Norwescon 46 Pocket Program Thursday-Friday


Dublin Core


Norwescon 46 Pocket Program Thursday-Friday


Norwescon 46


The pocket program with panel descriptions for Thursday and Friday of Norwescon 46.


Cheryl Dyson




March 28-29, 2024



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Norwescon 46 Pocket Program Thursday & Friday

Norwescon 46

Welcome to Norwescon 46: Into the Wylde
The Forty-sixth Annual Northwest Regional Science Fiction and Fantasy Convention

Writer Guest of Honor -
Jim Butcher

Artist Guest of Honor -
Charles Vess

Science Guest of Honor -
Dr. Raychelle Burks

Spotlight Publisher -
Clarkesworld Magazine

Special Guest of Honor -
Kate Alice Marshall

cover art © Charles Vess

Except where noted, contents are copyright ©2024 Norwescon for the contributors.

All opinions expressed in this publication are those of the authors and not necessarily those of Norwescon.

Pocket Program

Your pocket program contains all kinds of cool stuff. There are schedules for events, information on those events, services available, maps, and convention hours.

For further information about the convention, go to the Information Table located in the convention space lobby.

The most up-to-date information can be found in the Guidebook app, as updates are made frequently during the convention. Feel free to download the app on your phone or other mobile device.

Your pocket program and event descriptions are broken up into two books for easier transportation.

The first book contains Thursday and Friday event programming.

The second book contains Saturday and Sunday event programming.

Convention Hours

Registration (Lobby)

Thursday: 9 a.m.—8 p.m.
Friday: 9 a.m.—8 p.m.
Saturday: 9 a.m.—8 p.m.
Sunday: 9 a.m.—3 p.m.

Convention Office, Safety Office (Olympic 3)

Thursday 9 a.m.—1 p.m. & 2—10 p.m.
Friday 9 a.m.—1 p.m. & 2—10 p.m.
Saturday 9 a.m.—1 p.m. & 2—10 p.m.
Sunday 9 a.m.—1 p.m.

24-hour Safety Line (text only)

(253) 235-9296
During programming hours, pick up a house phone, dial 0, and ask for "Norwescon"

Pro Check-In, Programming Services (Cascade 1)

Thursday: noon—9 p.m.
Friday: 9 a.m.—9 p.m.
Saturday: 9 a.m.—9 p.m.
Sunday: 9 a.m.—3 p.m.

Convention Lounge (Rooms 7106 and 7108)

Thursday: 9 a.m.—11 p.m.
Friday: 9 a.m.—11 p.m.
Saturday: 9 a.m.—11 p.m.
Sunday: 9 a.m.— 4 p.m.

Cloak Room (Lobby—Behind Reg, Across from Art Show)

Open 24 hours
Thursday 9 a.m. —Sunday 6 p.m.

BIPOC & AAPI Lounge (Room 7101)

Thursday 9 a.m.—8 p.m.
Friday 9 a.m.—8 p.m.
Saturday 9 a.m.—8 p.m.
Sunday 9 a.m.—3 p.m.

Information Table (Lobby)

Thursday: 9 a.m.—7 p.m.
Friday: 9 a.m.—7 p.m.
Saturday: 9 a.m.—7 p.m.
Sunday: 9 a.m.—3 p.m.

Art Show (Grand 1)

Friday: 10 a.m.—8 p.m.
Saturday: 10 a.m.—7 p.m.
Sunday: 10 a.m.—2:30 p.m.

Dealers' Room (Northwest Ballrooms)

Thursday 4—8 p.m.
Friday: 10 a.m.—7 p.m.
Saturday: 10 a.m.—6 p.m.
Sunday: 10 a.m.—4 p.m.

Scheduled Games (Rotunda 1 & 2)

Thursday: 2 p.m.—10 p.m.
Friday: 10 a.m.—midnight
Saturday: 10 a.m.—midnight
Sunday: 10 a.m.—4 p.m.
Games may continue after hours, but no Games staff will be available after the posted closing time.

Open Games Library (Cascade 11 & 12)

Thursday: 2 p.m.—10 p.m.
Friday: 10 a.m.—midnight
Saturday: 10 a.m.—midnight
Sunday: 10 a.m.—4 p.m.

Espresso Stand (Thunderbird Market)

Thursday: 5 a.m.—10 p.m.
Friday: 5 a.m.—10 p.m.
Saturday: 5 a.m.—10 p.m.
Sunday: 5 a.m.—10 p.m.

Seaports Lounge

Thursday: noon—1 a.m.
Friday: noon—1 a.m.
Saturday: noon—1 a.m.
Sunday: noon—1 a.m.

Coffee Garden

Thursday: 6 a.m.—10 a.m.
Friday: 6 a.m.—10 a.m.
Saturday: 6 a.m.—11 a.m.
Sunday: 6 a.m.—11 a.m.

Room Service

Thursday: 6 a.m.—midnight
Friday: 6 a.m.—midnight
Saturday: 6 a.m.—midnight
Sunday: 6 a.m.—midnight

Hotel Map

Thursday Panels

Nerf Firing Range

10 a.m.—4 p.m. Grand 2

Come test out your aim with a provided assortment of Nerf blasters against a variety of targets! Underage players must have a parent present to check in. Shoes are required. Badges are not necessary for this event.

Reading: Kurt Cagle

2—2:30 p.m. Cascade 3

Storm Crow. Rated PG.

Kurt Cagle (M)

The Fantastic Beast That Is TikTok

2—3 p.m. Cascade 5 & 6

TikTok has it all, from people explaining jet parts by comparing them to different scenes of *The Lord of the Rings *movies, to movie reviews for every genre, to costuming DIY for anything you can think of, just to name a few. How has TikTok affected the geek lifestyle?

Birdie (M), Brittany Torres, J.P. Barnett, Anne Stewart

Serving Cold Tales at the Vengeance Bar

2—3 p.m. Cascade 7 & 8

Revenge and reckoning are thematic pillars of the horror genre, and SFF has its vengeance stories as well. Tales like "And Now His Lordship Is Laughing" by Shiv Ramdas*, The Only Good Indians *by Stephen Graham Jones, and "We, the Ones Who Raised Sam Gowers from the Dead" by Cynthia Chang pull at readers' insides, connecting us with bitter emotions. How do writers design their tales to achieve this effect? What is the relationship between catharsis in the writer and in readers? Is catharsis always the goal? Writers of revenge tales will exchange recipes for the dish that's best served cold.

Celeste Wakefield (M), Shiv Ramdas, Sara A. Mueller, Amanda Cherry

Nuclear Reactors in Space

2—3 p.m. Cascade 9

With current space technology, getting to Mars and back will require a large amount of fuel. A rocket using nuclear reactor technology would be able to complete the mission with less fuel and spend less time in space. New nuclear technologies called small modular reactors are being tested that should be safer. Is this the way to complete a trip to Mars and back?

Dan Dubrick (M), Mike Brennan, Andy Dykes, Dr. Sean Robinson, Dave Davis, Howard Davidson

All Ages Open Gaming

2 p.m.—midnight Cascade 11 Want to set up your own game? Cascade 11 has space for your RPG, board, or card games. Check one out from Dragonflight's lending library or bring your own.

Game Lending Library

2 p.m.—midnight Cascade 12

Come check out games from our lending library. We have RPGs, card games, board games, and so much more! An official state driver's license or state ID is needed to check out games. This space has tables to play the games you borrow or bring yourselves. There will also be some scheduled games here. Need ADA access for a game? Please speak to our staff when you sign up so we can be sure to meet your needs.

Violence as a Tool in Storytelling

2—3 p.m. Evergreen 3 & 4

How to write believable, purposeful violent scenes and use them to advance the story and develop characters. Are your characters capable of interpersonal violence?

Metaerie (M), Gwendolyn N. Nix, Russell Ervin, Jim Butcher, Sandra Rosner

The Chill Lounge

2—4 p.m. Maxi's Lounge

Need a quiet space to just be for a while? Want to read a book? Looking for a space to run a long game of *Twilight Imperium *that isn't noisy? We've set this space aside for just that.

Artemis Spaceship Bridge Simulator

2—10 p.m. Maxi's Salon

Artemis is a spaceship bridge simulator where players assume the jobs of captain, helm, science, communications, engineering, and weapons and work together to defeat alien enemies.

All Ages Scheduled Games

2 p.m.—midnight Rotunda 1 & 2

Come sign up for a game! We have Pathfinder Society, Adventurers League, RPGs, card games, and so much more! After scheduled gaming closes, this area is available for open games. Need ADA access for a game? Please speak to our staff when you sign up so we can be sure to meet your needs. Rotunda 1 & 2 are located down Concourse 1 or 2 on the first and second floors.

Reading: Dr. Mark Rounds

2:30—3 p.m. Cascade 3

In 1884, Sean O'Herlihy plants a bomb at the Irish Special Branch. The explosion injures Lord Mowbray. Sean escapes to Ireland. Mowbray alerts Scotland Yard. The IRB send Sean and wife to Mars for protection. Follow their adventures crossing the void to their new home.

Dr. Mark Rounds (M)

Reading: Tara Campbell

3—3:30 p.m. Cascade 3

Invisible Cities meets sentient gargoyles in Campbell's cli-fi novel City of Dancing Gargoyles, a journey through a future U.S. where wolves float, bonfires sing, and devils gather to pray. When sentient stone gargoyles E and M flee their abandoned church in search of water, they meet a mother-daughter duo of climate refugees seeking safety. They join forces to search for a mysterious new city of gargoyles—but is it the key to a more sustainable future, or could it destroy everything they know? Rated PG.

Tara Campbell (M)

Gaming for All Ages

3—4 p.m. Cascade 5 & 6

Gaming used to target the teenage years, but that's not true at all these days. Our gaming panelists discuss the differences (and similarities) in designing games for kids vs. teens vs. adults vs. all ages.

Jason Nelson (M), Ron Lundeen, Mike Kimmel, Stan!

What Is Belly Dance? A Brief Overview of Styles, Culture, and


3—4 p.m. Cascade 7 & 8

Join a very brief overview of modern and historical belly dance styles, the influence of western culture on the perception of belly dance, portrayal of it in modern fiction, and a brief history of origins.

Siyrren (M)

Preparing our Writing for a Comic Adaptation!

3—4 p.m. Cascade 9

Do you have a story that would make a great comic? Learn how to prepare your writing to work with an artist and write a comic book script.

G.R. Theron (M), David Boop, Eric L Vargas, Elizabeth Guizzetti

Thursday Afternoon Poetry

3—4 p.m. Cascade 10

"Poetry?" I hear you cry. Yes, poetry, aimed at your SF/F sensibilities. Come listen to our panelists or bring your own favorites to share. We promise you'll be out in time for the Opening Ceremonies.

Mike Brennan (M), GregRobin Smith, Kurt Cagle, Eva L. Elasigue

Making It Pretty: Self-Editing and Revision

3—4 p.m. Cascade 13

So you've finished the first draft and it's... well... it's rough. Where do you start revising and how do you decide what to keep and what to throw out? Come to the workshop and get some ideas and tips for how to start wrangling that manuscript into shape. Limit 15 participants. Signup will be at the info table.

Kat Richardson (M)

Flashback: 80s Anime

3—4 p.m. Evergreen 1 & 2

It's the 1980s again. Technology is developing faster than ever. The NES and SEGA Genesis have shown us what gaming can do. The Empire Strikes Back and The Return of the Jedi are changing the way we see science fiction. In Japan, Otaku culture is exploding with content: Bubblegum Crisis, Castle in the Sky, Dirty Pair, Dragon Ball, Gundam, Captain Harlock, and many others. Let's take a trip back to the 1980s for the golden era of science fiction in anime, and explore the hows and whys of how it came to be. (Leijiverse fans welcome!)

