Norwescon 37 Panels


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Norwescon 37 Panels


Norwescon 37


Descriptions of all panels offered at Norwescon 37




April 17-20, 2014


Michael Hanscom


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Noon -- 9pm Maxi's Ballroom
Scheduled Gaming

Come on up to scheduled gaming at Maxi's. We've got great games going all weekend, with our game masters and some pros! Don't forget to sign up in advance. During this time block our whole room is all ages.

Noon -- 2am Rotunda 1&2
Open Gaming

Drop in to the Rotunda and check out what's happening. It's always changing, so every trip is a mystery!

Grizz O'Ryan (M), Earl McDanel

Noon -- 9pm Salon
Board & Card Gaming

Come on up and check out the dealer demos running this year in the Salon. Play before you buy, and buy at your gaming table.

Grizz O'Ryan (M), Earl McDanel

1pm -- 4pm Olympic 1
Family Movie Time

A family friendly movie will help you wind down and prepare you and your kids for all the exciting panels you plan to attend.

Patrick McKinnion (M)

3pm Cascade 1
Reading: Kurt Cagle

"A Scythe of Her Own," a steampunk time travel story that appeared in Gears and Levers II featuring Penelope "Pixie" Jones, Member in Good Standing of the Sisterhood of Chrones. Rated PG

Kurt Cagle

3pm Cascade 2
Congratulations, It Sucks!

How to tackle a major rewrite. Rescue your story from your writing, and actually learn from your mistakes while you fix them.

Marta Murvosh (M), Jennifer Brozek, Renee Stern

3pm Cascade 3&4
How I Sold My Novel

Some debut novelists discuss the path they took in selling their first novel.

G. Willow Wilson (M), Anne Charnock, Erik Scott de Bie, Frog Jones, Patrick Swenson

3pm Cascade 5
Is Space Really the Old West?

A wagon train to the stars is a familiar trope in SF. Firefly, Star Trek, Farmer in the Sky, Outland, Cowboys & Aliens - we see examples of Western stories set in space all over the place. The immense distances in space create problems similar those encountered by American settlers colonizing the continent. Come and join in the discussion of this popular form of our genre.

Elton Elliott (M), Camille Alexa, Arthur Bozlee, Dean Wells

3pm Cascade 6
Fangirls: Who Are They and What Do They Want?

Fangirls. You've seen them. Clustered around manga, squealing over the new hot actor (of any gender , discussing why exactly it is perfectly feasible for Tony Stark and Bruce Banner to be in a relationship

(seriously, did you see the movie? The fanfic wrote itself . What are they? Where do they come from? And is there an age limit? Our panelists discuss fangirl culture and whether they themselves identify as such. Berlynn Wohl (M), Wednesday (Nessie) Phoenix, Melissa Quinn, Mickey Schulz, Chasing River

3pm Cascade 7&8
Nerdcore Hip-Hop: Wait, Are They Rapping About Hobbits?

Yes, yes they are. What is nerdcore, how did it get started, and why are they rapping about videogames and robots? Come meet our nerdcore artists and learn where this came from and what it's all about. C0splay of Death*Star (M), Shubzilla, Lex Lingo

3:30pm Cascade 1
Reading: Jude-Marie Green

Miracles Wrought Before Your Eyes, a desperate fight between disheartened good and flourishing evil boils over at a seedy circus. Rated PG

Jude-Marie Green

4pm Cascade 1
Reading: David D. Levine

Arabella and the Marsman, a YA Regency Interplanetary Airship Adventure. Arabella is a Patrick O'Brian girl in a Jane Austen world -- born and raised on Mars, she was hauled back home by her mother, where she's stifled by England's gravity, climate, and attitudes toward women. When she learns that her evil cousin plans to kill her brother and inherit the family fortune, she joins the crew of an interplanetary clipper ship in order to beat him to Mars. But pirates, mutiny, and rebellion stand in her way. Will she arrive in time? Rated G

David D. Levine

4pm Cascade 2
Comics: Self-Publishing, Small Press, or Traditional Publishing?

What's the best way to get your comic noticed: a regular webcomic, digital distribution, local zines, or a publishing company? How should a creator or creative team approach a small press publisher or a large publishing house? Is crowd-sourcing the best way to pay for printing your comic, or are there other less work-intensive (and risky methods? Creators give their opinions on the ever-changing field of comics publishing.

Erik Scott de Bie (M), Charles "Zan" Christensen, Phil Foglio, Roberta Gregory

4pm Cascade 3&4
Alien Biospheres

Take a world that is entirely water, or one that has few oceans, a world where gravity is twice that of Earth, or maybe only half. A world tidally locked to a red dwarf star, or one in a distant orbit around a blue supergiant. Maybe it orbits a Sun-like star but has a five-hour day. What might life look like on that world? Let's ask the pros.

Pat MacEwen (M), Janet Freeman-Daily, Brent Kellmer, G. David Nordley

4pm Cascade 5
Gaming Cons: An Adventurer's Guide

There are a lot of gaming conventions out there and they all have their own cultures and mores. Come find out what conventions there are and what they have to offer the adventurous gamer in you.

Ogre Whiteside (M), Julie Haehn, Jeremy Holcomb, Adam Koebel, Donna Prior

4pm Cascade 6
Artificial Dysfunctional Intelligence

Fiction is full of artificial intelligences that accidentally become anything from quirky (Holly on Red Dwarf

to homicidal (HAL to genocidal (Skynet . But what if you design the AI to have personality problems?

Katie Cord (M), David Shoemaker, Sar Surmick

4pm Cascade 7&8
Viking and Medieval Clothing, Footwear, and Accessories

Walking a mile in their shoes. Panelists dressed in appropriate, well-documented period clothing, will share details on research and construction of garments that look and fit correctly. A handout will be available with patterns and suggestions.

Michael Tinker Pearce (M), Sven Red Beard, Adrienne Carlson, Bill Gruner, Jonnalyhn Wolfcat

4pm Cascade 9
Masquerade Presentations 101

Or: Nobody Told Me My Masquerade Entry Needed a Presentation! How to write a presentation, move on stage, pick your music, and generally look like you know what you are doing, even if it's your first time. Janet Borkowski (M), Richard Stephens, Anita Taylor

4pm Cascade 10
The Bechdel Test

What is it and why is it an important baseline? The Bechdel test crops up for the first time in the comic Dykes to Watch Out For. The test is: "Are there two named female characters? Do they hold a conversation together? About something other than a man?" A depressing number of movies fail this very simple and not at all comprehensive sexism test every year, including some of our favorites.

Catherine Kyle (M), Sheye Anne Blaze, Mimi Noyes, Mickey Schulz

4pm Cascade 13
Tengwar: Elvish Writing

That beautiful script on the title pages of your old copy of Return of the King actually says something - in English! It's written in J.R.R. Tolkien's Elvish alphabet, Tengwar. Come learn how Tengwar can be used to write in English, Quenya, Sindarin, and other languages. Bring scratch paper - a handout will be provided. SunnyJim Morgan (M)

4pm -- 6pm Evergreen 1&2
Norwescon Dance Academy

Back by popular demand, Dancin' Dan teaches you eager fans some popular dance moves to make you feel more comfortable on the dance floor. From 'The Twist' to 'Gangnam Style' - you request it, he'll teach it. Dan Murphy (M)

4pm Olympic 1
Make a Stuffed Sock Toy

Kids can create amazing creatures from an old sock and some miscellaneous craft supplies. A workshop for the younger children, with some help from the adults.

Katrina Marier (M)

4:30pm Cascade 1
Reading: Lauren Dixon

Something new. Rated PG

Lauren Dixon

5pm Cascade 1
Reading: M. Todd Gallowglas

A new piece of fiction. Rated PG

M. Todd Gallowglas

5pm Cascade 2
Thursday Afternoon Poetry

You've checked in, you've gone through registration, and you're waiting for Opening Ceremonies. Come join other nonconformists, gathered in an out-of-the-way place, doing a couple lines of poetry. Come on, you'll like it, and we won't even tell your friends.

Mike Brennan (M), Camille Alexa, Eva-Lise Carlstrom, Lauren Dixon, Lucas Johnson, G. David Nordley

5pm Cascade 3&4
Masquerade Pre-Meeting

To enter the masquerade you MUST attend either of the two Masquerade Pre-Masquerade meetings. You will receive the important information that you need to know to compete. This year we are asking for everyone's music by the end of this panel even if you can't stay for the panel. If you haven't already gotten your masquerade forms at the information table, you can get them here. Please turn in your completed entry forms by the end of this panel. If you have questions about entering, or aren't sure you want to, stop by and we will help you get the answers to your questions.

Alan Bond (M)

5pm Cascade 5
Sex Positive Culture 101

What does it mean to be sex positive? Where can you find sex positive environments? How can you get involved? Learn more about this movement and what it implies.

Mickey Schulz (M), Sheye Anne Blaze, Burton Gamble, Jeremy Holcomb, Sar Surmick

5pm Cascade 6
The Americanization of International Horror

From The Ring to Let Me In (Let the Right One In to The Host, the American film market has remade international horror films for US audiences. We've also seen a number of international horror books translated into English. Panelists will discuss the draw of international horror and how the Americanization of it affects the original story.

Jennifer Brozek (M), Tori Centanni, Amber Clark, Shannon from Seattle Geekly

5pm Cascade 7&8
How to Write Dialogue

What makes dialogue effective? What are the pitfalls and opportunities when approaching writing dialogue? How to write dialogue that (1 seems natural, (2 builds character, and (3 advances the plot. Jude-Marie Green (M), Jason Andrew, James C. Glass, Frog Jones, GregRobin Smith

5pm Cascade 9
Kid Costume Shortcuts

How to make costumes for the fannish child with or without a sewing machine or spending a lot of money - Kids welcome!

Katrina Marier (M), Victoria Shaffer

5pm Cascade 10
Intricate Worlds

How do you build (and maintain an intricate fantasy world that holds up to intensive fan interrogation? Diana Pharaoh Francis (M), Brenda Carre, Andrea Howe, David Nasset, Sr., Dean Wells

5pm Cascade 12
The Art of Critique

A writer must learn to critique both their own work and the work of peers. What makes a good critique?

How do you critique yourself and how do you critique someone else?

Stina Leicht (M), Christopher Bodan, Keffy R. M. Kehrli, Renee Stern, Patrick Swenson

5pm -- 7pm Cascade 13
Let's Make a Movie: The Magic of Special Effects

Yes, we all bought Powerball tickets, but the sad truth is that none of us won, so we get to figure out how to do special effects on what a shoestring would be embarrassed to call a shoestring. Join our intrepid filmmakers for our infamous coast-to-coast workshop, and learn how we've solved a wide variety of tricky effects problems. Even better -- bring us your own puzzlers and problems and let's see if we can help you with your next movie project (note: you don't have to attend all the parts to enjoy the workshop, but attending all the parts gets you the best possible experience .

