Norwescon 8 Progress Report

The first page of the Norwescon 8 progress report. Full text is available on this page or in the linked PDF.

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Norwescon 8 Progress Report


Norwescon 8


January 1985 update for the upcoming Norwescon 8


From the January 1985 Westwind 90, pages 7-22


Northwest Science Fiction Society


January 1985


8.5x11 paper



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Norwescon 8 Progress Report

Chairman’s Corner

by Richard Wright


I have this feeling that NORWESCON 8 is going to be a wonderful experience for us all. Everything is working toward that end. The convention committee is all enthused and working hard to put together the best NORWESCON yet. The promise of a new site has given each a chance to try new variations of the past NORWESCON successes to provide a perhaps new, perhaps better, convention-going experience. Each concom member seems to be inspired with the challenge to better the NORWESCON program, without mucking up the success of that which worked well in the past. I am well pleased with how well each is facing that challenge: and I think that you will be pleased, too.

I think, too, that you will be pleased with our new site, the SeaTac Red Lion Inn. While it is bigger, and in some aspects MUCH bigger, the Red Lion offers us the opportunity to correct some of the problems we have had with crowd control and room turnarounds. No longer will we have to close down main-track programming to change over from, say, the meet-the-pros party to the masquerade. We have the room now to easily segue from one such event to another. We have the room to try some new programming ideas that we simply did not have room to try before. We have the room to do more track programming — for example, science programming, among others, will now have a “room of their own” where that programming will go on somewhat continuously. Other exciting variations in programming will be apparent in the specific programming articles in this progress report, and in the actual programming that you will see at NORWESCON 8.

But, moving into a new NORWESCON home is not without its problems. We are having to learn to work with a brand new site and a new staff. Fortunately, the Red Lion staff seems to be taking the NORWESCON invasion well. Each of the departments we work with seems to understand our requirements and is working hard to satisfy them as well as they can. There are a few things that they cannot, or will not, do as well as the Hyatt, and others, of course, that they can do better. I am pleased at the progress we are making.

As you can see from this progress report, we are well on our way to another exciting, interesting, and informative NORWESCON. I believe that we all will have an enjoyable time at this NORWESCON, as we have had in the past. I look forward to seeing each of you, and sharing the NORWESCON experience with you.


I had been intending for several years to poll NORWESCON members for details of how well, or badly, we have been meeting your needs. I finally got a round tuit this year, and the response to the NORWESCON survey was, well, overwhelming. Approximately 20% of you returned your surveys, a highly statistically-large return, which showed that you really do care about YOUR convention. Not only were your ratings valuable, but the many comments and ideas that you took the time to contribute will certainly become part of the NORWESCON program. I have had each of the top-tier concom read through the entire set, and appropriate subsets have been provided to the concom and to individual departments. Insights that you have provided have made their effect on the whole NORWESCON program and organization. My thanks go to each of you who responded.

Demographically, the respondents were an accurate subset of the NORWESCON population: the ZIPs were spread in a similar way to the registration records, a third of the respondents were female, a fourth were NWSFS members, and the age average was 25, the median 27, and the mode 31. About 18% had attended NORWESCON 1, 20% had attended 2, 24% - 3, 34% - 4, 40% - 5, 60 - 6, and most all had attended 7 and intend to attend NORWESCON 8. Some 22% have attended a Norwescon Point 5 partycon, 22% a Worldcon (half 1 or 2, half 3 or more), and 34% a Westercon (half only one).

About 40% report belonging to other fan organizations — most reported besides NWSFS were PESFA, the SCA, and various Trek groups, among many others. Only 10% report working on convention committees.

An interesting statistic was that fully a third of you attend only one convention a year — NORWESCON (20% - 2, and 3). To the favorite conventions question, you universally answered NORWESCON as your favorite (followed by Moscon, V-Con, WorldCon, WesterCon, VikingCon, Orycon, Rustycon, and others). While one might suspect that this is gratuitous praise, your lack of timidity in providing complaints where complaint was due would indicate that your rankings were truly felt.

In addition, many of you took time and effort to wax eloquently with additional praise:


“Pretty hip.”

“More fun than being dragged to Suggoth by my hair.”

“Some things are better than WorldCons.”

“Well worth the time and money.”

“Proud of what it has grown into.”

“A ‘9’, cause nothing can be perfect, can it?”

“After Christmas, birthdays, and my anniversary, NORWESCON is the highlight of my year. We begin preparations to attend months in advance. NORWESCON is generally well organized and well thought out.”

“NORWESCON has all the advantages of a large convention without sacrificing the friendliness and personal flavor of a small convention. That would not be possible without the hard work of a lot of dedicated people. All conventions have their flaws, but NORWESCON’s are minor. The fact that you care enough to put out this survey indicates to me that NORWESCON can only get better (is that possible?!). Keep up the good work and thanks.”

“Very well put together, held in pleasant surroundings, absolutely great variety to satisfy almost any ‘con-goer’.”

“The hottest, most awesome, incredibly excellent convention I’ve ever attended.”

“Norwescon, Norwescon, how do I rate thee? My first — I was a con virgin before Norwescon — what can I say? NORWESCON is the greatest I’ve ever attended (why else cut 4 days of school & drive 1,200 miles?).”

But, with the praise came good, solid criticism. to the “least favorite thing” question, you responded with many good complaints, including some, like “going home” that I can do nothing to correct. Most often you did not like the crowding, and neither do we, and we hope that going to the Red Lion, with some now creative program scheduling, will help alleviate this problem.

The second most mentioned problem was “the running & screaming (and occasionally drunk) munchkins — of whatever age!!”. Elsewhere in this PR is detailed our newly-revised ‘parental responsibility’ policy, and, while we are providing some very limited child-sitting and children’s programming services, we are also quite adamant that parents WILL be responsible for their offspring or they all will be asked to leave.

The other part of this problem is that of underage (and other) overdrinking. A small minority of our members cannot handle their consumption of liquor and other mind-altering substances, and their subsequent (mis)behavior seriously infringes on the con-enjoyment of others. Discussed elsewhere is our “responsible drinking” policy, which we (and probably the Red Lion and the Liquor Control local agent) will be strictly enforcing. The point, of course, is that to survive on this planet and in space, we have to be responsible for ourselves and our fellow beings — and where better for us SF fans to practice what we preach than at our own gatherings.

Other complaints had to do with food (quality, quantity, price) — that we are continually working with the hotel to improve, media and other programming schedule problems that more room and track programming will improve, and parking and “lounge” areas (more at Red Lion).

The other often-mentioned problem is one that we all have to work on — that sometimes we can be unfriendly, irresponsible, boorish, and unresponsive to the needs of one another. We are a NORWESCON ‘family’ that, for three 1/2 days, isolate ourselves from the ills of mundania. We all have to guard against bringing those ills into NORWESCON. the concom and staff of NORWESCON are being “sensitized” to this problem, and we all have to be alert and sensitive to being sensitive to each other. ‘Nuf said.

I will not go into detail on the statistics of our reading habits (we DO read a lot), the GOH and panel ratings (a very good response to the ‘new’ science track) that are being carefully considered by the programming staff, or the activities matrix. All of these responses are being used by the various program staffs to modify and strengthen the NORWESCON program.

