Run, Runner! #1


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Run, Runner! #1


Norwescon 30


Friday issue of the Norwescon 30 daily 'zine


April 6, 2007

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[..30th year of Norwescon...Friday 30/04/06...Carousel is a LIE! There is now rene]


Tonight's Party Circuit

Why wouldn't you put yourself on it?

Radcon — 5339, 9PM
Dethcon — 5330, 9PM
Biohazard — 5139, 9PM
ISS Party in a Box — Anime — 5231, 9PM

Pre-Party Party Planning Party Pre-Report

by Becky Citrak

Thursday night is always a bit of a snoozer as parties go, and I regret to report that this year is no exception. "Laid back" is the theme for the night, with parties being more pre-party events than actual fun. So let's talk about tomorrow!

ISS is having a movie night on Friday; it's anime-themed, in honor of the "other" convention going on this weekend. Dethcon is hosting Prometheus Lounge, complete with cheesy cardboard greek columns and a specialty drink they call "Prometheus' Fire", which I'd definitely describe as pretty. Biohazard is low-key, which is easy for the frat-party in a box — you just turn down the music a tad. But then, why bother?

Oh, and Daemon, dear — a sleeveless T-shirt kind of loses its impact when you wear another T-shirt under it. It's like wearing a clean wife-beater. C'mon, catch up.

Campaign Sight First II

Childhood blindness is only one part of the global vision crisis. If nothing is done, experts say that the world's blind population could double from 37 million to 74 million by 2020. The Lions Club will not allow nothing to be done, and neither will Norwescon. Help the children of the world see by donating your old glasses in the eyeglass bins located in the lobby, or leave donations at the registration desk.

Programme Changes

Newly Green:

Care and Feeding of your Artist, 10AM, Friday, Evergreen 2
Dating, married to, or living with an artist? It's not always easy. Come hear from the partners of successful artists and hear their stories.


Reading: Michael Ehart, now 11:30AM Cascade 3
(Already correct in pocket programme, but listed as Thursday in big book)

Burst into Flame:

Reading: Vladimir Verano (was Friday 10:30AM Cascade 3)
Reading: Nina Hoffman, PKD Nominee (was Friday 4.00PM Cascade 3)

Karate Klub

More effective than caveman club
Not as effective as the Masons

Are you a karat-ka? This year we have snagged a bit of 'club time' for people who enjoy the art of karate. We will share a bit about our styles, discuss some technique, maybe show off a bit of kata.

Even if you just have an interest in Karate-do, come join other like minded fans Friday, Saturday and Sunday at 9:00AM in Cascade 4.

Masquerade Attendance

Seating for members with ADA/special needs

People needing assistance or extra time for the Masquerade will be seated early. At 6PM, we will have a line started in the hallway by the back bathrooms between the Dealers' Room and Grand Ballroom 3. shortly before the doors open for general admission, the ADA/Special Needs members will be ushered into Grand 3. Seating has been blocked off for wheelchair access.

[...30th year of Norwescon...Friday 30/04/06..."I'll be back"..."Only in reruns, friend, only in reruns"...30th year of]

[A LARGE TYPE edition is available at Information]

Calling All Insomniacs

We really need your help after the Saturday Night Dance. We need to pack up all the equipment so the hotel can remove the stage for Sunday's events. 10 minutes, 15 minutes, any time you can offer. Please stop by Grand Ballroom 3 at 3:00AM on Sunday morning and help the Zombie Tech Team pack up. The more volunteers we get the sooner we are done. Help me Obi-Wan, you're our only hope.


Welcome to Norwescon 30, our pearl anniversary! ("Pearl anniversary," more pleasant than "expiration date," and certainly much nicer than "fiery jello death.") Over the past years, many faces have come and gone who lent a helping hand, and whether this is your first or l/a/s/t/ 30th Norwescon, we can use your help. Volunteers are the backbone of Norwescon; also the spleen and gallbladder. (We've had to have a few of those removed. Don't ask.) From the executive staff to those who actually show up and work a couple of hours, without volunteers, there would be no convention! So please stop by the volunteer table and sign up for an hour or ten.

