Norwescon 36 March 15 Newsletter


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Norwescon 36 March 15 Newsletter


Norwescon 36


The 3/15/13 newsletter for Norwescon 36




March 15, 2013



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Norwescon 36

Save the World!
Norwescon 36 wil be March 28-31 2013

eNewsletter - March 15th 2013

In This Issue

Double Pattern Contest
NWC Archives
Spot-the-Poster Contest
Maxi's Lounge
Tie the Knot at NWC
Guest of Honor Banquet
Movie Previews
Celebrity Game

Join Our Mailing List!


Feeling brave and bold? Send us your novel or story's first page to be read aloud and critiqued by three pros. First Page Idol will take place Friday, March 19th at 3 PM--you must be there to participate. Deadline midnight the day before. Max 5 entries per author.

(Email to: )

Single Pattern Contest Update

Now choose from TWO patterns! It has come to our attention that Simplicity 2806 is no longer available in local fabric stores, although it may still be available online. Entrants may now use either Simplicity 2806 OR Simplicity 1750.

Missing Archives

The Norwescon Archives is looking to add to its collection. If you have any of the following, please bring your donation to the convention and drop them off at the Northwest Science Fiction Society club table in the lobby:

  • Program Books, 1, 18, 31. We need four 1s, two 18s, and one 31.
  • T-Shirts: I don't know how early we had t-shirts, but the conventions we don't have them for are 1, 2, 3, 6, as well as recent ones: 31, 32, 33, and 35. We need just one of each t-shirt

The Guide is Live!

Norwescon 36 (2013) has gone mobile using Guidebook!

We strongly encourage you to download our mobile guide to enhance your experience at Norwescon 36. You'll be able to plan your day with a personalized schedule and browse exhibitors, maps and general show info.

The app is compatible with iPhones, iPads, iPod Touches and Android devices. Windows Phone 7 and Blackberry users can access the same information via our mobile site at

To get the guide, choose one of the methods below:

  • Download 'Guidebook' from the AppleApp Store or the Android Marketplace
  • Visit from your phone's browser

Spot a Poster, Get a Ribbon

Did you spot a poster or flyer for Norwescon 36 in the wild? Let us know where, and you could win one of only 250 special badge ribbons for your Norwescon 36 badge!

Poster locations eligible for this contest are are managed by Keep Posted. If you see a poster display in another location that includes our Norwescon poster please submit that information too.

Alternate locations will be eligible for a reward if all 250 Keep Posted locations are not found.

Details & Submission Form

Dear (member),

Please remember to bring your receipt with the barcode on it to the convention if you pre-registered. It, along with a photo ID, is needed for you to pick up your membership badge and swag bag.

Permission forms for minors are still required and are available for pre-printing here.

Registration Hours

Thursday noon-10 pm
Friday 9 am-10 pm
Saturday 9 am-10 pm
Sunday 9 am-5 pm

Meet Me in Maxi's (21+)

Two nights, four formats, fun for everyone 21+ in Maxi's Lounge at the top of the tower.


Friday, 9-11pm Can't wait for the show to be over and the dance to start? Start your Friday night off with DJ Dancin' Dan kicking off the Post-Mayan Apocalypse Toga Party in Maxi's.

Friday, 11pm-2am
Meet and mingle with the designers and models of the Fannish Fetish Fashion Show while the director of the show, Modular Diva, plays some music to put you in the mood to party like it's the new Apocalypse!

Saturday, 9pm-Midnight
Geeks Who Drink is teaming up with Norwescon to bring you a Sci-Fi and Fantasy themed Pub Quiz in the Anglo-Irish tradition. Grab a drink in Maxi's and test your geek trivia knowledge. Team size is limited to six but you can play solo if you like. There will also be fabulous prizes for the top placing teams. More information about the pub quiz can be found at

Saturday, Midnight-2am
Finish out the night with the super sounds of DJ Lee Fuller at this party in the best comic (book) tradition.

Art Auction for Charity - Donations Needed

The charities office is seeking donations for the upcoming arts/charities auction for Norwescon 36. If you have one or more items that are in good condition that you believe are of interest to people in the science fiction/fantasy community - that is to say you believe people would not only like to own but would be willing to part with actual money to purchase - please contact Phillip Buff via email at with a description of the item(s) (photos appreciated if available).

Money raised at the charity auction is used in support of the scholarships that Norwescon provides for Clarion West Writer's Workshop and the Northwest College of Art and Design.

Wedding Party at the End of the Universe!