We all appreciate the time and effort that you spent in providing your ideas and feelings to us. We are all conscious of our responsibility to you, and we intend to continue to meet your expectations that NORWESCON will be the best con-going experience that can be provided. We will keep working as long as you keep telling us when we do it right, and wrong. Many thanks, and best wishes for a happy and wonderful 1985 and NORWESCON 8.

Phone Numbers


Norwescon Sponsors Aldiss Book

Norwescon is trying something new this year: We are sponsoring the publication of a book by our Guest of Honor, Brian Aldiss. The Pale Shadow of Science is a collection of Aldiss’ best recent criticism along with fascinating autobiographical sketches and even some humor. The 120-page, dust-jacketed hardcover will be published by Serconia Press, a new small press founded by Jerry Kaufman and Donald G. Keller. You can by your copy at Norwescon at the special convention rate of $9, or order advance copies at the same price (plus .75 cents postage and Washington sales tax, if applicable) from Jerry at [omitted]. (The regular price, after Norwescon, will be $10. Dealer discounts will be available, too.

Norwescon Proudly Presents our Guests of Honor

Guest of Honor: Brian Aldiss

Norwescon 8’s writer Guest of Honor, Brian Wilson Aldiss, is a very accomplished individual. Along with his more mundane careers of outfitter, soldier and bookseller, he has also been a writer, editor, book reviewer, and art film and literary critic. He has won a Nebula Award for his Novella THE SALIVA TREE, a Hugo award for his short fiction, The “Hothouse” Series, given a special plaque as the Most Promising New Author of the Year in 1958, and voted “Britain’s Most Popular Author of Science Fiction” by the British Science Fiction Association.

Brian was in the forefront of writers who redeveloped the short-story form in the 1950s. His first SF story, “Criminal Record”, appeared in SCIENCE FANTASY in July 1954 and his first collection, SPACE, TIME AND NATHANIEL, was a testimony to his arrival as a writer of major proportions. He followed with other collections: NO TIME LIKE TOMORROW, WHO CAN REPLACE A MAN, and IN OTHER HANDS.

It was not long until he turned his attention toward novels by collecting and novelizing his “Hothouse” series. Since then he has published numerous books: THE DARK LIGHT YEARS, GREYBEARD, EARTHWORKS, REPORT ON PROBABILITY A, and a novel the ‘New Wave’ followers claimed for their own, BAREFOOT IN THE HEAD. In the 1970s he turned to satire with THE LOVED ONE and a non-SF portrayal of the English middle-class presented in the (slightly autobiographical) series beginning with THE HAND-REARED BOY.

In 1973, Brian’s pet project of a comprehensive critical history of science fiction, BILLION YEAR SPREE, was finally finished. In its pages he advocated Mary Shelley’s FRANKENSTEIN as the first ‘true’ SF novel and followed that with his own FRANKENSTEIN UNBOUND, a fantasy dealing with time travel and the original motivation for the first ‘true’ SF novel. The effort that was put into BILLION YEAR SPREE was rewarded when Brian received a Special Award from the BSFA in 1974 and an Award of Merit from the 1976 EuroCon. his other works on the ideas and creative concepts of SF include: THE SHAPE OF FURTHER THINGS, HELL’S CARTOGRAPHERS (edited with Harry Harrison), SCIENCE FICTION ART, and THIS WORLD AND NEARER ONES.

Brian has lately gone back to fiction with his collections: NEW ARRIVALS, OLD ENCOUNTERS and his latest work, THE HELLICONIA TRILOGY.

In addition to the awards mentioned above, Brian has won the first Blish award for criticism, the Pilgrim Award, and another BSFA Award for THE MOMENT OF ECLIPSE. he has also done a stint as the president of BSFA.

He lives with his wife Margaret in Oxford, England, where he enjoys talking, studying, eating curry, and “thinking about China.”

Art GoH: Jack Gaughan

It is difficult for me to write about Jack Gaughan. I tend to get emotional about the man and his work, both of which I admire greatly. A mixed blessing, to be sure.

Jack Gaughan is unique. I don’t use that word lightly, either, knowing that it means “being the only one of it’s kind” and “being without an equal or equivalent”. Jack is those, surely. His work is unique: I can identify a Gaughan painting with almost laughable ease. His spare, angular figures inhabit a universe often not our own, marching across the painting in ways that only Jack would imagine. Again, unique.

But being unique is not the only reason for Jack’s existence…that part just seems to follow him around a lot. He has been active in the science fiction and fantasy field for many years. He has done cover illustrations for most of the major (and many of the minor) magazines: a partial list would include Astounding/Analog, Amazing Stories, Galaxy, Spaceways Science Fiction, Vertex, Isaac Asimov’s SF Magazine, Worlds of Tomorrow, Infinity Science Fiction, Worlds of Fantasy, and Other Worlds. He has done interior illustrations for that many and more. In the paperback field, Jack has done covers for Ace books, Paperback Library, and DAW Books to name but a few. In fact, Jack has had the rare priviledge of having an author demand…and get!…his work for the cover of a novel.

Jack Gaughan has also worked as an art editor, one of the few active artists who has been on both sides of the carrot, so to speak. From 1969 to 1972, Jack was the art editor of Galaxy and did almost all the artwork for the magazine. In 1977, he became art editor of Cosmos Science Fiction and Fantasy and contributed artwork as well.

Jack is probably better known for his excellent black-and-white illustrations than for his color works. He has a loose, free hand with a pen that was equalled, perhaps, by John Allen St. John or Roy Krenkel but never surpassed. It was his pen and ink drawings, in fact, that led him to one of his several unique, unduplicated triumphs…the winning, in 1967, of both the best Professional Artist Hugo and the Best Fan Artist Hugo Award for the best Professional Artist in 1968 and 1969. In 1984, Jack was awarded the First Lensman Award at MosCon VI for his outstanding contributions to the field of science fiction art.

One last little thing that Jack has done that is unique…or perhaps I should say “will be unique”, since it hasn’t happened yet. Jack will be the cover artist for the December issues of Analog. Issues, not issue. Issues. As far as I know, no artists has ever had two covers on the same magazine in the same month. Unique.

But what of Jack as a person? If you go up and say “Hi”, will he pour turpentine on your caveat? Absolutely not! Jack is a gentle soul (never mind his ancestry) and a gentleman in the strictest sense of the word. He is knowledgable in a wide variety of subjects, not necessarily just art-related, and has a fondness for knowing what the exact time is. I have rarely found a person whom I felt so comfortable with, and I feel confident that you will find him the same. I think you’ll find his dry, sometimes (just ever so slightly) acid wit as much a source of pleasure as I have over the years. He’s unique, folks. Unique.

By Jon Gustafson

Science GoH: Gregory Benford

In our continued emphasis on the science in Science Fiction, this year Norwescon adds a Science Guest of Honor to the lineup of those honored by the convention for their contributions.

Norwescon is very proud to present as its first Science GoH, not only a veteran in the field of Physics, but a Nebula Award winning author as well, Gregory Benford.

Greg and his identical twin were born in 1941 in Alabama. Being the son of a career military officer, he spent a good deal of his youth travelling the world, living in Mexico, Japan, Germany and other parts of Europe. This globetrotting afforded him glimpses into the other cultures and lifestyles that worked themselves into his fiction.