This year, Volunteers is honouring the past as well as looking forward to the future. We are honouring volunteers who worked in the past with special tokens — little flashing red dots that stick to the middle of your palm! Oh wait, you'll actually want those. nevermind. Anyway, we also still have the traditional ones, as well as the Sunday appreciation party, prize raffle, and volunteer lounge where you can grab a snack and take a rest. So please, pitch in and help make Nr. 30 the best 3var.

James Doohan Memorial Blood Drive

Every year, Norwescon honours past members of the science fiction community by naming the annual blood drive in their memory. This year, the Puget Sound Blood Bank will benefit from our donations to the James Doohan Memorial Blood Drive. Doohan's character, "Scoty" from Star Trek, has become an indelible symbol in American culture. He will be dearly missed.

Media Panda Pimps DJ Panda

clearly an ursine conspiracy

DJ Jammin Panda in da House Friday night! (9PM–2AM, Grand Ballroom 2 and 3.) Go shake your furry black and white butt!

NWC 30 Food Drive

Food drive good. Drink drive bad.

In 2000, Norwescon permanently named this annual food drive for Marion Zimmer Bradley. Marion was not only a former Norwescon GoH, but attended many local conventions as a panel participant. More often than not, you would find her in childcare, playing with the futures of our conventions. She was a very special lady.

Bins for the collection of non-perishable food can be found in the convention lobby. Please do not use these for trash. Monetary donations may also be made at Registration.

Also, a charity auction will be held in conjunction with the art show auction on Sunday at noon. Our charitable services team has been busy finding new and unusual items for your bidding pleasure. Between these surprises and our entertaining auctioneers, the auction is something you definitely do not want to miss.


Are your shoulders sore? Has your spine snapped? Go check out the masseurs in the hall on your way to Hospitality. A little piece of heaven! Also, of your spine.


The COW says, 'MOO.'

Michael Citrak is missing a plastic crate full of surge suppressors. Please check under your tables, you probably have it in your room and don't even know. It's clearly marked, and his name is on the crate, and all the surge suppressors are labeled NORWESCON. Please deliver it to the prop room (behind Registration) if you have it.

Norwescon 30 Artist Reception Report

IT'S ART, maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan!

by Mimi Noyes

Pros and artists had a special invitation this year to view the exhibit and enjoy tasty hors d'oeuvres and wine (ooh-la-la, all Frenchie-smenchie. Where the hell are my Freedom Fries?). This replaced the traditional pro/artist brunch, and I have to say, it was a mighty fine shindig. Mighty fine. Nary a swordfight, and did you see the chandelier?

Yea and verily, the food was tasty, especially those little wedges of spanikopita and the mystery meat with those extra crispy fried onions. Oh, and the gyoza. MMmmmm. Oh wait — there was also a lot of very nice art, and some new faces, and zomg Buttfairy Guy has a new painting! ZOUNDS!

Be sure to check out the art show. Sadly, there won't be any tasty snackies for you. SUCK IT UP, PROLES. That's what hospitality is for!

Stay in Contact

All Year Long

When Norwescon is over, there are many ways to stay in contact with Norwescon's membership. Norwescon has a Yahoo! group, a Livejournal, and a MySpace group. Double, no, triple your pleasure. Join all three and enjoy Norwescon all year long!


"I was worried about his voice. Now I'm just worried about the mullet."

"All it takes is adding three new 'rules' to turn SF Pictionary into a blood sport!"

"Nooooooooo! You don't HAVE to die! You can live! YOU CAN LIIIIIIIIIIIIIIVE!"

"Don't forget to order the paperwork — and a knife."

"I said I wanted to know what was wrong with your fingernail, not see a box of horror!"


is the daily newsletter of NORWESCON 30, published as a morning edition. Articles from the membership are begged for; the deadline for each day's edition is 10PM the previous evening, or later if you can find the editors in person. (Try Quiet Hospitality.) Submissions boxes are marked and placed throughout the convention, most notably in Quiet Hospitality, Office, and Information.

Your Editor is R'ykander (Dara) Korra'ti. "Special Drugs" provided by Mimi "Special Hell" Noyes. Conceptual and graphics assistance provided by Paul Johnson. Metallic unitard fashion advice courtesy Kathryn Tewson. Catering by Box and his birds.



“Run, Runner! #1,” Norwescon History, accessed February 6, 2025,

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