Norwescon 11 Program Book


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Norwescon 11 Program Book


Norwescon 11


The souvenir program book for Norwescon 11.


Michael Brocha


Northwest Science Fiction Society (NWSFS)


March 23-26, 1989



Contents Copyright 1989 by the Northwest Science Fiction Society for the contributors



Text Item Type Metadata


Norwescon XI

(AD) Rustycon 7


at the SeaTac Hyatt Hotel
17001 Pacific Hwy South • [REDACTED]
Rooms $60.00 per night + tax (single-double-triple)

January 19, 20 & 21, 1990

Guests of Honor

Ben Bova

Mike Grell

Frank Denton

membership rates:
$15.00 at Rustycon 6
$18.00 until March 31, 1989

New P.O. Box!

P.O. Box 84291
Seattle, WA 98124–5591

(Artwork) James Bond by Mike Grell

We’re Looking for a Few Good Fen

Art Show • Dealers Room • Masquerade • Casino • 2 Dances • Gaming • Truly Mondo VideoTM • Guests • Parties • Costumes • And More!

Program Book Production:
Michael Brocha, Robert Suryan, Sue Bartroff, David Ludke, Pierce Ludke, Becky Simpson, Judy Suryan

Program Book Typesetting:
Datatype and Graphics. Seattle, Washington
Designer Service Bureau, Olympia. Washington


Chairman: Elizabeth Warren
Convention Secretary: Sue Bartroff
Photo Services: Peter Citrak, John Sabota
Hospitality: Debbie Tatarck, Janice Paulsen, Debbie Stine
Business Manager: Becky Simpson
Treasurer: Richard Wright
Treasury: Tim Walker, Beth Moursund, Lori Ritchins
Membership Services: Carolyn Palms, Diane Kuulei Villaflor, Paul Schaper
Information: Vicki Glover
Mail Services: Lauraine Miranda
Publications: Michael Brocha
Convention Services: Judy Suryan
Operations: Mary Hamburger
Office: Becky Simpson
Child Care: Sue Bartroff, Andrew Bartroff, Susan Dahlin, Mica Hellinger
Lost & Found: Lauraine Miranda
Medical: Judy Suryan
Site Services: Kathy Smith
Communications: Terry Primrose
Peacebonding: Carl Schultz
Rovers: Peter Horvath
Watchers: Kathy Smith
Signs: Toni Elton
Maintenance: Robin Smith
Programming/Stage Services: Michael Citrak
Stage Management: Beth Dockins
Masquerade: Nora Hogoboom, Judy Swanson, Keith Johnson, Michael Citrak
Stardance: Michael Citrak, Keith Johnson, Beth Dockins, Paul Wocken, Lindy Pangan, Pat Oros, Peter Kafka D’Anglemont, Peter Citrak
Ice Cream Social: Judy Suryan, Kathy Smith
Prop Room: Pat Oros
Fannish Olympics: Mark Richardson
Technical Services: Keith Johnson
Tech Gofer: Lindy Pangan
Volunteer Services: Kathy McLean
Staff Lounge: Kathy McLean
Static Programming: Melanie Bennett
Art Show: Katherine Howes
Dealers: Bruce Thompson
Gaming: Craig Bowie
Fanzine Room: Mark Manning
Science, Art and Mind: Brian Sullivan, Sky Andrews
Programming: Yvonne Richardson
Assistant Programming Director: Marybeth Zele
Programming Assistants: Kristi Austin, Doug Booze, Jeanine Gray, Andrea Hunt, Jerry Kaufman, Casey Leichter, Marci Malinowycz
Computing Services: Jim Lane
Green Room: Dora Shirk, Doug Booze, Doug Shirk
Banquet Arrangements: Judy Suryan
Writers Workshops: Michael Scanlon
Media Services: Chris McDonell
Media Tech: Robert Jung
Cameraman: Gary Malkasian
Film Contest: Mark Schellberg
Video Programming: Chris McDonell
Still Missing: Mgungu Yabba Mgungu

The Northwest Science Fiction Society proudly presents

Norwescon 11

March 23–26, 1989
Annual Northwest Regional Science Fiction Convention


Eleventh Annual Northwest Regional Science Fiction Convention

Sponsored by the:
Northwest Science Fiction Society
P.O. Box 24207
Seattle, WA 98124

Guest of Honor

Artist Guest of Honor

Science Guest of Honor

Fan Guest of Honor


Writer on Wheels Guest of Honor

Table of Contents

Cover Copyright 1989 by David Mattingly: Cover
Programming: 2
Guest of Honor: Algis J. Budrys by Frank Catalano: 20
Art Guest of Honor: David Mattingly by Richard Hescox and Joe Clifford Faust: 22
Fan Guest of Honor: Mike Glyer by Rick Katze: 26
Science Guest of Honor: Dr. Alan E. Nourse by Avram Davidson: 28
Writer on Wheels Guest of Honor: Avram Davidson by Dr. Alan E. Nourse: 30
Toastmaster: Steve Barnes by Larry Niven and William Rotsler: 32
Gallery 1: 34
Guests of Norwescon: 46
Gallery 2: 68
Volunteers: 80
Members of Norwescon: 82
Acknowledgements: 88
Advertisers & Art Credits: Inside Back Cover

Contents Copyright 1989 by the Northwest Science Fiction Society for the contributors
All opinions expressed in this publication are those of the authors and not necessarily those of Norwescon or the Northwest Science Fiction Society


(Artwork) A Death of Honor Copyright 1989 by David Mattingly. Cover for the book by Joe Clifford Faust, published by Del Rey.


3:00 PM

Ballroom 3

4:00 PM

South Center Room

Ballroom 3
Rod Garcia, Shelly Clift, Steve Barnes, John Barnes
The Grand Master was and is many things to many people. He was selfless friend, mentor, and helping hand to more people than he knew. Even those who disagreed with some of his characterizations had affection and reverence for him. Surely. SF would not be what it is without him. Guests of Norwescon who had the opportunity to work with Heinlein during his final years gather on this panel to pay their respects - and to remind the rest of us that what makes the world go 'round is not what we pay back, but what we pay forward.

Ballroom 4
Carl Miller, M. Elayn Harvey, Megan Lindholm, Ginjer Buchanan, Dave Smeds
Crom! these damned wizards and their plots of power. Give me a full belly and a warm fire. A discussion of how to waste your time (fictionally, of course) in reaching for that elusive omnipotence.

5:00 PM

Ballroom 3
Amy Thomson, Shelly Clift
Never have so many publishing houses put out so much SF in so short a time. Are mediocre," popular mass-market" writers driving out the good, less easily marketed authors?

Ballroom 4
Gregory Kusnick, Rich Dutcher, Kathaine Eliska Kimbriel, David Doering, Patrick Price
Heard any good books lately? Books on cassettes… e-mail… bulletin boards… the written word as electrical impulse. Exactly what are the effects, benefits, and/or drawbacks?

Conference Room
Michael Scanlon (M)
By invitation only.

6:00 PM

South Center Room

Ballroom 4
John E Stith, Michael P. Kube-McDowell, Alis Rasmussen, Bill Ransom, David R. Deitrick, Carol Severance
How do you research something that doesn’t yet exist? Good methods for taking a bit of this n' that and turning it all into a plausible world.

7:00 PM

Reading Room

8:00 PM

Ballroom 4
Algis Budrys, David B. Mattingly, Mike Glyer, Alan E. Nourse, Steve Barnes, Avram Davidson, Elizabeth Warren, Richard Wright, Yvonne V. Richardson, Robert Suryan
A glimpse of what awaits you this weekend, featuring our Guests of Honor and Norwescon staff.

9:00 PM

South Center Room
Mark Schellberg, Doug Shirk, Bridget McKenna, Nancy Morri

Ballrooms 1, 2 & 3
All Boogie Beings, Michael Citrak, Keith Johnson
Taped music centering around 50s, 60s, and 70s favorites to get your feet moving. It was on a night like this forty million years ago…

Ballroom 4
Katharine Eliska Kimbriel, David R. Deitrick, Teresa Plowright, John G. Cramer, Rob Quigley, Grant D. Callin
How can we make decisions about “appropriate technology” when we’re ignorant not only of how the technology works, but know even less about social implications? How not knowing means abdicating our part in the decision making process…and who will make those decisions for us if we don’t or can’t.

Reading Room
Mike Glyer, Loren McGregor, Jerry Kaufmann
Reminiscence of the undying legends of fannish foolishness, feuds, gags and guffaws.

Conference Room
Michael Scanlon (M)
By invitation only.


9:00 AM

Steve Barnes (M)
Tai Chi is neither a martial art nor is it aerobics, however it is a wonderful method of exercising the mind and the body. Our Toastmaster leads us through some of the disiplines of Tai Chi before turning us loose on the madness that is the first full day of Norwescon.

10:00 AM

Pavilion Programming Rm
Donna Barr (M)

South Center Room
Dragon, Betty Bigelow, Lita Smith-Gharet, Astrid Anderson Bear

Ballroom 4
Alan E. Nourse, Steve Barnes, Steve Perry, Gordon Baker, Steve Bard
Never mind panaceas of the future - what can we do NOW to extend our lives, improve our health, and expand our mental capacity? Megavitamins, enzyme therapy, and other holding actions will be discussed.

Ballroom 3

Ballrooms 1 & 2
Kristine Kathryn Rusch, Megan Lindholm, Bill Ransom, Stanley Schmidt, Kathleen Alcala, Terry Allen Scott
Panelists and audience both learn how to develop a shared world background - by doing it. Come create believable worlds-that-never-were, characters in them, and learn to pass them back and forth. I’ll let you use Fafhrd and Bilbo if I can borrow Pyanfar and Conan…

Conference Room
Michael Scanlon (M)
By invitation only.

11:00 AM

Art Demo Room
Monika Livingston

Ballrooms 1 & 2
M. Elayn Harvey, Bridget McKenna, John Alvarez, Kevin J. Anderson, Katharine Eliska Kimbriel, Bruce Taylor
There are ways of making a living, as a writer or artist, which will help sharpen your skills - not to mention keep you fed - until that magnum opus sells. Come hear how to keep yourself and your craft alive until your craft becomes your livelihood.

Ballroom 4
Paul S. Clift, William R. Warren Jr., Donna Barr, Stephen Marcellino, David B. Mattingly
How to organize yourself and your working environment. What sorts of reference files you might need, and what are good sources for reference materials. Learn a few creative shortcuts - tracing, projecting images, photocopies, and other “magic tricks”.

Ballroom 3
Patrick Price, David Doering, Greg Cox, Dave Smeds, Ginjer Buchanan
Who decides which books make it to the shelf? As fewer people read, and bookstores are reduced to a few nationwide chains selling identical titles, can only sure-fire mass market sellers “make it”? What about small press or small press runs?

South Center Room
Algis Budrys (M), Scott Welch
Algis Budrys and others talk about the current status of the contest, the books, and whether the Writers of the Future concept has truly given a boost to the struggling writers of the present.

11:30 AM

Reading Room


Ballroom 4
Alan E. Nourse
Our Science Guest of Honor, Dr. Alan E. Nourse, has devoted a good portion of his recent medical career to the study of AIDS. Here he brings us news from the forefront of medicine concerning the battle against this dreaded killer.

South Center Room
Eileen Kernaghan, Rhea Rose, Michael Coney, Carol Severance. Teresa Plowright (M)

Art Demo Room
Paul S Clift (M)

Pavilion Programming Rm
Betty Bigelow, Joanne Kirley
Dedicated costumers will show you some of their favorite techniques for creating special costume effects.

Ballroom 3
Loren McGregor, Alicia Austin, Karen Lee Carmack, David B. Mattingly (M), Julia Lacquement, Stephen MarceUino, Monika Livingston
Discussion of new media and markets. How to sell and promote your art. Learn more about networking - finding a network or setting one up. What are the new trends? Should you follow them? Come find out about the domestic and overseas opportunities too.

Ballrooms 1 & 2
Megan Lindholm, Alls Rasmussen, Carol Severance, John Alvarez
A popular program on putting depth into your art and fiction.

Reading Room

Conference Room
Michael Scanlon (M)
By invitation only.

12:30 PM

Reading Room

1:00 PM

Ballroom 4 Sharon Baker, Mary Caraker, Alan E. Nourse, Steve Bard Two hundred years ago. a person reaching the age of 50 was considered quite old: today. 50 is middle-aged. Advances in health care, nutrition, genetics, and geriatrics may very soon result in an average life expectancy of 100 years. How will that affect lifestyles, living standards, politics, or culture?
Will we live long, but not prosper?

Art Demo Room
Bob Doyle, Katherine Howes, Dresden Moss, Jon Gustafson (M)
A behind-the-scenes look at the perils and rewards of organizing convention art shows. Learn about quick sales, bid sheets, and why they exist.

Pavilion Programming Rm
Paul S Clift (M)

Ballroom 3
Mike Glyer, Jerry Kaufmann (M)

Reading Room

South Center Room

Ballrooms 1 & 2
D. Alexander Smith, Greg Bear, Bruce Taylor
Who are the Science Fiction Writers of America? What are the membership requirements, privileges and responsibilities? Greg Bear, current SFWA president. and others explain what SFWA can do for the active SF writer.

1:30 PM

Reading Room

2:00 PM

Rotunda Balcony

Pavilion Programming Rm
Mark Richardson (M), Fannish Olympics Judges

Ballroom 3
Mike Glyer (M), Algis Budrys

Gaming (Room 504)
Craig Bowie (M), Sue Bartroff (M)

Ballrooms 1 & 2
George Harper, James P. Killas, Brian Tillotson, John Dalmas, Karen Lee Carmack
It’s official: even if we never drive our cars again, it’s loo late to stop Earth’s average temperature from rising 2 to 8 degrees over the next 50 years. What can we do. besides move to higher ground further north?

Ballroom 4
Sharon Baker, Bill Baldwin, Katharine Eliska Kimbriel, Elinor Busby (M)
Why are there so many hereditary rulers in the SF tradition? Is it laziness, perception. or are there solid rules to this tradition?

South Center Room
Alan Bard Newcomer. Debra Gray Cook, Kristine Kathryn Rusch, Nina Kiriki Hoffman, Dean Wesley Smith (M)
Pulphouse: The Hardback Magazine is published in the Northwest. Hear how the concept was developed and produced and listen as authors read brief passages of their work.

Reading Room
Mark a. Skullerud (M)

Fanzine Room
Joyce Cowan, Greg Cox, Kim Antieau
Is there anything new to say? Exploring the ever-fertile field of SF cliche - vampires. computers, etc., to see if the vein’s tapped out.

(AD) Ace Books



The triumphant conclusion to THE JESUS INCIDENT and THE LAZARUS EFFECT

“A worthy sequel… the thematic richness one associates with Herbert is again present!” —Publishers Weekly

On the sea-world of Pandora, global harmony would seem little more than a dream. Mercilessly ruled by dictator Raja Flattery and his sadistic security force, freedom appears light years away. The only glimmer of hope lies in the legendary Crista Galli—the planet’s promised savior. Everyone accepts her as the link between the different factions, but no one’s sure if she actually exists…




2:00 PM (continued)

Conference Room
Michael Scanlon (M)
By invitation only.

3:00 PM

Art Demo Room
Lita Smith-Gharet (M)

Rotunda Balcony

Pavilion Programming Rm
Astrid Anderson Bear, Joanne Kirley (M), Vicki Mitchell
Masquerade presentations call for dramatic flair and exaggeration or success. Hall costumes are designed for an “audience” which is close enough to notice fine details. Some of our favorite costumers discuss which techniques work best for which viewing distance.

Reading Room

Ballroom 3

Ballrooms 1 & 2 Cyn Mason. Lonnie Davis, David R. Deitrick. Michael P. Kuhe-McDowell There have been many important changes in tax laws for writers, artists and composers. There have even been changes to the changes. Most, if not all, seems to be anti-artist. Perhaps this discussion will help clarify some issues.


3:30 PM

Reading Room

4:00 PM

Ballrooms 1 & 2
Donna Barr, L. Rodayne Esmay, Monika Livingston, Julia Lacquement, Loren McGregor, Alexis A. Gilliland, John Alvarez
See a mural take shape before your very eyes as professional artists fill our “canvas” with whatever doodles andgraffiti their crazed minds can imagine. The final products of this kludge will be sold at the Art Auction to benefit Seattle’s homeless.

South Center Room
Fannish Olympics Judges, Mark Richardson (M)

Ballroom 3

Reading Room
Grant Fjermedal, John G. Cramer (M), Greg Bear, Grant D. Callin, Steven G. Oliver Prominent scientists and science writers gather to tell us how much closer we’ve gotten to the final frontiers.

Ballroom 4
Sue Bartroff, Yvonne V. Richardson, Judy Suryan, Keith Johnson, Paul S. Clift, Dave Meyer (M)
Although more people than ever attend conventions, the focus - and ethics - seem to be changing. For many, the enjoyment of conventions is decreasing. What are some of the reasons for this? Too much SF? Not enough Fantasy? Too much video? Not enough literature? Whatever happened to the conventions where you could find your friends without searching through 1900 other people?

Fanzine Room
Steve Jackson, Brian Underhill (M), Terry Allen Scott
What are some of the new trends and developments in gaming? Is there anything out there other than roleplaying games and computer simulations? If you think the answer is yes, turn to page 12. If no, thumb on through 'til you hit page 26.

5:00 PM

Reading Room

South Center Room

Ballroom 3
Marion Zimmer Bradley. M. Elayn Harvey, Carl Miller
We used to worry about aliens “taking over” and enslaving us; now we’re ready to worship the first BEM or little green person who gets here. Is this an enlightened attitude, or just another way of escaping responsibility for ourselves?

Ballroom 4
Bob Howe (M), John De Camp, Sara L. Stamey, James W. Fiscus, Charles Platt, Shelly Clift
Another chapter in the ongoing discussion of XXXXXXX, XXXXXXX, and censorship. Is censorship ever “good”? Are there ideas which deserve suppression? A heated discussion about what we don’t know can hurt us.

Conference Room
Michael Scanlon (M)
By invitation only.

6:00 PM

Reading Room
Steven G. Oliver, Lori Ann White, Elton Elliott (M), Loren McGregor
Built any new life forms lately? Or bought stock in companies that do? Exploring the possibilities, and moral/ ethical implications, from anti-viral agents to genetic adaptations for life in space, from disease control and the conquest of death to overpopulation and an out-of- control gene pool.

Fanzine Room

South Center Room
Bob Howe, George Harper, Shelly Clift, Sara L. Stamey, Gordon Baker, William C. Dietz
We depend on the mass media to keep us informed, but must depcndon ourselves to solve the problems the media informs us of. This task is not easy - in fact, may not be possible - if our society is scientifically illiterate and dependent on news that entertains rather than informs. A discussion about the responsibilities and obligations on both sides of the TV set.