Edward Martin III (M), Ryan K. Johnson, Brian D. Oberquell, Lisa Sherman

5pm Grand 2
Guest of Honor Banquet

Join us for dinner as you get to wine and dine with the Guests of Honor. We will have several awards to present, and you will get to hear firsthand from our honored guests. Perhaps you will even win a raffle prize! Tickets are available to all members for $50.00 per person. They sell out fast, but any remaining tickets may be purchased at the information desk.

Robert Gould, Seanan McGuire, Michael Moorcock, Catherine Plesko, David Pomerico, Anima! X

5:30pm Cascade 1
Reading: Ann Gimpel

From her recent work. Rated PG

Ann Gimpel

5:30pm Olympic 1
Story Time with Nicole Dieker

Bring your youngsters in for story time. Kids and their parents can relax and let the dulcet tones of our volunteer readers soothe them with tales of derring-do, space creatures, or whatever family-appropriate selection they decide upon.

Nicole Dieker (Hello, The Future!)

6pm Cascade 1
Reading: Cheryl Dyson

A selection from The Gauntlet Thrown. An epic fantasy tale about a man sent to retrieve a magical item in order to marry the princess, except that he doesn't really want to marry her, and the magical item has gone missing. Rated G

Cheryl Dyson

6pm Cascade 2
What Happens If the Aliens Aren't Friendly

Ok, they probably won't show up to steal our women folk, or our water, but what happens if they say "This space time continuum isn't big enough to the two of us?" If we fight, what with? And, do we dare not fight? Touchy questions!

Alan Boyle (M), Elton Elliott, Greg Hallock, David Shoemaker

6pm Cascade 3&4
A Matter of Matter

Matter used to come in three flavors: gas, liquid, and solid. Now there are other choices: ion, degenerate, and Bose-Einstein condensate. Also, what about slurries and non-Newtonian fluids? Come join our panelists in discussing the state of matter.

Kurt Cagle (M), Steve Gillett

6pm Cascade 5
Try It, You'll Like It

As omnivores, humans will eat just about anything: matured plant ovaries, undeveloped bird embryos, raw mollusks, partially carbonized flesh, even the lactic secretions of mammals. What new sources of nutrition are out there waiting to be discovered?

Dr. Ricky (M), Pat MacEwen, Annie Morton

6pm Cascade 6
Nerding Out in the Pacific Northwest

Spending your Latinum: Who, what, when, how, and why?

Morgue Anne (M), Matt Hammond, MC-3PO of Death*Star, C0splay of Death*Star, Donna Prior

6pm Cascade 7&8
Closet Raid!

Old clothes from the back of your closet or from the racks at your favorite thrift store are a great way to build a foundation for costumes and cosplay. Repurposing that leisure suit or ruffled shirt into components for a super hero or super villain is not only an inexpensive alternative but also requires little to no sewing skills. Thanks to the wonder of modern no-sew components, fabric paint, glue, and other readily available items, even a novice costumer can create a great look.

Janet Borkowski (M), Katrina Marier, Victoria Shaffer, Beth Wade

6pm Cascade 9
Galaxy Spanning Empires

We've seen galaxy-spanning civilizations in many great SF series (and some not-so-great . How practical are they? What might they look like? And, how will their star-spanning (even galaxy-spanning nature affect how they work (or perhaps don't work ?

David Nasset, Sr. (M), Russell Ervin, Brent Kellmer

6pm Cascade 10
Changing the Faeries

Bringing the look of fae into the 21st century and growing beyond the style set down in the Victorian era. Bryan Syme (M), Kevin Radthorne

6pm Olympic 1
Story Time with Lucas Johnson

Bring your youngsters in for story time. Kids and their parents can relax and let the dulcet tones of our volunteer readers soothe them with tales of derring-do, space creatures, or whatever family-appropriate selection they decide upon.

Lucas Johnson

6:30pm Cascade 1
Reading: Brenda Carre

Something new. Rated PG

Brenda Carre

6:30pm Olympic 1
Story Time with Eva-Lise Carlstrom

Bring your youngsters in for story time. Kids and their parents can relax and let the dulcet tones of our volunteer readers soothe them with tales of derring-do, space creatures, or whatever family-appropriate selection they decide upon.

Eva-Lise Carlstrom

7pm Evergreen 3&4
Opening Ceremonies

Welcome to Norwescon 37! Come meet our Guests of Honor and find out a little more about what's in store for you this year.

Richard Stephens (M), Robert Gould, Seanan McGuire, Michael Moorcock, Catherine Plesko, David Pomerico, Anima! X

8pm Cascade 1
Reading: Mae Empson

A piece yet to be determined. Rated G

Mae Empson

8pm Cascade 2
Biology in SF: The Good, Bad, and Ugly

Some books and movies do a good job with biology. Others, not so much. Join our discussion on who did what right and what sharks got jumped.

Gregory Gadow (M), Katie Cord, Jim Kling, Dr. Ricky

8pm Cascade 3&4
The "Panel" Panel

Tips and tricks on being a good moderator, pro, or panelist at a convention. What's your job, really, when your name appears after a panel description in a program book? How do you keep it on-topic and interesting for the audience? And what do you do when some blowhard in the back row thinks they know more than you?

Janna Silverstein (M), Janet Borkowski, Charles "Zan" Christensen, Nicole Dieker (Hello, The Future!), Donna Prior

8pm Cascade 5
The Future of EduGames

Educational Games have been a growing segment of the gaming industry, and one that has been pretty quiet. The panelists will share their knowledge of how games are changing the education landscape, and how to use popular games to teach your kids lessons.

Julie Haehn (M), Jeremy Holcomb

8pm Cascade 6
The Direction of Directed Energy Weapons

Laser sights and target designators are all well and good, but where are the energy canons, the phaser rifles, the hand-held blasters we've been waiting for? Come join our panelists as they discuss what is real now and what is just over the horizon (which is actually a good place to hide from someone who has a beam weapon .

Mickey "Meowse" Phoenix (M), James C. Glass, Greg Hallock

8pm Cascade 7&8
Styling the Wigs the Anime Way

Altering wigs to achieve a variety of sought after styles, like high ponytails/pigtails, towering spikes, and huge curls.

Melissa Quinn (M), Torrey Stenmark

8pm Cascade 9
Managing POV

Any story can be told from any point of view: How do you find the best one for yours? What gains and losses come with first person, with limited third person, with multiple third, with multiple first?

Carol Berg (M), Erik Scott de Bie, Cheryl Dyson, Tim McDaniel, Ann Gimpel, Kat Richardson

8pm -- 10pm Cascade 10
Learning to Critique

All writers should know how to critique. It isn't a skill that comes easily or naturally, and doing a good job at it is even harder. Even more importantly, it helps you develop a better sense of what works and what doesn't work in your own writing. Participants who have submitted a manuscript to the Fairwood Writers' Workshop are especially encouraged to attend.

Renee Stern

8pm Cascade 12
Esperanto: The Language of Hope... And Sci-Fi!

Cxu vi volas paroli Esperanton? You might have heard of Esperanto reading Harry Harrison's books, or you might have caught a few words here and there in Red Dwarf. Or maybe you even overheard it through the loudspeaker announcements in the movie Gattaca. It's actually real, and serving an estimated two million speakers worldwide. Designed to be a bridge language more than 150 years ago, Esperanto is easy to learn, easy to understand, and is often considered "the language of people who want to be friends." Come pick up a few words, a few phrases, and a fascinating glimpse into a peculiar piece of history that's still alive and thriving today!

Edward Martin III (M), Eva-Lise Carlstrom, Matthew 'Fish' Dockrey, Berlynn Wohl

8pm Cascade 13
Alien and Fantasy Biology

What can artists do to create new and unusual life forms? How does our understanding of human biology and animal biology help us take the known and twist it to create the unknown? Come meet some artists who excel in making realistic creatures that do not actually exist and make us believe that they could. Bryan Syme (M), John R. Gray III, Margaret Organ-Kean

8pm Evergreen 1&2
Concert: 9k1

Nerdcore's Shubzilla teams up with Lex Lingo and DJ Bill Beats to inflict multiple stab wounds on geek-rap. Yes, she's doing hip-hop about Hello Kitty and gaming. You want to be there.

Shubzilla, Lex Lingo, Bill Beats

8pm Olympic 1
Costuming for Strong Female SF/F Characters

Want to put together costumes on the cheap for strong female characters but don't know where to begin? Come learn some costuming tricks for characters like Rebecca Chambers (Resident Evil Katniss Everdeen (Hunger Games or even Merida (Brave .

Katrina Marier (M), Wednesday (Nessie) Phoenix, Jonnalyhn Wolfcat

8:30pm Cascade 1
Reading: Suzanne Brahm

A new story. Rated PG Suzanne Brahm

9pm Cascade 1
Reading: Esther Jones

A new piece of fiction. Rated PG

Esther Jones

9pm Cascade 2
Reasons to Leave Your Cave

Does writing need to be a solitary profession? How can authors banding together improve their careers? Ryan Macklin (M), Frog Jones, Frances Pauli

9pm Cascade 3&4
21st Century Snake Oil

It must be true; I saw it on the Internet. How has pseudo-science infected popular culture lately? How does this kind of charlatanism interfere with progress and rational discourse? Are there things we can do to counter the untruths that are spread around?

Arthur Bozlee (M), David Nasset, Sr.

9pm Cascade 5
The Genesis of Science in the Middle Ages

Was the time between the fall of Rome and the rise of the early modern nations a time of complete stagnation and ignorance? What if your teachers were just retelling old misconceptions? This session will take a new look at the scientific and technological accomplishments of Western Europe between Rome and the 17th century.

Adrienne Carlson (M), Cymbric Early-Smith, Jude-Marie Green, Bill Gruner, A.M. Brosius

9pm Cascade 6
Punking Early Steam

Exploring and re-imagining the fashions of the earliest era of steam engine technology from 1675 - 1825. From the era of the man who discerned the laws of physics, Sir Isaac Newton, to James Watt the inventor of the steam locomotive: Drawing-out and brainstorming how the fashions of those eras might be realized in a steampunk world.

Katrina Marier (M), Bethany Roullett, Victoria Shaffer

9pm Cascade 7&8
Maps in Fantasy Literature

"I absolutely refuse to leave until we are able to take back something in the nature of a chart." (Arthur Conan Doyle: The Lost World . Maps are a traditional part of our fantasy stories. What revealing details do maps add -for readers and writers- to the description, look, and feel of realms that never were? What delights do they add to the landscape of the imagination? Which books depict their unknown lands with the sureness of a Captain Cook, and which imaginary lands do you most wish we had maps of?

Brenda Carre (M), Bradley P. Beaulieu, Kurt Cagle, Lee Moyer

9pm Cascade 9
Game Mechanics: The Good and the Bad

This panel will cover what makes a good game mechanic and what makes a bad one in board and card games. Join our panelists while we discuss what a mechanic is and how they work as designers to root out the onions and smell the roses.