As a teenager in the mid-50s, he began publishing his on fanzine, Void. In High school his interests began to turn to mathematics and science, specifically physics. He earned his bachelor’s degree in 1963 and went on to obtain his doctorate in 1967. It was while doing his graduate work that Greg began to write science fiction as a hobby to relieve the pressure of his school work. His first short story was published in the June 1965 issue of F&SF and won second prize in that magazine’s competition. But Greg’s schooling and scientific work always came first, so it was some years before he was published again.

Greg’s scientific career suffered no such loss of visibility. he began working as a solid state physicist, dealing with nuclear resonance theory, and later moved on to plasma physics and fusion physics. From there he went from the research lab to become an Assistant Professor at the University of California at Irvine. In 1979 he was promoted to full Professor and now works mostly with plasma astrophysics, which concerns pulsars, extragalactic astronomy and the physics of the solar corona. He is also working on trying to figure out the physics of galactic jets, enormous radio jets that appear to be coming out of black holes at the center of galaxies, discovered seven or eight years ago. Greg likens this to working from a mushroom cloud to deduce nuclear fission.

Greg has never wanted to be a full time writer, and is rather content to work on short stories which seem to be just pieces of a puzzle that slowly become connected. These are fixed-up and expanded and interwoven to become novels. His novellette “If the Stars are Gods” was a Nebula winner in 1974 and was later turned into a novel by the same name with the collaboration of Gordon Eklund.

His most successful novel to date, TIMESCAPE, was thought out for eleven years, and took two or three years to write. He wrote it the way that he felt was a realistic portrayal of Scientific Research, and ended up with a piece that he thought was non-commercial, too long and too “thoughty”. He was very surprised by the warm reception that it received, and weven more surprised that it was nominated and on the 1980 Nebula Award as well as the 1981 British SF Association Award and the 1981 John W. Campbell Memorial Award. His “thoughty”, long, non-commercial work was a success. So much of a success that the title “Timescape” was licensed to create “Timescape” Books.

Greg is not only interested in the science of his stories, he has great concern about character and style. So much so that he has rewritten two of his 1970 novels DEPPER THAN THE DARKNESS (retitled THE STARS IN SHROUD) and JUPITER PROJECT. Other Novels are, IN THE OCEAN OF NIGHT, SHIVA DESCENDING (with William Rotsler), FIND THE CHANGLING (with Gordon Eklund), AGAINST INFINITY, ACROSS THE SEA OF SUNS, and the forthcoming archaeological/physics thriller ARTEFACT.

Greg says that because of his unique upbringing he feels himself to be something of an outsider wherever he goes. We hope that you will make him feel welcome and part of our “family”.

Fan GoH: Rich Brown

rich brown was born in 1942 in Pasadena CA. He joined his first fan organization there. He published his first fanzine in 1957 and attended his first Worldcon in 1958. He spent some time in the Air Force and then moved to New York where he was an editor for a Wall Street Newspaper. He moved to Washington, D.C. as a reporter for the Reuters News Service, covering the Treasury. He currently works for a trade association doing publication and technical editing.

One of his early fanzines was called “Beard Mutterings”. He was a member of New York Fanoclast, and is a former member of SAPA. He is a founder of SBOF (Society of Boring Old Farts), a somewhat nostalgic organization. He ran the fanzine review column for Amazing magazine. He has sold stories to Amazing, Fantastic and Vertex.

rich was on the concom of Worldcom in 1967. He is currently running for Duff. rich says he sold stories while working for Reuters but could not write them fast enough to be profitable. He was also editor of Focal Point, a newszine about fandom which was instrumental in first bringing Bob Shaw to the US.

Toastmaster: Robert Silverberg

Norwescon 8 is privileged to have Robert Silverberg as its Toastmaster. His well-known and dashing personality is a great match to our convention and other guests.

Like our Guest of Honor, Brian Aldiss, Mr. Silverberg won an award as the Most Promising Author and garnered numerous Hugo and Nebula awards. His first story appeared in 1954, just scant months before Mr. Aldiss’. He later co-authored a series of stories with Randall Garrett under the pseudonym of Robert Randall which appeared in “Astounding’ in the mid-50s. The stories were later incorporated into two novels, THE SHROUDED PLANET and THE DAWNING LIGHT. He has also used a variety of pseudonyms for himself: Calvin M. Knox, David Osborne, and Ivar Jorgenson. His first novel, REVOLT ON ALPHA C, was published in 1955 and is still in print. His list of titles reads like a trip down memory lane: THE 13TH IMMORTAL: LEST WE FORGET YOU, EARTH: THE PLANET KILLERS: THE SEED OF EARTH: RECALLED TO LIFE: TO OPEN THE SKY: NIGHTWINGS: THE WORLD INSIDE: THORNS: DYING INSIDE: BORN WITH THE DEAD: and A TIME OF CHANGES, just to name a few.

Bob also takes great joy writing for the younger readers and has hits with such titles as THE GATE OF WORLDS, ACROSS A BILLION YEARS, and the best seller LOST RACE OF MARS.

Then there are his anthologies: THE MIRROR OF INFINITY, SCIENCE FICTION HALL OF FAME, DARK STARS and BEYOND CONTROL. He began, and continued for many years, the “Alpha” anthologies and the highly acclaimed “New Dimensions” anthologies. Bob seems to have a knack of finding exceptionally good stories by new writers. He has given up editing anthologies in the last few years in order to pursue his writing. (Last year’s Toastmaster, and one of Bob’s biggest fans, Marta Randall, has taken up the reins of “New Dimensions”.)

Like many other authors who are movers and shakers, Bob has done his duty by serving as the president of SFWA.

Newcomers room

Sheila Glassbrun - Hostess

Never been to a science fiction convention? Want to know if there is more to the science fiction world than “V”? Take heart!

Welcome all NWC 8 newcomers! If you feel lost amonst the swarms of people doing strange things all around you (or if you need a place to hide for awhile), come to the NEWCOMERS ROOM. This room is set up to help you get over the culture shock of conventions. You will find a friendly face to help you acclimate yourself.

Also if you want to find out more about the science fiction world around you than what is offered in the mundane world of television or movies, then friends and aliens the NEWCOMERS ROOM is the place for you. We are open on Saturday and/or Sunday during Norwescon and you can learn all you secretly wanted to know about fandom in the great Northwest.

Attending Pros


Vonda N. McIntyre
Sharon Baker
Marilyn Holt
Dan Reeder
Julie Stevens
Gordon Eklund
Joanna Russ
Jessica Amanda Salmonson
Joel DAvis
Nina K. Hoffman
Sheila Finch-Rayner
David Brin
Sherry Gottlieb
Ray Williams
Larry Heister
Brian Herbert
Ted A. Pedersen
Mike McQuay
Steve Barnes
Steve R. Stout
Michael G. Coney
Robert Wilfred Franson
JT Stewart
Adrienne Martine-Barnes
Wendy Wees
Prof. John Cramer
Phyllis Ann Karr
Sharan Newman
J. Ray Detling
Gene Van Troyer
Alan E. Nourse
Paul Sammon
Julian May
Elizabeth Scarborough
John Dalmas
William R. Warren, Jr.
Frank Catalano
Charlie Brown
Craig Miller
Dr. Stephen Gillett
David Curtis
Fred Harris
Dean Wesley Smith
Rob Swigart
William Gibson
Beverly Friend
Steve Dimeo


Mark Schellberg, Director

Once again we’re going to have a full 3 1/2 days of NOWESCON fun. But this year we’ll be having that fun in a MUCH LARGER HOTEL. Starting Thursday at 6 p.m., March 14, we will have the opening ceremonies, GOH introductions and the usual practice dance. The Hospitality Room will also be open to keep you going through the night.

