Norwescon 41 September 16 Newsletter
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Norwescon 41
Uncovering Mysteries
Suite Reservations Open on October 1st!
Want to party like a king? Need space for party crashers to rest their heads? Wish to survey all your treasures from the dealer's room and art show and still have room to lay out that last minute costume change for the masquerade? Suite reservations for Norwescon will be available starting at noon on October 1st through 11:00 p.m. on October 15th.
For more information about available suites, including price, please check out the hotel page of our website (scroll down to "Reserving Suites" halfway down the page):
Wednesday Night Sold Out at Norwescon Rate
The supply of Wednesday room nights at the convention rate of $129 has initially sold out, and will remain extremely limited until the closure of the room block on March 9, 2018. You can still reserve a room on Wednesday, March 28th, but you may be charged a higher rate (typically $169), unless new reservations within the room block become available due to cancellations.
There are still plenty of rooms available at the convention rate of $129 on Thursday, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. Act soon so you don't miss out! Pro tip: additional rooms at the Norwescon rate may come available due to cancellations shortly before January 13th, the last day on which the one- night deposit is refundable.
Fairwood Writers Workshop
Want to take your writing to the next level? Norwescon's writing workshops offer extra help with improving your short fiction or novel. Workshop participants will get feedback on their manuscripts from published writers. You'll find guidelines here, but don't delay! Submit your work by December 3rd for a place in the 2018 workshop. Submission guidelines found here: workshop/
Start a New Hobby! Join the Norwescon Book Club in October!
Come join the book lovers in our fannish community on October 29th as we dive into the epic fantasy Grace of Kings by this year's writer guest of honor, Ken Liu. This first book of Liu's Dandelion Dynasty series is a sprawling masterpiece filled with intrigue, intimate plots, and action. Liu's story follows two young men--a bandit and the son of a deposed duke--as they form an unlikely alliance to fight armies, airships, and shape-shifting gods.
Please join us on Sunday, October 29th at 6 p.m. at Third Place Books in Lake Forest Park. Look for a dragon and host Kathy Bond decked out in her Norwescon shirt.
Even More Staff Positions!
The executive team recently updated the job descriptions in their departments and discovered even more positions to be filled. You can find the updated available jobs list on our Volunteers page here.
You can also come to the planning meetings held monthly from now until the convention. The full list of meeting dates and times can be found here: Norwescon 41 Planning Meetings.
In This Issue
Suite Reservations
Wednesday Sold Out
Fairwood Writers Workshop
Norwescon Book Club
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Full Four Day Memberships for only $70!
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