Jeremy Holcomb (M), Eric Cagle, Adam Koebel, Dylan S.

9pm -- 11pm Cascade 12
Let's Make a Movie: Intro!

Part 1! For more than a decade, we've been making movies every workshop, like some sort of terrifying clockwork monkey. Be a part of history without actually burying yourself in the desert for a thousand years! In this introduction, see a choice selection of movies made as part of this ground-breaking workshop, including hilarious introductions by the filmmakers. Here's the best place to watch all these movies at once, and behold the genesis of one of the weirdest and funniest workshops ever! Hear heinous

behind-the-scenes stories! Feel free to ask the filmmakers questions afterwards, if they're brave enough to stick around! Be inspired for part 2! (note - you don't have to attend all the parts to enjoy the workshop, but attending all the parts gets you the best possible experience!

Edward Martin III (M), Ryan K. Johnson, Brian D. Oberquell, Lisa Sherman

9pm Cascade 13
Get Your Fight On

How can you approach creating dynamic and compelling battle and fight scenes? Let's talk about composition, color, and posing our warriors.

Douglas Herring (M), Leith McCombs

9pm Evergreen 1&2
Concert: Jonny Nero Action Hero

Dance to the ants in your pants as Jonny Nero's patented brand of 8-bit chiptune puts the electronic in Electric Night, covering all things artistic, nerdy, and goofy, but not necessarily all at the same time. Jonny Nero Action Hero

9pm Evergreen 3&4
QUILTBAG: Not Your Mother's Queer Acronym

There's more to queer culture than just those things the letters usually cited "LGBT" stand for. In addition to Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transsexual identities, there are others, like Intersex, GenderQueer, Asexual. Some of these identities have been drastically under-represented in Queer discussions. Come find out more. *Norwescon has a "no outing" policy toward sexual identities. Make sure if you're identifying someone else that you have their permission. Or better yet, just don't do it.

Lilith von Fraumench (M), Amber Clark, Sar Surmick, Gwen Yeh

9pm -- 1am Grand 2
Lazer Tag

Come one, come all! Whether or not you got your letter, Wizard Tag is here at Norwescon. We have wands for wizarding-style lazer tag. Get sorted into a house and play for its team! For players under 18, you must have a parent or guardian present at the arena. Wizard Tag is a live action, **non-contact **sport.

Scott Perrin

9pm -- 2am Grand 3
Thursday Dance

Not only is it Thursday Night, but it's also the first night of the Convention. So bust out the Neon and the Aqua Net. Dust off the Capezios and fire up Mr. Fusion. Hop into the DeLorean and get ready for a flashback to the 80's. Dance the night away with DJ Stratacaster, who will tantalize you with audio delights that will keep you moving throughout time.

DJ Stratacaster (M)

9pm -- 2am Maxi's Ballroom
18+ Scheduled Gaming

Come see the seedier side of gaming during our adults-only block! Racier, more violent, and generally uncensored! We've got great games going all weekend, with our game masters and some pros! Don't forget to sign up in advance! During this time block our main room is 18+.

9pm -- 2am Salon
All Ages Scheduled Gaming

Come check out our youth gaming space! All ages are welcome but this section is specifically aimed at and run by the younger part of our community! We've got great games going all weekend, with our game masters and some pros! Don't forget to sign up in advance! During this time block the Salon ONLY is all

age .

9:30pm Cascade 1
Reading: Stina Leicht

Cold Iron, a new novel. Rated PG

Stina Leicht

10pm Cascade 1
Reading: Jason V Brock

Original short fiction and poetry. Rated PG

Jason V Brock

10pm Cascade 3&4
Villains of Cosplay

We've seen the show - surely that is not us! We parse a reality show about costuming and figure out what is true and what we "never ever do".

Bethany Roullett (M), Jonnalyhn Wolfcat, Torrey Stenmark, Richard Stephens

10pm Cascade 5
From Camp to Crap

Why is Sharknado a cult classic but Star Trek: Into Darkness disappointingly bad? How do you decide what makes science fiction and fantasy good or garbage, and is there garbage you can't help but love?

Mimi Noyes (M), John R. Gray III, Chris Nilsson

10pm Cascade 7&8
How To Get Laid At A Con

How to hook up and be safe, tips on enhancing your communication skills, safer sex advice, grooming tips, and etiquette suggestions of things to NEVER EVER do or say to keep you from being that creep others avoid. And who knows -- today's hook-up might be tomorrow's happily-ever-after. Funny stories and serious advice. 18+ only please

Mickey Schulz (M), Eva-Lise Carlstrom, Matt Case, Burton Gamble

10pm Cascade 10
Cyberpunk in the 21st Century

Cyberpunk nearly always portrays societies in which governments are wimpy and power is concentrated in the hands of a wealthy or corporate elite. Despite the fact that cyberpunk evolved in the 80's to describe the often nihilistic underbelly of an electronic society, is it still relevant today? Looking at today's news, it would seem very now. How has cyberpunk evolved, and who is writing the great stories these days? And whose dark futures look bright?

Jason Bourget (M), Jason Andrew, Kurt Cagle, Frog Jones

10pm Cascade 13
Escher Girls and the Hawkeye Initiative

Escher Girls, the Hawkeye Initiative, and Jim Hines Cover Posing project have all pointed out the crimes of wildly inaccurate anatomy and ludicrous poses the warrior women of genre book covers & comics are subjected to daily. How do we do it better, both as artists and voices of sanity?

Jeliza Patterson-McGuire (M), Lee Moyer

10pm Evergreen 1&2
Concert: Klopfenpop

Josh Klopfenstein, Seattle's omnicompetent, omnipresent, omnivorous, and possibly omnicorporeal nerdcore beats producer, in concert, has been known to pull out a guitar and sing about Jewish cowboys

and prairie bagels. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED.


10:30pm Cascade 1
Reading: Morgue Anne

Tales from the Vaginomicon, horror shorts with a central theme of Womanhood. "Lillith's Birth", "The Fourth Bride of Dracula", and more! A grab bag of spooky-sexy. Rated R

Morgue Anne

11pm Cascade 1
Reading: Lucas Johnson

A recent work. Rated R

Lucas Johnson

11pm -- 2am Evergreen 1&2
Thursday Night Filk

Come play to and play along with the most supportive musical peer group you'll ever find. Bring an instrument, or just your voice, or just come out to listen -- everyone is welcome!

11:30pm Cascade 1
Reading: A.M. Brosius

A piece yet to be determined. Rated R

A.M. Brosius

Midnight-2am Cascade 12
Midnight Movie: Serenity

Dust off your Brown Coats and join the crew of the spaceship Serenity as they try to evade an assassin out to recapture a member of the crew. This movie is Rated PG-13.


9am -- 8pm Maxi's Ballroom
Scheduled Gaming

Come on up to scheduled gaming at Maxi's. We've got great games going all weekend, with our game masters and some pros! Don't forget to sign up in advance! During this time block our whole room is all ages.

9am -- 2am Rotunda 1&2
Open Gaming

Drop in to the Rotunda and check out what's happening! It's always changing, so every trip is a mystery! Grizz O'Ryan (M), Earl McDanel

9am -- 8pm Salon
Board & Card Gaming

Come on up and check out the dealer demos running this year in the Salon. Play before you buy, and buy at your gaming table.

Grizz O'Ryan (M), Earl McDanel

10am Cascade 1
Reading: Ken Scholes

Something new. Rated PG

Ken Scholes

10:30am Cascade 1
Reading: Michael Tinker Pearce and Linda Pearce

Rage of Angels. The good news is We Are Not Alone. The bad news is we're screwed.

Michael Tinker Pearce, Linda Pearce

10am Cascade 3&4
A Beta by Any Other Name...

Pretty much everyone knows that a beta reader is invaluable to a writer, but what you might not realize is that sometimes you need more than one kind of beta! You may find you need a Brainstorming Beta to help you work through concept problems and writer's block. You might want a SPaG Beta to help clean up your less than stellar technical skills. You should definitely look for a Cultural Beta if you're writing about any other culture or race than the one you grew up with. Learn more about how these different types of betas can help you do your best work and how to find a beta that is right for you!

Aibhinn (M), Dame Ruth, thatworldinverted

10am Cascade 5
Kids' Kostuming

Brainstorming the basics: Bring the kids for this basic primer - starting with two of the most basic costume patterns, the panel demonstrates how you can 'rock-it' for your kid - or yourself.

Melissa Quinn (M), Bethany Roullett, Victoria Shaffer

10am Cascade 9
When Will Fusion Come Together?

Unlimited energy from fusion has been ten years away for at least forty years. What's the hold up? What advances have been made? Is it still going to be ten years away in another ten years?

James C. Glass (M), Russell Ervin, Steve Gillett, Dr. Kent Welter

10am Cascade 10
Bringing an Asteroid to Earth: As Easy As It Seems?

Several private industries want to bring an asteroid into earth orbit for exploitation. Is it is as easy as some

say it will be? And is it worth doing? Will advances in nanotech render the exercise pointless? Greg Hallock (M), Dan Dubrick, Elton Elliott, G. David Nordley, Catherine Plesko

10am -- Noon Cascade 12
Let's Make a Movie: Plan It!

You were there for the previous parts, right? Quick! Time travel (or step into the flow now, if you like ! In part 3, we go over the plan, figure out the gear, work up a story, write the script, plan the shoot, and pretty much anything else we can think of. That's right! From soup to nuts, we're going to make an entire movie here at Norwescon. This is your chance to be a part of this unique workshop and learn how to make a movie on a budget so tiny calling it "tiny" makes people who are tiny feel insulted. The key to making a movie, of course, is good planning! (note - you don't have to attend all the parts to enjoy the workshop, but attending all the parts gets you the best possible experience!

Edward Martin III (M), Ryan K. Johnson, Eric Morgret, Brian D. Oberquell, Lisa Sherman

10am Cascade 13
Artist's Jam

Everyone participates in this extravaganza. Bring your questions for the professionals and materials with which to create art on the spot. Everyone paints, draws, sketches, and blabs about art.

Cymbric Early-Smith (M), Bryan Syme

10am Evergreen 3&4
Roman Legionary Gladius and Scutum Tactical Combat

Twenty participants, each equipped with a wooden gladius (sword , and a regulation scutum (shield will learn and practice basic Roman legionary combat skills in a safe, supervised environment. Learn what it is like to stand in the Roman line. Instructors will provide training swords and shields, to be shared by groups of 20 participants.

Major James Franklin (Ret.) (M), Bill Gruner, A.M. Brosius, Norman K. Moss, GregRobin Smith

10am Grand 3
Robert Gould Presents Myth, Media, and the Culture of Commerce

Join Norwescon 37 Artist Guest of Honor Robert Gould as he discusses the visual artist in modern media and how creativity and imagination are expressed within a culture of commodity and commerce. What is the role of the artist? The role of the story in creating cultural and personal narratives? The role of the audience as a consumer? And what is the outcome when myth and commerce collide?

