Norwescon 37 Program Book


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Norwescon 37 Program Book


Norwescon 37


The program book for Norwescon 37


Pearl Young


Northwest Science Fiction Society (NWSFS)


April 17-20, 2014


Michael Hanscom


Except where noted, contents Copyright © 2014 Norwescon for the contributors.



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APRIL 17-20 2014

[Artwork] Elric Stormbringer Spash Page © 1984 P Craig Russell

The Northwest Science Fiction Society proudly presents
Norwescon 37: Elegance and Entropy
The Thirty Seventh Annual Northwest
Regional Science Fiction & Fantasy Convention

Writer Guest of Honor Michael Moorcock
Artist Guest of Honor Robert Gould
Science Guest of Honor Catherine S. Plesko
Special Guest of Honor Seanan McGuire
Costuming Anima! X
Publisher 47 North

Phillip K. Dick Awards 02
Letter from the Chairman 04
Michael Moorcock 09
Robert Gould 11
Catherine S. Plesko 12
Seanan McGuire 13
Anima! X 15
47 North 16
Professional Panel Members 22
Artist Gallery 41
Professional Panel Members 57
Lobby Tables, Dealers, etc. 80
In Memoriam 83
Norwescon Committee 86
NW College Scholarship 92
Clarion West Scholarship 94

Except where noted, contents Copyright © 2014 Norwescon for the contributors. All opinions expressed in this publication are those of the authors and not necessarily those of Science Fiction Northwest, Norwescon or the Northwest Science Fiction Society.

Norwescon is sponsored by the Northwest Science Fiction Society PO Box 68457, Seattle, WA 98168
voice mail 425 243-4692

cover: Weird of the White Wolf © Robert Gould

Interior B&W art generously supplied by:
Michael Wm Kaluta
John Picacio P Craig Russell and
Michael T Gilbert & P Craig Russell

[Artwork] Elric and the Sea Maiden ©2008-2009, 2014 Michael Wm Kaluta


The Philip K. Dick award is sponsored by the Northwest Science Fiction Society and the Philadelphia Science Fiction Society. The award ceremony is held each year at Norwescon. The award is presented annually with the support of the Philip K. Dick Trust for distinguished science fiction published in paperback original form in the United States.

We hope that you will join us Friday night in Grand 2 at 7: 00 p. m. and be among the first to know who the winners are! There is no fee to attend and there are always a few nominated authors and special guests from the science fiction and fantasy community in attendance.


A Calculated Life by Anne Charnock (47 North)

The Mad Scientist's Daughter by Cassandra Rose Clarke (Angry Robot)

Self-Reference Engine by Toh EnJoe, trans. Terry Gallagher (Haikasoru)

Ancillary Justice by Ann Leckie (Orbit)

Life On The Preservation by Jack Skillingstead (Solaris)

Solaris Rising 2: The New Solaris Book Of Science Fiction edited by Ian Whates (Solaris)

Countdown City by Ben H. Winters (Quirk Books)


2012 --- Lost Everything by Brian Francis Slattery (Tor)
special citation: Lovestar by Andri Snaer Magnason (Seven Stories Press)

2011 --- The Strange Affair of Spring Heeled Jack by Mark Hobber (Pyr)
special citation: Harmony by Project Itoh translated by Alexander O. Smith (Haikasoru)

2010 --- The Strange Affair Of Spring Heeled Jack by Mark Hodder (Pyr)

2009 --- Bitter Angels by C. L. Anderson (Ballantine Books/Spectra)
special citation: Cyberabad Days by Ian Mcdonald (Pyr)

2008 --- (tie): Emissaries From The Dead by Adam-Troy Castro (Eos Books)
Terminal Mind by David Walton (Meadowhawk Press)

2007 --- Nova Swing by M. John Harrison (Bantam Spectra)
special citation: From the Notebooks of Dr. Brain by Minister Faust (Del Rey)

2006 --- Spin Control by Chris Moriarty (Bantam Spectra)
special citation: Carnival by Elizabeth Bear (Bantam Spectra)

2005 --- War Surf by M. M. Buckner (Ace Books)
special citation: Natural History by Justina Robson (Bantam Spectra)

2004 --- Life by Gwyneth Jones (Aqueduct Press)
special citation: Apocalypse Array by Lyda Morehouse (Roc)

2003 ---Altered Carbon by Richard Morgan (Del Rey Books)
special citation: Dantes Equation by Jane Jensen (Del Rey Books)

2002 --- Mount by Carol Emshwiller (Small Beer Press)
special citation: The Scar by China MiEville (Del Rey Books)

2001 --- Ship of Fools by Richard Paul Russo (Ace Books)
special citation: Divine Intervention by Ken Wharton (Ace Books)

2000 --- Only Forward by Michael Marshall Smith (Bantam Books)
special citation: Evolutions Darling by Scott Westerfeld (Four Wills Eight Windows)

1999 --- Vacuum Diagrams by Stephen Baxter (HarperPrism)
special citation: Tower of Dreams by Jamil Nasir (Bantam Spectra)

1998 --- 253: The Print Remix by Geoff Ryman (St. Martinis Griffin)
special citation: Lost Pages by Paul Di Filippo (Four Walls Eight Windows)

1997 --- The Troika by Stepan Chapman
special citation: Acts of Conscience by William Barton

1996 --- The Time Ships by Stephen Baxter
special citation: At the City Limits of Fate by Michael Bishop

1995 --- Headcrash by Bruce Bethke
special citation: Carlucci's Edge by Richard Paul Russo

1994 --- Mysterium by Robert Charles Wilson
special citation: Inagehi by Jack Cady (Ace)

1993 --- (tie): Growing Up Weightless by John M. Ford (Bantam Spectra)
Elvissey by Jack Womack (Tor Books)

1992 --- Through the Heart by Richard Grant (Avon)
special citation: In the Mothers' Land by Elisabeth Vonarburg (Bantam Spectra)

1991 --- King of Morning, Queen of Day by Ian McDonald (Bantam Spectra)
special citation: Bone Dance by Emma Bull (Ace)

1990 --- Points of Departure by Pat Murphy (Bantam Spectra)
special citation: The Schizogenic Man by Raymond Harris (Ace)

1989 --- Subterranean Gallery by Richard Paul Russo (Tor Books)
special citation: On My Way to Paradise by Dave Wolverton (Bantam Spectra)

1988 --- (tie): 400 Billion Stars by Paul J. McAuley (Del Rey)
Wetware by Rudy Rucker (Avon)

1987 --- Strange Toys by Patricia Geary (Bantam Spectra)
special citation: Memories by Mike McQuay (Bantam Spectra)

1986 --- Homunculus by James P. Blaylock (Ace Books)
special citation: The Hercules Text by Jack McDevitt (Ace Books)

1985 --- Dinner at Deviants Palace by Tim Powers (Ace Books)
special citation: Saraband of Lost Time by Richard Grant (Avon)

1984 --- Neuromancer by William Gibson (Ace Books)
special citation: The Wild Shore by Kim Stanley Robinson (Ace Books)

1983 --- The Anubis Gates by Tim Powers (Ace Books)
special citation: Tea with the Black Dragon by R. A. MacAvoy (Bantam Spectra)

1982 --- Software by Rudy Rucker (Ace Books)
special citation: The Prometheus Man by Ray Faraday Nelson (Starblaze)



It has been thrilling to be the chair of Norwescon this year. It has been an honor to work with this year's staff to bring you an absolutely fabulous slate of guests, panels, and events. One of our Guests of Honor is personally very special to me, and the others I am eager to meet and learn more about.

It is very exciting that Norwescon is bringing Mi­chael Moorcock in as our Writer Guest of Honor. He is truly a master in the world of science fiction and fantasy. Robert Gould, our Artist Guest of Honor, has illustrated many of Mr. Moorcock's novels and helped develop many intellectual properties with his company, Imagino- sis. Our Science Guest of Honor is Catherine S. Plesko. She works at the Los Alamos National Laboratory where she studies asteroid and comet impact hazard mitigation. 47 West is our Publisher Guest of Honor and is local to Seattle. Seanan McGuire is our Special Guest of Honor. Also known as Mira Grant, she has released over a dozen urban fantasy and science fiction thrillers since her first book in 2009.

I am especially excited to help bring Anima! X to Norwescon as our Costuming Guest of Honor. I met her around 1985, and have counted her as a friend ever since. She is the most dynamic, inventive costumer I have ever met and is very generous with her knowledge. If you have a chance, go to one of her panels. She is both educational and fun.

There is an amazing amount of stuff to do to put on a convention the size of Norwescon. It takes a team of very dedicated volunteers to make it happen. It is because of them that this convention has grown to be as large and successful as it has over the past 37 years. I can't thank my staff of volunteers, execs, and the Con- Com enough for everything they do all year round to make Norwescon happen.

Staff is vital to running a good con, but you, as at­tendees, are equally as important. If you weren't coming to Norwescon, we wouldn't have the resources to put on the convention. Your support makes it possible for us to reach higher and higher with guests and events. Please remember to buy your Norwescon 38 membership on Sunday for the best rate of the year.

This is my second year as chair, and my last. The honor has been all mine to serve as chair. I have gotten to pick new lifetime members, help pick the Guests of Honor, and generally lead the convention for two great years. Through the good and bad, it has been the experi­ence of a lifetime, and I recommend it to anyone who cares about the future of Norwescon. We always need more staff. We can't do it without new volunteers, so consider taking your love of Norwescon a step further and come to one of our meetings. Join in to help run the best con on the West Coast!

Take care,
Peggy Stewart
Norwescon 37 Chair

[Artwork] Skrayling Tree © 2014 Robert Gould

[Artwork] Dragon In The Sword © 2014 Robert Gould


MICHAEL MOORCOCK is a British writer, editor, musi­cian and publisher, best known or his stories and novels featur­ing the characters Elric of Melnibone and Jerry Cornelius. His body of work contains around 75 novels and countless short stories, and he has appeared on a variety of rock albums, includ­ing several of his own.

Born in 1939 in London, Moorcock began self-publishing his own fanzines - mostly on Edgar Rice Burroughs, Robert E. Howard and Jazz - from the age of ten. In 1956 he became the editor of Tarzan Adventures which published his own Sojan the Swordsman stories. In 1958 Moorcock became Assistant Editor of Sexton Blake Library. In 1959 Moorcock's first professional SF story, "Peace on Earth" (with Barrington Bayley) appeared in John Carnell's New Worlds, which would be the start of a long associa­tion with the magazine. With the encour­agement of Carnell, Moorcock created his most famous character, Elric of Melnibone, who debuted in the short story "The Dreaming City" (Science Fantasy #47, June 1961).

More fantasy and SF stories followed over the next three years, including "The Eternal Champion" and "The Sundered Worlds", which culminated in Moorcock cementing his fantasy legacy with the four-part Elric epic, Stormbringer. In 1964 Moor­cock succeeded Carnell as editor of New Worlds and for the rest of the decade would spearhead the new wave of British science fiction, publishing writers like J. G. Ballard, Philip K. Dick, John Brunner, Langdon Jones, Thomas M. Disch, Roger Zelazny, M. John Harrison, and many others.

Moorcock has written an astounding number of series, including the Elric Saga, the Eternal Champion series, the Michael Kane series, the Runestaff series, the Jerry Cornelius series, the Corum series, and the Dancers at the End of Time series. His four novel Colonel Pyat series, written over a period of 25 years, seeks the causes of the Nazi holocaust. Many consider his Warlord of the Air, part of the Bastable series, to be the first steam punk novel.

Moorcock has received numerous awards in his career as well. In 1967, Moor­cock won the prestigious Nebula Award for Best Novella with his SF story "Behold the Man" (NW #166, Sept 1966). He has also received the British Fantasy Society's August Derleth Award for Best Novel four times (1972, 1973, 1975, and 1976), the John W. Campbell Memorial Award for Best Science Fiction Novel and the World Fantasy Award (Best Novel) in 1979 for Gloriana, British Fantasy Award in 1993, the World Fantasy Award for Life Achieve­ment in 2000, the Prix Utopiales "Grand­master" Lifetime Achievement Award in 2004, the Bram Stoker Award for Lifetime Achievement in the horror genre in 2004, and the SFWA Damon Knight Memorial Grand Master Award in 2008. The London Times named him one of the top fifty Brit­ish novelists since 1945.

Although his heroic fantasies have been his most consistently reprinted books in the United States, he has also achieved prominence in the UK as a literary author with the Guardian Fiction Prize in 1977 for The Condition of Muzak and with Mother London, which was shortlisted for the 1988 Whitbread Best Novel Award.



[Artwork] Tales of the Albine © 2014 Robert Gould

ROBERT GOULD For over thirty-five years, Robert Gould has been involved with the development, creation, and production of art and story for all entertainment media. For over twenty years, Robert worked as an internationally award-winning book designer and illustrator for publishers in the US and Europe, completing well over two hundred cover designs and creating numerous designs for international best­selling books, most notably the works of British fantasy writer Michael Moorcock.

From 1991 to 2000, Robert served as Vice President of the Lynda Guber Organization under a film production deal at Sony Pictures Entertainment. During his tenure at Sony, Rob­ert developed numerous projects for film and television including Dinotopia, based on the inter­national best-selling book by Jim Gurney. Robert was instrumental in all aspects of the cross media development of the property, including script development, production budget, motion platform/site based entertainment, theme park attrac­tions, and a toy line with Hasbro Toys that spanned five divisions. It was the presence of Dinotopia at Sony that motivated ma­jor talents in the special effects business, including multiple Oscar-winning effects producer Ken Ralston, to join the then fledgling Sony Imageworks, now the pre­mier digital effects facility in the entertain­ment industry.

In 2001, Robert formed Imaginosis, a transmedia arts company that strategi­cally develops entertainment intellectual properties and brands. Through Imaginosis, Robert serves as manager, producer, strate­gist, art director, designer, and creative and marketing consultant to his clients. Draw­ing from his deep experience in the media arts, publishing, artist rights and licensing, literature, philosophy, and mythology, Rob­ert has worked with major entertainment companies in film, television, publishing, licensing, and live theater. These companies include: Brian & Wendy Froud, Terryl Whitlatch, Brom, Columbia Pictures, TriStar Pictures, Columbia Television, Lucasfilm, The Jim Henson Company, The Creature Shop, The Walt Disney Company, Sony Imageworks, Sony Animation, Cyan, MGM Resorts, Michael Curry Design, IMAX, Landmark Entertainment, Ride & Show Production Services, Attraction Media & Entertainment, CMS, Hasbro Toys, Simon & Schuster, Harry N. Abrams, Stuart, Tabori, and Chang, Insight Edi­tions, and Noesis Publishing. Robert is the co-producer and co-owner of Faerieworlds and FaerieCon East and West, internation­al musical and theatrical events that attract over 30, 000 guests annually. He is the cre­ative director for Siegfried & Roy Produc­tions and is currently developing themed entertainment and narrative concepts for several international touring shows.



I am a postdoctoral researcher in the Applied Physics division at Los Alamos Na­tional Laboratory. I use the supercomputers there to study what happens when asteroids and comets hit a planet and how to prevent them from hitting the earth. I grew up in northwestern Washington state, where I loved to explore the beaches and mountains with my mom, go on geology club field trips with my grandfather, and was often allowed to stay up late to watch the auroras or look at the planets through my telescope. I first became interested in asteroids and comets as a teenager, when comet Shoemaker-Levy 9 hit Jupiter, and comets Hyakutake and Hale-Bopp made close approaches to the Earth.

In high school I focused on classes in math, science, and languages, especially writing and literature. I was a proud mem­ber of Thespian Troupe 860, a plankowner in the BEHS NJROTC Tiger Company, and president of the debate club. If you have any doubts, I can tell you that I have used the math, science, and communica­tion skills I learned from those classes and clubs almost daily ever since. In the summer of 1997, I was invited to participate in the Earthwatch Student Challenge Awards pro­gram, which allowed me to work for two weeks at the Los Alamos National Labora­tory's Fenton Hill Observatory. This was the first time I had a chance to participate in research astronomy, and I was hooked. In my junior and senior years of high school, I applied to every scholarship I could find, and was awarded enough to pay for nearly all of my college education.

I graduated from the University of Washington in 2002 with a Bachelor of Science in astronomy and physics. While at UW, I volunteered for a variety of intern­ships in order to explore research both inside and outside of my majors. I worked on projects in particle physics, virtual real­ity interface technologies, and even botany.

In my junior year I was invited to work with Dr. Conway Leovy studying impact craters on Mars. During the summers I worked as an undergraduate research student in astrophysics and computer science at Los Alamos. The research I did as part of these internships became the basis of my Ph. D. dissertation later on in graduate school.

In 2009, I completed my Ph. D. in Geophysics and Planetary Sciences at the University of California Santa Cruz on the effects that large asteroid and comet impacts had on the climate of the planet Mars early in the history of the solar system. During graduate school I continued col­laborating with scientists at Los Alamos, and eventually moved there full time to use the supercomputer facilities to finish my Ph. D. research.

After graduate school, I was invited to stay at Los Alamos to study asteroid and comet impact hazard mitigation. As part of my work there, I have appeared on the Discovery Channel and have spoken at sci­entific conferences in the United States and Europe. When I'm not doing science, I en­joy backpacking, cooking, reading, running, shopping, martial arts, and dancing salsa.



Seanan McGuire was born and raised in northern California, which explains her passionate love for creepy-crawly things and her equally passionate fear of weather. She began writing as soon as she figured out that books could be written, having previ­ously assumed that they were some kind of fruit. Her first book, Rosemary and Rue, was published in 2009; since then, she has released over a dozen more, in a variety of genres and under two different names (her alter-ego, Mira Grant, is mostly known for hard and sociological science fiction with a strong medical slant).

Currently, Seanan lives in the San Francisco Bay Area in a crumbling old farmhouse which she shares with too many books, a lot of horror movies, even more comic books, and three enormous blue cats, two of whom originated in Seattle. She spends her relatively limited leisure time traveling, visiting Disney Parks, and lurk­ing in haunted cornfields, where she often serves as a bonus scare for the unwary.

Seanan can be followed online at, or on Twitter at @seananmcguire.

Twitter: @seananmcguire
LiveJournal: Rose-Owls and Pumpkin Girls
Tumblr: Seanan's Tumblr


For avid readers of science fiction, fantasy, and horror, Amazon's 47North imprint offers a wide array of new novels and cult favorites, from urban fantasies and space operas to alternate histories and supernatural horror. Launched in 2011, 47North publishes original and previ­ously published works, as well as out-of-print books in Kindle, print, and audio formats.

This local publishing house will be represented by Senior Editor Alex Carr and Editor David Pomerico.

Web: or
Amazon: 47North
Twitter hashtag: #47north



Nationally recognized as a musician, dancer, and costumer for the stars, Anima! X has been delighting audiences for decades with her award-winning creations. An icon of the 1970s Manhattan punk scene, Anima!'s band Xerox headlined the opening of the Mudd Club alongside the B-52's. After the breakup of Xerox, she went on to form Ani­mal and the Amazons, whose "June Brides" US tour reached such success as to merit a mention in the movie Party Monster. She can be seen in movies such as Sid and Nancy, Crocodile Dundee, and the Woody Allen film Stardust Memories.

As a fashion designer, Anima! is a recipient of the Lifetime Achievement Award from the International Costumer's Guild. Her costumes have appeared in rock videos such as Madonna's "Like A Virgin", Pat Benatar's "Love is a Battlefield", and Def Leppard's "Rock of Ages". She and her creations have been featured in spreads in the Los Angeles Times, the Boston Globe, and Us Magazine, and on shows such as NBC's "Real People" and CNN's "Fashion America".

A well-known performance artist in the 1970s and 1980s, Anima! has received a number of grants for her work, including an NEA fellowship. She is returning to her performance art roots again with her latest piece Bomb, inspired by her father's work with nuclear explosives.

Through her touring company Dream­Weaver Productions, Anima! is now keeping the magic of faeries alive. Since 1990, her shows have been seen at Disney, Six Flags, state and county fairs, and fam­ily festivals across the country. Her hand­crafted, one-of-a-kind fairy wings, crowns, and paraphernalia help children of all ages display their love of Faerie magic to all who see them.

Anima! was a staple at masquerades throughout the 1970s. She then gafiated but returned in 1986 to win just about ev­ery major award for costuming. She was at the second ever Star Trek convention, made her Worldcon debut at Torcon 2, was chair­man of CostumeCon '11, and has worked on a number of ConComs. Now, with her hectic performing schedule, she rarely gets the opportunity to go to conventions, so she is grateful and excited to be coming back to Seattle for Norwescon.


