Run, Runner! #2


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Run, Runner! #2


Norwescon 30


Saturday issue of the Norwescon 30 daily 'zine


April 7, 2007

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[..30th year of Norwescon...Saturerday 30/04/07...Freed by the servo-mechanisms w]


P.K. Dick Award Report

Last night at the Philip K. Dick Awards for distinguished science fiction published in paperback original form in the United States were presented at Norwescon 30. Special citation was given to Elizabeth Bear for her book Carnival, Bantam Spectra publisher and the 2006 Winner of the Philip K. Dick Award was awarded to Chris Moriarty for Spin Control, Bantam Spectra publisher. Chris wasn't able to make it to the ceremony because she is eight months pregnant. However, Gordon Van Gelder accepted the award on her behalf.

The Philip K. Dick award is sponsored by the Philadelphia Science Fiction Society and the Northwest Science Fiction Society and is presented annually at Norwescon.

It Only Spins One Way

The deadline for each issue of this daily 'zine is daily at 10PM (or so) the day before. We got a few submissions during the day on Friday for events on, well, Friday. Sure, all this has happened before, and it will all happen again, beep beep bee-eeeep — but c'mon.

Programme Changes

Newly Green:

Seattle Westercon Organizing Committee open board meeting, Saturday NOON-12PM, Salon.


Talebones: Live (Patrick Swenson, Mod.), now Saturday 8:00PM–10:00PM, Evergreen 1

Burst into Flame:

Reading: Ray Vukcevich (was Saturday, 9:30AM, Cascade 3)
Reading: George Gutheridge (was Saturday, 10:00AM, Cascade 3)

Tonight's Party Circuit

Diode, Cathode, Electrode Overload, Generator, Oscillator, Make a Circuit With...

Tai-Pan Club Meeting — 1259, 3PM
Dethcon — 5330, 9PM
Biohazard — 5139, 9PM
Imperial Starbase Seattle — 5231, 9PM
Shockwave — Somewhere in Space, 9PM
Merchants of Diva — 5b/2, 9PM
Templi Sensua presents The Food Orgy — 5265, 9PM

Masquerade Attendance

ADA/Special Needs details

People needing assistance or extra time for the Masquerade will be seated early. At 6pm, we will have a line started in the hallway by the back bathrooms between the Dealers' Room and Grand Ballroom 3. Shortly before the doors open for general admission, the ADA/Special Needs members will be ushered into Grand 3. Seating has been blocked off for wheelchair access.

Heavy Metal Raffle

Every wanted a chain mail shirt, but couldn't afford it? Come by Arist's Alley and enter a raffle to win a shirt of your very own. The drawing will be held today! Artists' Alley is in Corridor 2, just past Wing 7. Ticket purchases support the smithy and encourage him to do this more often.

Texas Holdem Final Table

For those who won one of the preliminary tables, the Final Table will be held at 10PM Saturday in the Routunda.

[..30th year of Norwescon...Saturerday 30/04/07...He could have renewed on Carousel, now he's finished forever. Why do]

[A LARGE TYPE edition is available at Information]

We Went to Some Parties

mostly by proxy

Gnome Party notes, by Stephen Tanzy:
It cannot be measured in the words of mortal men, the level of excitement engendered by those mysterious and enigmatic guardians of well-kept lawns, but I shall try. "Hospitality" falls short. The gnomes made this warrior feel as though he were one of their own — small, ceramic, and brightly painted.

"Fun" cannot begin to describe the experience, as dancing was nothing short of mandatory. And the flavoured mead flowed like rivers of honeyed gold. See? I have run out of words. Suffice to say, however, the next D&D character I make shall in fact be a gnome. 'Cause gnomes know how to party!

Imperial Starbase Seattle party notes Give us a beat we can dance to, dammit! by BAHLEETED!
Like most porn video boxes, the art on the cover (or in this case, the posters) is far cooler than what is actually "in the box." I will give credit where credit is due: the food side was delightfully stocked, with sushi and wasabi, and onigiri, though I think some more kawaii (or anime-based) décor would have been appropriate — or at least matched the advertising. The dance room, however, was worse than a room with a moose. The music was old — and I'm not talking about my generation, but the one before that. And I'm no spring chicken.

C'mon, guys — if you rock it, we will come.

Shockwave Party

I can has b00zburger?

