4 page,vertical 3 1/2 x 5 $35 1/4 page,horiz. 4 1/2 x 4 1/4 $35 1/8 page 3 1/2 x 2 1/2 $20

A $10 discount will be given to ads of clubs, conventions, and fan publications.

Arrangements need to be made by February 1, 1984. Camera-ready copy must be received by February 15. Ad copy and payment with checks payable to NORWESCON should go to [omitted]. For more information, call Michael Brocha at [omitted].

Convention Services

Judy Suryan, Director

There are five sections under the heading of Convention Servies. This department is the backbone of the convention. With their 200 plus volunteers these sections are the ones that execute all the plans that the committee has been making for the past year. Each section has three to ten departments under it. Not all of them will be listed in this column.

Programming/Stage Services

Michael Citrak, section chief:

Making sure that all programming events run smoothly and on time is the function of this section.


Once again the infamous Olympia contingent will be bringing you a fabulous evening of sights and sounds. A wide variety of music is planned: including science fiction, fantasy, top 40 (as of 2/28/84) and one or two “classics”. During all this our NorwesCone Super Scoopers will dish you up the goodies to satisfy your sweet tooth. We encourage you to wear a costume to add to the mood of the evening.

Stage Management

Stage Management is being handled by Beth Dockins. She needs volunteers to help with room set up. If you would like to help, contact either Michael or Judy.

Personna Games

Rules are written for groups wanting to participate in Persona Games. The rules are geared so other NORWESCON guests will not be disturbed by the games. If you have a group wanting to participate in a persona game, NWC Convention Services must be informed at least two weeks prior to the Con. Call Michael for more information.

Office Services

Libby Evans, section chief.

Office Services is responsible for keeping in order the mass of paperwork accumulated before, during and after the con. At the present time we are still in need of people who would be willing to work in the Office Deaprtment (Jeanine Gray, chief) during the Con. We also need multi-processing units to work in the Gofer and Information Departments.

Site Services

Don Glover, section chief.

Crowd control is the responsibility of this section’s departments: Troubleshooters, Sign Set-Up, Room Security and Security. The job of NWC Security is to help you out when your in trouble. “Where’s the bathroom?” “Where’s the dealer’s room?” We have about 5 or 6 security people on duty during the day. Each will be checking to make sure you have your official NORWESCON 7 badge on and will tackle any questions you might have. If you would like to work a security shift please call. Help is needed in all of the Site Services department. Contact Don or Judy.

Wargamming/Board Games/Role Playing Games department

Shadowhawk and Don McKinlay will be doing the scheduling of these games. Dungeons and Dragons, Chivalry and Sorcery and many others will be found in the 100 wing of the hotel. We hope to have both introductory and advanced games and seminars for your enjoyment.

Media Services

Chris McDonell, section chief.

In accordance with the goal of providing more media oriented programming at NORWESCON, this year’s Media Services Section has several new departments as well as all its old ones.

Film Program

This year’s 16mm Film Program is being headed by Sean Murphy. The program will have the usual collection of old movie classics and a few surprises. Amongst the additions to Media’s repertoire are all the programming for film panels and previews of soon to be released movies.

NORWESCON Video Network

We will continue running the 3 channel NWC Video Network. The network will feature a vast collection of movies, specials, and other bits of entertainment. The network will also once again produce 3 news broadcasts daily with author readings and specials.

Properties Services

Mary Hamburger, section chief.

The job of this section is to acquire and store the equipment needed to put on a convention. ONce acquired, they make sure the equipment is where it should be, and on time.

Lost and Found

The Lost and Found Department will be in the property room. It will be open Thursday night and close down completely the following Monday morning. Anything left unclaimed after close down will be thrown away. Help is still needed in this department, call either Mary or Judy.

Convention Services has hundreds of volunteers (some working long endless hours) before, during and after NWC. Because most of our volunteer work is done behind the scenes, you will never see all of these hardworking people. they are all doing this to bring you an exciting 4 days that you will remember. Besides, it can be a lot of fun.

Help Wanted

Most every Sci-Fi convention survives because of volunteer help. NORWESCON is no exception.

Approximately 200 workers are needed to make our 3 1/2 day convention a success. This includes committee members who are on call 24 hours a day, to the security volunteer who works one shift.

Though we’ve had wonderful hard workers in the past, NORWESCON 7 needs more workers than ever before.

Committee members and managers are important, but a convention would be impossible without shift volunteers, people who donate a few hours of their time so that 1500 people can enjoy the convention.

What can you as a volunteer expect to receive for your services? To be honest with you, not much. For some people that is the first thing they ask. Frankly, if we gave everyone that worked for NORWESCON a free membership we would not break even financially at the end of the convention. (The Con committee and the managers are required to pay for their memberships.) You will also not receive any money, NWSFS memberships or free Westwinds. What you will get is a very greatfull thank you from the managers of the departments you work in. You also have the satisfaction of knowing that you have helped to put on a convention that has become known as one of the best in the country.

The work is not always fun or exciting but it is always needed. Please, if your planning to attend, help make your convention more fun, exciting and safe for all our members and yourself. Call and volunteer a few hours of your time. All Convention Services departments need staff people badly. We may forget to thank you (or be too busy or too tired) during NORWESCON so let me thank you for your help now. It is very much appreciated.

Phone Numbers



Hi! It’s my second year at this job. With the new filing system, hopefully registration will run smoother. We have 15, 3 hour shifts starting 2 p.m. Thursday and ending 2 p.m. Sunday. We always need help, see you at the con.

The members of Norwescon 7 are listed by first names. You know, as the song goes, I did it my way. - Carolyn





“Norwescon 7 Progress Report,” Norwescon History, accessed March 11, 2025,

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