Over the years, Norwescon has developed relationships with many charitable and educational organiza­tions. Norwescon is proud to partner with these estimable members of the Northwest community:

Clarion West

Clarion West is an intensive six-week work­shop for writers preparing for professional careers in science fiction and fantasy, held annually in Seattle, Washington, USA. The mission of Clarion West is to provide a high quality educational opportunity for writers of speculative fiction at the start of their careers. Norwescon provides an annual scholarship to Clarion West's intensive six-week summer work­shop for writers preparing for professional careers in science fiction and fantasy.

Recipients of the Norwescon Clarion West Scholarship:

Kelly Sandoval (2013)
Cory Skerry (2012)
Jack Nicholls (2011)
Jack Graham (2010)

The EMP Museum

EMP, a nonprofit museum, houses dynamic pro­grams, cutting-edge technology, and interpretative-interactive exhibitions focused on American popular culture, including many devoted to the ideas and experiences of science fiction. EMP has three permanent exhibits that celebrate the worlds of science fiction and fantasy: "Icons of Science Fiction, " "Fantasy: Worlds of Myth & Magic," and "Can't Look Away: The Lure of Horror Film." In addition to these permanent exhibits, EMP periodi­cally hosts such exhibits as "AVATAR: The Exhibi­tion," "Battlestar Galactica: The Exhibition," and "Jim Henson's Fantastic World."

EMP Education Programs offers teaching aids to educators on a variety of subjects, as well as camps and workshops for youths. The museum also sponsors the Science Fiction + Fantasy Short Film Festival and Write Out of This World, a short story contest for youths.

EMP is housed in the futuristic building designed by Frank O. Gehry at the Seattle Center.

Science Fiction + Fantasy Short Film Festival

The Science Fiction + Fantasy Short Film Festival promotes and encourages an awareness, apprecia­tion and understanding of the art of science fiction and fantasy cinema. Its mandate is to create a forum for creative artistry in science fiction and fantasy film and recognize the most outstanding short films produced.

Locus Awards

Norwescon is a proud sponsor of the 2014 Locus Awards Banquet. The Locus Awards are an annual set of literary awards presented by Locus: The Mag­azine of the Science Fiction & Fantasy Field, first presented in 1971. The award winners are selected from a poll of the magazine's readers. Norwescon is proud to be part of this long standing tradition.

The awards are presented at an annual banquet, cur­rently held in Seattle. The event draws many local and national fans and professionals. Hawaiian shirts are worn by all attendees, and those brave enough not to do so may find themselves being roasted.

The Locus Awards welcomes all fans of the science fiction community. Norwescon will post additional information about this event as it becomes avail­able.

Northwest Harvest

Northwest Harvest and their nearly 300 partner food banks across the state of Washington provide nutritious food to all who are in need. They strive to be the most efficient hunger response program in the state of Washington, with more than 93% of their budget going directly to food distribution.

Your donation of non-perishable food items to Nor­wescon will help Northwest Harvest fight hunger in Washington State. Norwescon also collects dona­tions to Northwest Harvest during registration and writes them a check for the amount of the donation. Please consider supporting Northwest Harvest in this manner.

[Ad] Rustycon 32

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Future Frontiers

Author Guest of Honor: Timothy Zahn
Science Guest of Honor: Freeman Dyson
Artist Guest of Honor: Toby Froud
Fan Guest of Honor: Duffy Owens

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9kl is an electro-pop group from the Seattle area. The group consists of DJ/producer Bill Beats, rapper/singer/producer Lex Lingo, and rapper Shubzilla. 9k1 made their debut earlier this year at GeekGirlCon's benefit concert. Since then, they have performed all over the Pa­cific Northwest and were a featured act at Nerdapalooza, a nerd musical event held in Orlando, Florida.

Aibhinn (EEF-vynn) has been writing for as long as she can remember, and has a piece of parchment from a small, pretener, prestigious liberal arts university saying that she's good at it. She's been active in the Harry Potter and Doctor Who fandoms, although she's currently on a work-relat­ed hiatus. She teaches math and science at a local middle school and is active in local historical re-enactment.

Alanus of Bunghea
Alanus has 20 years of experi­ence in Nordic studies, has com­pleted a master of arts program in English literature, a bachelor of science degree in biology, and has experience in experimental Nordic archeology.

Camille Alexa
Camille Alexa's Push of the Sky was a finalist for the Endeavour Award and an official reading selection of the Powell's Books science fiction book club. Her poetry has been nominated for Rhysling and Dwarf Star awards, while her reviews have appeared in Locus Online, Portland Monthly, and the Green Man Review. She co­edited the anthology Masked Mosaic: Canadian Super Stories, and her own short fic­tion turns up regularly in print, audio, and online. More infor­mation is available at or on Twitter @camillealexa.

Jason Andrew
By day, Jason Andrew works as a mild-mannered techni­cal writer. By night, he writes stories of the fantastic and occasionally fights crime. Jason's first story, written at age six, was titled "The Wolfman Eats Perry Mason," and caused his grandmother to watch him very closely for several years. Since then, his short fiction has appeared in collections such as Shine: An Anthology of Optimistic SF (Harper Collins), Frontier Cthulhu: Ancient Horrors in the Neto World (Chaosium), and IN SITU (Dagan Books). In 2011, his story "Moonlight in Scarlet" received an honorable mention in Ellen Datlow's list of best horror of the year. Jason has written for Call of Cthulhu, Shadowrun, and Vampire: The Masquer­ade. His most recent projects include Hunters Hunted II (The Onyx Path), Anarchs Unbound (The Onyx Path), and Atomic Age Cthulhu: Terrifying Tales of the Mythos Menace (Chaosium). He is a developer for the Mind's Eye Theatre line published through By Night Studios. Jason lives with his wife Lisa in Seattle.

Dana Andrews
Dr. Dana Andrews has worked in aerospace for over 45 years: 33 for Boeing, 10 for Andrews Space, Inc., and the last three teaching at the University of Washington. He has designed commercial airplanes, military aircraft, missiles, spacecraft, and the current space station modules. His areas of expertise are space systems design, orbital mechanics, safety, and advanced propulsion. Recently he has been working on using space resources and near term interstellar missions.

Steven Barnes
Steven Barnes has published over three million words of fiction and non-fiction, as well as almost two dozen produced hours of television, including Stargate, Andromeda, The Outer Limits, and The Twilight Zone. He and his wife, novelist Tananarive Due, recently pro­duced their first short film, Danger Word. He considers Norwescon to be his favorite convention of the year.

Wolfgang Baur
Wolfgang Baur is the founder of Kobold Press, its publisher, and general go-to kobold. He enjoys Gothic architecture, Venetian mercantilism, and German woodblock prints. For games, he's an omnivore. Wolfgang is the author of the Midgard campaign setting, the Dark*Matter setting, the award-winning "Kobold Guides to Game Design", and a contributor to many other role-playing and adventure games. Baur lives in an impenetrable set of warrens near Kirkland, Washington.

Carmen Beaudry
Carmen Beaudry started her costuming career when she was 14, sewing costumes for a summer stock group connected with the Highline School District. Since then, she has been involved in costuming for musical theater, opera, television, historical reenactment, science fiction conventions, and has recently discovered Steampunk. Historic clothing is her passion, with the early 17th century as her favorite period, and the 1880s a new-found close second. Her historical designs are the result of the study of period source material, both visual and literary, and numerous trips to museums in North America and Europe to study extant garments. Carmen is a life-long member of the Society for Creative Anach­ronism, and in 2006 was elevated to the Order of the Laurel, the Society's highest arts and sciences award, for her work in costuming and costuming research.

[Artwork] Elric (Kickstarter commission) © 2013 P Craig Russell

Bradley P. Beaulieu
Brad is an L. Ron Hubbard Writers of the Future Award winner. His stories have ap­peared in various publications, including Realms of Fantasy magazine, Orson Scott Card's Intergalactic Medicine Show, Writers of the Future 20, and several anthologies from DAW Books. His story, "In the Eyes of the Empress's Cat," was voted a notable story of 2006 in the Million Writers Award. Brad continues to work on his next projects, including an Arabian Nights epic fantasy and a Norse-inspired middle grade series. He also runs the highly successful science fiction and fantasy podcast, Speculate!, which can be found at

Carol Berg
Former software engineer Carol Berg never expected to become an award-winning author. She grew up reading in Fort Worth, Texas, but enjoyed majoring in math at Rice University and computer science at the University of Colorado because she didn't have to write papers. Now, her 13 epic fantasy novels have won national and international awards, including multiple Colorado Book Awards and the Mythopoeic Fantasy Award for Adult Literature. She has taught writing in the US and Canada, visited fans in Scotland and Israel, and received reader mail from locations from the slopes of Denali to beneath the Mediterranean. Her novels of the Collegia Magica have received starred reviews from Publishers Weekly and Kirkus Reviews, using words like "compelling" and "superbly realized." Her newest novel, Dust and Light, will be out in August 2014 from Roc Books. Learn more at

Sheye Anne Blaze
Sheye Anne Blaze grew up read­ing Roger Zelazny and Piers Anthony books that were left around the house by her uncle. She is a gadgety, geeky, queer, kinky, fat, polyamorous, activist type of native. She has a passion for social justice and civil liberties for everyone includ­ing Klingons, Stormtroopers, Drow, and Cylons. She lives in the Seattle area with her husband, daughter, over 800 Heroscape figures (not including terrain), more than 15,000 Magic cards, The Box of Many Munchkins, hun­dreds of video games, and more computers than humans.

Christopher Bodan
Chris is a freelance writer and editor specializing in tabletop games. His credits include Privateer Press, Open Design, Cool Mini or Not, Soda Pop Games, Guillotine Games, and Blackball Games. He did the primary world development for the Wrath of Kings miniatures game. Chris is a member of The Fairwood Writers. He enjoys supporting other writers through the Norwescon Writers' Workshop. He holds degrees in history and creative writing, and while he has done time in a convenience store, he's never had to say, "Would you like fries with that? " Chris grew up in Pennsylvania, but is proud to call Seattle home.

S. A. Bolich
S. A. Bolich is the author of The Masters of the Elements series, as well as many fantasy and science fiction short stories and non-fiction articles in many venues. She had been a military intelligence officer, technical writer, project manager, riding instructor, and teacher, but always a writer, and finally managed an escape from the corporate world to do it full time. She loves his­tory, horses, and mountains, and you will usually find elements of all three in her writing. Her popular Horses in Fiction blog series uses her lifelong experience with horses to help writers get their fictional equines right. Learn more at

Clinton J. Boomer
Clinton J. Boomer resides in the quaint, leafy, idyllic paradise of Macomb, Illinois. He began writing before the time of his own recollection, dictating stories to his ever-patient mother about fire monsters and ice monsters throwing children into garbage cans. He began gaming with Planescape, and he was first published profes­sionally in the award-winning Pathfinder Chronicles cam­paign setting from Paizo Publishing. Boomer is a writer, filmmaker, gamer and bartender. His short comedic films, the "D&D PHB PSAs" have been viewed more than a million times. He is a member of the WereCabbages cre­ative guild, and a freelance contributor to Rite Publishing, Zombie Sky Press, and the Hellcrashers setting. His debut novel The Hole Behind Midnight was released in 2011. Daniel O'Brien, contributor to the New York Times best­seller You Might Be a Zombie and Other Bad News called it "Raymond Chandler meets Douglas Adams by way of a fantasy nerd's fever dream. And it's AWESOME."

Janet Borkowski
Janet Borkowski is a costumer, artist, retail sales person, and a professional psychic advisor.

Jason Bourget
Jason Bourget is currently an instructor of English literature at Douglas College in New Westminster, British Columbia, where he teaches courses on young adult science fiction and cyberpunk. His research at the college focuses specifically on how political beliefs and anxieties inform and structure representations of masculinity in American new wave science fiction, particularly in the work of Philip K. Dick, Ursula K. Le Guin, and Samuel R. Delany. Besides late 20th century science fiction, he is also interested in space opera and other forms of hard science fiction, supernatural horror, the legacy of H. P. Lovecraft, and zombie narratives.

Alan Boyle
Alan Boyle is the science editor for NBC News Digital, the blogger behind Cosmic Log, and author of The Case for Pluto. Among his favorite subjects: commercial space ventures, Mars missions, the planet quest, synthetic biology, Maya archaeology, and Game of Thrones.

Arthur Bozlee
An expert in the private devel­opment of spaceflight, Arthur Bozlee has three decades' experience in aerospace engi­neering. A rather bombastic man, he is noted for outrageous opinions, lively discussions, and a willingness to laugh. Currently, he is in training to fly the XCOR Lynx on a suborbital spaceflight as a flight engineer. Bring your questions!

Camin Bradbury
No Bio Submitted

Suzanne Brahm
Suzanne Brahm is a writer and co-founder of OddRocket publishing.

Mike Brennan
Mike Brennan is a rad kind of guy; mostly gamma and alpha, with a little beta and just a hint of neutron. He is or has been a radiation health physicist, an officer in the Navy, a Coast Guard Academy cadet, a writer of poetry and fiction, a grower of bamboo, and a creator of entertaining panel titles for Norwescon.

Jason V Brock
Jason V Brock has been widely published in magazines, comics, and anthologies such as Butcher Knives & Body Counts, Weird Fiction Review, S. T. Joshi's Black Wings series, Like Water for Quarks, Fangoria, and other venues. He is currently completing several novels, and is the editor-in-chief of a digest called [Nameless]. Brock served as co-editor/contributor to the award-winning Cycatrix Press anthologies The Bleeding Edge and The Devil's Coattails with William F. Nolan (co-author of Lo­gan's Run). His films include the documentaries Charles Beaumont: The Life of Twilight Zone's Magic Man, The Ackermonster Chronicles!, and Image, Reflection, Shadow: Artists of the Fantastic. A health nut and gadget freak, he lives in the Vancouver, Washington, area, and loves his wife Sunni, their family of herptiles, and practicing vegan/vegetarianism. Visit his website at

A. M. Brosius
A. M. Brosius writes fiction and nonfiction, alternate history, political-economic and cultural theory, and about the history and techniques of swordsman­ship. He crochets, invents lan­guages, ties knots, builds armor, and wins tournaments. He can play the guitar, and shout (more or less in key). He is also an amateur historian, with interests in pristine civilizations, Hellas, Byzantium, medieval Europe, the labor movement, Dada, surrealism, lettrists, and situationists. As far as swordplay goes, he is a student first. What he learns, he teaches forward.

[Artwork] The Fortress of the Pearl ©2008-2009, 2014 Michael Wm Kaluta

Jennifer Brozek
Jennifer Brozek is an award winning editor, game designer, and author. Winner of the Australian Shadows Award for best edited publication, Jennifer has edited 10 anthologies, with more on the way. Author of "In a Gilded Light," "The Lady of Seeking in the City of Waiting," "Industry Talk," and the Karen Wilson Chron­icles, she has more than 50 published short stories, and is the creative director of Apocalypse Ink Productions. As a freelance author, Jennifer has contributed to numer­ous RPG properties, including Dragonlance, Colonial Gothic, Shadowrun, Serenity, Savage Worlds, and White Wolf SAS, and has won both the Origins and the ENnie awards. Jennifer is the author of the long running Bat­tletech webseries, The Nellus Academy Incident. When not writing her heart out, she is gallivanting around the Pacific Northwest in its wonderfully mercurial weather. Jennifer is an active member of SFWA, HWA, and IAMTW. Read more about her at

Paul Byers
Paul grew up in Oregon on the shores of the Columbia River, spending endless hours daydreaming and making up stories about the ships from exotic ports that steamed up the river. What secret cargo might they be carrying? Did they harbor spies on dark, excit­ing missions? As an adult, he moved to Las Vegas, just outside Nellis Air Force Base. Watching fighters take off and land from his front porch ignited his imagination with visions of secret missions and speculation about what might be hidden at Area 51. Back in the Pacific Northwest, Paul worked for the Navy and took every opportunity to listen to war veterans swap stories about their lifetime experiences. It is this combination of a passionate love for history, a vivid imagination, and a philosophy of life that boils down to the belief that there are few things in life that a bigger hammer won't fix, that led Paul to become a writer of exciting, fact-based action thrillers. His greatest joy is leaving his readers wondering where the facts end and the fiction begins.

Eric Cagle
Eric Cagle came from the depths of Wizards of the Coast, where he learned alchemy, sor­cery, and basic writing 101 from the masters. Eric contributed to various iterations of Dun­geons & Dragons, the Star Wars Roleplaying Game, d20 Modern, Magic: The Gathering, Warhammer Fantasy Roleplaying Game, Hollow Earth Expedition, and many other titles. He has since moved into the world of video games and mobile apps with a scrappy mobile development company called Lifeform Entertainment, working on creating slick games and toolkits to enhance the tabletop experience. Eric lives in Seattle with his awesome sweetie and mildly insane dog.

Kurt Cagle
Kurt Cagle is a published author of words (both technical and mythopoeic), designer of infor­mation systems and semantic perambulations, future histo­rian, keeper of cats (or at least cat), barrel-wearing father of students (college and primary), spouse of writer of stories of mice, dispenser of of's, sirenophiliac, admirer of steam- punkanalia. Blogger. Theoretical conspirator. Neo-taoist techno-pagan. Proud Neanderthal. Architect (INTP). Caffeine Addict. Kurt's credits this year include "A Scythe of Her Own" in Gears and Levers 2: A Steampunk Anthology (Sky Warrior Books), and SVG Web Graph­ics (O'Reilly Media). He is working on The Chronicles of Lady Jane Doe and The Books of Fae: Antisocial Media.

Jean Carlos
Jean is the wife and manager (or minion) of fantasy artist Rob Carlos. She has been helping Rob with the business side of his art business for over ten years. This has given her a lot of interesting insight into the art community within the fantasy genre. At one point, her husband joked that she knew more fantasy artists than he did! About five years ago, she started The Fantasy Artists' Etherium, or The FAE, to help cross-promote a number of artists world-wide. This is her first year as a guest and she is excited to share what she has learned.

Rob Carlos
Rob started his art career work­ing as a graphic designer for a printing company in Florida, playing D&D with friends, and drawing and painting whenever possible. When the company went bankrupt, he concentrated on his art. He started selling prints on his website and was asked to do some paintings for the Robert Jordan Wheel of Time TCG. In 2001, he, along with his wife Jean and daughter Josalyn, moved to the Puget Sound area. Along with a few licensing projects, Rob concen­trates on illustrating for independent and small press writers and musicians, most notably the bands Tricky Pixie and Everett-based metal band Arisen From Noth­ing. In 2007, Rob started showing his work at science fiction and fantasy and gaming conventions. Rob will continue to draw and breathe life into characters, mon­sters, and fantastical creatures for as long as they keep telling him their stories.

Adrienne Carlson
Adrienne has about two decades of experience in medieval rec­reation, including costuming, archery, and period lifestyles. As part of her involvement in the SCA, she has created dozens of medieval costumes and recently branched into Steampunk and Fantasy costuming. She is an herbalist, and even makes her own tea blends and tinctures. Her sci-fi collection runs to several thousand volumes, but that doesn't stop her from working on her own short stories and novels. As an avid gamer, she has dominated everything from first-person shooters to pen and paper role-playing games. Adrienne resides in the Cherenkov radiation glow of Hanford, Washington, and still manages to travel to most of the conventions and major events within a six-hour drive.

Eva-Lise Carlstrom
Eva is fascinated by new infor­mation about communication and how our minds work (edu­cation, psychology, sociology, neurology, linguistics, influence technology, decision theory, etc. ). Under the business name Teach to Each, she makes struggling readers into skilled and enthusiastic ones. She is devoted to the practice of kaizen (continuous improvement), and for the past few years has been successfully becoming stronger, braver, and gentler. She lives in Seattle with Mickey Phoenix and the rest of her poly family of six. She is absurdly lucky, and su­premely implausible. She has been reading incessantly for the past 39 years, and has no plans to stop, although she'll put her book down for a good conversation.

Alex Carr
Alex Carr is the editorial leader of two imprints: 47North and Jet City Comics. As an impres­sionable youth, he devoured monster magazines, comics, fantasy, and science fiction of all types, and naturally found his way into the genre when he joined the books industry. He has over a decade of experience in a variety of indus­try roles, including editor, book buyer, and bookseller. Alex has been with Amazon Publishing since the begin­ning, having acquired and edited books across many of its imprints, before settling into his role at 47North. He moonlights as a weekly graphic novel and comics con­tributor to the Amazon blog, Omnivoracious.

