Norwescon 31 Progress Report Alpha

Cover of the Norwescon 31 progress report alpha. Full text is available on this page or by downloading the PDF.

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Norwescon 31 Progress Report Alpha


First progress report for the upcoming Norwescon 31

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Bell, Book and Dragon
PR Alpha Report

Sneak Preview - Norwescon 31

by William Sadorus

Norwescon turned 30 this year. The celebration was stupendous! Our GoHs glorious! I had a (*) time! You might ask, “How’re they gonna top that?” Well, it isn’t going to easy, but we’ve got some pretty good ideas up our sleeves just for you . . .

As announced by Tracy and myself at the Masquerade halftime, our theme for next year at Norwescon 31 will be Bell, Book, and Dragon. Is this an invocation? A spell? Maybe it’s an allusion to a favorite movie from 1959 starring Kim Novak and Jimmy Stewart? C’mere Pyewacket. That’s a good cat. You got to admit it sounds a bit better than “Music, Literature, and Fantasy”, doesn’t it?

Bell, Book, and Dragon will be fun romp in the eclectic mix of topics that you’ve come to expect from Norwescon. To help spice up the fun we’ve lined up some spectacular Guests of Honor including Dan Simmons as our Writer GoH, Ciruelo as Artist GoH, and Naomi Novik as Special GoH.

Dan Simmons is the award winning and versatile author of many books such as Hyperion, Ilium, and Song of Kali. He writes science fiction, fantasy, mystery, and horror. His combinations of storyline, character, and realism are both driven and hypnotic. I came to know Dan’s work through the Hyperion Cantos, a hard science fiction collection with a fantasy edge. Children of the Night proved to me that Dan had a dark side that could compete with the best of the vampire genre. In the Hardcase detective-mystery books he created characters that give you a non-stop roller coaster ride of murder, mayhem, and action. Dan’s latest release, e Terror, combines artic history with a thrills and chills creature of epic horror dimensions. Norwescon will be the first convention that Dan has attended since World Horror Con - Denver in 2000. We are so honored to be able to have Dan Simmons at NWC 31.

Ciruelo is the Argentine-born artist now living in Spain known for his fantastic art. His art has been displayed in books (Book of the Dragon; Luz, the Art of Ciruelo; Magia, the Ciruelo Sketchbook), on album covers (Steve Vai’s e 7th Song), in Heavy Metal, Playboy Magazine, Wizards of the Coast, and book covers from Tor, Warner, and Ballantine. Ciruelo is usually seen at large Comic Cons so we are especially lucky to have him here next year!

Naomoi Novik has burst onto the scene as the author of the Temeraire series. If you haven’t read His Majesty’s Dragon you might want to pick up a copy. This year it’s nominated for the Hugo Award for Best Novel, as well as the Compton Crook Award for Best First Novel, and the Locus Awards for Best First Novel. Naomi has also been nominated for the Campbell Award for Best New Writer. Can we say, WOW!? I’m excited about having Naomi here at NWC 31 . . . Are you?!!!!

Stay tuned for more announcements of new Guests of Honor. You ain’t seen nothing yet...!!!

* Add your own superlative here

Get Ready for Norwescon31!

Naomi Novik will be a special guest at Norwescon 31 March 20-23, 2008. See for further information.

Norwescon works hard to produce quality publications for our members, however errors do occasionally occur.

In the previous version of this report the picture that accompa- nied the article "Sneak Preview - Norwescon 31 was not Naomi Novik. e picture was actually of P.K. Dick nominee Andrea Hairston author of Mindscape. is updated version of the progress report includes the correct picture of Naomi Novik.

We apologize to Ms. Novik and Ms. Hairston for the error.

Statement by the Chair by Tracy Knoedler

Well I guess it’s that time again. Our lovely executive team has been eagerly working all summer to plan a wonderful Norwescon 31. With the conventionharder and faster.

This year we have made a few changes in our team. My Vice Chair is Pat Booze. Since she has been Chair of Norwescon as well as both Publications and Convention Services director, I’m sure many of you already know her - and how can you forget her!