Robert Gould

10am Olympic 1
Follow the Leader: Astronaut Tour of Norwescon / Story Time

Our little astronauts will be roped together and led by our astronaut guide into deep space (or around the convention for a tour of the inner working of the con. Not feeling up to wandering around? Stay behind for story time!

Cheryl Dyson (M), Michaela Zielke

11am Cascade 1
Reading: Carol Berg

Dust and Light. Rated G

Carol Berg

11am Cascade 2
What the Frak Is "Filk?"

The oldest form of geekmusic at sci-fi conventions is a branch-off from folk called "filk." It has an intentionally open and deeply participatory culture, and isn't just folk-derived, despite the origins. This

panel is your introduction to fandom's oldest tradition of participatory geekmusic. Come on out and play! David Nasset, Sr. (M), Heather Dale, Mickey "Meowse" Phoenix

11am Cascade 3&4
Size Acceptance Is for Everybody

In one corner is the medical establishment and popular media with their obsession with thinness at any cost. In the other corner is the size-acceptance movement and its grass-roots rebellion against the diet industry. We'll discuss the works of fat-positive authors, the origins of the BMI table, the definition of an epidemic, and why it isn't any more polite to tell a small person to eat a sandwich than it is to tell a large person they'd be so attractive if only they lost a few pounds.

Jen K (M), Sheye Anne Blaze, Jude-Marie Green, Jonna Hayden, Mickey Schulz

11am Cascade 5
Backyard Space Program

Ever want to launch your own rockets? Dream of seeing the world from the edge of space? The technology is out there today and at a surprisingly low cost. Our panel tells you how to get started.

Steve Gillett (M), Arthur Bozlee, Dave Davis, Catherine Plesko

11am Cascade 6
Language Acquisition

Somewhere deep in our genome, we have an instinctive ability to speak: every human society has language, and every human infant learns how to use it in the same way. Our panelists will discuss the biology of language and how we acquire the seemingly unique gift of complex speech.

Eva-Lise Carlstrom (M), Kurt Cagle, Sean Hagle

11am Cascade 7&8
Authors With Volume

Audiobooks, vlogs, and podcasts are extremely popular formats, but many authors don't know where to start. Learn the tools and tricks by participating in a recorded podcast session.

Dean Wells (M), Chasing River, Gregory A. Wilson

11am Cascade 10
The Best in Recent SF

People often talk about the classics of science fiction, but there's also a lot of great SF being produced now. Some of them may even be looked back upon as classics at some point. Our panel discusses some of the best works of recent years, including ones the audience may have overlooked. We'll also talk about how some of these recent works stand on the back of the giants that came before.

Duane Wilkins (M), Leslie Howle, Chris Nilsson

11am Evergreen 3&4
Norse Sword, Shield, & Spear Tactical Combat

Hands-on demo. Participants, equipped with wooden swords, spears, and shields, will learn and practice basic Norse weapon combat skills in a safe, non-contact environment. What is it like standing in the shield wall? Instructors will provide training swords, shields, and spears to be shared by groups of 20 participants. Bill Gruner (M), A.M. Brosius, Major James Franklin (Ret.), Norman K. Moss, Michael Ormes, GregRobin Smith

11am Grand 3
Anima! X Presents

Our Costuming Guest of Honor, Anima! X, presents some of her work.

Anima! X

11am Olympic 1
Fruit Basket (Sort of Like Musical Chairs)

Are your youngsters tired of sitting and want to run? Bring them to this panel and let them work off some of their energy in a fruit-filled game of action and excitement.

Camin Bradbury (M)

11:30am Cascade 1
Reading: Lynn Flewelling

Shards of Time is the seventh, and last, book of Lynn Flewelling's internationally acclaimed Nightrunner series. Rated PG

Lynn Flewelling

Noon Cascade 1
Reading: Caren Gussoff

The Birthday Problem. Coming Summer 2014 from Pink Narcissus Press. Rated G

Caren Gussoff

Noon Cascade 2
Minorities in Comics

Have the big publishers become better at representing a wider range of characters? Are token minorities better than none at all? What are the strengths and weaknesses in the comics medium for representing a unique look at these issues? Our panelists will discuss how mainstream and indie comics handle minorities. G. Willow Wilson (M), Charles "Zan" Christensen, Catherine Kyle, Dennis R. Upkins

Noon Cascade 3&4
Cosplay Is Not Consent

Cosplayers have become increasingly vocal about the abuse they endure from fans and media at conventions. From "news crews" for vlogs posing insulting and sexually aggressive questions, to being groped, having their bodies rudely commented on, the slut and size shaming, not to mention the constant cries of "Fake Nerd Girl!" What is a cosplayer to do? How you should act toward cosplayers, and why it isn't ok to treat them poorly.

Morgue Anne (M), Jonnalyhn Wolfcat, Melissa Quinn, Torrey Stenmark, Victoria Whitlock, Anima! X

Noon Cascade 5
Space Opera: Past, Present, and Future

What is the future of space opera as a genre? How does the "new" British space opera by authors such as Iain M. Banks, Alastair Reynolds, and Peter F. Hamilton differ from the older American space opera of Heinlein and Asimov to which it owes so much? What do recent examples of film and television space opera (such as Firefly or the Star Trek reboot suggest about changing audience tastes? Are we really in the midst of a space opera renaissance?

Jason Bourget (M), Elton Elliott, Lex Lingo, Patrick Swenson, Duane Wilkins

Noon Cascade 6
Military Motifs in Fantasy

Military fantasy is nothing new - it's been around at least since the Iliad. But how do you do it realistically in modern fantasy? What sort of research do you need? And what sort of pitfalls do you run up against? Come join us for a lively discussion of all this, as well as opinions about who's doing it well (and who's not . Jennifer Brozek (M), Russell Ervin, Brent Kellmer

Noon Cascade 7&8
Modern Folklore

Pulp narrative has transformed Robin Hood into Batman and Romeo and Juliet into Twilight. What legends

and narrative elements is today's pop culture implanting for the distant future? Fish (M), Camille Alexa, Sara Twitty, thatworldinverted

Noon Cascade 9
What's New in Games This Year?

Our panelists will discuss the new hot games and maybe a few that have slipped by widespread notice, as well as new trends in games and gaming.

Shannon from Seattle Geekly (M), Jeremy Holcomb, Ryan Macklin, Dylan S.

Noon Cascade 10
Maximizing Your Masquerade Rehearsal

How to get the most out of your limited rehearsal time at the con. Our veteran competitors and masquerade directors talk about the do's and don'ts for this extremely important preparation experience. Anita Taylor (M), Bethany Roullett, Julie Zetterberg

Noon Cascade 12
Behind the Scenes at Kennedy Space Center

In January, Hugo-winning SF writer David D. Levine was invited to attend the launch of the TDRS-L satellite from Kennedy Space Center in Florida. The launch event included visits to a launch pad under construction the upper stories of the Vehicle Assembly Building, and the crawler-transporter, which are not open to the public, as well as press conferences with administrators, scientists, and astronauts. He took lots of pictures. Come see his slides and ask questions!

David D. Levine (M)

Noon Cascade 13
Indulge Your Inner Kindergartener

Take time to get down to the arty basics. Fantasy- and science fiction-themed coloring pages, markers, and colored pencils will be provided. Actual kindergarteners also welcome.

Jeliza Patterson-McGuire (M), John R. Gray III

Noon Evergreen 1&2
Sing Loud and Clear: Vocal Techniques for Filkers

Whether you're a raw beginner, or you sang the lead in your high school musical, this workshop will take your singing to the next level. We will cover breath, vowel shaping, articulation, and all the nuts and bolts of singing technique, with a focus on projection and clarity without strain. You will also learn adaptations for singing in different parts of your range and different styles, as time permits. Bring your voice and note­taking materials, and be prepared to use both.

Leith McCombs (M)

Noon Evergreen 3&4
One-on-One Combat for Writers

Writing a hand weapon combat scene. Two warriors armed with swords face each other. One moves, the other counters. So begins the combat scene, one of the most difficult of writing tasks. Now you can watch two fighters move thru the dance of combat, and write as they move. You can direct their moves in real time, while watching from different angles. Then share your description of the action with other participants and the fighters.

Norman K. Moss (M), Major James Franklin (Ret.), Bill Gruner, A.M. Brosius, Darragh Metzger, Michael Tinker Pearce, Ann Shilling, GregRobin Smith

Noon Grand 3
Catherine Plesko Presents: The Impacts That Built the Solar System

Join Norwescon 37 Science Guest of Honor Catherine S. Plesko, Ph.D., for a presentation on debris clouds!

Gravitational accretion! The collision of asteroids and comets with planets! MASSIVE COSMIC EXPLOSIONS! These astronomic impacts have played a role as the dominant geologic process in the solar system, and are some of the forces behind the evolution of life on our planet. Come learn about some of the discoveries that astronomers, astronauts, field geologists, and computational geophysicists like Dr. Plesko have made about impact events in our solar system, and the tools they use to make them.

Catherine Plesko

12:30pm Cascade 1
Reading: PK Dick Nominee Cassandra Clarke

A new work of fiction. Rated G

Cassandra Clarke

1pm Cascade 2
The Constant Drone of Drones

Come hear our panelists give an overview on drones, then focus in on where the tech is likely to lead, and what cool plot hooks it can provide.

Dave Davis (M)

1pm Cascade 3&4

We hear a lot in science fiction about terraforming, the process of altering a planet to support Terran life. But wouldn't it be easier to alter Terran life to live in an alien environment?

Gregory Gadow (M), Pat MacEwen, David Shoemaker, Dr. Ricky

1pm Cascade 5
Fantasy in Comics

Comics have great potential for fantasy as a visual medium. Fantasy comics range from traditional fantasy like Prince Valiant to the more unique Bone, and reinterpretations like Fables and Conan. Here's a look at some of the great work that has been done, what's being published currently, from comics to graphic novels, and how fantasy comics have evolved over time.

Jeff Grubb (M), Clinton J. Boomer, Spencer Ellsworth, Duane Wilkins

1pm Cascade 6
Medicine and Healing in Medieval Times: Wounds & Trauma

From cut fingers to arrow punctures to cut muscles, people have always had to treat wounds. Our ancestors were able to use some effective treatments as necessary. Gain some insight into how injured people were treated and survived.

Adrienne Carlson (M), Dame Ruth, Matt Hammond, Buzzy, Victoria Whitlock

1pm Cascade 7&8
Polyamory 101

What is polyamory? Why would anyone want more than one partner? How does everyone interact so everyone's needs are met and no one gets hurt? How do more conservative family members react to these plural relationships? Should you, shouldn't you? What are the pros and cons?

Sar Surmick (M), Sheye Anne Blaze, Jeremy Holcomb, Sean Hagle, Lilith von Fraumench

1pm Cascade 9
Podcasting 101

What do you need to create a podcast? From barebones to podcasts with extravagant production values, there's room for everyone out there with something to say. Come hear our podcasters talk about how they got started and how they do it.

