News from the Nevernever Issue 3


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News from the Nevernever Issue 3


Norwescon 46


The Saturday issue of the Norwescon 46 daily zine.


Caitlin Cormier




March 30, 2024



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Notes from the Nevernever Issue 3

The official daily news sheet for Norwescon 46
Saturday, 30 March 2024

The Philip K. Dick Award winner announced

Last night, Norwescon held the Philip K. Dick Award Ceremony, which recognizes the best science fiction books published for the first time in the United States as a paperback original, during the prior year.

Nominees for this award were Danged Black Thing by Eugen Bacon, The Museum of Human History by Rebekah Bergman, Infinity Gate by M.R. Carey, Wild Spaces by S.L. Coney, Where Rivers Go to Die by Dilman Dila and These Burning Stars by Bethany Jacobs. This year we happily welcomed S.L. Coney, Dilman Dila and Bethany Jacobs in person!

Authors in attendance (and representatives for those who were not) read passages from the nominated books. Luminaries from the history of the Philip K. Dick Award spoke to the audience members, who were in the Grand Ballroom and watching online.

The award went to Bethany Jacobs for These Burning Stars. Bethany thanked her sister Kelly, her first fan, and her wife Mary, saying, “When I didn’t hold the hope, she said she would hold it for me … This is the first award I’ve ever gotten. Thank you.”

The special citation award was given to Rebekah Bergman, for The Museum of Human History.

Who doesn’t love a cool raffle?

Don't forget to stop by the Beyond Reality Costumers’ club table and buy your raffle tickets. We hear they’ve got some wonderful prizes!

Art in Action

Continuing today in Area 8 of the Art Show, several artists will demonstrate their creative skills and answer questions. From the Art Show entrance, Area 8 is in the far upper-right corner of the room.


  • 10 – 11 a.m., Ellis Bray will be demonstrating the art of woodburning on a wood panel, using a pyrography pen and a variety of nibs.
  • 2 – 3 p.m., Theresa Halbert will demonstrate how she creates embroidery designs, from concept to finished design.
  • 4 – 5 p.m., Rob Carlos will be doing an acrylic speed painting demo. What he can create in one hour will surprise you!

Have you checked out the Dealer’s Room?

So many cool things to see, read, touch, smell, try on and generally ooo and aaah over. Northwest Ballrooms (directly across the Fishbowl atrium from the Grands).

And don’t forget about Author’s Row!

Have you noticed the tables right outside of the Dealer’s Room? They aren’t overflow tables; they are there on purpose. That’s Author’s Row!

Norwescon has always had a strong literary focus and we want to support the authors in our midst. Check out their tables and strike up a friendly conversation about their creative endeavors.

Missing Sakuracon?

We've got a Charades game for all things anime! Maxi's Lounge at 1 pm.

Looks like the fae got here early

The elevator repair folks let us know that the reason we are having some elevator issues is that ladybugs built a nest in the control panel. Friendly faeries preparing for winter or camping out for Saturday night’s Fae Ball, perhaps?

Go on The Wylde Hunt

The Hunt is on. On the cover of your souvenir program book, the Norwescon 46 logo is emblazoned across the top. It has represented Norwescon, the Pacific Northwest’s premier science fiction and fantasy convention, for many years, and includes elements representing those genres. There is a dragon under the word Norwescon and a rocket flying over it.

But wait, on the Norwescon 46 program cover there is no rocket!

The rocket is missing from the logo, but it hasn’t gone far. It is within the program. Find it and you might win a prize.

All who respond to with the correct answer by 3 p.m. today, will have their name entered. The winner of the random selection will get a brand new, still-in-the-box Talking Dalek, from Doctor Who!

Blast from the Past

The Creature from the Black Lagoon (1954): My first foray into sci-fi was watching Creature from the Black Lagoon in 7th grade at lunch. We watched it in 20-minute increments. Sooooo scary and fun. I found myself interested in foreign or alien creatures and how we misinterpret their efforts to connect with us.

Why I’m still amazed by it:

  • It has beautiful underwater shots. It actually inspired Steven Spielberg when he made Jaws.
  • It later inspired Guillermo del Toro’s Oscar- winning film, The Shape of Water.

~ Shelley G.

Seattle – the big dang winner is hosting a party

Seattle won the bid to host Worldcon 2025. Come to the Open Party to find out more, tonight at 9 p.m., in tower room #1360. Chat and share snacks with those who fought for and won the chance to have the con here.

This year's Hugo finalists!

Glasgow 2024 has just announced this year's Hugo Award finalists. We are excited to see that some have connections to Norwescon! Congrats to all!

  • Ann Leckie (2014 Philip K. Dick Award nominee): Best Novel for Translation State; Best Series for Imperial Radch
  • Martha Wells (2018 Philip K. Dick Award nominee): Best Novel for Witch King
  • Sarah Pinsker (2020 Philip K. Dick Award winner): Best Novelette for "One Man's Treasure"
  • P. Djèlí Clark (Norwescon 45 guest of honor): Best Short Story for "How to Raise a Kraken in Your Bathtub"; Lodestar Award for Best YA Book for Abeni’s Song
  • Adrian Tchaikovsky (2021 Philip K. Dick Award nominee): Best Series for The Final Architecture
  • Seanan McGuire (Norwescon 37 guest of honor): Best Series for October Daye
  • Neil Clarke (Norwescon 42 and 46 – yup, that's this year! – guest of honor): Best Editor Short Form
  • Lynne M. Thomas & Michael Damian Thomas (Norwescon 45 guests of honor): Best Editor Short Form
  • Galen Dara (Norwescon 41 guest of honor): Best Professional Artist
  • Uncanny Magazine (Norwescon 45 spotlighted publisher): Best Semiprozine

Con Stories

Here is another micro story from Vanellope M.:

"Why are there no ghost animals?" asked Edie.

"Most animals do not leave this world with regret," Susan stated. "But ghosts of animals do exist."

"Even ghosts of dinosaurs?"

"It would be quite unusual for a ghost to haunt the earth for a hundred million years," the babysitter said. "But I suppose it's possible. Why do you ask?"

Edie watched the ghostly T. rex pass by the window. It towered over their house.

"No reason," she replied.

Notes from the Nevernever

is the daily news sheet for Norwescon 46. It is published as a morning edition, released by 10 a.m. Articles and photos from you, the convention members, are welcome and encouraged. The deadline for each day's edition is 11 p.m. the previous evening. Email your photos, ideas, "Overheard," "Blast from the Past" and "Con Stories" submissions to

Your Wylde Hunt shifter ranger is Caitlin Cormier. Your color & design illusion mage is Shelley George. Special thanks to wizards Michael Hanscom, Michelle Morrell, Kevin Black and Alex Demboski, and adventuring party benefactors Kat Marier and SunnyJim Morgan.

Convention questions, concerns or cries of outrage – contact Nevernever, Bob the spirit of intellect and Toot-Toot copyright Jim Butcher, used with permission. (Get well soon, Jim.)



Caitlin Cormier, “News from the Nevernever Issue 3,” Norwescon History, accessed March 11, 2025,

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