In charge of our Business department is Ali Grieve. In the past she was in charge of Programming. I’m very excited to be working with her again. She will be working hand in hand with our Treasurer, Mike Orosz, a staple within our convention as he has been with us for many years. They will keep us in line and on budget this year.

Our lovely Secretary , Felice Nightengale, is coming back to help us remember exactly what we say, plan or do. She does a wonderful job.

Also returning is Rob Stewart, our Member Services director. You’ll find him hanging out around Registration as well as helping his wife sell in the Dealers’ Room.

Don Glover has gladly taken up the challenge of Publications for the first time. He has held many positions with Norwescon in the past, including Vice Chair.

Everyone knows William Sadorus. He has been around Norwescon in many capacities, including Chair and as overseer for the PK Dick Awards. We are lucky to have him returning as Programming director again. Send him your ideas for new Guests of Honor.

Shawn Marier has returned as Special Events director. Since he received the lifetime membership award last year, we refuse to let him go.

Doing an absolutely wonderful job is Catrina Foulger, our Personnel director. She feeds all of us so be nice to her.

Last is Charlie Knoedler, our Convention Services director. He makes sure we have a smoothly running convention at the hotel. His first year was last year and he and his team did a wonderful job keeping things going.

Where Things Are by Charlie Knoedler

So you ask “Where is the cloakroom?” Well, let me tell you. Below is a list of where things are within the convention. If you have any questions, please stop by the convention office in room 7106 and we’ll be glad to help you.

Cloakroom/Lost and Found Room 7101
Norwescon Office Room 7106
Security/Dispatch Room 7108
Volunteers Olympic 2
Hospitality Olympic 3
Green Room Cascade 1 & 2
Dealers’ Room Northwest Ballroom 1-3
Art Show Grand Ballroom 1
Artist Alley Past Wing 7 in Hallway
Gaming Cascade 11 &12

Norwescon 2008 Art Show

by Doug Booze, Art Show Manager

We are planning another amazing art show for you again for Norwescon 31. We are excited to bring you many of the same great talent that we have had in the past as well as may new faces which we hope will excite and intrigue you. We are thrilled to have as this year’s artist Gust of Honor, Ciruelo the depth of his work will make an amazing addition to our already diverse pool of talent. We are also excited to announce that John Picacio who has won such awards as the Chesley and the World Fantasy award and was recently in Seattle to receive the Locus award as best artist will be showing this year. We will bring you news of additional artists to the art show as they become firmed up; please check the website for updates.

Specific news for our artists. All of the information that you need to sign up for the art show is on our website, we hope that you will check us out and be a part of our art show community. If you have any questions always feel free to contact me directly. I am always available to help you out with any questions or concerns that you might have about the art show. You can reach me at

Thee art show has a great team of volunteers but not enough of them; these are the people who through their hard work make the art show fun and a success for both the artists and the congoer. We are looking for more volunteers to make the art show more successful and rewording for our volunteers and our members. If you are interested in joining us we would love to hear from you.

Beyond Here There Be Dragons!

by J'wyl

Registration is run by dragons. No, really... it is! Trust me on this I should know, as I am your Registration Chair, J’wyl – the Reg Dragon! You may have guessed that I am very excited about Norwescon 31: Bell, Book and Dragons. Ok, information about Registration, that is what I am supposed to be going on about.

First, we encourage you to pre-register. You will save a few bucks and your badge will be pre-printed and waiting for you when you arrive. Again this year, you can register online at Registering online allows you to pay by credit card, gives you an immediate email confirmation, and ensures that we don’t mistype your badge name. However, you can still print out a registration form and mail it in with a check, and this gets you the same savings!

Price for membership is $50 until 12/31/07; when it goes up to $55 until 2/28/07; when pre-registration is closed. Price at the door will be $60.

If you are under 18 or accompanying people who are, get a minor permission slip from http://www.norwescon. org/memberships.htm and fill it out before coming to the convention and waiting in line. e minor’s parent/guardian must sign the permission slip, and either the parent/guardian or another adult designated by the parent/guardian must be on site and a member of the convention.

