Norwescon 46 Pocket Program Saturday-Sunday


Dublin Core


Norwescon 46 Pocket Program Saturday-Sunday


Norwescon 46


The pocket program with panel descriptions for Saturday and Sunday of Norwescon 46.


Cheryl Dyson




March 30-31, 2024



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Norwescon 46 Pocket Program Saturday & Sunday

Norwescon 46

Welcome to Norwescon 46: Into the Wylde
The Forty-sixth Annual Northwest Regional
Science Fiction and Fantasy Convention

Writer Guest of Honor -
Jim Butcher

Artist Guest of Honor -
Charles Vess

Science Guest of Honor -
Dr. Raychelle Burks

Spotlight Publisher -
Clarkesworld Magazine

Special Guest of Honor -
Kate Alice Marshall

cover art © Charles Vess

Except where noted, contents are copyright ©2024 Norwescon for the contributors.

All opinions expressed in this publication are those of the authors and not necessarily those of Norwescon.

Pocket Program

Your pocket program contains all kinds of cool stuff. There are schedules for events, information on those events, services available, maps, and convention hours.

For further information about the convention, go to the Information Table located in the convention space lobby.

The most up-to-date information can be found in the Guidebook app, as updates are made frequently during the convention. Feel free to download the app on your phone or other mobile device.

Your pocket program and event descriptions are broken up into two books for easier transportation.

The first book contains Thursday and Friday event programming.

The second book contains Saturday and Sunday event programming.

Convention Hours

Registration (Lobby)

Thursday: 9 a.m.—8 p.m.
Friday: 9 a.m.—8 p.m.
Saturday: 9 a.m.—8 p.m.
Sunday: 9 a.m.—3 p.m.

Convention Office, Safety Office (Olympic 3)

Thursday 9 a.m.—1 p.m. & 2—10 p.m.
Friday 9 a.m.—1 p.m. & 2—10 p.m.
Saturday 9 a.m.—1 p.m. & 2—10 p.m.
Sunday 9 a.m.—1 p.m.

24-hour Safety Line (text only)

(253) 235-9296
During programming hours, pick up a house phone, dial 0, and ask for "Norwescon"

Pro Check-In, Programming Services (Cascade 1)

Thursday: noon—9 p.m.
Friday: 9 a.m.—9 p.m.
Saturday: 9 a.m.—9 p.m.
Sunday: 9 a.m.—3 p.m.

Convention Lounge (Rooms 7106 and 7108)

Thursday: 9 a.m.—11 p.m.
Friday: 9 a.m.—11 p.m.
Saturday: 9 a.m.—11 p.m.
Sunday: 9 a.m.—4 p.m.

Cloak Room (Lobby—Behind Reg, Across from Art Show)

Open 24 hours
Thursday 9 a.m. —Sunday 6 p.m.

BIPOC & AAPI Lounge (Room 7101)

Thursday 9 a.m.—8 p.m.
Friday 9 a.m.—8 p.m.
Saturday 9 a.m.—8 p.m.
Sunday 9 a.m.—3 p.m.

Information Table (Lobby)

Thursday: 9 a.m.—7 p.m.
Friday: 9 a.m.—7 p.m.
Saturday: 9 a.m.—7 p.m.
Sunday: 9 a.m.—3 p.m.

Art Show (Grand 1)

Friday: 10 a.m.—8 p.m.
Saturday: 10 a.m.—7 p.m.
Sunday: 10 a.m.—2:30 p.m.

Dealers' Room (Northwest Ballrooms)

Thursday 4—8 p.m.
Friday: 10 a.m.—7 p.m.
Saturday: 10 a.m.—6 p.m.
Sunday: 10 a.m.—4 p.m.

Scheduled Games (Rotunda 1 & 2)

Thursday: 2 p.m.—10 p.m.
Friday: 10 a.m.—midnight
Saturday: 10 a.m.—midnight
Sunday: 10 a.m.—4 p.m.
Games may continue after hours, but no Games staff will be available after the posted closing time.

Open Games Library (Cascade 11 & 12)

Thursday: 2 p.m.—10 p.m.
Friday: 10 a.m.—midnight
Saturday: 10 a.m.—midnight
Sunday: 10 a.m.—4 p.m.

Espresso Stand (Thunderbird Market)

Thursday: 5 a.m.—10 p.m.
Friday: 5 a.m.—10 p.m.
Saturday: 5 a.m.—10 p.m.
Sunday: 5 a.m.—10 p.m.

Seaports Lounge

Thursday: noon—1 a.m.
Friday: noon—1 a.m.
Saturday: noon—1 a.m.
Sunday: noon—1 a.m.

Coffee Garden

Thursday: 6 a.m.—10 a.m.
Friday: 6 a.m.—10 a.m.
Saturday: 6 a.m.—11 a.m.
Sunday: 6 a.m.—11 a.m.

Room Service

Thursday: 6 a.m.—midnight
Friday: 6 a.m.—midnight
Saturday: 6 a.m.—midnight
Sunday: 6 a.m.—midnight

Hotel Map

Saturday Panels

Lazer Tag Free Play

7—9 a.m. Grand 2

Play Lazer Tag, either with or against your friends! All equipment is provided. We will be playing with vintage Star Wars Lazer Tag equipment from Tiger Electronics.

Pre-Masquerade Meeting

9—10 a.m. Cascade 7 & 8

Calling all costumers, cosplayers, and stage crew volunteers. Swing into the pre-Masquerade meeting to find out the essential details for entering or assisting with this year's masquerade. Whether you want to strut your stuff for the first time or are returning to up your game, we will cover the information you need to participate in this year's big event and answer your questions. If you plan to enter the masquerade you MUST attend one of the two pre- masquerade meetings: Friday at 7 p.m. or Saturday at 9 a.m. in Cascade 7 & 8.

Dahlia (M)

Youth—Saturday Morning Cartoons and Coloring

9—10 a.m. Olympic 1

Start your day with some coloring sheets and cartoons.

Jenny Shafer (M)

Norwescon Shire Check-In

9—10 a.m. Olympic 2

Teens and tweens: come show off your achievements and earn coin! Exchange coin for prizes.

Reading: Tom D. Wright

10—10:30 a.m. Cascade 3

Fang—an AI-enhanced canine who retired after his human Special Ops partner died in combat—now runs an online PI agency. Fang teams up with Katarin (herself an orphan) when a series of murders and an abduction leads to Gaia's Children—an eco-activist cult. As Fang and Kat try to save the world from the cult's terrorist act of literally biblical proportions, can he transcend his wounded past to form a bond with his new partner? This WIP grew from a short story published in Abyss & Apex, and re-released in The Best of Abyss & Apex Volume Three. Rated PG (mild descriptions of violence and torture).

Tom D Wright (M)

Printing Art

10—11 a.m. Cascade 5 & 6

Recommended printers, paper, and even third-party printing companies for your art. Learn what would be best for you!

Michael Brugger (M), Brittany Torres, Lizzy D. Hill

Wiggin' Out

10—11 a.m. Cascade 7 & 8

Come join us as we discuss methods and resources for everything from improving basic wigs straight out of the bag to creating elaborate sculptures that complete your show- stopping costume masterpiece.

Melissa Quinn (M), Julie Zetterberg, Zamesta Cosplay, Torrey Stenmark

Virtual Tabletops vs. Maps and Minis

10—11 a.m. Cascade 9

Before COVID, it seemed like the default for gaming tables was a whole lot of miniatures and many different battle maps. But as we all quarantined, virtual tabletop programs rapidly became the norm. Are we going to see gaming with miniatures disappear? Panelists will discuss the pros and cons of each approach.

Tim Nightengale (M), Luis Loza, Ron Lundeen, Stephen Radney-MacFarland, Jason Nelson

Neurodivergence and Burnout

10—11 a.m. Cascade 10

What is burnout? Learn about causes, signs, and recovery. How do you prevent it?

Liz Coleman (M), Danielle Gembala, Laura Cranehill, Sara A Mueller

All Ages Open Gaming

10 a.m.—midnight

Cascade 11 Want to set up your own game? Cascade 11 has space for your RPG, board, or card games. Check one out from Dragonflight's Lending Library or bring your own.

Game Lending Library

10 a.m.—midnight Cascade 12

Come check out games from our lending libraries. We have RPGs, card games, board games, and so much more! An official state driver's license or state ID is needed to check out games. This space has tables to play the games you borrow or bring yourselves. There will also be some scheduled games. Need ADA access? Please speak to our staff when you sign up so we can meet your needs.

Breaking the Wand: Crafting Memorable Ends (Fantasy Writing 203)

10—11 a.m. Cascade 13

The finale is in sight, and it's time to stick the landing. Discover the art of concluding fantasy tales as our authors share their thoughts on impactful endings, the qualities that tie up story and theme threads, and practical ideas to enhance the conclusion of your work.

G.R. Theron (M), Kate Ristau, Brenda Carre, Carol Berg, Dean Wells, Tegan Moore

Rule of Law in Space—Seriously?

10—11 a.m. Evergreen 1 & 2

Even those existing U.N. space treaties/ agreements have not been signed by many governments, but more and more countries are achieving a presence in space. Does anybody think disputes over space resources won't cause trouble on Terra? Before it's too late, what kind of pressure can be applied to stop the waffling? Some kind of multi-group strike?

Bart Kemper (M), Dave Davis, Kathy, Ethan Vodde, Phil L. Swan

Let's Make a Movie: Shoot It!

10 a.m.—noon Evergreen 3 & 4

You were there for the previous part, right, where we figured out what we needed and planned this movie all out? Quick! Time travel! Or drop in anyway and become a Valued Actor Person. Today, we shoot like mad weasels, because there's not much time! So don't be late, or you'll just see red-shifted versions of us. The key to making a movie, of course, is to get the footage in the can (or "box", actually, because we're shooting video). It's two hours of madness but always worth it in the end!

