Norwescon 41 December 16 Newsletter


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Norwescon 41 December 16 Newsletter


Norwescon 41


The 12/16/17 newsletter for Norwescon 41




December 16, 2017



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Norwescon 41

Uncovering Mysteries

Welcome Our New Artist Guest of Honor!

Our previous Artist Guest of Honor, Wayne Barlowe, had to cancel his attendance at Norwescon 41 due to a business opportunity he could not turn down. We will miss him and wish him the best of luck. However, this means that we are pleased to welcome Galen Dara as our new Artist Guest of Honor! Feel free to visit her website and check out some of her amazing art at: Welcome, Galen!

Art in Action Applications Are Now Open!

Artists, crafters, creatives, and costumers: applications for Art in Action at Norwescon 41 are now being accepted!

Art in Action is a unique place for artists and creators to come together with Norwescon members. It provides an area for artists and creators to show and teach Norwescon members about what they love creating. This year, we are excited to announce that Art in Action will have a spotlight on costuming! In addition to our always-welcome and always-fabulous artists and creators, we encourage costumers to sign up and demonstrate a costuming skill they particularly enjoy or are good at. These can range from pattern drafting to thermoplastics to fabric painting to prosthetics...the sky is the limit!

Please visit the Art in Action page to request your spot and demonstrate the things you love to create at Norwescon 41!

NorwesKids Arts and Crafts Contest!

Attention young artists! All kids attending the convention age nine and under are welcome to participate in our NorwesKids Arts and Crafts Contest! Both 2-D and 3-D art or crafts are welcome. The Norwescon 41 theme "Uncovering Mysteries" is a suggested guideline, but any theme (or no theme!) will be accepted.

Submissions will be grouped by age, and displayed in Olympic 1 during the convention. NorwesKids adults, participants, and panelists may vote for their favorites by secret ballot during the convention. Remember, all youth track participants under the age of 11 must be supervised by their adult guardian.

To participate, bring submissions to Olympic 1 during the convention on Thursday, March 29th, or the morning of Friday, March 30th. Entries and prizes must be picked up Sunday morning between 8-9 a.m. in Olympic 1, or by special arrangement with the youth track staff. Please contact youth track lead Danielle Gembala at with questions.

We are excited to see what you come up with!


Remember that volunteer signups will work differently this year! Feel free to set an alert now by signing up on our new volunteer's page and get an email as the convention approaches!

January's Norwescon Book Club!

There was no Book Club meeting in December due to the need to go out and buy ALL THE BOOKS, but in January we will be reading one of the newer books by Norwescon 30 Guest of Honor, Kim Stanley Robinson.

2312 is a sci-fi book set in the future with a sequence of events that will force humanity to confront its past, its present, and its future! Join us on Sunday, January 28th at 6pm at Third Place Books in Lake Forest Park!

In This Issue

Volunteer Online!
Hotel Rooms Still Available
Writers Workshop
2017 World Fantasy Award Winners
November Book Club


Full Four Day Memberships for only $70!

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“Norwescon 41 December 16 Newsletter,” Norwescon History, accessed March 30, 2025,

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