Friday, Norwescon starts its diverse MULTI-TRACK programming, featuring panels on science fiction, fantasy, art, the sciences, the media, and dozens of other areas which are of interest to our members. The evening ends with fabulous NORWESCON STARDANCE.

Saturday, the hectic programming continues and culminates with the Meet-the-Pros Autograph Party, the fabulous Norwescon Masquerade (in the giant Universe Ballroom), and finally, the ever popular Seattle in ‘81 Bidding Party.

The Sunday line-up of events will include an afternoon BANQUET and GOH speeches. Also on Sunday the Art Auction will take place and an afternoon of more programming. The SCA will once again be holding a regional tournament. This year it will be larger and better yet, and indoors!

Of course Sunday wouldn’t be complete without the Fannish Olympics. Last year, for the second time in a row, the winner of the Fannish Olympics was Hogan’s Goat. This year, NWSFS challenges Hogan’s Goat to yet another rematch. NWSFS also challenged all other teams wishing to suffer the inevitable loss to our superior team.

Sunday will end with the Closing Ceremonies, where the winners of the various Norwescon contests will receive their just rewards, yet another Norwescon Dance for those who still have the energy left to boogy, and last but not least, the Dead Sasquatch Party for those who wish to share a few moments of zaniness before returning to reality. And, for those who can barely make it, there is the traditional clean up and survivor’s brunch on Monday morning.

With all that going on, you’d figure we’d run out of energy to do any more, but no. The abundance of space at the RED LION allows us to continue to feature the 3-channel, 72-hour video network, the 16mm Film Program, role gaming and classes, and of course, the irrepressible Elizabeth “Dragon Lady” Warren presiding over the Norwescon Hospitality Suite for those who may need an occasional moment’s respite from the foregoing.

Also, at this year’s Norwescon, there will be several programs for those with special interests. Some of those programs are listed below and elsewhere in this Progress Report:

Artist Workshop

Everyone doodles, but some are artists. Or at least they aspire to become artists. The Norwescon Art Workshops will provide education for some and inspiration for others. Such subjects as three-dimensional art, airbrushing, and other aspects of visual artistry will be explored and demonstrated.

Artists will demonstrate techniques in some cases and be available for discussions and questions for a series of workshops throughout the convention. In addition to the creation of art, the collection and proper display of artworks will be examined, with hints and advice of use to the artist and the collector.

For more information on the art workshops at Norwescon 8 write to Norwescon “ATTN: Art Workshops”.


This year our banquet will be held Sunday, March 17, at approximately 12 noon. Our luncheon is sit down-style with a touch of Red Lion class.

You will have a choice of entree, Homestyle Pot Roast, which I am told by our hotel representitive is excellent and very filling, or for the lighter appetite Fillet of Sole Almondine. Whichever you choose, your entree will be accompanied by whole buttered parsley potatoes, green beans with sliced mushrooms, tomato florentine, green salad with choice of dressing, Red Lion rolls and butter, and coffee, tea or milk. There will also be no host wine available for those who want to partake.

During the banquet the winners of the art show, masquerade and other events will be announced, including the winner of the P. K. Dick award.

You will also hear short speeches from our guests of honor, and a few very special thank yous and you will be eligible for some exciting door prizes.

Make this your one very special meal during NWC 8. Before you must return home to the real world, come and join other fans in a relaxed atmoshpere with good friends, good food and good times.

The banquet seating is sold on a first-come, first-serve basis. Limited seating is available. Tickets are $9.75 per person. Kosher vegetarian meals available upon request. Fill out the banquet form included with this Progress Report and mail with check or money order (US funds) to NWC 8 Banquet, [omitted]. See you there!

Community Service Drive

During the days between Holloween and New Years, the “Holiday Season”, most everyone is filled with the spirit of giving. It is the time of year when local food banks fill with this spirit from groups and individuals.

Unfortunately, time goes on after Jan 1, but usually the giving spirit does not. Food bank supplies quickly dwindle and many of their doors are first to close.

Let us, the NWC 8 membership, show the local community that “fans” are aware that the needs of the needy are year-long, that we may read about the future and of other worlds but have not forgotten the problems of today on our own planet Earth.

In the Red Lion hotel convention lobby during the 3 1/2 days of NWC 8, there will be a large container (can) available for donations of nonperishable foodstuffs. We hope to see it overflowing with fandom’s spirit of giving. With an expected attendance of 1700+ members, if everyone brought one or two (more if possible) items for the can, we as a group would feed many of the local hungry in the month of April. When you are packing your clothes, toothbrush and teddy dragon for your stay at NWC 8, do not forget to throw in that extra can of food. Seattle’s hungry need our help. Thank you.


Hospitality suite will be a little different this year. Our rooms are just beautiful but very unfamiliar, so we are going to concentrate on quality rather than quantity. It will be well worth the hike, so plan to sit and visit a bit before going back to the main con area. You will need the rest. We will be open for coffee and tea at 9:00 a.m. We will start serving beer and pop at 12 noon and the cocktail bar will be open around 5 p.m. We will close at 2:00 a.m. After that you are on your own. Be prepared to surrender your car keys if you do not have a room in the hotel and are planning to drink. Come on down and say hello.

Norwescon Trivia Bowl

Hosted by Sue & Leroy Berven.

Faster than a speeding spaceship, more pointless than a “new Wave ‘SF’ Novel” - it’s the Trivia Bowl! One to four creatures compromise a team for the preliminary, semi-final, and final rounds. Preposterous precision will reap the remarkable rewards for rapid reiteration of the facts nobody else thought worth memorizing…and your friends won’t believe it either. Be there! NORWESCON TRIVIA BOWL, hosted by Sue & Leroy Berven. For Information call [omitted].

Children’s Programming Workshop

Last year NORWESCON made an attempt at providing children’s programming. This year we are going to try and expand on last year’s programming for children ages 4-10. This is where children can learn about science and science fiction through creative activities such as storytelling, filksinging, fantasy role playing, art contests, and science demonstrations. If you are interested in helping coordinate some of these activities, please write: Children’s Programming, [omitted]. Some Children’s Programming events are being coordinated by the King County Library and the Seattle Science Center.

Doctor Who

This year we will be airing Doctor Who episodes in some of the Programming rooms in the evening after the regular daytime schedules are over. The movies will include some the the new 1985 season with Colin Baker.

Norwescon Writers Workshop

Hosted by Michael Scanlon.

The Norwescon Short Fiction Workshop is coming up again, so all aspiring authors are reminded of the rules.

Stories should be speculative fiction (SF or Fantasy), no more than 3000 words long, and done in a standard manuscript format. (A good one is: double-spaced, one inch-margins, with name and address and title on the first page. The name, all or some of the story title, and page number on the rest of the pages in the upper right hand corner of the page.)