Brian D. Oberquell, dQ Kaufman, Ryan K. Johnson, Edward Martin III

Youth—Costume Prop Making

10—11 a.m. Olympic 1

Costume craft hour! Let's make tails, tiaras, belts, hats, and other accessories using techniques like gluing, simple sewing, and stapling. Small children will need assistance.

Jenny Shafer (M), Bryana Cross Bean, Attorney at Law, Belsac

Fantastical Writing: A Fantasy Writing Panel and Workshop

10—11 a.m. Olympic 2

Join us as we talk about the fantasy genre: what is it, how we approach it, and why you should write it. After the panel, we will brainstorm a fantasy story or two together.

Camden Rose (M), Lezli Robyn, Randy Henderson, Brianna Tibbetts

Autograph Session 1

10—11 a.m. Grand 2

Our guests of honor and attending professionals are available to sign autographs. Note: so that as many fans as possible can participate, we will be enforcing a three-item (or single-sketch) autograph limit.

Jim Butcher, Charles Vess, Dr. Raychelle Burks, Kate Alice Marshall, Neil Clarke, Nancy Kress, Brenda Cooper, Daryl Gregory, David D. Levine, D.L. Gardner, Gordon B. White, Gwendolyn N. Nix, Talulah J. Sullivan, Jack Skillingstead, Julie McGalliard, Karen Eisenbrey, Kate Sherman, Kat Richardson, Ken Bebelle, Kendare Blake, Liz Argall, Rhiannon/R.Z. Held, Richard Sparks, Sean K. Reynolds, Spencer Ellsworth, Steven Barnes, Tara Campbell, Travis Baldree, Tyrean Martinson, S.L. Coney, Bethany Jacobs, Evan J. Peterson, L.J. Melvin, Dilman Dila

Beads: Let's Make Some Jewelry

10—11:30 a.m. Maxi's Ballroom

Come make necklaces, bracelets, or earrings. All supplies provided. Limited to 20 participants. $5 cost, cash only. Signups will open at the info table 24 hours before the panel.

Cindy Fangour (M), Thursday, Pat Reed, L.E.G.

Beginner Belly Dance Movement

10—11:30 a.m. Maxi's Lounge

This is a beginner's dance class focused on learning basic moves and how to move your body for belly dance, plus tips for building the strength needed to excel. Please bring a water bottle.

Siyrren (M)

Artemis Spaceship Bridge Simulator

10—10 p.m. Maxi's Salon

Artemis is a spaceship bridge simulator where players assume the jobs of captain, helm, science officer, communications, engineering, and weapons, and work together to defeat alien enemies.

Art in Action: Ellis Bray

10—11 a.m. Art Show Panel 8

Ellis Bray will be demonstrating the art of woodburning on a wood panel, using a pyrography pen and a variety of nibs. Come for the art, stay for the pleasant (and faint) scent of woodsmoke.

Silent Book Reading Club

10—11 a.m. Presidential Suite 1360

There will be just a few minutes of chatting at the beginning, as a kind of welcome. The remainder of the time will be spent silently reading our individual books of choice. That's it! Just a designated time and space to silently read with others. Feel free to bring a blanket, pillow, or your favorite reading comfort item.

All Ages Scheduled Games

10 a.m.—midnight Rotunda 1 & 2

Come sign up for a game! We have Pathfinder Society, Adventure League, RPGs, card games, and much more! After scheduled gaming closes, this area is available for open games. Need ADA access for a game? Please speak to our staff when you sign up so we can be sure to meet your needs. Rotunda 1 is located down Concourse 1 or 2 on the first floor.

Reading: Dilman Dila

10:30—11 a.m. Cascade 3

Where Rivers Go to Die. The story of a child, might be human, grieving the deal of their mother, which they caused, and discovering their true identity and purpose. Rated G.

Dilman Dila(M)

Reading: Jessie Kwak

11—11:30 a.m. Cascade 3

After the Tide. A brief description: A mysterious game has been announced, this night only, and Adria is one of many hopefuls drawn to the promise of fortune. She has her father's ashes in her pack, hard-fought freedom in her future, and the growing suspicion in her mind that something alarmingly alien lurks in the City-beneath-the-City. Rating PG.

Jessie Kwak (M)

The Status of Private Spaceflight

11 a.m.—noon Cascade 5 & 6

Several companies, including Blue Origin, Bigelow Aerospace, SpaceX, and Virgin Galactic, are pushing sub-orbital space tourism, while SpaceX is selling private orbital spaceflight missions. Which is safer? What do you expect to accomplish, and are those flights worth the money? When are we going to get our cheap tourist flights to space?

Hugh S. Gregory (M), Andy Dykes, Phil L. Swan, Dr. Sean Robinson, Dave Davis, Dan Dubrick

Consent in Gaming

11 a.m.—noon Cascade 7 & 8

How do you manage consent at your table? Are you tired of losing good players? Are your players being consensual with each other? What are the expectations of the characters? Have you even talked about it? TTPRGs can enter a lot of difficult, amazing, and edgy psychological territory. It's part of what makes it fun and interesting. There are ways to make the game and the exploration that goes with it deeper, more open, and safer. Join our panelists as they discuss ways to make things more consensual at the table and how, in doing so, you can create even more amazing sessions.

Sar Surmick (M), Shanna Germain, Elliott Kay, Sean K. Reynolds, Jenny Jarzabski

The History of Fanfic

11 a.m.—noon Cascade 9

Fanfic isn't a new invention. For a long time it has been a safe space in which to play and create, from the birth of slash fiction and Mary Sues to current professional authors who still write and post fanfic on the side. How has fanfiction been published and shared in the past, and how has it evolved into its own creative entity, not just "practice for real writing?"

Kris "Pepper" Hambrick (M), Berlynn Wohl, Janna Silverstein, Anne Stewart, B. Zelkovich

Researching Non-Western Mythology

11 a.m.—noon Cascade 10

Researching Asian myth for fiction writing is not always what you expect it to be. Finding the material you need may require digging deeper into references, and sometimes asking your parents. Come hear our panelists talk about their experiences.

Ken Bebelle (M), Shiv Ramdas, Ann Shilling

We Have Always Been Here!— Indigenous SFF

11 a.m.—noon Evergreen 1 & 2

Indigenous SFF is often misunderstood and rejected by the mainstream as "too complicated" or not following a "three act structure." Many times, these stories—and the rich cultures they come from—are left out of the discussion entirely. But we have always been here and have intriguing stories to tell.

Talulah J. Sullivan (M), Mir Plemmons, Scotty McIntosh

Youth—Picture Book Storytime

11 a.m.—noon Olympic 1

Listen to stories as you color.

Jenny Shafer (M), Lizzy D. Hill

So, You Want to Create a Board Game?

11 a.m.—noon Olympic 2

Have you ever wanted to build a board game? Come talk to experts about all aspects of creating a game, from idea, to playtesting, to finding markets. If there's time, we'll brainstorm and create one during the panel!

Camden Rose (M), Marta Murvosh

Autograph Session 2

11 a.m.—noon Grand 2

Our guests of honor and attending professionals are available to sign autographs. Note: So that as many fans as possible can participate, we will be enforcing a three-item (or single-sketch) autograph limit.

Charles Vess, Dr. Raychelle Burks, Jim Butcher, Kate Alice Marshall, Neil Clarke, Stan!, Jeff Grubb, Brianna Tibbetts, Alma Alexander, Amanda Cherry, Andrew Penn Romine, D.L. Solum, Ellis Bray, Kurt Cagle, Laura Anne Gilman, Patrick Swenson, Clara Ward, Thea Prieto, Erik Scott de Bie, Eva L. Elasigue, J.P. Barnett, Kara Swanson, Lawrence Watt-Evans, Lish McBride, Agathon McGeachy, Dr. Mark Rounds, Curtis C. Chen, David Boop, Lydia K. Valentine, G. David Nordley, S.L. Coney, Brenda Carre, Carol Berg, Dean Wells, Sandra Rosner, Jeannine Hall Gailey

Post-Utopian Concepts

11 a.m.—noon Presidential Suite 1360

Discuss utopian and dystopian writing and concepts. What if utopia was objectively achievable? What happens when that utopia collapses?

Reading: Evan J. Peterson

11:30—noon Cascade 3

Better Living Through Alchemy. Evan's new occult noir novel follows Kelly Mun, a "non-linear" detective with a psychic sense of smell. A mysterious businesswoman hires Kelly to find the source of a magical drug causing bizarre deaths in Seattle. Rated R.

Evan J. Peterson (M)

Reading: Julie McGalliard

noon—12:30 p.m. Cascade 3

Traveling With the Wolf. Excerpt from Book 5 in the Tales of the Rougarou series. Rated PG.

Julie McGalliard (M)

Single Pattern Contest Judging

noon—1 p.m. Cascade 5 & 6

No pre-registration is required to compete in the Single Pattern Contest. Please bring your completed entry to Cascade 5 & 6 for judging. Please provide a short description of your entry, its inspiration, and any special techniques or materials used.

An Inside Look at Speculative Fiction Writing Workshops

noon—1 p.m. Cascade 7 & 8

Writer's workshops can be an amazing way to hone your skills and meet likeminded writers, but they are often inaccessible due to cost, the need to travel, or limited accommodations. What's changed since the pandemic, and what's stayed the same? What happens once you're there, online or in person? Alumni from some of spec fic's top workshops share their experiences, including topics such as the romantic ideal of the writing workshop, things they wish they'd known before they went, and whether or not attending a workshop has advanced their writing careers.

Celeste Wakefield (M), Randy Henderson, Remy Nakamura, Luke Elliott, K.G. Anderson

The Neuroscience of Neurodivergence

noon—1 p.m. Cascade 9

How and from what does neurodivergence diverge? What may be some cognitive differences and how do they express themselves in the world?