7:00 PM

Child Care (rm 510/514)

7:30 PM

South Center Room Karen Lee Carmack (M), Megan Lindholm, Ru Emerson, Nina Kiriki Hoffman, Alan Bard Newcomer, Tania Opland Hosted by Karen Lee Carmack, this Norwescon tradition continues. Listen to your favorite pros perform their favorite songs, from yesteryear to the song that was penned last night. There may even be a sing-along or two.

8:00 PM

Ballrooms 1, 2, 3 & 4
Everyone’s invited to this party, to meet some new people, collect a few autographs, and renew old acquaintances. Writers, artists, agents, and other guests will be in attendancetif you don’t have other collectibles for them to sign, you can always have your program book autographed.

9:00 PM

Reading Room

Fanzine Room
Michael Scanlon, Mark Manning, Elinor Busby, F. M. Busby
The Nameless Ones began their monthly gatherings in 1949. Come and help them celebrate 40 years of Worldcon hosting, fanzine publishing and all-around fannishness as Seattle’s oldest club.

9:30 PM

All Boogie Beings, Keith Johnson (M), Michael Citrak
The biggest dance of the convention, the largest gathering of Northwest fen, the most INCREDIBLE gathering of happy feet takes place at - you got it - the STARDANCE and ICE CREAM SOCIAL. Boogie Beings Mike Citrak and Keith Johnson transform the Pavilion into a panorama of lights, a wall of sound, and floor full of DANCERS!!! And when you don’t feel like dancing, there’s always ice cream - including the special flavor picked out by Norwescon volunteers at the Sneak Preview. It was on a night like this forty million years ago…


Kim Andean, Joyce Cowan (M), Edward Bryant, Roberta Lannes
Edward Bryant and others read their most chilling stories - at midnight.


9:00 AM

Ballrooms 1 & 2
Stanley Schmidt
Getting tired of laboriously building plots, characters, believable backgrounds? Fine! Trash it all! Only…do THAT plausibly, too. How DO you believably make a whole world go *poof*? World-destroying, after all, can be just as difficult to do well as building the thing in the first place! Comets; invading aliens; A- and H-bombs; biochemical warfare; just a few of the Ultimate Fates writers past and present use. How to keep a reader on seat’s edge, even knowing the world is going to die, but still hoping against hope. How to handle the math as well as the aftermath.

Ballroom 4
Julian May
What is important in mainstream publishing that SF publishing ignores? What will make a book a great SF title, but a mainstream ho-hum? Take a closer look at what each looks for. and how to adjust your offerings with its destination in mind. What NOT to say in your cover letter!

Steve Barnes (M)
Once again. Steve Barnes makes us wake up our body and mind with an exercise that is as much mental as it is physical. Tai Chi will help you find your centers of balance and control and keep you going for the rest of the day.

Rotunda Balcony
David B. Mattingly (M)
Artist Guest of Honor David Mattingly conducts a guided tour of the Art Show for artists only.

Reading Room
Scott Stolnack (M)
Every year. Clarion West expands to bring us more than just your , six-week, grueling workshop. Come hear about this year’s program: summer readings, weekend workshops, and more!!

10:00 AM

Rotunda Balcony

Fanzine Room
George Guthridge (M)
Professor George Guthridge is a motivating force behind Gamble High School’s three national championships in academics, won by “children who couldn’t learn”. Listen as he explains some of the major changes in teaching methods which might allow us to teach anything to anybody.

South Center Room
Mark Schellberg (M)
Amateur filmmakers enter their most exciting new works in the annual Norwescon contest.

Pavilion Programming Rm
Sue Barrtoff (M), Michael Reaves, Brynne Stephens

Gaming (Room 504)
Sue Bartroff, Craig Bowie (M)

Judy Swanson, Norah Hogoboom (M)
All Masquerade participants are required to attend this meeting. Missing this Ballroom 3 meeting means missing the masquerade.

Reading Room

Ballrooms 1 & 2
Bill Baldwin, Teresa Plowright (M), Gordon Baker, James W. Fiscus, John Barnes, Alan Bard Newcomer
The industrialized West got rich by trashing the world. Now we know we must stop - but the Third World is still impoverished. This discussion will address our responsibilities - if any - to give the Third World non-polluting industrial Reading Room techniques and to help them achieve environmentally safe economic parity.

Ballroom 4
Charles Platt, David Doering (M), Stanley Schmidt (M), Ginjer Buchanan, Patrick Price
There was a time when an editor was a writer’s best friend. They nurtured the writer as well as the writer’s work. Time passed, however, and more and more of the editor’s functions have passed to publishers, angents, and word processors; the editor no longer has the same kind of relationship to the writer.

Ballroom 3
Washington Art Law - A professional seminar brought to us by Washington Volunteer Lawyers for the Arts. Current legal information concerning contracts, etc., which may be of interest to writers and artists will be presented. A short Q&A period will follow.

Conference Room
Michael Scanlon (M)
By invitation only.

10:30 AM

Reading Room

11:00 AM

Fanzine Room
Alexis A. Gilliland, Mark Manning (M)

Ballroom 4
Alan E. Nourse, Richard Wright (M)
Find out more about what makes our Science Guest of Honor tick.

Pavilion Programming Rm
Bob Howe, Shelly Clift, Lonnie Davis, Hank Graham, Lynne Taylor, Elliott Swanson
Books, art, and costumes often get mangled in the mail. Three-dimensional items seem to fare worst of all, and “fragile” slickers just don’t seem to do any good. Come to this discussion and learn some secrets about how to get your stuff there and back again in one piece.

Ballrooms 1 & 2
Art Bozlee

11:30 AM

Reading Room

(Artwork) Copyright 1989 by John Sabotta

(AD) Ace Books

— Raymond E. Feist

Teresa Edgerton

Fantasy adventure for fans of Raymond E. Feist and Mary Stewart

The dark powers are gathering…

The Kingdom of Celydonn has been tranquil tor fifty years, since the great wizard Glastyn conquered the Wild Magic and drove its monsters underground. But Glastyn has disappeared. His apprentice Teleri is a young, inexperienced sorceress, but even she can sense the presence of a strange new evil. Only her untested magic and the sword of the brave knight Ceilyn stand between the peaceful kingdom and the powers of the Dark. $3.50

“CHILD OF SATURN marks the appearance of a new and exciting talent.”
— Tad Williams


SATURDAY, MARCH 25 (continued)


ArtDemo Room
DavidR Deitrick (M)

Rotunda Balcony
Mark a. Skullerud, Milo Duke. Ray Pelley, Rob Schouten

Pavilion Programming Rm
Mark Schellberg, Steve Perry, Ted A. Pedersen, Nancy Morris, Brynne Stephens, Michael Reaves
So you’d like to sec your work on the big silver screen, eh? You’ll need to know about contracts, formal, terminology, and selling existing screenplays. Listen to a few folks who’ve done so tell you how to get into the business.

Ballroom 3
Donna Barr, Jon Gustafson, John Alvarez, Alicia Austin, L. Rodayne Esmay, Stephen Marcellino
Find out what to look for in the different artistic media. Learn the ins and outs of auctions, originals vs. reproductions, how to care for your new pieces of art.

Steve Barnes
An hour of Q&A with our Toastmaster, Steve Barnes. There’s more to his philosophy of life than “dance all night” - although he does that too.

Fanzine Room
Jerry Kaufman
When there arc two or more notable conventions on the same weekend, many fans are torn as to which one to attend. Since this is also the weekend of Minicon. we will attempt a phone hook-up to let members of both conventions get a feel for what is happening al the other con.

South Center Room
Jordin Kare, John G. Cramer, Elton Elliott, Stephen L. Gillett, Grant Fjermedal, James W. Fiscus
Nanotechnology - molecular machines - has been called “the ultimate Industrial Revolution”. Why? What is it? What are its benefits, drawbacks, appropriate applications?

Ballroom 4
D. Alexander Smith, Diane Mapes, Kathleen Alcala, Rhea Rose, Michael Scanlon (M), William C. Dietz
An anonymously donated manuscript will be publicly critiqued. Sit in on this event and sec what REALLY happens in a writers' workshop. This is a great way to get your feet wet without jumping off the high dive.

Reading Room

Conference Room
Michael Scanlon (M)
By invitation only.

1:00 PM

Ballrooms 1 & 2
Bill Baldwin, David Doering, Rob Quigley, Jordin Kare, Art Bozlee, Grant D. Callin
It has been said that the space shuttle is a camel; the original designers wanted a horse. Due to changes in specifications and minimizations of safety features we lost the Challenger January 28, 1986. Did the space-going dreams of a nation go up in smoke on that fateful day, or will we continue to voyage into space in ships such as the Discovery and its decendants. After that, what next? Although many of the players have changed, are management styles and cost-cutting measures still the same? Hear our esteemed panelists' views on these and other space-going issues such as a orbiting telescope and the future of the space station.

Pavilion Programming Rm
Karen Lee Carmack (M)

Ballroom 3
Dean Wesley Smith, Ginjer Buchanan, Kristine Kathryn Rusch, Debra Gray Cook (M), Stanley Schmidt, Catherine McGuire
Editors tell how, and maybe more importantly how not, to prepare and submit your manuscripts, and the proper decorum in dealing with publishers and editors.

South Center Room
William R. Warren Jr. (M), Scott Welch
An exciting new contest from Bridge Publications that will further the careers of beginning artists.

Reading Room

Fanzine Room
P_atrick Price (M), Richard Hallock, Elinor Busby, Mark Manning_
A general discussion of where fanzines are today, and where they’re headed. Has electronic communications replaced the fanzine? Or augmented it?

1:30 PM

Prop Room
Pat Oros, Sue Bartroff (M) It’s funny, people keep saying that conventions are magic, that they just happen; with no effort from anybody, they just come to exist. Well, the kids in KIDKON II get to see the REAL magic - in a behind-the-scenes tour of the Prop Room - and they get to meet the magicians that cause conventions as large as Norwescon to “just happen”.

2:00 PM

Art Demo Room

Pavilion Programming Rm
Kim Graham (M)

Ballroom 4
Roberta Lannes, Loren McGregor, Michael Coney (M), Steve Perry, Sara L. Stamey, Carl Miller
Sex and Aliens, always a favorite.

Ballrooms 1 & 2
Bruce Taylor, Steve Barnes, Greg Bear, Marion Zimmer Bradley
Now that you’ve got a name in the field, what do you do with it? Can this truly be a job? If so, what do you sell, and where? This discussion may enlighten you about new markets and media: taped books, role-playing lie-ins, computer games, and covers for all those new boxes. News on copyrights, publishing, marketing and/or promoting your work.

South Center Room
Steve York (M)
If you’ve seen the Open Writers' Workshop, and decided you want more, this is the panel for you. Listen as representatives from various writers' groups describe who they are, what they do, and whether their workshop is one that fits your needs.

Reading Room

Ballroom 3

Conference Room
Michael Scanlon (M)
By invitation only.

3:00 PM

Ballrooms 1 & 2
Algis Budrys
Everything you ever wanted to know, in less time than it takes to ask (almost). Don’t sneeze: you’ll miss something!

Pavilion Programming Rm
Damon Bard (M), Dan Reeder
That’s right, this year Damon Bard gels top billing, and HIS assistant is Dan Reeder. Damon will show you all the latest tricks in papier and cloth mache; Dan’s just here for laughs. Usually they just put the hecklers in the audience, don’t they?

(Artwork) The Burnt Lands Copyright 1989 by David Mattingly. Cover for the book by Richard Elliott, published by Fawcett.

Ballroom 3
Lonnie Davis, Julia Lacquement, John Alvarez, L. Rodayne Esmay, Donna Barr
Book covers can make or break a book - and the artists who do them. Book illustrations are an artist’s bread and butter. They should also be the best road to recognition - but often the cover artist is uncredited. An action-oriented panel to discuss the things book cover artists can do to get the recognition they deserve.

Ballroom 4
Bill Ransom, James W. Fiscus, John Barnes, Alis Rasmussen, Leo Daugherty.
Religion was invented by humankind to help us understand the and our place in it. The future may bring space colonies, eternal youth, and sex changes as simple as switching socks…and these are just the obvious predictions!! What kind(s) of species will we be, and what kinds of religious concepts might we invent?

SAM Room

Pavilion Backstage
Judy Swanson. Masquerade Judges, Norah Hogoboom

Reading Room

South Center Room
Kristi Austin, Bruce Chandler Fergusson, Michael Scanlon, M. Elayn Harvey, Diane Mapes (M), Rhea Rose, Amy Thomson, Jerry Kaufman, Edward Bryant
Live at last!! The fourth issue of Argos Fantasy and Science Fiction, not published. but public! With readings by Bruce Fergusson, M. Elayn Harvey, Rhea Rose, R. Garcia y Robertson, and many more. Plus editorials, book reviews by Amy Thomson, and a “letters to the editor” forum. Don’t miss out on this final issue. Once it’s passed, all that’s left is the wake!

4:00 PM

Fanzine Room
Brian Underhill, Terry Allen Scott, Steve Jackson
Roleplaying gaming provides a chance to explore other selves, lifestyles, fantasies… How does this aspect of gaming benefit one’s creativity and self-understanding?

Pavilion Programming Rm
Lynne Taylor (M). Jon Gustafson, Cheri Streimikes
Many different kinds of prints are found today in the Convention Art Show world. We will describe techniques used in their production, discuss their strengths and problems, and weigh their relative values to collectors.

Ballroom 3
William R. Warren Jr.(M), David B. Mattingly

Reading Room

Ballrooms 1 & 2
Kate Gale (M)
The Northwest Starfleet Sector is proud to host the first annual Starfleet Sector Conference. This sector consists of Regions V, VI, and X; it corresponds to the states of Washington. Oregon. Idaho. Colorado. Wisconsin. Minnesota, Iowa, both Dakotas, Nebraska and Alaska, as well as Western Canada. The conference will provide information to the general Starfleet membership and facilitate communications between regions. This is also a unique opportunity for the general membership to ask questions of various Starfleet ship crew leaders, exchange ideas, establish regional and sector goals, and for non-members to familiarize themselves with the local and national organizations. More information can be obtained at the Starfleet Registration Desk, in the Norwescon Club Table section.

Ballroom 4
John G. Cramer (M)
A discourse on the actuality of these and other time-honored means of transport. A must for those of you who wish to provide a means to get you or a character from here to there with as little fuss and as much plausibility as possible.

Conference Room
Michael Scanlon (M)
By invitation only.

5:00 PM

Ballroom 3
Ginjer Buchanan, Michael Coney (M), Patrick Price, James P. Kilins, Sharon Baker, Megan Lindholm
Urban legends will slowly start to show up in the F&SF genre, even as Jack the Ripper and Burke & Hare did in the literature of their time. Whether or not they’re true, they make great copy - I wonder if I could use “big rat mistaken for dog” in a story? The choking Doberman, the caimans in Greenlake, and other “myths of the city” will be aired and perhaps even laid to rest.

South Center Room
Michael P. Kube-McDowell (M)
A review of recent, silly, and cautionary events and news. Did you know it’s possible to get a ticket for having an elephant sit on your car?

Reading Room

5:30 PM

Ballroom 4
Steven Bryan Bieler, Dave Myers (M)
Here’s your last chance to view the Clarion Auction items before the auction itself. Come on, you really want that signed T-shirt, don’t you? Have another look - I’ll bet it fits…

6:00 PM

Fanzine Room
Lita Smith-Gharel, Mark Manning, Elinor Busby, F. M. Busby
What arc APAs? What topics do they cover? How do you find them, get in - or out! - of them? A discussion of this, plus information about special APAs: A Women’s APA, Military APA, CRAPA/ pi, SAPS, et al.

CLARION WEST SCHOLARSHIP AUCTION Ballroom 4 Deborah Wessell, Dave Myers (M), Edward Bryant, Steven Bryan Bieler Signed books. T-shirts, artwork, and other special items will be auctioned to benefit the Clarion West Scholarship Fund. Auctioneers Ed Bryant and Steven Bryan Bieler will try to top last year’s record sale. Going…going…

Reading Room

Conference Room

South Center Room
Katharine Eliska Kimbriel (M). John Alvarez, Sharan Newman, John Dahnas, Loren McGregor
What if we gave a con and nobody came? More than any other genre, SF should be the one where any idea can be explored, where nothing is sacred. SF should be. but isn’t always. Listen as writers, artists, and other professionals talk about the times they censored themselves.

6:30 PM

Reading Room

7:00 PM

Child Care (rm 510/514)

Ballrooms 1, 2 & 3
A long time ago, in a ballroom far, far away, there were dances and there were dances. English royalty danced Regency dances in exquisite costumes and with aristocratic flair. The English folk danced Old Country dances, which were based on Regency dancing, but had less flair and more fun. Time passed, the English crossed the ocean, and brought with them the traditions of the folk. Old Country dance evolved into Contradancing, which is Norwescon’s first dance of the evening. Come join in this trip to the not-so-distant past, to a different kind of dancing. Roger Peacock will “call” the dance (i.e.. tell you what to do), and those of you who would like to try a new (or an old) style of dancing will trip the light fantastic to the tunes of the Dancer’s Delight String Band.

Fanzine Room
Kevin Standlee. Erlinda Siller. Richard Hallock, Brin-Marie Landerman
The Board of Directors from the Myth- Adventures Fan Club arc here to fill you in on its latest happenings.

South Center Room
People have always put talcs to music, from time immemorial. The oratorio, the ballad, and the opera arc forms that still remain today. What happens when you cross an age-old art form with brand new SF and incredibly talented, hard rock musicians?

(AD) Ace Books

Intergalactic adventure from the #1 New York Times bestselling author of STAR TREK III and ENTERPRISE: THE FIRST ADVENTURE

Vonda N. McIntyre
Hugo and Nebula Award winner

With America’s second attempt at interstellar exploration, the U.S. government decides to scrap the Starfarer’s scientific objectives and place the vessel in the hands of the military.

But Captain Victoria MacKenzie has other ideas. She plans to uphold the Starfarer’s original purpose—the exploration of space and the search for intelligent life—even if it means hijacking the ship…



SATURDAY, MARCH 25 (continued)

8:00 PM

Norah Hogoboom, Masquerade Judges, Judy Swanson (M), Carol Severance (M)
The fabulous Norwescon Masquerade is being emceed by a wonderful, lovable, funny, emcee!! Join them as they usher many-legged beasties, sex goddesses, and things that go bump in the night through this spectacular event. Come and root for your favorite alien-ambassador-barbarian-princess-assassin-thief-ninja!

Sue Bartroff, Yvonne V. Richardson
Older people have plenty of opportunity to have some input into the conventionplanning process. Unfortunately there arc stilltimes when children arc seen and not heard - until now. Program Directors from various conventions in the area take the lime to hear what the younger set would like to see at conventions.

8:10 PM

Ch 6 (North room)
For those of you who don’t wish to fight the crowds, the Norwescon 11 Masquerade will be videotaped live and beamed into your hotel rooms on Channel 6. Or. it can be watched in our Truly Mondo Video (TM) room, otherwise known as the North Room. Truly Mondo Video presented by Rustycon.