Birdie (M)

Worlds to Come Home To

3—4 p.m. Evergreen 3 & 4

Fictional worlds offer teen readers a place to call their own, a place that stays with them even after they leave. If the world is built well, they'll come back to it, sure as Seanan McGuire's Wayward Children yearn for their magical lands. For the writer, building worlds well isn't just a matter of maps, languages, histories, and cosmologies. It's the connections between theme, world, and story that make the setting feel real. We'll talk about world-building and what themes resonate especially well for teens, with input from readers in the audience.

Kate Ristau (M), Tom Llewellyn, Kate Alice Marshall, Lish McBride, Kendare Blake

I Wrote a Song for My Story!

3—4 p.m. Olympic 2

Authors like Tolkien have been putting songs in their books for years. Can you still do that? If so, how? And what if you want to use a song written by someone else? Get answers to all these questions and more in this panel.

Amanda Cherry (M), Metaerie, Karen Eisenbrey, Tyrean Martinson

Making a Showgirl Boa Tail & Bridle

3—4:30 p.m. Maxi's Ballroom

Ever thought of looking like a showgirl with a big, fluffy, feathery tail and bridle? In this workshop you will learn the skills of wire bending and knotting to assemble the tail and bridle frames. All the frame materials will be provided, along with boas, ostrich feathers, and strapping to complete your bridle in this workshop. If you own a glue gun, please bring it. Limit 12 participants and those people who just want to watch. Adults only. Signup will be at the info table.

RAND the vampire (M)

Reading: D.L. Gardner

3:30—4 p.m. Cascade 3

Sword of Cho Nisi: Rise of the Tobian Princess. Sword of Cho Nisi is a high fantasy series with island magic, romance, and a dragon. With one fleeting mistake, her dreams were lost. Now she must fight to win them back. Rated PG.

D.L. Gardner (M)

Reading: G. David Nordley

4—4:30 p.m. Cascade 3

Selection from "Titan of Chaos." In Titan's Kraken Mare, submarines and their crews have gone missing and foul play is suspected. Hartigan O'Reilly is the chief law enforcement official in the Saturn system; his long-ago ex is on a sub swallowed by a giant Kraken Mare worm and has called for help. Rated G.

G. David Nordley (M)

Production Tools for Indie Publishers

4—5 p.m. Cascade 5 & 6

Indie novelists of all ages and backgrounds have one thing in common: they're publishers. If you're selfpublishing, this means you are heading up your own production department, and you'll need solutions for problems such as: How do I get cover art? How do I handle book design? What formats should I publish in, and what steps do I take to make that happen? Come learn about your tactical options as an indie author. You'll walk away with notes on digital tools, as well as tips on formatting, editing, book covers, blurbs, and reviews.

Shahid Mahmud (M), Neil Clarke, Elliott Kay, Anastasia Wilde, Talulah J. Sullivan

Where'd You Find That?!?

4—5 p.m. Cascade 7 & 8

Costuming usually starts with shopping, so let's share all the wacky and wonderful places we've found the components for our creations.

Ieva Ohaks (M), Ms. Purple Pearl, Andrew Williams, Torrey Stenmark, Garth Stubbs

Metaphors of Neurodivergence

4—5 p.m. Cascade 9

Many fans are drawn to nonhuman characters like Data and Spock because they can relate to their "alien" experience among "normal" humans. What other metaphors of neurodivergence are out there? How can neurodivergent writers share their experiences with the neurotypical world? Moving beyond the sociopathic genius and the childlike savant—how do we write neurodivergent characters who are compelling and reflect reality?

Liz Coleman (M), Tom D Wright, Clara Ward, Danielle Gembala, Craig Jackson

That's What She Said

4—5 p.m. Cascade 10

Explore the art of writing authentic dialogue, pluses and minuses of using popular slang, and how to find your unique writing voice.

K.G. Anderson (M), Jennifer Brozek, Richard Sparks, Lezli Robyn, J.P. Barnett

A Call to Adventure: Crafting Fantasy Starts (Fantasy Writing 201)

4—5 p.m. Cascade 13

Dive into the unique elements that define the beginnings of fantasy stories. Our authors will guide you in identifying these crucial components and demonstrate practical ways to apply them to your own work.

G.R. Theron (M), Kate Ristau, Randy Henderson, Travis Baldree, Brenda Carre, Carol Berg

How to Make Animals in Your Story Believable

4—5 p.m. Olympic 2

We all know that almost every Disney creature ends up acting like a dog in the end. What should you do to make sure that your animals are believable in your work? And how do you know what creature to include or not include? Learn from writers about how they chose their animals and what research was needed to represent them properly, even if the animals were mythical!

Jake McKinzie (M), Julie McGalliard, D.L. Gardner, Tegan Moore, Sara A Mueller

Reading: Kara Swanson

4:30—5 p.m. Cascade 3

Dust. The truth about Neverland is far more dangerous than a fairy tale. Ever since her twin brother was stolen away as a child, Claire Kenton believes the world is too dark for magic to be real. Now Claire's desperate search points to London... and a boy who shouldn't exist. Meanwhile, Peter Pan is having a beastly time getting back to Neverland. Grounded in London and hunted by his own Lost Boys, Peter searches for the last hope of restoring his crumbling island: a lass with magic in her veins. The girl who fears her own destiny is on a collision course with the boy who never wanted to grow up. The truth behind this fairy tale is about to unravel everything Claire thought she knew about Peter Pan—and herself. Rated PG.

Kara Swanson (M)

Reading: Dean Wells

5—5:30 p.m. Cascade 3

Flash fiction readings from *Queer Sci Fi'*s flash fiction anthology series: "A Flacon of Ink" and "It Came from Atom City." Rated PG.

Dean Wells (M)

In the Mouth of Madness: Mental Illness in Horror

5—6 p.m. Cascade 5 & 6

Where would the horror genre be without deranged psycho killers and unhinged lunatics who have escaped from nightmarish asylums? But the way horror uses "crazy" as a shorthand for "violent" can perpetuate the stigma around mental health. Is it possible for horror to handle mental illness better? What are some good examples? Some bad examples? What would we like to see in the future?

Camden Rose (M), Liz Coleman, Laura Cranehill, Ellis Bray

Biology Fought the Law, and the Law Won

5—6 p.m. Cascade 7 & 8

What happens when belief trumps science? Is society doomed?

Bryana Cross Bean, Attorney at Law (M), Jon Lasser, Howard Davidson, Julie McGalliard, Colette Breshears

Firearms in Fiction and Gaming

5—6 p.m. Cascade 9

Many writers and game designers have only an academic knowledge of modern weapons, much of it drawn from movies and TV and either wrong or impractical. Come listen to our panel of veterans and other experts dispel some of the myths that continue in fiction.

Bill Gruner (M), Clayton Mann, D.L. Solum, John Lovett, Teresa Drag

Captain, They've Broken Our Code!

5—6 p.m. Cascade 10

Fiction is full of clever spies who know secrets about codes and can crack them in days. Messages are tampered with between friends or enemies, sowing chaos. Super-intelligent computers can break any code. Stories often revolve around ideas like these. But what about the real world? What can you do with encryption? Why is it safer if everyone knows your code inside and out? Is there an unbreakable code and, if so, why don't we use it all the time? What is a "quantum computer" and what does it mean for our society? Join us as we explore the secrets of encryption!

Dr. Sean Robinson (M), Travis Partington, Cait Alvarez, Michael Ormes, Andrew Williams

Let's Draw Some Mecha!

5—7 p.m. Cascade 13

Do you like mobile suits, valkyries, powered armor, and super robots? Come join in with suggestions and a drawing pad of your own (if you want to draw too). We'll talk about the thought process that goes into designing a mecha, whether in the "real" robot or super robot genres. Then we'll take input from the audience and design a custom mecha. We'll also discuss how to justify mecha existing in your setting and how to make them match your pilot's personality or the story's theme. From pile bunkers to rocket punches, let's have fun with it!

Eric L Vargas (M)

Speculative Film Festival—Block A

5—7 p.m. Evergreen 1 & 2

Start your convention with a celebration of science fiction and fantasy short films from around the world. Films: "All Eyes," "Archive & The Storyteller," "Bird Drone," "FOREIGNER," "Ghost Song," "Promise Me," "Scrum Wars • Episode 1: A New Sprint," "The Path of the Greys," "The Right Vintage," and "Will Ye No Come Back Again?"

Cozy Dystopia: A Softer Apocalypse?

5—6 p.m. Evergreen 3 & 4

Look, we all know things aren't great: climate change, political upheaval, virulent new diseases, mass extinctions, ecological collapse. But does looking into the future have to mean staring into the void? What if we're not quite certain about the optimism of Solarpunk, but still want to read about futures that don't make us fall into despair? Let's talk about "cozy dystopia": who's writing it, who's reading it, and why. Is it a way to cope, or just copping out?

Tara Campbell (M), Shiv Ramdas, Kathy, L.J. Melvin, Brenda Cooper

Youth—Open Craft Time and Button Making

5—7 p.m. Olympic 1

Come do supplied crafts, make buttons, or work on your own stuff.

Jenny Shafer (M)

Historical Fantasy Dance: Etiquette & Steps

5—6 p.m. Grand 2

Attending a historical or fantasy ball? Wondering how to up your etiquette and dancing game so you can act as fabulous as your costume looks? Unsure of how to ask someone to dance? Do you know who should lead in a samegender, gender-neutral, or gender-fluid dancing couple? Come find answers to these questions and more, and learn two to three fun historical-based dances which are easy and fun! By the end you'll be ready to dance the night away with confidence at the Fae Ball.

Painting Minis—Kids & Teens Session

5—7 p.m. Maxi's Ballroom

Want to learn how to paint minis? Teens and tweens can learn from professional mini painter JD Wiker, Man of 1,000 Minis, with a guided tutorial on how to get started in the hobby. Participants even get to take their mini home! Special thanks to WizKids for sponsoring this workshop. Limited to 24 participants. Signup will be at the info table.

JD Wiker (M)

Newcomers: Welcome to Norwescon

5—6 p.m. Lobby Photo Area

First time at Norwescon? Returning after a long absence? Welcome! We're so glad you're here! The convention's chair and/or vice-chair will orient you to Norwescon, fill you in on where to find the fun stuff, and answer your questions about the convention.

SunnyJim Morgan, Rob Stewart

Reading: Dilman Dila

6—6:30 p.m. Cascade 3

Where Rivers Go to Die. The story of a child, might be human, grieving the death of their mother, which they caused, and discovering their true identity and purpose. Rated G.

Dilman Dila (M)

Surfing the Future Shockwaves

6—7 p.m. Cascade 5 & 6

How do SF authors and futurists determine what trends are likely to be important? What differentiates a megatrend from a transient fad? Why do marketed trends seem to fail so spectacularly... and so consistently? Why is the future so hard to read?

Crystal Lloyd (M), Kurt Cagle, Brenda Cooper, Jon Lasser, Kaylea Champion

Vampires Etc. Among Us

6—7 p.m. Cascade 7 & 8

Several modern animals live on blood. Griffins and dragons may have been inspired by the bones of dinosaurs. What are other possible biological inspirations for mythological creatures?

Colette Breshears (M), Ellis Bray, Gwendolyn N. Nix, Brian D. Oberquell, Darren McKinty, RVT

Writing for Video Games

6—7 p.m. Cascade 9

While we all recognize how great the graphics or gameplay are in our favorite video games, what would any game be without the writing? Our panelists discuss the process of writing for a video game and what role(s) the writing plays in making a game memorable and successful.

