Norwescon 36 October 17 Newsletter


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Norwescon 36 October 17 Newsletter


Norwescon 36


The 10/17/12 newsletter for Norwescon 36




October 17, 2012



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Norwescon 36

Save the World!
Norwescon 36 wil be March 28-31 2013

eNewsletter - August 2012

In This Issue

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NWC36 Guests of Honor
Becoming a Panelist

Dear (member),

Norwescon 36 (2013) Pre-registration is now open!

The cost for a full-weekend membership is $55 through December 31st. Rates will increase in January of 2013. Register today for the best rate!

Convention Registration* Hotel (room) Reservations**

*We offer a $5 discount for Northwest Science Fiction Society (NWSFS) members. Visit them at

** A deposit equal to the cost of one room night will be charged at the time of reservation; this charge will be fully refundable until Friday, December 28, 2012. For more information on this new policy, please see this weblog post.

Volunteer! Have a blast!


Every year hundreds of people come together to make Norwescon a success. Last year, 142 attendees donated a total of 620 hours of their time in between the panels and events they attended, to help keep the convention running smoothly. This averages to just over 4 hours per member.

As you begin to plan your convention experience for this next year, please consider giving back to the convention a little of your time.So whether you have 30 minutes to spare, or a few hours to kill, come on down to the volunteer lounge and lend a hand. It's what makes Norwescon such a success every year!

Thank you,
Head of Volunteers

Games, amusement, pastime, play, recreation...

GAMING: The Scheduled Gaming signup forms are already on the website, so if you want to run a card or board game (or many) fill out the form. We have upgraded GM status this year for those who qualify by signing up early. We are also looking for volunteers to staff the gaming room during the convention.

EXTENDED GAMING: We are looking for:

  • A dealer to run the poker tournament on Saturday during the convention.
  • Someone to sponsor/run Magic: The Gathering Tournaments. It would be wonderful to have a sanctioned tournament.
  • If you are interested in running a LARP, please contact us immediately in order to reserve your space!

---- ATTENTION TECHNICAL PEOPLE! Are you a DJ or are you thinking about becoming one?We are looking for DJs and dance instructors and are especially hoping to find a young person to run our "Under 21" dance on Friday night during the convention. We are looking for lighting technicians! Special events has several events that need light board masters and spotlight operators.Please contact as ASAP at and let your lighting skills shine.(Pun intended, sorry.)

QUEER EYE FOR THE CON-GOER (or similar LGBT mixer): We are seeking someone to run this event this year.If you have an interest or know someone that might, let us know or come to the October meeting.

GENERAL STAFF: Special Events needs a huge number of staff members this year and we have multiple exciting positions open (in addition to the ones listed above).

Come and join us!We are SPECIAL!

Norwescon is a science, science fiction and fantasy convention that takes place on Easter Weekend each year. We are an all-volunteer organization and always have room for more dedicated volunteers. Without members, though, there would be no reason to hold a convention; thank you for your support!

Norwescon Publications Team
Norwescon 36 (2013)



“Norwescon 36 October 17 Newsletter,” Norwescon History, accessed March 11, 2025,

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