Brenda Carre
After retiring from her day job as an art educator in 2006, Brenda took advantage of a lifelong yearning to write full time. She now writes long and short fiction in a variety of genres, with a focus on mythic fantasy, urban fantasy, and YA. Her fantasy story, "The Tale of Nameless Chameleon," appeared in the magazine Fantasy and Science Fiction. Brenda lives by the beach on Saanich Inlet in the fabulous Pacific Northwest where the possibility of seeing Selkies does not seem impos­sible. She also writes hot romance as Tess Cornwall. She has her master's degree in Art Education, a second degree in English lit, and was a co-founder of the Lord Byng Mini-School of the Arts in Vancouver. Her blog and a sampling of her stories can be found at

Matt Case
I fired my first firearm at 4 years old and have been hooked ever since. My favorite toy was my .22 rifle until larger cali­bers became available to me. I started teaching firearms safety when I was 12 and worked with a gunsmith in my 20s. I have since moved on to being an insufferable know-it-all (know-a-lot, at least) about guns.

Tori Centanni
Tori Centanni is a nerd girl and author who lives in the Pacific Northwest. She's written about books in local publications, in­cluding The Stranger, where she served as the books intern. Her work also used to appear on the now-defunct Geek Girl Blog, Chicks with Crossbows. She's a voracious reader and prolific writer of young adult literature. She has several short stories forthcoming in various publications, and several works posted on her website. When she's not writing, she can be found drink­ing copious amounts of coffee and wrangling cats.

Anne Charnock
Anne's writing career began in journalism. Her articles ap­peared in The Guardian, New Scientist, International Herald Tribune, and Geographical. She was educated at the Univer­sity of East Anglia, where she studied environmental sciences, and at the Manchester School of Art, England. She traveled widely as a foreign correspondent and spent a year over-landing through Egypt, Sudan, and Kenya.

In her fine art practice, Annie tries to answer the questions "What is it to be human? " and "What is it to be a machine? " She decided to write fiction as another route to finding answers. Anne is an active blogger and reviews fiction for the online magazine Strange Horizons. She contributes exhibition reviews and book recommen­dations to The Huff­ington Post. Her debut novel, A Calculated Life, is published by 47North (September 2013).

Echo Chernik
Echo is an award-win­ning fine-artist, illus­trator, and instructor, specializing in her vision of art nouveau. She is a highly sought-after artist for advertising, packag­ing, posters, books, and games. Her works have appeared at galleries around the world and at stores, including Neiman Marcus and your local grocer. Echo has been interviewed by CBS news and is frequently featured in international art magazines. She recently published a book about her career focusing on educating the public and especially young art students about her profession.

[Artwork] Sailor on the Seas of Fate (Cover) © 1987 P Craig Russell

Charles "Zan" Christensen
Charles "Zan" Christensen is a comics writer and publisher living in Seattle, Washington. With Mark Brill, he created The Mark of Aeacus, an erotic vigilante thriller series, as well as the anti-bullying comic "The Power Within". In 2003, Zan founded the comics nonprofit Prism Comics which supports lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender comics, creators and readers. In 2010, he founded the LGBT comics publishing company Northwest Press, which released its thirteenth full-length project, Rob Kirby's QU33R, in December 2013.

Miss Amber Clark
Amber takes a lot of photos. She is one of the photographers at Stopped Motion Photogra­phy and specializes in fine art and theater, dance, and musi­cal performances. Her spec photography has garnered her several awards. When not at shoots, Amber spends her spare time belly dancing, writing software, being that special kind of masochist known as an "activist," playing games with her family and loved ones, producing cabaret shows, and performing burlesque nationally. She lives in Kirkland with her wife of nearly 15 years, her youngest daughter, and her oldest cat.

Cassandra Rose Clarke
Cassandra Rose Clarke grew up in south Texas and currently lives in a suburb of Houston where she writes and teaches composi­tion at a local college. She holds a Master of Arts in Creative Writing from The University of Texas at Austin, and in 2010, she attended the Clarion West Writer's Workshop in Seattle. Her work has been nominated for the Philip K. Dick Award and YALSA's Best Fiction for Young Adults. Her latest novel is the YA adventure fantasy The Wizard's Promise, out in May 2014.

Lillian Cohen-Moore
Lillian Cohen-Moore is an award-winning editor and devotes her writing to fiction, journalism, and game design. In­fluenced by the work of Jewish authors and horror cinema, she draws on bubbe meises (grand­ mother's tales) and horror classics for inspiration. Her fic­tion can be found in anthologies such as Growing Dread: Biopunk Visions, Maelstrom, and Dangers Untold. Her current whereabouts, projects, and columns can be found on her website. She is a member of the Society of Profes­sional Journalists and the Online News Association.

Myke Cole
Myke Cole is the author of the military fantasy Shadow Ops Trilogy (Control Point, Fortress Frontier, and Breach Zone). As a security contractor, government civilian, and military officer, Myke Cole's career has run the gamut from counterterrorism to cyber warfare to federal law enforcement. He's done three tours in Iraq and was recalled to serve during the Deepwater Horizon oil spill. All that conflict can wear a guy out. Thank goodness for fantasy novels, comic books, late night games of Dun­geons & Dragons, and lots of angst-fueled writing.

Maida 'Mac' Combs
Raised in a tiny mountain town, Mac was always too nerdy and sarcastic for her own good and read too much for anyone's comfort. After running away to the city and becoming her fam­ily's black sheep, she's currently living a decadent urban life with two teenage sons, a couple of cats, and a still impressively large reading habit. She has recently returned to school and is studying com­puter networking and information security. Through an unfortunate inheritance of genetics, she suffers from a laundry list of autoimmune disorders that have made her a disability activist. In her not-so-spare time, she likes to read, hike long distances, take photographs, create random acts of art, and knit odd, geeky things.

Ashley "Nerdtastic" Cook
Ashley is a Seattle-based writer and geeky community organizer. She runs a monthly Women's Gaming Night through Queer Geek! She wrote the story "Biped" for the comics anthology Anything That Loves: Com­ics Beyond Gay and Straight, published by Northwest Press.

Diana Copland
Diana Copland is a published author of several M/M romance novels, the most recent A Reason To Believe. She began her writing career writing fanfiction in the Harry Potter universe and is a self described Harry Potter nerd. Most of her work has a paranormal element, and she is particularly fond of a good ghost story.

Katie Cord
Katie Cord is the owner of Evil Girlfriend Media, a small publishing house focused on science fiction, fantasy, and horror. When Katie isn't working with artists, writers, and editors, she works full time as a nurse. She is the proud mother to three dogs and one cat. Her passions in life are Evil Girlfriend Media and writing.

Bruce R. Cordell
Bruce is an award­-winning game designer. He's worked on Dungeons & Dragons over the course of four editions as a writer and developer (including D&D Next). To date he's written over 100 D&D products, including Gates of Firestorm Peak, Return to the Tomb of Horrors, Expedi­tion to Castle Ravenloft, Gamma World, and the Forgot­ten Realms Campaign Guide.

He's also a novel author. His credits include nine novels, mostly set in the popular Forgotten Realms world. His most recent publication is Spinner of Lies (2012), a sequel to the acclaimed novel Sword of the Gods. He also wrote the Abolethic trilogy (2008-2010) and several stand-alone novels.

Heather Dale
Kick-ass Canadian singer Heather Dale has had a strange career path: she's been a solder-jockey, foley assistant, coffee shop manager, university librarian, and tour guide at a city dump. These days, she is a very happy full-time touring musician. Heather's fantasy- inspired music has won best performer, best writer/com­poser, and best song ("Joan") at recent Pegasus Awards. She and her partner, Ben Deschamps, have released 16 CDs; you can check out their newest (My Celtic Heart) at

DameRuth has a wide-ranging and checkered past involving science, history, fandom, art and writing, and she's happy to talk your ear off about any (or all) of those subjects. She currently works as a technician in a neuro-biology research lab.

Dancin' Dan
Dancin' Dan was born and raised in Danvers, MA, the town formerly known as Salem Village. Sometime in the spring of 1980, his 11-year-old self came across a fascinating show on Boston PBS station WGBH. It was Doctor Who, and a lifelong fan was born. Now, over 30 years later, he continues to enjoy the stories cur­rently made for television, audio, and print. Also, having been to many Doctor Who conventions and cruises, he looks forward to not only sharing his experience as a fan, but also providing insight into the rich 50-year history of this enduring program. He has also enjoyed a lifetime of popular TV and movies to talk about. Oh, and Dan's also one of your DJs and is eager to teach you some dance moves. Let's have some fun...

Tonja Davis
No Bio Submitted

Dave Davis
I have a bachelor's of science degree in Industrial Engineering and over 30 years experience in the aerospace field, involving projects from commercial to the space shuttle. I presently work as a Project Manager on a com­mercial aircraft program. A member of the National As­sociation of Rocketry and a tornado/storm chaser, I have merged these two endeavors into The Glenda Project which launches weather related payloads into storms, sup­plying data for improved severe weather warning systems.

Death*Star, the hardest work­ing nerdcore hip hop group, has returned to Norwescon! We bring you raps about sad villains, video games, online dating, romantic failures, table top tragedies, and hording! The storytellers of the nerdcore scene invite you to enjoy our panels and our performances.

Death*Star is emcees MC-3P0 (Jess Hart) & COsplay (Steve Perry) and producer Bill Beats (Nick Thompson).

Erik Scott de Bie
Erik Scott de Bie is a specula­tive fiction writer, best known for his work in the Forgotten Realms setting, home of his on­going Shadowbane series as well as his contributions to the Co­balt City superhero universe. At Norwescon 2014, he is celebrating the release of Shadow of the Winter King, the first novel in his epic World of Ruin series. His work has appeared in numerous anthol­ogies, including Human for a Day and When the Hero Comes Home. He moonlights as a game designer, mostly in the D&D and Iron Kingdoms settings. He lives in Seattle with his wife, cats, and dog.

Susan DeFreitas
Susan DeFreitas is the dedicated science fiction and fantasy edi­tor for Indigo Editing & Publi­cations. She writes speculative fiction, as well as nonfiction and poetry, and has been featured in over 25 journals and antholo­gies. She lives in Portland, Oregon, with her husband and time-traveling cat.

Ben Deschamps
Ben Deschamps is a Canadian touring musician who works primarily with The Heather Dale Band. He is a lifelong sci-fi & fantasy fan, especially dysto­pian Russian sci-fi, and has even played saxophone in a British space rock band. He and Heather tour full-time across North America and Europe and perform at as many cons as they can each year amongst their other concert bookings.

Nicole Dieker
Nicole Dieker is a freelance writer and ghostwriter and the only member of the band Hello, The Future! She has performed her humorous, fast-paced geek folk at numerous conventions across the country, including Intervention, Norwescon, Consonance, ConChord/ Conjecture, and GeekFest. She is most easily found on Twitter as @hellothefuture.

Lauren Dixon
Lauren Dixon knows how to shoot a rifle. She's written lingeie catalogs for the Army, talks a lot about vaginas, and does not eat animals unless they ask her to first. Her latest young adult novel, Throwaways, hasn't killed her, so far. Her fiction and poetry have also appeared in Scape, Extract(s), Oracle, Barnwood, DIAGRAM, So­journ, INTER, Kadar Koli, and (R)evolve (from Naropa University). A Clarion West 2010 graduate, Dixon edits the 'zine Superficial Flesh, an amalgamation of weird, ab­surdist literature and art. She previously taught creative writing and literature at University of Texas-Dallas but recently fled to Seattle. She holds a Master of Fine Arts in creative writing-poetry from Texas State University and is poised to receive her doctorate in literary studies from the University of Texas-Dallas. Find her online at

Paul A. Dixon
Dr. Paul A. Dixon is a husband, father, runner, semi-retired martial artist, one-time ocean­ographer, amateur mountain climber, and digital marketing technologist. He is also an aspir­ing speculative fiction author, with short stories appearing in Crossed Genres Quarterly, Stupefying Stories, and the anthologies Bloodbond, In Situ, Fish, and Children of the Moon. He lives with his wife and daughter in his hometown of Seattle where he is hard at work on his first novel.

Matthew 'Fish' Dockrey
Matthew is a blacksmith, me­trologist, and generally amiable misanthrope. He makes a variety of kinetic sculpture through the Seattle-area art group Attopar­sec. His favorite materials are steel, brass, and anything on fire.

The Doubleclicks
The Doubleclicks are a geek girl sister duo who sing about Dun­geons & Dragons, dinosaurs, and Mr. Darcy, performing their ukulele and cello-backed tunes at conventions, comic shops, and concert venues across the country.

Nate Downes
A fossil from the beginning of the Linux age, Nate is a found­ing member of the City of Titans team.

Dan Dubrick
Known to many in northwest US fandom since 1980, Kahboi (pronounced Cowboy in English) has been the editor for the H. R. McMillan Plan­etarium's affiliated space and astronomy educational BBS SpaceBase(tm) for many years. At the peak of Fidonet's success, the results of Dan's editing effort were reaching out to over 5, 000 amateur BBS's world wide weekly and a readership estimated in the tens of thousands. Dan has also witnessed space launches as an accredited journalist representing SpaceBase, including the US space shuttle, and on his annual holidays, he can be found prowling the aerospace bone yards of the Arizona desert studying American aerospace history (they still won't let him into the B-52 that dropped the X-15, though).

Tammie L. Dupuis
Ms. Dupuis has been involved in researching, recreating, and teaching historic costuming for over 25 years. She holds a B. S. in anthropology/archeology with a minor in fine arts from Montana State University. Ms. Dupuis specializes in research in clothing and clothing accessories from the late 16th century and is a member of the Society for Creative Anachronism. She is the owner and creative drive behind the internationally known website and has lectured on various historic clothing topics around the US and Canada. Ms. Dupuis lives in Silverdale, WA with her family where she runs an online business and works with clients such as the British Shakespeare Company, The Lost Colony, William Ivey Long Studios, The Metro­politan Opera, Lyric Opera Chicago, The Honourable Company of Pikeman and Musketeers to HRM Eliza­beth II, and various other theaters, reenactment groups, and individuals throughout the U. S. and Europe.

Cheryl Dyson
Novelist, fanfiction author, and obsessed fangirl, Cheryl can be found lurking in Seattle coffee shops or riding the Sounder train digging up fodder for her next story. If you're the guy who hand-tattooed "Melissa" on your forearm, please contact her at once. She needs to know why the hell you would do that.

Amber Eagar
Amber is a veteran gamer and LARPer who has enjoyed participation as both player and staff in many LARPs that run the gamut of styles and genres. Her current hobby pursuits include her work as the "chief cat herder" and business manager for a Seattle area non-profit named LARP Lab and working with several other area LARPers to put together a Puget Sound area LARP convention. She also maintains a couple of academically themed, LARP focused mailing lists and administers and hosts the the U. S. LARP Wiki documentation project. Outside of LARPing and gaming in general, Amber is a confirmed chocoholic, has been known to "kill pixels" at the com­puter or Xbox, enjoys a good tabletop RPG session, and loves to spend time with her cat, Schrodie. Amber calls the greater Seattle Washington area her home.

Cymbric Early-Smith
Cymbric Early-Smith is a writ­er, artist, and educator. After studying physics and astronomy at university, Cym worked 12 years at the Pacific Science Cen­ter Planetarium. Having moved on to become program direc­tor for the Interactive History Co., she now takes great joy in creating programs that strive to interweave art, storytelling, and history for IHC's innovative "Hands- on History" presentations. In tandem with her love for teaching history, Cym strives to write about history in a way that involves and engages her readers, most recently through the twists in time of her paranormal time-travel series: Twinned Souls. All are invited to her reading from Twinned Souls "The Janus Paradox," as Glen and Alyse encounter one time-bending, gut-wrenching challenge after another as they work to prevent MURC's attempts to coerce them into becoming 'history-mules'...

William Elder
William Elder is an instructor candidate at Salle Saint-George in Seattle and also the organizer of Goode's Company of Foot, a 16th-century pike and shot reenactment group.

Elton Elliott
Elton has authored over two hundred published works, including novels, anthologies, short fiction, essays, reviews, ar­ticles, and poetry. He celebrated 40 years of book publication in 2013. His latest novel is Bishop of Rome (co-authored with Doug Odell, MVP Publish­ing), book two in the Nanoclone trilogy. His latest an­thology is Like Water for Quarks (co-edited with Bruce Taylor, Baen Books, electronic edition). Upcoming nov­els include: King of Jerusalem (concluding volume of the Nanoclone trilogy) and Interference Pattern (volume one in the Rip War series), both co-written with Doug Odell. He is currently working a non-fiction book, How to Win at Fantasy Football. The former editor and publisher of Science Fiction Review, he currently heads up a start-up, Vase Software.

Spencer Ellsworth
Spencer Ellsworth lives in Bellingham, Washington. His fiction won the PARSEC award in 2009 and has been published in Michael Moorcock's New Worlds, Beneath Ceaseless Skies, Brain Harvest, and InterGalactic Medicine Show. He has previously worked in wilderness survival, special education, and publishing. He is cur­rently an English teacher, ruining Shakespeare for first-year college students. He plays in local band Pawnbroker and is married to fantasy artist Chrissy Ellsworth with three children of the apocalypse.

Mae Empson
Mae Empson has a master's degree in English literature from Indiana University at Blooming­ton and graduated with hon­ors in English and in creative writing from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, where she received the Robert B. House Memorial Prize in poetry in 1995. She lives in Seattle, Washington. Recent publica­tions appear in an­thologies from Prime Books, Innsmouth Free Press, and Dagan Books, and on-line in The Pedestal Magazine and Cabinet des Fees. Mae is a member of the Horror Writers Association, and of HorrorPNW, the Pacific Northwest chapter of HWA. She is also a member of the Fairwood Writers, a Seattle area writing group which also runs the writing workshop for Norwescon. Two of her horror stories were recently recognized on Ellen Datlow's long list for best horror of 2012. Follow Mae on twitter @maeempson. Read Mae's blog at

Craig English
Craig English's latest e-book novel, The Anvil of Navarre, is an epic tale of love, revenge and sexual identity, available at your favorite retailer. Craig's nonfic­tion includes Anxious to Please: 7 Revolutionary Practices for the Chronically Nice, available in paper, e-book, and audio. His article, "Set Your Writing Free," appeared on the Oc­tober 2012 cover of The Writer Magazine. Craig's latest project, Black Sivan, is a tale of corporate greed, dragons, and mild-mannered Shakespeare professor Harold Swan. The son of a journalist, one of Craig's earliest memories is the sound of a massive black Royal typewriter's keys smacking out a story on a deadline. Early influences in­clude Tolkien, the Los Angeles Times, and the theater. A professional actor for 25 years, Craig's writing is strongly influenced by the drama, ca­dence, and tradition of the performing arts. He is an advocate for each character's strong, clear voice, and he loves sto­rytelling that pulls like a riptide. Visit him at facebook/CraigEnglishBook.

Toh EnJoe
No Bio Submitted

Russell Ervin
Russell Ervin is a serial informa­tion technology entrepreneur, retired Navy captain, adventurer, and aspiring writer. A nuclear submarine officer by training, he spent 30 years on active and re­serve duty, becoming the deputy of submarine rescue during the August 2005 rescue of seven Russian sailors trapped at 625 feet off Petropav­lovsk. Other commands include commander, U. S. Naval Forces Korea, HQ_and chief information officer for the U. S. Navy's emergency management program. He has a degree in electrical engineering and is an avid attendee of Clarion West workshops. He is currently tilting at windmills working with the Veterans Administration to create data sharing channels from the federal VA to the state VAs to help veterans obtain access to their data and successfully transition to civilian life. Russell is home grown --- Norwescon is his home con since 2005.

Erin M. Evans
Erin M. Evans is the author of the Brimstone Angels series, includ­ing the most recent installment, The Adversary (Wizards of the Coast, 2013). Erin graduated from Washington University in St. Louis with a degree in anthropology a course of study aimed at fieldwork, but one that works well for fleshing out fantasy cultures, which gets fewer botflies in her socks. She lives in the Seattle area with her husband and son. Find her on Face­book, Twitter, and at

Jim Fiscus
Jim Fiscus works in Portland as a writer and photographer. After time served as a photog­rapher in the Navy, he free­lanced as a photojournalist for a decade before going to grad school. After completing his Master of Arts degree in Middle East and Asian History, he worked as a medical and political writer in Oregon and has written history books for high school students. His fiction has generally made use of his study of history, both as a source of stories and as the basis for alternate history stories.