Liz Coleman (M), Danielle Gembala, Liz Argall, Brian U. Garrison, A.W. McCollough

Why Write a Sex Scene?

noon—1 p.m. Cascade 10

There are plenty of reasons not to write a sex scene—your audience may not like it, it's boring if done badly—but what is a sex scene good for? What can a well-written sex scene do that another type of scene can't? How much spice do readers expect to find in space opera?

Rhiannon/R.Z. Held (M), Steven Barnes, Shanna Germain, Sar Surmick

Get to Know the Endeavor Award

noon—1 p.m. Evergreen 1 & 2

Since 1999, the Endeavour Award has recognized the best of fantasy and science fiction novels or short story collections published by Pacific Northwest authors. Come learn more about the award and the regional luminaries who have been honored as winners or finalists over the years.

Jim Kling (M), Sara A Mueller, Ken Scholes, Laura Anne Gilman, Brenda Cooper, David D. Levine, Kat Richardson

All About the Philip K. Dick Award

noon—1 p.m. Evergreen 3 & 4

The Philip K. Dick Award is presented annually at Norwescon with the support of the Philip K Dick Trust and recognizes distinguished science fiction published in paperback original form in the United States. The award is sponsored by the Philadelphia Science Fiction Society and the Philip K. Dick Trust, and the award ceremony is sponsored by Norwescon. Come learn all about it!

Gordon Van Gelder (M), S.L. Coney, Bethany Jacobs, Dilman Dila

Monster Collaboration

1—2 p.m. Evergreen 3 & 4

How many artists does it take to make a monster? Well, in this case it'll take more than one! Come watch these talented artists as they switch from easel to easel, each doing their part to create awesome unique monsters.

Lizzy D. Hill (M), Douglas Herring, Stan!, Eric L Vargas, Larry Lewis

Short Stories vs. Novels

noon—1 p.m. Olympic 2

What is the difference between a short story and a novel? Hear from writers about how they approach the two differently (or similarly) and what makes each so distinct. If there is time, we might even discuss forms that don't fit in either category, like novelettes or novellas.

Camden Rose (M), Tom D Wright, Kendare Blake, Tyrean Martinson

Youngling Lightsaber Training

noon—1 p.m. Grand 2

Padawans, do you feel the call of the Force? Join the Jedi and Sith of Kamino Temple and learn how to use a lightsaber! Take your first steps into a larger world.

Torrey Stenmark (M)

Sewing Lab

noon—1 p.m. Maxi's Ballroom

Come and learn many tips and tricks from our panel of experts. Each panelist will demonstrate various sewing skills in short, live demonstrations, with each demo lasting approximately 15 minutes. Participants will rotate from demo to demo, learning and exploring the multiple facets needed to enhance your sewing journey. Beginners and experts alike will find this round-robin panel fun and informative.

Theresa Halbert (M), Melissa Quinn, Ieva Ohaks, Hazel

Reading: Richard Sparks

12:30—1 p.m. Cascade 3

Richard reads an excerpt from his fantasy adventure New Rock New Role— one with a strong comic thread. Rated PG.

Richard Sparks (M)

Reading: Nancy Kress

1—1:30 p.m. Cascade 3


Nancy Kress (M)

Single Pattern Contest: Show & Share

1—2 p.m. Cascade 5 & 6

Come and see all the entries and learn about them firsthand from their creators. The People's Choice award will be decided, and the winners will be announced at this panel along with the showing and sharing of the items.

Secretly Brilliant Horror Movies

1—2 p.m. Cascade 7 & 8

Many films now recognized as horror classics were scorned by critics when they were new. But some poorly received horror movies are still waiting for their time to be recognized as masterpieces. Our panelists discuss their favorite examples.

Gordon B. White (M), Brian D. Oberquell, Kendare Blake, Anne Stewart

Small Press vs. Traditional vs. Self-Publishing

1—2 p.m. Cascade 9

What is the right path for you? Discuss the pros and cons of each so that you can make more informed decisions.

Tom Whitmore (M), Rhiannon/R.Z. Held, Brianna Tibbetts, D.L. Solum, Leslie Varney

Our Bodies, Our Horror and SFF

1—2 p.m. Cascade 10

Nearly two years after the Dobbs decision, people with wombs are publishing speculative stories and poems that center the pregnant/ postpartum body. Some are science fictions whose dystopian futures blend uneasily with our daily news feeds and reports from the Guttmacher Institute. Others are gothic fantasy and horror tales with pregnancy, childbirth, and systemic oppression at their core. What publishing strategies have been effective in getting these stories to market? What's in the pipeline? What do readers seem to want more of?

Celeste Wakefield (M), Laura Cranehill, Tara Campbell, Colleen Anderson, K.G. Anderson

Writing for Tabletop Games

1—3 p.m. Cascade 13

Have you ever wanted to write for a tabletop game publisher? Join professional game developers as we discuss the basics of adventure design and share tips for creating a memorable campaign, whether you're looking to break into the industry as a paid writer or want to home-brew your own adventure for your friends.

Jenny Jarzabski (M), Mike Kimmel, Patrick Hurley, Jason Tondro, Jason Nelson

Futurism—Asian to African and Everything In Between

1—2 p.m. Evergreen 1 & 2

How do different cultures view the future? How do tradition, religion, beliefs, and superstition shape and form the perceptions and expectations of what the future holds? We'll look at a variety of different examples from popular media—from Ghost in the Shell to Dirty Computer, from movies to comics, from art to music.

Lydia K. Valentine (M), Mir Plemmons, Gloria Jackson-Nefertiti, Bethany Jacobs, Dilman Dila

Monster Collaboration

1—2 p.m. Evergreen 3 & 4

How many artists does it take to make a monster? Well, in this case it'll take more than one! Come watch these talented artists as they switch from easel to easel, each doing their part to create awesome unique monsters.

Lizzy D. Hill (M), Douglas Herring, Stan!, Eric L Vargas, Larry Lewis

Sparkle Temporary Tattoos

1—2 p.m. Olympic 1

Get a sparkle tattoo! Children and adults welcome.

Cindy Fangour (M)

Author's Listener Lounge

1—2 p.m. Olympic 2

Come listen to audiobook narrators read excerpts from willing authors. Have you ever wondered what your book would sound like read aloud? Here is your chance. If you like to listen to audio books or wonder what the hype is, this panel is for you.

Sam Stark (M), Lezli Robyn, Alma Alexander, Gary Bennett, Spencer Ellsworth

Adult Lightsaber Choreography Class

1—3 p.m. Grand 2

Kamino Temple of Saber Guild welcomes all prospective Jedi and Sith! Come learn the basics of stage lightsaber combat and develop your first choreographed performance. Come dressed to move; loaner lightsabers will be provided.

Torrey Stenmark (M)

Photos with Krampus & Santa

1—3 p.m. Lobby Photo Area

Get your 2024 winter holiday season card photo well ahead of time! Bring your camera or cell phone. Krampus and Santa will be on hand for you to snap pics. These two fine... er... people ask only that you make a donation to the convention's chosen charity: Young Black & Brilliant Book Club.

Charades: The Anime Edition

1—2 p.m. Maxi's Lounge

You think you know anime? Come put it to the test in a game of charades that's all about anime, and find your fellow fans!

Seattle Worldcon 2025 Tea Party

1—2:30 p.m. Presidential Suite 1360

Come to a tea party hosted by the Seattle Worldcon 2025 team! The Seattle Worldcon will be held at the Seattle Convention Center August 13—17, 2025. Meet some of the plotters and planners, hear what a Worldcon entails, and add your two cents about how to make it a great event. The tea party will feature a special blend of tea, snacks, and conversation. You can learn more about the convention and buy a membership at , or by visiting the club table in the lobby.

Kathy (M)

Reading: Patrick Swenson

1:30—2 p.m. Cascade 3

Please join Patrick Swenson as he reads from a new story or novel in progress. Rated PG.

Patrick Swenson (M)

Reading: Jon Lasser

2—2:30 p.m. Cascade 3

Jon reads "The Other River," a dark fantasy story forthcoming in Lightspeed Magazine. Content warnings for drug use and salty language. Rated R.

Jon Lasser (M)

Writing as Team Sport

2—3 p.m. Cascade 5 & 6

Did you know that some of speculative fiction's most popular authors are actually author teams? James S.A. Corey and Kit Rocha are pen names belonging to partners. Meanwhile, teams such as Delilah S. Dawson and Kevin Hearne (The Tales of Pell) and Amal El-Mohtar and Max Gladstone have created masterly worlds together while sharing cover credit. Come hear coauthors talk about the ups and downs, joys and frustrations, and craft of writing together.

Amanda Cherry (M), Ken Bebelle, Steven Barnes, Erik Scott de Bie, Laura Anne Gilman

Humor in Science Fiction Writing

2—3 p.m. Cascade 7 & 8

Laughter is not the best medicine; that honor belongs to medicine. But in science fiction and fantasy stories, comedy can be a delicious spice or even the main course. In this panel, we will talk about how to mix humor into your fiction and how to entertain readers whose funny bone is shaped differently than your own. Warning: jokes may be dissected live, which always ruins them.

Mitchell Shanklin (M), Shiv Ramdas, David Boop, Gina Saucier, Richard Sparks

Mining the Ocean for Speculative Fiction

2—3 p.m. Cascade 9

Who needs extraterrestrials when 90 percent of species in our own ocean have yet to be cataloged? Panelists discuss known sea creatures which might change color, shape, and texture at will, or hunt for dinner using electroreception. We will extrapolate from there to plausible/fantastical beings that might have evolved here on Earth—or deep in space.

Bart Kemper (M), Charlotte Lewis Brown, Clara Ward, Gwendolyn N. Nix, Tegan Moore, G. David Nordley

Keymasters of the Traditional Marketplace

2—3 p.m. Cascade 10

Booksellers, librarians, and reviewers play key roles in connecting readers with books. What do they look for when selecting books for reviews, displays, book talks, book lists, and online promotion? What role does the review system play in these decisions, and what can you do to make your work stand out after it's published? This panel of behind-the-scenes book mavens offers insight into everything from the influence of business relationships to how reviewers work and think about stories.