There will be four workshops at Norwescon 8, each two hours long. Each will have three submitters and three professionals.

The deadline for entries to the workshop is March 1, 1984. Send seven copies of the story to: [omitted].

Costume Gallery

For those who are interested in the art of costuming, Norwescon has a room where the award winners of previous costume contests can show their wares.

For those who are interested in learning about costumes and how to go about making them, this is the place.

If you would like to display your costume, please contact the Costuming Gallery Coordinator at [omitted].

Norwescon Writing Workshops

Once again, Norwescon will have writing workshops for the purpose of allowing aspiring writers to have commentary on their stuff from someone other than friends and relatives. The workshops will be much like the last two years - about six people in each workshop, three aspiring wordsmiths and three experienced writers. In addition, this year there are two other workshops planned, a poetry workshop and a scriptwriting workshop.

Here are the rules:

  1. Stories submitted must be science fiction or fantasy.

  2. Stories submitted must be no longer than 3,000 words. Poetry workshop submissions must be no more than ten pages of verse, total. Scripts must be no more than 15 (fifteen) pages long.

  3. All submissions must be in standard manuscript formats. (Typed, double-spaced, starting half-way down the first page for stories, name, some part of title and page number on upper right hand of each page, and name, address and title on front page of story.)

  4. The deadline for submissions to the writing workshops is February 22, 1985. Send seven copies of the manuscript to Norwescon ([omitted]), marked “ATTN: Writing Workshop”.

Science Programming

Joe Palmer, Director

This year, for the first time, we will have a program track entirely about science and related subjects. Our Science Guest of honor will be Gregory Benford, who is both an astrophysicist at the University of California at irvine and a science fiction author. He has several published novels, of which TIMESCAPE is perhaps the best known. Other speakers will come from a variety of places, including the University of Washington, Goldendale Observatory, and the Boeing Company.

Many, though not all, of the speakers will cover topics in the areas of astronomy, space and spacecraft, and computers. We hope, for instance, to set up a panel discussion involving astronomers, geologists, and biologists (among others) to discuss how to build habitable solar systems and planets, and what kinds of critters would be happy there. We also plan to have some speakers talking about areas of science wehre amateur observations are still valuable, in astronomy, for instance.

Though it is not firm yet, we also hope to have speakers in the medical and biological areas, to discuss both what is new in those areas and what we still do not know. A lot of other possibilities are still in the works, including speakers to give the other side to the uncritical reports of the pseudo-science so common in grocery store tabloids and similar places. We will also have some slides of pretty and interesting objects which are common in science but often not as well known as they deserve.

There is still time to consider your (constructive) suggestions, especially if you have a lead on a potential speaker rather than just a subject. If there’s something you want to hear about, it will be a lot more helpful for you to tell us know rather than to gripe about it at the Con.

Getting There

This year we will finally have the chance to try out the Hotel that we centered the Seattle in ‘81 bid around. We never got the chance to hold a Worldcon there, but we will be descending on said hapless hotel for Norwescon 8. The establishment I speak of is of course the SeaTac Red Lion Inn.

The Red Lion is about half a mile further south from our old haunt, The Hyatt. Flying fen can take the free Red Lion shuttlebus (just call them) from the airport to the hotel or spend hours discovering there is no pedestrian thoroughfare connecting the airport with any of the surrounding hotels.

If you are driving on I-5 from all points north and south, you should take the exit marked 188th St. and head west down 188th to the corner of 188th and Pacific Hwy South (Hwy 99). The Red Lion will be on your right. You can’t miss it.

Journeying south (and then westward) on I-405, you will observe it to metamorphose suddenly into Hwy 518 at the Southcenter Shopping Mall. Don’t panic! Just proceed for about another mile, take the Hwy 99 Southbound exit, and head south to 188th St. The Red Lion will be on your left.

Those arriving in downtown Seattle by train, boat or bus can take a taxi or bus to the hotel. (Taxis will be very expensive.)

Busing to the Red Lion is simple. Coming from Seattle, take a #174 to Sea-Tac. DO NOT get on a 174 EXPRESS, you may never be seen again. Downtown, the 174 runs west down Stewart St. and south on Second Ave. The 174 stops at every other bus stop downtown (they are marked). The Greyhound station at 9th and Stewart is on the bus line, and the King Street AMTRAK station is one block away from the 2nd and Jackson stop. From the ferries, go east up the hill to 2nd Ave.

Bus fare from Seattle is 75 cents during non-peak hours and weekends, and 90 cents during peak hours, Monday through Friday, 6-9 AM and 3-6 PM. If you get on before 6th and Stewart, you pay then and get a paid transfer coupon. Otherwise you pay when you get off at the Red Lion. (Downtown Seattle is a “Free-Ride” area.)

Coming from Eastside, Renton, or Burien areas take a #240 bus. It connects with many other bus lines along the way. The 240 will only take you to 176 and Pacific Hwy S., so you will either have to transfer onto #174 or walk the 10 blocks to the Red Lion. Fare is 50 cents normally and 60 cents Monday through Friday 6-9AM and 3-6 PM.

The #174 stops right in front of the Red Lion. Metro’s information number is [omitted] if you need more help.


This year Daytours and Norwescon have arranged organized tours of some of Seattle’s most famous and interesting sights.

Seattlites have long known and appreciated the unique and beautiful aspects of this area. Here is your chance to see what we have been raving about.

Enclosed with the Westwind is a flyer describing the tours and giving information on prices and arrival and departure times. Information about assembly areas will be available at the Information table in the main convention lobby.

There is a forty person minimum for each tour. But take heart, if Daytours does not get enough people. If a tour is canceled your check will be returned to you uncashed. If these tours are a hit (and we expect they will be), Norwescon 9 will feature tours to other areas of interest around Puget Sound.

Cut-off date for reservations is February 15th. Send your Checks to DayTours - see enclosed flyer for details. If you have any questions call DayTours at [omitted] or Judy Suryan at [omitted].

Norwescon at the Red Lion - An introduction

By Judy Suryan

As you are probably aware, we are going to be at a new hotel, the Sea-Tac Red Lion Inn. If I had to describe the Red Lion in one word, that word would be BIG! With 850 sleeping rooms and a possible 27 function rooms, it is currently the largest hotel in the Red Lion chain and the largets in the Pacific Northwest. It not only has a 14 story tower, it is also spread out over an approximately 3 city block area. All of the function rooms are on the first or second floors of the tower or in the wings (see diagram). We suggest that you wear very comfortable shoes.

In addition to its suites at the regular hotel rates, the Red Lion has four Handicap rooms at the same $56.00 per night convention rate and eleven Family suites (rooms with an extra bedroom) at a slightly higher charge. Fill out and mail your hotel reservation card including with this Progress Report. Our you may call in your reservation at [omitted]. Read on for info on party and quiet wings for Norwescon guests.

One complaint I have heard about some convention hotels is that the sleeping and function rooms are on multiple floors of the hotel and it is a long wait at the elevators. For the NWC 8 Hospitality room we had a choice between a suite on the 12th floor of the tower or one in Wing 5-B. We chose the wings because the hotel could not guarantee to block NWC members in the tower. The wings will allow more privacy for us and for the mundanes in the other parts of the hotel. Also, there is no place in the hotel you have to use an elevator to get to.