He is the Western regional director for Science Fic­tion & Fantasy Writers of America (SFWA).

Lynn Flewelling
Lynn Flewelling is the author of the acclaimed Nightrunner series and Tamir Triad, as well as the Nightrunner short fiction collec­tion Glimpses. Her work appears in over a dozen languages. She is an avid traveler, reader, and collector of otters. She is also a psychotherapist in training.

Shannon Flowers
Shannon has been a geek for most of her life. She and her husband Matt started the Seattle Geekly podcast in February 2009, which had its original run until June 2011. In August of 2013, they had a successful Kickstarter campaign and, as of November 2013, returned to the podcast world. She enjoys reading genre fiction, watching all types of movies, playing video games, reading comics, and playing Magic: The Gather­ing and other tabletop games.

Phil Foglio
Phil Foglio was a professional artist Hugo nominee in 2008 and 2009. He and Kaja Foglio won the first Hugo award for best graphic story for Girl Ge­nius, Volume 8: Agatha Hetero­dyne and the Chapel of Bones. They won the category again in 2010 for Girl Genius, Vol­ume 9: Agatha Heterodyne and the Heirs of the Storm and in 2011 for Girl Genius, Volume 10: Agatha Heterodyne and the Guardian Muse. At this point, they announced they would take a one-year hiatus from this category.

David Fooden
Dave started out in the game industry in 1994, creating il­lustrations for a whole bunch of game companies, including White Wolf Games, AEG, and Wizards of the Coast. In 1999, he co-authored the C°ntinuum role-playing game followed by the Chi-Chian RPG in 2003. He founded Game Company No. 3 in 2011 to publish the board game Oh My God! There's An Axe In My Head: The Game of International Diplomacy, which he co-designed with Chris Adams (Yamara, C°ntinuum). He is also one of the designers of Machine of Death: The Game of Creative Assassination. Dave's current project is Lucha Monstruo, a card game pitting heroic luchadors against evil monsters. Dave resides in Seattle.

Diana Pharaoh Francis
Diana Pharaoh Francis has written several fantasy series, including Horngate Witches, Crosspointe Chronicles, and the Path trilogy. Diana is a lover of chocolate, Victoriana, and sparkly things. For a lot more information about her and her books, visit She can also be found on twitter at @dianapfrancis.

Janet Freeman-Daily
Janet Freeman-Daily is a life­long inhabitant of Washington state, although she occasionally strays elsewhere. Using her engi­neering degrees from MIT and Caltech, she worked in aero­space and electronics product development for more than two decades and produced copious corporate fiction (AKA proposals). Her work has touched on interfacing GPS signals to marine autopilots, communications satellite systems, materi­als science (including co-authoring a patent), planetary science instruments, launch vehicle integration, and bringing broadband Internet to commercial airliners in flight. She now writes science articles and science fiction (sometimes as Janet Freeman) with occasional attempts at humor and blogs about her lung cancer journey, brain science, travel, and anything else she finds fascinating at

Gregory Gadow
Gregory Gadow is an aspir­ing science fiction author who shares his birthday with futurist Buckminster Fuller, comedian Curly Joe DeRita, Nobel physi­cist Willis Lamb, and astronaut Richard Husband. His interests span the alphabet from astronomy to zoology, and he likes to fancy himself a futurist. To outward appearances he is a mild-mannered computer programmer in the financial sector, but this is just a front.

M. Todd Gallowglas
M. Todd Gallowglas has been a professional storyteller at Renaissance faires and medieval festivals for over twenty years. After receiving his Bachelor of Arts in creative writing from San Francisco State University in 2009, he used his sto­rytelling show as a platform to launch his fiction career. He is the author of the Tears of Rage and Halloween Jack series, which have spent time on various bestseller lists. He was a fiction contributor for Fantasy Flight Games and developed creative content for the reboot of the children's classic Reading Rainbow. Now he spends most of his time trying to find the perfect balance between family, writing, Airsoft (because it's not as messy as paintball), and gaming, while he's not off somewhere telling stories.

Burton Gamble
When not in classes at the Uni­versity of Washington pursuing degrees in psychology and soci­ology, Burton is an avid gamer, consumer of sci-fi and horror, and an amateur game designer. He also enjoys being involved in the poly community when he is able to make time.

Stephen L. Gillett
Steve Gillett is a frequent contributor to Analog, most recently with "Isotopy" (March 2010) and "Hanging by a Thread" (May 2010, under his fictional alter ego). He holds a doctorate in geology and has taught at the University of Nevada, Reno. He is also the author of World-Building (Writer's Digest Press, 1996). He has now focused his efforts on the profound effects nanotechnology will have on resource and environmen­tal issues, and has a book under contract on this topic with Pan-Stanford Publishing.

Ann Gimpel
Ann Gimpel is a clinical psy­chologist, with a Jungian bent. Avocations include moun­taineering, skiing, wilderness photography, and (of course!) writing. A lifelong aficionado of the unusual, she began writing speculative fiction a few years ago. Since then, her short fiction has appeared in a number of webzines, magazines, and anthologies. Her urban fantasy novels in­clude Psyche's Prophecy, Psyche's Search, Psyche's Promise, Fortune's Scion, Earth's Requiem, Earth's Blood, To Love a Highland Dragon, and Dragon Maid. Over a dozen of her paranormal romance novels are available in e-book format. A husband, grown children, grandchildren, and three wolf hybrids round out her family.

James C. Glass
James won the grand prize of Writers of the Future in 1991. Since then, he has published nine novels, four story collec­tions, and over 50 stories in magazines such as Aboriginal SF, Analog, and Talebones. He is a retired physics and astronomy professor and dean, and now divides his time between Spokane, Washington and Desert Hot Springs, California, with his wife Gail, who is a costumer and healing dancer.

Vicki Glover
Vicki was diagnosed with OVTAD (Overactive Visual and Textile Acuity Disorder) when she kept dressing up for Hal­loween trick-or-treating long after the rest of her schoolmates and friends had given it up. Finding science fiction fandom and conventions allowed her to unmask, as it were, her disorder, she soon began winning costuming awards, costuming for amateur and semi-pro theater, and finding other excuses to create headdresses out of odd objects like placemats. She now is forced to compete at SF conventions at the master level, and helps others with her disorder in support groups such as the Beyond Reality Costumers Guild. She has the requisite cats and SO, who, each in their own way, help her with her disorder.

John R. Gray III
John R. Gray III has been showing his artwork at conven­tion art shows nationally since 1981. At these, he has received numerous awards, including best fantasy, best color, best use of humor, and most unusual concept. His publishing history includes book and cas­sette covers, a series of fantasy bookplates, CD-ROM fantasy clip art collections, and illustrations in various convention program books and fan publications. He is also currently working as a freelance commercial artist and as a luthier, building custom autoharps. As for music, he played electric bass for a wide range of bands from the late 1960s through 1991, ranging from heavy metal to country, and just about everything in between. He recently became interested in filk, and soon joined up with Starlight.

Jude-Marie Green
Jude-Marie Green's stories have appeared in print, online, and podcast. She recently placed stories with The Colored Lens, Menial: Skilled Labor In Sci­ence Fiction, and Insatiable. She previously edited Abyss & Apex, Noctem Aeternus, and 10Flash. She graduated from Clarion West 2010, and has the tattoo to prove it.

Roberta Gregory
Roberta Gregory is best known for her long career in comics, but she would love to be better known for her fiction, too! Visit

Harold Gross
Harold has previously published in Fantasy & Science Fiction, Analog, other magazines, and several anthologies. While he appears most often as Harold Gross, he's also published collaboratively as Gordon Gross in several venues. Most recently, his novelette, "The Song Giveth..." was serialized in Aethernet. Later this year, the dark fun of "The Wrig­gling Death" will be available via in audio form. In addition to writing, Harold has been caught in live and recorded performances on stage and screen.

Jeff Grubb
Jeff Grubb is an award-winning game designer and best-selling author. He has had a long and tawdry career creating, caring for, and explaining worlds of his own and others' design, includ­ing the Al-Qadim and Spell­jammer campaign settings for AD&D and the original Marvel Super Heroes game. He is also a co-founder of the Forgotten Realms (with Ed Greenwood) and Dragonlance (with Tracy Hickman) campaign settings. His original novels include Azure Bonds (with his lovely bride, Kate Novak), The Brothers' War (surprisingly, all by himself), and, most recently, Star Wars: Scourge. He has spent the past few years engaged deeply in the care and feeding of Tyria, the setting for the best-selling Guild Wars 2 MMO. He lives in Seattle with his lovely bride and two cats.

Bill Gruner
Bill is an armorer and weapon­smith who has traveled exten­sively to U. S. and worldwide historical sites. He has a Master of Science in Education, has been an EMT, has taught sci­ence, and has published articles on medieval metal technology and manufacturing prac­tices. He studies iron metallurgy, Roman technology, Latin, field geology, blacksmithing, metalsmithing, mili­tary history, outdoor education, historical reenactment, Pacific Northwest native language and culture, European martial arts, design and construction of science class­room equipment, and was a OPDETA Leader in the SE He has active memberships in the Freemasons, William Glasser Institute, Geological Society of America, SCL, and is a peer in the Society for Creative Anachronism. His latest endeavor is running the medieval village at the Snohomish Pumpkin Hurl, for which he built a 12-foot working traction trebuchet. This is Bill's fourth year at Norwescon. A good listener, teacher and student, Bill and his family own a small working farm and fabrica near Snohomish, Washington.

Caren Gussoff
Caren Gussoff's fiction has been featured in anthologies and magazines such as Ser­pent's Tail, Seal Press, Prime Books, Hadley Rille, Fantasy Magazine, and Abyss & Apex, and has earned her an Octavia E. Butler scholarship, a Village Voice "Writer on the Verge" nomination, an Elizabeth George award, a Seattle Post-Intelligencer "Geek of the Week, " and a Speculative Literature Foundation grant, among other things. Her third novel, The Birthday Problem, comes out in 2014 from Pink Narcissus Press. Caren lives in Seattle with her husband SF artist Chris Sumption, her cats Molly Bloom and Paul Atreides, and some unnamed dust bunnies. She is everywhere online as "spitkitten."

Julie Haehn
Happy to get a chance at being in front of an audience, Julie Haehn is proud to embarrass herself for your entertainment! Her background of more than 10 years working in the gaming industry has provided fodder for many amusing stories to share. To understand her better, you should understand that at a young age, while watching Star Trek: The Next Generation, she mistakenly thought that the actors were experts in the things they were portraying. This caused her to devote her life to learn as much as she possibly could about everything! Her plan was to grow up and be an actor on the show, and, as you may expect, she was quite put out when the best show ever created was cancelled.

Sean Hagle
Sean Hagle (@drakemonger) is a software engineer for a large online search and advertising company. He works on problems in machine learning, com­puter security, user privacy and large-scale data processing. He has an Master of Science in Cognitive Psychology from one of the top five experimental psychology programs in the world, for work done on computational models of neurological language deficits. He has been polyamorous for over 20 years, and lives with his two wives and two school-age children.

Greg Hallock
Greg Hallock is a computer engineer and space enthusiast.

Matt Hammond
Matt Hammond is a failed slacker and co-host of the Se­attle Geekly podcast. He is also a gamer (both of the tabletop and video variety), occasional writer on geek culture for vari­ous online and print magazines, and voracious consumer of books, movies and television. Matt supports his podcasting, writing and gaming habits by moonlighting as a registered nurse with a specialty in cardiovascular intensive care. PGP Public Key ID: 0xEAlC5009 Key Fingerprint: CC00 340E AFD8 068C E868 CED0 93C7 EC5D EA1C 5009

Jonna Hayden
Jonna Hayden has been a cos­tumer since she was four, sewing dresses for her trolls. Her pro­fessional career began at Orycon (mumble) years ago, leading to a 30+ year obsession with costume design and construction. Her professional design work includes Faust, La Boheme, Carmen, Nixon in China, The Mikado, Pirates of Penzance, and Dead Man Walking for the Euguene Op­era, and Mowgli, The Jungle Book Ballet, Romeo and Ju­liet, Swan Lake, Carnival of the Animals, The Nutcracker, Without the Cover, All You Need is Love, Pulcinella, and Carmen for the Eugene Ballet. She designed William Mastrosimone's productions of Winner by Submission and Bang Bang, You're Dead for the Edinburgh Fringe Festival in Scotland. Additional design includes Eliza­bethan costumes for the Eugene Vocal Arts Ensemble's Madrigal Dinner, and the Eugene Symphony's Yuletide Celebration. As the owner of J Hayden Creative, LLC, she presents on a variety of clothing and costume topics at conferences and colleges.

Rhiannon Held
Rhiannon Held is the author of Reflected, the latest book in an urban fantasy series from Tor. She lives in Seattle, where she works as an archaeologist. Sadly, given that it's real archaeology, no fedoras, bullwhips, aliens, ancient magical artifacts, or dinosaurs are involved. Instead, she enjoys the benefits of not one, but two, sexy professions that don't make you much money.

Randy Henderson
Randy Henderson's humorous urban fantasy Finn Fancy Necro­mancy is forthcoming from Tor, and his short fiction has been spotted frolicking in places like Penumbra, Escape Pod, and Realms of Fantasy. He is a first place winner of Writers of the Future, a Clarion West graduate, and a relapsed sarcasm addict who transmits suspiciously delicious words into the ether from Kings­ton, Washington. Blog: Facebook: randyhenderson. Twitter: quantumage.

Douglas Herring
Although he had been draw­ing and reading SF and comics all of his young life, Douglas didn't discover fandom until 1972, and at that point he was hooked. Ink, watercolors, sculpting, Photoshop, and now crazy things like Zbrush are his favorite mediums. He has been working on a number of HD video short sub­jects of late, both in front of and behind the camera.

Jeremy Holcomb
Jeremy has been making games for ages now, with three CCGs and 20+ board game credits. He has self-published games, founded a board game com­pany, worked for many other game companies, and is now a professor of game design at Digipen, teaching a new generation of geek gamers. His personal quest remains to play every game at least once.

Andrea Howe
Andrea Howe has been adeptly wrangling the written word for more than a dozen years. As a freelancer, she has edited books for such notable publish­ers as Wizards of the Coast, McGraw-Hill, and Random House, as well as for individual authors. Her work has appeared on the New York Times best sellers list. She has been called a "natural," and truly enjoys her work. More information is available at, and you can find her on Facebook at

[Artwork] Elric (private commission) © 2002 P Craig Russell

Les Howle
Leslie Howle worked as the workshop director and co- administrator of the Clarion West Writer's Workshop for 27 years. She worked as the senior manager for education and outreach at the Science Fiction Museum and Hall of Fame for its first three years, and created and managed the Science Fiction Short Film Festival. She is a free­lance writer, photographer, and the manager of a small nonprofit business (Fantastic Fiction NW) that offers writing workshops and coordinates author readings and publicity. Leslie also manages the Youth Media Institute, teaching documentary filmmaking and radio production for teens through a branch of Seattle Parks.

Lucas Johnson
Lucas Johnson was chief writer for the online game Planet Baen and does freelance copy editing, proofreading, e-book convert­ing, and tutoring. He attended Clarion West in 2009.

Ryan K. Johnson
Ryan K. Johnson is an indepen­dent filmmaker living in Seattle who has produced two dozen shorts ranging from parodies to thrillers. His best-known fan films are four Doctor Who fan films with a female Doctor, Star Trek: The Pepsi Generation, and two Mystery Science Theater 3000 productions (all available from him on DVD for cheap! ). He currently is a cinematographer and video editor, and has shot every year of the "Let's Make A Movie" workshop at Norwescon and other conventions. Most recently he worked on the Pulled Prok web series "House of Glass. " His work has been shown on the BBC, TLC, and at the Seattle International Film Festival.

Esther Jones
Esther Jones writes fantasy novels and short stories with her husband, Frog Jones. She's loved writing since an early age, and her first memories include writing and illustrating a story about a village of talking rab­bits. She thought it was genius at the time. She has now come to recognize this as her first episode with author­hubris at a precociously young age.

In her free time, Esther loves reading, fine dining, and drawing. She is by no means the most artistically talented person her family, though. Her brother, Nathan Reed, provided the cover art for Grace Under Fire. She also has an almost unhealthy love of cheeses.

Frog Jones
As a lawyer in Northeast Wash­ington, Frog must deal with a mundane life by writing fantasy novels. He is the co-author of the Gift of Grace series from Sky Warrior Books, as well as numerous short stories. He co­writes with his wife, Esther.

Jonny Nero
Jonny is a chiptune artist hailing from Seattle. A self proclaimed nerd with a specialty in video games, Jonny has been embed­ded into general nerd culture for his entire life. A jack of all trades when it comes to music, movies, podcasting, comics, gaming, and science fiction, Jonny is a lover of the culture and community that grows around his borderline obsessions. When he is not creat­ing original music on old hardware, he is a member of @XboxSupport's elite tweet fleet.

Jen K
After some truly terrible sunburns from falling asleep in Haller Lake, Jen has spent most of her adult life avoiding sunburn. Working in software makes this easier. Discovering Usenet and cons makes it easier yet. Jen emerges from her computer hibernation each January to help make Conflikt a reality.


keerawa is a writer, a vidder, a pod-ficcer, a fan, a level 90 disc priest, a level 12 sylvan sorcerer with a honey badger pet, and an advocate of transformative culture. Zie believes that fans are not "consumers" of media. We are critics, commentators, and creators who make fan­dom up as we go, because story-telling is too important to leave in the hands of the professionals.

Keffy R. M. Kehrli
Keffy R. M. Kehrli is a science fiction and fantasy writer from Seattle, whose work has been published in magazines like Fantasy Magazine, Apex Online, Escape Pod and PodCastle. He is also a working scientist, and in his copious spare time, he edits at Shimmer Magazine. His website is at

Brent Kellmer
Brent Kellmer is a writer currently based in the Pacific Northwest. He has studied Su­merian poetry, delved into the personal letters of George Wash­ington, and taught medieval and military history. He's available for weddings and Bar Mitzvahs.

Kay Kenyon
Kay Kenyon is the author of 11 science fiction and fantasy nov­els. Her latest novel, A Thou­sand Perfect Things, is a fantasy about a Victorian woman's bid for forbidden powers in an altered India of magic. Her most recent science fiction was The Entire and The Rose quartet, including Bright of the Sky, a Publishers Weekly top book of the year. Other novels include The Braided World, a John W. Campbell finalist, and Maximum Ice, a Philip K. Dick Award finalist. Recently her short fiction has appeared in The Solaris Book of New Science Fiction 2; Shine, An Anthology of Optimistic Science Fiction; and The Year's Best SF16 edited by David Hartwell and Kathryn Cramer. She is a founder of the Write on the River conference in Wenatchee, now in its ninth year.

Karen Kincy
Karen Kincy (Redmond, Washington) can be found lurk­ing in her writing cave, though sunshine will lure her outside. When not writing, she stays busy gardening, tinkering with aquariums, or running just one more mile. Karen has a Bachelor of Arts in linguistics and literature from The Evergreen State College.

Sharon Kingsford
No bio submitted

Phoebe Kitanidis
Phoebe Kitanidis is an author and co-founder of OddRocket, with ten-plus years of pro expe­rience in writing and publish­ing. She began as a contributing writer for Discovery Girls maga­zine from 2003-2006. Now a full-time fiction devotee, she is the author of the teen novels Whisper and Glimmer, published by Harper Col­lins, as well as the adult novel Be My Yoko Ono. Glimmer was recently optioned by CBS. Phoebe lives with her family in Seattle and is surgically attached to her Kindle.

Jim Kling
Jim Kling writes about science and the future, but tries not to think too deeply about either topic as he resides near an active volcano. His work has appeared in Analog, Scientific American, The Washington Post, Science, Technology Review, WebMD, and newsletters of the Harvard Business School, among other places. He has also published three short science fiction stories in the scientific journal Nature. Visit his web site at

[Artwork] Stormbringer (spash page) © 1998 P Craig Russell

Klopfenpop has his irons in more fires than is practical. Between music and lyrical composition, produc­tion, mixing, and performance for his solo hip-hop work, as well as for numerous other acts, creating, coordinating, and running music competitions and compilations, and writing tutori­als for aspiring content creators, he probably needs a vacation. And a drink. You should buy him a drink.