Shannon from Seattle Geekly (M), Ryan Macklin, Chasing River, Ogre Whiteside

1pm Cascade 10
Your Career as a Hybrid Author

More and more authors are adopting a hybrid model - that is, splitting their output between big presses, indies, and self-publishing. Come hear the varied benefits of this once unthinkable choice and ask yourself is a hybrid life right for you?

Karen Kincy (M), Jason Andrew, Tod McCoy, Sara Stamey

1pm Cascade 12
The Art of John Picacio

Hugo Award-winning artist (and Norwescon 35 Artist GoH John Picacio presents a slideshow featuring the making of his recent SF/F artwork, followed by a Q&A.

John Picacio (M)

1pm Evergreen 1&2
Seanan McGuire Reading

Our Special Guest of Honor reads from her work. What will she read? Audience choice!

Seanan McGuire

1pm -- 3pm Grand 2
Lazer Tag

Time to grab your tagger and come on down to play. Face your fellow players and our pro team. For those players who are under 18, you must have a parent or guardian present at the arena. Lazer Tag is a live action, NON-CONTACT sport.

Scott Perrin

1pm Olympic 1
Baby Lounge & Quiet Hour

Need a quiet place where you can release your babies from confinement and let them socialize while you relax? Drop in for an hour and let your little ones roam free in the room.

Olympic 1

1:30pm -- 3:30pm Cascade 13
Monster Mash for Mature Mad Scientists

Don your best mad scientist outfit and come create marvelous monsters and creative chimera! We will take cute fluffy stuffed animals and hack them into pieces only to reassemble them in wholly unnatural ways. WARNING! Not for the easily distressed, or children! We will be working with scissors and needles and as such only mature mad scientists will be allowed to participate. The only skills required are rudimentary sewing skills (plush is very forgiving and a sick sense of humor. There will be a $5 materials fee per participant to cover the cost of DNA splitters, splicers, and experimental specimens.

Mimi Noyes (M), Roberta Gregory

2pm Cascade 1
Reading: Nancy Kress

A new piece of fiction. Rated G

Nancy Kress

2pm Cascade 2
House Rules

House rules for card and board games are not new. These are the rules that you have come up with as a close knit group of gamers. Come hear the best and worst of the panelists' house rules from their favorite games.

Clinton J. Boomer (M), Eric Cagle, Julie Haehn, Dylan S.

2pm Cascade 3&4
Designing Believable Planets

A worldbuilding panel on world-creation. Can planets only form along with stars? Are there planet types other than terrestrial and gas giants?

Steve Gillett (M)

2pm Cascade 5
Consistent Magic Systems

Allomancy, runes, true names, blood magic... creating a coherent magical system isn't easy. What are some good sources to pull from for your magic system? How do you make it believable and consistent? Join us as we discuss all that and talk about examples where it's been done well.

Brenda Carre (M), Bradley P. Beaulieu, Brent Kellmer

2pm Cascade 6
What's to Eat?

Local, seasonal, organic; people in the middle ages had no choice but to eat this way. What kinds of strategies did they use to make it through the long, cold winter? What were their favorite entrees & desserts? How were their menus different from ours? Samples will be shared by the panelists.

Adrienne Carlson (M), Major James Franklin (Ret.), Bill Gruner, Beth Wade, Ogre Whiteside

2pm Cascade 7&8
Poly Parenting

And you thought blending households and finances was complicated. What happens when children come into the mix? How do you cope with three or more parenting styles under the same roof? How do you explain things at school? Can you legally protect your rights as a non-biological parent? And what happens if the ex uses your relationship as grounds in a custody battle? Our panel of polyamorous parents may be able to point you in the right direction.

Jeliza Patterson-McGuire (M), Sheye Anne Blaze, Eva-Lise Carlstrom, Amber Clark

2pm Cascade 9
When Will AI Be Real?

Does "artificial intelligence" mean "artificial sentience"? What will AI look like in the future? Will it be Skynet, or Siri on steroids? Come help our panelists shed light on the subject, or at least make interesting shadows.

Michael Ormes (M), Jason V Brock, Matthew 'Fish' Dockrey, Sean Hagle

2pm Cascade 10
Faith in Speculative Fiction

Faith is an area that is often overlooked in world-building and character motivation in speculative fiction, in spite of the impact that it has had, and continues to have (for good and bad , in our world. How does faith affect the setting and formation of a fictional world? How has faith been used well (or badly in our genres?

Lillian Cohen-Moore (M), Stina Leicht, Ken Scholes, Dean Wells, G. Willow Wilson

2pm Cascade 12
The Art of Lee Moyer

Chesley award winning artist (and Norwescon 36 Artist Guest of Honor Lee Moyer presents a slideshow showcasing his recent work, followed by a Q&A.

Lee Moyer (M)

2pm Evergreen 1&2
47North Live

A Q&A session with Alex Carr and David Pomerico of our Norwescon 37 Spotlight Publisher, 47North. Jamala N. Henderson (M), Alex Carr, David Pomerico

2pm Evergreen 3&4
Elegance and Entropy - Delicate Desiccation - Fashion Show and Tell

Only the most well-dressed zombies and ghosts will appear in our fashion show, showcasing various historical epochs from when these dead fashionistas were interred.

Richard Stephens (M), Tammie L Dupuis, Vicki Glover, Bethany Roullett

2pm Olympic 1
Magic Show with Whifflesnort the Wizard

Professor Ezekial T. Whifflesnort, BSW (Big Shot Wizard , will perform demonstrations of the magical arts, and will teach at least one trick to all who attend. With his skills of mirth, magic, flash, and fafoooom, Whifflesnort the Wizard enchants audiences of all ages and shoe sizes.

Whifflesnort the Wizard (M), Sharon Kingsford

2pm Rainier
Single Pattern Contest Judging

Bring your single pattern contest entries to be judged. You do not need to have your entry judged to display your entry, or to participate in the single pattern contest fashion show. Judging session is open to entrants only.

SunnyJim Morgan (M), Kimberly Agbayani, Don Glover, Scott Douwes

2:30pm Cascade 1
Reading: Christopher Bodan

A piece to be determined. Rated PG

Christopher Bodan

3pm Cascade 1
Reading: Pat MacEwen

"The Lightness of the Movement." Due to appear in Fantasy & Science Fiction Magazine early in 2014. Sometimes the best way to understand an alien is to become one. But learning to dance is only the first step, and courtship can lead to much more than just sex. Rated PG

Pat MacEwen

3pm Cascade 2
Life, Everlasting

Is an end to human senescence in our grasp? Our panelists will discuss the biological and sociological issues of extending human life indefinitely.

Dr. Misty Marshall (M), G. David Nordley, David Shoemaker, Dr. Ricky

3pm Cascade 3&4
Fanfic 101

Have you always wanted to write fanfiction, but just don't know where to start? Do you have some great ideas but don't know how to flesh them out? This panel will help new fanfic writers get past some of their fears about writing by tackling the basics: finding inspiration, plot development, creating compelling characters, and showing rather than telling your audience your story. We will also talk about issues that are specific to fanfic writers. How do you determine where to post your work? How do you write a summary that will catch people's attention? Why is it important to properly tag, rate, and trigger warn your fic? Let us help you break through your fears and start writing stories!

keerawa (M), Aibhinn, Chasing River, thatworldinverted

3pm Cascade 5
Comics and Cultural Appropriation

How accurate are comics at portraying different cultures? Does the medium limit or enhance an artist's or writer's ability to genuinely show other races and cultures? Our panelists will discuss how comics such as Habibi and Scalped represent other cultures, and how comics can pay homage to other cultures without marginalizing them.

Dennis R. Upkins (M), Clinton J. Boomer, Spencer Ellsworth, G. Willow Wilson

3pm Cascade 6
You and Me (But Mostly Me)

Working with a developmental editor can be a dream come true or a nightmare. Learn the ins and outs of collaborative storytelling, and hold onto your vision while (gasp sharing creative control.

Sara Stamey (M), Frog Jones, Janna Silverstein

3pm Cascade 7&8
Pumpkin Seeds, Dead Insects, and Other Unusual Embellishments

NOOOOO, don't throw that away - you can put it on a costume!!! Just when you thought there was a limit to what you could use to embellish a costume! Join the fun and creativity.

Julie Zetterberg (M), Vicki Glover, Katrina Marier, Anima! X

3pm Cascade 9
The New Nuclear Reactors

Advances in science have improved the art of turning matter into energy, and engineering is working to catch up. Join our panelists to discuss what can be done with nuclear energy, and what is likely.

Mike Brennan (M), Russell Ervin, Greg Hallock, David Nasset, Sr., Dr. Kent Welter

3pm Cascade 10
Feminism in Fandom

The face of feminism has changed over the decades, from the suffrage struggles of the first wave, the women's liberation movement of the second wave, and the intersectionality of the third wave. Women are well-represented in local fandom, but a lot of fan media is still a boys' club. And then there are the comic book heroines with their improbable poses and battle lingerie... What does all this say about the future of feminism? And how do we inspire the next generation of girls to love the same genres we do?

Seanan McGuire (M), Catherine Kyle, Morgue Anne, Mickey Schulz, Victoria Whitlock

3pm Cascade 12
Science Fiction & Fantasy Themes in Metal Music

Do you fondly remember the first time you heard Black Sabbath's "Iron Man" or Blue Oyster Cult's "Godzilla"? Do you love GWAR just because they claim to be from outer space? Have you mocked black metal bands for their misuse of Orcish? If so, join us for a discussion of the use of science fiction and fantasy themes within the metal genre. Whether your interest in metal is recent or long-lived, occasional or die-hard, there's something for every lover of the fantastic and loud!

Lilith von Fraumench (M), Lucas Johnson

3pm Evergreen 1&2
Robert Gould Q&A

A Q&A session with Norwescon 37 Artist Guest of Honor Robert Gould.

Robert Gould, Marta Murvosh

Grand 1
Art Show Tour with Lee Moyer

Lee Moyer talks in depth about his work in the show and shares his thoughts about selected other works as well. Come enjoy an artist's perspective on the art show!

Lee Moyer

3pm -- 5pm Grand 3
Concert: The Heather Dale Band

All the way from Toronto, the Heather Dale Band's Modern Celtic About World Legends show made them a lot of fans at their first Norwescon appearance three years ago; come out for their amazing return at the Friday Afternoon Big Show!

Heather Dale, Ben Deschamps, Betsy Tinney

3:30pm Cascade 1
Reading: Renee Stern

"Hannelore and Her Sisters." The shattering of the Iron Curtain unleashes something old and long hidden - a new short story. Rated PG

Renee Stern

3:30pm -- 5pm Olympic 1
Fannish Jewelry Making for Kids

Teens will demonstrate to younger kids how to make bracelets from beads and string.