9:00 PM

Alan Smith (M)
Lazer Tag, anyone? This is not a competition, or even tournament play - just a chance for folks who love the game to get together. Bring your own equipment and register at the Information table. First come, first serve - maximum 60 players.

Ballrooms 1, 2 & 3
All Boogie Beings, Shawn Marier (M)
Attention: all of you out there with Happy Feet - a dance floor is calling you!! This is the we-can’t-stop-dancing dance. A new and different music mix will be provided by guest DJ Shawn Marier. He’ll keep you dancing all night long - and then some. Requests will be taken. No-host, Non-alcoholic bar.

Reading Room

10:00 PM

South Center Room
Mike Glyer, Amy Thomson, Edward Bryant, Doug Shirk (M), William R. Warren Jr.
This is a serious subject that we all seem to be shirking; it is an unpleasant reality that we may have to face sooner than we think. Like Abraham. Martin, and John, our leaders Asimov, Clarke, and Heinlein won’t always be here - Heinlein has already departed. Who will be our next Grand Masters when the last of our current Grand Masters is gone? In what direction(s) might our field go in another twenty years or so? Will it wander, or will it be led? If so. by whom?

11:00 PM

Pavilion Backstage
Judy Swanson, Norah Hogoboom (M), the winners of the Norwescon 11 Masquerade
Now’s your chance to congratulate the winners of the Norwescon 11 Masquerade - and get a better look at their award-winning costumes.

South Center Room
Michael Kenmir (M)
The Empire of Elan, a live role-playing group, presents its royal court.


9:00 AM

Reading Room
This betrothal is an re-enactment of a renaissance ritual for members of nobility. During this era. more significance was attached to the betrothal ceremony rather than the actual marriage rites. Often, the rituals were a show of pageantry and wealth. The betrothal was not of religious significance but rather one of politics and the ceremonies conducted not by clergy, but with an envoy from the royal court. The betrothed are observing the spirit of these ancient ceremonies; however, the costumes reflect their personal visions of these archaic times.

Steve Barnes (M)
If you’re one of those folks who insist on a morning stretch, no matter how late you stayed up last night, you might want to spend an hour with Steve Barnes doing still more Tai Chi. Wake up your muscles, clear out your mind, and prepare to dive into the last full day of the con. The con, the con, not your pillow…zzzzzzz

Ch 6 (North room)
What other way to end a convention than with a morning talk-show? A set of interviews with fans who have distinguished themselves at this convention is always terrific entertainment this late in the con. Of course, there’s no way of knowing who those distinguished fans guests might be… anybody walking by in search of morning coffee may be considered distinguished. Of course, if you can run faster than the interviewers can. you may still have a chance…

9:30 AM

Ballroom 4

10:00 AM

South Center Room
Dennis Ahrens (M), Avram Davidson
A small, quiet talk with our WOW (Writer on Wheels) Guest of Honor, Avram Davidson.

Judy Swanson (M), Norah Hogoboom
Masquerade competitors and Event Staff meet to compare notes, exchange information. and talk about what went wrong and what went right.

(Artwork) Sketching Copyright 1989 by Don Maitz Originally published in First Maitz, a Collection of Paintings by Don Main, by Ursus Imprints, 5539 Jackson, Kansas City, MO 64130.

Reading Room
Mark Manning, Colleen Anderson, J. T. Stewart, John Dalmas
Short, sweet prose from several pros.

Ballroom 3
William R. Warren Jr. (M), Zach Pahl Are computers and art on a collision course? Does their usage equate to the visual equivalent of handing a non-musician a boombox and saying he now plays the radio? Or is it like giving Moogs to Mozart? Some of the area’s most prominent artists in the computer art field are here to give you their opinions - and a glimpse of their computer-aided creations.

10:30 AM

Ballroom 4
Algis Budrys The Philadelphia SF Society sponsors the award that’s given annually at Norwescon. Come hear a little more about how the award got started, how Norwescon came to be its home, and more about the man who inspired it.

11:00 AM

Ballrooms 1 & 2
Algis Budrys, David B. Mattingly, Mike Glyer, Alan E. Nourse, Steve Barnes, Charles Platt, Elizabeth Warren, Yvonne V. Richardson, Richard Wright, Judy Suryan, D. Alexander Smith, Becky Simpson.
Steve Barnes is our host and Toastmaster at this gathering of hungry people. Feast upon wonderful food prepared for us by the chefs at the Sheraton; feast your ears on speeches prepared for us by our Guests of Honor. And. feast your eyes upon this year’s winner of the Philip K. Dick award. The envelope please… and a roll while you’re al it.

Shawn Marier, The Easter Bunny, Sue Bartroff
Did the Easter Bunny leave YOU something? If you want to find out, have your mom and/or dad bring you to the Pavilion to see. Maybe you can catch the Easter Bunny before he leaves.

Ballroom 3
Laurie Edison (M), Nancy Marmol, Rich Dutcher
As an outgrowth of discussions at SF conventions, we have decided to show as well as tell what we see when we look at fat women.

HOMEMADE WHO: “THE ZOMBIE LEGIONS” South Center Room Erlinda Siller, Richard Hallock, Kevin Standlee, Brin-Marie Landerman

Reading Room


Ballroom 3
Eileen Kernaghan, Rhea Rose, Mary Choo, Teresa Plowright, Carol Severance
This is a special reading, combining the talents of up to six Northwest writers. Come hear them read their own stories - and each others'. If you didn’t catch the first half of this event, now’s your last chance to hear this novel form of reading.

(Artwork) The Company Man Copyright 1989 by David Mattingly. Cover for the book by Joe Clifford Faust, published by Del Rey.

(Artwork) Imagination Copyright 1989 by Carl Lundgren.

Fanzine Room
Jerry Kaufman What IS fandom in the Pacific Northwest? Come hear about Northwest fan clubs, non-clubs, conventions, and gatherings.

Ballroom 4
Mark Schellberg (M)
Come sec the film judged to be the best of this year’s Amateur Film Contest.

Conference Room
Michael Scanlon (M)
By invitation only.

1:00 PM

South Center Room
Brian Tillotson (M), Cyn Mason, Marion Zimmer Bradley, Erlinda Siller, Greg Cox
The Bulwar-Lytton contests are famous for proving that writing Pure Trash can be just as much a creative challenge as writing High Art. Entries for this contest can be turned in at the information table, and will be read at this panel. Come and listen to the panelists read the ghastliest prose you ever heard. Was it really a dark and stormy night?

Fanzine Room
Katharine Eliska Kimbriel, Georgia “Sasha” Miller, Michael P. Kube-McDowell
E-mail and bulletin boards - will they replace conventions? Will real live contact become obsolete as everyone turns on, tunes in and phospordots out?

Ballroom 4
Loren McGregor, John Barnes, George Harper (M), Ginjer Buchanan Writers and artists talk about personal experiences with censorship by editors, publishers, booksellers, special interest groups, and the general public.

Ballroom 3

1:30 PM

Katherine Howes (M)
Here’s your chance to pick up the pieces you’ve been bidding on all weekend - if you outbid all your competitors. It may also be your last chance to see all the wonderful artwork that’s going to other people. Arm-twisting services arc available (within the limits of responsible conventioncering) for those who have a little difficulty reaching their wallets; credit cards are also accepted.

Reading Room

2:00 PM

Jay Silverstein, Steve Jackson, Rod Garcia, Rich Dutcher
A discussion of the role of war and strategy games in society and what their popularity signifies. Do they encourage the warrior mentality or are they a harmless way to work out aggression?

South Center Room

Ballroom 4

Reading Room
Chuck Manson (M)
Science Fiction Convention League members only. Agenda for meeting will have been sent to you beforehand or can be picked up at the door.

(AD) Ace Books

From the author of Callahan’s Crosstime Saloon and Callahan’s Secret!

by Spider Robinson

Hugo and Nebula Award-winning author of Time Pressure

“If I didn’t think it understated his achievement, I’d nominate Spider Robinson…as the new Robert Heinlein.” -New York Times

Spider Robinson’s famous Callahan stories-Callahan s Crosslime Saloon and Callahan’s Secret-are delightful tales about the galaxy’s most outrageously bizarre saloon and its hilariously diverse patrons. There wasn’t an establishment for millions of miles around that was as much fun as Callahan’s…until Callahan’s girlfriend opened a bordello…and Spider Robinson wrote a novel about it…

$16.95 An Ace Hardcover


2:00 PM (continued)

Ballroom 3
Algis Budrys, David B. Mattingly, Alan E. Nourse, Steve Barnes, Richard Wright, Becky Simpson, Yvonne V. Richardson, Judy Suryan, William R. Warren Jr., Elizabeth Warren, Mike Glyer, Paul S. Clift, Alis Rasmussen, and all of the people who really made Norwescon 11 a success
A special hour for volunteers only. Spend some time with our Guests of Honor and other pros you didn’t get to see because you were working.

Conference Room
Michael Scanlon (M)
By invitation only.

2:30 PM

Ballroom 4

Ballrooms 1 & 2
The Society for Creative Anachronism recreates the stirring days of brave knights, fair maidens, minstrels, and the rest of the Midieval era. Come see brave knights simulate a fair fight - and learn about the techniques of doing it without actually hurting each other.

3:00 PM

Ballroom 3
Lyn Paleo, Loren McGregor. Laurie Edison (M), Rich Dutcher
A third of the women and a fifth of the men in the U. S. were abused in some manner as children. How are these realities reflected in what we read?

Ballroom 4
Amy Thomson, Alan Bard Newcomer, John De Camp, John E. Stith, Ginjer Buchanan It’s ok - we couldn’t pronounce it either. A participatory panel in which panelists and audience compile a “dream library”. What do YOU think is the basic and best of SF, Fantasy and Horror?

South Center Room
Ruth Coates (M)
Where do my dreams go? Find out what tools are used to tap dreams for their creative potential.

Fanzine Room
Kevin Standlee, Erlinda Siller, Richard Hallock, Brin-Marie Landerman
What are the differences between local SF groups and licensed national organizations? Can you get by with just weekly get-togethers, or do you feel you have to incorporate? The Board of Directors from the MythAdventures Fan Club has a few ideas on this subject they’d like to share with you.

4:00 PM

South Center Room
Katharine Eliska Kimbriel, Gordon Baker, Grant Fjermedal (M), Lori Ann White, Steve Bard
Besides polluting the environment, we pollute ourselves with everything from recreational drugs (legal and otherwise) to chemical-saturated food and drink. We breathe asbestos from the insulation in our walls, and are surrounded by possibly toxic chemicals in our workplaces. What are the side effects of being a toxic waste dump?

(Artwork) Idle Pleasures Copyright 1989 by David Mattingly. Coverfor the book by George Alec Effinger, published by Berkley.

Ballroom 4
Alis Rasmussen, Dameon Willich, Kim Antieau, Sharon Sinclair, Patrick Price, Julian May

Ballroom 3
Yvonne V. Richardson, Richard Wright, Judy Suryan, Becky Simpson, Elizabeth Warren (M)
Now’s the time for a talk with the Convention Committee about this year’s convention. What did you like? What did you not like? Are they things we can fix, or do you want us to order 16 more elevators for the hotel? Why did we do some of the things we did? Which events do you want to see next year? Serious input from you now can be used in the planning of Norwescon 12.

5:00 PM

Mark Richardson (M), Fannish Olympics Judges
The finals of this marathon event, wherein the top teams compete for the lop prizes. Do I hear fanfares in the background?

6:00 PM

Ballroom 3
Algis Budrys, David B. Mattingly, Mike Glyer, Alan E. Nourse, Steve Barnes, Yvonne V. Richardson, Judy Suryan, Richard Wright, Elizabeth Warren (M), Becky Simpson
Well, it’s over, one more time, I think. Join the Convention Committee and our Guests of Honor in one last round of applause, awards, appreciations, and one very special thing. So long, farewell, auf wiedersehen, goodbye - and we’ll see you next week.

Ballroom 4
Dragon, Donna Barr (M), William R. Warren Jr., Steven A. Gallacci, Dameon Willich, Diana Gallagher Wu, Monika Livingston
Of course, this event takes place when we’re at our silliest. Bring your most confounding ideas and try to stump the artists - or be stumped.

9:00 PM

Ballrooms 1, 2 & 3
Keith Johnson, The Sasquatch, All Boogie Beings, Michael Citrak (M)
For those of you that 3 days of programming and 3 nights of dancing didn’t burn out, we’re going to give it one last try. Mix and match dance cuts from the previous days ought to do the trick. Come boogie with the best of us - and the last of us.


Association of Science Fiction and Fantasy Artists


MEMBERSHIP in ASFA is open to:



  • Receive the informative, fascinating ASFA QUARTERLY - a magazine featuring art show reviews, artist portfolios, how-to articles!
  • Nominate and vote on the CHELSEY AWARDS, the only comprehensive art awards in the science fiction and fantasy field today!
  • Art in touch with the most active and innovative people in the field - people who are both valuable resources & exciting to know!

Annual FULL MEMBERSHIP dues: United States - $18
Canada - $18 U.S. funds/$24 Canadian *
* inquire for other foreign rates

Make check/money order payable to ASFA. Send with completed form below to:
ASFA Membership
c/o Matt Fertig, Secretary
P.O. Box 55188
Indianapolis, IN 46205 U.S.A.


Please check any of the following that apply to you:

___ ARTIST (___ Fan ___ Pro) Genre (SF, fantasy, etc) _________
___ EDITOR ___ ART COLLECTOR ___ OTHER (Specify) _________

Guests of Honor


(Photo) Copyright 1989 by Jay Kay Klien

He shifted in his chair. Not nervously; that wasn’t his style.

“What in your professional science fiction career is the most satisfying thing you’ve ever done?”

“Writing what I think are some very good stories. I’ve written some stuff that I thought was almost totally successful in temis of my original intentions, and that’s a kick. That’s something you can take to the internal bank.”

We were talking casually, though the comm unit between us was set to Transmit. Editor, writer and critic for nearly four decades. Algis Budrys was an imposing figure, but friendly. Not unlike, as he had described himself to me before the interview, a good old boy with wrinkles around the corners of his eyes. He’d mentioned that he liked to think people meeting him for the first time have the impression he’s a retired airline captain who’s gone to fat.

While he spoke, Domino fed me some more information on his professional background. Over 200 short stories published since 1952, including science fiction, contemporary, suspense and crime fiction. Science fiction was the core of his work, including some classic novels. I turned my full attention to his answer.

“There’s Rogue Moon, there’s Who?, which I could still re-read with pleasure. Michaelmas. And there arc some short stories that I like very much, probably not the same ones that most people like. ‘The Man Who Tasted Ashes’ feels good whenever I think about it. A story that hasn’t been published yet. called ‘What Befell Mairiam’ which is, of all things, a sword-and-sorcery short story.”

That needed a follow-up. “Where will that be appearing?”

F&SF. It’s intended for the Budrys issue of F&SF, but it might sneak out in the anniversary issue he has for this year.”

“And when is the Budrys issue coming out?”

"When I finish the novel I’m working on now. so that Ed can start it as a serial in that issue.

“I’m a technically dedicated artist: I want a story to give somebody a precisely measured feeling, and I want to do it very well technically. Two things have to happen in order for me to be happy about the story; the two 1 mentioned are like that. Some of the ones that people sometimes mention are less successful than those two. There’s another one, ‘The Distant Sound of Engines,’ which is very short and I think, very good, even though it’s got a factual Haw in it. There’s a spot in there in which is mis-describe how morphine works on a hospital patient.”

“I assume many people have taken glee in pointing that out to you?”

“One. One nurse wrote me a letter about it a long time ago.”

Domino spoke again through the conductor in my mastoid. “Personal background; he was born in 1931 in Konigsberg, East Prussia, a free Lithuanian citizen from birth. He has lived in the U.S. since 1936. He is married and has four children, and lives in Evanston, Illinois. He is in Seattle to be Guest of Honor al a science fiction convention. Here’s another item of professional interest: he’s written about 120 articles, mainly about science, technology, cars, and bicycling.”

I changed the subject. “Let’s talk about you. personally. You’ve always been interested in bicycles. Would you ever consider that as a convention programming topic?”

He considered the question. A change of direction in questioning tends to bring out the best in an interview, the unexpected answer.

“Maybe not for 90 minutes. There are some things about bicycles I think everybody should know.” he replied. “How to gel the seat height right and the handlebar angle correct. Lots of people arc floundering around with their legs aching and their wrists aching and their behinds aching, wondering why that is. and you can fix it very readily.”

"Would you be willing to offer a clinic at the convention?'

“Yes, if there’s a whole mob of people who feel they want to know this… why not.”

Back to personal. “Do you still rebuild bicycles?”

“I’m never home anymore. The answer is no, but I could. I’ve built my wile’s bike, which she rides every week, weather permitting. and she hasn’t complained about anything about it in years.”

“How fancy of a bike is it?”

“It’s rather fancy, by 1960s standards. It’s got racing alloy frame, which is unusual in a woman’s bicycle, and it’s got ten speeds and high pressure tiresand all that other good stuff, and she just pumps around on it like crazy.”

“What about you?”

“Mine’s kind of tricky that way too. It’s got a very early Japanese zero dynamic frame that 1 restored and rebuilt. Although it looks like a ten speed, more or less, it’s actually a four speed. For most of the riding 1 do. four speeds is plenty, and it’s a lot less complication than with a derailleur.”

I turned the conversation back to his professional career, as Domino reminded me that he was a driving force behind the L. Ron Hubbard Writers of the Future anthology and awards, and that he had written a number of reviews and critical articles for everyone from Galaxy to current columns for The Chicago Sun-Times and The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction.

“You’re considered one of the grand masters of literary criticism. Does that ever get old? Do you still find things to get excited about?”

“I keep changing the way I go about to keep it from getting old. With the kind of reviews I’m doing for F&SF now. because fortunately Ed Ferman has backed me up with Orson Scott Card, I’ve got a lot of freedom to do wild and crazy things like review a book that’s been out of print a long time, or review something that’s from an unusual source. I just published a column in which I reviewed a program book, for heaven’s sake. It’s fun, and I keep it new.”

“His awards you may find impressive,” Domino said. “He’s a member by invitation of the Science Fiction Hall of Fame and The Mark Twain Society. He’s won a special Edgar from the Mystery Writers of America, and been given the ‘99’ Badge by the Indianapolis Motor Speedway. He’s a Locus Poll winner for best non-fiction book on SF in 1985, and in 1984, was given the Invisible Little Man award for service to the SF community. And he has several other honors.”

I returned to the interview. “What do you hope to be remembered for?”

“I think what I expect to be remembered for is a couple of pieces of fiction, but mostly for editorial-type functions, like teaching novices, helping them turn out better work. Hopefully, before I’ve run my course. I’ll actually be able to lay my hands on a magazine and pretend to be John Campbell for a while. That’s about it.”

I switched off the comm unit. “That docs it.” 1 said. “Have a good convention. But I’m curious about one other thing. You’ve done a lot of public relations from the late 1960s onward. Have you ever wanted to be a reporter?”