Oh, and just FYI: Dragons RULE!

Special Events at Norwescon 31

by Shawn Marier

The Special Events department has been expanding the events which will be happening at Norwescon 31. Some of the new things we are currently working on:

Game Shows: On Friday night we will have multiple game shows for you to watch, and if you are lucky, participate in.

Maxi’s Bar Events: e hotel has allowed us to take over Maxi’s Bar at the top of the tower on Friday and Saturday nights. We are creating specialty themes for each night. So come on up to the top floor and enjoy the experience at Norwescon.

Burlesque Show: Last year we held a popular burlesque workshop, this year we are going to do it again. After the workshop (assuming you are willing), you will be able to participate in a burlesque show in the evening.

Scavenger Hunt: is will run during the entire weekend. We will give a list of items to be found; the person (or group) who finds the most will be awarded a prize.

501st Charity Event: Ever wanted to have your picture taken with a bunch of storm troopers or maybe even Darth Vader? Well for a small donation to a deserving charity you can.

Of course we will also be bringing back all your old favorite events:

Gaming: From tournaments to open gaming we will have something for you to play the entire weekend. e main gaming rooms will be at the end of the Cascade hallway with open gaming space out in the Rotunda.

Dances: Dance the night away on all three nights.

Midnight Movies: We will be showing a cult classic each night at midnight. Audience participation is always appreciated.

Lazer Tag: We expanded to three nights last year and we still had people who wanted more. So once again we will have lazer tag on all three nights.

Masquerade: Come and watch, or even better, bring your newest costume creation and present it at our largest attended event.

Fannish Fetish Fashion Show: Back again by popular demand, come see all the newest designs in fetish fashion wear. What new things might we have in store for you this year? Come and see.

Casino: On ursday night come and gamble the night away. We will have a selection of your favorite casino games as well as our Second Annual Texas Hold’em Tournament.

Programming Update

by William Sadorus

The question was, after all the fun and excitement of our 30th anniversary, what can we do to top ourselves? As it turns out, I shouldn’t have worried . . . with the turn of a phrase, “Bell, Book and Dragon,” Norwescon 31 Programming has started to fall into place.

Some of our favorite events are returning, including the Fandance Film Festival, the Single Pattern Contest, and the Norwescon Writers’ Workshop in conjunction with the Fairwood Writers Group. Rules and regulations for these events will be posted in the Programming section of the Norwescon home page so please check it frequently for notices and updates. We’ll also have movie previews, filk concerts, artist workshops, autograph sessions, and readings by some of your favorite authors. Panel ideas are being compiled and distributed to our program participants for consideration. Did you think that maybe we’d have a couple of panels about dragons? Well, you’d be right! If you need more than dragons though, science fiction and fantasy are big parts of panel programming at Norwescon; and we’ll be including all the associated topics of writing, editing, and publishing to say the least... For those of you who enjoy the chills and thrills of the dark, programming will feature a bit more horror than we normally do. is emphasis on horror will include panels, readings, and some flix you may not have seen before. Stay tuned for more developments!

I’m not neglecting our Guests of Honor, Dan Simmons, Ciruelo, and Naomi Novik. My enthusiasm about having them at Norwescon knows no bounds! We are so honored in having them here!! Please check out their bios on the Norwescon home page; and be sure to follow the links to their web sites. If you’re unfamiliar with their work, seek them out in your local bookstore or public library. Congratulations to Naomi on receiving the Joseph Campbell Award at Worldcon this year in Japan! Ciruelo, your reputation in the international art community precedes you! And Dan, your genius at story writing astounds us!

Join us this year for a convention filled with the brilliance of wonder, the magic of fantasy, the mystery of space, and that lurking darkness-within as Norwescon welcomes Dan Simmons, Ciruelo, and Naomi Novik as our Guests of Honor for NWC 31, March 20th through the 23rd, 2008. See you there!

