Norwescon 39 February 15 Newsletter


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Norwescon 39 February 15 Newsletter


Norwescon 39


The 2/15/16 newsletter for Norwescon 39




February 15, 2016



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Norwescon 39

Remembering the Future

Hotel Changes

Planning a party at Norwescon? Our friends at the hotel have informed us of some policy changes this year. While in the past they have been able to provide ice, glassware, or other support items, they are no longer able to do so. So, please plan ahead! Bring your own large trash bags, bags of ice, plastic cups, etc. If you have any questions, please contact our hotel liaison at

Tour Guides Needed

Norwescon will be doing guided tours this year, to help new and prospective members learn where everything is at con. We need outgoing people to volunteer as guides. Candidates should have a strong, clear speaking voice and know about the history of Norwescon and the hotel layout. Knowledge of past humorous events and salacious gossip (fit for public sharing) is a plus. The tour goes out to the Rotunda, so candidates must be able to travel easily, either on foot or by motorized scooter or wheelchair. The tour route is entirely accessible.

If you are interested in being a tour guide, contact and put "Tour Guide" in the subject line. Please know that we may not be able to use everyone who expresses interest.

Keith & Alan's Movie News & Previews are Back!

Celebrating our 10th year, Alan Halfhill and partner Keith Johnson are delighted to bring our unique brand of Movie Previews & News back to Norwescon. We commit countless hours of behind-the-scenes toil to bring you the latest movie news, rumors, and trailers out of Hollywood and beyond.

But we're so much more than that. We highlight the latest trends, innovations, and challenges and also the wider entertainment culture: TV shows, home video, theme parks-the whole gamut! And for our fans of the previews, we bring in da swag! Whatever we get from the studios or publicity agencies we pass on to you, our loyal fans. Now how much would you pay?

But take note-there is only ONE SHOW this year. And it's early: Friday 10 a.m. in Grand 3. So get to bed early Thursday night, set your alarm, and grab your orange juice and bagel for your weekend's dose of full-frontal media mayhem!

Mad Libs Filk!

There will be Mad Libs Filk at Norwescon! Do you have any ideas for fun filk songs to use for Mad Libs? Send them to!

First Page Idol

Writers! Feeling brave? Join First Page Idol, the interactive panel where the first pages of manuscripts will be anonymously read aloud and critiqued by professional editors and writers. Learn what keeps editors reading, and what pitfalls to avoid. To participate, submit the first page of your manuscript to any time before the con!

Instrument Show-Offs Wanted!

Got a favorite instrument you want to introduce people to? We will have an opportunity to play show and tell with instruments! Email!

Time to Get Your Movie Ready!

Lights, camera, ACTION!

Was 2016 the year you said "Dang, I'm going to finish a film in time to submit it to the Fandance Film Festival at Norwescon?"

I'm sure it was you. Pretty sure.

There's still time! The deadline is March 10, and time's a'wastin'. We want to see your movies!

Official rules ("guidelines") are here: film-festival/

Herocorps calls for heroes!

Loki has accused the gods of fortune and luck of theft! Tensions are high in Asgard-help Herocorps find a champion to avert an all-out war. Herocorps is a LARP- style game with elimination challenges involving games of chance and skill. We seek 20 brave souls to test their might, their mettle and their minds! Solve a mystery and avert war in a series of challenges that will impress even the gods. Are you are the hero we're looking for? Prizes awarded to the worthy!

Evergreen 1&2, 5-7 p.m., Saturday

Cards Against Humanity - The Tournament

Join us for the First Annual Cards Against Humanity Tournament Saturday night! Seven tables, eight rounds (with the table judge remaining the dealer the whole time), and countless chances to prove once and for all that you're the best/worst Humanity has to offer. The top two players from each table will move on to the next round until only one table of finalists-the worst of the worst!- remains. Prizes awarded to the damnedest, dirtiest apes.

Maxi's Ballroom, 9-midnight, Saturday

In This Issue

Hotel Changes
Tour Guides Needed
Movie News & Previews
Mad Libs Filk
First Page Idol
Instrument Show-Offs Wanted
Fandance Film Festival
Herocorps calls for heroes
Cards Against Humanity


Pre-registration for Norwescon 39 is now open! Just $ 70 for a full four-day weekend membership!

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“Norwescon 39 February 15 Newsletter,” Norwescon History, accessed March 13, 2025,

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