“Yes, in the sense that any job that I think I could do, I would like to have tried at some point. I’ve got mixed opinions about the state of the art of reporting these days, but I think it’s among the cleaner jobs there are.”

He smiled. “Thanks for your time. Larry.”

Copyright 1989 by Frank Catalano

(Artwork) Copyright 1989 by David Mattingly


If there is one thing that a Science Fiction artist is known for, it is his hardware. Look at a spaceship by Kelly Freas. Robert McCall, or John Berkey and you can immediately identify the artist.

The same holds true for the work of David Mattingly. He has developed a style of technological design that is both rich in detail and complex in structure. Silver ships glow under airtight domes, and astronauts wear spacesuits that twinkle like highly polished armor.

Even a cursory glance, though, will show that hardware is not all there is to David’s work. His landscapes have a naturalistic believability and an almost cinema- scopic grandeur. This, combined with his adventurous use of color, creates a setting against which his ships soar and swoop, alternately like sparkling jewels, or dark, evil birds of prey. The aliens with which his covers abound are diverse and surprising.

David grew up reading and collecting comics, and this is probably where his work gets its flamboyance and sense of hard- edged drama. Later, he was influenced by Fantasy illustrators like Frank Frazetta and - probably more than any of his comtemporaries - the great NASA artist Robert McCall. Today he is likely to draw influence from nearly anywhere, as the motifs from African and Pacific Island art in his covers to Janet Morris Heros in Hell series attest.

Typical of a Mattingly painting is tremendous scale; he is a master of the megaship. and there are miles of visual space in his landscapes. (This is only appropriate, since early in his career he was a matte painter for Disney Studios, responsible for making modest sets on a soundstage into the huge spaceship interiors central to the film The Black Hole.) Even a close-up character study is likely to have perspective cues implying a vast area visible over the figure’s shoulder. For that matter, many of David’s covers have outrageous numbers of figures, often complicat- cdly costumed - the kind of thing that makes a fellow illustrator groan at the work involved.

But painstaking dedication comes naturally to David, and shows itself in every step of his work. For each painting he does dozens of thumbnail and color sketches, always working until he has a satisfying solution - and then doing a few more. Then, after an idea is approved, he has appropriate models professionally photographed for painting reference. Sometimes he shoots models himself in a lavishly equipped photo studio next to his painting room. Friends, family and casual visitors have wound up there, perhaps outfitted in plastic Roman armor or aiming one of David’s small arsenal of toy ray-guns. David sometimes builds models forreference as well, such as the helicopter used for Martin Caidin’s The Messiah Stone, and the spider for Robert Vardeman’s Cenotaph Road series.

When the working drawing is complete, figures and costumes meticulously drawn in, perspective accurately plotted, he transfers it to canvas and begins painting. This is done in acrylic (for broader tones and glazes) and gouache (fordetails), one layer upon the other, punctuated by the roar of a paint-encrusted hair dryer to speed the process. Airbrush is used for soft forms such as clouds and smoke and glows.

David can be wildly experimental. He loves the latitude Science Fiction allows for this, enabling him to drop in a swollen moon or ringed planet for its abstract impact, or utilize innovative color schemes (see The Messiah Stone for a purple-and-gold knockout). He enthusiastically embraces paperback packaging embellishments such as die cuts, embossing and reflective inks. For Exit Earth by Martin Caidin. he used computer-generated imagery as a base which he then modified with paint. The process became more time-consuming than it was worth, but was a noble experiment. After a mind-broadening stint at the Illustrator’s Workshop, he submitted a cover done in pastel. He has utilized the solarized chiariscuro effect, pioneered by Janies Barna and Peter Caras, for the Time Wars series by Simon Hawke (he also worked this effect into an early cover for Savage Sword of Conan). When another artist was assigned a Time Wars book, he was asked to follow Mattingly’s lead.

David is always seeking to learn, and speaks with analytical insight about his predecessors and contemporaries in the Science Fiction field. He also pursues knowledge outside the field. In addition to the Illustrator’s Workshop mentioned above, David has lately studied anatomy with Elliot Goldfin- gcr, including sculpting a figure from the skeleton up and dissecting cadavers.

With his always-growing body of covers (now numbering in the low hundreds), David has staked out a territory unmistakably his own; a galaxy populated by heroic figures as well as horrific alien monsters, a place of both high-tech, and primitive savagery. Knowing David’s drive, always to improve on his previous cover, there is no telling where his work will lead him next.

Copyright 1989 by Richard Hexcox

As I write these words, I am looking at a slide that David Mattingly has sent me of the finished cover art for my forthcoming novel Desperate Measures. It’s an amazing piece of work; 1 don’t know how he did it. but the painting looks three dimensional - the bright reds and greens he’s used in the illustration jump out and grab you. The scene itself is highly detailed; you can almost read the labels on the bottles behind the bar, and a man with a Mohawk haircut casually examines the goings-on. which includes some interesting naughtiness. The characters whose friendly round of drinks has been interrupted look as if they’ve stepped directly off of a photograph. The man interrupting them is a trademark of David’s - I call them “Mattingly Men”. He’s a muscular, broad-shouldered, threatening type who appears to be a fiesh- and-blood incarnation of someone you might find in an issue of Marvel Comics.

In one paragraph 1 have managed to cover all of what I like about David Mattingly’s paintings. His eye for color is second to none; you can tell his paintings just from his use of them alone. He has a wonderful sense of detail. His style is immaculate and at the same lime strangely surreal. He has an immense amount of fun with what he’s doing, which is very important in this business (if you don’t believe that David has fun in his work, check out his tongue-in-cheek cover for the Choose-Your-Own-Adventure book Space Vampire). Most importantly, David is good at what he does. Very good.

Consider this story. In August of 1987 I was at a Waldenbooks in an Akron. Ohio mall. I was sitting at a card table piled high with copies of my first novel, A Death of Honor, mentally cataloging the myriad of ways that people were using to ignore me as they walked past. Some seventy-five feet away, from one of the stores opposite my position, came a woman toting several bags full of her day’s shopping. She locked eyes with me. and in conveying the nonverbal message of unavailability, she dropped her eyes.

That was her mistake.

Her eyes dropped to my book which I had conveniently stood cover-out to the passing crowds. The effect was magic. She stopped for a moment, squinted at David’s painting, then made a beeline to my table. We had a nice chat. She didn’t read "that Stuff' (read: Science Fiction), but she knew a couple of people who did. and picked up two copies. Then, because she was so thrilled to meet a “real author”, she broke down and bought a third copy for herself.

That is David Mattingly’s job. That is what he is so amazingly good at. The hard work I put in on my opening sentence, the editor’s sweat over the lurid back-cover copy, all of that is worthless unless someone like David is there to get Mr. and Mrs. Bookbuyer to pick it up to begin with. And let’s face it, if you’ve been lucky enough to sec the cover art for cither of my novels, you know what I’m talking about. They’re irresistible. Neither cover is easily described, but I think my editor at Del Rey did the best that anyone ever will when she said this while trying to describe David’s work on A Death of Honor, “The damn thing looks like it’s on fire”.

Of course, these comments don’t just apply to David’s work for my novels. Take a look at any of the covers he’s done. Besides what I’ve already mentioned, you’ll note right away that his covers are busy. There’s stuff going on everywhere, as if David has taken the essence of the novel and distilled it into one gloriously cinematic moment.

Shall I get specific? For starters there’s the stop-action cinematics of The Company Man, where the omnipotent hunter watches his quarry’s futile attempts to run. In Revenge ofthe Damned, the glow from a blue laser-knife heightens the tension on the faces of two Mattingly Men about to escape from an intergalactic prison. Or how about Zoboa, where his skewed point-of-view puts you right in the middle of the dizzying action. You can almost feel the heal from the ascending space shuttle and hear the roar from the P- 38 as it flies toward you. It’s a moment that Spielberg would love to capture on film. Likewise The Messiah Stone, which has the quality of a lost moment from the life of Indiana Jones (David has done some Indiana Jones covers, but that’s another story….). Need a dark mood? If you’re not careful, David can give it to you subtly, as with The Land of Laughs. Or he can let you have it with both barrels as he did with Yard’s Children (one of my all-time favorite Mattingly paintings and the only cover that has ever made me say “Wow! I wish I’d written that book!”).

Of course, all of this tells you what you already know, which is that David Mattingly is a dedicated professional who happens to be extremely good at what he does. He wouldn’t be here this weekend and I wouldn’t be writing about him if he wasn’t. But what about David Mattingly the man?


OF Dave and I, we grew up practically being neighbors. 1 was raised for the most part in Wyoming, he in Colorado. He grew up in Fort Collins, where his father invented a device that some of you might have in your homes - it’s called the Waterpik. His early influences include those wonderful early Marvel Comics, in the days before their problem plagued super-heroes discovered what real angst was. His training in art continued at Colorado State University, The Colorado Institute of Art and the Art Center of Design in Pasadena, California. From there he found his way into films, and by the age of 25 was the head of the Matte Department at Disney Studios, where he worked on such films as The Cat from Outer Space, The Black Hole and Tron.

Science Fiction as written word remained his first love, however, and before long he found himself in New York, lugging battered manuscripts to his brownstone in Hoboken, New Jersey. Once he has read the novel-to- be. he produces a series of roughs - paper- back-sized paintings that show the composition. mood, and colors to be used in the final painting. Once the art department has made their choice, it’s onto the final painting. The production of a cover may find him researching historical architecture, building a model of an interstellar craft, or shooting photographs (his victims have included professional models, bodybuilders, industry insiders, family members and himself). He has even been known to call up the author of the book he is working on in order to discuss different aspects of the characters and their playthings. The effects of this tireless effort speak for themselves in his work.

As if all of this wasn’t enough, this consummate professional also happens to be a really nice guy. No kidding. 1 could write pages about his wry sense of humor, but that’s something best experienced in person. Suffice it to say that anyone who names his cat Orson Welles is okay in my book. He’s also got a very generous spirit, which I would humbly submit came from breathing all of that pure Rocky Mountain air when he was a child.

Case in point, my very first trip to Manhattan in April of 1988. Having met David face-to-face at a convention the year before, I decided it was time to do the same with my editor and agent. 1 flew in early in the morning, gathered everyone up, and met David for lunch at the Society of Illustrators (you have to be really hot stuff to get into this one, folks - and yes. David is a member).

As we got ready to go our separate ways that afternoon, I suddenly found David had taken it upon himself to make sure that I would get around Manhattan with no problems. He made sure 1 had something to cat on the trip back to the airport, lent me his map of the subway, gave me a crash course in which museums to sec and which streets to avoid, and advised me not to talk to strangers or start a conversation with someone already talking to him- or herself. I figured this was his way of sympathizing with the kid from Out West’s first day in The City. On the other hand, maybe it was the fact that when the light hits me right 1 look about half my real age. Whatever the reason, I appreciated it. A guy like me needs friends like him.

Looking back at these words I have just written, they strike me as being somewhat anemic. After all. here I am. trying to describe in words a series of visual works. To gain a real appreciation for David’s work, you have to do what I did once I found out he was doing a cover for my first novel; I started looking at every Science Fiction book cover I could find in search of his stuff. In just a short matter of time, you’ll discoverthat everything I’ve told you in the previous thousand-odd words about style and color and detail is true.

You’ll also find something else. There’s an uncompromising honesty to David’s work. He gives his best to each and every painting. Part of this is his love for his chosen profession. and part is because, like the best artists and w riters, he’s not afraid to let his personal life show through in his work. The best example of this is his series of covers for Poul and Karen Anderson’s King of Ys scries, which in symbolic terms tell of the end of his marriage. The story is continued on the cover of A Death of Honor, where David’s anxieties over returning to the single’s scene is used with spectacular effect.

So check his stuff out. Comb the book stores and go to his slide show this weekend. You may even find yourself buying books for their covers, something that is not entirely unheard-of in the Science Fiction line of work, and something which makes both artist and author happy.


Copyright 1989 by Joe Clifford Faust

(Artwork) The Little Helliad Copyright 1989 by David Mattingly. Cover for the hook by Janet & Chris Morris, published by Baen Books.

(AD) San Diego ComiCon

August 3–6 1989
San Diego Convention and Performing Arts Center
Downtown San Diego
Omni San Diego Hotel

_Comics, science fiction, and a whole lot more! _ Greg Bear
Charles Schulz
Frank Thomas
Ollie Johnston
Forrest J. Ackerman
Jerry Robinson
Ron Goulart
Gahan Wilson
Gilbert Hernandez
Jaime Hernandez
Jack Kirby
Bill Sienkiewicz
Selby Kelly


  • Hundreds of your favorite comics, sf and media professionals

  • Programs, Readings, and Signings

  • 400 Dealers Tables: 50,000-square feet of dealers and Exhibit Halls

  • 24 hour Film rooms

  • Masquerade

  • Parties and dances

  • Art Show and Auction

  • Seminars with professional artists and writers

  • Awards Banquet

  • Con Suite

  • Robert A. Heinlein Blood Drive

  • Japanese Animation

  • Gaming Rooms and Programs

  • Special video programs on hotel cable

  • Special 20th Anniversary Programming

  • Four Day Memberships
    $25 until April 15, 1989
    $30 until June 30, 1989
    $40 at the door

  • One Day Memberships
    $14 by mail or at the Door

  • Ages 7–16 half price
    Under 7 free with paying adult
    No mail-in registration after June 30, 1989

For more information:
San Diego Comic Convention
Dept. NWC
P.O. Box 17066
San Diego, CA 92117


When I was asked to write a pieee about Mike Glyer for the Norwescon Program Book. I wasn’t sure what to do. Mike is a fan in the best sense of the word. For those people who do not know him, I have included some biographical material. How to illustrate his true nature remained a problem. Rather than write a testimonial about him. I decided to include various pieces about him drawn from a few of his close friends to illustrate the breadth and scope of someone who I not only consider a good friend but also respect for the amount of good he has done in fandom. There is only one Mike Glyer and I suggest that you take this weekend to meet the guy.

Mike Glyer. the editor of File 770, is a man of many qualities including a well developed sense of humor. To have published File 770 for as long as he has and he surely hasn’t been doing it for the money, one needs a sense of humor. He has won 5 Hugos (two for File 770 and 3 for Best Fan Writer). Several years ago at the Hugo ceremony at a Worldcon, he wore a T-shirt underneath his regular shirt proclaiming himself a Hugo winner which he revealed on-stage while accepting the Hugo. What a ceremony it would have been if he had lost. And yet after winning consecutive Hugos for Best Fanzine, he was big enough to announce that he would take himself out of the running for the following year.

In 1969 he started editing New Eliptic which he published thru 1972. From 1972 thru 1976 Scientifiction was produced. File 770 began about 11 years ago. He attended LACon and has been a member of LASFAS since 1972 holding various procedural and corporate offices. He is currently the Chief Executive Office of The Southern California Institute for Fannish Interests (SCIFI) and would have been chairman of the 1990 Worldcon if they had won the bid. Mike stated that his main ambitions in life were to get married, have children, and become a big- time writer. When he isn’t reading or writing about SF and fandom, he reads Raymond Chandler and Mark Twain.

This mild mannered man received a degree in history from (JSC and a Masters in Popular Culture from Bowling Green University. After acquiring these valuable degrees he then spent the next 15 months working in women’s underwear until he found his true calling: the IRS. Beginning in May, 1979. he was employed as a tax auditor, worked his way up the bureaucracy to group manager where he was in charge ol other tax auditors, and currently is an appeals officer where he tries to settle cases the government may lose before they go to trial.

One might wonder how editing a fanzine and working for the IRS complement each other. In the course of preparing this article about Mike, he admitted that his college education trained him to properly analyze and evaluate information. In other words being nosy works wonder in both jobs.

In 1979 at Boskone 16 George Flynn first introduced me to Mike. We had spent the past two years having a running commentary with each other thru the newszines we were editing. He was never satisfied. When 1 used first names of people, he complained that NESFA might know who 1 was talking about but he didn’t and demanded I use last names. To please him 1 only used last names in the next issue and with the number of married couples in the organization, he was complaining again that he still couldn’t figure out who I was talking about. This pursuit of one upmanship continued until I stopped editing the newsletter. Sometimes friendships spring from strange and unpredictable actions.

For many years at Worldcons Mike ran the newsletter. With the help of a few roving reporters, he would prepare the daily newszine and then usually print it himself. In his leisure time he would distribute copies of it to the people working on the convention so that they had some idea of what was going on. Many people did not truly appreciate the job that he was doing, often with minimal equipment. Fortunately while he has not been active in the editing of the Worldcon newsletters, we can still admire his handiwork in the parodies of them that sometimes appear near the end of the convention. They are often more informative, almost always funnier, and usually more accurate than the real newsletters.

Looking for a more difficult challenge lead him to accept the job of co-head of programming at Nolacon several months before the con was scheduled to run. Many jokes and asperionscan be made about the final results, but in this writer’s opinion (and I was there in the backroom watching it happen) he performed both miracle and ledgerdermain second to none. Programming was running in two hotels from a location distant from the program rooms. Communications were a nightmare. Many people were accommodated al the last minute. Il was a difficult situation which would have been impossible without his calming influence. The complete story will probably never be told simply because nobody who was not there can truly appreciate how difficult the situation really was.

Having spent enough time on my soapbox. we shall now delve into the less serious side of Mike Glyer.

He once described the participants of a typical fannish dinner. They almost always include people who are strictly vegetarian, who will only eat meal, who are kosher, who happen to be on a strict diet, and the couple who think that $25.00 apiece for a meal is inexpensive. Unfortunately they spend so much time arguing about where to eat that they never go anywhere.

At a Los Angeles convention Mike was on a couch with Craig Miller and an unnamed individual who was even larger. Two people started staring at them perhaps wondering if the couch would survive. Il is reported that Mike apparently said in a voice loud enough to carry, “I wonder who made the couch. If it can support the three of us, it must be quite sturdy.” Unfortunately the reaction of the two onlookers has been lost to history. And while on the subject of couches it would be remiss of me not to mention the couch which resides at Mike’s place. It has been reported that many a fan coming to LA and in need of a place to sleep has made use of it. So well-known is his hospitality that a certain East Coast Fan (who will remain anonymous) decided to fly to LA to see friends and assumed that she could call him from the airport to arrange for crash space. While the phone was ringing Mike was at the airport to meet another friend. The fan saw Mike, hung up. and yelled out to him that she was very happy to see him and could she have crash space. Naturally Mike agreed.

At the Worldcon each year there is a Hogu Banquet often held at the nearest McDonald’s. Mike was one of the founders of this tradition which began at LACon when certain people did not wish to pay the inflated banquet price. And just like the Hugos, the fans get to vote in certain categories for the winners. Mike then totals the votes and selects the winners based on who should have won. It is rumored that Mike has occasionally even chosen the winner of the popular vole for this honor.