Marta Murvosh (M), Aigner Loren Wilson, Lish McBride, Ozzie M. Gartrell, Tom Whitmore, Vladimir Verano

AI and Art

2—3 p.m. Evergreen 1 & 2

A discussion panel between techies and artists on how AI has affected the artistic world and its pros and cons.

Dr. Sean Robinson (M), Kurt Cagle, Colette Breshears, Dilman Dila

Horror of the 1980s

2—3 p.m. Evergreen 3 & 4

Stranger Things uses what some call the "Stephen King font" (ITC Benguiat Bold Condensed) to suggest horror paperback design from the 1980s, often considered a boom time for horror. That decade had horror paperback bestsellers at every grocery store checkout, dark fantasy comic books like Sandman, and films encompassing everything from artsy David Cronenberg thrillers like *Videodrome *to slasher schlock like Friday the 13th Part VIII: Jason Takes Manhattan. Our panelists discuss notable examples, favorites, recurring themes, and was it really all about the prospect of dying at any moment in a global thermonuclear war?

Julie McGalliard (M), Gordon Van Gelder, Gwen Callahan , Jennifer Brozek, Gordon B. White

Youth Masquerade

2—3 p.m. Olympic 1

Come show off your costume! Each contestant will have a chance to show off their look, and there will be a parade through the main con grounds. Participants will vote on their favorites.

Jenny Shafer (M), Zamesta Cosplay

Building an RPG World

2—3 p.m. Olympic 2

From D&D to Warhammer, there are many role-playing games that have expansive worlds to explore. But what if you want to create a world from scratch? Where should you start and what are some pitfalls? Come learn from expert worldbuilders.

Sar Surmick (M), Jeff Grubb, Bruce R. Cordell, Stephen Radney-MacFarland, Luis Loza

Painting Minis 101

2—5 p.m. Maxi's Ballroom

Like painted minis, but not sure how to do it yourself? Join professional mini painter JD Wiker for a guided tutorial on how to get started in the hobby. You'll even get to take your mini home with you! Special thanks to WizKids for sponsoring this workshop. Limited to 24 participants. Sign up will open at the Info Table 24 hours before the panel.

JD Wiker (M)

Charades: The Video Game Edition

2—3 p.m. Maxi's Lounge

You think you know video games? Come put your knowledge to the test in a game of charades that's all about them, and find your fellow players!

Art in Action: Theresa Halbert

2—3 p.m. Art Show Panel 8

Theresa will demonstrate how she creates embroidery designs, from concept to finished design.

Reading: Remy Nakamura

2:30—3 p.m. Cascade 3

The No-no Girls. In an alternate history 1940s, three generations of Japanese-American women steal diesel mechs and break out of a high-desert prison camp. Rated PG.

Remy Nakamura (M)

Reading: Curtis C. Chen

3—3:30 p.m. Cascade 3

A deleted scene from the third Kangaroo novel, scheduled for release later this year! Yes, it's from near the end of the story, but since I've just rewritten the ending, it's not a spoiler anymore! Rated PG.

Curtis C. Chen (M)

You Wrote a Poem—Now What?!

3—4 p.m. Cascade 5 & 6

Join us for discussion of editing, polishing, and finding markets to publish poetry, especially genre poetry. We will go into red flags, things to look for and expect, publishing contracts (including for minors), and answer questions about how to put your words out into the world.

Lydia K. Valentine (M), Colleen Anderson, Brian U. Garrison, Janna Silverstein, Jessica Rae Bergamino

Writing Military Rank in Fiction

3—4 p.m. Cascade 7 & 8

Culture helps to define the rank structure of its military. This panel will explore how different military cultures are reflected in how they structure their ranking systems.

Mike Brennan (M), Clayton Mann, Dr. Mark Rounds, Teresa Drag, Cait Alvarez

Worldcon 2025: Back Home Again

3—4 p.m. Cascade 9

Tons of fans from the Pacific Northwest go to Worldcon, the World Science Fiction Convention, every year. And yet it has only been held three times in this region: Portland in 1950, Seattle in 1961, and Spokane in 2015. But—it's coming back here to Seattle in August 2025! Worldcon members vote on the Hugo Awards and rub shoulders with the best and brightest stars of our field. Come learn how Worldcon operates, find out why you should go, and learn what it will take to make Seattle Worldcon 2025 a success.

Kathy (M)

Who Controls Ceres, Controls the Inner Solar System

3—4 p.m. Cascade 10

The dwarf planet Ceres has lots of accessible water, and nowhere else even comes close. Who will control it? China is interested.

Hugh S. Gregory (M), G. David Nordley, Dr. Sean Robinson, Dave Davis

Creative Captions Workshop: Your Guide to Writing Social Media Captions

3—4 p.m. Cascade 13

Ever find yourself frustrated, or even frozen, when it comes to writing your social media captions? You have all the content—but now what do you say about it?! Join Brittany Torres, a marketing and coach and artist, for this interactive workshop to help you quit the guesswork and start connecting with your audience more effectively. You'll learn such steps as how to set up post structure, get ideas for posts, and a three-step process to writing a caption. All creatives welcome.

Brittany Torres (M)

Eye Candy

3—4 p.m. Evergreen 1 & 2

The most wondrous thing about seeing movies on the big screen is the fact that everything is larger than life. And when the movie is a visual extravaganza? It becomes a work of art for the eyes. Come to this panel to learn about some of the most beautiful science fiction, fantasy, and horror films to grace the big screen and see just why they are worthy of the title "Eye Candy."

Mimi Noyes (M), Nick Fraser, Luke Elliott, Richard Stephens, Brian D. Oberquell

That's Not How This Works, That's Not How Any of This Works

3—4 p.m. Evergreen 3 & 4

Exploring the worst misuses of science of any kind in sci fi/fantasy.

Jake McKinzie (M), Lawrence WattEvans, Agathon McGeachy, Kat Richardson, Dr. Raychelle Burks

Youth—Make Your Own Fantasy World

3—4 p.m. Olympic 1

Come make your own fantasy map! We'll discuss basic geology and fun ways of generating a world.

Jenny Shafer (M), Brenda Carre

So You're Stuck on Your Novel?

3—4 p.m. Olympic 2

Everybody gets stuck sometimes. Learn from published authors about how to get unstuck, how to stay motivated, and how to persevere through the crazy daunting task that is writing a novel.

Kate Ristau (M), Randy Henderson, Gwendolyn N. Nix, Travis Baldree, J.P. Barnett

Norse Sword, Shield Tactical Combat

3—4 p.m. Grand 2

Hands-on combat demo. Participants, equipped with wooden swords and shields, will learn and practice basic Norse weapon combat skills in a safe, highly supervised environment. What is it like standing in the shield wall? Instructors will provide training swords, shields, and gloves to be used by participants.

Bill Gruner (M), V Whitlock, Alexander Pereira, Paul Pedersen, Oliver

Charades: The SFFH Literature Edition

3—4 p.m. Maxi's Lounge

You think you know science fiction, fantasy, and horror literature? Come put it to the test in a game of charades that's all about them. Find your favorite author's fellow fans!

Our Flag Means Death

3—4 p.m. Presidential Suite 1360

Want to talk to others excited about a show that is balls-to-the-wall queer and beautiful? This the time and place. Let's talk it through as a crew.

Peggy Stewart (M)

Reading: Ken Scholes

3:30—4 p.m. Cascade 3

TBD. Ken Scholes reads a short story from one of his three collections. Rated PG.

Ken Scholes (M)

Reading: Spencer Ellsworth

4—4:30 p.m. Cascade 3

The Ghost Eaters. A spooky Halloween story for April, the story of a ghost dog who has never abandoned his post. Rated PG.

Spencer Ellsworth (M)

The Future of Cult Classics

4—5 p.m. Cascade 5 & 6

For 50 years, media that flopped in the ratings or at the box office got a second chance at a devoted audience in syndication, home video, or the midnight movie circuit. From Star Trek to Rocky Horror, from *Pink Flamingos *to David Lynch's Dune, shows and movies that "failed" went on to influence future creators and alter the course of pop culture. Today, streaming services are quick to remove content that does not perform well immediately, robbing us of the ability to examine and re-evaluate it in years to come. Is it possible to nurture cult classics in this new era?

Kris "Pepper" Hambrick (M), Andrew Penn Romine, Andy Quinn, Nick Fraser

Made to Match

4—5 p.m. Cascade 7 & 8

Modify storebought items to make thrifty use of time and money and add functionality to your costume. Focus on shoes, handbags, starting from off-therack clothing or props.

Garth Stubbs (M), Ieva Ohaks, Theresa Halbert, Gina Saucier, Ms Purple Pearl

Wandering Beyond the Hero's Journey

4—5 p.m. Cascade 9

The hero's journey is a good storyline, but it's not the only one. And its alltoo-prevalent three-act structure often fails to address women's journeys, and doesn't allow enough room for the storytelling arcs of non-Anglo peoples. Are you willing to wander off the path? Come explore different examples and ways to read and craft story.

Talulah J. Sullivan, Eva L. Elasigue, Sara A Mueller, Aigner Loren Wilson, Lezli Robyn

Uncertain Eco-Futures

4—5 p.m. Cascade 10

The effects of climate change can no longer be denied. Vulnerable communities are already grappling with climate emergencies, and technology won't be the only thing to change our lives in the future when the Earth itself is changing all around us. Join SFF authors for a discussion on imagining and navigating future worlds with hotter temperatures, water scarcity, rising sea levels, crop failures, and the movement of climate refugees. Topics will include balancing research and writing, deciding how much science to include, and positioning your work within traditions of ecologically focused science fiction.