Evan J. Peterson (M), Sandra Rosner, Jeff Grubb, Monte Lin

Remakes—For Better... or Worse?

6—7 p.m. Cascade 10

It's a fact of popular media—old shows will get made into new shows, old movies into new movies. The question in these cases is always the same: why? Is there a good reason to remake them, or is it just about banking on a familiar name? Is the new show better than the original? Are the stories the same or different? Let's take a look at the movies and television shows that have been created and recreated to see why they were redone and whether the end result was worth it.

Kathy (M), Luke Elliott, Nick Fraser, Kris "Pepper" Hambrick, Richard Stephens

How Do You Become an Audio Narrator?

6—7 p.m. Evergreen 3 & 4

Our panel of professional audiobook narrators will give you advice and answer your questions.

Sam Stark (M), Gary Bennett

Young Adult vs. Middle Grade

6—7 p.m. Olympic 2

What's the difference between the young adult and middle grade genres? Learn from writers and readers of both about the differences and similarities, the trends in each, and what to know if you want to write in these spaces.

Marta Murvosh (M), Camden Rose, L.J. Melvin, Tom Llewellyn

Fairy Ball Dance Practice

6—7 p.m. Grand 2

Come learn some dances that will be done at the fairy ball on Saturday night! Medieval dances from Italy and England will be taught.

Speed Friending

6—7 p.m. Maxi's Lounge

Want to get to know other congoers, but find that the idea of striking up conversation with someone you don't know makes you think about running the other way? First of all, welcome! You're in a *lot *of good company. Second, we have a solution to feeling alone in a crowd! This is similar to speed dating. You sit down with someone and each of you talks for up to two minutes about easy topics: Have you been to Norwescon before? What events sound interesting this year? What are your fandoms? If the two of you want to talk further, exchange info. Otherwise, hey, you still met someone! And every few minutes, you both switch to someone new and start again. Find some of your tribe here!

Reading: Clara Ward

6:30—7 p.m. Cascade 3

Be the Sea. In November 2039, marine scientist Wend Taylor heaves themself aboard a zero-emissions boat skippered by elusive nature photographer Viola Yang. Guided by instinct, ocean dreams, and a shared birthday in 1972, they barter stories for passage across the Pacific. Aljon, Viola's younger cousin, keeps a watchful eye and an innovative galley. Story by story, the trio rethink secrets, flying dreams, their own minds, and a calling to Be the Sea. Rated G.

Clara Ward (M)

Opening Ceremonies: Doors Open

6:30—7 p.m. Grand 3

Doors open for Opening Ceremonies.

Opening Ceremonies

7—8 p.m. Grand 3

The official kickoff to Norwescon 46, featuring interviews with our guests of honor, a taste of things to come, and general shenanigans.

Lydia K. Valentine (M), Jim Butcher, Dr. Raychelle Burks, Kate Alice Marshall, Neil Clarke, Charles Vess

Reading: Jeannine Hall Gailey

8—8:30 p.m. Cascade 3

Flare, Corona. Jeannine will be reading from her book Flare, Corona, published in May 2023 by BOA Editions. Poems will involve space weather, science fiction, and chronic illness/disability. Rated PG.

Jeannine Hall Gailey (M)

Project Managing Your Costume

8—9 p.m. Cascade 5 & 6

Every costume is a project! Identify its scope: How many pieces of clothing do you need? What accessories are required? For group costumes, what attributes ensure a cohesive look? Determine a schedule and specific milestones: When will you wear it? How much work time will each costume piece take? Does your group need scheduled sessions and presentation rehearsals? Identify a reasonable budget: Do you already own parts or supplies? How many yards of silk do you actually need? Can you recycle existing accessories? Are you buying or making props? Realistic expectations create fantastic results!

Ms. Purple Pearl (M), Theresa Halbert, Siyrren , Gina Saucier

Carrying and Caring for Your Sword

8—9 p.m. Cascade 7 & 8

So you finally got the sword of your dreams or picked up a rusty blade somewhere. How do you keep it shiny or make it shiny? Do you walk around with it in your hand? Do you stick it under your belt? What are the weapon rules at Norwescon? We have the answers.

Peter Fuller (M), Bill Gruner, Ann Shilling, Joseph Malik

Queering History and Legend

8—9 p.m. Cascade 9

Not only has history been portrayed as white, not only has it been portrayed as male, but stories centering queerness are supposedly a "recent occurrence." Right? SO VERY WRONG. Join us while we explore very real instances of historical LGBTQ2S+ people from varying cultures and learn how to use that as background for crafting worlds that empower queer spaces.

Talulah J. Sullivan (M), Lezli Robyn, S.L. Coney, Anne Stewart, Dilman Dila

The Best of Let's Make a Movie

8—9 p.m. Cascade 10

Relive the best "Let's Make a Movie" shorts we've produced at Norwescon over the past 25 years (and maybe you'll catch a glimpse of a much-younger you!). We aren't going to show them all, but there are various favorites, plus more recent efforts will be in the mix. Don't forget to come to our organizing panel on Friday for this year's workshop!

Brian D. Oberquell, Ryan K. Johnson

History as a Source

8—9 p.m. Cascade 13

Just as science inspires sci fi, history serves as a wellspring for fantasy. Our panelists will guide you through techniques for researching and distilling historical elements and seamlessly incorporating them into your fantasy work.

Remy Nakamura (M), D.L. Gardner, Shiv Ramdas, Kat Richardson

Speculative Film Fest—Block B

8—11 p.m. Evergreen 1 & 2

Even more great science fiction and fantasy short films. "Closing Time," "Ellipsis," "Five," "Genre," "Spiral to the Center," "The Astronaut," "The Indulgence of Viv le Vac," "The Miners," and "The Wayfarer."

Open Filk Circle: Thursday Night

8 p.m.—1 a.m. Evergreen 3 & 4

Come join the open filk circle.

Floral Head Wreath Workshop

8—10 p.m. Olympic 1

Create a floral head wreath for our Fae ball on Saturday using wire, ribbon, artificial flowers, and foliage. It will be durable and adjustable. You can make it as realistic or fantastical as you want. Recommended age 13 and up (sharp tools). Limit 15 participants. Cost $10 cash. Signup at the info table.

Ieva Ohaks (M)

Practical Consent

8—9 p.m. Olympic 2

Want to know more about how to practice consent? Join us for a series of consent exercises to practice and hone your skills as you enjoy Norwescon. This will be an interactive, noncontact (hands off) workshop and, of course, consensual.

Sar Surmick (M)

Stitch & Bitch and Costume 911

8 p.m.—midnight Maxi's Ballroom

Still working on something to wear in the halls or the masquerade, or just on a project? This is your place. Bring your items to work on and enjoy good company and the opportunity to get help, if needed.

Scotty McIntosh (M)

The Chill Lounge

8 p.m.—midnight Maxi's Lounge

Need a quiet space to just be for a while? Want to read a book? Looking for a space to run a long game of Twilight Imperium that isn't noisy? We've set this space aside for just that.

Reading: Thursday

8:30—9 p.m. Cascade 3

Thursday reads a collection of nerd poetry. Rated PG.

Thursday (M)

Reading: Mitchell Shanklin

9—9:30 p.m. Cascade 3

"A Testament to Indirection, An Enigma, The Sun Above." A flash fiction story about rewriting your partner's life poem. (Very quickly! The brain surgeon is waiting for you to finish). Rated R.

Mitchell Shanklin (M)

Research for Writing: Fanfic Edition

9—10 p.m. Cascade 5 & 6

Writing fanfic can be a freewheeling good time, but doing it well often involves research—sometimes a *lot *of research. You need to know your source canon, but there's so much more. What type of gun does a British WWII soldier carry? What do 1950s police forensics teams pack in their work kits? How do you actually run a coffee shop? Is your search history going to put you on a government watchlist? It can be overwhelming, but our panelists are here to help with useful resources and effective research techniques.

Berlynn Wohl (M), Anne Stewart, Sam Stark, B. Zelkovich, Birdie

Verily, A New Hope

9—10 p.m. Cascade 7 & 8

Come listen to/participate in a live reading of scenes from Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope, but as if Shakespeare wrote it, using the text of Verily, A New Hope by Ian Doescher. Sign up for a role and pick up a script at the info table, or just come to the reading. We need volunteer actors to have fun with it, and an audience ready to laugh!

The Titan Submersible and Its Parallels in SF

9—10 p.m. Cascade 9

OceanGate was trying to be a disruptor and find ways to build submarines more cheaply. They claimed the rules were favoring the "big guys" and were trying to prevent innovation. This idea has appeared in science fiction over and over, whether it's the movie *Salvage-1 *or the portrayal of Belters in The Expanse books and TV show. How would OceanGate have been viewed last year, before the loss in June? Is it wrong to allow experimental crafts, whether underwater or in space? Should formal engineering be required or is it enough to just design stuff?

Dr. Sean Robinson (M), Bart Kemper, Russell Ervin, Phil L. Swan

Forensics: Come for the Crime, Stay for the Fun

9—10 p.m. Cascade 10

Our panelists discuss what actually happens at crime scenes. Helpful for writers and general interest. Goodies will be given away!

Cindy Fangour (M), Dr. Raychelle Burks

Nerf Free Play

9 p.m.—2 a.m. Grand 2

Play Nerf, either with or against your friends! All equipment is provided.

Thursday Dance: Fandom Mash with DJ Wüdi

9 p.m.—1 a.m. Grand 3

It's the Thursday night dance! On our first evening venturing Into the Wylde, who knows what manner of fantastical beings we will encounter... or we will be? Mix-and-match from whatever outfits you brought for the weekend to create mashup costumes, or wear something to represent your fandom(s), and come down and dance to a mix of dance tracks across eras, convention favorites, and all manner of mashups and oddities, all brought to you by DJ Wüdi!

Friends of Bill W.

10—11 p.m. Cascade 3

Intro to Polyamory

10—11 p.m. Cascade 5 & 6

Sci-fi fans are great at asking "what if" and envisioning different possibilities— so we can also reject the rules, and choose different options in our real lives. Polyamory has been around as a fringe lifestyle for decades but has lately been getting more attention in the mainstream. If you're wondering if it would work for you, join the panel discussion.

Hazel (M), Craig Jackson, Kate Sherman, Sar Surmick

Let's Rank Every Sci-Fi Character Ever!

10—11 p.m. Cascade 9

Is Captain Kirk more influential than John Carter? Is Ellen Ripley cooler than E.T.? Panelists and audience will discuss, explore, and ultimately rank every science fiction character ever to grace the screen. Or at least as many as we can get to in 45 minutes!

Berlynn Wohl (M), Gina Saucier, Brian D. Oberquell

Advanced Polyamory

11—midnight Cascade 5 & 6

If you have been in the polyamorous community for a while, come discuss some of the nuances and challenges with panelists who have been there. Limited to over 18+ years of age.

Craig Jackson (M), Hazel, Kate Sherman, Eva L. Elasigue

Friday Panels

Lazer Tag

7—9 a.m. Grand 2

Join us early in the morning for Lazer Tag with a round robin format. All equipment will be provided. We will be playing with vintage Star Wars Lazer Tag equipment from Tiger Electronics.

Youth—Friday Morning Cartoons and Coloring

9—10 a.m. Olympic 1

Start your day with coloring sheets and cartoons.