Unfortunately a list of the conventions which Mike Glyer has attended and engaged in a tryst has been deleted from this article. It would have made for a more informative piece on Mike but…

No article about Mike would be complete without a reference to John Brazerman. Be it noted that a certain west coast fan once reported a local California convention to the Labor Board for using gophers who were underage and for not paying them the minimum wage. The same person entered into a contract for the function space with the hotel that an LA bid, who had just won a Wester,on. was planning to use. Suffice it to say that he was not a pleasant person. He ran his own conventions and issued a list banning certain people, including Mike, from attending them since they competed with him. Mike not only attended the convention under the name of John Brazerman but proceeded to rent one of the smaller function rooms that had not been rented by the convention and used it to advertise fandom and otherwise annoy this person. For all of the details that just can’t be printed, ask Mike about John Brazerman. The whole story is fantastic.

Copyright 1989 by Rick Katze

(Artwork) Fleet of the Damned Copyright 1989 by David Mattingly. Cover for the book by Allan Cole and Chris Bunch, published by Del Rey.

Science GoH DR. NOURSE

Photo by the American Cancer Society

Alan E. Nourse did not write Nerdsmen of Gronk, and for a complete list of what he did write I refer you to a bibliography- it will be a pretty hefty biblio, heftier than mine, and I am no chicken. Besides having authored 12 books of fiction. Dr. Nourse has the advantage over me in having also issued c.45 books of non-fiction, compared to my merely* one (count them) one. Stories, articles, columns, who counts? He has. to be sure, other advantages over me - many inches, fewer years, four children (mine: again: one) and a promising start with a grandchild; also he has shot an elk. Sec his haunting book The Elk Hunt - you won’t see a thing in there about the elk, which he encountered a few years later (he assures me there was nothing personal in the encounter. “One of us had to go.” he says. “Please pass the venison.”) And. of course, he has the advantage of his great wife. Ann. (“What have you and Avram been doing?” she asked once. Alan: “We’ve been working, dear.” Ann: “Yes, I can smell it;” with quiet amusement and perfect acceptance.)

Nice Ann is a practising physical therapist; she once announced she was “going to give Avram some exercises for his arms.” “That’s right, dear,” said Alan; “put the whiskey on a higher shelf.”

I first met them in or about 1952, when we were living in the Atlantic Northeast, now we are all living in the Pacific Northwest. I had of course read his Rocket to Limbo, Star Surgeon, and Riders From the Rings, so we did not meet as strangers. Since first I made their vital acquaintance, generosities, and benefits, literary and otherwise, have flowed my way without ceasing: pass the venison, please. I was once even his employee, and those who recall any of my Limekiller short novels are now advised they came from notes I made many years ago in the tropical nation of Belize in Central America. when/where I should have been looking out for his interests. When I say that we have sailed the Spanish Main together, I ain’t just a-woofin'. Unfortunately the boat (which I bought with his money) began to blow great bubbles; clearly an act of great decision was needed. Alan’s orders to me were, “Lay it on the Bishop - and run!” The boatman replied to my crisp directive with the niggling comment, “Sir, the boawt is sinkking!” I said, “Quickly moor it in front of the Bishop’s house, so he can see where it sinks.” They may still mention us in their prayers down there; then again, maybe not. If they do, who knows what they say. Or to what effect. 1 don’t have this limp from being kicked by a mule at Gettysburg.

Alan Nourse’s literary career crossed mine in many ways. For instance when I was helping to spend part of the income from his best-seller Intern, by Dr. X, in trying to move mangoes from a place where they did not grow to a place where they did not sell, I received the galleys for my nonseller The Phoenix and the Mirror, with the usual instructions, “We need them yesterday.” I jumped ship (or boat), promptly had a vigorous domestic disagreement, and thus was obliged to find another place to correct the proofs - one where the lady would not be able to follow me - which I did. What Dr. Nourse thought on hearing that his Field Manager was holed up in a whorehouse with many odd long pieces of printed paper. 1 do not know. Gentleman that he is, he never mentioned it. and I have never asked…. Er… Alan…?

My, it is a long way from that coast of coral to this snowy clime. Alan E. Nourse and I are still writing: Mine is another Vergil Magus, and his latest work is a book on AIDS for high school students and older. Go thou and read.

Copyright 1989 by Avram Davidson

* I stole this from the conversation of Phil Klass, alias William Tenn. If you’re going to steal, steal nothing but the best. kids.

(Artwork) Code Blue - Emergency Copyright 1989 by David Mattingly. Cover for the book by James White, published by Del Rey.



Our special guest for the second year running is a very peculiar person. He is not tall, handsome, and dashing, like some celebrities in our field, nor is he totally revolting, like some others. To my knowledge he has never written a Star Trek novel, nor a hit play, nor a monthly column, nor a best-selling novel, nor a screenplay, nor even so much as a knockout TV commercial. All this may help explain why he is frequently under-funded and tends to cadge cigarettes. What he has written is dozens upon dozens of stories which have kept us entertained and bedazzled ever since 1952 or thereabouts, when his first published story, “My Boyfriend’s Name is Jello”, appeared in Anthony Bouchers’s Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction. These stories have embraced Science Fiction, Fantasy. Mystery, and men’s adventure, along with quite a number of completely unclassi- fiablc gems of the sort that make you wake up at two in the morning and say, “Hey. now…”

Avram is something that few of us can ever lay claim to: a genuine, bonafide original in all dimensions. Like any other writer, he employs his own unique peculiarities in his approach to his craft. He will muddle and nudge a story idea for fifteen years without actually writing it. but he will also write three beauties off the top of his head on three successive days and sell all three. Scorning revision, he regards whatever words have come out of his “tripewriter” as chiselled in granite: if you don’t see them that way. that’s your problem. His manuscripts, typed on hideous pink or blue second sheet (sometimes intermixed) (the while hurts his eyes, he says) look like the writer’s equivalent of an unmade bed. and he doggedly employs curiosities of language that nobody else would ever dare to use. But the stories flow. Editors may shrink in horror at the sight of a Davidson manuscript, but the stories still flow.

Ann and I first met Avram sometime in 1953 or 1954 in New York at an evening gathering at the home of Harry Altshuler, my (then) agent. Avram arrived wearing hisyar- mulka and carrying his own teacup and spoon. As a midwesterner quite untutored in the rites and rituals of Jewish Orthodoxy, this struck me as exceedingly odd. I was to learn, of course, that this was by no means the only odd thing about Avram Davidson.

We lost contact for several years, then reconnected in New York in 1964, as he was returning from a sojourn in Mexico. It was a time of trial for both of us, and we bought each other lunches, each deducting the other. Later, in San Francisco. Avram was the only person I ever knew who actually lived on Haight street, a block from Ashbury; one day he took me on a guided tour of the area in its heyday, wearing his Egyptian fez. Still later we spent much time together exploring the weird waterways and byways of the Central American country of Belize, then known as British Honduras, where a mutual friend maintained a Hotel of Convenience in the city to accommodate the British soldiers stationed there. (That friend had a lady of fierce and determined temperament. He appeared one morning with a broken elbow. The lady had hurled a full Coke bottle - a one quart Coke bottle - al him from across the room in a fit of pique. Bad luck for him, you say? Hah! Damned good luck that he had such keen reflexes. He raised his arm just in time to deflect the missle from his head. But I digress…) It was the Belize adventures that led Avram to write his splendid “Limekiller” novellas that embody so beautifully the outer strangeness of the Central American country. One day, one may hope… one must hope… some editor somewhere will have wit enough to collect the stories of the Limekiller Saga into a single volume that we all may hold and treasure them.

One cannot pretend that Avram is always smiling and of constantly sunny disposition - could anyone with those qualities write those stories? Perhaps not. Nor can one say that he is always an old grump; he often becomes quite convivial when suitably primed. It must be said that The Master is not always necessarily perhaps the easiest person in the world to get along with - if you doubt this, just ask some of his ex-agents - and when he gets mad at you. man. you’d damned well better believe you’ve been gotten mad at by an expert. Ah, well, each to his own little cross. There are some people around that I don’t care for that much, either. On the other hand, at Norwescons he tends to he docile as a lamb, so don’t be afraid of him. And he is the only Honorary Uncle 1 know who distributes genuine cherry whips to his honorary nephews and nieces.

After the Belize adventure there was California for Avram, and then the Northwest, and some times spent at High Place.and then some times spent at Thorp, and then later some illness, and recovery, and more illness and recovery - illness doesn’t shake loose easily for geriatric cases. He has come through it all. Deo gracia.s, and after writing fiercely for three and one half decades, Avram continues to write and write and write. Of his hundreds of published stories, at least 50 per cent have been good. Another 35 per cent have been extremely good. And some 15 per cent have been real stunners, the kind of stories that leave your jaw sagging and your mind altered. If he has ever published a bad story, I haven’t run across it. The most encouraging thing about this man is that the really great stories keep turning up now, not just at the beginning of his career. Three years ago I thought “The Slovo Stove” was the greatest story he’d ever written. Then last year I read “El Vilvoy de Las Islas”. Enough said. A writer in decline? Ho, ho. Grab his beard and talk to him this weekend and see what you think. He’s an original like you’ll never see again. If he complains, tell him I sent you.

Copyright 1989 by Alan E. Nourse

(Artwork) You Are A Monster Copyright 1989 by David Mattingly. Cover for the book by Edward Packard, published by Bantam Books.

Toastmaster STEVE BARNES

Steven Barnes stands about five eight or nine. He’s black. He’s in perfect physical condition. He’s smiling. He’s probably talking (though he listens good too) and as he talks, he bounces around like he really ought to be tied to a railing, just in case.

Tony Barnes is a bit shorter, Caucasian brunette, with long, lean muscles. She may be with Lauren Nicole, who is maybe two feet tall by now. Nicky has a great smile, and the muscles aren’t showing you though she exercises with her parents.

Steve isn’t exactly your typical fan. Then again, he is.

Kids picked on him in high school for an intellectual bookworm. They wouldn’t let him be nice. He took up martial arts. He teaches several varieties. Now they let him be nice whenever he wants to.

But… he’s fannish. He didn’t stop with learning how to survive Conan the Cimmerian. He wants to know everything that the human body can be made to do.

He wants his friends to be healthy and safe. He teaches self-defense classes at LASFS. He tries out exercise modes, and when he knows something works, he passes it on to his friends.

Writing? Oh, writing! Jerry Pournelle and I think we’re pretty good. We could have made The Legacy of Heorot a fine tale of interstellar colonization; but we don’t have the right mind-set for the Horror novel. What it took was the guy who wants me to see The Texas Chain-Saw Massacre for its artistic merit.

Steven has always been ambitious. Our first novel was a detective story wrapped in a Fantasy wrapped in Science Fiction. That was fun. Everyone wants to go back to Dream Park. We finally did.

His first solo novel (Street Lethal) was based on a working love potion, for God’s sake! A monogamy treatment. I wouldn’t have had the nerve.

Now he’s married his childhood sweetheart, Tony, and they’ve born me a girl-child. That is. I’m Nicole’s godfather.

The television industry loves him too. Remember a show called The Wizard? They were about to drop it. Then they saw Steven’s script. It involved a robot suspected of murder.

Suddenly they were talking about this one saving the show! They swapped scripts around to put his in the right place: they found enough money somehow: and when the producer made script changes, the director changed it back and swore it was already perfect. They think he’s pretty good.

Our latest novel was just as much fun as we expected and deserved. Everyone want to go back to Dream Park. The Barsoom Project is even more complicated. We’ve turned it in. and we’re plotting out a third.

Copyright 1989 by Larry Niven


(Comic) Copyright 1989 by William Rotsler

Gallery 1


(Artwork) The Aquiliad Copyright 1989 by David Mattingly. Cover for the book by S.P. Somtow, published by Del Rey.


(Artwork) Shockwave Rider Copyright 1989 by Barclay Shaw. Cover for the book by John Brunner, published by Ballantine Books.


(Artwork) Space War Blues Copyright 1989 by George Barr. Cover for the hook hy Richard A. Lupoff.


(Artwork) No Shirt. No Shoes. No Service Copyright 1989 by Carl Lundgren.


(Artwork) Copyright 1989 by Ilene Meyer


(Artwork) Unaccompanied Sonata Copyright 1989 by Mark a. Skullerud.


(Artwork) Copyright 1989 by Wendy Wees


(Artwork) Copyright 1989 by Ray Pelley


(Artwork) Copyright 1989 by Rob Schouten


(Artwork) Copyright 1989 by Milo Duke


(Artwork) The Best of Marion Zimmer Bradley Copyright 1989 by Richard Hescox. Cover for the collection by Marion Zimmer Bradley, published by DAW Books.


(Artwork) Exiles' Gate. Copyright 1989 by Michael Whelan. Cover for the book by C. J. Cherryh. published by DAW.


KATHLEEN ALCALA is a Seattle writer who has had Magic Realism and Science Fiction published in literary magazines such as The Seattle Review, Calyx, The Ohio Renaissance Review, and Black Ice. She won the Western Colorado Science Fiction Association short story contest in 1981 and completed the Clarion West Science Fiction workshop in 1987. Kathleen has degrees from Stanford and the University of Washington, and is Assistant Editor of The Seattle Review. She was guest editor of a special Science Fiction issue of The Seattle Review in 1986.

Photo by Jaquelin McBride

KEVIN J. ANDERSON’s first novel, Resurrection, Inc. - a cross between Science Fiction, Murder Mystery and Gothic Horror - was published in July 1988 from Signet books (New American Library). Gamearth, the first book in a new Fantasy trilogy, was just released in March 1989, also from Signet. He is currently working on Gameplayers, the second novel in the series. Kevin is also engaged in a novel collaboration, titled Lagrange, with physicist and author Doug Beason. Bantam Books will publish Lagrange and two other unrelated collaborative novels.

Kevin has sold over 140 short stories, articles, and reviews to various magazines, including Fantasy & Science Fiction, Amazing Stories, The Year’s Best Fantasy Stories: 13 (DAW), New Destinies (Baen), Full Spectrum (Bantam), Astronomy, Dragon, The Horror Show, and many others. He has a degree with Honors in physics/astronomy and has been a full-time technical writer/ editor at a large research laboratory for the past five years.

At seven years of age JOHN ALVAREZ asked his mother how much money artists make. She informed him that some an sells for millions of dollars and some art is priceless. From that moment on John has walked that great mystical path of becoming a truly God-like being known to all as an artist.

John maintains the philosophy that all artists should be worshiped as gods (since there are few other rewards). John is a self- taught god with the addition of two years study at the Pacific Northwest College of Art. John’s work has appeared in The Horror Show Magazine and Pulphouse: The Hardback Magazine.

KIM ANTIEAU has had work published in Isaac Asimov’s Science Fiction Magazine, The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction, Fantasy Book, Twilight Zone Magazine, Shadows 8, Shadows 9, Doom City, Pulphouse, and The Year’s Best Fantasy Stories. She is currently working on a mainstream novel, Bridges, with her husband. Mario Milosevic. She is also at work on a SF Horror novel, When The Moon Was Blood.

ALICIA AUSTIN is a reknowned SF and F artist whose bibliography of book and magazine illustrations would fill two pages of text.

In 1970 she was awarded the Hugo Award for Best New Artist and in 1979 received both the Balrog Award for best Professional Publication (for the anthology of her work, Age of Dreams: The Illustrations of Alicia Austin) and the Howard Award for best Fantasy Artist.

Over the years Alicia has interpreted European, Russian, Oriental and other ethnic folklore and mythology. But she has always had a love of the Southwest and Native American culture. The last few years she has been interpreting Native American folklore and mythology and expanding her techniques by working with printmaking, graphite and Prismacolor, frequently combining one or more ofthese with watercolor.

DR. GORDON BAKER allergist,graduated Phi Beta Kappa from Duke University and received his M.D. from George Washington University School of Medicine. Dr. Baker was recently involved in the investigations of chemical allergies at Boeing.

SHARON BAKER is a Seattle Science Fantasy writer. Avon has published Quarrelling, They Met The Dragon and a long novel divided into two books: Journey To Memhliar and Burning Tears Of Sassurum. She has contributed articles and reviews to small magazines, a chapter to Writer’s Digest Books' How To Write Tales of Horror, Fantasy, and Science Fiction, and a disgusting poem to a children’s Horror anthology, Now We Are Sick, which she has been assured is coming out Any Year Now. She also teaches writing: this spring, it’s kids at Cedarhurst Elementary School, and adults at the Pacific Northwest Writers Conference. In real life she’s been an aeronautical history librarian, physician’s assistant, music librarian, public relations writer, college recruiter… In her spare time she raises four sons, a series of exchange students, assorted newts, lizards and fish, and five cats (want one?)

BILL BALDWIN is the author of The Helmsman and Galactic Convoy. In addition to his books, he has worked in the military in support of Project Mercury, managed the writing group for public relations and technical presentations during the Gemini and Apollo programs, and is currently the Manager of Advanced Software Technology for Xerox in Dallas, Texas.

JOHN BARNES has not been a boxer, sailor, smuggler, spy or gigolo, but he is the author of numerous stories which have appeared in CoEvolution Quarterly, Amazing, F&SF, Analog and Asimov’s. Two novels, The Man Who Pulled Down the Sky and Sin of Origin, were both published by Congdon and Weed and are currently available in paperback by Worldwide Library.

John is currently working on a book of nonfiction, a novel and a short story collection.

DONNA BARR is a native of Washington State. She is waterproof and not inclined to (genuine) panic, though she has been known to swear.

She has displayed artwork at convention and public galleries all across the United States and Canada, and is presently working for a number of gaming and comic-book publishers, as a freelance artist/writer. She owns all her own characters and stories, and does everything from roughs to lettering. Her two full-length comics include The Desert Peach and Stinz. She has finished a musical, “The Desert Peach,”' in collaboration with the excellent T. Brian Wagner, and if all goes well, they hope to present it sometime in 1989.

Donna is also involved with numerous smaller fanzines and APAs and “Barr Wars,” an artists' war that has been going on over a year and now includes some 18 to 20 furiously insulted artists. Part of it should be available as a large fanzine in early 1989.

There’s more, but you’ll have to ask her about it. Space precludes prolixity (obs.).

GREG BEAR, formerly known as an SF illustrator, is the author of Hegira, Psychlone, Beyond Heaven’s River, Strength of Stones, The Wind From a Burning Woman, Corona, The Infinity Concerto, Eon, Blood Music, The Forge of God, and The Serpent Mage.

The Twilight Zone episode, “Dead Run,” was adapted from a short story by Greg.

Photo by Deborah Wessell

STEVEN BRYAN BIELER’s stories and satires have appeared in Asimov’s, Clinton Street Quarterly, Pulphouse, Seattle Review, The Seattle Times, and Unearth, and in the anthologies Full Spectrum, Heroic Visions, and New Dimensions. In an alternate universe, he is the copy editor of the Seattle Weekly.