Michaela Zielke (M), Cheryl Dyson

4pm Cascade 1
Reading: S. A. Bolich

The Mask of God. Fate is the mistress of mortal destinies but not of her own. Worse, she is married to the lord of chaos, whose itch to roll his magical dice across the paths of humans tends to upset her best-laid plans. The young man she has chosen to be her tool to bring about the future she desires is, em, stubborn to say the least, and Alarion Aravon does not even believe in her. But he is about to, because if he doesn't find a way to break free of her web, everything he loves - everything he is - will change past knowing. Rated G

S. A. Bolich

4pm Cascade 2
Wasted Moments in Film and Television

What happened to the great "I am your father" moments? Are there no good reveals left, or has the audience just gone cold?

Shannon from Seattle Geekly (M), MC-3PO of Death*Star, C0splay of Death*Star, Fish

4pm Cascade 3&4
Regal Tastes and Royal Influence

For centuries the force of fashion has come from the crown, as the King or Queen goes, so goes the country. We look back at some of the great royal fashion innovators: Kings, Queens, Emperors, and Czars who made a lasting impact on not only their subjects' clothing, but often that of people far around the globe.

Tammie L. Dupuis (M), Jonna Hayden, Julie Zetterberg

4pm Cascade 5
Antiheroes and Rogues

From Elric to Fafhrd and the Gray Mouser to the Gentleman Bastards, antiheroes and rogues are everywhere. Our Writer GOH, Michael Moorcock, practically invented the antihero in fantasy, and rogues have been around since the early days of the genre. But why do we love them? Do they fulfill some deep

psychological need in us when we "aim to misbehave"? Let's talk about our favorites and muse about which ones show promise in current fantasy.

Lynn Flewelling (M), Bradley P. Beaulieu, Stina Leicht

4pm Cascade 6
Bullies Suck: Raising Compassionate Children

Consider the case of ten-year-old Jasmine McClain and the scores of other children who have ended their own lives rather than endure another taunt from a bully. Even one life lost is too many. How can we raise our kids to be kind? How do we explain terms like sexual identity, gender dysphoria, racism, misogyny, and oppression in terms young children can understand? How do we discuss it with older children without being condescending? And when the timeworn strategy of "ignore bullies and they'll stop" doesn't work, how do we help keep them from being the next victim?

Sar Surmick (M), Maida 'Mac' Combs, Chris Nilsson, Mickey "Meowse" Phoenix

4pm Cascade 7&8
Writing Short Fiction

Congratulations! You've built your world, plotted your arcs, and managed your POV. Your characters are ready to spring into life, armed with daunting goals and dialogue so sharp it will slice through the very pages upon which it's to be written. Now all you need to do is cram all of that into 7,500 words or less. Discuss with writers how the essential elements of Story can be crafted into works of limited length.

Ken Scholes (M), Camille Alexa, Keffy R. M. Kehrli, Tim McDaniel

4pm Cascade 9
Giving Good Alien

It's pretty darn hard to write about a life form completely outside of our experience. No matter how good an SF story is, if you come across an alien that's either `just a guy in a suit' or too far from our current understanding of the laws of physics, it can throw you out of the story. So what does it take to create a believable alien?

Pat MacEwen (M), Nancy Kress, David D. Levine, Dean Wells

4pm Cascade 10
Women in Horror

Women are reclaiming their place in pop culture, and horror is no exception. With Women in Horror Recognition month getting bigger each year, what is it about the genre that leads itself to strong, capable women? Are these characters powerful role models, or just bimbos covered in blood? From Linea Quigley to Shannon Lark, join us as we discuss the role of women in horror, how it became a movement, and why you should care.

Jennifer Brozek (M), Katie Cord, Mae Empson, Angel Leigh McCoy

4pm Cascade 12
Wings Into Space

Classical science fiction has spacecraft that take off vertically and land vertically under rocket power. But is that really the best way to do things? Four real life spaceships made use of wings for at least part of their flight profile. Let's look at the past to see how they did the trick and what we can learn about real spacecraft operations.

Dana Andrews (M), Arthur Bozlee, Dave Davis, Jon Rogers

4pm Cascade 13
Paint and Take

Come paint a miniature with our painting experts and take it home with you. Paints and minis will be provided, as well as instruction and tips for beginners and seasoned hobbyists alike.

Dylan S. (M), Julie Haehn

4pm Evergreen 3&4
Geek, Geek, Don't Tell Me!

If you enjoy NPR's weekly quiz show "Wait, Wait... Don't Tell Me!" you'll enjoy our humorous SF/F version of this popular show. We'll test audience members' knowledge against a panel of pro artists, authors, and film critics in the field as former coworkers Les Howle and Brooks Peck, current Science Fiction Museum curator, display images from books, films, comics, and art from the 1940's till now. Our panel of pros will give answers and our audience participants will bet on whether they are right or wrong. Chocolate to the winners!

Brooks Peck (M), Caren Gussoff, Leslie Howle, John Picacio, Cat Rambo

4:30pm Cascade 1
Reading: Kat Richardson

Revenant. In the upcoming ninth Greywalker novel, Harper Blaine travels to Portugal to rescue a kidnapped child, take on some ancient sorcerers, and put a stop to their evil plot. Also, a dragon. Rated PG Kat Richardson

5pm Cascade 1
Reading: Patrick Swenson

A new piece of fiction. Rated G

Patrick Swenson

5pm Cascade 2
Lies My Writing Teacher Told Me

Much of what we think we know about publishing is wrong--or rather, it's not true anymore. This panel aims to dispel common myths and radically update everyone's understanding of etiquette, norms, and plausible paths to success in this fast-changing industry.

Dean Wells (M), Susan DeFreitas, Spencer Ellsworth, Diana Pharaoh Francis

5pm Cascade 3&4
Guilty Pleasures

Media we hate to admit that we love and the private battles we face when it becomes acceptable to "like" them openly.

Chris Nilsson (M), Camille Alexa, Maida 'Mac' Combs, Berlynn Wohl

5pm Cascade 5
Imperial Heaven; The Elegant Clothing of China and Japan

The Chinese and Japanese cultures created intricate and elegant clothing throughout most of their history - from flowing silk and brocades, to painted fabrics and liberal use of pearls and other beads, the clothing of China and Japan offers incredible opportunities to stretch your costuming to new heights.

Deborah Strub (M), Carmen Beaudry, Tammie L. Dupuis, Melissa Quinn

5pm Cascade 6
Creature Feature: Monsters of Urban Fantasy

Werewolves, vampires, and trolls, oh my! We all have favorites among the vast number of creatures that inhabit urban fantasy alongside humans. What are they -- and why? Do the fantasy archetypes (vampire, werewolf, fairy, and so on give us a shortcut to understanding a particular character and their motivation? How do authors use these creatures as metaphors for our own personalities and desires?

Kat Richardson (M), Ann Gimpel, Rhiannon Held

5pm Cascade 7&8
Tabletop RPG Design: Game Design Workshop

Are you designing, or thinking about designing a tabletop RPG? Are you stuck? Unclear how to begin? Need feedback? Let our panelists help you through the design process.

Ogre Whiteside (M), Erik Scott de Bie, Adam Koebel, Sage LaTorra, Ryan Macklin

5pm Cascade 9
The Molecules of Life

DNA and RNA form the basis of all known life on Earth. What are these amazing molecules and how do they work? What are the chances that alien life would also use them, and what else might serve as a genetic blueprint?

Dr. Ricky (M), Dame Ruth, Jim Kling, Dr. Misty Marshall

5pm Cascade 10
Mapping and Fiction Writing

Having a working knowledge of geography and mapmaking assists greatly in world-building. Coming up with the name for a place often gives a strong sense of the culture and the history of that place. Cultures and powers who controlled the maps were able to control the world; the structures of religion, politics and finance.

Brenda Carre (M), Lynn Flewelling, Kevin Radthorne, David R. Silas, Renee Stern, Jim Fiscus

5pm Cascade 12
Missing Worlds Media Presents: City of Titans

Your chance to meet a group of gamers who fought the destruction of their world by making a brand new one of their own. Find out about the triumphs, tragedies, and bumps in the road involved in getting an effort like this under way. Kickstarting is one thing, but before and after is a different story.

Nate Downes (M), Tonja Davis

5pm Cascade 13
Figure Drawing Workshop: Models in Costume

Models in costume will do a variety of short and medium length poses (3 to 10 minutes . Everyone is welcome to come and sketch or paint. Please bring your own drawing and painting supplies. This is an excellent follow-up panel to the Figure Drawing Workshop.

Rob Carlos (M), Victoria Shaffer, Richard Stephens, Anita Taylor, Sara Twitty, Torrey Stenmark

5pm Grand 1
Art Show Tour with Bryan Syme

Bryan Syme talks in depth about his work in the show and shares his thoughts about selected other works as well. Come enjoy an artist's perspective on the art show!

Bryan Syme

5pm Olympic 1

Introductory participatory geekmusic - filk singing! - For kids and young adults.

Mickey "Meowse" Phoenix (M), David Nasset, Sr., Wednesday (Nessie) Phoenix

5:30pm Cascade 1
Reading: Sara Stamey

The Ariadne Connection. In the near future, a geomagnetic reversal and a new leprosy epidemic contribute to worldwide environmental and political crises. Rumors of "Saint Ariadne" -- a miracle healer -- arise in the Mediterranean. Pursued by violent factions out to seize her "secret cure," Ariadne turns for help to a jaded American smuggler, and the race for answers is on. Will science, or ancient lore, explain the cures? Rated PG

Sara Stamey

6pm Cascade 1
Reading: Frog Jones

The Gift of Grace. This is a modern Fantasy novel published by Sky Warrior Books. Rated G Frog Jones

6pm Cascade 2
The New Big Two

How has DC's treatment of creators affected their business and fans? What does Disney have in store for Marvel comics? Hear our panelists discuss upcoming news on the biggest publishers in American comics. Ashley Cook (M), Spencer Ellsworth

6pm Cascade 3&4
Blinded by Pseudoscience

From miraculous cures being suppressed by Big Pharma to proof that the earth is actually flat, charlatans and con men have been pushing nonsense for centuries in the hope of parting the credulous from their cash. Join our panelists as they discuss pseudoscience, its impact on society and how you can tell good science from bad.

Janet Freeman-Daily (M), Dame Ruth, Matt Hammond, Annie Morton, Dr. Misty Marshall

6pm Cascade 5
The Golden Age of Science Fiction

Return to yesteryear and rediscover the charm and grace of "classic" looks of science fiction - from the Saturday morning serials of Flash Gordon and Buck Rogers to classic sci fi films of the 50s like Forbidden Planet and This Island Earth. The diaphanous gowns! The Manly Uniforms! We review these vintage looks and how they have been reinterpreted today and why they still hold appeal for fans and costume designers.