Have you ever wanted a fannish wedding? Now is your chance! In honor of marriage equality coming to Washington State, Norwescon is hosting a wedding extravaganza! Join us for the Wedding Party at the End of the Universe in Maxi's Ballroom on Saturday, March 30 from 4:00 pm to 6:00 pm. We will have cake!

Find the full details here.


Join the cacophony!

The Geekmusic Podcast - Episode 1, Norwescon

We're premiering a geekmusic podcast this very month! It's also a sneak preview at what's coming up in nwcMUSIC 2013 at Norwescon 36. We talk a bit about what we've got planned, play some music, and talk with filkers and nerdcore artists about doing music geek-style. More . . .

My God - It's Full of Monstarrs

We have something super-special this year: a multiple-act Friday afternoon showcase of nerdcore, the hip-hop of geeks, called MONSTARRS OF NERDCORE. It starts at 4pm, right after the Catherine Asaro concert, which is also going to be amazing.

And that's not to forget the rest of our concert series this year, which we think is exceptional.

Thursday has Rai Kamishiro doing her J-pop stylings, Jonny Nero Action Hero's first appearance at Norwescon with his chiptunes rock, and nwcMUSIC regular Electric Children's high-energy chiptunes dance music. Friday evening: Hello, the Future! sings about the intersections of fandom and reality, Leannan Sidhe have their long-awaited CD release show, and Starlight returns with a new lineup to bring their filk-rock to the foreground again.

More . . .

Wondrous workshops

There simply isn't enough space in this newsletter to cover the wonders in store for you.

Fine meal with fine company

Guest of Honor Banquet
Thursday, March 28th 5 - 7 PM

YES! There are still some tickets available for the Guest of Honor Banquet in Grand Ballroom 2.

Learn first hand from our honored guests about many of the exciting events that will take place over the weekend. Purchase your tickets in-advance and you will be entered into a drawing to sit with one of our Guests of Honor -- so act quickly and reserve your place now!

Tickets are $40.00 per person and always sell fast. You can purchase tickets through our Guest of Honor Banquet page.

Online (PayPal or Credit Card) registration is only available until March 17, 2013. This event will sell out, don't risk waiting to buy tickets at the convention - reserve a place at the table today!

Movie Previews are On The March

Keith & Alan's Movie News & Previews are again ready to bring the latest news from Hollywood straight to your eye/earballs, with previews, too! This year there have been some changes - our panel on Friday is earlier in the day, there is no Saturday show, and our Sunday show now starts after the Fandance Film Festival. Check out our new schedule!

Friday - Previews Show #first - 12Noon-2pm - Grand 3 - Note earlier time!
Friday - Family Previews - 2:30-3:30pm - Olympic 1
Sunday - Previews Show #last - 2-4pm - Evergreen 1-2 - Note later time!

For more information, check out THIS ARTICLE.

Celebrity Game

Norwescon 36 is just around the corner and Scheduled Gaming has a surprise for you! We have confirmed 300+ hours of gaming for you to enjoy make sure to check our guidebook/website sections, the Daily `Zine and the Wall Of Games for up to date schedules. Sign up for games and enjoy. Now for the surprise.

We have Bruce Cordell joining us for a few hours on Friday to run a D&D Next Game. For his game, we will be raffling off his seat as door prizes in the game room. Just swing by and play a game or two on Thursday and Friday, get a ticket to enter and possibly win a seat at his table.

Who is Bruce Cordell? A short step over to wikipedia will introduce you to him! Bruce will be taking part in panel programming and the Writers' Workshops as well.

"Life is like being a volunteer, ya never know who your gonna meet."

Norwescon runs on volunteers - without them there would be no convention. As such, everybody is encouraged to volunteer at the convention for a few hours. Go to the Volunteer Table in the convention lobby or the Volunteer Office and sign up for a shift (or two, or three, or four, or five). We will, as usual, have a fabulous array of gifts and prizes for you.

Come on down to the volunteer lounge and lend a hand.

Thank you,
Head of Volunteers

Norwescon is a science, science fiction and fantasy convention that takes place on Easter Weekend each year. We are an all-volunteer organization and always have room for more dedicated volunteers. Without members, though, there would be no reason to hold a convention; thank you for your support!

We were recently notified that Norwescon is a 2012 ALL STAR AWARD winner by Constant Contact, that mean's we're in the top 10% of our class making you all #1. Thanks and stay tuned for more information as to what that means for you!

Norwescon Publications Team
Norwescon 36 (2013)



“Norwescon 36 March 15 Newsletter,” Norwescon History, accessed March 13, 2025,

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