MARION ZIMMER BRADLEY has been a Science Fiction fan since her middle teens, and made her first sale as an adjunct to an amateur fiction contest in Fantastic/Amazing Stories in 1949. She has been writing since she can remember, but wrote only for school magazines and fanzines until 1952, when she sold her first professional short story to Vortex Science Fiction. She has written everything from Science Fiction to Gothics, but is probably best known for her Darkover novels. The Darkover series also includes several anthologies of fiction.

In addition to editing the Darkover anthologies, Mrs. Bradley has also edited many magazines, amateur and professional, including a year-long stretch as editor of Sybil Leek’s Astrology Journal, and Marion Zimmer Bradley’s Fantasy Magazine, which she started in 1988. She also edits an annual anthology called Swords and Sorceress for DAW.

In recent years she has turned more to Fantasy; a release from Doubleday, The House Between the Worlds, although a selection of the Science Fiction Book Club, was “Fantasy undiluted” and was issued by Ballantine Books as a Del Rey paperback. Another non-SF effort is a novel about a three-generation circus family of trapeze flyers, The Catch Trap. She has written a novel of the women in the Arthurian legends - Morgan Le Fay. the Lady of the Lake, and others - entitled Mists of Avalon, which remained four months on the NY Times best seller list and was optioned by a major film producer. And she has also written The Firebrand, a novel about the women of the Trojan War.

She currently lives in Berkely. Her hobbies are opera (including “lightwalking” at the S.F. Opera), reading, and collecting Cabbage Patch and similar dolls as well as Teddy bears.

GINJER BUCHANAN was born in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania long enough ago to remember the invention of television. In the late 1960s, having survived higher education, she discovered Fandom, (she had discovered Science Fiction and Fantasy al a very early age. thanks to the guilty conscience of robber baron Andrew Carnegie, who endowed Pittsburgh with the best free library system in the country.) She became one of the Founding Mothers of The Western Pennsylvania Science Fiction Society, and helped run Pgh- lange, Pittsburgh’s regional SF convention, for several years. She then moved to New York City where she made her living for over a dozen years as a social worker in the area of foster care and adoption, (you can imagine what fun that was…)

During those years she had done a bunch of freelance work for various SF publishers, many of whom were friends and neighbors (and one of them she happened to be married to.) Thus, she was prepared for a Mid-Life Career Change when, in 1984, Susan Allison offered her a job as an editor al Ace Books. After hesitating a nanosecond, she said YES. She was promoted to Senior Editor in 1987. All things considered, she is currently a happy unit…

ELINOR BUSBY has credits both as a fan and pro. but considerably more of the former. She was one of the editors when Cry won the Hugo Award for 1959. and was on the 1961 Worldcon Committee. She has been a Fan Guest of Honor at two Westercons and a Noncon. and was a Party Guest al a Rain Convention. She is a member of six apas.

F. M. BUSBY lives in Seattle with his wife Elinor and their cat Ms. His SF novels include eight in the universe of Rissa Kerguelen and Bran Tregare, the Demu Trilogy in Barton’s universe, All These Earths in the multiple universes revealed by the story’s “Skip Drive”, and The Breeds of Man in a possible near-future variant of our very own cosmos. His three dozen or so shorter works, twenty of which appear in his story collection Getting Home, arc not readily classifiable. His current work in progress, Slow Freight to Forever, is behind schedule due to flat wheels on his disk drives.

GRANT CALLIN has a BS from the Air Force Academy, and advanced degrees in Space Physics. Physiology & Biophysics; it isn’t surprising that his hard Science Fiction stories require minimum suspension of disbelief. He currently works for Boeing Aerospace. and has been heavily involved in their Space Station role; his knowledge and background are evident in his portrayal of the SpaceHome colonies in his two novels Saturnalia and A Lion on Tharthee. He appreciates wellrounded words like ‘callipgyan.’ He eschews tomatoes, cucumbers, zucchini, and vegetables of the human kind.

MARY CARAKER’s newest Science Fiction novel, The Snows Of Jaspre, should be out from Houghton Mifflin by the time of this convention. She is also the author of Seven Worlds and Watersong. Her short fiction has appeared in Analog and Fantasy and Science Fiction, as well as in juvenile and mainstream periodicals. She was born and reared on a farm in northwestern Oregon, but now lives in San Francisco in a family building with her husband and three adult children.

KAREN LEE CARMACK has been earning her living with her art since the tender age of 19, when, shortly after her arrival in Seattle, she hastened to join the ranks of the wonderfully exotic and eccentric craftspeople she found at the Pike Place Market. In 1977 she discovered the art of scrimshaw, which is still her main medium. She also does custom graphic work and has recently illustrated a book on British Bed-and-Breakfast houses. Her Fantasy drawings and prints have appeared in Westwind and other fanzines.

Karen recently retired from active partnership in Camlann Enterprises, where she served as art director and crafts coordinator, in order to further her own art and pursue a musical career with the early musical group Distant Mirror, as well as playing Celtic music as often as possible. She now lives in Kirkland with three cats and two lady goats.

Photo by Frank Garcia

MARY CHOO’s Science Fiction and Fantasy poetry has appeared in a number of publications. including the Methuen children’s anthology The Window of Dreams, Scrivener, Amelia and Star*Line, and some of her speculative poems will be included in an anthology of five B.C. women poets, Light Like a Summons. She has had stories either published in or accepted by Warm Times, The Twilight Kingdom, and the Marion Zimmer Bradley anthology Sword and Sorceress VI. She is currently working on a poetry collection, short stories, and a Fantasy novel.

MICHAEL CONEY of Sidney, B.C. has had forty short SF stories and sixteen novels published, the most recent being The Celestial Steam Locomotive, Gods of the Greataway, and Fang, the Gnome. Coming from NAL in the fall is King of the Scepter’d Isle, a humorous Fantasy, like Fang, about gnomes and King Arthur. Mike has recently completed a mainstream novel, No Place for a Sealion and is currently working on another, A Tomcat Called Sabrina. He is managing director of Porthole Press Ltd. publishers of local history and child safety books.

DEBRA GRAY COOK is the Managing Editor of Pulphouse: The Hardback Magazine. She is also the Editor of Letters to Pulphouse and Associate Editor to The Report magazine.

She lives in Eugene. Oregon with her two cats.

GREG COX is the author of The Transylvanian Library: A Consumer’s Guide to Vampire Fiction, forthcoming this spring from Borgo Press. His short fiction has appeared in Amazing, Argos, Aboriginal SF and other magazines. Formerly a student at Clarion West, Greg now works as an Assistant Editor at William Morrow and Co. in New York.

JOHN G. CRAMER’s first foray into SF writing is Twister, a near-future hard SF novel published in hardcover by Arbor House in 1988. Since 1984 he has written the bimonthly science column, “The Alternative View” for Analog. John is Professor of Physics and Director of the Nuclear Physics Laboratory at the University of Washington in Seattle, where he has been involved in building a new superconducting linear accelerator for the past four years. In addition to teaching, nuclear physics research, and science writing, he has contributed to the interpretation of quantum mechanics and in 1987 had a major review article published in Reviews of Modern Physics which described his “Transactional Interpretation.” He was born in Houston, Texas and received his physics Ph.D. from Rice University.

JOHN DALMAS broke into SF with a novel, The Yngling (Analog, 1969; Pyramid, 1971, 1977; and Tor. 1984). From 1971 to 1982 he wrote little fiction and sold none of it. Since 1983 he’s had more novels published: The Varkaus Conspiracy, Homecoming, Scroll of Man, Fanglith, The Reality Matrix, and with Carl Martin, Touch the Stars: Emergence. His short fiction has appeared in Analog, The Saint, F&SF, Far Frontiers, 1985 Annual World’s Best SF, The Science Fiction Yearbook, and War World.

LEO DAUGHERTY began writing fiction is his mid-forties. He has had stories and poems published in Omni, Exquisite Corpse, and several other magazines in the last couple of years. Leo has also done a fair amount of scholarly publishing in such areas as Elizabethan literature, Shakespeare, and linguistics as well as two or three critical articles on Science Fiction and Literary Theory. He is Professor of Literature and Linguistics at The Evergreen State College, from which he is currently on leave to write an SF novel about a female rock star named Street Viable.

Photo by Rick Hawes

JOHN DE CAMP, alias the Wizard of Beans Hill, is a one-time Portland, Oregon poet. He’s now writing Science Fiction.

He has had a story published in Cyn Mason’s Wet Visions anthology, a poem published in Isaac Asimov’s, and published a book, In the Shadow of Atlantis. The latter is a poetic Fantasy. As usual, he is working on a book and trying to sell another.

DAVID R. DEITRICK, after a bewildering combination of college, military service, oil field work and part-time illustration, launched a successful freelance illustration and design career. The bulk of his work has been in the adventure-gaming market, with over 50 game and supplement covers to his credit, primarily for FASA Corporation’s Star Trek line and GDW’s Traveller role-playing system.

In 1977 he defied a fate worse than death and married another artist, Lori Howell. They share a studio with their two sons (both budding designers,) a cat, a husky, and an Atari 520 ST computer.

WILLIAM C. DIETZ lives with his wife, daughters, cats and a hamster in Seattle where he does PR work for a large corporation. He is the author of War World, Freehold, Imperial Bounty, and due out this spring, Prison Planet. He has also co-authored Cluster Command, Crisis of Empire Volume II with David Drake. Over the years Bill has worked as a Surgical Technician, a News Writer, a Television Director, a College Instructor and other things he’d rather forget.

DAVE DOERING is a freelance journalist in the computer industry. He’s also fascinated by space law and is preparing a beginners guide to the subject.

Having instigated all sort of fan activity in the Provo, Utah area, Dave has worked as an actor, tour guide, graphic artist, literary agent, and chauffer to earn money for his fan- nishness.

RICH DUTCHER’s Science Fiction life began at around age 5 with reading pre-code comics. His Fannish life began with the original Baycon in 1968. He attended a good postSputnik high school followed by certification in history and anthropology at Stanford, and management and finance at Wharton. He currently works as a consultant for research and management planning.

TED DIKTY began reading SF in 1929, published his first fanzine in 1939 and was co-editor of the first “Best SF of the Year” scries, starting in 1949. He was a pioneer specialist book publisher, being co-founder of Carcosa House. Shasta Publishers and FAX Collectors editions, Inc. Since 1977, he has published dozens of titles under his Star- mont House imprint.

Photo by J. Lindner

LAURIE GOTTLIEB EDISON is a noted 3-D artist (jewelry and sculpture) who works in the medium of precious metals and stones. Laurie is also a knowledgeable SF and Mystery fan with a wealth of interesting insights.

ELTON ELLIOTT has co-authored four novels. The latest, The Einstein Legacy, was published December 1987 by Fawcett Gold Medal Books. He has over 100 articles, reviews and poems published, has just completed a short story, “Run Through Jungle”, and is currently working on a solo novel, Worlds Without End. He lives near Salem, Oregon with his computer.

RU EMERSON is a Northwest writer from Dallas, Oregon, where she lives with several cats, dogs, ducks and geese and Doug - her multi-year roommate. Her Nedao Trilogy is now fully published with the recent release of On the Seas of Destiny. Her first novel, The Princess of Flames (Ace Fantasy, 1985). recently sold world Spanish rights. She has completed another Fantasy - a different slant on Cinderella, and is presently working on. in turn, a Science Fiction novel and a Suspense Thriller. When not actively writing, she seems to spend an inordinate amount of time mumbling to herself about works in progress, or reading other peoples' novels and cursing imaginatively - or reducing firewood to col- lops with a 9-pound maul as an antidote to both aforementioned frustrations.

RODAYNE ESMAY decided he wanted to be an illustrator at the age of five when he discovered a neat way to paint on pile carpet. His parents appreciated this early goal-setting attitude. They disapproved, however, of the eight foot cowboy that adorned their living room.

At the age of eleven he fell in love with Sir Walter Scott’s Ivanhoe and has been hooked on Medieval Fact and Fantasy ever since. After high school he studied art at the University of Northern Colorado before transferring to BYU where he graduated in 1986.

Rodayne made his professional debut at the 1986 Norwescon, a month before graduation. His work has since graced the cover of Dragon Magazine. He is currently employed by Signetics, an integrated circuit manufacturer, as an illustrator. Besides the eight hour a day job he also teaches Graphic Design and Illustration at a community college and is midway through a M.F.A. program at Syracuse University. In his spare time, between catnaps, he is working on a 16 piece Celtic Fantasy scries.

He is married and he and his wife Kelly have a six year old daughter named Shannon. As of yet he has not taken time to teach Shannon the pile carpet painting technique that so warmed the hearts of his family and friends years ago.

BRUCE FERGUSSON’s second novel, The Mace of Souls will be published by William Morrow in June, 1989. His previous novel, The Shadow of His Wings, is also set in the Six Kingdoms Fantasy world, and was a finalist for the 1987 Crawford Award for Best First Fantasy Novel. He is presently working on a third novel.

A 1984 graduate of Clarion West, he lives in Seattle with his wife Patrice McSh- erry and son Patrick, who was born during Norwescon in 1987.

JIM FISCUS worked for ten years as a photographer and photojoumalist in Portland between periods of academic work. His main professional areas of interest arc international relations, military affairs and intelligence, with a regional emphasis on Asia and the Middle East. He taught military history for two years at Portland State University, concentrating on the relationship between tactics and changing technology, and has recently completed an MA in Middle East history. Islam, and its role in the Iran-Iraq war, is at the center of his SF story “A Time of Martyrs” in the anthology There Will Be War, Volume V. He is currently working to inject the political and religious aspects of Islam into additional fiction.

GRANT FJERMEDAL is a Seattle-based author of nonfiction books that take the reader on excursions into the realm of science. The Tomorrow Makers, which looksat the ragged leading edge of artificial intelligence, robotics, and the future of humankind, was published by Macmillan in hardback (1986), by Microsoft Tempus in paperback (1987), has been published in Japanese and is currently being translated into Italian. The American Library Association named the book in its annual list of the year’s 10 outstanding nonfiction books. (The book is also considered a great source for the science behind the worlds of Cyberpunk.) Grant’s first book. Magic Bullets, (Macmillan, 1984) explores the behind-the-scenes world of medical research and monoclonal antibodies. His books have been praised in publications ranging from The New Yorker and The Bloomsbury Review to Science News and the Wall Street Journal. A former reporter for the Seattle Times and the Associated Press. Fjermedal’s writing has also appeared in Omni and The New York Times. His first fiction, a Horror story, will be published in Jessica Amanda Salmonson’s Tales By Moonlight II, forthcoming from Tor.

ROD GARCIA has written Science Fiction, Fantasy, History of Technology and History of Science. His most recent work includes contributions to Amazing Stories, The Year’s Best Science Fiction, and Writers of the Future, writing under the name R. Garcia y Robertson. An upcoming story will appear in Weird Tales and another is the cover story of the current (April) issue of The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction. Before going into writing full time he taught History of Technology. History of Science, and History oi the Future at UCLA and Villanova University. He has a Ph.D. in History from UCLA and his doctoral dissertation was on the impact of industrialization on weapons and arms control. He lives in the woods with his wife Michelle, and two daughters. Anneke and Erin.

Photo by S.L.G.

STEVE GILLETT is a consulting geologist and sometime science writer who has published articles in Analog. Astronomy. Amazing. Asimov’s and a number of technical journals. He now lives in Ellensbcrg and is active in the L-5 Society.

Photo by Dolly Gilliland

ALEXIS A. GILLILAND, Hugo-winning fan artist, is also the author of Revolution from Rosinante, The Pirates of Rosinante, Long Shot for Rosinante and The End of the Empire.

JON GUSTAFSON has been active in fandom for thirteen years, primarily in the Northwest. He attended his first con in 1975 (the Oakland Westercon) and has been a member of sixty more since then. He entered fan publishing by writing a column of art criticism for Dick Geis' SFR in 1974 and soon after was co-editing a fanzine (New Venture). He also wrote a column on SF art for Mike Glyer’s File 770. In 1977. he wrote a history of Science Fiction illustration which appeared in Brian Ash’s The Visual Encyclopedia of Science Fiction. That led to doing over 50 artists' biographies for Peter Nicholl’s The Encyclopedia of Science Fiction and two articles on SF/Fantasy art for the Starlog Science Fiction Yearbook, edited by David Gcrrold and David Truesdale. In 1981, he began writing a monthly book review column for NWSFS' clubzine, Westwind, which continues to the present. Along with being a Guest of Honor and Toastmaster at various conventions (including Fan Guest of Honor at Norwescon 10) and working on various conventions (including producing the impressive MosCon 10 program book) he was one of the founding members of PESFA, MosCon, and Writer’s Bloc (the Moscow Moffia). In 1983 he started J MG Appraisals, the first professional SF/Fantasy art appraisal service.

Jon’s first fiction work appeared in the Writers of the Future, Volume II anthology and his first book, CHROMA: The Art of Alex Schomburg, is currently on the stands. He is currently writing articles for James Gunn’s new SF encyclopedia, working on a book on the life and art of Jack Gaughan, writing fiction, and involved with the Moscow Moffia writer’s group.

GEORGE GUTHRIDGE lives in an isolated Eskimo village in Alaska. His stories have appeared in F&SF, Asimov’s, Analog, Galileo, Year’s Best, and many other places. He has been a Nebula and Hugo finalist, and has also twice been nationally honored as a teacher. Manifesto, a 200,00 word mainstream novel co-authored by Janet Gluck- man, is forthcoming from St. Martin’s.

RICHARD HALLOCK is currently the President of Chico State WHOniversity (the Doctor Who club at CSU Chico), and also the current editor of the club’s newsletter An Unearthly Newsletter, and is formerly the publisher of Sandman Sentinel (a Logan’s Run 'zine). Richard spends most of his spare time producing amateur films; his most recent production is an amateur Doctor Who episode entitled “Those Darn Daleks”. Richard lives in Chico. California, with Erlinda Siller and his two lovely goldfish. Weasel and Irving.

M. ELAYN HARVEY lives in Enumclaw, Washington, to be near one of her favorite things: mountains. Her writings include: songs, poems, articles, short stories, novellas and novels: ranging from Spirituals, to Fantasy. to Science Fiction. Her first SF novel, Warhaven, won second place in the PNWC contest in 1986 and went on to be published in hardcover in 1987.

She is currently awaiting paperback release for a trilogy which will include an expanded version of Warhaven, Tide of Souls, and an untitled third volume in progress.

A member of NWSFS. and a frequent contributor to Westwind, she credits her fledgling career in SF to her first rejection slip: an encouraging personal letter from Gene Roddenberry.

Photo copyright 1989 by Nina K. Hoffman

NINA KIRIKI HOFFMAN’s short fiction has appeared in anthologies which include: Algis Budrys' Writers of the Future Volume I, Damon Knight’s Clarion Awards, Charles L. Grant’s Shadows 8, Shadows 9, Greystone Bay and Doom City, and Jessica Amanda Salmonson’s Tales By Moonlight.

She has also had stories in Amazing Stories, Weird Tales, Asimov’s and Pulphouse.