Another great year of drinking and dancing. Come join us for purple stuff and atomic cherries. 9PM Saturday night, 21 and over only! Picture ID required.


"I'm a realist. I have to write science fiction."
— Kim Stanley Robinson at Opening Ceremonies

"I had a great time stopping 19 and 20 year old boys."

"You okay? Cause you're rocking back and forth, kinda like you're turning autistic, or like your back really hurts," "My back kinda hurts. But also the autism thing."

"Is the onigiri made by hand?" "Yeah! Well, with a mould. Well, we better not say mold."

"Even in the summertime, I have a shorty wetsuit."

"Nyang! Nayngnayngnayngnayng nayng! Nayng nayng nayng!"

"Tomorrow I plan to be glowy and strappy."

"I found your hohos, you hoho!"

"And after you get done, 10 minutes later, you have ten tons of molten steel!"

"The chair is rising and needs visine or cucumbers."

"They had money coming out of their boobs, like cash machines! Fleshy cash machines!"

(Photo caption:) Shawn Marier holding his Lifetime Membership Award, given at Norwescon 30.

Need Some Help Here

Today's issue is awfully dull. We need some help. Maybe if I type in this help request for tomorrow's issue, someone will come back in time to tonight with a supply of special cows.

Karate Klub Redux

Are you a karat-ta? This year we have snagged a bit of 'club time' for people who enjoy the art of karate. We will share a bit about our styles, discuss some technique, maybe show off a bit of kata.

Even if you just have an interest in Karate-do, come join other like minded fans Saturday and Sunday at 9:00AM in Cascade 4.

Sign Drew Hays Family Condolences Card

Local comic artist/write Drew Hayes, best known for his comic series Poison Elves, passed away recently. As a fan of the comic, Your Editor has to say this really sucks. There's a signature page for condolences on the wall in Quiet Hospitality, near the doorway. Go say something nice, okay?

Wait, what, parties end?

That can't be right, there's still boozeohol! And screamers!

We vitally need your help after the Saturday Night Dance. We need to pack up all the equipment so the hotel can remove the stage for our Sunday's events — 10 mintues, 15 minutes, any time you can offer will help. Please stop by Grand Ballroom 3 at 3:00AM on Sunday morning and help the Zombie Tech Team pack up. The more volunteers we get the sooner we are done. Help me Obi-Wan, you're our only hope.


Welcome to Norwescon 30, our blinky red and black and red and black and red and black and red anniversary! Over the past years, many faces who lent a hand (wait, what?) have come and gone and whether this is your first or 30th Norwescon, we can use your help. Without volunteers, there is no convention! So please stop by the volunteer table and sign up for an hour or ten.

This year, Volunteers is honouring the past as well as looking forward to the future. We are honouring volunteers who worked in the past with special tokens. We also still have the traditional sort, as well as the Sunday appreciation party, prize raffle, and volunteer lounge where you can grab a snack and take a rest. So please, pitch in and help make Norwescon 30 the best ever.

Doohan/Bradley OTP

more songs about blood drives and food

Remember that Blood Drive notice from yesterday, the one where we said Norwescon honours past members of the science fiction community by naming the annual blood drive in their memory? Yeah, that one. And that spot about the Food Drive? Go donate non-perishable food to the Marion Zimmer Bradley Food Drive, and blood to Norwescon's James Doohan Memorial Blood Drive. You'll help somebody — maybe a lot of somebodies. And you'll even feel good about it in the morning, and god knows, that's a switch. G'wan. Do it.

Stay in Contact

All Year Long

When Norwescon is over, there are many ways to stay in contact with Norwescon's membership. Norwescon has a Yahoo! group, a LiveJournal, and a MySpace group. Double — no triple — your pleasure. Join all three and enjoy Norwescon all year long!


is the daily newsletter of NORWESCON 30, published as a morning edition. Articles from the membership are begged for; the deadline for each day's edition is 10PM the previous evening, or later if you can find the editors in person. (Try Quiet Hospitality.) Submissions boxes are marked and placed throughout the convention, most notably in Quiet Hospitality, Office, and Information.

Your Editor is Dara Korra'ti. Blort provided by Mimi "Utinsil" Noyes, nyang nyang nayng nayng nayng. Conceptual and graphics aid provided by Paul Johnson. Catering by Box and his birds, one of whom says, "new boys are surprisingly cute."



“Run, Runner! #2,” Norwescon History, accessed February 6, 2025,

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