Tara Campbell (M), Thea Prieto, Brenda Cooper, Laura Cranehill, Clara Ward, Gordon Van Gelder, Jessie Kwak

From Tabletop to Page: Turning a Game into a Book

4—5 p.m. Cascade 13

We've all been in games we thought would make a great novel, right? Books about game settings have been wildly popular for decades, but how do they work? How do you avoid the "dice rolling on the page" effect? How do you honor the game but still tell a story that stands on its own?

Erik Scott de Bie (M)

How to Have a Successful Kickstarter

4—5 p.m. Evergreen 1 & 2

Have a project you want to see get off the ground? Maybe it's a board game about ninja squirrels or a coloring book of miniature giant space hamsters? Thinking of using Kickstarter to do it? Well, come and learn how to make a successful Kickstarter from those who have had a successful Kickstarter!

Michael Ormes (M), Gwen Callahan , D.L. Gardner, Sean K. Reynolds, Lizzy D. Hill

Biology of a Monster

4—5 p.m. Evergreen 3 & 4

What would it take for your favorite monster to really exist?

Colette Breshears (M), Dr. Raychelle Burks, Julie McGalliard, Eric L Vargas, Larry Lewis, Ellis Bray

Youth—Learn to Draw with an Artist

4—5 p.m. Olympic 1

This will be a simple how-to-draw lesson. Bring your ideas for what to draw and ask our artist to show you how it's done!

Jenny Shafer (M), Liz Argall

I've Started a Novel but Now My World is Broken

4—5 p.m. Olympic 2

Do you ever start a novel, get super excited about it, then find out that your world makes no sense? In this panel, experts will talk about how to create a world, what essential questions are needed for you to start writing, and how to pick what aspects of your world should stay or go when you put pencil to paper.

David D. Levine (M), G.R. Theron, L.J. Melvin, Sam Stark, Ken Bebelle

Roman Legionary Gladius & Scutum Tactical Combat

4—5 p.m. Grand 2

Teams of 20 or more participants, each equipped with wooden gladius (sword), and regulation scutum (shield) will learn and practice basic Roman legionary combat skills in a safe, supervised environment. Learn what it is like to be part of the Roman line. Instructors will provide swords, shields, and training. The audience will play an important part in the scenario: legionaries attacked by barbarians.

Oliver (M), Bill Gruner, Alexander Pereira, D.L. Solum, Agathon McGeachy

Charades: The SFFH Movie Edition

4—5 p.m. Maxi's Lounge

You think you know science fiction, fantasy and horror movies? Come put it to the test in a game of Charades that's all about D&D, and find your fellow film buffs!

Art in Action: Rob Carlos

4—5 p.m. Art Show Panel 8

Rob will be doing an acrylic speed painting demo. Don't be surprised if a dragon appears in an hour!

Reading: Jennifer Brozek

4:30—5 p.m. Cascade 3

Dear Penpal, Belgium 1980. Part of a longer epistolary project about a young girl living in a haunted mansion in Belgium in 1980. Rated G.

Jennifer Brozek (M)

Reading: K.G. Anderson

5—5:30 p.m. Cascade 3

"The Journey of a Thousand Gifts." An exploration of the joys, terrors, and revelations of the afterlife. Rated PG.

K.G. Anderson (M)

Whose Science Is It Anyway? Power Point Karaoke

5—6 p.m. Cascade 5 & 6

They think they know it all about their topic... Watch a Whose Line is it Anyway?-style science production. You might even get to pick. You might even be on the panel!

Jake McKinzie (M), Colette Breshears, Brian D. Oberquell, David D. Levine, Charlotte Lewis Brown

Writing Realistic Military Combat

5—6 p.m. Cascade 9

How to write believable, purposeful violent scenes and use them to advance the story and develop your world. Where do you even start when writing a battle scene? Let our panelists help answer your questions about military combat.

Travis Partington (M), Dr. Mark Rounds, Metaerie, Teresa Drag, Clayton Mann

Werewolf Torts and Undead Tax Liabilities

5—6 p.m. Cascade 10

How exactly should you set up your will before you join the ranks of the undead? Or, how long exactly can you collect your pension after becoming a lich? Bring your burning legal questions for the fantastical to our panel of experts, and we'll take you through all the permutations to the lawyer's favorite answer—it depends.

Kathy (M), Ethan Vodde, Bryana Cross Bean, Attorney at Law, Gina Saucier

My Research: Let Me Show You It

5—6 p.m. Cascade 13

We love well-researched stories, but we don't always love the info dumps they tempt writers to commit. What writers show off their research well? How can we, as writers, make our research integration sparkle instead of sputter?

Kat Richardson (M)

Judging a Book by Its Cover: Cover Art and Design

5—6 p.m. Evergreen 1 & 2

What makes a compelling jacket cover? How do you convey the story in a single image?

Brenda Carre (M), Brittany Torres, Janna Silverstein, Charles Vess

Building Successful Writer-Editor Relationships

5—6 p.m. Evergreen 3 & 4

Neither writers nor editors are AIs. Not only do writers and editors have their own priorities going into an editorial relationship (which all writers enter into when their manuscripts are under serious consideration), they also have emotions, sometimes extremely intense ones. This panel will discuss the joys and difficulties of the relationship, particularly the importance of clear, open communication and mutual trust.

Laura Anne Gilman (M), Neil Clarke, Monte Lin, Lish McBride, Gwendolyn N. Nix, Gordon Van Gelder

Youth—Learn About the Solar System

5—6 p.m. Olympic 1

Earth is our home, but do you know our neighborhood? Learn about the planets in the solar system and make a fun craft.

Jenny Shafer (M), Andy Dykes

Robots and Spaceships: A Science Fiction Writing Panel and Workshop

5—6 p.m. Olympic 2

Join us as we talk about the science fiction genre: what is it, how we approach it, and why should you write it. After the panel, we will brainstorm a scifi story or two together.

Camden Rose (M), L.J. Melvin, Karen Eisenbrey, Marta Murvosh, Leslie Varney

Reading: John Lovett

5:30—6 p.m. Cascade 3

Joe Trucker. An American Doctor Who-type screenplay. Rated G.

John Lovett (M)

Reading: Brianna Tibbetts

6—6:30 p.m. Cascade 3

"The Potion Maker & The Nuisance." All Athys wanted was for the seal pup to leave him alone. But when using magic to try and solve the problem puts the pup in danger, the merman is forced to decide if his peace and quiet is more important than the pup's life. Rated G.

Brianna Tibbetts (M)

Repopulation After Disasters

6—7 p.m. Cascade 5 & 6

Humans versus the rest of the ecosystem. Plants can do it easily, can we? What stands in the way?

Sar Surmick (M), Mir Plemmons, Agathon McGeachy

Trapped in the House: Domestic Horror & Thrillers

6—7 p.m. Cascade 9

Billions of people spent months on end stuck inside their homes during the pandemic. Inevitably this has inspired new stories about domestic dangers, haunted homes, and antagonistic family members and flatmates. What's lurking in the basement? Where did the children disappear to? Can I trust my partner? Panelists look at the history of horror-athome, from classic Gothic literature to recent books and media.

Evan J. Peterson (M), Gordon B. White, Ozzie M. Gartrell, Gwen Callahan, Kate Alice Marshall

Researching the Past to Write the Future

6—7 p.m. Cascade 10

Science fiction authors will share how they researched the real past to write an imagined future. Authors of science fiction are expected to research scientific principles and technology to portray believable futuristic worlds. But historical research comes into it, too, whether for alternative history narratives, time-travel stories, or invented plots patterned on historical events.

Karen Eisenbrey (M), Peter Fuller, Danielle Gembala, Ellis Bray, Joseph Malik

Everyone Can Draw... Even YOU!

6—7 p.m. Cascade 13

You say you can only draw stick figures. Well, that's the first step to drawing! Come learn what the other steps are! Make sure to bring something to draw on.

Larry Lewis (M), Stan!, Lizzy D. Hill

Setting the Stage for a Great Campaign—Session 0

6—7 p.m. Evergreen 1 & 2

You have picked the campaign you are eager to run, and it's time to introduce the players to your table. It's Session 0 Time! Our panelists go over the important agenda items to address during your Session 0 to help launch your campaign or adventure successfully.

Bruce R. Cordell (M), Luis Loza, Ron Lundeen, Alexander Pereira, Erik Scott de Bie

We Have the Power

6—7 p.m. Evergreen 3 & 4

Smart grid? Microgrid? Clean power? What about electromagnetic pulses, hackers, and squirrels? We can take electricity for granted, but what is the state of our power system today? Could an EMP really take it all down? Where does it come from, and where is it going?

Crystal Lloyd (M), Colette Breshears, Dan Dubrick, Wm Salt Hale, Howard Davidson

Masquerade Door Opening

6—6:30 p.m. Grand 3

Masquerade doors open. Come find a seat.

The Chill Lounge

6 p.m.—midnight Maxi's Lounge

Need a quiet space to just be for a while? Want to read a book? Looking for a space to run a long game of Twilight Imperium that isn't noisy? We've set this space aside for just that.

Reading: A.W. McCollough

6:30—7 p.m. Cascade 3

"Ava." Library work in underfunded districts comes with many challenges, but when Ava shows up in the stacks, looking for books on birds, William is unprepared. Ava's birds bring gifts, and string games, and may be more dangerous than they appear. Rated G.

A.W. McCollough (M)


6:30—8:30 p.m. Grand 3

We invite all of you to attend the annual presentation of the finest creations that Norwescon costumers and cosplayers have to offer, at the Norwescon 46 Masquerade. Join us in cheering on this year's crew of creatives as they share their hard-wrought handiwork. Be a part of the oohing and aahing at the pageantry and presentation of these amazing makers.

Reading: Laura Cranehill

7—7:30 p.m. Cascade 3

A horrific short story. From the POV of a cat. But not for children. Rated R.

