Norwescon 40 February 20 Newsletter


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Norwescon 40 February 20 Newsletter


Norwescon 40


The 2/20/17 newsletter for Norwescon 40




February 20, 2017



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Norwescon 40

Over the Hills and Far Away

Want a Prime Position at the Convention?

Info table volunteers needed! Love people watching? Enjoy cosplay? Want to help fellow con-goers have the best experience ever? Here's your chance! Come join some of the funnest people you'll ever meet at the Info table in the lobby at Norwescon 40. There will be at least 3 ribbons for your efforts. We need two folks for each two-hour spot. Please don't hesitate to ask questions.

Or do you want to hang out with the cool kids? And by cool kids, I mean our awesome pros and panelists! We still have positions open for Pro Check-in and Stage Management. Pro Check-in is lots of fun because you get to meet the pros and make sure they have what they need to have a successful con experience. Stage Management are those helpful folks who let everyone know that they need to wrap up their panels.

Contact if you're interested, or if you have questions.

Youth Programming is Out of This World!

Wizard dueling, kookie klatches, and mermaid encounters are just a few examples of what we have planned for fen of all ages this year. The schedule is chock-full Thursday through Sunday with activities for youth and their families including arts and crafts, writing workshops, story time, sensory and quiet time, science, costuming, and more. Check out the youth programming page on the website for more information.

Workshops for Everyone! Engage, Experience, and Create!

Explore your passion or discover a new one! We've got presentations, classes, and demos for convention goers of all ages. Our pros will offer inspiration and instruction on art, costuming, culture, film, gaming, history, music, writing, and more! All workshops are included with your Norwescon 40 membership. Some workshops require advance signup and a few require a small additional fee for materials.

Norwescon is also pleased to announce that we've expanded our panel offerings to include over 15 writing workshops. This is an incredible opportunity to learn from professional writers, editors, publishers, and artists in small group/classroom environments while at the convention. Explore new directions in your writing and thinking, sharpen your skills, and receive critical feedback. Beginners, intermediate, and advanced learners of all ages are welcome and there are no extra fees to attend the workshops. Special thanks to our workshop partners Cascade Writers, Clarion West, and Willamette Writers, and to our instructors for lending their time and talent - Liz Argall, Curtis Chen, Brenda Cooper, Nancy Kress, Tod McCoy, Lisa Mantchev, Lee Moyer, Evan J. Peterson, Kate Ristau, Kat Richardson, Sienna Saint-Cyr, Nisi Shawl, Patrick Swenson, and Mark Teppo. Space is limited - advance sign ups are encouraged and required in some cases. For complete workshop descriptions and more information, click here.

Fans for Black Lives Matter

In fandom, we often wear the "escapist" label with pride. Fandom gives us a chance to explore realities and experiences, and ways of being unimaginable to the mundanes around us. We get to build the reality we want to experience, to live it as much as possible, to share that with our fellow fans.

The real world today does not contain enough hope for too many of our fellow travellers. So this Norwescon, we'd like to expand the tradition of community service and outreach beyond the food banks and the walls of the DoubleTree Hotel. On Saturday, April 15th, join us in the front lobby at 1pm for an excursion to the SeaTac light rail station and beyond to Westlake Park. There, we will join the BlackLivesMatter March on Seattle 2.0 from 2pm to 6pm before returning to the DoubleTree and our evening revels.

We all, in our own ways, enjoy building alternate realities from the one we inhabit in the day to day. Let's spend a few hours helping others build their own alternate reality, in the here and now.

Want to Host a Norwescon Meetup?

As the title suggests, we're looking for volunteers to step up and help create mini-communities within our memberships. Are you passionate about Dune? Really want to get together and hang out with fellow fae enthusiasts? Or maybe you're looking for other fans who love to garden or talk about diversity. Whatever your passion, we'd love to have you volunteer to host a meet-up. If interested, please respond to Kathy Bond at with the following information by February 25nd:

Contact Info
Title of Meetup
Brief 2-3 line description of group
2 or 3 times during the convention that you'd be available to host.
All meet-ups will be held in Olympic 2 (Volunteer Lounge), and all that is required of you is the willingness to be there for 45 minutes and to make others feel welcome.

In This Issue

Positions Available!
Youth Programming Workshops!
Black Lives Matter Meetups!


Pre-registration for Norwescon 40 is still open! Just $ 65 for a full four-day weekend membership!

Register Now

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“Norwescon 40 February 20 Newsletter,” Norwescon History, accessed July 27, 2024,

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