Open the Door to Better Writing!

by William Sadorus

Now's your chance to advance your writing skills through critiques by professional writers. Norwescon 31 and the Fairwood Writers Group are sponsoring a science fiction, fantasy and horror writers' workshop for short fiction and novel excerpts.

We offer individual sessions with a small group of the convention's attending pros; we also offer short-story participants a group session option that allows you to critique the other submitted manuscripts as well as receive feedback on your own.

Our submission deadline is early this year: November 28, 2007. Late entries submitted by December 2, 2007, may be accepted if space permits, but we will not take submissions after December 2.

Guidelines are posted at and

Please contact with any questions.

Doubletree Hotel Suite and Social Event Guidelines

Norwescon returns to our home of the last 14 years, the DoubleTree Hotel Seattle Airport. We have negotiated a flat guest room rate of $105.00 per night for up to four (4) people. ese rates are available for up to 3 days before and after the convention. A daily charge of $10.00 for an additional person will apply if more than 4 people occupy a guest room. There is a five (5) person maximum per room.

You can make a room reservation by calling the DoubleTree Seattle Airport Hotel at (206) 246-8600.

Recently there have been some changes in the way in which parties and other social gatherings can be held in hotel rooms. These rules are still undergoing modification to ensure that they are mutually agreeable to Norwescon and the hotel. Please visit the hotel page on the Norwescon web site at to get the latest information.

Come and Join the Fun!

Volunteers are the backbone of the convention, from those of us who donate our time year round to those of you who lend a much needed helping hand for a couple of hours at the Convention. Whether that be watching the doors at the Masquerade, helping out at the Registration Desk, or manning the Cloak Closet, we need that help.

As part of our appreciation for those of you who do help us out, we have changed our policies. Now, instead of simply receiving some "bling" for days and hours worked, we will be rewarding you with a discounted badge for the following year, provided you work 30 hours. Activities that count for double hours (which are sticking around) will only count as single hours for the purposes of being awarded a discounted badge for the following year. e discount will be the minimum staff rate plus $5.00, for that year. It is not transferable and must be purchased during the pre-registration period. So, if you work the 30 hours at Norwescon 31 you will be able to purchase a discounted badge for Norwescon 32 at the discounted rate of $25.00.

There will be a couple of other changes for this coming year. The Volunteer Table will be located in the Volunteer Lounge instead of with the Fan Tables. Also, instead of the traditional end of convention raffle drawing for volunteers, we are going to try something new and have an auction and you can bid your hours for the things you want instead of hoping on random chance. Lastly, we are likely to have some left over "bling" from previous years, so if you miss the "bling" and ask very nicely— we may have something for you.

What is not changing is there will still be access to the Volunteer Lounge and a volunteer appreciation picnic come summer, as well as prizes for top hours worked.

As of right now we need volunteers for:

Cloak Room

We need both volunteers to man it and Concom volunteers to run it.


We need both volunteers to work it and Concom members to help staff it. ere are pre-convention training sessions on February 9th and March 1st.


Art Show

Laser Tag

And check the Volunteers section of the website for more positions and updates.

Membership Service

Hi my name is Rob Stewart and I am the head of Membership Services. I am sure you are wondering what Membership Services is.

Membership Services is the first department with which you interact when you arrive and register at the convention. Please make sure you pre-register sooner than later.

We run the Art Show! Doug and his staff have great plans for Norwescon 31 and we hope you get a chance to stop by, check it out and support the artists. If you would like to exhibit your art, please check out the Art Show article in this very publication.

We run the Dealers room, where I know you like to leave your money every year. If you are interested in exhibiting your wares in Norwescon 31’s dealers room, please contact the Dealer room coordinator at

Please make sure you stop by and check out the local clubs who are attending to share their interests with you.

If you are a club and would like a table, please contact We also manage the information table, peace bonding, Voodoo message board, and the cloak room.

I am looking for someone to manage the cloak room and if you are interested, please e-mail me at membershipservices@ The staff of Membership Services is looking forward to seeing you at the convention.

Thank you,
Rob Stewart
Membership Services Director



“Norwescon 31 Progress Report Alpha,” Norwescon History, accessed February 3, 2025,

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