Laura Cranehill (M)

Diagnosis, Disability, and Labels

7—8 p.m. Cascade 5 & 6

What does it mean to have a diagnosis, either official or self-identified?

Liz Coleman (M), Danielle Gembala, Sar Surmick

Writers Who Are Musicians and Musicians Who Are Writers

7—8 p.m. Cascade 9

How do writing and music interact. Does one inspire the other? For those who do both, which came first? How does one modality help the craft of the other?

Richard Sparks (M), Ken Scholes, GregRobin Smith, Amanda Cherry

Minicomics for All

7—8 p.m. Cascade 13

Enter the world of comics! Minicomics are the most democratic of comics. Anyone can make them, and we'll show you how. You will take away two books and templates to help you make your own later.

Larry Lewis (M), Kate Sherman

Gaming Licenses

7—8 p.m. Evergreen 1 & 2

The past year has seen some pretty big changes in the tabletop RPG industry. Maybe you heard something about an Open Gaming License (OGL). Let discuss the past year's events, the move of many companies to establish their own gaming licenses, and how the gaming industry landscape could change in the future.

Stephen Radney-MacFarland (M), Ethan Vodde, Sean K. Reynolds, Jeff Grubb, Jason Nelson

Self-Editing: An Essential Part of the Writing Process

7—8 p.m. Evergreen 3 & 4

For Ursula K. Le Guin, the most pleasurable part of writing was editing her drafts. Whether you consider this stage a pleasure or a drudgery, it's an essential part of the creative process. A writer must remove the scaffolding they've used as a means of getting words on the page and also decide which detail, which word, which phrasing serves their work best. This panel will discuss what to look and listen for when editing your own manuscript, before you send it out.

Tom Llewellyn (M), Kara Swanson, Rashida J Smith, S.L. Coney, Sarah Chorn

Monster Mash for Mature Mad Scientists

7—9 p.m. Maxi's Ballroom

Don your best mad scientist outfit and come create marvelous monsters and creative chimera! We will take cute fluffy stuffed animals and hack them to pieces, only to reassemble them in wholly unnatural ways. WARNING! Not for the easily distressed or children! We will be working with scissors and needles and as such only mature mad scientists will be allowed to participate. The only skills required are rudimentary sewing skills (plush is very forgiving) and a sick sense of humor. A $5 materials fee covers the cost of DNA splitters, splicers, and experimental specimens.

Mimi Noyes (M)

Masquerade Photo Shoot

7—9 p.m. Lobby Photo Area

Bummed that you can't take flash photos in the masquerade? Want to take pictures of the masquerade contestants? This is your chance. Most contestants will come to the lobby photo area after they exit the stage to pose for pictures with staff photographers. Please be polite and listen to those directing the event and the masquerade contestants.

Reading: Berlynn Wohl

7:30—8 p.m. Cascade 3

In this excerpt from "Sir Loren's Books of Sorrows," Sir Loren and Sir Aiken, two misfit knights of Arthur's Round Table, must use their charm and skill (and just a little bit of magic) to free a unicorn imprisoned in a king's menagerie. Rated PG.

Berlynn Wohl (M)

Reading: Eva L. Elasigue

8—8:30 p.m. Cascade 3

Bones of Starlight. This fantasy space opera trilogy is a generational saga at the turn of the age in an alternateuniverse intergalactic imperium with fantasy aliens. Rated R.

Eva L. Elasigue (M)

Found Family in YA Science Fiction

8—9 p.m. Cascade 9

From the Unstoppable trilogy by Charlie Jane Anders to the Guardians of the Galaxy, young adult science fiction is brimming with found families. What should YA writers consider when they engage with this trope? We'll talk about what distinguishes a found family from any other fictional team or group of friends, when and how to bring the group together, and how to find the right tone for your cast.

David D. Levine (M), Kate Alice Marshall, Lezli Robyn, L.J. Melvin

Broad Universe Rapid Fire Reading

8—10 p.m. Cascade 10

Join Broad Universe for a fun, fast-paced group reading to showcase the work of women and nonbinary authors who will read a short snippet from a recent work. Discover new writers, enjoy chocolate, and enter a drawing for a book, all while you support women and nonbinary people working in speculative fiction. Broad Universe is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit that works to expand awareness of and promote women and other underrepresented gender identities in science fiction, fantasy, and horror. Learn more at

K.G. Anderson, Clara Ward, Marta Murvosh, Amanda Cherry

With Just a Broadsword in Your Hand

8—9 p.m. Evergreen 1 & 2

How to stand, walk, turn, block, and cut like a real knight. A hands-on class taught by an SCA knight with over 30 years of experience. We'll talk about armor, weapons, defenses, and attacks. How does the weight of your armor affect your posture and stance? How can a two-to-four-pound broadsword move quickly enough to defeat your opponent? How hard do you have to strike to penetrate various kinds of armor? Where does that power come from?

D.L. Solum (M), Agathon McGeachy, William Elder, Ann Shilling

Dargarth Fantasy Wargaming

8—10 p.m. Evergreen 3 & 4

Greetings to warriors, wizards, clerics and rogues alike! Do you yearn for an action-packed journey onto fantasy battlefields and into dread dungeons? Look no further! Dargarth offers an inclusive community where you can unleash your inner adventurer in a game that is fun and physical. Join Dargarth for an adrenaline-pumping experience that couples strategy, teamwork, and your skill with a blade. You must be age 16 or older and sign a waiver to participate because our game involves full-force boffer combat.

Wm Salt Hale (M)

Reading: Ellis Bray

8:30—9 p.m. Cascade 3

The Natural Order of Things to Come (and Other Poems From the End of the World). Short-form poems told from the point of view of the apocalypse. Rated PG.

Ellis Bray (M)

Reading: B. Zelkovich

9—9:30 p.m. Cascade 3

"Bell Biv Derailed." A comedy-horror piece about a subway train that takes a slight detour into a very spooky tunnel. Originally published in LOLcraft: A Compendium of Eldritch Humor. Rated R.

B. Zelkovich (M)

Reading: Liz Argall

9—9:30 p.m. Cascade 9

Sometimes, the lives we save are our own, a love letter to storytelling. A comic, speculative and non-fiction performance piece. Inspired by my zine, Ordinary Madness, a love letter to an unread book and various short works. Rated PG.

Liz Argall (M)

Elements of Slash

9—10 p.m. Cascade 5 & 6

Writing adult material is a skill, much the same as writing any other genre, and adult-oriented slash fanfiction is no exception. This panel examines what makes slash good—and fun!—for writers and readers. 18+ years of age only.

Berlynn Wohl (M), Scotty McIntosh, Sam Stark, Elliott Kay, Kris "Pepper" Hambrick

Open Filk Circle: Saturday Night

9 p.m.—2 a.m. Evergreen 1 & 2

Come join the open filk circle.

Seattle Worldcon 2025: Open Party

9 p.m.—1 a.m. Presidential Suite 1360

Come to a party hosted by the Seattle Worldcon 2025 team! The Seattle Worldcon will be at the Seattle Convention Center August 13—17, 2025. Meet some of the plotters and planners, hear about what a Worldcon entails, and add your two cents about how to make it a great event. The party will feature apple crisp, cider, mocktails, other snacks, and conversation. You can learn more about the convention and buy a membership at, or by visiting the club table in the lobby.

Saturday Dance: The Fae Ball

9:30 p.m.—2 a.m. Grand 2

This is your chance to get dressed to the Fae nines as we dedicate this dance to our theme this year, "Into the Wylde," in honor of Jim Butcher and Charles Vess. The first 20 minutes or so will be music that you might find in a mystical garden. (It's the time to sashay about and show off your outfit! Or perhaps the Royal Court will favor us with medieval dancing?) The rest of the evening will be a wide mix of modern dance music.

Friends of Bill W.

10—11 p.m. Cascade 3

Kink as a Safer Sex Technique

10—11 p.m. Cascade 5 & 6

Come find out what techniques from BDSM can be applied to protect us from COVID or con crud. We can still have some hot sexy times even while wearing a mask or staying six feet apart. Toys can extend our reach and prevent fluid exchange while adding a range of exciting kinds of touch. 18+ years of age and older.

Hazel (M), Sakari, Craig Jackson, Kate Sherman, Sar Surmick

Beginning Bondage Workshop

11 p.m.—midnight Cascade 5 & 6

Maybe you've thought about trying out some recreational bondage but don't know where to start. Come learn some basic ties and safety tips so you can get started right. 18+ years of age and older.

Hazel (M), Sakari, Craig Jackson

Sunday Panels

Youth—Easter Fun!

9—11 a.m. Olympic 1

Enjoy an Easter egg hunt and get some prizes! Divided by age group.

Jenny Shafer (M)

Norwescon Shire Check-In

9—10 a.m. Olympic 2

Come show off your achievements and earn coin! Exchange coin for prizes.

Reading: David Boop

10—10:30 a.m. Cascade 3

The Drowned Horse Chronicle Vol 1 &

2. In the Arizona territory there was a cursed town populated by inner demons that manifested into actual monsters and the brave, albeit insane, settlers who stood between the dark and the light. Rated PG.

David Boop (M)

QI (Quite Interesting)

10—11 a.m. Cascade 5 & 6

Learn all about the game show where being interesting is more important than being right. Presented by BritCon.

Gina Saucier, Payne Haynes, Thursday, Andrew Williams

Women in Armor

10—11 a.m. Cascade 7 & 8

Women have worn armor in the past and wear armor as re-enactors now. Are there suits of armor especially tailored for women? Find out from a jouster and shield maiden.

Ann Shilling (M), Peter Fuller, Clayton Mann

The Gothic Arts

10—11 a.m. Cascade 9

From The Castle of Otranto (1764) to Wednesday (2022), the Gothic aesthetic and Gothic tropes have influenced books, paintings, comics, films, fashion, music, television, and video games. What makes a work "Gothic"? How has the genre changed over time? What are the reasons for its enduring appeal?

