Norwescon 39 March 16 Newsletter


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Norwescon 39 March 16 Newsletter


Norwescon 39


The 3/16/16 newsletter for Norwescon 39




March 16, 2016



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Norwescon 39

Remembering the Future

Guidebook Mobile App is Now Available

Norwescon has gone mobile! The Guidebook app for Norwescon 39 is now live! Download the guide (and the app if you don't already have it), and start planning your Norwescon weekend today!

Be advised that we're still a bit under construction: panel programming, Guests of Honor, and Attending Pros are live, while Scheduled Gaming, the Dealers' Room, Art Show, Art in Action, Lobby Tables, hotel menus, and a few other things (all of which are currently available on our website) will be added soon. Check the FAQ section within Guidebook for more details.

If you already have Guidebook loaded on your mobile device you can search for Norwescon to find the guide.

Or, you can visit to download the guide.


Volunteers are the lifeblood of Norwescon and we can always use more! Check out the open positions listed on our web page. It doesn't have to be a long term commitment, either-consider stopping by the Volunteer Lounge to help out when you have a free hour or two.

Instrument Show-Offs Wanted

Got a favorite instrument you want to introduce new folk to? We will have an opportunity to show and tell with instruments! Email!

Mad Libs Filk!

There will be Mad Libs Filk at Norwescon! Want to lead people in singing a Mad Libs version of "March of Cambreadth" or other songs? Thursday night, Grand 2, before Open Filk! Email with any questions!

"It is the language of my people!"

You've heard it in TV shows and seen it in movies (sometimes maybe you've never even known you were hearing it). Now at Norwescon, you have a chance to start learning the International Language-Esperanto. The Esperanto Workshop offers not only a basic introduction, but also phrase-guessing games ("Mia nomo estas Inigo Montoya. Vi mortigis mian patron. Preparu morti!"). Meet others who enjoy speaking a language shared by about two million humans across the globe.

Hotel Food

We hope you bring your appetite to the con this year. The hotel is once again planning to provide lunchtime eats in the Fishbowl. Additionally, there will be even more options available at the coffee cart including personal pizzas, macaroni and cheese, and other sundries. Finally, the hotel will once again be bringing back dinner buffets at the hotel restaurant. If you have allergies, please alert the wait staff and ask for a red ticket. This will alert all of the staff to provide your order with extra care.


Norwescon has always had accessibility accommodations in place, but we may not have done a good job of communicating them to you! That's why we have posted new content on our website more clearly delineating what is available. We will have separate pamphlets available in your registration bags as well as at the Information Table.

See something that you'd like us to improve? Please send an email to the Chair at

Boxes needed!

Instead of building and destroying a city like miniature kaiju, this year we have decided to focus on the good guys. Our budding costumers will build their own jaeger costumes (ala Pacific Rim) and we will need your boxes to accomplish this task! Please collect cereal boxes, soda boxes, cracker boxes, etc. and bring them to us for use in this fun panel. We will be collecting the boxes at the March ConCom meeting, at the Stuffing Party, and at the convention itself. (Please fold all boxes flat for maximum storage.) We need your help so that our young costumers can build mighty jaeger outfits!

Don't miss the Hellbender Filmmaking Workshop

This year, we're not just offering the workshop so many have come to enjoy-we're offering a fantastic and comprehensive series of panels and workshops, all devoted to the low-budget and very-interested filmmaker. We've done all the scheduling, all you have to do is pencil us in and show up! Mix and match as you see fit or attend the entire course series, but there is simply nowhere in the universe you'll find this kind of multilayered course offered at a convention -- for FREE!

Last call for Fandance Film Festival

If you're thinking of sending in a film, now is the time! No more waiting, no more waffling-send it in now! And best of all, there's no submission fee for Norwescon attendees. The submission fee for people NOT attending Norwescon is seventy-five MILLION BILLION dollars, so you are TOTALLY getting a bargain right there.

In This Issue

Hotel Changes
Tour Guides Needed
Movie News & Previews
Mad Libs Filk First Page Idol
Instrument Show-Offs Wanted
Fandance Film Festival
Herocorps calls for heroes
Cards Against Humanity


Pre-registration for Norwescon 39 is now Closed!

At the door registration rates are:

$75 for the full four days!

Day Rates:
Thursday $40
Friday $50
Saturday $50
Sunday $30

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Norwescon Website
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Norwescon History
Contact Information

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“Norwescon 39 March 16 Newsletter,” Norwescon History, accessed March 13, 2025,

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