Adam Koebel
Adam Koebel is the more-heavily-tattooed half of the Sage Kobold team. Dungeon World is his first published roleplay­ing game, and with a little luck, won't be his last. He's currently working on unofficially converting a number of high-profile and very expensive intellec­tual properties into way-cool roleplaying games to give away for free. Adam digs black metal, Japanese food, and the growing of beards. He lives in Vancouver, British Co­lumbia among the rain-damp pines. He one day hopes to own a pair of ravens who will do his dark bidding.

Dara Korra'ti
Dara Korra'ti (Solarbird, the Lightbringer) is a touring musician and bandleader for CRIME and the Forces of Evil, a supergroup of supervillains and supervillainy performing rage-driven acoustic elfmetal. A self-taught songwriter, instrumentalist, and vocalist, her music has appeared on ARfm London, Transmis­sion FM 88.3 Auckland, and several music podcasts. She plays a number of instruments including the Irish bou- zouki, mandolin, bass guitar, flute, keyboards, djembe, bodhran, and others she makes up, such as "hammered mandolin," "Trash-O-Matic 68000," and "desk." She and her band have recorded two full-length releases and an EP: Cracksman Bet*ty (a collection of alternate ­history Celtic traditionals), Dick Tracy Must Die (their first full-length studio album), and Espionage: Live from Mars, recorded live at the Mars Bar in Seattle. All can be streamed at They're currently hard at work on the second full-band studio album, Din of Thieves.

[Artwork] Page from Neil Gaiman's One life: Furnished in early Moorcock (Elric) © 1999 P Craig Russell

[Artwork] Tales of the Albino © 2014 Robert Gould

[Artwork] To Rescue Tanelorn © 2008-2009, 2014 Michael Wm Kaluta

[Artwork] Demonia © 2013 Lee Moyer

[Artwork] Roland Abendroth © 2013 Lee Moyer

[Artwork] Glorianna © 2013 Lee Moyer

Nancy Kress
Nancy Kress is the author of 31 books, most recently After the Fall, Before the Fall, and During the Fall. Her work has won five Nebulas, two Hugos, the Theodore Sturgeon Memorial Award, and the John W. Camp­bell Memorial Award. She is best known for her stories about the Sleepless, people genetically engineered to not need sleep. Nancy frequently teaches writing at various venues, including numerous Clarions, summer writing workshops, and a semester as a visiting professor at the University of Leipzig in Germany. She lives in Seattle with her husband, SF writer Jack Skillingstead.

Catherine Kyle
Catherine Kyle is pursuing her Ph. D. in English at Western Michigan University, where she teaches contemporary Ameri­can literature. She has a master's in English and a graduate cer­tificate in gender and women's studies, in addition to a bachelor's in English from the University of Washington. She also studied at Frank­lin College Switzerland and Temple University Japan, conducted research at the Kinsey Institute, and worked with several nonprofits, including Teen Talking Circles. She has given talks on feminist narratology and popular culture around the world. Her writing on feminist, and LGBT superheroes has appeared in Colloquy: Text The­ory Critique and is forthcoming in Heroines of Film and Television. Additional articles and reviews can be found in Yes! Magazine, Afterimage, Worldchanging, Three Per­cent, The Hilltop Review, and The Oxford Encyclopedia of American Cultural and Intellectual History. Catherine's poetry, fiction, and graphic narratives can be found in and numerous other publications.

Jay Lake
Jay Lake lives in Portland, Oregon, where he works on numerous writing and editing projects. His books for 2013 and 2014 include Kalimpura and Last Plane to Heaven from Tor and Love in the Time of Metal and Flesh from Prime. His short fiction appears regularly in literary and genre markets worldwide. Jay is a winner of the John W. Campbell Award for best new writer, and a multiple nominee for the Hugo, Nebula and World Fantasy Awards. He will be dying soon of terminal metastatic colon cancer.

Sunnie Larsen
Sunnie Larsen is a life-long performer who often claims that music is her first language. She began violin lessons at the age of three, and over the years branched out into other instru­ments (piano, string bass, gui­tar, viola, and mandolin). As a teenager, she expected she would follow the path of the professional musician and had hoped to establish herself as the principal violist of a fancy symphony orchestra in some exotic world locale... but life had other plans. She now splits her time between her professional life, where she loves her career as a 911 dispatcher, and her personal life, where she is much more of a rock musician than her classically trained younger self ever expected to be. You can find Sunnie performing with Seattle groups Vixy & Tony, Bone Poets Orchestra, and Ship of Dreams.

Sage LaTorra
Sage LaTorra makes games. Mostly because he wants to play them. When not working as a software engineer, Sage designs, writes, and produces tabletop roleplaying games. He's the co­author of Dungeon World and is now working on a new project tentatively called Black Stars Rise.

Stina Leicht
Stina Leicht is a two time Campbell Award nominee (2012 and 2013). Her debut novel, Of Blood and Honey, a historical fantasy with an Irish Crime edge set in 1970s North­ern Ireland, was released by Night Shade Books in 2011 and was short-listed for the 2012 Crawford Award. The sequel, And Blue Skies from Pain, is in bookstores now. She also has short stories published in the anthologies Rayguns Over Texas and Last Drink Bird Head.

David D. Levine
David D. Levine is a lifelong SF reader whose midlife crisis was to take a sabbatical from his job to attend Clarion West in 2000. He made his first sale in 2001, won the Writers of the Future contest in 2002, was nominated for the John W. Campbell award in 2003, was nomi­nated for the Hugo and Campbell in 2004, and won a Hugo in 2006. His short story "Titanium Mike Saves the Day" was a 2007 Nebula nominee, and a collection of his stories, won the Endeavour Award in 2009. In January of 2010, he spent two weeks at a simulated Mars base, which led to The Mars Diaries, a collection of his and his crewmates' blogs. His story "Citizen-Astronaut" won second in the Baen Memorial Contest. David lives in Portland with his wife, Kate Yule. Together, they edit the fanzine Bento. His website is

Molly Lewis
Molly Lewis is a ukulele singer­songwriter and recent transplant to the Pacific Northwest from southern California. Molly's songs range in topic from Mr T to Animal Crossing to carry­ing Stephen Fry's babies for the good of our future gene pool. This is Molly's second year at Norwescon, and she's excited to be back!

Lex Lingo
Rapper, Singer, Producer, and Engineer Lingo has been on the Seattle music scene for almost a decade. At 26 years old, he has played shows up and down the west coast under the moniker "SKETCH" and with such groups as The Future and Sketch of a Monster. He has fine tuned his skills and set a plan in action to take the world by storm.

Sonia Orin Lyris
Sonya likes words. She likes collecting them into decorative heaps of fiction, nonfiction, emails, convention bios, and post-it notes that she wads into balls and throws at people who amuse or annoy her. Some of her decorative heaps have been published; the intrigued percipient may find them in the usual places. Other mo­tivational influences include partner dance, fighting arts, chocolate, and the occasional human. She is inordinately fond of good questions, thoughtful silences, and the mo­ments in between.

Pat MacEwen
Pat MacEwen is a physical anthropologist (meaning bone­freak) whose research is centered on genocide. She has a sordid past in forensics and war crimes investigations as well as marine biology. She has a freakish interest in designing aliens on the basis of bizarre bits of reproductive biology, and gets all heated up over global warming. She also writes sf, fantasy, horror, and mystery, and has been translated into German, Russian, and Ital­ian. Her novel Rough Magic is the first volume in an ur­ban fantasy/forensics trilogy called The Fallen, published by SkyWarrior Books. Her YA novel, The Dragon's Kiss, is the first of a series about dragons, slavery, the meaning of "heart," and the price of real freedom.

Ryan Macklin
Ryan Macklin has been work­ing professionally on tabletop games since 2007, and playing games for two decades before that. He's currently one of the editors at Paizo Publishing, makers of the Pathfinder role­ playing game. Ryan has worked for several companies as a freelance editor, including Evil Hat Productions, Margaret Weis Productions, and Onyx Path Publish­ing. He also produces his own games, most notably the Mythender Roleplaying Game. His games and blog are at, and you can reach him on Twitter @RyanMacklin.

Shahid Mahmud
Shahid Mahmud manages Arc Manor Publishers. Arc Manor started publishing SF/ Fantasy under the Phoenix Pick imprint in 2008. Phoenix Pick started by securing reprint rights to works of authors like Heinlein, de Camp and Chalker. In 2010, the publisher announced The Stellar Guild Series, pairing up-coming authors with veterans. This critically acclaimed venture has published new works by Kevin J. Anderson, Mer­cedes Lackey, Harry Turtledove and Robert Silverberg. Future authors include Larry Niven, Eric Flint, and Nancy Kress. In 2013, Phoenix Pick launched a bi-annu­al magazine, Galaxy's Edge, edited by Mike Resnick with new and reprinted stories and columns by Barry Malz- berg, Gregory Benford, and Paul Cook. Arc Manor also sponsors an annual Writers' Workshop onboard a cruise ship ( with a world class faculty. 2013's faculty included Toni Weisskopf (Baen Books), Eleanor Wood (Spectrum Literary Agency), Kevin J. Anderson, Mike Resnick, Eric Flint, and Nancy Kress.

Nick Mamatas
Nick Mamatas is the author of several novels, including most recently Love is the Law and The Last Weekend. He has published over 90 short stories in venues as diverse as Asimov's Science Fiction, Weird Tales, and Best American Mystery Stories. As editor of Haikasoru, he has edited over 40 novels, collections, and anthologies. The Future Is Japanese (co-edited with Masumi Washington) was a Locus Award nominee, and contained the Hugo Award-winning "Mono No Aware" by Ken Liu. Nick's fiction and editorial work has been nominated for the Bram Stoker Award five times, the Hugo twice, and also the World Fantasy and Shirley Jackson awards.

Katrina Marier
Kat Marier has been costum­ing steadily since the late 90s, when she brought a medieval gown and chemise to the last Westercon in Spokane. With a philosophy of "learn something new every day, " she loves to try, practice, and share new techniques, and especially loves to see new talent emerge. Current interests include steampunk, wing construction, duct tape bodices, kid costumes, and no-sewing costume techniques!

Misty Marshall
Misty Marshall is an immu­nologist by training. She has done research on HIV, gene therapy, molecular mechanisms of memory, serotonin reup­take inhibitors, and neuronal calcium channels for her Ph.D. She is currently studying the immunological synapse in the department of physiology at University of Saarland in Germany. She has been a fan of fantasy fiction from an early age, and is always reading whatever cool new author is intriguing. When she is not sequestered in science, she can be found gardening, singing karaoke, taking pictures, dancing, or out with friends (preferably at cons!).

Edward Martin III
Edward Martin III is an award-winning filmmaker from Portland, OR. He adapted and directed an animated adapta­tion of H. P. Lovecraft's The Dream-Quest of Unknown Kadath, produced The Cosmic Horror Fun-Pak, wrote and directed a 10-minute com­prehensive period adaptation of The Lord of the Rings, and is wrapping up Flesh of my Flesh, a ground-breaking independent zombie action movie. He's also in develop­ment or preproduction for several other feature films, a science fiction series, and a handful of shorts. Visit his company, Hellbender Media, at for more information. Most recently, he's sold stories to Gears and Levers, Making Home, Villainy, and Undis­covered: Tales of Exploration. Join him in the excitement of this weekend's "Let's Make a Movie! " workshop, or at The Fandance Film Festival on Sunday.

Hunter Mayer
Mild-mannered software devel­oper by day, and hacker-fighting independent game developer by night, Hunter's more infamous works can be seen at In past lives he has run with gamers of all walks, across many genres and forms, and has become proficient in many arts and sciences, but a master of few. In be­tween his hours spent on code and game related hobbies, he still makes quality time to help level up two young geeklings. You can follow Hunter's musings on twitter @orionnoir and development blog at, where he occasionally drones on about his love affair with Dwarf Fortress.

Lish McBride
Lish McBride was raised by wolves in the Pacific Northwest. She spent three years away while she got her MFA in fiction from the University of New Orleans, which she enjoyed, although the hurricane did leave much of her stuff underwater. Her main goal in going to college was to become a writer so she could wear pajamas pretty much all the time. She enjoys reading, movies, comics, and preparing herself for the inevitable zombie apocalypse. Currently, Lish lives happily in Seattle, where the weather never actually tries to kill you, with her family, two cats, and one very put-upon chihuahua. She is slowly building her garden gnome army.

Leith McCombs
Leith McCombs is a singer and instrumentalist, and has performed everything from medieval Spanish cancioneros to Mozart arias to Gealic mouth music to occult-themed rock opera. He plays a wide range of stringed and wind instruments, and specializes in creat­ing unique arrangements and accompaniments, some of which you can hear on He also acts, dances, choreographs, and does sword fighting in the SCA. He attended his first Norwescon in 1986.

Angel Leigh McCoy
Angel Leigh McCoy wears the mantles of storyteller, writer, game designer, editor, and audio producer. She founded and produces the fiction podcast at, designs stories for the PC game Guild Wars 2 (@ ArenaNet), and edits anthologies (Deep Cuts, a horror anthology). She has had two recent short story publications, one in the Clockwork Chaos anthology, and the other is a "choose-your-own-adventure" science­fiction romance on (SFWA and HWA active member).

Tod McCoy
Tod McCoy moved to Seattle from Phoenix in 1994 and never looked back, except to make sure it wasn't following him. He is a Clarion West alumni and his work has appeared on,, and The Gloaming, as well as the anthologies Bronies: For the Love of Ponies, and the forthcoming Plans for the Apocalypse. He is also the publisher of Hydra House, a small press dedicated to publishing West Coast science fiction and fantasy, which currently includes the Faerie Tales from the White For­est series by Danika Dinsmore, Snapshots from a Black Hole & Other Oddities by K. C. Ball, Near+Far, a collec­tion of short stories by Cat Rambo, The Twelve Ways of Christmas by Sandra Odell, and Telling Tales, a Clarion West anthology edited by Ellen Datlow.

Tim McDaniel
Tim McDaniel's short stories, most of them comedies, have appeared in a number of science fiction, fantasy, and horror magazines, including Asimov's, Daily Science Fiction, and The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction. His collection of plastic dinosaurs is (or should be) the talk of the town.

Patrick McKinnion
A long-time fan, Patrick is currently the director for infor­mation technol­ogy at a private school in Seattle. Prior to that, he was a field engineer for a regional business to business Apple repair group. He has also done turns with support at ICANN (the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Num­bers), at Weil Cornell Medical College in Qatar (Doha, Qatar), and at the Salk Institute for Biological Studies in La Jolla, California. When not working, Patrick spends time with his daughter, and indulges in hobbies such as the Society for Creative Anachronism, the Royal Man- ticoran Navy, the 501st Legion, various SF & F conven­tions, and other related activities. He also reads, cooks, plays the harp, rides a Can-Am Spyder motorcycle, and has altogether too many Lego sets. His favorite sports are horseback riding and curling (having become an avid curler after moving to the Pacific Northwest).

Darragh Metzger
Darragh makes her living in the world's two lowest-paying professions: acting and writing. Her resume includes stage and screen credits, she has spent the last several years wearing armor, riding horses, and swinging swords with the Seattle Knights. Her publishing credits include plays, novels, nonfiction articles, and short stories, one of which made the StorySouth Mil­lions Writers Award notable stories of 2005 list. She has written seven novels and a short story collection, all available from TFA Press. Check out Smashwords for some of her short story e-books. She recently com­pleted the last book of The Triads of Tir na nOg series, assisted in the creation of a game based in that world, and is cur­rently neck-deep in a nonfiction project. She sings and writes songs for A Tittle Knight Music and The Badb whenever she can. She is married to artist and fight director Dameon Willich.

SunnyJim Morgan
Sunny Jim Morgan is a local artist, working primarily in tex­tiles, and more recently, shoes. A Lord of the Rings nerd since the second grade, she's also fond of the 10th Doctor, those books by Rowling, and her darling husband. Her lord and master, a black and white cat named Simon, diligently supervises all of her work. The new kitten, Kaylee, mostly supervises Simon.

Eric Morgret
Eric Morgret is the festival director and head of program­ming for the Maelstrom Inter­national Fantastic Film Festi­val for the fifth year and the Crypticon Seattle Film Festival for the third year. Eric is co- owner of Maelstrom Productions. With this company he has produced, directed, and edited several shorts and the award-winning feature film H.P. Lovecraft's Strange Aeons: The Thing on the Doorstep. He directed The Shunned House, which is playing at film festivals around the world. He has worked with SIFF, TheFilmSchool, and Strange Aeons magazine.

Morgue Anne
Morgue Anne is a local podcast­er, performer, and horror host­ess in the greater Seattle Area. Hostess of Sex and Death with Morgue Anne (, producer of Starving Art­ists on Parade (, and owner of Morgue Anne Presents (, she is the eclectic evil Queen of Seattle nightlife.

Annie Morton
Annie is an ecologist and evo­lutionary biologist. While cur­rently on maternity leave, she recently served as the education director for the Seward Park Audubon Center in southeast Seattle, where she administrated all education and science programming and taught ecol­ogy and chemistry to high school and college students. Currently, she is studying the evolution of race and con­ducting personal research on the developmental psychol­ogy of categorization. Her past loves include ecological ramifications of non-Earth planetary colonization, fish and cephalopods, using modern forensic science to study ecological and conservation issues, and evolutionary psychology. She is an avid consumer of all things sci-fi and fantasy, is a Browncoat, and knows almost nothing about geology.

Norman Moss
Norman owns a small business and has over 30 years of experi­ence as a machinist, working on million dollar parts. He is a third degree black belt In taekwondo (HTF). Norman is an active member of the Society for Creative Anachronism where he engages in heavy sword and board, combat archery, throwing (knife, axe, and spear), and target archery. Norman is also a U. S. Navy veteran.

Betsy Mott
After nine years of college and two master's degrees (English literature and theater), Betsy Mott decided she wanted to be a professional artist. For more than 30 years, her media portrait and fantasy paintings have been seen in science fiction art shows all over the U. S. Her work can be seen on the Landmark and Great Warrior series of published notecards, CDs, web books, websites, fanzines, and collections around the world. She has been featured in a PBS Northwest Profiles segment. She is a part-time member of ASFA, a fourth-generation native of Spokane, a Mensan, and a lifetime member of the Mayflower Society. She runs, and is part owner (with her brother and sister) of The Corner Door Fountain and Books in historic downtown Millwood, Washing­ton, where her fully furnished, if somewhat cluttered, art studio is located. Her hobbies include role playing games, kayaking, researching obscure subjects, and play­ing trumpet in local pit orchestras and wind ensembles.

Lee Moyer
Lee Moyer is a Chesley Award winning illustrator, designer, and art director from Port­land, Oregon, whose curious penchant for bizarre Kick­starter projects has been much remarked upon (featured in Forbes). His work has been included in many Spectrum annuals, A Lovecraft Retrospective: Artists inspired by H. P. Lovecraft, d'artiste Digital Painting, Communication Arts and Design Graphics magazines, and at the Society of Illustrators, the National Zoo, and the Smithsonian Institution's Natural History Museum. Covers: Iain M. Banks, Mary Robinette Kowal, M. K. Hobson, Philip Jose Farmer, Marion Zimmer Bradley, Michael Bishop, Mark Hodder, Edgar Pangborn, Jack McDevitt, Alan Moore, H. P. Lovecraft, Joe Haldeman, Tad Williams, and Raymond Chandler. Posters: The Call of Cthulhu, Tori Amos, Alfred Hitchcock, J. R. R. Tolkien, David Sedaris, Mo Willems, Athol Fugard, Stephen Sondheim, Andrew Lloyd Webber, Andre 3000, John Mellencamp, and Stephen King. Known associates: inveterate cattle-rustler Keith Baker (Eberron, Gloom, The Doom that Came to Atlantic City, The Ebon Mirror, At Your Service, En Route, Space Pirates, Power Brokers); that auteur of the unlikely, Michael Swanwick (A Geography of Un­known Lands, The Best of Michael Swanwick, Dismembrance); annotator horribilis Kim Newman (Diogenes Club series); mad, bad, and dangerous to know, Caitlin R. Kiernan (Two Worlds and In Between, Confessions of a Five Chambered Heart, etc. ); surprising little spitfire Elaine Lee (Starstruck, Honey West Series); mentor and dementor, Michael Wm. Kaluta (Starstruck, Tom Strong's Terrific Tales, The Abyss), sardonic and ironic Rob Heinsoo (Dungeons & Dragons, 13th Age), and moonstruck playwright Jeff Goode (Dracula Rides Again, Love Loves a Pornographer, and Marley's Ghost). Lee collaborated with Peter S. Beagle, Ray Bradbury, Patricia Briggs, Jim Butcher, Jacqueline Carey, Neil Gaiman, Charlaine Har­ris, Robin Hobb, N. K. Jemisin, George R. R. Martin, Terry Pratchett, and Patrick Rothfuss for "Check These Out," his 2013 literary pin-up calendar. Also, he plays a mean game of anagrams.