Evan J. Peterson (M), B. Zelkovich, Richard Stephens, Laura Cranehill, Julie McGalliard

Copyright: Making Money and Protecting Investment

10—11 a.m. Cascade 10

With a focus on visual arts and literary works, this panel will explore how to protect copyright, the benefits of registration, and the mechanics (and general costs) of licensing and enforcing copyright (including against unauthorized uses).

Ethan Vodde (M)

All Ages Open Gaming

10 a.m.—4 p.m. Cascade 11

Want to set up your own game? Cascade 11 has space for your RPG, board, or card games. Check one out from Dragonflight's Lending Library or bring your own.

Game Lending Library

10 a.m.—4 p.m. Cascade 12

Come check out games from our lending libraries. We have RPGs, card games, board games, and so much more! An official state license or state ID is needed to check out games. This space has tables to play the games you borrow or ones you bring yourselves. There will also be some scheduled games here. Need ADA access for a game? Please speak to our staff when you sign up so we can be sure to meet your needs.

(Un)common Objects: Building New Worlds from Familiar Things

10—11:30 a.m. Cascade 13

In this generative writing workshop, we'll explore three ways of creating new worlds: defamiliarizing common expressions, drawing inspiration from poetic forms, and unlocking the power of deliberate paradox.

Tara Campbell (M)

Masquerade Debriefing

10—11 a.m. Evergreen 1 & 2

Let's talk about the masquerade! This one is primarily for the entrants.

The Future of Neurodivergence

10—11 a.m. Evergreen 3 & 4

Recognition, respect, and the (r) evolution of neurodiversity. Why the future is neurodiverse and how we can create that future.

Kurt Cagle (M), Liz Coleman, A.W. McCollough, Clara Ward

Heists and Con Artists in Science Fiction

10—11 a.m. Grand 2

Heists and con jobs have high stakes and plenty of conflicted, lovable rogues who "stick it to the Man" and ensemble casts with internal romances and disputes. What factors make a heist or con story work? Are there standard plot structures or character archetypes to use, or to avoid? What kinds of twists do writers give these archetypes in science fiction? This is a great chance for writers to learn more about this story type, including sources to use for further research. Readers who want a look behind the curtain of stories like Inception, Cindy Pon's Want, and David Levine's The Kuiper Belt Job will likewise enjoy.

David D. Levine (M), Kat Richardson, Dr. Raychelle Burks, Steven Barnes

It Came from the Late, Late, Late Show LARP: Star in a B Movie!

10 a.m.—noon Maxi's Lounge

Today's the day we shoot Alien Invaders from Planet Malbad. Unfortunately, the director left the script at Denny's this morning, but he swears it will go just fine, because he also wrote it and he remembers how it goes. Basically. But he wouldn't mind some help from his actors, whoever they are—he also lost the cast list. So whoever shows up, you get a part! He trusts that, if he gives you basic direction, you'll come up with something great. In other words, ICFTLLLS is a minimum-mechanic roleplaying game that lends itself really well to a LARP/Critical Role sort of experience. You do NOT have to play/ act to participate! Being an audience is perfectly fine—just come and enjoy the live insanity. We'll also need stunt doubles, actors who only get one line to make the most of, and extras to occasionally move/sit/pretend to talk.

Artemis Spaceship Bridge Simulator

10 a.m.—4 p.m. Maxi's Salon

Artemis is a spaceship bridge simulator where players assume the jobs of captain, navigator, pilot, science officer, communications officer, engineer, and tactical officer and work together to defeat alien enemies.

All Ages Scheduled Gaming

10 a.m.—4 p.m. Rotunda 1 & 2

Come sign up for a game! We have Pathfinder Society, Adventure League, RPGs, card games, and so much more! After gaming closes, this area is available for open games. Need ADA access for a game? Please speak to our staff when you sign up so we can be sure to meet your needs. Rotunda 1 is located down Concourse 1 or 2 on the first floor.

Reading: Agathon McGeachy

10:30—11 a.m. Cascade 3

"Shiplah's Eyes." Much is asked of a princess when a conqueror leads his horde to the gates of her city. Rated PG.

Agathon McGeachy (M)

Reading: Brenda Carre

11—11:30 a.m. Cascade 3

The author reads from her novel Gret of Roon. Rated G.

Brenda Carre (M)

How to Get Great Cosplay Photos

11 a.m.—noon Cascade 5 & 6

Learn all the secrets to good convention photography for Norwescon cosplayers: lighting, composition, posing, and details that can really make con photos pop. Plus, we'll talk about photography etiquette, staying safe, and do's and don'ts for people on both sides of the camera.

Andrew Williams, Torrey Stenmark

The Undiscovered Country: In Memoriam

11 a.m.—noon Cascade 7 & 8

A place of meditation and discussion, contemplation, and thought for those who have passed since the last Norwescon. Honor those who have passed on with a thought, memory, or a simple prayer to whatever you wish. Leave the name of someone you remember.

Tom Whitmore (M)

Alternative Economic Systems

11 a.m.—noon Cascade 9

As artificial intelligence, ubiquitous access, and autonomous robotic systems become the norm, how will this change the shape of economies? What happens when remote work becomes the norm? Will capitalism as we know it become capitalism as we don't? Is a basic living stipend (BLS) likely? Will financial inequality be the defining characteristic of the 21st century? What happens to those who fall through the cracks (or chasms)? This is a panel focusing on your inner economist.

Jon Lasser (M), Tom D Wright, Kaylea Champion, Norman K. Moss, Shahid Mahmud

By Hook or by Crook: Crafting a Great Opening

11 a.m.—noon Cascade 10

Your reader doesn't owe you one second of their attention. How do you grab them by the lapels? Should your hook be a memorable line or more transparent prose that drops the reader into the middle of the action? Learn to craft an opening line that makes the right promises for your story and pulls readers in for that first fateful page, then the next one.

Dean Wells (M), Ellis Bray, Nancy Kress, Daryl Gregory, Bethany Jacobs

Best of 2024 Speculative Film Festival

11—1 p.m. Evergreen 1 & 2

See the award winners and some of the other best short films from this year's festival. As a bonus, we will be showing the Let's Make a Movie final film for Norwescon 46.

Edward Martin III, Ryan K. Johnson, Shawn Marier

This World but Different

11 a.m.—noon Evergreen 3 & 4

Fantasy's roots extend deep into alternative, magical versions of our world. Join our panelists as they explore urban, portal, dystopian, and modern myths and discuss the origins, evolution, and current expressions within the genre.

Rashida J Smith (M), Kat Richardson, Rhiannon/R.Z. Held, Ken Bebelle, Jim Butcher

Youth—Chapter Book Storytime

11 a.m.—noon Olympic 1

Interested in longer stories? Come hear the first chapters of some chapter books.

Jenny Shafer (M), Sam Stark

Fanfiction Is Real Writing

11 a.m.—noon Olympic 2

We all do it—write fanfiction, that is. And we shouldn't be ashamed! Come learn about the world of fanfiction writing, including techniques, avenues for sharing, and where to grow from there.

Berlynn Wohl (M), Brianna Tibbetts, Scotty McIntosh, Amanda Cherry, Janna Silverstein

Figure Drawing Class

11 a.m.—noon Maxi's Ballroom

Assemble some costumed models, tables, and a timer. Sprinkle in some people with drawing materials, and voilà! A figure drawing class!

Douglas Herring (M), Liz Argall, Sven Red Beard, Lizzy D. Hill, Kris "Pepper" Hambrick

Silent Book Reading Club Sunday Edition

11—1 p.m. Presidential Suite 1360

Come and decompress before you go home. We'll open with a few minutes of chatter as a welcome. The remainder of the time will be spent silently reading our individual books of choice. That's it! Just a designated time and space to read with others who want to read. Feel free to bring a blanket or pillow or your favorite reading comfort item.

Reading: L. J. Melvin

11:30 a.m.—noon Cascade 3

The author will read selections from the YA science fiction Curd Immunity series, a four-book chronicle about life after the release of the Curd, a bioengineered super-food that altered the course of climate change and human civilization. Jorge lives in Pelago, a string of quarantine cities connected by a shining solar railway. Flynn lives in a camp for people whose brains have been damaged by the Curd. Ova lives in a self-replicating desert habitat with her own symbiont partner. Val is a castaway on a floating island that grows among the refuse of the seas. They all have one thing in common: the Curd has altered life on earth and they are all immune. Rated G.

L.J. Melvin (M)

Reading: Alma Alexander

noon—12:30 p.m. Cascade 3

Alma will be reading from her book Newly Banned in Florida or her work-inprogress novel. It will be the audience choice. Rated G.

Alma Alexander (M)

Parenting and Neurodiversity

noon—1 p.m. Cascade 5 & 6

How do we raise kids whose brains work differently from ours?

Kathy (M), Danielle Gembala, Tom D Wright, Payne Haynes

The McGuffin of Unexplained Science

noon—1 p.m. Cascade 7 & 8

How far do you have to go? What will the reader deal with? Do you explain in detail (Asimov) or do you deal in generalities (Foster)? How consistent with this should you be? Are some sciences easier?

Rhiannon/R.Z. Held (M), Jim Kling, Tom Llewellyn, Colette Breshears, J.P. Barnett

How to Design for Different Flavors of Fantasy

noon—1 p.m. Cascade 9

High fantasy, sword and sorcery, urban fantasy, historical fantasy, so many flavors! How do you tailor a game's setting and rules to bring out the type of fantasy you want?

Jason Tondro (M), Stephen RadneyMacFarland, Jeff Grubb, Sean K. Reynolds

Habits of Writers: Fanfic Edition

noon—1 p.m. Cascade 10

Fic writers face the same challenges as other writers: where do you get your ideas? How do you keep yourself focused? How does writing fit into your daily schedule? Other concerns are more specific: Do I post this story as a work- in-progress or wait until it's finished? Where should I post it? How do I react to readers' comments? Our panel of seasoned fic writers will talk about their solutions for writing productively.