The hotel staff has been very helpful with all of our plans. They are ready to tackle the problems of handling our needs. I would like all of us to be as cooperative with the hotel as we can. The following is a list of suggestions and some do and don’ts to make life easier for everyone during our stay at Norwescon 8.


The Red Lion has 1000 parking stalls. Park only in the designated parking places. This year I will not be running around warning people to move their cars. Anyone found double parking or blocking fire lanes will be subject to towing without notice.

Restaurants - Dress Code

There are three restaurants within the hotel. The coffee shop is open from 5:00 a.m. to 12:30 a.m. Check the times for the other two restaurants: Pippins and Maxi’s. Warning: There is a dress code for Maxi’s Restaurant. Costumes are not allowed.

Children at NWC

There is no charge for children 12 and under attending NWC 8. However all children 12 and under must be accompanied by a parent or guardian at all times. Adults not able to keep a check on the children they are responsible for will be asked to leave the convention. This rule is not only for the peace of other NWC members, but more importantly it is for the safety of the children. Not every person is safe (not even fans), and in a hotel that size there will be a lot of people who are not con goers. If you see a child not attached to a grown-up please bring them safely to the NWC Convention Services office, Room 7106 in wing 7. Thank you.

Responsible Drinking

You have no doubt heard all the talk in the news media about drinking and driving. We hope that this public awareness has reached the members of SF fan conventions. If you plan to drink please, please do not drive. At the bar in Hospitality and in the Con Services Office there will be tags that say “I’m Driving” at no charge. If you must leave the hotel please wear one. This way we can all help you stay away from the bubbly (whatever form it takes).

There is another topic under the heading of responsible drinking which is a sometimes touchy subject…persons under 21 indulging in alcohol and other drugs. We the NWC Con Committee are realistic enough to know that if a young adult is determined to drink, we will not always be able to stop them. Responsible imbibing (not getting falling down drunk-becoming a menace to yourself and everyone else in the hotel and on the highways) will not be noticed as much and the heavy hand of the hotel detective and/or our Site Services head Don Glover will not be felt. The ID required rule at NWC Hospitality room will be strictly enforced. We have a Washington State Banquet License and this is to protect us from legal hassles. We want all of our members to have a good time at NWC and we want you all to return home safely. Please read on.

Room and Hall Parties

Room and Hall parties are a very important part of Fan Conventions. A few things to know and help make them enjoyable and safe for everyone: Room and Hall parties are restricted to wings 5 and 5B. (No alcohol is allowed beyond these wings as well). If you are planning to have a room party, request one of these wings when you make your hotel room reservations. If you do not want to be anywhere near the parties request wing 6. A warning to room party hosts: We suggest you keep watch on who is grabbing a drink off the table or a beer from the tub. The laws in Washington State say that if you were the supplier of alcohol to minors or to someone who is already drunk and they in turn go and hurt themselves or others, you too are responsible for their actions. You can also be fined for contributing to the delinquincy of a minor.

Sleeping in the Halls

The most important word on this subject is DON’T. It is sometimes very disturbing to find bodies sleeping, passed out, or engaging in other activities in the halls or stairwells. Troubleshooters are working 24 hours a day. They walk all the halls of the hotel keeping a check on things. If someone is found in one of these situations they will be asked to move on.

Plan ahead! If you canot afford a room of your own, make arrangements to stay with friends and share expenses. If you find that you may have drunk too much and do not want to chance driving, come to convention services and we will try and help you. There will be a bulletin board in the main con lobby for you to place notices asking or offering crash space and to share expenses. The convention will also have limited crash space available upon request for a minimal charge.

Last but not least, be nice to one another. Every one of us will be in a strange new place. We are all members of the same Norwescon family. Being polite and courteous to others and taking note of your other family members needs and feelings will make everyone comfortable in our new home the Red Lion.

The Norwescon Convention Committee is planning to make a special effort to see that all of you have a good convention and we will even smile at you a time or two. We hope you all will do the same. See you all at Norwescon 8!

Convention Services

Judy Suryan, Director

There are six sections under the heading of Convention Services. This department is the backbone of the convention. With their 300 plus voluteers, these sections are the ones that execute all the plans that the committee has been making for the past year. Each section has three to ten departments under them. Not all will be listed in this column.

If by the slightest chance you find yourself with some idle time, we’d like to get your motor running (snicker!). Come see our Volunteer Co-ordinator, Jim Lane, in the Convention Services office, Room 7106. We’ll help you find your volunteer niche.

Static Programs Section

Don Glover, Section Chief

Static Programming is, for the most part, Norwescon programming THAT IS NOT SUPPOSED TO MOVE: (To be more accurate we should say “Change,” not move, ie: They are set up for the duration of the convention). There are the computer room, dealers room, art show, fan room and gaming. all of these departments are working to provie you with more of everything that you have come to expect from them. We hope to help you enjoy these functions more than ever.

Art Show

This year the Norwescon Art Show will be locatd in three of the Mercury Rooms on the second floor of the Red Lion tower. There will be over 3000 square feet of space, accommodating over 130 panels of original artwork. The show will be open on Friday, Saturday and Sunday, with an artists’ reception on Friday evening and the art auction late on Sunday morning.

Art will be sold by both voice auction and direct sale. Written bidding will close early Sunday morning and all pieces with 3 or more bids will go to the voice auction. Art will be available for direct sale (at direct-sale prices) after the close of written bidding. Complete rules for buying art will be available at the show.

Hanging space is still available for $10 per panel (approximately 4 by 4 feet) with a limit of 2 panels per artist. Display space (for 3-D) is available for $10 per half table (approximately 2 1/2 by 3 feet) with a limit of 1 table per artist. There will be a 10% commission on art sold in the show or at the auction.

Full payment must be received to reserve space in the Art Show. The deadline for reservation requests is February 1, 1985 ut the show is expected to fill up well before then. Please make your reservations early.

Do Not mail in art unless you have received confirmation of reserved space. For further information, write R. J. Doyle, in are of Norwescon, [omitted].


Wargamming / Board Games / Role Playing Games Department

Shadowhawk will be doing the scheduling of these games. In addition to Dungeons and Dragons, we will be having more emphasis on games based on Science Fiction books and movies. Open games will be held in the parlor area between wings 4 and 5. The Tournament games will take place in the Mercury rooms (see hotel map). For more information contact Shadowhawk at [omitted].

Dealers Room

This years Hucksters’ Room will be located on the main floor of the Function area in the Galaxy 1 and 2 ballrooms. We will have approximately 4100 square feet of space. Over 30 dealers will be selling books, art, jewelry, glassware, gaming supplies and costuming items. We will also have exhibit (artist-in-action) tables in the main floor foyer of the Norwescon Hospitality wing. The Hucksters’ Room will be open on Friday, Saturday and Sunday.

At the time of this writing there are only a few tables left. For information, write Pepper (a.k.a. Linda Bray), c/o Norwescon, [omitted].

Computer Room

The computer room’s format will be different from the previous years. In addition to the usual games there will also be representatives from T.U.G. (Telecommunication Users Group) who will be giving demonstrations on how to communicate from computer to computer via phone lines. There will hopefully be a BBS (Bulletin Board System) located ad strategic locations throughout the hotel to leave messages and party notices to other people at the convention.