Jenny Shafer (M)

Reading: Carol Berg

10—10:30 a.m. Cascade 3

The Essence of All Things. A young stabbing victim collapsed at the doorstep of an apothecary claims he is possessed by a daemon. His wild temperament and dangerous talents seem to bear that out, leaving the apothecary pondering whether to murder the lad or find some way to harness his skills. Rated G

Carol Berg (M)

Why Fanfic?

10—11 a.m. Cascade 5 & 6

What makes fanfiction a popular hobby for so many people? What trends can be tracked over time, and how do changing conditions (the rise of social media, direct access to professional content creators, evolution in social attitudes, etc.) influence how people interact with transformative fanworks?

Kris "Pepper" Hambrick (M), Berlynn Wohl, Brianna Tibbetts, Anne Stewart, B. Zelkovich

Let's Make a Movie: Plan It!

10 a.m.—noon Cascade 7 & 8

Norwescon's original movie-making workshop (begun in 2000) will show you how to make a movie on a shoestring in just a few hours! But first, we'll talk basics: what equipment do you need to make a movie? (Hint: it might already be in your pocket). How can you make it look good? Learn the tips 'n tricks we've picked up over the years. Then you, our audience, come up with an idea, develop it into something doable at a con, plan the shoot, do some quick casting, and anything else we can think of! This is your chance to be a part of this unique workshop and learn how to make a movie on a budget so tiny calling it "tiny" makes people who are tiny feel insulted. The key to making a movie is good planning! If you want to get in on the action tomorrow, you'll want to be here for the planning.

Brian D. Oberquell, dQ Kaufman, Ryan K. Johnson, Edward Martin III

Understanding Military Aspects of Your Sci-Fi Tale

10—11 a.m. Cascade 9

Research is tough. If you've never served in the military, it can be difficult, or well-nigh impossible to write your story with any degree of accuracy. Multiple panelists who have all served in the military will help you get the military aspects of your story correct.

Peter Fuller (M), Teresa Drag, Bill Gruner, Russell Ervin, Mike Brennan, Dr. Mark Rounds

Show and Tell for Geeks

10—11 a.m. Cascade 10

Over the decades, what we have collected as a society has dramatically changed. We've gone from first edition books to first edition comic books. Glass and ceramic figurines to plastic action figures. Framed art and posters by famous artists to framed art and posters by famous fan artists. Each of our panelists will bring with them their faaaaaavorite geeky "toys" and share their stories. The audience is also invited to bring one special item to share in our geeky show and tell!

Birdie (M), Janna Silverstein, Crystal Lloyd, Tom Whitmore, Douglas Herring

All Ages Open & Scheduled Gaming

10 a.m.—midnight Cascade 11

Want to set up your own game? Cascade 11 has space for your RPG, board game, or card game. Check one out from Dragonflight's lending library or bring your own.

Game Lending Library

10 a.m.—midnight Cascade 12

Come check out games from our lending libraries. We have RPGs, card games, board games, and so much more! An official state license or state ID is needed to check out games. There are tables to play the games you borrow or ones you bring yourselves. There will also be some scheduled games here. Need ADA access for a game? Please speak to our staff when you sign up so we can be sure to meet your needs.

Evolution of a Writing Career

10 a.m.—noon Cascade 13

This is a no holds barred, every-question- counts fast-paced Q&A for brand-new writers wanting to break in with Ken Scholes and Kristi Charish.

Kristi Charish, Ken Scholes

Digital Art Programs

10—11 a.m. Evergreen 1 & 2

Do you want to work in digital art but don't know what tech is best recommended? Come and see what the pros use for their art and find what's right for you!

Kurt Cagle (M), Brittany Torres, Ellis Bray, Lizzy D. Hill, Michael Brugger

Mythological Origins

10—11 a.m. Evergreen 3 & 4

Uncover the roots of your favorite fantasies by exploring myths and fairy tales. Our panelists will discuss the influence of these timeless tales on fantasy, providing tips on incorporating them into your own work and suggesting additions to your reading list.

Kate Ristau (M), Rhiannon/R.Z. Held, Shiv Ramdas, Anastasia Wilde, Richard Sparks

Youth—Playing with Yarn

10—11 a.m. Olympic 1

There are many things you can do to play with yarn. Come try yarn dolls, god'seyes, pompoms, and finger-knitting and bring your creations home. Small children will need assistance.

Jenny Shafer (M), Danielle Gembala, Marta Murvosh

Writing Nightmares: A Horror Writing Panel and Workshop

10—11 a.m. Olympic 2

Join us as we talk about the horror genre: what is it, how to approach it, and why should you write it. After the panel, we will brainstorm a horror story or two together.

Camden Rose (M), Julie McGalliard, Evan J. Peterson, Gordon B. White, J.P. Barnett

Research for Short Fiction

10—11 a.m. Grand 2

You've got the seed of a short story, and you're certain of its brilliance. Problem: it takes place at the event horizon of a black hole/during the Spanish Civil War/ in a virology lab hidden away in the jungles of the Amazon basin/in a Sichuan cooking school. And you know only the Wikipedia highlights. How do you write this without accidentally falling into a Google hole, possibly forever? How do you find reliable resources, sort through them, prioritize your research time, and filter what's relevant? How do you know when you've done enough? And how many books are you allowed to buy?

David Boop (M), Tegan Moore, Neil Clarke, Luke Elliott

Interview and Q&A with Special Guest of Honor Kate Alice Marshall

10—11 a.m. Grand 3

Come join us for an interview with Norwescon 46's special guest of honor, Kate Alice Marshall, and get a chance to ask your own questions during the Q&A.

Kate Alice Marshall (M)

Cosplay Photography Workshop

10—11:30 a.m. Maxi's Ballroom

Come work with a veteran photographer and a veteran cosplayer to learn tips and tricks for doing great cosplay photography in a hands-on environment! We'll walk to a few different settings, and learn how to take the best photos in each one, based on lighting, costume considerations, and more. Bring your phone, your camera, or your cosplay, and come ready to get some great photos! Cosplayers and photographers are all welcome, at any level of skill and equipment.

Andrew Williams (M), Torrey Stenmark

Speed Friending

10 a.m.—11 a.m. Maxi's Lounge

Want to get to know other congoers, but the idea of striking up a conversation with someone you don't know makes you think about running the other way? One, welcome! You're in a *lot* of good company. Two, we have a solution to feeling alone in a crowd! This is similar to speed dating. You sit down with someone, and each of you talks for up to two minutes about easy topics: have you been to NWC before, what events sound interesting this year, what are your fandoms? If the two of you want to talk further, exchange info! Otherwise, hey, you still met someone! And every few minutes, you both switch to someone new and start again. Find some of your tribe here!

Artemis Spaceship Bridge Simulator

10 a.m.—10 p.m. Maxi's Salon

Artemis is a spaceship bridge simulator where players assume the job of captain, helm, science, communication, engineering, and weapons and work together to defeat alien enemies.

Silent Book Reading Club

10—11 a.m. Presidential Suite 1360

We'll spend just a few minutes chatting at the beginning, kind of a welcome. The remainder of the time will be spent silently reading our individual books of choice. That's it! Just a designated time and space to silently read with others who want to read. Feel free to bring a blanket, pillow, or your favorite reading comfort item.

Art in Action: Elizabeth Fellows

10 a.m.—11 a.m. Art Show Panel 8

Elizabeth will show you how to knit metal scales into yarn pieces like fingerless gloves.

All Ages Scheduled Games

10 a.m.—midnight Rotunda 1 & 2

Come sign up for a game! We have Pathfinder Society, Adventurers League, RPGs, card games, and so much more! After scheduled gaming closes, this area is available for open games. Need ADA access for a game? Please speak to our staff so we can be sure to meet your needs. Rotunda 1 & 2 are located down Concourse 1 or 2 on the first and second floors.

Reading: Metaerie

10:30—11 a.m. Cascade 3

"Fallon's Lament." This is a blending of two poems, written decades apart, now being set to music for future videography for the fiction series. Rated G.

Metaerie (M)

Reading: D.L. Solum

11—11:30 a.m. Cascade 3

Persephone: A Tale of Darker Seattle. Dark epic urban fantasy based in Seattle. Wytches, Werewolves, Vampires, Fae, and the mortals who love them. Rated PG.

D.L. Solum (M)

Developing Your Science Fictional Novum

11 a.m.—noon Cascade 5 & 6

A novum is the heart of strangeness in science fiction, the speculative element that sets your world apart from consensus reality. Professor Darko Suvin gave it a name 45 years ago, but science fiction writers had been exploring sentient monsters, life on other planets, and changes to human biology well before then. SF readers have always expected a well-imagined novum, so how do you make sure your story delivers? We'll talk about how a good novum reveals itself through narrative and some questions writers can ask to develop a story's kernel into a fully functional operating system.

L.J. Melvin (M), Nancy Kress, Lezli Robyn, Mitchell Shanklin, Brenda Cooper

Developing strong teen characters

11 a.m.—noon Cascade 9

Hero or zero? Examine what characteristics teen characters need to remain authentic and still have credibility in the adult world.

Lish McBride (M), Kara Swanson, Tyrean Martinson, Karen Eisenbrey, Anastasia Wilde

Diverse authors, diverse books with KCLS

11 a.m.—noon Cascade 10

King County Library System librarians give a book talk on BIPOC and LGTBQIA+ representation in sci-fi and fantasy and suggest titles covering books and authors from tweens to adults.

King County Library System (KCLS) (M)

ChatGPT and Original Literary Works: The Legal Landscape

11 a.m.—noon Evergreen 1 & 2

Chatbots built on large-language models and trained on existing literary texts are new players within the creative space. Authors and artists are faced with a malleable new medium that may be accompanied by an increased risk of infringement. This panel discusses how this new technology fits into the old mold of copyright law and how courts, agencies, and authors are addressing issues relative to unauthorized uses.

Tara Campbell (M), Ethan Vodde, Curtis C. Chen, Shahid Mahmud, Talulah J. Sullivan

How 3D Printing Can Up Your Costume Game

11—noon Evergreen 3 & 4

Are you interested in getting a 3D printer? What is the best entry point into this expensive but cool hobby? What do you want to make with it, and how does that affect what you buy? Filament or resin? Let's discuss the possibilities and what is available.

Wm Salt Hale (M), Melissa Quinn, Darren McKinty, RVT, Kevin Taft

Youth—Picture Book Storytime

11 a.m.—noon Olympic 1

Listen to stories as you color.

Jenny Shafer (M), Birdie

Learn to play an RPG

11 a.m.—noon Olympic 2

Come learn to play a role-playing game! Our gamemaster (GM) will walk you through how to make a character and a short adventure. Dice will be provided for use. This is for teens and tweens only!

Jenny Jarzabski (M), Scotty McIntosh, Bruce R. Cordell, Monte Lin, Ron Lundeen

Art Business Q&A

11 a.m.—noon Grand 2

Are you looking into working in the art world? Or just curious about what artists do? Have lots of questions? Here's your chance to get them answered by a professional artist!

Michael Brugger (M), Charles Vess, Brittany Torres, Rob Carlos

Interview and Q&A with Science Guest of Honor Dr. Raychelle Burks

11 a.m.—noon Grand 3

Come join us for an interview with Norwescon 46's science guest of honor, Dr. Raychelle Burks, and get a chance to ask your own questions during the Q&A.

Dr. Raychelle Burks (M)

Newcomers Welcome to Norwescon

11 a.m.—noon Lobby Photo Area

Is it your first time at Norwescon? Are you returning after a long absence? Welcome! We're so glad you're here. The convention's chair and/or vicechair will orient you to Norwescon, fill you in on where to find the fun stuff, and answer your questions about the convention.

