Norwescon 42 April 1 Newsletter


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Norwescon 42 April 1 Newsletter


Norwescon 42


The 4/1/19 newsletter for Norwescon 42




April 1, 2019



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Norwescon 42

Don't forget your towel!

Happy March!

April fools! It's not March anymore. That means Norwescon is only a few short weeks away! Are you ready? Online pre-registration closes at midnight on Wednesday, April 3rd. After that, passes can only be purchased at the door.

Norwescon Raffle!

This year Norwescon will be holding our first ever raffle to support our programs and services. Tickets will be $5 and sold starting Thursday April 18th. You must be 18 years or older to purchase tickets. Look for our floating raffle brigade during some events or stop by the info table!

Here is a teaser of some of our fabulous prizes:

  • A personalized reading list from our very own Guest of Honor, librarian Nancy Pearl.
  • A "Don't Panic" Kindle with an Amazon gift card to purchase the complete works of Douglas Adams
  • One overnight stay at the SeaTac DoubleTree (with parking included)

The winners will be drawn during half time of the masquerade on Saturday. You need not be present to win! Also, if you purchase a ticket to the GOH Banquet, you get a raffle ticket for free!

Norwescon Merch!

Did you know Norwescon has merchandise? Of course you did! You can find it at the convention near registration. Did you also know you can buy those items ahead of time? It's true!

Check out this year's Norwescon merchandise at this link and get your gear before the convention begins.

Do You Have a Talent?


Either way, sign up for Cascadia's Got Talent!, our heavily-tongue-in-cheek talent show at Norwescon! Come demonstrate your talent (or lack thereof) to our panel of celebrity d/r/u/n/k/s/ judges! Win fabulous prizes or, at least, prizes, comma, alleged, and don't worry - if you're there to show an actual talent, that's great, too! Every year somebody gets to take home our fabulous Science Olympics Trophy for Entertainment, made every year just for the show by fan and found-objects artist, Scott Thomas, and it's usually the person who can actually do something. Who knew?

Signup forms will be at-con at the Information Desk. See you then!

GOH Spotlight: Dan Koboldt

Dan Koboldt is a genetics researcher and fantasy/science fiction author from the Midwest. He is the author of the Gateway to Alissia series about a Las Vegas magician who infiltrates a medieval world. He is also the editor of Putting the Science in Fiction, a reference book that aims to help writers craft more realistic stories, and the creator of The Triangle, a sci-fi adventure serial.

Dan works at the Institute for Genomic Medicine at Nationwide Children's Hospital, where he and his colleagues use next-generation DNA sequencing technologies to uncover the genetic basis of pediatric diseases. He has co-authored more than 70 publications in Nature, Science, The New England Journal of Medicine, and other scientific journals.

Be sure to catch his panels during the con!


Did you know that Norwescon is a 501(c)3 charity? Any donations you make are tax deductible! Where do your donations go? Some go to Northwest Harvest, some go to our volunteers, and some go to help Norwescon grow and thrive. What kind of donations are we looking for? Money is always good, of course, and some workplaces will even match your donation. Time is valuable as well, and we always need volunteers to help keep the convention running smoothly. You can also use Amazon Smile when you shop online by selecting Norwescon as your charity of choice. We also accept non-perishable food donations that we pass on to Northwest Harvest. And if you have sci- fi or fantasy books, art, autographed items, replicas, or even handmade items that you'd like to donate to our Charity Auction, please let us know at and we will be glad to assist your spring cleaning efforts by taking them off your hands!

In This Issue

April fools!
Norwescon Raffle!
Talent Show!
GOH Dan Koboldt
Donations Needed


Register here until April 3rd! Four-Day Membership $70

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“Norwescon 42 April 1 Newsletter,” Norwescon History, accessed March 13, 2025,

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