Norwescon 36 March 17 Newsletter


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Norwescon 36 March 17 Newsletter


Norwescon 36


The 3/17/13 newsletter for Norwescon 36




March 17, 2013



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Norwescon 36

Save the World!
Norwescon 36 wil be March 28-31 2013

eNewsletter Update - March 17th 2013

In This Issue

Membership Services Briefing
LAST DAY to purchase Guest of Honor Banquet Tickets Online!

The Guide is Live!

Norwescon 36 (2013) has gone mobile using Guidebook!

We strongly encourage you to download our mobile guide to enhance your experience at Norwescon 36. You'll be able to plan your day with a personalized schedule and browse exhibitors, maps and general show info.

The app is compatible with iPhones, iPads, iPod Touches and Android devices. Windows Phone 7 and Blackberry users can access the same information via our mobile site at

To get the guide, choose one of the methods below:

  • Download 'Guidebook' from the AppleApp Store or the Android Marketplace
  • Visit from your phone's browser

Meet Me in Maxi's (21+)

Two nights, four formats, fun for everyone 21+ in Maxi's Lounge at the top of the tower.


Friday, 9 - 11 p.m.
Can't wait for the show to be over and the dance to start? Start your Friday night off with DJ Dancin' Dan kicking off the Post-Mayan Apocalypse Toga Party in Maxi's.

Friday, 11 p.m. - 2 a.m.
Meet and mingle with the designers and models of the Fannish Fetish Fashion Show while the director of the show, Modular Diva, plays some music to put you in the mood to party like it's the new Apocalypse!

Saturday, 9 p.m. - Midnight
Geeks Who Drink is teaming up with Norwescon to bring you a Sci-Fi and Fantasy themed Pub Quiz in the Anglo-Irish tradition. Grab a drink in Maxi's and test your geek trivia knowledge. Team size is limited to six but you can play solo if you like. There will also be fabulous prizes for the top placing teams.

More information about the pub quiz can be found at

Saturday, Midnight-2 a.m.
Finish out the night with the super sounds of DJ Lee Fuller at this party in the best comic (book) tradition.

Dear (member),

We have a new registration system this year. Please read the article below as to how things will work when you arrive.

Registration Hours

Thursday noon-10 pm
Friday 9 am-10 pm
Saturday 9 am-10 pm
Sunday 9 am-5 pm

Membership Services Briefing

Hi Everyone,

We've heard your questions and comments about the new registration process for Norwescon. In answer, here's how it will work:

If you have preregistered there are two ways of receiving your badge at Registration. If you have already printed off your Acceptable Use Policy form (AUP*) with the pre-printed barcode that identifies you, you can go directly to the registration cashier. Otherwise, your AUP can be printed at the convention. There will be staff on hand that will help you do this. The general registration process is described below. *Note: The AUP form is an agreement between you and the convention that you will abide by the rules. Your signature on the AUP is required, so electronic format of your AUP will not be accepted. Paper copy is required.

Pre-printing your AUP is not required, but it can help speed up the registration process. In case you cannot find your original confirmation email or the original AUP link was broken, you will be able to print your AUP w/barcode from an email that will be sent to you in the next couple of days. If you have paid your membership and do not receive the follow up AUP-email by Wednesday, March 20th, please email .

If you have not preregistered, there will be staff on hand to help direct you to the on-site registration kiosks where you will enter your registration information. Our staff will then direct you on to the next step in the registration process.

General Membership Registration

The general registration process for pre-paid attendees will be:

  1. Go to the area marked in Green to start the process.

    If you do not have a pre-printed AUP w/barcode, one will be printed out for you there. If you do have the AUP you will be directed where to go next.

  2. Sign your AUP.

  3. Present your signed AUP and photo ID to a registration cashier.

  4. The registration cashier will compare your photo id to your real name on the AUP. The barcode will then be scanned to print your badge. The form will be returned to you.

  5. Take your signed AUP to the badge printing station and exchange it for a badge that matches the badge name on your paperwork. There you will also pick up your registration packet.

Attending Professionals & paid guest of pro

Come to the Green Room (Cascade 11) when you arrive. The Green Room staff will have your Acceptable Use Policy form (AUP*) with the pre-printed barcode that identifies you with your packet. (For your Guest of Pro, their AUP will be with the associated Pro's packet). The Green Room staff will scan your barcode to print your badge. You'll need to sign the AUP, collect your packet, and you're all signed in.

Attending Dealers

The Dealers Room Coordinator will, as usual, have your Dealer and assistant badges. You will need to sign your Acceptable Use Policy form (AUP*).

Thank you Everyone!

Member Services

Fine meal with fine company

Guest of Honor Banquet
Thursday, March 28th 5 - 7 PM

YES! There are still some tickets available for the Guest of Honor Banquet in Grand Ballroom 2.

Learn first hand from our honored guests about many of the exciting events that will take place over the weekend. Purchase your tickets in-advance and you will be entered into a drawing to sit with one of our Guests of Honor -- so act quickly and reserve your place now!

Tickets are $40.00 per person and always sell fast. You can purchase tickets through our Guest of Honor Banquet page.

Online (PayPal or Credit Card) registration is only available for another 24 hours. This event will sell out, don't risk waiting to buy tickets at the convention - reserve a place at the table today!

Norwescon is a science, science fiction and fantasy convention that takes place on Easter Weekend each year. We are an all-volunteer organization and always have room for more dedicated volunteers. Without members, though, there would be no reason to hold a convention; thank you for your support!

We were recently notified that Norwescon is a 2012 ALL STAR AWARD winner by Constant Contact, that mean's we're in the top 10% of our class making you all #1. Thanks and stay tuned for more information as to what that means for you!

Norwescon Publications Team
Norwescon 36 (2013)



“Norwescon 36 March 17 Newsletter,” Norwescon History, accessed March 30, 2025,

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