SunnyJim Morgan, Rob Stewart

Norwescon's Bibliophiles

11 a.m.—noon Presidential Suite 1360

Join Norwescon's Bibliophiles, the official book club of Norwescon, for a discussion of our March book, Infinity Gate by M.R. Carey, which is also nominated for this year's Philip K. Dick Award. The book examines a threat to a million worlds, which are all Earth in many different dimensions. All are welcome. Norwescon's Bibliophiles meets online on the third Monday of each month, with occasional in-person gatherings. Look for us on our Facebook page.

Reading: Travis Baldree

11:30—noon Cascade 3

"Goblins & Greatcoats." A mystery short set in the world of *Legends & Lattes *involving goblins, ponies, chaos, and cutlery. Rated PG.

Travis Baldree (M)

Reading: Bethany Jacobs

noon—12:30 p.m. Cascade 3

These Burning Stars. Rated R.

Bethany Jacobs (M)

Improv Cartooning

noon—1 p.m. Cascade 5 & 6

Relax and have fun as you watch artists challenge themselves in quick-draw cartooning challenges.

Sven Red Beard (M), Stan!, Eric L Vargas, Liz Argall

Masquerade 101

noon—1 p.m. Cascade 7 & 8

Are you ready to compete? Do you have an idea for sound or movement? How do you know what level to compete at? How do you use the stage safely and to your benefit? How long will you be in your costume? How long will you be on stage? Can you just yell? No, you can't, if you want to win. You have meetings to go to, rules to follow, and rehearsals. This panel will try to prepare you for the masquerade experience. This is not the masquerade panel that is required for entrants, just informational.

Richard Stephens (M), Torrey Stenmark, Zamesta Cosplay, Julie Zetterberg, Garth Stubbs

Making Role-Playing Games Welcoming to New Players

noon—1 p.m. Cascade 9

As the role-playing game and story game hobby grows, we need to pay attention to creating a warm, inviting, and safe atmosphere for new players. How do we do our best to make sure these players have fun and come back?

Bruce R. Cordell (M), Jason Tondro, Jeff Grubb, Jenny Jarzabski, Luis Loza

A Dash of Dread

noon—1 p.m. Cascade 10

Horror isn't limited to the horror shelf. Delve into the incorporation of spooky and macabre elements in fantasy novels. Our panelists will discuss works that masterfully blend eerie elements, offering tips and ideas for infusing your own writing with a touch of the creepy.

Remy Nakamura (M), David Boop, Jennifer Brozek, Tegan Moore, Camden Rose

Making Magic: A Primer for Fantasy Writers

noon—2 p.m. Cascade 13

So, you want to have magic in your story, but you don't know where to start? Explore the creation and use of an original magic system for your fantasy fiction. We'll talk through the early decisions, the ways magic systems inform and improve the story, and how to interweave the workings into the narrative without breaking the flow. We'll chat about our favorite examples of magic in fiction and those we feel weren't as successful. You'll leave with the beginnings of your own magic system, plus a better understanding of how to use it in your next story.

Amanda Cherry (M)

Webb vs Hubble—You pick the winner

noon—1 p.m. Evergreen 1 & 2

Webb was originally supposed to replace Hubble, but they are both still producing valid data. Why? And which is giving the best data and pictures?

Dan Dubrick (M), G. David Nordley, Dr. Sean Robinson, Hugh S. Gregory, Andy Dykes

Worldbuilding: The Burden of Being God

noon—1 p.m. Evergreen 3 & 4

Examine the essential elements of creating a well-rounded world.

Brenda Carre (M), Tyrean Martinson, Sandra Rosner, Thea Prieto, Lish McBride, Kate Alice Marshall

Starfinder 2nd Edition Demo

noon—1 p.m. Olympic 2

Play an exclusive demo of the Starfinder 2nd Edition role-playing game with one of the game's developers!

Mike Kimmel (M)

Worldbuilding: Weaving Magic

noon—1 p.m. Grand 2

Magic is a cornerstone of fantasy, from nuanced systems to mysterious forces. Join our panelists as they delve into magic systems, discuss impactful examples, and provide insights on balancing magic with world and plot elements, offering techniques to seamlessly incorporate magic into your writing.

Dean Wells (M), Rashida J Smith, K.G. Anderson, Alma Alexander, Ken Bebelle

Interview and Q&A with Writer Guest of Honor Jim Butcher

noon—1 p.m. Grand 3

Come join us for an interview with Norwescon 46's writer guest of honor, Jim Butcher, and get a chance to ask your own questions during the Q&A.

Jim Butcher (M)

Charades: The BritCon Edition

noon—1 p.m. Maxi's Lounge

You think you know all things British? Come put it to the test in a game of charades that's all about it. Find your fellow fans!

Michael Citrak (M)

Art in Action: Agathon McGeachy

noon—1 p.m. Art Show Panel 8

Ceramic figure sculptor Agathon McGeachy will demonstrate sculpting facial features in clay, with commentary.

Reading: S.L. Coney

12:30—1 p.m. Cascade 3

Wild Spaces.

An 11-year-old boy lives an idyllic childhood exploring the remote coastal plains and wetlands of South Carolina alongside his parents and his dog Teach. But when the boy's eerie and estranged grandfather shows up one day with no warning, cracks begin to form as hidden secrets resurface that his parents refuse to explain. The longer his grandfather outstays his welcome and the greater the tension between the adults grows, the more the boy feels something within him changing—physically—into something his grandfather welcomes and his mother fears. Something abyssal. Something monstrous. Rated PG.

S.L. Coney (M)

Reading: Brenda Cooper

1—1:30 p.m. Cascade 3

"The Robot and the Winding Woods." Rated G.

Brenda Cooper (M)

What is the Future Made Of?

1—2 p.m. Cascade 5 & 6

Graphene. Aerogels. Buckypaper. Metallic glass. Memory metal. Transparent aluminum. Self-healing concrete. Hempcrete. Metamaterials. Quasicrystals. Permeable pavement. Quantum dots. New materials with useful and often strange properties are being developed all of the time. What can they do? What can we use them for? Will they transform the world? Which ones? Come join our panelists for a look at what the future will, may, or won't be made of.

Dave Davis (M), Howard Davidson, Phil L. Swan, Andy Quinn, Ken Bebelle

A Story Is Forever

1—2 p.m. Cascade 7 & 8

A story can last long past its original publication date. What stories are "forever," and how can you adapt your content and publishing strategies to take advantage? Learn how to work with other creative individuals and how to make your creative projects continue working for you for the rest of your life, and beyond.

Jennifer Brozek (M), Talulah J. Sullivan, Gwendolyn N. Nix, Jack Skillingstead, Eva L. Elasigue

Monsters With the Most: Designing a Creature

1—2 p.m. Cascade 9

What's a game without fearsome, horrifying monsters, right? Our panelists discuss what goes into the design of the best and most challenging monstrous opponents.

Stephen Radney-MacFarland (M), Jason Nelson, Ron Lundeen, Erik Scott de Bie, Tim Nightengale

Worldbuilding—how clothes make the character

1—2 p.m. Cascade 10

People wear clothes on purpose, be it for fashion, to avoid attention, or for protection from the environment or from other people who want to poke them full of holes. Historically there are entire sets of laws about what people can and can't wear. Wars have been fought, continents colonized, and entire species have been hunted to near or actual extinction, all in the name of clothes. Clothes tell your readers volumes about your world and the transportation systems and economic balances of society, adding richness to your creation.

Ieva Ohaks (M), Sara A. Mueller, S.L. Coney, Jessie Kwak, Thea Prieto

Managing Unsolicited Submissions in the Era of AI

1—2 p.m. Evergreen 1 & 2

SFF and horror magazines bring new talent into the field. The slush pile, typically managed by teams of volunteers or low-paid editors, has historically allowed SFF magazines to discover emerging writers and find new talent. But AI-generated submissions have disrupted that system, causing markets to make changes, both temporary and permanent. What approaches can SFF magazines take to manage the deluge of robo-slush? What's been working? What has failed? Join us for a practical discussion.

Craig Jackson (M), Neil Clarke, Monte Lin, Gordon Van Gelder

Neurodiversity 101

1—2 p.m. Evergreen 3 & 4

What is neurodiversity? Who is neurodivergent? Is being neurotypical just an illusion? Come learn the basics. It's more than just autism and ADHD!

Caren GS (M), Liz Coleman, Gloria Jackson-Nefertiti, Liz Argall, Tom D Wright

Youth D&D

1—3 p.m. Olympic 1

Take your first step into role-playing games! Pick a character and play in a story led by our dungeon master.

Oliver (M), Jenny Shafer, Alexander Pereira

Cosplay on an Allowance

1—2 p.m. Olympic 2

Ever want to make the cosplay costume of your dreams, but have the budget of your nightmares? Learn tools, tricks, and tips that will help you create what you want without breaking the piggy bank!

Richard Stephens (M), Melissa Quinn, Ms Purple Pearl, Hazel, Crystal Lloyd

Serial Killers: How Do They Get Away With It (or Not)?

1—2 p.m. Grand 2

The myth of the "brilliant" serial killer is embedded deeply into our pop culture, but is that just a false story covering up police incompetence? Sometimes serial killers get caught (Ted Bundy), sometimes they never get caught (Jack the Ripper), and sometimes they get caught decades later through changes in forensic technology (The Green River Killer). How do they get away with it for as long as they do?

Julie McGalliard (M), Sar Surmick, Dr. Raychelle Burks, Jake McKinzie, Kate Sherman

Charades: The Firefly Edition

1—2 p.m. Maxi's Lounge

Do you think you know Firefly? Come put it to the test in a game of charades that's all about Firefly, and find your fellow Browncoats!

Seattle Worldcon 2025 Tea Party

1—2:30 p.m. Presidential Suite 1360

Come to a tea party hosted by the Seattle Worldcon 2025 team! Meet some of the plotters and planners, hear about what a Worldcon entails, and add your two cents about how to make it a great event. Seattle Worldcon 2025 will be at the Seattle Convention Center from August 13-17, 2025. The tea party will feature a special blend of tea, snacks, and conversation. You can learn more about the convention and buy a membership at, or by visiting the club table in the lobby.

Kathy (M)

Reading: David D. Levine

2—2:30 p.m. Cascade 3

Hugo- and Nebula-winning writer David D. Levine reads from his latest novel, The Kuiper Belt Job, a space opera caper novel best described as "Ocean's 11 meets The Expanse." Rated G.

David D. Levine (M)

Vehicles of Self-Expression: Costuming for Wheelchairs, Walkers, and Other Necessary Helpers

2—3 p.m. Cascade 5 & 6

Wheelchairs, walkers, canes, glasses, service dogs, and other helping apparatus work fabulously with costuming! Join us for a lively discussion about what you can do with these necessary items to enhance your costume experience. If you have a wheelchair, you've got your very own starship Enterprise!

Garth Stubbs (M), Zamesta Cosplay, Deborah Strub, Hazel


2—3 p.m. Cascade 7 & 8

In school we were told that in the past, people wanted spices to mask the taste of spoiled foods. Is that a myth, like so many others mentioned in public school? Why were spices so highly valued and considerable effort expended in moving them about?

Pat Reed, L.E.G. (M), Sara A. Mueller, Cait Alvarez, Spencer Ellsworth

Horror as Comfort Food

2—3 p.m. Cascade 9

Strange as it may seem, many fans have favorite horror books and movies that they revisit again and again for emotional solace. Maybe it's the catharsis. Maybe it's the whispery ASMR vocals. Maybe we're just weirdos. Panelists discuss their favorite horror comfort viewing/reading and why it soothes them.

