Norwescon 42 February 25 Newsletter


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Norwescon 42 February 25 Newsletter


Norwescon 42


The 2/25/19 newsletter for Norwescon 42




February 25, 2019



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Norwescon 42

Don't forget your towel!

GOH Banquet and raffle!

Did you know this year Norwescon will be having a raffle to raise money for future programs? We are excited to announce that our Special Guest, librarian Nancy Pearl, has offered up a personalized reading list as one of the prizes! Did you also know that if you purchase a ticket to the Guest of Honor banquet your ticket includes a raffle ticket and a opportunity to sit and eat with one of our guests? Tickets are available online for $80. If you are already registered for the convention, just log back in and add a ticket or two. For step-by- step instructions, click here.

Don't Miss Out on a Room!

The DoubleTree by Hilton Seattle Airport has agreed to provide Norwescon members in the Norwescon room block with a flat guest room rate of $132 per night for up to four (4) people. If more than four people occupy a guest room, a daily charge of $10 per additional person will apply. Five (5) people is the maximum occupancy per room. Guaranteed tower room upgrades are $40 extra ($172 per night).

The easiest and fastest way to reserve your room at the Norwescon rate of $132 a night is via this link.

We also still have suites available. If you are interested just fill out the form on the hotel page.

Be a Part of the Action!

Norwescon is always in need of volunteers during the convention. This year we are excited to again offer you the ability to sign up to volunteer before the convention starts, giving you the capability to better plan out your convention weekend! If you are interested, sign up here!

GOH Spotlight: Tran Nguyen

Tran Nguyen is an award-winning illustrator, gallery artist & muralist. At the age of three, she and her family were given the opportunity to immigrate to the States, escaping their impoverished life in Vietnam. Growing up in a more developed country, she was able to pursue her passion for the arts and is currently working as a freelance artist.

Tran's paintings are created with a soft, delicate quality using colored pencil and acrylic on paper. She creates illustrations for magazines, book covers, wine and beer labels, film, and animation, as well as other advertising assets. She has worked for clients such as VH1, Tiger Beer, World Wildlife Fund, and has showcased with galleries across the world. Find out more about her amazing art by visiting her website and by joining us at Norwescon 42!

Bring Your Donations to the March Meeting!

Charities is giving everyone a second chance to donate to Northwest Harvest and local animal shelters! The next convention committee meeting is March 9th, so please bring shelf-stable food, baby products such as diapers and wipes, hygiene products like shampoo, body wash, and menstrual items, and pet supplies such as food, towels, and chew toys to the meeting and drop them off at the Charities table. Of course, cash is always welcome! Please help us give some assistance to people and animals in need.

Questions, comments, and concerns can be directed to

Scavenger Hunt!

An Augmented Reality (AR) Scavenger Hunt at Norwescon42isintheworks! Attendeescanuse a "Tricorder" application on compatible phones to hunt for items around the convention. Depending on how much help we get, there may even be more than one AR event at Norwescon 42, including this year's Artemis Away Team Mission. If you are an artist or graphic image designer interested in contributing scavenger hunt images, please contact

Keith & Alan's Movie News and Previews are Seeing Double!

Back for their 14th year, Alan Halfhill and partner Keith Johnson are delighted to bring their unique brand of Movie Previews & News to Norwescon. They put in countless hours of behind-the-scenes toil to bring you the latest movie news, rumors & trailers out of Hollywood and beyond. But they provide so much more than that. They highlight the latest trends, innovations, and challenges in the broader entertainment culture; TV shows, home video, theme parks - the whole gamut! Now how much would you pay?

This year you get THREE opportunities to load up your media memory banks, all at NEW TIMES! Their first show is Noon Friday in Grand 3. Then an after-party meetup, 4 p.m. Friday in the Presidential Suite (1360), for things they didn't have time for in the main Friday show. And the triumph of their Sunday show, which convention veterans know is more free-form and features the must-be-experienced-to-be-believed, "why? Why? WHY?," Sunday at 11 p.m. in Evergreen 1-2. They make it easy to get your weekends dose of full- frontal media mayhem!

In This Issue

GOH Banquet
Get a Room!
Volunteering is Good
GOH Tran Nguyen
Donations Needed
Scavenger Hunt
Movie Previews


Register here! Four-Day Membership $70

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“Norwescon 42 February 25 Newsletter,” Norwescon History, accessed February 6, 2025,

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