Berlynn Wohl (M), Clara Ward, B. Zelkovich, Elliott Kay

Let's Make a Zine!

noon—1 p.m. Cascade 13

Zine culture has been around for decades and has hugely influenced internet culture and fandom. This panel is geared towards younger people who want to explore new ways to express themselves and their interests. Topics will include production (physical and digital), ethical considerations, distribution, and more. There will be time for attendees to put together their own mini-zine.

Thursday (M), Marta Murvosh, Larry Lewis, Julie McGalliard

The Art of Dialogue: Crafting Conversations in Fantasy Writing

noon—1 p.m. Evergreen 3 & 4

Crafting compelling dialogue is an often- overlooked skill in fantasy writing. Our panelists will explore the nuances of dialogue within the genre, discussing how to infuse personality into characters and maintain authenticity in fantastical settings. Gain practical tips on finding the right balance between natural speech and the unique elements of your fantasy world.

G.R. Theron (M), Patrick Hurley, Travis Baldree, Amanda Cherry, Sara A. Mueller

Youth—Disney Singalong

noon—1 p.m. Olympic 1

Sing along as we listen to favorite songs from Disney shows.

Jenny Shafer (M), Scotty McIntosh

What Do You Want Next Year?

noon—1 p.m. Olympic 2

If you came to any teen/tween panels this year and have some feedback, come to this! The track lead is ready to talk about what worked well, what didn't, and any panels you might have in mind for next year. This is for teens and tweens only.

Camden Rose (M)

Reading: Jim Butcher

noon—12:30 p.m. Grand 2

Twelve Months. Jim Butcher will read one chapter from his upcoming Dresden book, Twelve Months. Rated R.

Jim Butcher (M)

The History of Leather

noon—1 p.m. Maxi's Ballroom

Learn about the use of leather in art throughout history.

Sven Red Beard (M), Belsac, Bill Gruner

Thunderdome Prom Photo Shoot

noon—12:30 p.m. Lobby Photo Area

"My life tattered. The vision threadbare. All that remains are memories. I remember a time of chaos... ruined dreams... this wasted land. But most of all, I remember the Thunderdome Prom." This is a costume photo shoot open to anyone dressed in postapocalyptic formal. The group photo will be at 12:15pm.

Peggy Stewart (M)

Reading: Gloria Jackson-Nefertiti

12:30—1 p.m. Cascade 3

"Belonging." The author reads an excerpt from her upcoming memoir A Different Drum: A Black, Autistic, Polyamorous, Mentally Ill, Former Fundamentalist Christian/Cult Member and Breast Cancer Survivor WHO JUST WANTS TO FIT IN. The title of the book gives away what her story is about, just like the *Gilligan's Island *and *The Brady Bunch *theme songs. Rated PG.

Gloria Jackson-Nefertiti (M)

Reading: Charles Vess

12:30—1 p.m. Grand 2

The Queen of Summer's Twilight. Published in September 2022 by NewCon Press, this contemporary novel is set in Scotland (and the realms of Faerie) and is based on the ballad "Tam-Lin." Rated PG.

Charles Vess (M)

Reading: Elizabeth Guizzetti

1—1:30 p.m. Cascade 3

Intrigue Among Vampires. In 1685, two noble-born Huguenot sisters escape the Dragonades. France has turned against them, but they find sanctuary with two vampires who need assistance with the new rules of etiquette. Historical family drama with vampires. Rated PG.

Elizabeth Guizzetti (M)

Punking Real Steam

1—2 p.m. Cascade 5 & 6

Whether you are making steam by burning something, nuclear power, or magic, steam power is more complicated than turning the key and driving off. How was it done? How could it be done with different tech (or magic)? Join our panelists as we puff along about steam.

Mike Brennan (M), Norman K. Moss, Howard Davidson, Agathon McGeachy

Fitness for Geeks

1—2 p.m. Cascade 7 & 8

Within geek culture we value intelligence over appearance. We are body-positive and believe all sizes and abilities can be beautiful. But everyone needs exercise in their life, particularly if we have sedentary tech jobs and indoor hobbies. Fitness doesn't have to look like the spandex gym-rats or sports fans, or be about weight loss. Learn about the many kinds of physical activities that appeal more to the geeky community.

Hazel (M)

What's the Hurry? A New Space Race?

1—2 p.m. Cascade 9

In the last decade more nations have been working towards putting people into space. This includes the USA, Russia, China, India, and Europe. Is this the beginning of a new race to the moon, Mars, and asteroids?

Dr. Sean Robinson (M), G. David Nordley, Hugh S. Gregory, Phil L. Swan

Language Builds Your World

1—2 p.m. Cascade 10

The way your characters speak and the descriptions you write create your fictional world. If you want a world that is not patriarchal or a world that works just like ours does, your language must reflect that. Language is an essential part of worldbuilding.

David D. Levine (M), Joseph Malik, Talulah J. Sullivan, Cait Alvarez, Sandra Rosner

Memorable NPC Design

1—2 p.m. Evergreen 3 & 4

More than just barkeeps or innkeepers, more than just quest givers, NPCs are the supporting cast that populate your adventure. Our gaming experts discuss what makes an NPC stand out and how to create a character that players will talk about long after the campaign ends.

Erik Scott de Bie (M), Patrick Hurley, Luis Loza, Ron Lundeen, Sean K. Reynolds

Teen Story Workshop

1—3 p.m. Olympic 2

Have an idea for a story? Not sure where to start? Join other teens in a nuts-and-bolts story-writing workshop. We'll use supportive, active listening and idea-generating exercises to explore worldbuilding, characters, plot, and theme. Restricted to ages 14-18. Limited to 15 teens. Signups will open at the info table 24 hours before the panel.

L.J. Melvin (M)

Leather Workshop

1—2 p.m. Maxi's Ballroom

See a demonstration of the making of leather artwork.

Belsac, Bill Gruner

Overview of FCBD® Style Belly Dance Level 1: Fundamentals

1—4 p.m. Maxi's Lounge

Come learn about the style and core concepts of FatChanceBellyDance® Style belly dance with a certified instructor. Get shimmying with this workshop, as we dance through different vocab families and learn the unique joys of group improv belly dance! Please bring a water bottle. Not required to take the class, but for an optional material fee of $5, a workbook and a pen are available.

Siyrren (M)

Reading: Andrew Penn Romine

1:30—2 p.m. Cascade 3


Andrew Penn Romine (M)

The Exorcist: 50 Years On

2—3 p.m. Cascade 5 & 6

The Exorcist, released on December 26, 1973, turned 50 last year. The film, a bona fide horror blockbuster, was enormously influential and still tops many lists of "scariest films of all time." How does it hold up today? Do the themes still resonate? And how about those sequels? Our panelists discuss the film and its impact.

Julie McGalliard (M), Gloria JacksonNefertiti, Gwen Callahan , Sam Stark, Ozzie M. Gartrell

Building Your Convention Crash Kit

2—3 p.m. Cascade 7 & 8

Nothing is worse than something going wrong with your costume. What should you bring with you to the con to cover any repairs?

Ieva Ohaks (M), Julie Zetterberg, Theresa Halbert, Garth Stubbs, Ms Purple Pearl

Genre Poetry in Media and History

2—3 p.m. Cascade 9

This is an introduction to speculative/ genre poetry with examples from history (both literary history and anthropology), media (poetry in video games—it's more common than you think), and around the world. Attendees will hopefully walk away with not just a new awareness of a new (to them) type of writing, but also the role poetry plays in our conception of nerd culture.

Lydia K. Valentine (M), Thursday, Jeannine Hall Gailey

Horses 101: A Talk about the Basics

2—3 p.m. Cascade 10

Horses are vital to pre-industrial history in Europe and Asia and have impacted every part of the globe via importation. They pepper myth, fantasy, and folklore. This is a beginner's class in broad strokes: types of horses, markings, variations of saddles, historical roots, and historical misnomers. If you've worked with horses, you may find this a refresher course. If you haven't any experience, come learn some basics that'll help you stay out of trouble.

Sara A. Mueller (M)

The Unconvention: Share YOUR Expertise!

2—3 p.m. Cascade 13

Do you consider yourself an expert on a geek-related short topic (how magma works, what are story beats, how to make cat ears)? Are you willing to talk about it for 3-10 minutes to an audience? Sign up, then vote for your favorite topics on the lobby board! If there is an image you'd like to be shown on the screen during your talk, please email it to no later than Saturday at 5 p.m.

Fundamentals of the Pistol for Writers

2—3 p.m. Evergreen 1 & 2

Using high-end laser simulators and electronic sensors, a professional instructor will go over the fundamentals of pistol safety and use. This workshop will help you get a feel for pistols and their proper handling. All safety rules will apply.

Bill Gruner (M), Oliver, John Lovett, Dr. Mark Rounds, Clayton Mann, D.L. Solum

Nerf BYOB (Bring Your Own Blaster!)

2—4 p.m. Grand 2

Bring your own blaster and play Nerf games. (We will have some blasters available.) Eye protection is a must! Load up and Nerf on!

Closing Ceremonies

4—5 p.m. Evergreen 3 & 4

We're so glad we had this time together, just to learn and laugh and dance and craft. It seems like we just get started, then before you know it, the time comes for us to thank our guests of honor and end Norwescon 46 on a high note!

Lydia K. Valentine (M)

Onions & Roses

5—6 p.m. Evergreen 3 & 4

The convention is over. Here's your chance to weigh in on what went well and what didn't. Tell us your favorite and least favorite parts of the convention so we can try to make it better next year. After all, as a member of Norwescon, this is YOUR convention!



Cheryl Dyson, “Norwescon 46 Pocket Program Saturday-Sunday,” Norwescon History, accessed March 31, 2025,

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