Jennifer Brozek (M), Steven Barnes, Gwen Callahan , Kendare Blake, Remy Nakamura

Make Your Agent Query and Synopsis Shine

2—3 p.m. Cascade 10

You've written a book. Great! You want to sell it. Wonderful! Chances are the agent or publisher you want to pitch to will require a query letter and synopsis of your book up front, which is a different type of writing altogether. How do you compose a strong, engaging, and succinct query letter and synopsis that will catch the eye and spark interest? Our panelists will share what to aim for and what to avoid in this often-overlooked aspect of the writing craft.

Janna Silverstein (M), Leslie Varney, Ellis Bray, Lezli Robyn

The Anatomy of Fantastical Creatures

2—3 p.m. Cascade 13

Come for a bit of applied comparative anatomy dressed up as an SF/F art class. We will give hints on how to make your bizarre imaginings look like they should actually have evolved somewhere.

Larry Lewis (M), Darren McKinty, RVT, Colette Breshears, Douglas Herring

Sakura-Con at Norwescon

2—3 p.m. Evergreen 1 & 2

For those of you missing Sakura-Con, here's an anime panel for you! Attendees are invited to come dressed as their favorite anime characters while our panelists share with you some great new shows and some old favorites that you might have missed. The last portion of the panel we will open up so attendees can share any beloved anime we didn't cover. All fans from newbies to seasoned veterans are welcome! Otaku unite!!

Mimi Noyes (M), Birdie, Melissa Quinn, Tom Whitmore, Andy Quinn

The Character on Every Page

2—3 p.m. Evergreen 3 & 4

Explore the pivotal role of worldbuilding in fantasy stories. Our panelists will discuss standout examples, explaining how effective worldbuilding sets the tone, informs character experiences, and enhances the reader's journey. Gain insights on replicating these techniques in your writing.

Carol Berg (M), Travis Baldree, Brenda Carre, Alma Alexander, Kara Swanson

Basics of Building a Story (a YA/Teen Workshop)

2—4 p.m. Olympic 2

What is this witch's brew of words we call "story?" In this hands-on workshop, young and beginning writers will explore the structure, techniques, and best practices of what goes into crafting a work of fiction: plot, character, setting, problem, and resolution. You'll be building your own story in class, so be prepared to be creative! Priority seating to teens and tweens.

Dean Wells (M)

Interview and Art with Artist Guest of Honor Charles Vess

2—3 p.m. Grand 3

Come join us for an interview with Norwescon 46's artist guest of honor, Charles Vess, and get a chance to ask your own questions during the Q&A.

Charles Vess (M)

Hello Shodo—Your First Brush with Japanese Calligraphy

2—3:30 p.m. Maxi's Ballroom

Shodo artist Shoryu (A.W. McCollough) presents an introduction to exciting and meditative Japanese art. A form of meditative writing, Shodo is an art form that was practiced by scribes and samurai alike and brings benefits of meditation, discipline, and artistic expression. In this 1.5-hour workshop, you will learn about the Four Treasures, practice the Eight Principle Strokes, decide on a kanji (character) to practice, and make a piece of art to take home with you. If you have ever wondered about Japanese Calligraphy, or if you just want to write Blue Sun (蓝日), this is your chance for a brush with Shodo. Limited to 20 participants. Cost $25, cash only. Signup will open at the info table 24 hours before the panel.

A.W. McCollough (M)

Charades: The D&D Edition

2—3 p.m. Maxi's Lounge

Do you think you know Dungeons & Dragons? Come put it to the test in a game of charades that's all about D&D, and find your fellow fans!

Art in Action: Ashley J. Harper

2—3 p.m. Art Show Panel 8

Ashley will provide a brief overview of her collaging methods, including adding additional embellishments such as stencil work, and adding charms and wax seals.

Reading: Jessica Rae Bergamino

2:30—3 p.m. Cascade 3

Excerpt from Unmanned. Rated G.

Jessica Rae Bergamino (M)

Reading: Laura Anne Gilman

3—3:30 p.m. Cascade 3

Frantastic. A young witch, called on to evaluate a possibly cursed object, discovers something even more dangerous hidden inside... Rated G.

Laura Anne Gilman (M)

Teen/Tween Root Beer Float Social

3—4 p.m. Convention Lounge (Room 7108)

Come meet other teens and tweens (10 - 17 years old) attending this year's convention. We will consume ice cream and soda while reviewing what's new and exciting this weekend. For those interested, this will be the first step in adventuring with the Norwescon Shire!

Women in the Business of STEM

3—4 p.m. Cascade 5 & 6

The stereotype of white Anglo-Saxon Protestants as the only professionals in science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) is going away, but less so in management. How do women in leadership positions in STEM earn their positions, what challenges do they face, and how do they make changes in their technical fields and business operations? What are the pitfalls they see that are both common for all in the field and specific to women? What are the intersectional factors for people of color, LGBTQIA, immigration status, etc.?

V Whitlock, Pat Reed, L.E.G., Kaylea Champion, Bart Kemper

Harsh Environment Survival

3—4 p.m. Cascade 7 & 8

Arrakis, Hoth, Dagobah, Cachalot? Yep, all hostile. Why your favorite inhospitable planet is all wrong... sorry.

Colette Breshears (M), Travis Partington, Alan Andrist, Charlotte Lewis Brown

Book Cover Challenge

3—4 p.m. Cascade 9

There are three easels and three artists. Someone from the audience describes a book cover idea, and the artists draw it without seeing what the others are drawing.

Lizzy D. Hill (M), Douglas Herring, Eric L Vargas, Charles Vess

Our Flag Means Death

3—4 p.m. Cascade 10

Our beloved pirates have set an incredibly high bar for love and acceptance with season 2. Is this a sign of the future for TV, or are we just lucky to have this? Will other fan favorite shows join in the love?

Jon Lasser (M), Richard Stephens, B. Zelkovich, Andrew Penn Romine

Along the Winding Path: Crafting Compelling Middles (Fantasy Writing 202)

3—4 p.m. Cascade 13

You've set the stage, but what comes next? Join our authors to explore the complexities of writing fantasy story middles and, by analyzing successful examples, discuss how to expand on your story's foundations and integrate those insights into your own writing.

G.R. Theron (M), Kate Ristau, Randy Henderson, Brenda Carre, Travis Baldree

KCLS Makerspaces

3—4 p.m. Evergreen 1 & 2

Have you wanted to learn 3D printing but been intimidated by the cost or technology? Interested in using a laser cutter or a serger but can't fit one in your space? Join King County Library System Makerspace staff as they discuss various equipment and opportunities available at the Bellevue and Federal Way libraries. You'll find examples of what you can make and learn about how you can build your skills as a maker with the library. Bring your curiosity, enthusiasm, and ideas.

King County Library System (KCLS) (M)

How to Pulp a Detective

3—4 p.m. Evergreen 3 & 4

From the cynical blade runner to the wise-cracking Fae fatale or a wizard in a trench coat, the private eye of the pulps still pursues crime. We find examples of this enduring character type throughout genre fiction. Get tips and tricks from our all-star panel for creating compelling cross-genre gumshoes and shady shapeshifters, incorporating the hardboiled tropes and structures of crime fiction in your science fiction and fantasy writing.

Jessie Kwak (M), Kat Richardson, Dr. Raychelle Burks, Tom D Wright, Jim Butcher

Youth Fairy/Gnome Gardens

3—4 p.m. Olympic 1

Create a tiny garden for a fairy or gnome to live in. Construct some small furniture and decorate your garden. Small children will need assistance.

Jenny Shafer (M), Birdie

Interview and Q&A with Spotlight Publisher Representative Neil Clarke

of Clarkesworld Magazine

3—4 p.m. Grand 3

Come join us for an interview with Norwescon 46's spotlight publisher representative, Neil Clarke of Clarkesworld Magazine, and get a chance to ask your own questions during the Q&A.

Neil Clarke (M)

Charades: The Star Wars Edition

3—4 p.m. Maxi's Lounge

You think you know Star Wars? Come put it to the test in a game of charades that's all about Star Wars, and find your fellow fans!

Reading: Daryl Gregory

3:30—4 p.m. Cascade 3

"The Heaviest Couch in the Known Universe." In this rollicking homage to the Culture novels of Iain Banks, two dimwitted but good-hearted Canadian boys try to move a couch during an alien invasion—but the couch is not a couch. Rated PG.

Daryl Gregory (M)

Reading: Colleen Anderson

4—4:30 p.m. Cascade 3

Selected works from The Lore of Inscrutable Dreams. Rated G.

Colleen Anderson (M)

Embracing a Neurodiverse Fandom

4—5 p.m. Cascade 5 & 6

What does it mean to create a community that accepts and accommodates all types?

Thursday (M), Danielle Gembala, Gloria Jackson-Nefertiti, Shoshana "Sho" Glick, Kate Sherman

So You Say You Want to Play Pictionary?

4—5 p.m. Cascade 7 & 8

Dueling teams of scientists and artists build something from the mind of the audience—say, three teams of two?

Jake McKinzie (M), Larry Lewis, Eric L Vargas, Lizzy D. Hill, Darren McKinty, RVT, Brenda Cooper

Playing with Medieval History

4—5 p.m. Cascade 9

Alternate timelines, quantum universes, or just plain-old time machines—all of these concepts create a way for an author to play with history. This is an interactive panel where the audience chooses a significant event in medieval history and comes up with alternatives— and their consequences. A lively dialogue always ensues. Come join us!

Russell Ervin, Ann Shilling, William Elder, GregRobin Smith

How to Write for Audio Formats

4—5 p.m. Cascade 10

How a story is consumed can change the way you write it, and stories written for audio performance have specific requirements. Within the sphere of audio drama, there are different styles to work with: a single reader versus a limited cast versus a full cast with sound effects. Each one of these uses a different technique. How should you approach writing a script for a podcast as opposed to a radio play? A panel of writers, narrators, and readers will discuss.

Jennifer Brozek (M), Sam Stark, Elizabeth Guizzetti, Curtis C. Chen, Shiv Ramdas

AU/Crossover Fanfiction Workshop

4—5:30 p.m. Cascade 13

Want to write fanfic? Not sure how to get started? In this workshop, participants will brainstorm a set of fandoms and a set of common fanfic alternate universe (AU) scenarios (mermaid, barista, etc.). Then everyone will pick their prompts and write!

Berlynn Wohl (M), Scotty McIntosh, Brianna Tibbetts, B. Zelkovich

Regulating Artificial Intelligence

4—5 p.m. Evergreen 1 & 2

2023 saw the rise of frameworks for regulating artificial intelligence in the European Union, the United States, the United Kingdom, Canada, China, Russia, and Japan, with more such efforts likely to take place in 2024. The panel explores the impacts of such frameworks and why it goes far beyond Azimov's three laws of robotics. The key questions for the panelists: what impact will this have on the development of AI, on jobs, and on intellectual property?

Kurt Cagle (M), Dr. Mark Rounds, Dr. Sean Robinson, Ethan Vodde, Bryana Cross Bean, Attorney at Law

The (Non-Human) Eye of the Beholder

4—5 p.m. Evergreen 3 & 4

What happens when human beings go from subject to object, from observers to the observed? What happens when we hardly matter at all? Join us for a discussion on how writing from the perspectives of objects, plants and animals, ancient creatures, and entirely new organisms can reveal deeper truths about what it means to be human. We'll discuss how to de-center human biases and priorities to unlock new non-human realities.