Nina spent many formative years in California, seven informative years in Idaho and has now achieved the state of Oregon, where she lives near several other assorted Pulp Punks in Eugene. She lives alone aside from two cats, one mannequin, and uncounted spectres of the imagination.

ROBERT J. HOWE, a columnist for Pulphouse Report, has had book reviews published in Fantasy Review and will have a short story forthcoming in Fantasy Macabre.

He is currently working towards a degree in journalism and history at Brooklyn College where he is also a columnist and staff reporter for the Brooklyn Paper. Last year he won The New York Press Association’s Howard W. Palmer Scholarship Award.

Bob attended Clarion (East) in 1985 where he says that they learned almost as much about writing as they did about watergun ambushes.

STEVE JACKSON, founder and editor-in-chief of Steve Jackson Games, has been playing games for over 20 years, and professionally designing for twelve. Born in Tulsa, he went to high school, and then to Rice University. in Houston. His classroom work was mediocre: he gave most of his attention to the school paper (he was editor for two years) and to late-night wargame sessions - both of which proved far more valuable than the school work!

Steve’s first professional design work was for Metagaming, which published his Ogre, G.E.V., Melee, Wizard, and several other games. In 1980, Steve bought The Space Gamer magazine from Metagaming and started his own company. Success was immediate, with his Raid on Iran game. The next year. Steve Jackson Games released Car Wars…followed shortly by Illuminati, and later by GURPS, the “Generic Universal Roleplaying System.” In 1983, he was elected to the Adventure Gaming Hall of Fame - the youngest person ever so honored. In addition to gaming, Steve is also a dedicated SF reader and fan. He is active in FACT, the Texas fan club, and enjoys attending both gaming and SF conventions. He writes filk (adequately) and sings (very badly).

EILEEN KERNAGHAN has had three prehistoric Fantasy novels published by Ace Books: Journey to Aprilioth (1980); Songs from the Drowned Lands, which won the Canadian Science Fiction and Fantasy Award (CASPER) for 1983–84; and The Sarsen Witch, scheduled for release in April 1989. The Sarsen Witch, which completes the Grey Isles trilogy, is a story of “earth-magic and megaliths, and high adventure in the bronzeage world of the Wessex Warrior-chieftains”. Kernaghan’s poetry and short fiction have appeared in a number of literary magazines and anthologies, including PRISM international. Room of One’s Own, The Magazine of Speculative Poetry (forthcoming), The Window of Dreams (Methuen) and Tesseracts (Press Porcepic).

She is also co-author of the Upper Left-Hand Corner: A Writer’s Guide for the Northwest (International Self-Counsel Press), and is currently working on a young adult Fantasy novel. She lives in Burnaby, B.C.. where she and husband Patrick operate Neville Books.

JAMES KILLUS is an atmospheric scientist whose primary research interests are the analysis and simulation of tropospheric photochemistry.He is the author of such fascinating papers as “Isoprene: A Photochemical Kinetic Mechanism.” He has also, alone or in collaboration, had about a dozen SF stories published, and is the author of the novels Book of Shadows, and SunSmoke, the latter being the first (and let’s hope only,) computer simulation voodoo smog Science Fantasy.

He is currently working on a historical Fantasy involving Bat Masterson and Damon Runyon in 1911 New York.

Photo by Michael Wirtz

KATHARINE ELISKA KIMBRIEL is a Texas southpaw born in the heart of the Moon. This arrival happened in Indiana, however, which means she traveled a bit before reaching her true home. Living a variety of places - from Ohio to the Pacific, from the Great Lakes to the Gulf of Mexico - Ms. Kimbriel followed a career path which encompassed everything from janitor to screenwriter. She’s currently trying to make a living writing fiction, so she’d appreciate it if you’d check out her most recent novel, Fires of Nuala, just released at Christmas. A John W. Campbell nominee for her first published novel. Fire Sanctuary, Ms. Kimbriel started her first novel at nine. (This effort is deeply buried, and with luck will never come to light!) Other interests have intruded upon the dream of writing, but the work has never stopped flowing. She’s always ready to talk about writing or reading (hcr favorite pastimes) and has the seal of approval from several cats, all who walk upon her with impunity*.


Photo by B. Saro

T. JACKSON KING is a full-time writer and former archaeologist now living in the woods with his wife, fellow SF writer Paula Downing, and two cat-people named Phillip and Ophelia. His novel, Retread Ship was published by Questar in 1988.

MICHAEL P. KUBE-McDOWELL has been called “the finest new writer of cosmic Science Fiction in twenty years” (Orson Scott Card), and his writing praised as “reminiscent of Arthur C. Clarke al his best” (Newsday). Though occasionally accused of being a Hard SF writer, as far as he knows he does not belong to any identifiable clique, movement. or school.

Emprise (1985). Kuhe-McDowell’s first novel, launched the thousand-year “Trigon Disunity” future history: it was a finalist for the Philip K. Dick Award. The series continued with Enigma (1986) and concluded with Empery (1987). Other novels include the juveniles Thieves of Light (1987. writing as Michael Hudson) and Odyssey (1987), the first book in the pioneering project Isaac Asimov’s Robot City.

Kube-McDowell’s latest work is the highly-praised novel Alternatives, a “cross- time revisionist-science altemate-present- political-thriller love story.”

(AD) Discon III

Hello, Norwescon
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Discon III invites you to take part in an historic event. This weekend fans from all over the world will join in supporting the DC in '92 Worldcon bid. In five cities on three continents Discon III will be holding parties and spreading the word that DC is the only real choice for 1992.

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Guests (continued)

A transplanted Easterner, GREGORY KUSNICK was born in New York State, studied computer science at Columbia and Harvard, and spent ten years as a designer of word processing and electronic publishing software in California’s Silicon Valley. Since 1983 he has worked freelance, commuting by modem from his home in the Gold Rush town of Sonora. California, 120 miles east of San Francisco in the foothills of the Sierra Nevada.

As a Science Fiction writer, Kusnick is fairly new on the scene: his stories have appeared sporadically in Analog since 1986, to favorable reviews from Locus and Fantasy Review. His main interest, as a writer and reader, is in realistic SF that combines the strong literary values of modern fiction with the scientific rigor of traditional hard SF.

BRIN-MARIE LANDERMAN is one really groovy chick. People who know her know that she is the hard-working Secretary of the MythAdventures Fan Club, as well as the assistant editor of its clubzine, MythInformation. And eccentric recluse. Brin spends most of her time catching up on Days of Our Lives when she isn’t huckstering her live away on the convention train, writing articles for MythInformation. or otherwise pursuing fannish interests.

JULIA LAQUEMENT lives and works in Seattle as a French-Canadian in exile. Intending to work in Science Fiction and Fantasy illustration someday, she earns her bread- and-butter in comics. Hercredits include The Longbow Hunters graphic novels, Green Arrow, Maze Agency, Sable, Jon Sable, Freelance and others. She is currently working on the James Bond and the Peter Pan graphic novels. Her own work is mainly Fantasy watercolors and Drinking Dragon nametags. Her major work this year is marrying the Desert Peach in August.

MEGAN LINDHOLM lives in Roy, Washington with her three children and her husband Fred. Her writings include the books The Reindeer People and Wolf’s Brother, a two-part novel which came out from Ace in 1988, and The Luck of the Wheels, another book in the continuing story of Ki and Vandien. When she is not writing, she enjoys working in her garden and on her small farm.

MARK MANNING lives in Seattle, where he publishes fanzines named Tand and Vergerider. He frequently contributes copy to other people’s fanzines, and then nepotistically reviews these self-same fanzines for Westwind. A music reviewer and published poet who attended Clarion West SF writer’s workshop in 1986, he hosted a SF radio talk show (Fast Forward) on KBCS-FM in 1987/ 88. This is the only B&W photo of Mark available; he’s the one on the rightjudging a Masquerade entry at a con in 1956.

DIANE MAPES is a Seattle writer currently working at the University of Washington. Her work has appeared in several magazines, including Northwest Writers and Argos Fantasy and Science Fiction. She is a graduate of Clarion West and for the past few months has been serving as the new editor of Argos.

Photo Copyright 1989 by Nina K. Hoffman

Published in Isaac Asimov’s SF magazine, SF Chronicle, and Analog, CYN MASON edited the infamous anthology of Pacific Northwest Science Fiction, Wet Visions. She’s living happily ever after in West Seattle with her husband Dave Meyer, morning host on KPLU-FM and their cat. Ms. “Refridgerator door opening.” (She’s named for what she responds to.)

JULIAN MAY' latest books are Surveillance and Metaconcert, paperback versions of a bisected meganovel, Intervention. She is at work on Jack the Bodiless and collaborating with Andre Norton and Marion Zimmer Bradley on a Fantasy, Black Trillium. May lives in the state of Washington.

BRIDGET MCKENNA is a copywriter and technical writer for Sierra Online, a software developer specializing in computer games. She also designs computer games. Her fiction has appeared in Writers of the Future, Volume II and Pulphouse Report. Her Science Fiction shared world, Roadhouse, will be edited by Michael A. Banks sometime in 1989. She is married to artist and game designer Douglas Herring, with whom she shares a house in Oakhurst, California and an exponentially increasing numberofcats. She has recently completed a young-adult Science Fiction novel, and is currently at work on a Mystery.

Though primarily a scrimshaw artist, KATHERINE L. MCLEAN also works with a wide variety of illustration and painting techniques and materials. As a professional artist her work has mainly been in the engineering field where she has illustrated proposed dams and other projects.

Katherine currently works for The Washington State Department of Transportation.

Photo by T. J. Jennings

CARL MILLER’s education, regular and irregular, includes biology, geology, paleontology. anthropology, poetry, art. and alchemical hypnosis. His occupations and preoccupations include writing Fantasy novels, playing acoustic guitar, camping in the Cascades. reading Fantasy novels, petting cats, and occasional socializing at events like this one. His first novel. Dragonbound, is now available at bookstores everywhere, or if not, maybe you could protest and get them to special order it for you. His second, The Warrior and the Witch, should appear in early 1990.

(Artwork) Copyright 1989 by Frank Kelly Freas

GEORGIA MILLER (also known as Sasha) is the author of Three Ships and Three Kings, Priam’s Daughter, The Last Herales (all under the name of Georgia Sallaska), The Quest (under the name of G.S. Madden), and The Little White Dress. Her short fiction has appeared in Magic in Ithkar III, Tales From Witch World I, and F&SF (all under Sasha Miller). Her novel Three Ships and Three Kings was given the Best Novel of the Year Award (by an Oklahoman writer) by the Oklahoma Writer’s Federation and the Award of Merit from the Friends of American Writers. She has currently written a novel for Andre Norton’s Chronicles of Lormt Witch World series which will be published in 1989.

Georgia is a Clarion 1984 survivor and currently lives in San Jose, California, with her husband Ben and their feline children, Pandora Miller and Natasha Tiliana Irene Benova JenniferGrayCat Miller.

VICKI MITCHELL has been involved in Science Fiction for eleven years. She joined PESFA (Palouse Empire Science Fiction Association) in 1977 and soon became one the core members of the group. She is one of the founding members of MosCon and Writer’s Bloc (the Moscow Moffia.) She has been Treasurer of MosCons 1,2,5,6 and 7. the Art Show Director for MosCon 4. Membership Chair of MosCon 3, and Assistant Art Show Director at the 1984 Portland Westercon. Well-known in costuming circles, she has won prizes al many Northwest conventions for her costumes. In 1986. she won the Amazing Stories Calendar Story Contest and sold a short story to a mainstream anthology. She is currently working on short stories and her second novel. Vicki is married to Jon Gustafson, and is owned by a large, rather silly dog.

NANCY MORRIS is a feature screenwriter living in Seattle. She is co-author of the screenplay. Pursuit into Darkness, a thriller which is currently under option and scheduled to enter production sometime in late spring or summer. Besides writing. Nancy has directed short films. Her short film. The invitation was an award winner in Starlog’s Cinemagic Magazine Short Film Search. The film still makes the rounds on cable tv in New York City.

Photo by J. Black

SHARAN NEWMAN has finally decided to let you see what she looks like grown up. She has written one Irish and three Arthurian novels with a codicil. She had a fling on a book that is almost Science Fiction and is now working back somewhere in the Middle Ages. Europe’s, not her own. She is an Oregonian currently in exile in Southern California and thinks typical Seattle weather is beautiful. Otherwise, she is a fairly normal person.

STEVEN B. OLIVER is an accomplished public speaker and Science Fiction short story author. His latest. “The Waters of Time”, appeared in Amazing Stories.

Steven can be found near the smoking Pervish Punch Bowl of any Myth Adventures! party.

JERRY OLTION’s short stories appear frequently in Analog. He has published one novel. Frame of Reference, and has just completed book 10 in the Issac Asimov’s Robot City series. Jerry and his wife, Kathy, recently moved to Story. Wyoming, an idyllic little mountain town with an auspicious name.

“Modern-day minstrel” is a phrase often used to describe TANIA OPLAND. Her storytelling style of singing and melting-pot repertoire are trademarks of this versatile vocalist and multi-instrumentalist who draws on ballads. blues, work songs, modern songs of social commentary and personal growth, and songs that arc just for fun. In addition to her excellent Hat picking and finger picking on guitar, her performances can include mandolin, fiddle, madeocello, and recorder on dance lunes from Ireland, Scotland. America. Scandinavia. and Renaissance France.

RAY PELLEY is a full-time artist and screen printer living in Seattle. Ray is a Dharmic Engineer.

TED PEDERSON is Story Editor/Associate Producer on the animated Science Fiction series, Centurions, and has written over 100 TV scripts for such classics as The Bionic Woman, Flash Gordon, Spiderman, G.I. Joe, and The Smurfs. He has completed two computer books (non-fiction) and is currently working on a computer thriller (fiction). He lives in Venice, California with an assortment of computers, cats and (one) wife.

STEVE PERRY has had stories published in Omni, F&SF, Galaxy, Pulpsmith, Wings, Stardate, Other Worlds I, Weird Tales, Publisher’s Weekly and many others. His novels include The Tularemia Gambit, Civil War Secret Agent, The Man Who Never Missed, Matadora, The Machiavelli Interface, Conan the Fearless, and Conan the Defiant. He has also co-authored Sword of the Samurai, Hellstar, Dome, and The Omega Cage with Michael Reaves.

Perry and Reaves have also written screenplays for the animated series Centurions, The Real Ghostbusters, Chuck Norris - Karate Commandoes, The Spril Zone and U.S. Starcom.

This year will see the publication of Steve’s The Ninty-Seventh Step and Conan the Indomitable.

CHARLES PLATT is author of 32 books, some of them Science Fiction. 1989 titles include Free Zone (Avon) and Soma (New American Library). He is Science Fiction editor for Franklin Watts, a New York hardcover publisher, and teaches Science Fiction writing at UCLA in Los Angeles. He is a regular columnist for Fantasy and Science Fiction and Interzone magazines, and writes reviews intermittently for The Washington Post. His own little magazine, Science Fiction Guide, appears on an irregular basis.

TERESA PLOWRIGHT is the author of Dreams of an Unseen Planet, a first novel published by Arbor House. She lives in Vancouver and Corfu, and is finishing a second novel titled Into That Good Night. She was too creative to get much writing done last year.

PATRICK LUCIEN PRICE has been editor of Amazing Stories for the past three years and worked as managing editor of the magazine for four years prior to taking over its editorship. Until October 1988, Patrick was also the director of periodicals for TSR. Inc., and fiction editor of Dragon Magazine.

His nonfiction articles about Fantasy role-playing have appeared in Leaves from the Inn of the Last Home and Dragon. He recently co-edited with Martin H. Greenberg a collection of stories reprinted from the old Fantastic Stories magazines

When not busy editing Amazing Stories, Patrick devotes his time to researching and writing about his Ojibwa heritage.

ROB QUIGLEY majored in physics at Caltech and received his Ph.D from the University of California at Riverside. He worked at Illinois Tech and the University of Frankfurt (West Germany) before joining Western Washington University’s physics department in 1970. Since then his research has been in observational astronomy, making extensive observing runs at observatories in the Southwest and in Chile. He has organized astronomy summer workshops which drew high school students to W.W.U. from all over North America. In 1983 he was the organizer of the Northwest Astronomy Conference. He created the Stars and Planets board game produced by Yotta. Inc. He was the Scientist Guest of Honor at Moscon 8.

Rob’s primary astronomical research interests have been cataclysmic variables, binary stars, flare stars, and lunar occultations.

Photo Copyright 1989 by Paul Boyet

BILL RANSOM collaborated with Frank Herbert on the novels The Jesus Incident, The Lazarus Effect, and The Ascension Factor (Ace/Putnam). He has also had many books of his poetry published and draws on his years working in Central America for his short stories. His new novel Rafferty will be published by Berkley this year.

Bill is the co-founder of Centrum, an arts foundation, In Port Townsend where he resides and is currently writing full-time.

ALIS RASMUSSEN is the author of The Labyrinth Gate, a Fantasy novel published by Baen Books. She is now working on the third book of a Science Fiction trilogy, which she really truly did not mean to be a trilogy when she started. It will be published by Bantam Spectra throughout 1990.

Although raised in Oregon, she currently has the dubious honor of living in San Jose. California, a circumstance which she hopes to remedy in the fairly near future if she can get her husband’s attention away from his new wargame long enough to get him into the car. She also has an 18-month old daughter, who thankfully is not yet old enough to play World in Flames (although she does roll the dice for her father).

MICHAEL REAVES is the author of ten novels, including Dragonworld, The Shattered World and its sequel, The Burning Realm. He has also written Dome and The Omega Cage with Steve Perry. He has had short stories published in Fantasy and Science Fiction, Twilight Zone and Universe, among others. He has written several comic books and over two hundred teleplays for such live-action shows as Twilight Zone, Star Trek: The Next Generation, Captain Power and Monsters. His animation work includes The Real Ghostbusters, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, and Superman. He lives in Woodlawn Hills with his wife, Brynne Stephens, their daughter Mallory, and occasionally Diane Duane and Peter Morwood.

Photo by Frank Garcia

RHEA ROSE, resident of Vancouver, B.C., and a 1984 Clarion West graduate has had a short story selected by Judith Merril, for the first Tesseracts anthology, and a second one selected for the Tesseracts 2 anthology (both are collections of Canadian Science Fiction). She swears that she is hard at work on her novel.

Photo copyright 1989 by Nina K. Hoffman

KRISTINE KATHRYN RUSCH is a writer of short fiction whose work has or will appear in The World’s Best Science Fiction 1989, Amazing Stories, Boy’s Life, The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction, Isaac Asimov’s Science Fiction Magazine, Alfred Hitchcock’s Mystery Magazine, Aboriginal SF, and a few mainstream publications. She is also editor of Pulphouse: The Hardback Magazine. For the past two years, she has lived in Eugene, Oregon, with three very mischievous cats.