If you would be interested in having your computer displayed in the computer room, either contact Chris Rimple at [omitted] or write COMPUTER ROOM, [omitted].

Fan room

Looking for a quiet place away from the crowd? Want to talk about fanzines, apas, and books? Want to buy a few good fanzines? If so, check out the fanzine room. We will be running a sales table where you can pick up a fanzine or two. We will also have a fanzine display so you can look at old fanzines. There will be some fanzine oriented programming, and lots of interesting people. Joe-Bob says, “check it out”.

If you are interested in selling your fanzines at the sales table, or helping run the fanzine room, please drop a line to Amy Thompson at [omitted].

Site Section

Don Glover, Section Chief

Site Services encompasses those Departments that are here to help make your time at the convention a little easier. The Security, Troubleshooting, Sign Set-Up and Maintenance Departments comprise the Site Services. We are the most visible of all the convention staff. It is almost impossible to attend the whole convention without interfacing with at least one person from one of these departments. Being at a new much LARGER hotel, we will need many more volunteers. If you wish to help, please contact Don Glover at [omitted].


Troubleshooters roam the hotel attempting to watch for and prevent “TROUBLE”. We are not trying to dampen the “SPIRIT” of the convention, we are trying to make sure that the passengers are safe and to keep the celebration from keeping us from returning to the Red Lion for another Norwescon. Troubleshooters appear to be everywhere at once. This year there will be even more of us handling on the spot crowd control and any emergencies that might crop up.

If you feel wanderlust taking hold of you, Troubleshooting may be the job for you. If you think so call, Jim Lane [omitted].



This year Norwescon has moved to the Red Lion, A Really Big Hotel. “How Big?” you ask? The Red Lion is big, Really Big. You just won’t believe how vastly hugely mind-bogglingly big it is. I mean you may think it’s a long way down the road to the chemist, but that’s just peanuts to the Red Lion.

This means that security has a bigger job to do, and the duties of security volunteers have expanded to include some troubleshooting-type activities and some traffic control. If door-watching has bever been your style, we have got some all-new jobs you can help us with. On the other hand, if you would enjoy watching the con go by while sitting in a comfortable chair, we have still got door-watcher jobs available.

This year we need more volunteers than ever. Help us help you have a good time at Norwescon.


Maintenance is a new department in the Norwescon structure, created to help keep the name and image of Norwescon clean. These industrious souls will move en masse across the face of the convention scouring away the pustulant pockets of trash, much like Oxy-10 takes care of pimples.

Currently this department lacks cohesive leadership. If you feel strong kinship with Felix Unger, we could have a position for you in the Norwescon family.

Property section


Prop Room: This is the unseen section of Norwescon. The purpose is to store, handle, control and distribute all audio/visual equipment that supports programming and special events during the convention. We interface closely with Tech services who actually set up the equipment in the rooms.

COAT ROOM LOST AND FOUND: These services can be found in the Galaxy Ballroom hallway. The cloak room is for your convenience as temporary storage of parcels and coats. It is not designed or intended to be used as a room substitute nor a food locker. Please make other arrangements for storage of suitcases and food during the run of the convention. Helpers are needed to staff this room during open hours (easy work). Please call Lauraine at [omitted] or Mary at [omitted]. The hours will be as follows:

  • Thursday — 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m. to 1:15 a.m.
  • Friday — 9:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., 4:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m., and 8:00 p.m. to 1:15 a.m.
  • Saturday — 9:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m., 5:00 p.m. to 8:45 p.m., and at end of the masquerade for 1/2 hour.
  • Sunday — 12 noon to 3:30 p.m. and 7:30 to 10:00 p.m.

Norwescon 8 is not responsible for items left in the cloak room. However, every effort will be maid to safeguard your possessions.

The Lost and Found will be open during these hours. If you find anything looking lost, please bring it by. During closed hours other arrangements will be made. Contact the Convenion Services Office for access.

Office Section

Libby Evans, Section Chief

Office Services is responsible for keeping in order the mass of paperwork accumulated before, during and after the con. At the present time we are still in need of people who would be willing to work in the Office Department during the Con. We also need multi-processing units to work in the Gofer and Information Departments.


With all the area that needs covering at the Red Lion, we will need more gophers than ever before. We request that people who are volunteering to help a couple of hours do so as soon as possible, to let us know how long and when you want to help. This way if you live in the Seattle area you can get a preview tour of the hotel the first part of March. You’ll be one of the few that will know where your going while at the convention! However, you can always drop in at Convention Services during Norwescon and help a few hours when you find yourself with some spare time. We’ll look forward to seeing you there. for further information call Becky Simpson at [omitted].

Information Table

I was asked to write a few words about how things are going here at information. Well, here they are: HELP! HELP!…but seriously folks, we are doing pretty good. We will have two information tables this year (it is easier to get lost in the new hotel, so we needed more table to help you). Both will be doing what information usually does, i.e. giving directions to those who do not know where it is they want to be, giving directions to the bathroom, giving program updates, giving directions to get something to eat, drink or smoke (not that kind of cig, just the legal kind) and how to get there, giving directions to the bathroom, giving out tourist-type information, giving directions to the bathroom, giving bus schedules and routes and hotel-type info, giving directions to the bathroom, giving out supplies (aspirin, band-aids, sanitary supplies, First Aid stuff, office supplies), giving directions to the bathroom, and taking money from the things we sell (old program books and whatever else we we are told to sell). Oh yes, and we’ll be giving directions to the bathrooms.

By the way, playing cards and aspirin will be supplied for the volunteers (we are going to have, hopefully, two per table). If you have any questions, call me, Vicki Glover at [omitted].

Attention Volunteers: HELP!

Most every SF convention survives because of volunteer help. NORWESCON is no exception.

Approximately 300 workers are need to make our 3-1/2 day convention a success. This includes committee members who are on call 24 hours a day and the security volunteer who works one shift.

Though we have had wonderful hard workers in the past, NORWESCON 8 needs more workers than ever before.

Committee members and managers are important, but a convention would be impossible without shift volunteers, people who donate a few hours of their time so that 2000 people can enjoy the convention.

What can you as a volunteer expect to receive for your services? To be honest with you, not much. For some people that is the first thing they ask. Frankly, if we gave everyone that worked for NORWESCON a free membership we would not break even financially at the end of the convention. (The Con committee and the managers are required to pay for their memberships.) You will also not receive any money, NWSFS memberships or free Westwinds. What you will get is a very grateful thank you from the managers of the departments you work in. You also have the satisfaction of knowing that you have helped to put on a convention that has become known as the third best in the country.

The work is not always fun or exciting but it is always needed. Please, if you are planning to attend, help make your convention more fun, exciting and safe for all our members and yourself. Call and volunteer a few hours of your time. All Convention Services departments need staff people badly. We may forget to thank you (or be too busy or too tired) during NORWESCON, so let me thank you for your help now. It is very much appreciated.

To volunteer or for further information call Jim Lane at [omitted].

Media Section

Chris McDonell, Section Cheif

This year at Norwescon 8, media services will have three 24-hour vidio channels. The network will feature a vast collection of movies, specials, and other bits of entertainment. The network will also once again produce three news broadcasts daily with author readings and specials.