Richard Stephens (M), Jonnalyhn Wolfcat, Bethany Roullett, Deborah Strub

6pm Cascade 6
Horror Influences and Inspirations

Everything from books to film to music inspires creators to great acts of fictional horror. Panelists will discuss their favorite horror inspirations as well as what they are influenced by and why.

Clinton J. Boomer (M), Katie Cord, Jude-Marie Green, Morgue Anne

6pm Cascade 7&8
What Do Readers Want?

What's the best way to reach out to your readers online? How do you price an ebook? What tropes are readers sick to death of, and what kinds of stories do they crave but never get to read? Writers, ask your questions directly. Readers, tell us what makes you happy.

Karen Kincy (M), Paul Byers, Susan DeFreitas, Dennis R. Upkins

6pm Cascade 9
Military SF Revisited

Military SF is a popular genre with a strong fan base, but some accuse it of simply glorifying conflict. Does it? How do you differentiate the good military SF from the bad? Is there a responsible way to present science fiction warfare, and what can it tell us about warfare in the real world? Why is military conflict such an enduring concept in SF? A look at the best - and the worst - of military SF.

Mike Brennan (M), S. A. Bolich, Jennifer Brozek, Russell Ervin, Brent Kellmer, Jim Fiscus

6pm Cascade 10
Creative Insults

Fantasy stories often use insults from today's culture instead of dreaming up new and inventive ways to cast scorn upon others. Our panelists will discuss a variety of new insults for general use in fantasy societies. Audience participation is definitely invited. Anyone who doesn't show up is a full of

! (You fill in the blanks...

Sean Hagle (M), Erin Evans, Diana Pharaoh Francis, M. Todd Gallowglas, Frances Pauli

6pm Cascade 12
Doctor Who at 50: Review and Preview

Did you catch all that happened during The Doctor's 50th year celebration? No? Well, stop by this panel and catch up on what you missed. Also, get set for all the upcoming news in the Who-niverse, brought to you by Dancin' Dan.

Dan Murphy (M), Wendy Murphy

6pm Cascade 13
Masquerade Pre-Meeting

To enter the Masquerade you MUST attend either of the two pre-Masquerade meetings. You will receive the important information that you need to know to compete. This year we are asking for everyone's music by the end of this panel, even if you can't stay for the panel. If you haven't already gotten your Masquerade forms at the information table, you can get them here. Please turn in your completed entry forms by the end of this panel. If you have questions about entering, or aren't sure you want to, stop by and we will help you get the answers to your questions!

Alan Bond (M)

6pm Evergreen 3&4

John Picacio introduces Norwescon to the classic Mexican game of chance called Loteria (AKA Mexican bingo . Play, win, and score cool SF/F prizes!

John Picacio (M)

6:30pm Cascade 1
Reading: Sonia Orin Lyris

To be determined. Rated PG

Sonia Orin Lyris

7pm Cascade 2
Fanon and Cross-Fandom Phenomena

Thanks to your fellow fans, you are probably aware that Anderson loves dinosaurs, Cecil has eldritch tattoos, and Odin is arranging a marriage between Thor and Loki for diplomatic purposes. You may have some ideas yourself about who's an Omega, who's a fawn, and who has wings. Join our panelists as they discuss their favorite fanon and its origins.

Berlynn Wohl (M), Dame Ruth, thatworldinverted, Torrey Stenmark

7pm Cascade 3&4
Ice, Ice Baby

The Snow Queen is one of the iconic, great Jungian masquerade archetypes that many costumers have wrestled with. We look at various interpretations of snow, ice, and the fierce Snow Queen.

Jonnalyhn Wolfcat (M), Tammie L. Dupuis, Bethany Roullett, Julie Zetterberg

7pm Cascade 5
Transphobia: A Panel for Allies of Transgender Folk

An entry-level discussion on some of the facets of transgender identities. We'll discuss terminology, pronoun usage, whether there's a difference between sex and gender, and when it's best to remain silent

and be thought a fool than to open your mouth and remove all doubt. Suggested pre-panel Googling: Not Your Mother's Trans 101, Gender Binary, and Silencing Tactics.

Lilith von Fraumench (M), Amber Clark, keerawa, Keffy R. M. Kehrli

7pm Cascade 6
Sidestepping Einstein

Faster than light travel is a staple of much of science fiction, yet it's not even possible according to our current understanding of physics. Nevertheless, time and again SF writers have invented their own ways around Einstein - the Alderson drive, Alcubierre warp bubbles, jump drives. . . What are some of the best realized FTL drives in SF? The worst? What if we never go faster than light? Come explore the possibilities with us.

David Nasset, Sr. (M), Dana Andrews, Kurt Cagle, Elton Elliott, Steve Gillett

7pm Cascade 7&8
The Enduring Legacy of Lovecraft

It's been over a century since the Lovecraft universe was introduced to the world and it is still going strong with new books, movies, podcasts, and films. Panelists will discuss why the legacy of Lovecraft is still alive and well today.

Jason V. Brock (M), Jason Andrew, Jason Bourget, Mae Empson, Nisi Shawl

7pm Cascade 9
Character Arc, Plot Arc -- Story!

Knowing how your plot and characters change as the tale moves forward helps a writer to craft more powerful stories. What makes a great character arc, and how can you make your character's internal change more compelling? What makes a great plot arc and how can you intertwine your plot with your character?

Lynn Flewelling (M), Carol Berg, Ann Gimpel, Randy Henderson, Kay Kenyon

7pm Cascade 10

Which is more important, hardware or software? We don't really expect an answer, but it should be fun to watch people argue about it.

Chris Nilsson (M), Sean Hagle, Mickey "Meowse" Phoenix, Jon Rogers, David Shoemaker

7pm Cascade 13
Dueling Easels

After hearing a short passage, two artists compete to come up with a cover for the story, and the audience gets to cheer them on.

John R. Gray III (M), Douglas Herring, Bryan Syme

7pm Evergreen 1&2
Concert: Hello, The Future!

Nicole liked Norwescon so much she moved here! No, to Seattle, not Norwescon, c'mon. She's a geek-folk musician, she's the only person in her band (but she's also all you need , she made her own Giant Robot Album, she's mad at PayPal (like us all , and(! she leads off our Filkfest Friday evening concert block.

Nicole Dieker (Hello, The Future!)

7pm Grand 2
PK Dick Awards

The Philip K. Dick Award is given annually for the best original paperback novel published in the USA. Come join us for a little music, some refreshments, and the 2013 Philip K. Dick Award presentation with readings from attending nominees.

William Sadorus (M), Anne Charnock, Cassandra Clarke, Toh EnJoe, Nick Mamatas, Jack Skillingstead, Masumi Washington

8pm Cascade 2
How to Get Your Book Into Readers' Hands

These days anyone can click and publish, but how do you ensure those books are found by the readers who would most love them? Welcome to the art and science of discoverability. Pros who've been there and done that will share their winning (and not-so-winning strategies for garnering buzz, reviews, sales, and fans.

Marta Murvosh, Charles "Zan" Christensen, Esther Jones, Karen Kincy

8pm Cascade 3&4
Houppelande Hoopla

The Houppelande craze that swept Europe in the 15th century was a fashion high mark for both men and women, though it drove church fathers crazy with its androgynous silhouette and ostentatious use of fabric, especially in the full sleeves with elaborate hemlines.

Deborah Strub (M), Cymbric Early-Smith, Richard Stephens

8pm Cascade 5
The Gods in Our Fantasy Fiction

From Kwll or Arioch in Michael Moorcock's work to Anoia, Blind Io, and Offler in Terry Pratchett's (not to mention everything in between , gods roam the worlds of our fantasy fiction. When building a religion for your world, how do you make it balanced and plausible without riffing off of existing religions? How will myth and religion impact your plot and motivate your characters? Why should there be several types of belief systems on a world? How present should the gods really be?

Christopher Bodan (M), Bradley P. Beaulieu, Jeff Grubb, Brent Kellmer, Kim Ritchie

8pm Cascade 6
Filing Off the Serial Numbers

So you've written a great story and everyone tells you that it's brilliant and you should publish it, only there's one small problem - it's a piece of fanfiction based on preexisting characters or world settings. What are your options if you decide you want to go ahead and try to publish your work? Do you "file off the serial numbers"? Do you take a risk and check out Kindle Worlds, or is there a way to take the core ideas in your story and transform them into something that is truly original and yours?

Cheryl Dyson (M), Jason Andrew, Aibhinn

8pm Cascade 7&8
Liking Problematic Things

You take the red pill and suddenly it seems like all the media you loved before is betraying you with its inherent sexism, racism and ableism. How do you still enjoy media once you've become aware of everything that's wrong with it? Our panelists have been through it and have some tips for you.

Maida 'Mac' Combs (M), Keffy R. M. Kehrli, Catherine Kyle, Fish, Jamala N. Henderson

8pm Cascade 9
Why Is Meta-Horror Important?

The meta-horror movie is a popular genre, with films like Cabin in the Woods, Scream, and Shadow of the Vampire. Panelists will discuss why this type of film is important to the horror genre and how meta-horror influences the horror genre in general.

Amber Clark (M), Clinton J. Boomer, Jason V. Brock, Jude-Marie Green, Eric Morgret

8pm Cascade 10
Medieval Women: Their Power and Accomplishments

We have heard of Godiva, Eleanor, and Joan, but were these the only women who ever did anything that was written about? What about the works of Abbess Hildegarde? Was it a world totally dominated by men? This discussion will look at the important work done by women, famous and not so noticed, from the Roman Empire to the Renaissance. How much power did women really have?

Adrienne Carlson (M), Heather Dale, Darragh Metzger, Ann Shilling, Victoria Whitlock

8pm Cascade 12
SubGenius: Praising "Bob", Killing "Bob", Selling "Bob"

For the third year running, local Church of the SubGenius author, minister, and guerrilla ontologist Popess Lilith von Fraumench presents a forum to bring slack to Norwescon. But what is slack, anyway? Who is "Bob", and what is this conspiracy he's fighting? And what does this have to do with UFOs and the Elder Gods anyhow? No answers are guaranteed, but hilarity and sublime weirdness for Superior Mutants shall be had! Be prepared to testify, trance-spout, and knuckle-walk all the way to Dobbstown, and of course, to PRAISE "BOB".

Lilith von Fraumench (M)

8pm Cascade 13
Sci-Fi/Fantasy Pictionary

The audience comes up with the clues, the artists do their best to draw them! Let the games (and the silliness begin!

Mimi Noyes (M), Margaret Organ-Kean, Jeff Sturgeon

8pm Olympic 1
Zombie Apocalypse Survival for Teens

How would you survive an Apocalypse? Practical tips and lessons to help you survive in the wild, and not so wild, should the end of the world arrive.

Tori Centanni (M), Katie Cord

8:30pm Cascade 1
Reading: Frances Pauli

Shrouded. An excerpt from book one in the Princes of the Shroud science fiction series from Zharmae Press. Rated PG

Frances Pauli

8:30pm Evergreen 1&2
Concert: Vixy & Tony

Chicken chicken chicken, chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken. Chicken, chicken chicken chicken _Chicken chicken_, chicken chicken chicken Seanan McGuire. Chicken, chicken chicken; chicken chicken chicken chicken. We know you're coming, we can put whatever we want here. Chicken.