Marta Murvosh
Marta Murvosh is a teen librar­ian and fiction writer who still commits nonfiction on occasion (in her former life, she was an award-winning journalist). She works for a regional library sys­tem exposing the young at heart to the wonders of books, information, research, and technology. Marta's recent publication credits include national trade magazines. She loves a good fictional apocalypse. Marta blames her love of speculative fiction on her parents, who exposed her to the lunar landings, Star Trek reruns, and Planet of the Apes.

David Nasset, Sr.
No bio submitted.

Chris Nilsson
Chris has been hanging out in fandom since the first time he walked into the D&D gam­ing store in Moscow, Idaho, in 1978. He has helped run SF conventions since 1980, married an artist, and raised two kids in fandom. Chris works as an IT and systems specialist for a global software company, and has been in software IT for more than 25 years. As a panelist for Rustycon and Norwescon, Chris has been a moderator many times, and he has been happy to step in and help out in many topics. To put it in his own words: "I have an opinion and I'm not afraid to use it." Chris lives in Edmonds, Washington, with his wife, daughter, five cats, and seven cages of birds. Look for the top hat with the red dragon on the brim and expect an interesting conversation.

G. David Nordley
G. David Nordley is the pen name of Gerald David Nordley, an author and astronautical en­gineer. A retired Air Force offi­cer, he has extensive experience in spacecraft systems operations, engineering, and testing, as well as research in advanced spacecraft propulsion. As an author, Gerald is a past Hugo and Nebula award nomi­nee as well as a four-time winner of the Analog Science Fiction and Science Fact annual AnLab reader's poll. His latest novel is To Climb a Flat Mountain, from His latest book is a collection of short stories concerning Mars titled After the Vikings. He lives in Sunnyvale, California, with his wife, a retired Apple programmer. (

Mimi Noyes
Convinced as a child that she was left on this planet by aliens and picked off the street by a kind lady who became her mother, Mimi has always been a bit different. Naturally drawn to the bizarre, fantastic, and downright peculiar, she has grown up (physically, if not mentally) to be an artist, muralist, film buff, and conven­tion runner, among other odd and less desirable career choices. She is also obsessed with Sherlock fandom, writing Sherlock fanfiction, and running the annual con­vention Sherlock Seattle. Both running her own mural company and working for such illustrious film sources as SIFF and Scarecrow Video, Mimi spends an inordinate amount of time being silly and adding sound effects to everyday life. Approach at your own risk.

Brian D. Oberquell
As one of the top "go-to" pyrotechnicians in the Vancouver, British Columbia, area, Brian continues to experience the full range of stage and out­door events. Not many people would be willing to admit to being sprayed with foam from a giant penis while doing their job, but Brian will. While providing his technical expertise to companies such as GFA Pyro, Fireworks Spectaculars Canada, and Archangel Fireworks, he's enjoyed producing his audience-inspiring spectacles at recent shows such as the World Model United Nations, Celebration of Light, Rammstein, and Skrillex. Brian has also been known to help finance friends making trips to Burning Man, but it's not something he plans on making a regular habit. Brian's favorite quote is: "The difference between a pyrotechnician and a pyromaniac is that pyrotechnicians get paid."

Margaret Organ-Kean
Margaret Organ-Kean is a pro­fessional watercolorist living in West Seattle with her husband and two cats, the Helpful Cat and the Kitten of Assistance. She has worked for various publications and publishers, and shows at Krab Jab Studio in Georgetown.

Michael Ormes
Michael has a diverse and dynamic set of interests limited (largely) by time and focused (somewhat) by current projects. An avid reader of science fiction since discovering the genre in his high school library, Michael learned to pace himself after running out of readily avail­able SF novels later that same year. Although Michael would describe himself as a computer programmer, a full account of his career would include four continents and involve most aspects of the software industry with vari­ous side trips into other areas.

Jeliza Patterson-McGuire
Jeliza splits her time between designing photo books in the wedding industry, making fine art reproductions for other artists, and (when possible) making art herself. She lives in Shoreline, Washington, with her triad of more than 12 years, their children, and several cats.

Frances Pauli
Frances Pauli writes across multiple genres. Her work is speculative, full of the fantastic, and quite often romantic at its core. Whenever possible, she enjoys weaving in a little humor. Once upon a time she was a visual artist, but she has since come to her senses. Now she fills her minuscule amount of free time with things like crocheting, belly-dancing, and abysmal ukulele playing.

Alan Paulsen
Actor, author, soldier, cop. Alan's adventures and misad­ventures have included fighting forest fires, exploring pyramids in the Middle East, investigat­ing homicides, parachuting out of perfectly good airplanes, act­ing in film and television, and a range of others. An avid horseman, Alan is currently training with his horse Lady Jane for the upcoming jousting season.

Michael 'Tinker' Pearce
Michael 'Tinker' Pearce lives in Seattle with his wife Linda. He is a well-known sword maker, author of The Medieval Sword in the Modern World, and co­-author of The Shield Maiden, Tyr's Hammer, and Diaries of a Dwarven Rifleman. Michael is a student of historical European martial arts and has worked as a choreogra­pher and consultant.

Brooks Peck
Brooks Peck is a curator at EMP Museum, where he has created exhibitions about Battlestar Galactica, Avatar, science fiction and space-themed album art, and more. His current show is "Icons of Science Fiction", which explores some of the genre's biggest "what if? " questions as answered in novels, stories, movies, television, and games. He moonlights as a screenwriter and has written two Syfy Channel original films: Rage of the Yeti and Zombie Apocalypse.

David J. Peterson
David J. Peterson is the creator of the Dothraki language for HBO's Game of Thrones series, and the alien language and culture consultant for SyFy's original series Defiance. He re­ceived a BA in linguistics from UC Berkeley in 2003, and an MA in linguistics from UC San Diego in 2005. He's been creating languages recreationally since 2000, and currently serves as the president of the Language Creation Society, a 501(c)3 nonprofit dedicated to promoting the art and science of language creation.

Mickey "Meowse" Phoenix
Mickey is taller than a speed­ing bullet, more absurd than a locomotive, and able to leap to conclusions in a single bound. He has recently acquired a house and become a cyborg (separately). His hobbies include WoW, fitness, guitar, and a one-percent remainder comprising cooking, writ­ing, singing, reading, poetry, gratuitous optimization, canoeing, hiking, and using "comprise" correctly. His intention for his children is that they grow up to be compassionate, communicative bibliophibians. A rabid Bokononist, his personal foma include his own inordi­nate luck, pronoia, and the certainty that everyone is doing the best they can with the tools and knowledge they possess. His core practice is Kaizen. Mickey knows a little bit about nearly everything and is eager to learn more from you. Speak!

[Artwork] Elric and the Dreaming City (cover) © 1980 P Craig Russell

Wednesday Phoenix
Wednesday is a huge fan of communication and compas­sion. Throughout her years of being a panelist and fan she has developed many opinions about writing, psychology, alternative lifestyles, relationships, human­ity, and acceptance. She practices Kaizen and believes that aside from the constant growth that entails, the most valuable thing she can do with her time is to help other people become happier, healthier individuals. In her free time she is a member of two bands, a big sister twice over, a novelist (having completed NaNoWriMo two years in a row), a significant other, and a beginning costumer. She currently lives in a big house full of her beloved family members and attends SCCC as the first step to getting her master's in psychology.

John Picacio
John Picacio is a two-time Hugo Award-winning illustra­tor of science fiction, fantasy, and horror. His artwork is noted for its diversity and range, often combining tradi­tional drawing and painting with digital finishes, as well as exploring other mediums such as mixed-media assemblages. His works have illus­trated the covers of books by Michael Moorcock, Harlan Ellison, Robert Silverberg, L. E. Modesitt, Jr., Dan Simmons, Joe R. Lansdale, Jeffrey Ford, Frederik Pohl, James Tiptree, Jr., Mark Chadbourn, and many more. He has produced cover artwork for franchises such as Star Trek and the X-Men, as well as much-heralded work for Michael Moorcocks Elric of Melnibone and George R. R. Martin's A Song of Ice and Fire properties. John's clients include Ballantine/Del Rey, Bantam, HarperCol­lins, Simon & Schuster, Pocket Books, Tor Books, Pyr, Subterranean Press, Scholastic Books, and many more. His accolades include the World Fantasy Award, the Lo­cus Award, seven Chesley Awards, and two International Horror Guild Awards, all in the artist category. In 2012, he launched Lone Boy, where he produces and publishes his creator-owned projects. His first major Lone Boy venture is Loteria --- a contemporary re-engineering of the classic Mexican game of chance, featuring 54 iconic new artworks, to be released in 2014.

J. A. Pitts
J. A. Pitts resides in the Pacific Northwest where he hunts dragons, trolls, and other beasties among the coffee shops and tattoo parlors.

David Pomerico
David Pomerico has been in science fiction and fantasy pub­lishing since 2007, starting as an editorial assistant at Bantam Spectra, working as an associate editor for Del Rey Spectra, and currently employed as an acqui­sitions editor at 47North. He grew up on a steady diet of science fiction, fantasy, horror, and mac & cheese, and loves all of them equally. As an editor, he's particularly interested in space opera, epic fantasy, dystopian and post-apocalyptic SF, military SF, and urban fantasy.

Jonnalyhn Wolfcat Prill
Wolfcat's fascination with sci­ence fiction and fantasy began before she started school, with her father's Asimov and Hein­lein books. She has expanded over the years to hundreds of authors on her bookshelves, art for walls, music, RPGs, figurines, and costumes. Her mother started her sew­ing with basic embroidery, quilting, and straight seams in 1972. She has progressed to medieval recreations, science fiction costumes, full-bore fantasy competition pieces, and performing on stage. One thing she enjoys about costuming is the challenge of learning and master­ing a new technique with each piece, then sharing it with others. Besides anime wings of unusual materials and Victorian-inspired clothing, her latest new area of exploration is with ball-jointed dolls, baby girl outfits, quiet books, and digitigrade costuming.

Donna Prior
Sparkly princess of social media and community management. Gamer, geek, future wife of Wedge coordinator for ArenaNet. Events Manager @GreenRoninPub. Lives on Twitter: @_Danicia_ BUSY BUSY GIRL.

Melissa Quinn
Melissa Quinn graduated from the University of Washington with an art degree in 1993 with the intention of becoming a book illustrator. However, that all changed after she attended her first science fiction conven­tion and was introduced to costuming. After creating her first few costumes for local conventions, she decided to change her career goals and focus on creating quality one- of-a-kind costumes. To aide in this endeavor she returned to school and earned a certificate in fashion design from the New York Fashion Academy. After completing the program, Melissa opened Faerie Fingers Custom Cos­tumes and Event Apparel in Seattle, Washington, where she has spent the last 15 years creating costumes and unique event attire for clients around the country.

Amy Raby
Amy Raby is the fantasy ro­mance author of Assassin's Gam­bit, Spy's Honor, and Prince's Fire. She is literally a product of the U. S. space program, since her parents met working for NASA on the Apollo missions. After earning her bachelor's in computer science from the University of Washington, Amy settled in the Pacific Northwest with her family, where she's always look­ing for life's next adventure, whether it's capsizing tiny sailboats in Lake Washington, training hunting dogs, or riding horseback. Amy is a Golden Heart finalist and a Daphne du Maurier winner.

Kevin Radthorne
Kevin Radthorne is an author and illustrator whose illustra­tions have appeared on book covers, web sites, trading card games, and at art show displays at science fiction and fantasy conventions. The world inside his head is full of color and light, and the artwork he cre­ates is but a reflection of what he finds inside there. His written characters, both honorable and devious, popu­late his series of Asian-themed fantasy novels, The Tales of Tonogato. At Kevin's website,, one can peruse a complete first chapter from one of his books and view his art gallery.

Mark Rahner
Mark Rahner is a comic book author, journalist, podcaster and talk radio host. His com­ics include Army of Darkness/Reanimator, Dejah Thoris and the Green Men of Mars, Vampirella, Green Hornet, Lord of the Jungle, and the acclaimed zombie-western, Rotten. His weekly Special Ops podcast is part of BJ Shea's Geek Nation on KISW and he is a host on KIRO news/talk radio. Rahner was a longtime pop culture writer and critic at The Seattle Times, and was on the team that won the 2010 Pulitzer for breaking news.

Cat Rambo
Cat Rambo lives, writes, and teaches in the Pacific North­west, with three collections to her credit so far. Her latest col­lection is Near + Far, available from Hydra House, which con­tains Nebula-nominated "Five Ways to Fall in Love on Planet Porcelain." She has edited award-winning Fantasy Magazine as well as upcoming military fantasy anthology Monster Corps, and has taught for Bellevue College, Towson State, and Johns Hopkins. She will teach at the Cascade Writers Workshop in 2014. You can find links to her fiction and information about her online classes at

Kat Richardson
Kat Richardson is the bestsell­ing author of the Greywalker paranormal detective novels. She lives in the wilds of Kitsap County with her husband and two dogs where they hunt yetis. They haven't caught one yet, but they're still looking.

Dr. Ricky
Dr. Ricky is the nom de plume of a working research scientist with a passion for science edu­cation outreach, and the science and impact of food on culture and evolution. He blogs at and is active on Twitter at @drricky.

Kim Ritchie
Kim Ritchie is a member of the Fairwood Writers group.

Chasing River
Chasing River is a geek girl who stumbled across a passion for writing and hasn't looked back. She writes both original and fan fiction, and also enjoys creat­ing podfic (audio versions) of her works. Originally from the cold, wet island of England, she thrives in the damp Seattle area that she now calls home.

Jon Rogers
A 30-year professional aero­space engineer on the Apollo Space Shuttle and numerous satellite projects, Jon also wit­nessed the evolution of science fiction on radio and TV as one of its earliest fans and contributors. A recognized authority on classic sci-fi spaceships and their stories, Jon's books include The Spaceship Handbook and The Saucer Fleet. He has written many articles about science fiction and spaceflight and spoken at NAR, AAS and Worldcon conventions. He has been a featured guest on programs such as Mike Hodel's Hour 25 and Dr. David Livingston's The Space Show. An enthusiastic advocate for spaceflight and the future, Jon's unique personal involvement gives him a fascinating perspective on our real and imaginary future on Earth and in space.

Bethany Roullett
Man, do I love costumes. I've been doing them all my life, since I played dress up as a little kid. I love pretty clothes from all historical periods, and I also really enjoy recreating specific pieces, from fancy medieval dresses to fancy movie dresses. If you see me at con, I hope I'm wearing something pretty, and if you want some advice on how to make something pretty for your­self, I'm totally willing to help you out.

Dylan S.
Dylan S. has worked, full- time, as a contract artist doing paint-masters for collectible miniatures games for several years. He has worked primarily for Wizkids and Wizards of the Coast on a wide range of games, including; MageKnight, Mechwarrior, Dungeons & Dragons, and Star Wars games and expansions. His job is to paint the 'master' figure, which is sometimes used for packaging, posters, advertisements and display online, but primarily the master is what the mass production figures are based on. Dylan is much more than just a miniature gaming grognard, he's been a gamer and a geek for his entire life, from D&D to comic books, Warham­mer 40K to World of Warcraft. Reared on pop culture from day one, his ultra geeky parents ensured he had a diverse education in the nerdy arts.

Ken Scholes
Ken Scholes is a Pacific North­west original, breaking into print first with short stories and later with his award winning series The Psalms of Isaak. Ken's eclectic background includes time spent as a preacher, sailor, soldier, musician, label gun repairman, nonprofit execu­tive, and government procurement analyst. He lives in Saint Helens, Oregon with his wife and twin daughters. Ken invites readers to look him up at

Mickey Schulz
Mickey Schulz is a lifelong geek and creator and editor of the Web sites and She has gamed for over 20 years and collects comics, action figures and books. She lives in Shore­line, WA with a husband, several roommates, and a small horde of cats. She probably thinks you're pretty neat.

Gary Schwartz
Gary Schwartz is an award­winning TV and film actor, director, comedian and a master improvisational acting coach whose 30 years as a performer and improv teacher have helped transform the lives of thousands of people, both on- and off-screen. It was Gary's 18-year association with world-renowned theater educator and author Viola Spolin (famous for training the very first improvisational theater troupe in the U. S. which led to the creation of today's well-known Second City improv troupe) that provided the foundation for his work today. In 1988 Gary co-founded the Spolin Players improv troupe (, and he is the only master teacher to have ever earned an endorsement from both Viola Spolin and her son, the legendary original director of Second City, Paul Sills. Originally from New York state, Gary began his professional career as a mime at age 13, performing up and down the Hudson River with Pete Seegar, Arlo Guthrie and other great folk entertain­ers of the 60s. In the 70s and 80s he appeared in numer­ous film and television projects including the Oscar-winning feature film Quest for Fire and 65 episodes of the Emmy-winning TV series Zoobilee Zoo, with Ben Vereen. Since then, as a voice actor, Gary has gone on to work with Robert Redford, Barbra Streisand, Tim Burton, Kenneth Brannagh and many other well-known directors. Details of his extensive acting career are avail­able at (

Today, Gary is a passionate, dynamic improv coach and facilitator. He is the founder of Improv Odyssey, an exciting approach to changing the way people work and play, entirely based on Spolin's techniques. He served on the council of the newly formed Actors Guild SAG- AFTRA, Seattle branch, and is the founder and artistic director of the Seattle area Valley Center Stage Com­munity Theater. Currently, Gary resides in North Bend, Washington. He is founder of The Valley Center Stage, North Bend's Community Theater. He teaches theater games locally and around the world. He also teaches act­ing for animation and writes on Spolin's work.

Kevin Scott
Kevin Scott is a founder of OddRocket, a Seattle indie e-publisher. He writes mischief for grownups and adventures for teens. His novel Shackled is far from the first inappropriate tale he has invented, and there are further dark imaginings to be released this year.

John Seghers
John Seghers is a founding mem­ber of the Conflikt ConCom. Running sound for the North­west's regional filk convention provided him with the excuse to indulge his hobby and acquire the many toys he uses to help make our musicians heard. You'll often find him at the sound board for concerts by many artists in the North­west such as Vixy and Tony, Tricky Pixie, and Marian Call. John is also a developer of games on mobile devices.

Mike Selinker
Mike is the president and lead designer at the Seattle game and event studio Lone Shark Games. His game designs in­clude the Pathfinder Adventure Card Game, Risk Godstorm, Lords of Vegas, and many other board and card games. His puzzles appear in The New York Times, Games magazine, and Wired. He runs a happy little studio of mercenary designers and creatives. Mike enjoys inappropriately priced pancakes, appropri­ate surprises, and callbacks.

Victoria Shaffer
Victoria Shaffer is a compul­sive costumer whose thrift-fu is mighty, and who believes that any outfit can always be improved with the addition of at least 10 additional yards of lace or trim. She has an absurd preference for sleeves that trail the ground a yard behind her, and puts beads on almost everything. She has almost as many fabric remnants as she does books, consistently loses her scissors, and has many random thoughts at odd hours, the first collection of which was published as a book of poetry in March 2009. She can be found in the general environs of Seattle, peddling her shinies and stories.

Nisi Shawl
Nisi Shawl's collection Filter House was a 2009 Tiptree winner; her stories have been published at Strange Horizons, in Asimov's SF Magazine, and in several anthologies including Mojo: Conjure Stories and both volumes of Dark Matter. Shawl was WisCon 35's Guest of Honor. She co-edited Strange Matings: Science Fic­tion, Feminism, African American Voices, and Octavia E. Butler. She edited The WisCon Chronicles S: Writing and Racial Identity and Bloodchildren: Stories by the Octavia E. Butler Scholars, and currently edits reviews for The Cascadia Subduction Zone. Shawl co-authored Writing the Other: A Practical Approach. She co-founded the Carl Brandon Society and serves on the board of direc­tors for Clarion West. Her Web site is

Lisa Sherman
Lisa Sherman has been working professionally in film and video production for over 30 years. She is an award winning film­maker, who started Media FX Video Production in Portland, Oregon in 1994. Lisa has a B. A. in film/TV production from the University of Southern California, and has experience working at TV stations, film companies, and ad agencies over the years. She also occasionally teaches directing, screen writing and video production at Portland Community College.