Tara Campbell (M), Steven Barnes, Nancy Kress, Jessie Kwak, Ellis Bray

Youth: Make a Fairy/Gnome

4—5 p.m. Olympic 1

Make a magical friend or two to live in your pocket (or in the garden in the Fairy/Gnome Garden panel!). Small children will need assistance.

Jenny Shafer (M)

Representation in Writing and Art

4—5 p.m. Olympic 2

It's important to create a piece that is representative of all people. In this panel, pros will discuss what representation looks like in writing and art, ways to approach it, and the importance of research and sensitivity readers.

Marta Murvosh (M), Rashida J Smith, Sarah Chorn, Caren GS, Tom Llewellyn

Fabric Collage: The Art of Painting with Fabric

4—5 p.m. Maxi's Ballroom

Ever been curious how textile artists, quilters, and costumers add detailed images that look like paintings, and then on closer inspection find the image was created with fabric? If you have ever wanted to learn this technique, this workshop is for you. We will cover materials used for collage techniques. At the end of the workshop you will have a piece of art you can take home to quilt, bead, or embroider! Limited to 20 participants (under 12 must be accompanied by an adult). Cost $5, cash only. Sign up will open at the info table 24 hours before the panel.

Theresa Halbert (M)

Charades: The Star Trek Edition

4—5 p.m. Maxi's Lounge

You think you know Star Trek? Come put it to the test in a game of charades that's all about Star Trek, and find your fellow Trekkies!

Launch Party for Be the Sea by Clara Ward

4—5 p.m. Presidential Suite 1360

*Be the Sea *is a near-future science-fantasy with sea creatures, human tech, chosen family, mysteries pulling them all together, and chocolate. In celebration of its publication this month we will have freebies, art, a short reading, a drawing with awesome prizes, and plenty of chocolate!

Clara Ward (M)

Reading: Thea Prieto

4:30—5 p.m. Cascade 3

From the Caves. To escape the choking heat of deep summer, Sky and his family survive on stories of the dead in an underground darkness at the end of the world. Rated PG.

Thea Prieto (M)

Reading: Gordon B. White

5—5:30 p.m. Cascade 3 TBD.

Gordon B. White (M)

Opportunities in Indie Publishing

5—6 p.m. Cascade 5 & 6

The self-publishing market has exploded in the last dozen years, creating exciting new opportunities for writers. Whether your dream is a sixor seven-figure income from selling on commercial platforms like Amazon or Apple Books, reaching readers on serial platforms like Kindle Vella or Ream, or connecting direct to your audience through Kickstarter, Patreon, or your own online store, there's someone out there doing it! Our panelists will explore various possibilities in self-publishing, talk about the pros and cons, and give you ideas on how to get started.

Celeste Wakefield (M), Elliott Kay, Joseph Malik, Anastasia Wilde

Geek Estate Planning

5—6 p.m. Cascade 7 & 8

You have a beloved collection or two. Come get some practical information and advice on how you should handle it in your estate planning: wills, trusts, etc.

Bryana Cross Bean, Attorney at Law (M), Belsac

Space Drives and SF Worldbuilding

5—6 p.m. Cascade 9

An interstellar empire connected by instantaneous portals will, of necessity, have very different politics and economy from one connected by slower-thanlight generation ships or suspended animation or one connected by FTL but not instantaneous travel. The difference between days and months of travel time between inhabited planets can have a huge effect on the culture. And what happens when a new, faster technology is added to the mix? Learn how to use your mode of travel to launch the worldbuilding process.

David D. Levine (M), Dave Davis, Andy Dykes, Curtis C. Chen

Get Speculating! Write Speculative Poetry

5—6 p.m. Cascade 10

This workshop offers time to discuss specific writing techniques and space for attendees to write poetry of their own. Poetry can explore a cherished world through fan fiction-style poetry or build a new mythology. Take this opportunity to get your ideas written!

Thursday (M), Jeannine Hall Gailey, Jessica Rae Bergamino, GregRobin Smith, Mike Brennan

The Rest of the World in Space

5—6 p.m. Evergreen 1 & 2

News, pictures, and sometimes video from the non-U.S. space programs, including, but not limited to, Europe, Canada, China, Russia, India, and Japan. Each presentation is different from the previous one. A perennial favorite.

Dan Dubrick (M), Hugh S. Gregory

Diversity and Social Justice in Fantasy/Sci-Fi

5—6 p.m. Evergreen 3 & 4

Why are universes without limits so... well, limited?

Eva L. Elasigue (M), Ozzie M. Gartrell, Leslie Varney, Spencer Ellsworth, Shahid Mahmud

Youth: Drop-In Board Gaming

5—7 p.m. Olympic 1

Hit pause on the tablet and play a good old-fashioned board game! We'll have classic games and some new ones, too.

Jenny Shafer (M), Marta Murvosh, Alexander Pereira

Let's Talk Science

5—6 p.m. Olympic 2

Come prepared with questions for our science panelists. Seats given to and questions taken from teens and tweens first.

Jim Kling (M), Bart Kemper, Cindy Fangour, Alan Andrist

Reimagining Fabric with Inktense Pencils

5—6 p.m. Maxi's Ballroom

Inktense pencils are a great way draw, color and shade onto fabric without heat-setting. In this workshop we will start by learning several color techniques to create a sampler to you will keep for reference. For the last part, you will receive a printed fabric sample for practice with your newly learned skill. Limited to 12 participants, 16 years and older. Cost $10, cash only. Sign up will open at the info table 24 hours before the panel.

Theresa Halbert (M)

Reading: Amanda Cherry

5:30—6 p.m. Cascade 3

Time & Again. When a billionaire supervillain becomes the target of timetraveling miscreants, she finds herself with no choice but to turn to the one person in town who may be able to stop them: her ex. Rating PG.

Amanda Cherry (M)

Reading: Erik Scott de Bie

6—6:30 p.m. Cascade 3

Pretty Hate Machine (Girl Vengeance book 1). Rebellious teen Vivienne Cain has messed up big this time, and the adults in the room won't cover for her anymore. Set in the '90s, Pretty Hate Machine and its sequel The Downward Spiral are a prequel duology to my Justice/Vengeance superhero series! Rated R.

Erik Scott de Bie (M)

Costuming Opportunities Outside of Conventions

6—7 p.m. Cascade 5 & 6

Or, being fabulous every day in a jeans-and-T-shirt world.

Richard Stephens (M), Ms Purple Pearl, Melissa Quinn, Gina Saucier

You Say "Mad Scientist" and "Evil Plans" Like It's a Bad Thing

6—7 p.m. Cascade 7 & 8

Interest leads to knowledge, knowledge leads to obsession, obsession leads to world domination...simple logic, Pinky.

Colette Breshears (M), Torrey Stenmark, Agathon McGeachy, Michael Ormes, Michael Brugger, Charlotte Lewis Brown

Religion and Representation in Media

6—7 p.m. Cascade 9

Over the years, various real and fictional religions have been portrayed both accurately and inaccurately in popular media. We will discuss the works of H.P. Lovecraft and the Blade Runner novel, as well as films such as The Ten Commandments, The Handmaid's Tale, The Serpent and the Rainbow, The Witch, and the Avatar movies. How does representation affect real practitioners? Does fiction ever become real life?

Mir Plemmons (M), Dean Wells, Sandra Rosner, Jason Nelson

Bigger on the Inside

6—7 p.m. Cascade 10

It's more than a Doctor Who thing! It's our obsession with fitting more things into smaller footprints. A few examples are tents in Harry Potter, the suitcase in Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them, Dungeons & Dragon's' bag of holding, and, of course, rental trucks for conventions. Presented by BritCon.

Julie Zetterberg (M)

Writing Screenplays, the Basics

6—7 p.m. Cascade 10

Ever thought about turning your novel or short story into a fancy Hollywood screenplay? There are a lot of differences, from basic things like structure and character arcs, to weird formatting stuff, like those fancy scene headers. And, yeah, those 10 secondary characters you love in your novel, and those three subplots which are "crucial" to your overall narrative? They gotta go. Come learn the basics, the mistakes you'll make starting out, and why ellipses are annoying.

dQ Kaufman (M)

Modified Milford and Beyond: Alternative Workshopping Methods for Writers

6—7 p.m. Cascade 13

Clarion West staff, alumni, and instructors will speak to the many alternative workshopping methods we've tried out, and others! We'll cover why we moved beyond the Milford method, present attendees with lots of options for their own workshopping, and discuss pros and cons!

Tara Campbell (M), Monte Lin, Amy Hirayama, Jae Steinbacher

Writing While Neurodivergent

6—7 p.m. Evergreen 3 & 4

How to start and continue to make words happen.

A.W. McCollough (M), Caren GS, Danielle Gembala, Tom D Wright, Clara Ward

Draw Along: Robots, Aliens, Oh My!

6—7 p.m. Olympic 2

Draw a sci-fi creature with artists! Will it be a robot, an alien, or something else? For all skill levels. Materials will be provided.

Eric L Vargas (M), Lizzy D. Hill, Belsac

The Magic and Tech of Bamboo

6—7 p.m. Maxi's Ballroom

Bamboo has been used by people through the ages, and the technology of working with this material has advanced steadily over these many years. Come see some of the cool things that can be done with this giant grass and talk about the others that are on the horizon. There will be a demonstration of the tools and techniques, and samples to take home.

Mike Brennan (M), Carl Strand

It Came From the Late, Late, Late Show LARP: Star in a B-Movie!

6—8 p.m. Maxi's Lounge

Today's the day we shoot My Mummy, the Werewolf II: Daddy's Home. Unfortunately, the director left the script at the Waffle House, but he swears it will go just fine, because he also wrote it and he remembers how it goes. Basically. But he wouldn't mind some help from his actors! Whoever they are—he also lost the cast list. So whoever shows up, you get a part! He trusts that, if he gives you basic direction, you'll come up with something great. *ICFTLLLS *is a roleplaying game where the players are the main actors. It has minimum mechanics and lends itself really well to live-action role-playing (à la Critical Role). You do NOT have to play/act to participate! Being the audience is fine—just come and enjoy the live insanity. We also need extras, stunt doubles, and single-line actors.

Reading: Payne Haynes

6:30—7 p.m. Cascade 3

S.P.A.: Small Business Division. Welcome to the Space Public Accountants. Torny wondered why a spa would hire a bodyguard, until he found out the truth. Join him on the rather hilarious trip of protecting a group of accountants on their wide adventures. Rated PG.

Payne Haynes (M)

Reading: Kat Richardson

7—7:30 p.m. Cascade 3

Storm Waters (working title). Historical fantasy crime noir set in Los Angeles and New Orleans in 1934. A playboy former bootlegger who has "a way with water" finds himself framed for his mistress's murder. To save his own neck he must solve the case, but finds himself drawn into the violent world of his family's magical history, and is forced to make choices about his own magic and to protect his found-family. Rated R (language, violence, sex, smoking, drinking, drugs).

Kat Richardson (M)

Who Was Hildegard von Bingen?

7—8 p.m. Cascade 5 & 6

A woman who seemed to the gifted out of time. Born in the early medieval era, she could do anything she set her mind to. She was a polymath active as a composer, a writer, a philosopher, and a medical writer and practitioner. Was she a time traveler?

V Whitlock (M), Pat Reed, L.E.G., Ann Shilling, Cait Alvarez

Pre-Masquerade Meeting

7—8 p.m. Cascade 7 & 8

Calling all costumers, cosplayers, and stage crew volunteers! Swing into the pre-masquerade meeting to find out the essential details for entering or assisting with this year's masquerade. Whether you are wanting to strut your stuff for the first time or are returning to up your game, we will cover the necessary information you will need for participating in this year's big event and answer what questions you may have. If you would like to enter the masquerade, you MUST come to one of the two premasquerade meetings.