Photo by Dale W. Blindheim

After living in Alaska for 15 years, ELIZABETH SCRABOROUGH decided to get away from the snow. Little did she know. Her 8th novel, The Healer’s War, is a serious religous realistic Fantasy loosely based on her experiences as an Army nurse in Viet Nam. This novel is receiving much applause from the critics and even more from Viet vets, and some have found that this book is helping to exorcise their own personal demons.

Elizabeth is currently working on a Fantasy Trilogy called The Songkiller Saga.

Photo by Roy Schneider

STANLEY SCHMIDT, bom in Cincinnati and graduated from the University of Cincinnati. began selling stories while a graduate student at Case Western Reserve University, where he completed his Ph.D. in physics in 1969. He continued freelancing while an assistant professor al Heidelberg College in Ohio, teaching physics, astronomy. Science Fiction, and other oddities. (He was introduced to his wife. Joyce, by a serpent while teaching field biology in a place vaguely resembling that well-known garden). He has contributed numerous stories and articles to magazines and original anthologies including Analog, Asimov’s, F&SF, Rigel, Habitats, American Journal of Physics, and Writer’s Digest.

Since 1978, as editor of Analog, he has been nominated nine limes for the Hugo award for Best Professional Editor. He is a member of the Board of Advisors of the National Space Society, and has been an invited speaker at national meetings of the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics and the American Association of Physics Teachers. In his writing and editing, he draws on a varied background including extensive experience as a musician, photographer, traveler, naturalist, outdoorsman. pilot, and student of languages. Most of these influences have left traces in his fourth novel, Tweedlioop, first published by TOR in 1986 and released in 1988 as a mass market paperback. (The other three are The Sins of the Fathers, Newton and the Quasi-Apple, and Lifeboard Earth. Baen Books last fall released an anthology of Fantasy stories from Unknown which he naively hopes will lead to a revival of that unique Fantasy magazine, and an article, “The Ideas That Wouldn’t Die,” is scheduled for the February Writer’s Digest. He is presently attempting to learn Serbo-Croatian and Hungarian in preparation for a forthcoming concert tour of Eastern Europe with the Danbury (Connecticut) Symphony Orchestra.

ROB SCHOUTEN is a visionary painter from Rotterdam, The Netherlands, who lives and works on Whidbey Island. With fellow artists Ray Pclley and Milo Duke is he part of the Dharmic Engineers and dedicated to consciousness-raising art. expressing the oneness and interconnectedness of all life. His work has been exhibited at SF conventions and in various galleries on the West Coast.

T.A. SCOTT is a writer of Fantasy and Science Fiction short stories and screenplays for independently produced videos. He is also involved in Fantasy game design and created the Environlords Game Systems, and is a performing magician and Tarot reader. He lives in Salem. Oregon with his wife and three children.

CAROL SEVERANCE has had stories published in Tales of the Witch World, Volume I, Magic in Ithkar, Volume 4 and Dragon Magazine. Stories are also scheduled for Tales of the Witch World, Volume 4 and The Twilight Kingdom. Her Fantasy play, Sail to the Edge of the Moon will be produced by the University of Hawaii at Hilo Theatre next spring. Currently, Carol is working on her third Science Fiction novel. She shares her Hilo, Hawaii home with a surfer, an anthropologist, and an undetermined number of geckos.

ERLINDA SILLER is a disciple and founder of the Edward Luena’s church of perpetual art work. An artist in her own right, she’s founded the church in order to keep a promise to a friend not to let people on the convention circuit forget him while he’s in Japan for four years. Her motto is: I don’t kiss ass. but I do suck toes. She’s also the treasurer of the MythAdventures Fan Club, and has played in the Amateur Doctor Who movie “The Zombie Legions”, and also in its sequel “Those Darn Daleks”. She loves creating things, from drawing to making clay faces for latex masks, to sculpy statues.

SHARON SINCLAIR is an historian whose research has ranged from the sacred snake of Asclepius to NASA’s space medicine program. She has a specialized interest in the history of astrology and enjoys compiling bibliographies. She is a poet whose current projects also include historical novels, classical space operas and futuristic police procedures.

A Seattle native, MARK a. SKULLERUD has studied art at Seattle Community College and WWU and has had private instruction under Gene Connelly. As an illustrator/de- signer for a nation-wide design firm, he has done domestic and commercial architectural illustration and illustrations for layouts ofjet interiors.

Recipient of many convention art show awards, including Best of Show and best body of SF work, Mark has had his work shown on KING-TV’s Good Company as part of a presentation of Science Fiction in the Northwest, featuring Frank Herbert.

DAVID SMEDS is the author of two novels. The Sorcery Within (Ace Books), and its sequel, The Schemes of Dragons (March, 1989). He has sold short fiction to anthologies such as In the Field of Fire, Far Frontiers, Volume 6, Dragons of Light, Sword & Sorceress 4 & 5; to such magazines as Isaac Asimov’s, Inside Karate, Genesis, Lui, Mayfair, and Club; and to Faeron Education’s series of booklets for remedial reading classes. He is currently the English-language rewriter for Justy, a Japanese SF graphic story miniseries being released in the U.S. by VIZ Comics.

D. ALEXANDER SMITH, Senior Vice President of The Boston Financial Group Incorporated and nationally known writer and lecturer on real estate finance, is the author of the novels Marathon (Ace 1982), and Homecoming (forthcoming from Ace), and has also had articles published on wargame strategy.

Rendezvous is a nominee for this year’s Philip K. Dick Award.

David and his wife Nancy reside in Cambridge, Ma.

Photo copyright 1989 by Nina K. Hoffman

DEAN WESLEY SMITH has sold over two dozen professional level short stories to such places as The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction, Oui Magazine, Gem Magazine, Writers of the Future Volume I), Clarion Awards, The Horror Show, Night Cry, and Amazing.

His first novel, Laying the Music to Rest, will appear this next year from Warner Books and he is now madly working on two more.

Dean is the publisher of (and sometimes slush reader for) Pulphouse: The Hardback Magazine and the new owner and publisher of Axolotl Press books. He also edits and publishes The Report, a writer’s magazine.

LITA R. SMITH-GHARET has been working with fossilized Ivory for over thirteen years and her work as appeared in several world trade magazines such as The Lapidary Journal and Rock and Gem. Lita’s work has also been featured in over 50 newspapers across the country. She has received numerous awards for her artwork from local, national and international shows.

Lita has owned and operated several fine art galleries and is the owner of the Steel Eagle Agency.

As a costumer, Lita has won many Best of Show awards and has sold her work to muzzle loaders. Indian dancers, equestrian shows, bikers, dancers and Science Fiction fans since 1975. She is the founder of The Northwest Customers Guild, and a past seneschal in the Society for Creative Anachronism. Photos of her costumes have appeared in Locus.

This year SARA STAMEY closely encountered Sasquatch while roaming her native Northwest mountains. Among other recent highlights was the publication of her latest SF novel, Win, Lose, Draw by Ace, sequel to Wild Card Run. Doubles Blind, the third book in the series (not a trilogy!) - featuring a future gambler/tumed spy/tumed resistance agent against a repressive cybernetic network - will be out soon. A former nuclear reactor control operator, Sara now teaches Scuba when she can escape to the Caribbean. She is currently at work on a near-future novel set in Greece.

KEVIN STANDLEE is President of the MythAdventures Fan Club, and directed and played the lead in the amateur Doctor Who movie “The Zombie Legions”, and directed its sequel, “Those Darn Daleks”. Currently, Kevin is attending conventions around the U.S. promoting the MythAdventures Fan Club Kevin lives in Chico, California, where he has completed his Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science from California State University, Chico. He helped found and is former Secretary of the SCUC Doctor Who Fan Club and Science Fiction Association.

J.T. STEWART is an accomplished poetess. She has been a panel participant at the various cons taking place in the upper left-hand corner of the map (Orycon, V-Con and Norwescon.)

BRYNNE STEPHENS is best known for her work in television, having written for shows such as He-Man, Dungeons and Dragons, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and the new Beany and Cecil. She was the story editor on the animated Science Fiction scries Starcom, and co-editor, with Diane Duane, of Dinosaucers. She has also written comic books, computer games and two novels. She is currently working on a mainstream Horror novel entitled Private Demons. She lives quite happily, thank you, in Woodlawn Hills with her husband, Michael Reaves, her daughter, Mallory, and a rotating stream of peripatetic writers.

JOHN E. STITH is the author of Scapescope, Memory Blank, Death Tolls, and the February Ace release, Deep Quarry, which features a wise-cracking private detective, archaeology, and alien artifacts.

He writes a review and comment column on Science Fiction Mysteries for Mystery Scene magazine: “Mean Streets. Mad Scientists.” In 1987, he appeared on Science Fiction * Science Fact: [SF], a one-hour live PBS telecast.

Redshift Rendezvous due in 1990 from Ace is a mix of hard Science Fiction and Suspense, set primarily on a hyperspace craft voyage. It relies heavily on relativity. Aboard the Redshift, light travels so slowly you can see its passage, and relativistic phenomena occur at walking and running speeds.

He lives in Colorado Springs.

SCOTT STOLNACK’s fiction and poetry has been published in Issac Asimov’s Science Fiction Magazine and a number of regional literary magazines, including Sky Views and Copula. He is vice-chair and membership director of Clarion West, Inc., and in 1987 served as committee chairperson for the Clarion West Writers' Workshop. He’s never worked a shrimp boat in theTexas Gulf but he has taught karate, served time as a sergeant in the Marines, and traveled around Britain and Ireland by bicycle. He lives in Seattle.

CHERI STREIMIKES has been an artist as a personality trait the way some people are nervous, or some people like sweet things, for as long as she can remember. Sometimes she paints, sometimes she sews strange things, sometimes she sculpts, sometimes she makes videos, sometimes she plays the synthesizer and sometimes she just looks at things in associative ways.

Her work has been seen at conventions up and down the coast and in galleries that accept the odd piece, the image bizzare.

BRUCE TAYLOR has had stories published in New Dimensions 9 and 10 edited by Robert Silverberg, the Seattle Post Intelligencer, and was featured reader in 1981 Bumbershoot festival in Seattle. His material has been translated into German by UTOPROP Literary Art Agency.

Bruce spent the summer of 1986 traveling in Europe and was writer in residence and Shakespeare and Company. Paris where he got in numerous verbal altercations with intellectual wierdos and third-rate midget Hemingways. While there, he was filmed by NBC as he gave a reading of his short stories and managed to get censored (but that’s another story. Film at eleven).

A story of his, (“Popcorn”) published in Pulphouse (Fall edition, 1988) was nominated for the Nebula Ward. Another story was published in Twilight Zone. He is also on the board for Clarion West. When no writing, Bruce pays the rent by working on the inpatient psych unit at Harborview as a Tour Guide Through Existential Nightmares and tries to tell the difference between patients and government officials.

Bruce is a surrealist writer and regards his work as the written form of Dal i paintings. Melted watches, anyone?

LYNNE TAYLOR has been participating in SF conventions for over 8 years and her humorous pen-and-ink drawings have attracted enthusiastic response. Her artwork has appeared in F&SF and Space and Time, Fantasy Tales (England), Westwind and will soon be appearing in Dungeon. Lynne has also been featured on the covers of Signature and Nor’Westing magazines. In 1986, her penguin cartoons were published as a calender. She has served as Art Director for a printing firm and two national outdoor magazines and is currently co-owner of Fine Art Press, a company specializing in printing limited edition fine art prints.

Please note: the above photograph was taken before Lynne’s facelifts.

AMY THOMSON is a freelance writer who reviews books for The Seattle Times, and is currently at work on a novel. With any luck at all. it will be finished before the year 2000.

BRIAN TILLOTSON helped start Space Research Associates, Inc., where he designs space propulsion systems and solar power satellites. He has degrees in physics (minor in biology) and electrical engineering, and is finishing a doctoral thesis on making robots that learn from experience. To see whether it’s finished yet. call him Dr. Tillotson. If he screams, cries or attacks you, then it’s not.

Brian has publ ished technical articles on spaceflight and artificial intelligence, plus a piece of nonfiction Fantasy in Dragon Magazine. When he grows up, Brian wants to found a republic in outer space.

Photo by Michael Citrak

WILLIAM R. WARREN JR. has had his art published in the Ballantine Star Trek Concordance, Minus 10 and Counting, and Analog. William did the cover illustration for Analog that inaugurated the serialization of Fredrik Pohl’s The Coming of the Quantum Cats.

Photo by Steven Bryan Bieler

DEBORAH WESSELL writes speeches, grants, business articles, and the odd short story. Some of the latter appeared in Seattle Review and the Seattle Weekly, and two more are slated for Asimov’s. She is a graduate of Clarion West in '88. and her dust jacket jobs include washing frogs for Science, splitting dewey decimals for Microsoft, and playing Darth Vanna for the Clarion Auction.

Photo copyright 1989 by Nina K. Hoffman

LORI ANN WHITE was born and raised in the Northwest, and received her BA in Eng- lish/Creative Writing from the University of Idaho in 1985. Currently, she is living in Sunnyvale, California, the heart of Silicon Valley, and soaking up Tech-Speak with fellow SF writer Gary W, Shockley. She attended Clarion in 1983. and workshops sponsored by the Writers of the Future in 1986 and 1987. Her fiction and non-fiction have appeared in Writers of the Future, Volume III, Pulphouse, Pulphouse Reports, Tales of the Unanticipated, and Z Miscellaneous. Forthcoming are poetry and fiction in Narcopolis and Other Poems, and Full Spectrum, Volume II.

Photo by Thom Walls

RICHARD WRIGHT is a former Chairman of Norwescon and the Northwest Science Fiction Society, and has worked on programming for the Austin and Phoenix NASFiCs. He has been an award-winning costumer, and now judges masquerades (when he doesn’t MC them). Richard has also become known as an SF&F art buyer, and often participates in convention programming. During the week, he is a computer consultant for a major company, and has written two textbooks and numerous articles in that field. Richard has been known to visit a parly or two, too.

(Artwork) The Burning Realm Copyright 1989 by David Mattingly. Cover for the book by Michael Reaves, published by Baen Books.

Gallery 2


(Artwork) Cyteen III Copyright 1989 by Don Maitz. Cover for the book by C. J. Cherryh, published by Warner Books.


(Artwork) Taken to Task Copyright 1989 by Janny Wurts. Cover for the book Dragon’s Knight by Carol L. Denis, published by Popular Library.


(Artwork) No Aliens Copyright 1989 by Ken Macklin. Cover for Fusion #8 published by Eclipse.


(Artwork) Copyright 1989 by Vincent DiFate


(Artwork) Pterodactyl Copyright 1989 by Randy “Tarkas” Hoar.


(Artwork) GhostHunt Copyright 1989 by Ken Kelly. Cover for the book by Jo Clayton, published by DAW Books.


(Artowrk) Copyright 1989 by Cheri Streiniikes.


(Artwork) Robot Geisha Copyright 1989 by Lynne Taylor


(Artwork) Copyright 1989 by John Alvarez.


(Artwork) Apprentices Copyright 1989 by Armand Cabrera


(Artwork) Copyright 1989 by Frank Kelly Freas


(Artwork) The Generic Rejuvination of Milo Ardry Copyright 1989 by William R. Warren, Jr. Originally published in Analog.


(Photo) Some of the volunteers who attended the Norwescon 11 Sneak Preview.

(AD) Gross Prophets


the devourer of all things.


with a grant from the Addams Family.


(Artwork) Shadow Climber Copyright 1989 by Richard Hescox. Cover for the book by Mickey Zucker Reichert, published by DAW Books.

[Member list omitted]

(Artwork) Copyright 1989 by William Rotsler

(Artwork) Fairie Tail?!! Copyright 1989 by Laura Brodian KeUy-Freas_

(Artwork) Orion Copyright 1989 by David Mattingly. Cover for the book by Ben Bova, published by Simon & Schuster.

(Artwork) Copyright 1989 by William Rotsler

(Artwork) Sun Dragon Copyright 1989 by Getsu-shin

(Artwork) Creation Copyright 1989 by Dresden Moss

(AD) Gallery of Illustration and Fine Art


Carl Lundgren

$3 Postpaid
(Refundable with First Order)



Pictured: Elizabeth Warren, Debbie Stine, Debbie Tatarek, Janice Paulson, Richard Wright, Becky Simpson, Judy Suryan, Sue Bartroff, Peter Suryan, Craig Bowie, Mary Hamburger, Lauraine Miranda, Walter Jung, Chris McDonell, Kathy Smith, Kathy McLean, Carolyn Palms, Diane Villaflor, Michael Citrak, Keith Johnson, Pat Oros, Beth Dockins, Yvonne Richardson, Karen Hill, Mary Beth Zele, The Nose. Our apologies to those who did not get their photo included on these two pages due to various reasons. A listing of those people who have worked for many months on the convention can be found on page 1. There are even more who sign on in the last month and at the convention who cannot be listed here. They are hard workers all and deserve everyone’s gratitude.


Safeway Ice Cream Dept.
Daniel Handa, City of Tacoma

Fannish Oympics Sponsors;
Fantastic Fantasy Games and Toys
Software Pipeline
The Federal Building Cafeteria
Don’s Dungeon
Suspended Elevations
Gasworks Kite Shop
Ross Oneill
Sun Trophy
Great Winds Kite Shop

Copier and typewriters provided by H.D. Baker Co.

Special thanks for programming help: Arkadian Bookshop, Steve Bard, Dr. John G. Cramer, Kim Graham, Peter Henry, Karen Hill, Kendra Hunt, Mr. & Mrs. Charley C. Richardson, Becky Simpson, Bob & Judy Suryan, Amy Thomson, Shanonne Vaughn, Bill & Elizabeth Warren, Richard Wright.


ASFA: 19
Berkley/Ace: 5, 9, 13, 17
Discon III: 56, 57
Rustycon: Inside Front Cover
San Diego Comic-Con: 25


John Alvarez: 76
George Barr: 36
Armand Cabrera: 77
Vincent Di Fate: 71
Milo Duke: 43
Kelly Freas: 78
Richard Hescox: 44, 82
Ken Kelly: 73
Laura Brodian Kelly-Freas: 83
Carl Lundgren: 16, 37
Ken Macklin: 70
Don Maitz: 14, 68
David Mattingly: Cover, 2, 11, 15, 18, 21, 24, 27, 29, 31, 34, 67, 84
Ilene Meyer: 38
Getsu-shin Moss: 86
Dresden Moss: 86
Ray Pelley: 41
William Rotsler: 33, 83, 85
John Sabotta: 8, 87
Rob Schouten: 42
Barclay Shaw: 35
Mark a. Skullerud: 39
Cheri Streimikes: 74
Randy “Tarkas” Hoar: 72
Lynne Taylor: 6, 75
William R. Warren Jr.: 79
Wendy Wees: 40
Michael Whelan: 45
Janny Wurts: 69

MARCH 23–26, 1989

Algis Budrys
David Mattingly
Mike Glyer
Alan E. Nourse
Avram Davidson
Steve Barnes



Michael Brocha, “Norwescon 11 Program Book,” Norwescon History, accessed October 22, 2024,

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