Patrick Sherman (aka "Lucidity")
A member of the Roswell Flight Test Crew, Patrick Sherman (aka "Lucidity") possesses the same degree of technical acu­men as half a ton of igneous rock. The only thing he could do with a soldering iron is hurt himself. When it's time to repair one of the crew's home-built drone aircraft (usually his own) he stands back shouting encourage­ment and rummaging through cardboard boxes looking for spare parts while Brian Zvaigzne (aka "Techinstein") does all the work. Having narrowly escaped a job as newspaper reporter and photographer, he now works in strategic communications. A certified private pilot and master scuba instructor, he holds undergraduate degrees in sociology and English from the University of South­ern California, as well as an MBA from Willamette University.

Ann Shilling
Ann Shilling has spent sev­eral years riding, jousting, and swinging swords with the Seat­tle Knights, and has also logged countless hours on horseback compiling a list of King County horse trails, riding in wagon trains, and investigating the country-sides of Europe from the saddle. She has also ridden in the Tournament of the Phoenix, a historical re-enactment tournament in Poway, California, and the Hackaland tournament in Liege, Belgium, and enjoys organizing and squiring for other knights at events around the country when the opportunity presents itself Her historical interests range from medieval Europe to the American West to ancient China, and her written work includes several plays performed regularly around the Northwest by the Seattle Knights, and a number of short stories. When prompted, she is known to wield a lethal pun.

David Shoemaker
David Shoemaker is a man of many hats. He is head of engineering for LiftPort Group and a programmer at Microsoft. These divergent but similar hats got their start when he was 13 and purchased the books Rendezvous with Rama by Arthur C. Clark and Berserker by Fred Saberhagen. The ideas of large independent robotic machines fired an interest in computers that has not yet cooled.computers turned into electronics and both combined to robotics. His work with LiftPort Group has been centered on the design and construction of a series of prototype "lifter" robots to model what would be needed when LiftPort launches its space elevator. At Microsoft he currently works in Windows Automotive developing new ways for your car to talk back. He was born in the town of Bremerton, Washington but escaped as soon as economically feasible. He lives in Monroe, Washington with his wife Michelle and daughters Cas­siopeia and Andromeda.

David R. Silas
No Bio Submitted

Janna Silverstein
Janna Silverstein grew up on Long Island, where her parents encouraged her to watch Star Trek, to read National Geo­graphic, and to write... a lot. In third grade, she edited her class newspaper, and has been telling writers what to do ever since. She has worked for more than two decades in publishing and related fields, first as an acquisitions editor for Bantam Spectra followed by stints at Wizards of the Coast and Microsoft, among others. She has edited books on a freelance basis for Night Shade Books, Pocketbooks and Kobold Press. Re­cent editorial credits include the ENnie Award-winning books, The Complete Kobold Guide to Game Design and The Kobold Guide to Worldbuilding. Her own writing has appeared in Asimov's Science Fiction, Orson Scott Card's Intergalactic Medicine Show, 10Flash Quarterly, and in the anthologies The Trouble With Heroes and Re-Deus: Beyond Borders, among others. She was twice a Writ­ers of the Future semi-finalist. Though she'll always be a New Yorker, she lives in Seattle with two spoiled cats and many, many books.

Jesse "Fish" Simpson
No Bio Submitted

Berry Sizemore
Berry Sizemore has operated Moorcock's Miscellany for the last 15 years, and attributes his success in the Information Technology Industry to his involvement with websites and online projects. Originally from Los Angeles, he makes his home in the South Sound where he organizes and plays tabletop and console games. As an amateur writer, he's been in publications like Kizuna, as well as other online press.

Jack Skillingstead
Jack Skillingstead's first profes­sional sale was a finalist for the Sturgeon Award in 2004. Since then he has published more than 30 short stories in publica­tions including Asimov's, F&SF and Realms of Fantasy. His work has also appeared in various Year's Best volumes as well as the acclaimed Fast Forward and Solaris series of original anthologies. His first novel, Harbinger and short story collection Are You There both appeared in 2009 and received critical acclaim. Life on The Preservation, a new novel from Solaris Books was published in May 2013. Jack lives in Seattle with his wife, writer Nancy Kress.

GregRobin Smith
GregRobin Smith's work as a writer, poet, teacher, performer and non-profit fundraiser goes back over 35 years. He has been interviewed by LA Screenwrit­ing Consultant Pilar Alessandra (OnThePage. tv) about writing in an historical voice and Shakespeare scholar Ehren Ziegler ( about his take on what makes Shakespeare tick as a writer. New Zea­land screenwriter Guy Hamling brought GregRobin on to translate Hamling's script Verona into Shakespearean English which led to the Elizabethan-style comedy To Each Their Own. His interest in things Shakespearean continues as the managing director for The Washing­ton Shakespeare Festival ( His one-man show Benjamin Franklin --- "LIVE!" continues to inspire the study and enjoyment of the colonial era ( He tweets story ideas at and is a representative of The Showcase of Fundraising Innovation & Inspiration ( His long-time sponsor is The Interactive History Company (

Sara Stamey
Sara Stamey's SF novels with Berkley/Ace netted a Locus best new novels listing and positive reviews from Publishers Weekly, SF Chronicle, etc., and some databases list her as an early cyberpunk author. More recently, her psychic suspense novel Islands is described by reviewers as "an intellectual thriller", "a superior suspense novel" and "a stomping vivid ride. " Her near-fu­ture novel The Ariadne Connection (soon to be released) draws on her travels through the Greek islands and re­search into geomagnetic reversals. Sara's extended travels in out-of-the-way corners of the globe include treasure hunting and teaching scuba in the Caribbean and Hon­duras, operating a nuclear reactor, and owning a farm in southern Chile. Now resettled in her native northwest Washington, she teaches creative writing at Western Washington University and offers editing services as a book doctor. She shares her Squalicum Creek backyard with wild critters and her cats, dog, and husband Thor.

Torrey Stenmark
Stenmark is an award-winning costumer and a college chem­istry instructor. The same skill set that earned her a master's degree in organic chemistry (attention to detail, record keeping, delicate physical coor­dination and refusal to be intimidated by new problems) enabled her to compete and win in the masters division of several costume contests on the local and national scale. She now teaches at Shoreline Community College.

Richard Stephens
Richard Stephens never met a rhinestone he didn't like. He combines his love of theater and costuming by designing for shows including recent produc­tions of Guys and Dolls, Return to the Forbidden Planet, Freak Like Me and Rocky Horror. By day he pops some tags as a manager at a thrift store but at night he finds new ways to overbook himself and continues to play dress up.

Renee Stern
Renee Stern is a former news­paper reporter turned freelance writer whose short fiction has appeared in Beneath Ceaseless Skies, Black Gate, Aeon Specula­tive Fiction and the anthologies Gears and Levers 3, Human Tales, and Sails & Sorcery: Tales of Nautical Fantasy. Her latest story, "A Touch of Frost" can be found in the anthology Looking Landwards, a collection of stories from NewCon Press examining what the future holds for farming.

Mark Street
No Bio Submitted

Deborah Strub
Deborah is a textile artist from the Pacific Northwest. She holds a Bachelor of Arts in fine arts from the University of Central Florida. She has been a member of the Society of Creative Anachronism for over 30 years and has been costuming for most of that time. She is a Laurel in the SCA for her research and work in historical Japanese clothing and occasionally making me­dieval western European clothing for her husband. She enjoys science fiction and creates costumes for that venue as well. She has won many awards in both the SCA and science fiction venues and has had work published in The Costume Maker's Art.

Jeff Sturgeon
Jeff is a Northwest artist known for his beautiful, award-win­ning metal paintings, usually involving space. His work has appeared on many book and magazine covers. He will be the artist GoH at Convolution in Burlingame, California, in September. Jeff's work has won numerous awards over the years, but he is most proud of his best in show at NASFiC 2005; judges' choice and two children's choice awards at L. A. con IV in 2006, and judges' choice and people's choice best in show at Denvention in 2008. Most recently, Jeff was awarded a coveted judges' award at Renovation in 2011. Jeff has also been awarded Norwescon's best in show three times. Jeff, in a former life, was a computer game artist and art director, most notably with Electronic Arts. He lives in the Cascade foothills of Washington with his sons, Corwin and Dun­can. His work can be found at and he can be contacted at

Sar Surmick
Sar Surmick is a marriage and family therapist, specializing in identity work and couples therapy. With offices in Red­mond and Seattle, Sar works with a wide variety of clients with a focus on groups, non-monogamy, sex & gender, trans* youth, and BDSM/kink. Sar also works as an advocate for a sex-positive perspective in education, psychology, and organizations. In his down time, Sar is an author, gamer, GM, world builder, furniture maker, organizer, seeker of interesting people, and enthusiastic philosopher, always in search of the effable.

Sven Red Beard
Sven is a retired Boeing worker with interest in the history of flight. He has also been an ac­tive member of the Society for Creative Anachronism (SCA) for over 30 years. Past baron of Blatha an Oir, he is a member of the Order of the Laurel, with Viking age and pre-Viking age history and culture as his area of study. Blacksmith­ing and armor making are among his hobbies.

Patrick Swenson
Patrick Swenson edited Tale­bones magazine for 14 years, and still runs Fairwood Press, a book line, which began in 2000. A graduate of Clarion West, his first novel The Ultra Thin Man, will be released by Tor in 2014. He has sold stories to the anthology Like Water for Quarks, and magazines such as Marion Zimmer Bradley's Fantasy Magazine, Figment, and others. He runs the Rainforest Writers Village retreat every spring at Lake Quinault, Washington. Patrick, a high school teacher, lives in Bonney Lake, Washington, with his 10-year-old son Orion.

Bryan Syme
Bryan Syme is a freelance illus­trator and concept artist living in Weiser, Idaho. Bryan has done work for numerous role­playing game and publishing companies and he is the artist/co-creator of the web comic, Arpeggio. Bryan adores bad movies, RPGs, and his wife, but his daughter stole his heart, and probably won't ever give it back. For more of his artwork visit his website.

Anita Taylor
Anita Taylor is a technical writer by profession, and an avid costumer and indepen­dent historical researcher. Her current costuming interests include the early medieval to Elizabethan era, Victorian and steampunk, and fantasy. Active in the SCA, she is the scribal officer for the Barony of Blatha an Oir and enjoys running events and teaching classes. Current art projects include medieval manuscript art and calligraphy, prop-making, and gouache painting.

A member of the Roswell flight test crew, Brian Zvaigzne (aka Te­chinstein) can't remember a time when he wasn't playing with radio-controlled ve­hicles. He got his start on the ground, with R/C cars. At age 12, he began to compete, often beating drivers more than twice his age. He had his first experience with R/C flying in the popular simula­tor, RealFlight. Tired of watching him circle the virtual field, his friend Patrick Sherman (aka Lucidity) gave him a ParkZone Decathalon for Christmas. When Techinstein isn't building, flying, or repairing an air­craft, or scouring Hobby King as a platinum-level customer, he works in the information technology field in Beaverton, Oregon. For eight years he was on air in nearby Portland, providing computer tech support on a phone-in radio show, Computer Time. He studied elec­tronics at Delta College in Michigan, where he grew up.

Thatworldinverted writes fan fiction and spends (too much) time on tumblr with the likes of the Sherlock and Teen Wolf fandoms. As a child, she was determined to become a writer, while simultaneously raising thoroughbred horses and becoming the first person to walk on Mars. As a (questionably) grown-up author, she still thinks that Mars sounds pretty good.

Tiberius Marius Corax
Major Franklin (retired U. S. Army) served in the U. S. military for over 28 years in light, horse, and armored cavalry on six continents. His military qualifications include master parachutist, pathfinder, drill instructor, company commander, and detachment commander. He served in combat in Central America, Southwest Asia, and the Balkans. Major Franklin has been doing living history since 1986 and is commander of the Roman/Iron Age group in the Pacific Northwest. He has a bachelor's of military science, a master's of hu­man resources, and is a trained wilderness and emergen­cy medical technician.

Erin A. Tidwell
Erin helps run the writer's workshop. She has also pub­lished short fiction and writes technical documentation for a living.

Betsy Tinney
Betsy Tinney is a Northwest cellist who performs regularly with Vixy & Tony, Tricky Pixie, SJ Tucker, and Heather Dale. She also performs solo, does ses­sion work, and teaches. She was the recipient of the 2012 Pega­sus Award for best performer.

Sara Twitty
Sara is an artist based in the Pacific Northwest and holds a Bachelor's of Fine Arts in illustration. She has worked on games, covers, and graphic design for e-books and paper­backs, and is always looking for new, interesting projects. Sara loves reading, gaming with friends, squelching through muddy fields in rain boots, and obsessing over the minutest of details in fic­tion and movies.

Dennis R. Upkins
A voracious reader, lifelong geek, and hopeless comic book addict, Dennis R. Upkins knew at an early age storytelling was his calling. In 2011, his debut novel, Hollowstone, was released by Parker Publishing. West of Sunset is also scheduled for release. His artwork and short stories have appeared in a number of publications, notably Drops of Crimson, and his audio short, "Stranger Than Fiction," can be found at Sniplits. Upkins critiques and analyzes the representation of minorities in comics and media, and is a regular contributor for Ars Marginal, Prism Comics, and Nashville Geek Life. In an effort to help enlighten society about the African diaspora and promote a more accurate and positive image, Upkins launched the Black Folks Being Awesome initiative in 2013. When he's not out saving the world and taking it over, Upkins's hobbies include drawing, modeling, acting, photography, rollerblading, martial arts, and of course, writing.

Vixy & Tony
Vixy & Tony (Michelle Dockrey and Tony Fabris) have been performing acoustic music as a duo since 2005. Their folk/rock musical style and science fiction and fantasy lyrics combine to tell engaging stories. Their debut album, Thirteen, contains the Pegasus Award-winning songs "Emerald Green," "Six String Love," and the Firefly-inspired, hit, "Mal's Song." Their energetic performances can be enjoyed by both sci-fi fans and mainstream music fans alike, earning them the best performer Pegasus Award in 2008. They are currently working on their second album, and can frequently be found playing with cellist Betsy Tinney and violinist Sunnie Larsen. Their music can be found at

Lilith von Fraumench
Lilith von Fraumench is an author, performance artist, hu­morist, and all-around swell gal. She is a popess in the Church of the SubGenius; a contributor to the SubGenius books Revela­tion X and The Bobliographon; a burlesque emcee billed as The Dyke with the Spikes; a podcaster whose podcast, Hymns to the Dead Goddess, focuses on the women of extreme music; a kinkster with 20 years' experience in the BDSM scene; an anti-op­pression activist with a focus on transgender issues; and a passionate all-around geeky nerd who especially loves hard SF, space, computers, and the Internet. She cur­rently lives in Kirkland, Washington, under protest.

Beth Wade
Beth is a perpetual-motion ma­chine fueled by coffee, fiction, and a love of dressing up. She enjoys discussing pop culture in a pseudo-scholastic context, and enabling others' sewing and costuming addictions, er, habits. She writes comic books, plays D&D, and runs the min­eral makeup company, Printcess, in her (ha!) spare time.

Masumi Washington
Masumi Washington is the editor-in-chief of Haikasoru, the acclaimed science fiction/ fantasy imprint of VIZ Media, which has published Miyuki Miyabe's Brave Story, Project Itoh's Harmony, and Toh EnJoe's

Self-Refrence ENGINE. She is also the head of VIZ's Studio Ghibli Library and co-edited, with Nick Mamatas, the original Haikasoru anthology The Future Is Japanese.

Lola Watson
It's hard out there for a nerd. No one knows that better than this geek girl. Growing up a closet nerd in a small town in Texas gives Lola a unique perspective on fan culture now that she has finally found the community where she belongs. A staunch advo­cate for the literary value of science fiction and fantasy, she writes criti­cism as well as her own fiction while doing digital PR/marketing consult­ing on the side.

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Pierce Watters
Pierce Watters is the director of sales for Paizo Publishing, publishers of Pathfinder Role­playing Game. In gaming, he began at TSR in 1995 in Lake Geneva, Wisconsin, and moved to Seattle when Wizards of the Coast bought TSR. Paizo spun off from Wizards of the Coast in 2002. Pierce Watters has almost 40 years of experience in publishing, in jobs ranging from editor to librarian to sales. He has managed a book store, worked as a literary agent, and assisted a Chinese tea master. He has co-authored three books on Chinese tea. His most recent editorial stint was co-editing Henry Kuttner's The Hogben Chronicles with F. Paul Wilson. Neil Gaiman wrote the introduction, and Thomas F. Monteleone, owner of Borderlands Press, is the publisher.

Dean Wells
Dean Wells never became the spaceman or superhero that he dreamed of as a boy, so he writes about them instead. His speculative fiction has appeared in Beneath Ceaseless Skies, Ideomancer, 10Flash Quarterly, Demensions, ShadowKeep, Eldritch Tales, The Nocturnal Lyric, and the anthologies Ceaseless Steam and The Best of BCS, Year Four. Dean is an active member of the Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America and lives in Seattle with a wife and no pets, though he's open to entertaining the occasion ferret or weasel.

Dr. Kent Welter
Dr. Kent Welter holds a doc­torate in nuclear engineering from Oregon State University. He has been Involved with safety reviews at a wide range of advanced nuclear reactors while at the U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, and worked as employee #2 at small modular nuclear reactor startup NuScale Power. His passions include interacting with the public to provide accurate and timely information about nuclear science and technology risks, and avidly reading science fiction.

Whifflesnort the Wizard
Professor Ezekial T. Whiffles­nort, BSW (Big Shot Wizard), on special engagement with Norwescon, will perform dem­onstrations of the magical arts: levitation, teleportation, obfus­ cation, and ipsy-dipsy-doodleation. Daniel Willems, aka Whifflesnort, Wahoo the Clown, Wild Will Hickup, etc., has been a children's performer since 1988 for hun­dreds of events all over the Puget Sound area. His talents include magic, face-painting, balloon art, puppetry, jug­gling, and stilt walking. With his skills of mirth, magic, flash, and fafoooom, Whifflesnort the Wizard enchants audiences of all ages and shoe sizes.

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Ogre Whiteside
Ogre Whiteside dispenses ad­vice about alternative lifestyles, plays and designs tabletop RPGs, plays drums in a punk rock band, and cooks and bakes delicious things.

V Whitlock
Victoria has spoken around the world on topics of privacy, computer security, and women's history. She has written and contributed to over 10 books on highly technical topics involving Oracle. Victoria loves learning, sharing, and is now working on a pairing blog for food and wine.

Duane Wilkins
Duane Wilkins grew up in Seattle. SF fan from age seven, he has run the science fiction and fantasy section and worked in the children's book section at the University Book Store for 25 years. When not busy working he likes to watch films, read comics, and slay the occasional gaming critter in his spare time.

G. Willow Wilson
G. Willow Wilson is the author, most recently, of Alif the Unseen (Grove/Atlantic Press), an urban fantasy set in the Middle East. Alif was a finalist for the Flaherty-Dunnan first novel prize, the Hammett Prize, a Lo­cus Award, and a World Fantasy Award in 2012/2013. She also writes comics and graphic novels. Her current series, Ms. Marvel, is published by Marvel Comics. Wil­low enjoys cooking, British films, and World of Warcraft, and holds a purple belt in Kajukenbo.

Gregory A. Wilson
Gregory A. Wilson is currently associate professor of English at St. John's University in New York City, where he teaches creative writing and fantasy fiction along with other courses in literature. His first book was published by Clemson University Press in 2007. His first novel, an epic fantasy entitled The Third Sign, was published by Gale Cengage in 2009. He is a member of Codex and other author groups both online and offline. He is currently submitting his second and third novels to publishers, and he has recent short stories in several an­thologies, along with three recent articles in the SFWA Bulletin. He has done character work and flavor text for several games, and along with fellow SF/F author Brad Beaulieu, is co-host of the critically acclaimed podcast Speculate! The Podcast for Writers, Readers and Fans. He lives with his family in Riverdale, New York.

Ben H. Winters
Ben H. Winters is the author of seven novels, most recently the Edgar Award winning The Last Policeman, and its sequel, Countdown City, which was nominated for a 2013 Philip K. Dick Award. His previous work includes the satirical novels Android Karenina and Sense and Sensibility and Sea Monsters, a New York Times bestseller. He lives in Indianapolis, Indiana.

Berlynn Wohl
Berlynn Wohl has been writing slash fiction since 2002. Fan­dom has also compelled her to cross-stitch TARDISes, crochet the Avengers, and make comics about New Wave bands. Ber­lynn is actually quite docile and can be approached by humans.