Major events like the opening number to the stardance and the masquerade will be broadcat live on channel three for those of you who wish to avoid the crowds.

There will also be a 16mm film program with the usual collection of old movie classics and a few surprises.

Norwescon 3rd Annual Amateur Film Contest

Hosted by Jim Cobb.

The last two years have produced a fine crop of amateur films, so this year the THIRD ANNUAL NORWESCON FILM CONTEST is gearing up to bring convention goers a whole new set of first-run works by the cream of the Northwest’s Amateur Filmmakers.

Last year’s revised judging and awards system worked well, so most of the same rules apply as last year. Awards will be given for all of the visual media, 8mm, 16mm, and VHS video. This year however, please check contest rules for the definition of “Amateur.”

Anyone interested in entering this year’s contest should contact the contest director, Jim Cobb at [omitted] or write AMATEUR FILM CONTEST, [omitted].

Program/Stage Section

Michael Citrak, Section Chief

Michael is responsible for (1) finding hard-working and fun-loving people as heads of the following departments: Stage Management, Masquerade, Stardance, Norwescone, Fannish Olympics, Special Functions, and Technical Services, (2) making sure all programmed events run smoothly, and (3) ordering and picking up mostaudio visual and stage equipment (drive U-haul).

Stage Management

Beth Dockins is the Department Head. She, along with her staff of volunteers, makes sure that programmed events start and end on time. They check in panelists and moderators and see that any and all necessary audiovisual equipment is present. Beth is always in need of volunteers: If you are interested, please contact her via the club PO box. Attn: Stage Management.

Technical Services

Keith Johnson is the Department Head. He is the backbone of the Programming/Stage Services Section. He and his staff of volunteers transport, set up, and do some operating of the audiovisual equipment for the various programmed events. Keith also mixes all the music for the Stardance and most of the music for the masquerade. If you wish to help in this department let us know via the club PO Box, Attn: Keith Johnson.

Stardance Norwescone

Michael Citrack, Stardance Department Head
Judy Suryan, NorwesconE Department Head

We have some good news and some bad news. First the BAD news: With the much-needed move to the Red Lion, we lost our ability to bring you NorwesconE Ice Cream Social at a reasonable price. We could have brought it to you at an unreasonable price, but the convention committee felt that was unreasonable. However, the GOOD news is: We will be doing our best to keep this a very festive event with some surprise that Judy and others are dreaming up. Besides we still have Keith Johnson (our master music mixer,) and Beth, Mike C., Peter, Paul, Sharree, Michael K, Gordon, and many more fun people to bring you a fine fun evening of dancing, partying and just being silly. Also, if you have any song suggestions just let us know via the club PO Box. ATTN: Stardance.

Special Functions

Judy Suryan is the Department Head (it seems that Judy gets into everything…for example in December 1984 she was found spying on a Christmas party in Olympia for the employees of a state agency). Anyway, if we have any special functions, (e.g. a play), Judy will handle the logistics.

Fannish Olympics

The 1985 Fannish Olympic should prove to be the best yet, with more prizes, more teams and more fun for all. (We will be having more of the popular traditional events like the scavenger hunt.) This year, ten five-being teams have been invited from in and around the universe. The defending champs, Hogan’s Goat, will have more and stiffer competition. But as you know, sign-up for the fannish olympics is at the convention on a first-come, first-serve basis. So if you have a club or other organized group, “go for it.” Sign up at either the information desk or registration. Good luck to all. For more info on this wild and crazy event call Mark at [omitted].

See you at the con. Mark Richardson.


Peace bonding of weapons will not be required at the con (we will use the honor system). However, all blade weapons, (swords, sabers, knives) must be kept sheathed at all times while in public areas. Toy blasters (wood, metal, and/or plastic constructions which may or may not emit sound and/or light but nothing else) may be removed from their holster for “Show and Tell” purposes only in Wings 5 and 5B. The only exceptions are for persons in private rooms, for participants of scheduled SCA exhibitions, and for masquerade contestants while they are on stage. We are planning on having a weapons gallery for people to show off their weapons. (For more information, see your program book at the convention.) Also, do not carry real firearms. Please follow these rules for the enjoyment of all convention guests. Persons found ignoring this request will have their weapon(s) confiscated. They will be returned to the owner when they leave the convention.

Personna Games

The NWC staff has developed a set of rules for Persona Games. These rules are geared so other Norwescon guests are not disturbed by the games and yet keep the games enjoyable for the participants. If you have a group wanting to participate in a persona game, the NWC Convention Services must be informed at least two weeks prior to the Con. Please contact Michael Citrak via the club PO box, Attn: Persona Games. (You’ll be sent a copy of the rules. They will also be printed in the program book.)


Greetings Fellow Costumers:

Over the years, the NORWESCON masquerades have been growing in both size and notoriety. We have seen it emerge from a ragtag assortment of ‘hall’ costumes to fabulously detailed outfits that dazzle the imagination. In order to keep up with the constantly expanding capabilities of our entrants, we are going to instigate several major changes in the operation of this year’s masquerade.

Our goals this year are to make the Masquerade as enjoyable as possible for both the contestants and the audience to allow those people who are serious about their abilities as costumers to feel that they have been properly judged and awarded, to allow those individuals who just want to have fun to do so, and to stress the fact that this is a ‘Masquerade’ rather than a ‘Talent Show’.

Probably the most noticeable change will be the use of a DIVISION system that is similar to what has been used successfully at various other conventions for several years. This and other changes are described in more detail in a special ‘Masquerade Packet’ that we have prepared.

If you did not specify an interest in the Masquerade on your registration form (or if you have not registered), to receive a copy of the packet, please send a Self-Addressed Stamped Envelope (business size, with postage for 3 ounces) to [omitted].

We will also accept any suggestions or idea that any of you might have as to things you would or would not like to see as part of a Masquerade.

See you at the con…

Robert & Lynn Hess
Co-Heads of the Masquerade

Special Function

This year, for both Rustycon and Norwescon, there is a FREE service being offered for masquerade contestants who would like a pre-recorded presentation to go along with their costume. Please remember that this year NO LIVE MICROPHONE will be provided for either event. So if you have something to say, it better be on tape first.

Keith Johnson, who is doing sound for both events, will be happy to produce a high-quality presentation specifically suited to your “other persona”. This is a totally FREE service to help make this year’s masqeurades the best possible. For further information, call Keith at [omitted].



We will still have 3 tables.

  • Table #1, at the door. If you came to Norwescon 6 or 7, chances are we have a card on file for you. Give us your name and we will look. You will only have to make out a new address card if: a) you have moved or b) if we do not have you on a card.

  • Table #2 pre registered. There will be a sign in sheet. When you come to get your name badge you must sign for it. If you want to pick up someone else’s badge you must sign your name on their line so they know who has it.

  • Table #3 will be as before: Pro’s, Norwescon 9, Brunch tickets.

If you wish to receive the Norwescon 9 PR Alpha in October and the Progress Report on Con 9 next January, please be sure we have your up to date address.

Norwescon 8 Membership List




“Norwescon 8 Progress Report,” Norwescon History, accessed March 11, 2025,

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