Dahlia (M)

SLS/Artemis: Are the Taxpayers Getting Their Money's Worth?

7—8 p.m. Cascade 9

The Space Launch System (SLS) is NASA's attempt to launch people, and supplies, to the new Lunar Gateway space station, the moon, and possibly Mars. Are people getting their money out of the system, or is it a boondoggle of large proportions?

Dan Dubrick (M), Dave Davis, G. David Nordley, Phil L. Swan, Andy Dykes

The Resilience of the Epic

7—8 p.m. Cascade 10

There's something fundamental and resonating about epic fantasy that remains timeless for wide appeal. Join our panelists as they identify and discuss these qualities, distilling them down to how and why they impact the reader's experience, and techniques for replicating them in your own writing.

G.R. Theron (M), Kate Ristau, Carol Berg, Randy Henderson, Sarah Chorn

The Masks We Wear

7—8 p.m. Cascade 13

Who we are isn't the same as what we show everyone else. We all wear masks. Join us for a hands-on creative workshop where we'll explore identity concepts while creating wearable masks. Join us to better explore who you are and who you show to others. Bring your authentic self and we'll provide a blank mask to get you started.

Sar Surmick (M)

Speculative Film Festival—Block C

7—9 p.m. Evergreen 1 & 2

Join us for a block of foreign science fiction, fantasy, and horror short films. We have seven different countries represented in the block, but don't worry if you don't speak all those languages, as the films will either be subtitled or dubbed into English. Films: "A Nightcare on Elm Street" (France), "Astronauts" (Brazil), "I Came From the Future" (Poland), "Megaville—After Hours" (Germany), "Overtime // The Love Project" (Japan), "Pur Sang" (France), "Sincopat" (Spain), "The Capsule" (Poland), and "The Weight of Data" (Republic of Korea).

Poetry Thunderdome

7—8 p.m. Evergreen 3 & 4

The audience picks 3-5 words (could be more depending on time/numbers). Three to four poets get several minutes to compose a poem incorporating as many as possible and then read their results. The audience votes for the winner, and the losers have to tear up their results (note: We don't actually have to make anyone do that!).

Thursday (M), Lydia K. Valentine, Richard Sparks, Colleen Anderson, Ellis Bray

Youth Dance Party

7—8 p.m. Olympic 1

Come join the fun and dance, dance, dance! Light-up masks will be provided.

Cindy Fangour (M)

Beginner Belly Dance Movement

7—8:30 p.m. Olympic 2

A beginner's dance class focused on learning basic moves, how to move your body for belly dance, and tips for building the strength needed to excel at belly dance. Please bring a water bottle.

Siyrren (M)

Philip K. Dick Award Ceremony

7—8:30 p.m. Grand 2

The Philip K. Dick Award is presented annually at Norwescon with the support of the Philip K. Dick Trust, for distinguished science fiction published in paperback original form in the United States. The award is sponsored by the Philadelphia Science Fiction Society and the Philip K. Dick Trust, and the award ceremony is sponsored by Norwescon.

Michael Hanscom (M), Bethany Jacobs, Gordon Van Gelder, S.L. Coney, Dilman Dila

What Can We Learn From Mock-Ups?

7—8 p.m. Maxi's Ballroom

Practice makes perfect in sewing, like in anything else. We'll discuss what a mock-up is, why you should make one even though it takes more time and resources, how to maximize your return on effort, and what you'll learn from the process. Panelists may even bring in prototypes and final costumes to demonstrate.

Melissa Quinn (M), Ieva Ohaks, Theresa Halbert, Garth Stubbs

Reading: Karen Eisenbrey

7:30—8 p.m. Cascade 3


Karen Eisenbrey (M)

Reading: Gwendolyn N. Nix

8—8:30 p.m. Cascade 3

I Have Asked to Be Where No Storms Come. The fact of Domino's afterlife is simple: he's a witch from a people without a name, living out a cursed existence... and no one wants to be stuck in Hell with witch blood. When he discovers demonic bounty hunters on his tail, he is shocked to learn they were hired by his brother. Wicasah, wielding insurmountable power, has struck an ill-made bargain with an ancient being of lighting and thunder to resurrect Domino from his terrible fate. But the two discover an even darker power resides within the fractured world, one that will stop at nothing to be released... Full of grit and heartache, this thrilling ride delivers a story of fate versus free will and family versus the world, against the backdrop of a new weird west. Rated R.

Gwendolyn N. Nix (M)

Dark and Gritty Gaming

8—9 p.m. Cascade 5 & 6

It seems like the days of the more campy or lighthearted "fun" theme in gaming has been slowly replaced by games taking on darker, more disturbing themes. Join us for a discussion on why these darker themes have gained in popularity, and maybe pick up on some tips of which ones are worth checking out.

Tim Nightengale (M), Jeff Grubb, Luis Loza, Stephen Radney-MacFarland

Shooting Things in Space Is Hard

8—9 p.m. Cascade 7 & 8

If an SF story has more than one spaceship, it's a good bet that at some point they'll find a reason to shoot at each other. But at huge distances and tremendous speeds, shooting things is HARD! Come join our panelists as they draw a bead on the problems and opportunities of space combat. Shooting and ships and space combat...

Mike Brennan (M), Travis Partington, Peter Fuller, G. David Nordley, Elliott Kay

Northwest Speculative Reading

8—10 p.m. Cascade 9

Join our reading as several local authors read from their work in this Norwescon version of the Northwest Speculative Reading Series.

G.R. Theron (M), Jessie Kwak, Caren Sumption, Joseph Malik, Brenda Cooper, Eva L. Elasigue, Rhiannon/R.Z. Held, Remy Nakamura

SciFaiKu Slam

8—9 p.m. Cascade 10

Attendees have the opportunity to bring in or make up speculative-themed haiku to compete for scifaiku dominance. Two poets will present their pieces and the audience will vote for a favorite, then next pair goes. Could be single or double elimination, depending on numbers. Open to everyone who can count out 17 syllables (and even that, we might be soft on)! Prize for the winner.

Thursday (M), Ann Shilling

Plot Considered as a Four-Dimensional Array of Brightly Colored Beads

8—10 p.m. Cascade 13

Consider a story as a collection of related events, each of which occurs at a point in space and time. If you picture these events as beads, you can create a plot by stringing them together in chronological order. There may be more than one plot string, but the plot is always chronological, because the events of the plot are connected by cause and effect (unless you are writing a time travel story). Once you have a plot, you can snip those strings into segments and lay them out, not necessarily in chronological order, in a single line that is the narrative of the story. Thinking of a story in this way can lead to some interesting insights into the relationship between the events of the story, the cause and effect relationships between them, and the order in which they appear on the page. Bring writing materials.

David D. Levine (M)

Collecting vs. Hoarding

8—9 p.m. Evergreen 3 & 4

As fans, we all tend to collect something. What is the difference between that and hoarding? How can you honor your collection and keep it from becoming a hoard? What is the best way to thin it out?

K.G. Anderson (M), Janna Silverstein, Tom Whitmore, Patrick Swenson

Reshape and Repurpose: Felt Hats with Steam (Demo)

8—9 p.m. Olympic 1

Wool felt is a traditional and highly malleable material for hat-making. Thriftshop felt hats can be softened with steam and reshaped using traditional hat blocks, improvised forms, and hand sculpting. In this demonstration, you'll see how it's done: what to look for in a salvageable hat, how to prepare a hat for reblocking, steaming, and manipulating the felt, and what techniques to use for finishing.

Ieva Ohaks (M)

Stitch & Bitch and Costume 911

8 p.m.—midnight Maxi's Ballroom

Still working on something to wear in the halls or the masquerade, or just a project? This is your place. Bring your items to work on and enjoy good company and the opportunity to get help, if needed.

Reading: GregRobin Smith

8:30—9 p.m. Cascade 3

Wind Strewn (dystopian urban fantasy). SHadeel works for a private security force, helping keep order in what passes for a government. She finds an old (fortified) apartment and place of healing. Big Molly, the owner, provides chicken soup at important times. There is a hot shower in SHadeel's apartment made of old Egyptian tomb walls. The patterns in its stone bleed off onto her skin like tattoos, and when she is in dire stress, these tattoos animate and become part of her defense team. In this world, she's glad for any added help. Rated PG.

GregRobin Smith (M)

Body Horror: What Is It?

9—10 p.m. Cascade 5 & 6

The term "body horror" means stories about bodies mutating into horrific forms (à la David Cronenberg) and stories about bodies being subjected to extreme graphic violence. Which usage is correct? Both? Neither? Our panelists examine the question through the lens of favorite examples of what they would and would not call body horror.

Evan J. Peterson (M), Colleen Anderson, Jon Lasser, Sam Stark

Bridgerton Babes and Beaus, or Breaking the Regency Rules

9—10 p.m. Cascade 7 & 8

What is so much fun about the costumes in Bridgerton? Let's break them down.

Richard Stephens (M), Scotty McIntosh

Electron Trees

9—10 p.m. Cascade 10

A demonstration of making electron tree sculptures.

Michael Brugger (M)

Speculative Film Festival—Block D

9 p.m.—midnight Evergreen 1 & 2

End your Friday evening with a selection of horror short films. Some are funny, others are scary, but all of them are worth watching. Films: "Aracne," "autopsIA." "Grogan's Lodge," "SCRIPT, STIGMATE," "The Nightmare Adorable," "The Painting," "The Retreat," "Three Houses Down," "You Have Reached Your Destination."

Open Filk Circle: Friday Night

9 p.m.—1 a.m. Evergreen 3 & 4

Come join the open filk circle.

Friday Night Dance with DJ mc300baud

9—11:30 p.m. Grand 3

Come groove to the music with mc300baud as he spins a choice selection of convention classics and thumpin' newer tracks.

Dave O'Neill's SF&F Pub Trivia Extravaganza

9 p.m.—midnight Maxi's Lounge The definitive SF&F trivia pub quiz experience! Multiple rounds of classic SF&F trivia from the worlds of media, fantasy, SF, and more. There will be a sound round, a picture round, and more. Exciting and not-so-exciting prizes will be on offer. Teams of four preferred. Use of electronic devices, external brains, or telepathy is strictly forbidden.

Friends of Bill W.

10—11 p.m. Cascade 3

Intro to BDSM

10—11 p.m. Cascade 7 & 8

Most dark fantasy tropes have much in common with the kink scene. Do you want to be bitten by a vampire? Why are we attracted to things that are dangerous? Come learn how to explore fantasies, sexual or not, safely and consensually. The kink community has its own traditions and cultural norms, but the core value is consent. Must be 18+ years of age.

Sar Surmick (M), Craig Jackson, Hazel, Sakari, Kate Sherman

Advanced BDSM

11 p.m.—midnight Cascade 7 & 8

If you are already in the kink scene, you know that much of it is about exploring new experiences. Come talk about some new ideas and edge play. Must be 18+ years of age.

Hazel (M), Craig Jackson, Sakari, Kate Sherman

The Rocky Horror Picture Show with the Swords of Damocles

midnight—2 a.m. Grand 3

Rocky Horror is back, but with a brand new shadowcast, the Swords of Damocles! Antici...pate singing, dancing, laughing, and amazement at what the Motion Picture Association considered an R rating back in the 70s. Participate as you wish!



Cheryl Dyson, “Norwescon 46 Pocket Program Thursday-Friday,” Norwescon History, accessed March 31, 2025,

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