Gwyneth Yeh
Gwyneth is a gender-radical, Taiwanese-born, LGBTQIA transfeminist, and video game 3D artist currently developing cool stuff for ArenaNet's Guild Wars 2.

Julie Zetterberg
Julie Zetterberg has practiced the frivolous hobby of making and wearing costumes since 1975, initially as a member of the Society for Creative Anach­ronism, then at science fiction conventions and other historical diversions. Since her first convention masquerade (Princess Leia at Norwescon 1, 1978), she has appeared across North America as everything from Olive Oyl to Venus (the planet), and is known for her occasionally offbeat masquerade presentations. Costuming has given her many odd pleasures and occasional rewards, includ­ing winning major awards at multiple Costume-Cons and Worldcons. She was Costume GoH at Marcon 39 in Columbus, Ohio, was head of publications for Costume-Con 14 in Seattle, and created The Costume Page (, the original index of online costuming resources. She is treasurer and past president of the Beyond Reality Costumers Guild. She shares a very crowded house in Seattle with her husband, Greg Sardo, and their two cats.

Michaela Zielke
Michaela Zielke is a typ­ical nerdy teenager who spends half her life gaming and the rest draw­ing with little sleep in between. She wants to pursue a future as a sketch artist for gaming, and cosplays as her favorite video game characters each year.

[Artwork] The Fortress of the Pearl © 2008-2009, 2014 Michael Wm Kaluta

[Artwork] from Out of Dreaming City (PC Comics Elric Vol 1 No 1) © 1983 P Craig Russell
art by Michael T Gilbert & P Craig Russell


Michael Ansara
Born: 4/15/1922, Died: 2/16/2014
Actor, known for portraying Commander Kang in Star Trek, as well as roles in Alfred Hitchock Presents, Lost in Space, Buck Rogers in the 25th Century, I Dream of Jeannie, Batman: The Animated Series, and Rawhide.

Iain Banks
Born: 2/16/1954, Died: 6/09/2013
Author of The Wasp Factory, Iain wrote both mainstream and science fiction. His first science fiction book, Consider Phlebas, was released in 1987, marking the start of the popular The Culture series. His books have been adapted for theatre, radio, and television. In 2008, The Times named Banks in their list of "The 50 greatest British Writ­ers Since 1945."

Scott Carpenter
Born: 45/01/1925, Died: 10/10/2013
Scott Carpenter was a pilot, astronaut, and aquanaut. He was one of the original astronauts selected for Project Mercury in 1959. He was the second American to orbit the earth and the fourth American in space. When he retired from the Navy in 1969, he founded Sea Sciences Inc. to develop programs for utilizing ocean resources and improving environmental health.

A. C. Crispin
Born: 4/05/1950, Died: 6/06/2013
Ann Carol Crispin was a best-selling science fiction and fantasy author, and creator of the Starbridge novels. She was the first woman to be named a grand master by the Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America, and wrote many tie-in novels for the Star Wars, Star Trek, and Pirates of the Caribbean franchises. In April 2013, she was named a grand master by the International Associa­tion of Media Tie-In Writers She was a Guest of Honor at Norwescon 19. She helped found Writer Beware in 1998, a group alerting people to online scams seeking to entrap and defraud would-be writers unfamiliar with the publish­ing world. Ms. Crispin helped uncover hundreds of cases, testified in court, and assisted the FBI and prosecutors in sending several scam artists to prison.

Bobbie DuFault
Born: 1/06/1958, Died: 9/14/2013
Bobbie became active in fandom in 1981, attending Seattle-area conventions and volunteering to record video. She worked on more than 150 conventions, serving as chair for many, including Cascadiacon, Westercon, and Rustycon. She was also a member of many convention- related organizations. She was Director of Publications for Norwescon and helped run the Reading for the Future program by serving on the Board of Trustees and main­taining their website, She worked as a writer/editor and content manager, and lived in Gold Bar, Washington with her husband and fellow convention organizer Jerry Gieseke, their children, and grandson. We have lost a tireless advocate for fandom in the Northwest, and will miss her infectious enthusiasm, cockeyed grin, and warmth.

Ray Dolby
Born: 1/17/1933, Died: 9/12/2013
Inventory of the Dolby Sound System.

Douglas Englebart
Born: 1/30/1925, Died: 7/02/2013
Inventor, known for the computer mouse, hypertext, computer networking, and early GUIs. Winner of the National Medal of Technology.

Stuart Freeborn
Born: 9/05/1914, Died: 2/05/2013
Creature effects artist, known for 2001: A Space Odyssey, Doctor Strangelove, and the Star Wars series.

Marty Gear
Born: 1939, Died: 7/18/2013
Marty Gear was a long-time member of Baltimore Fan­dom and a member of the Baltimore Science Fiction Soci­ety. He chaired Balticon 21 in 1987 and CostumeCon 3 in 1985. He served on the BSFS Board of Directors and was coordinator of the Jack L. Chalker Young Writer's Con­test. He founded the Greater Columbia Fantasy Costum­ers' Guild and was active in the International Costumers Guild, serving as its first executive director. He received the CostumeCon Lifetime Achievement Award in 1991, and emceed nearly every Balticon masquerade since 1981.

Ray Harryhausen
Born: 6/29/1920, Died: 5/07/2013
Artist, animator, and film-maker, known for Mighty Joe Young, The 7th Voyage of Sinbad, Jason and the Argonauts, and Clash of the Titans.

John Henson
Born: 4/25/1965, Died: 2/14/2014
Son of Jim Henson, known as puppeteer for the Muppets character Sweetums.

Richard Matheson
Born: 2/20/1926, Died: 6/23/2013
Over a 60-year career, Matheson crafted stories that deftly transitioned from the page to both the big and small screens. Several of his works were adapted into films, including Hell House, The Shrinking Man, A Stir of Echoes, and What Dreams May Come. His 1954 sci-fi vampire nov­el, I Am Legend, inspired three different film adaptations. He was also responsible for writing several episodes of The Twilight Zone, as well as The Alfred Hitchcock Hour, Night Gallery, The Martian Chronicles, and Amazing Stories.

Teruaki "Jimmy" Murakami
Born: 6/05/1933, Died: 2/16/2014
Animator and director, known for When the Wind Blows, The Snowman, and The Magic Pear Tree.

Frederik Pohl
Born: 11/26/1919, Died: 9/02/2013
Frederik Pohl was a writer, editor, and fan, with a career spanning more than seventy-five years, from his 1937 poem "Elegy to a Dead Satellite: Luna" to the 2011 novel All the Lives He Led. His 1977 novel Gateway won the Hugo, Locus, Nebula, the John W. Campbell Memorial Award. He won the Campbell Memorial Award again for the 1984 collection of novellas, Yars of the City. For his 1979 novel Jem, Pohl won a U.S. National Book Award in Science Fic­tion. Over his career, he won four Hugo Awards, and three Nebula Awards. The Science Fiction Writers of America named him its 12th recipient of the Damon Knight Me­morial Grand Master Award in 1993 and he was inducted by the Science Fiction and Fantasy Hall of Fame in 1998. Frederik was Fan Guest of Honor at Norwescon 3.

Harold Ramis
Born: 11/21/1944, Died: 2/24/2014
Writer, director, and actor. Known for Ghostbusters, Stripes, Caddyshack, National Lampoon's Vacation, Animal House, and, perhaps his masterpeice, Groundhog Day.

Arthur Rankin
Born: 7/19/1924, Died: 1/30/2014
Director, producer, writer, and one half of animation stu­dio Rankin and Bass. Known for Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer, The Wind in the Willows, The King and I, and The Hobbit.

Jess Roe
Born: 11/28/1934, Died: 2/28/2013
Jess was a master of blades and the owner of Prose and Steel, who traveled both the fair and Northwest con­vention circuits. In addition to being a veteran and well-known for his love of dance, his sword demos were renowned for being both fun and educational.

Gilbert Taylor
Born: 4/12/1914, Died: 8/23/2013
Cameraman and Cinematographer, known for Doctor Strangelove, A Hard Day's Night, The Omen, and Star Wars.

Jack Vance
Born: 8/28/1916, Died: 5/26/2013
John Holbrook "Jack" Vance wrote mystery, fantasy, and science fiction. He won the World Fantasy Award for Life Achievement in 1984 and he was a Guest of Honor at the 1992 World Science Fiction Convention in Orlando, Flor­ida. The Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America made him its 14th grand master in 1997 and the Science Fiction Hall of Fame inducted him in 2001. His awards for his many works include Hugo, Nebula, Edgar, Jupiter, and World Fantasy Awards. A 2009 profile in the New York Times Magazine described Vance as "one of American literature's most distinctive and undervalued voices." Jack Vance was Writer Guest of Honor at Norwescon 25.

[Ad] Orycon 36

OryCon 36
Windows to Futures Past

November 7-9, 2014
Lloyd Center Doubletree Hotel
Portland, OR

Artist Guest of Honor
Mark Roland

Author Guest of Honor
William F. Nolan

Panels - Gaming - Dances - Vendors - Art Show - Concerts - Writer's Workshop - Children's Activities

$50 Adults
$25 Children 6-12
Children 5 & under are free
(Prices are good through 7/31/2014)


Apocalypse Ink Productions
B. Brown & Associates
The Badgers Den
BobaKhan Toys & Collectibles
Brigid's Whispers
Cargo Cult Books & Notions
Darkstars Creation
Dragon Lady Pottery
Dragondyne Publishing
Elizabeth Guizzetti
Everett Comics
Friday Afternoon Tea
Forever Knight Games
The Fur Connection
Fuzzy Hedgehog Press
Games Plus
GeekStar Costuming
Gem Games & Hobbies
Go To Games
Honeck Sculpture
Imbalanced Games LLC
La Vie Macabre
The Magickal Aardvark
Meg Lyman Illustration
Nick Valentino
Northwest Independent Writers Association
Oddments and Adornments
OffWorld Designs
Optimystical Studios
PM Press
Pavel's Puzzles
Pegasus Publishing
Phil Davis Books and Treasures
Purple Top Hat
Quicksilver Fantasies
Realm Crux Books
Rob & June Edwards
Runecraft Creations
Scary White Girl Designs
Sinister Metalworks
Springtime Creations
Steampunked Out
The Studio Djaru
Studio Foglio
Van Zee Magic Dragon Pets
Ye Olde Dragons Hoard Games & Collectibles


Robert Gould
Mark Sutton
The Gorgonist
John Picacio
Betsy Mott
Jeliza Patterson-McGuire
Jeff Sturgeon
Erika Rae Heins
Laura Grover
Mark Ferrari
Sara Twitty
Eden Hopkins
Ellen Eades
Jon Rogers
Animal X
Ed Matuskey
Laurie Noel
Meg Lyman
John Alexander
Leslie Newcomer
Michael Brugger
Richard Man
Jo Brown
Rob Carlos
Margaret Organ-Kean
Nick Alexander
Susan Stejskal Alexander
Sarah Clemens
Tammie Dupuis
Theresa Mather
David Lee Pancake
Mark Roland
Stopped Motion Photography
Vandy Hall
Keira Lozeau
Michael Duquette
Shauna McKain-Storey
Wendy Anderson
Imagination for Hire
Krab Jab Studio
Braden Duncan
Lori Fisher
Alan F. Beck Coriander Dezotell
Peri Charlifu
L. Pierce Ludke
Michael Suiter
John R. Gray III
Roberta Gregory
Ruth Hackney
Echo Chernik
Mark Brill
Bryan Syme
Theresa Halbert
Richard Hescox
Jessica Jones
Lynne Magie
Douglas Herring
Jennifer Cox
Jackie Duram Nilsson
Kevin Radthorne
Lee Moyer
Animal X
Butch Honeck
Dustin Gleaves
Elaine Woodhouse
Marjorie Stratton
Meredith Cook
Josh Foreman
Keith Amarak Waters
Lori Fisher
Peri Charlifu
Stopped Motion Photography
Wendy Anderson
William Callaway
Ben Isitt
David Lee Pancake
Jo Brown
Scoop Erickson
Vandy Hall

[Artwork] Elric the Sorcerer: The Dragon © 2008-2009, 2014 Michael Wm Kaluta


Banquet Event Ali Grieve
Charitable Events Phillip Buff
Elections Doug Booze
Info Manager Shannon Hillinger
Historian Michael Citrak
Philip K. Dick Event T. William Sadorus
EMP Co-Liaison A Doug Booze
EMP Co-Liaison B Patricia Booze
Vice Chair T. William Sadorus
Hotel Liaison Shawn Marier
2nd Hotel Liaison Tonya Clark
Secretary Katrina Marier
Secretary Second Keith Johnson
Backup Minutes Willow Clark
Staff Registrar Cora Booth
Business Director Eric Weber
Business Director Second Michael Orosz
Auditor 1 Tim Ketron
Auditor 2 Ali Grieve
Auditor 3 Ari Goldstein
Auditor 4 Elinor Fadgen
Auditor 5 Sally Woehrle
Legal Liaison A Ari Goldstein
Legal Liaison B Kevin Black
Treasurer Katharine Bond
Treasurer Second Kevin Black
Member Services Director Jeanine Swanson
Member Svcs Assistant A Geoff Gill
Registration Services Drew Wolfe
Registration Asst. Mgr Jeffrey Cornish
Registration Mgr A Diane McRae-Hardin
Dealers' Rm. Manager Amy Gembala
Dealers' Rm. Manager Second Carol Magalhaes
Dealers' Rm Assistant Tirzah Rossi
Art Show Co-Manager Doug Booze
Art Show Co-Manager Patricia Booze
Artist Liaison Robert Carlos
Art Show Process Manager Scott Surber
Art Show Cashier Lead Jean Carlos
Art Show Staff A Laura Hoag
Art Show Staff B Kelley O'Hanlon
Art Show Staff C Marjorie Stratton
Art Show Staff D Elana Voigt
Art Show Staff E Diane McRae-Hardin
Art Show Staff F Sarah Haynes
Art Show Staff G Caroline Westra
Art Show Print Shop Co-Manager A Laura Penty
Art Show Print Shop Co-Manager B Stacey Hardin
Lobby Services Liaison Kate Mulligan Wolfe
Artists' Alley Mgr. David Ketcherside
Artists' Alley Assistant Katie Haas
IT Head Jason McKinney
IT Second Richard Meeks
Developer A Jonathan Borzilleri
Network Administrator Zack Willhoite
IT Project Manager CP Dalen
IT Applications Trainer CP Dalen
IT Ninja Art Show Jeri Lynn Cornish
IT Ninja A Ed Coon
IT Ninja B Audrey Leckner
Publications Director Pearl Young
Publications Second Don Glover
Publications Asst. Timeline Kevin Black
Signage Coordinator Scott Douwes
Graphics Team Lead Scott Douwes
PostCon Report Designer Felice Nightengale
Bookmark Designer Burton Gamble
Public Relations Coordinator Felice Nightengale
Press Pass Coordinator Don Glover
Photography Team Lead Michael "DJWudi" Hanscom
Photographer A Johanna Washington
Photographer B Thom Walls
Photographer D Zach Moore
Web Team Lead Michael "DJWudi" Hanscom
Website Second William Hale
Social Media Team A Shawn Marier
Social Media Team B Mirella Celeste Young
Social Media Team C Michaela Zielke
Editor A Mirella Celeste Young
Editor B Kimberly Agbayani
Editor D Kevin Black
Editor E Katie Haas
Editor F Mark Sebring
Editor G Geoff Gill
Con Services Assistant Director Brad Nelson
Con Services Chief of Staff Cheryl Ferguson
Hotel Layouts Designer Michael Citrak
Office Services Manager Vicky Rudesill
Office Assistant A Becky Rudesill
Office Assistant B Vickie Bligh
Office Assistant C Rick Bligh
Office Assistant D Laurie Reynolds
Event Services Manager Elizabeth Thomas-Rodolf
Tech Team Leader/Mentor Jordan Orr
Technical Staff A Walt Thomas
Technical Staff B Robert Johns
Technical Staff C Gereth Rodolf
Technical Staff D Jason Emery
Technical Staff E Nathaniel Sanders
Lighting Assistant A Opal Campbell
Video Channel Coordinator Dan Murphy
Video Channel Assistant A Wendy Murphy
Security Assistant Manager Alexis L. Smith
Security Supervisor A Guy Venner
Security Staff D Todd M. Clayton, Jr.
Security Staff E Shyrl Hester
Security Staff F Shawn Hickman
Security Staff G Scot Oliver
Security Staff I Ryver Hankins
Security Staff K Louis Krayer
Security Staff L Karma Craven
Security Staff Q David Garrett
Security Staff R Craig Anderson
Security Staff T Duncan Stewart
Security Staff U Lisa Godare
Security Technology Supervisor Andrew Stone
Security Technologist A Ben Hebert
Peacebonding Supervisor Alex Plaza
Peacebonding Staff C Christopher Corbitt
Dispatch Center Assistant Mgr Jacquelynne Normand
Senior Dispatch Technologist Ben Hebert
Transportation Manager Eric Pawtowski
Transportation Staff A Yvonne Pawtowski
Transportation Staff B Daniel Pawtowski
Transportation Staff C Bill Boyde
Cloakroom Manager Steven Hasenbuhler
Cloakroom Staff A Jennifer D. Baker
Cloakroom Staff B Donovan Clark
Cloakroom Staff C Tory Poling
Programming Director Loree Parker
Asst. Prog. Director A Cheryl Dyson
Asst. Prog. Director B Gregory Gadow
GoH Liaison B Dustin Rector
GoH Liaison C Erin Thompson
GoH Liaison D Cybele O'Brien
Green Room Coordinator Margo Bergman
Green Room Staff A Jennifer Douwes
Green Room Staff B Denise Mauldin
Green Room Pro Registration A Jeri Jacobsen
Stage Management Staff A Dean Wells
Stage Management Staff B Brian Haas
Stage Management Staff C Katie Haas
Programming Web Developer Martin Tithonium
Art Track Lead B Jean Carlos
Biological Science Track Lead Gregory Gadow
Editing & Publishing Phoebe Kitanidis
Horror Track Lead Jennifer Brozek
Music Track Dara Korra'ti
Water Fairy Angela Korra'ti
Technology Track Lead Mike Brennan
YA Track Cheryl Dyson
YA Track Assistant A Patrick McKinnion
YA Track Assistant B Camin Bradbury
GoH Selection Committee A Scott Douwes
GoH Selection Committee B Michael "DJWudi" Hanscom
Personnel Director Shawna Batty
Asst. Personnel Director Laurie Reynolds
Hospitality Director Tom Kennedy
Hospitality Second Miriam Kennedy
Hospitality Lead Gerald Arnold
Hospitality A Michelle Roberts
Hospitality B Tina Anderson
Purchases Coordinator Becky Citrak
Purchasing Asst A Cherie Playter
Volunteer Services Lead Starshadow Starshadow
Volunteer Assistant Claudio Claudio
Volunteer Staff A Lin Simpson
Volunteer Staff B Marla Baer-Peckham
Special Events Director Rob Stewart
Special Events Second A Alan Bond
Special Events Second B John Murphy
Special Events Runner Logan Stewart
DJ: Friday U21 Michaela Zielke
Scheduled Gaming Director JohnRyan
Gaming Assistant Earl McDaniel
Gaming Staff B Earl McDaniel
Gaming Staff C James Young
Gaming Staff D Marcus Evenstar
Lazer Tag Director Scott Perrin
Lazer Tag Staff B Lloyd McCrorey
Quidditch Coordinator Alan Bond
Masquerade Director Alan Bond
Asst Masquerade Director Trent Lum
Masquerade MC Dan Murphy
Front House Manager Frieda Orsborn
Judge's Secretary Kieran Alho
Masquerade Lighting Operator Opal Campbell
Head Ninja Nels Satterlund
Stage Ninja A Wendy Murphy
Children's Masquerade Ariana Provencher
Children's Masquerade Dana Provencher
Scavenger Hunt Trent Lum
Stealth & Tracking A Michaela Zielke

Program Book Design
dQniel Kaufman
set in Garamond Premier Pro

[Artwork] Elric Stormbringer series © 1998 P. Craig Russell

[Photo] Norwescon 37 Staff

[Artwork] Elric: Swords and Roses artwork © 2010 John Picacio

[Membership list ommitted]

[Artwork] Elric Stormbringer Spash Page © 1984 P Craig Russell



Pearl Young, “Norwescon 37 Program Book,” Norwescon History, accessed March 13, 2025,

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