Vixy & Tony, Sunnie Larsen, Seanan McGuire, Betsy Tinney

9pm Cascade 1
Reading: Darragh Metzger

The Ironlords. Book 6 of the Triads of Tir na n'Og series. Rated PG

Darragh Metzger

9pm Cascade 6
Writing Sex: The Elements of Slash

Most of us have read slash and loved it, but how exactly does it work? What are the nuts and bolts of writing a good sex scene? This panel will examine a few pieces to see how writers create their effects, with an eye toward some of the basic questions: how explicit should you be? What does "explicit" mean, anyway? Is it about how much metaphor you use? How many body parts you describe and how? Several

writers will talk about their processes and take questions from the audience about how to go about this scariest of writing tasks. 18+ ONLY.

Berlynn Wohl (M), Cheryl Dyson, Chasing River

9pm Cascade 3&4
Geek Policing: Don't Do It

Geek policing happens when someone evinces interest in something of the nerdy persuasion, and someone else starts quizzing them on it like nerddom is the Ivy League. It's not okay. And we, all of us, nerds of all genders, need to stop it. Period.

Mickey Schulz (M), Sheye Anne Blaze, Victoria Shaffer, Fish, Jonny Nero Action Hero

9pm Cascade 5
The Evolution of English

Languages evolve from one generation to the next. Our panelists will discuss how English has changed over the last thousand years and where it might end up in the next.

Kurt Cagle (M), Jason Bourget, Eva-Lise Carlstrom

9pm -- 11pm Cascade 7&8
Flirting 101

Whether you're married, available, gay, straight, queer (or all that and more this workshop is for you.

We'll explore the rules of social engagement between sentient beings and how to break them -- the rules, not the sentients. Starting with the terror of "hello" we'll dive into taking risks, making mistakes, rejection, and how these are stepping stones to success.

Sonia Orin Lyris (M)

9pm Cascade 9
Kickstarter: Economic Entropy or Elegant Capitalism?

There is a new model rising, with artists and entrepreneurs pursuing projects without having to get permission (and money from the "right" people, and fans can show their appreciation before there is anything to buy. Is this something new and real, or a passing fad?

Paul Byers (M), Matthew 'Fish' Dockrey, David Fooden

9pm Cascade 10
Out of Game: Gaming Like Adults

Personal conflicts? Scheduling hassles? Trying to sort out what snacks to bring and who helps clean up afterwards? In game conflicts that brew into out of game unpleasantness? We should talk about this, and our panelists will.

Sar Surmick (M), Eric Cagle, Donna Prior, Bryan Syme, Ogre Whiteside

9pm Cascade 12
The Rest of the World in Space

What were the biggest news stories from the rest of the space world last year? In what has become a classic Norwescon panel Dan Dubrick fills us in.

Dan Dubrick (M)

9pm -- 2am Cascade 13
All Ages Scheduled Gaming

Come check out our youth gaming space! All ages are welcome but this section is specifically aimed at and run by the younger part of our community! We've got great games going all weekend, with our game masters and some pros! Don't forget to sign up in advance! During this time block the Cascades ONLY is all ages.

Grizz O'Ryan (M), Earl McDanel

9pm -- 11pm Evergreen 3&4
All Ages Dance: Prom Night!

Not old enough to join the big kids at the Fashion Show? Don't have anything else to do while your elders are off doing other things? Don't care to see the Fashion Show? Well, let's get a fashion show going for ourselves. Norwescon humbly requests that you show us your Prom dress! That's right, dress up in your best of the best and show off your Prom dress. Guys, you can dress up too, show us your "Prom dress". (This is not childcare, please make sure your children are properly attended, as all unattended children will be given an espresso and a free puppy (espresso and free puppy may or may not available at time of purchase .

Dan Murphy (M), Michaela Zielke, Brennan Batty-Murphyaduy

9pm -- 11:30pm Grand 2&3
Fannish Fetish Fashion Show

The Fannish Fetish Fashion Show has always been an event not to be missed and this year we will be mixing things up fetish night style. Along with showing off two of Seattle's well-established local designers Fraukhez Clothing and Delightfully Deviant, the FFFS will be presenting many fetish performances that follow our medical fetish theme. We welcome you to be a part of the show and dress to impress while dancing the night away as our DJ makes you move. 18+ WITH ID.

Modular Diva (M), Morgue Ann

9pm -- 2am Maxi's Ballroom
Adults-Only Scheduled Gaming - 21+ with ID

Come see the seedier side of gaming during our adults only block! Racier, more violent, and generally uncensored! We've got great games going all weekend, with our game masters and some pros! Don't forget to sign up in advance! During this time block our whole room is 21+.

9pm -- 11:30pm Olympic 1
Costume 9-1-1

Seam unraveling on your Masquerade costume? In dire need of a safety pin to avoid a major wardrobe malfunction? Seeking advice on a hall costume that's just not working? Stop by to consult our expert costumers for tips, tricks, and guidance on DIY costume repairs.

Carmen Beaudry, Bethany Roullett, Julie Zetterberg, Richard Stephens

10pm Cascade 1
Reading: PKD Nominee Ben Winters

A sci-fi (ish mystery novel, nominated for the 2014 Philip K. Dick award!

Ben Winters

10pm Cascade 2
Friends of Bill W.
10pm Cascade 3&4
Victorian Sex

What is it about a well-turned ankle and a tightly corseted bodice? What is the story behind the tales of the "Naughty Nineties?" Come hear our panelists talk about the naughty literature and history behind the Victorian mystique. 18+ ONLY.

Mickey Schulz (M), Matt Case, Victoria Shaffer

10pm Cascade 6
Fanfic Meet-n-Greet

Come and meet other fanfic readers, writers, and artists in a fun, low-key, social setting. All fanfic writers

and artists will get a ribbon at the event to identify them as creators in fandom! Mimi Noyes (M)

10pm Cascade 10
How Are Games and Gamers Changing the World?

A discussion about the rising sun of the gamer, and all the different ways that this generation who grew up on video games have changed how the world works. This will cover both the good and the bad.

Hunter Mayer (M), Angel Leigh McCoy, Donna Prior, Gregory A. Wilson, Gwen Yeh

10pm Evergreen 1&2
Concert: Seanan McGuire

Our Special Guest of Honor is also a five-time Pegasus Award-winning filker, most recently in 2011 for Wicked Girls, which also earned a 2012 Hugo Award nomination. Come finish off Filkfest Friday with our GoH!

Vixy & Tony, Sunnie Larsen, Seanan McGuire, Betsy Tinney

10:30pm Cascade 1
Reading: Erin Evans

Something new. Rated PG

Erin Evans

11pm Cascade 1
Reading: GregRobin Smith

Modern Erotic/Romantic Poetry in the Elizabethan Style. I write poems to and for modern individuals and couples/Poly folks, etc. These are from some commissions. Rated R

GregRobin Smith

11pm -- Midnight Cascade 3&4
BDSM 101

Interested in BDSM? Want to find out what it's all about? What are these limits, boundaries, and play people keep talking about? We will endeavor to answer your questions - or if we can't, we'll point you to a resource that can. We will also discuss BDSM etiquette and resources for you to find out more. 18+ ONLY. Mickey Schulz (M), Amber Clark, Burton Gamble, Sar Surmick, thatworldinverted

11pm -- 2am Evergreen 3&4
Friday Night Filk

Come play to and play along with the most supportive musical peer group you'll ever find. Bring an instrument, or just your voice, or just come out to listen -- everyone is welcome!

11pm -- 2am Grand 2&3
Friday Dance: Black and White

Attend the Fannish Fetish Fashion Show (if you are 18+ and stay after (please allow about 20 Minutes for change over to join DJ Rohkan as he takes you deep underground and tickles your ear bone with music from both the black and white sides of the spectrum. Dance, Electronica, Dubstep, Disco and everything in between and who knows what else.

DJ Rohkan (M)

11:30pm Cascade 1
Reading: Erik Scott de Bie

Shadow of the Winter King. One last quest for vengeance and redemption in a world on the brink of utter r in. Rated R

Erik Scott de Bie

Midnight -- 2am Evergreen 1&2
Midnight Movie: Rocky Horror Picture Show

Hot patootie and bless my soul because once again we are pleased to bring you The Rocky Horror Picture Show with the fabulous Vicarious Theatre Company! Come and join us for an interactive experience you won't forget as the Sword of Damocles hangs over our heads. This movie is rated R.


9am -- 2am Rotunda 1&2
Open Gaming

Drop in to the Rotunda and check out what's happening! It's always changing, so every trip is a mystery! Grizz O'Ryan (M), Earl McDanel

9am -- 8pm Salon
Board & Card Gaming

Come on up and check out the dealer demo's running this year in the Salon. Play before you buy, and buy at your gaming table.

Grizz O'Ryan (M), Earl McDanel

9:30am Cascade 1
Reading: PKD Nominee Toh EnJoe

Self-Reference ENGINE, nominated for the 2014 Philip K. Dick award!

Toh EnJoe

10am Cascade 1
Reading: Dave Davis

"Developing Your Own Personal Space Program." An individual can develop their own personal space program using off-the-shelf components that are readily deployable to either a space or near space environment. Various methods will be discussed on how to reach the space, near space environment carrying various payloads, and/or instrument packages. Rated G

Dave Davis

10am Cascade 2
The Future of Farming

Whether you are on a Martian colony, deep underground in a post-apocalyptic city, or in a space station orbiting Jupiter, producing enough food to support everyone poses special problems. Our panelists will discuss the challenges of farmless farming and how it might be done.

Annie Morton (M), Gregory Gadow, Renee Stern, Dr. Ricky

10am Cascade 3&4
Invisible Disabilities

Not every disability is apparent at a glance, nor is anyone's personal health anyone else's business. From mental illness to chronic disease to a variety of syndromes and impairments too lengthy to list, we'll discuss the difficulties of living with chronic health conditions, the stigmas associated, what progress has (or hasn't been made in reforming public perception, and strategies on getting other people to mind their own blasted business.

Maida 'Mac' Combs (M), Lillian Cohen-Moore, Sar Surmick, Lilith von Fraumench

10am Cascade 5
Guns in the Media: You're Doing It Wrong!

The reality of guns versus what producers think is cool, from the Farah Fawcett pose to... WHY are you cocking that automatic? Our panel of gun nuts will discuss how firearms really work and which "classic" poses are really just one-way journeys to a self-inflicted wound.

Ogre Whiteside (M), Matt Case, Major James Franklin (Ret.), Greg Hallock, Alan Paulsen

10am Cascade 6
What's Unique about Writing for Young Adults?

Authors who have published young adult short stories or novels will discuss market trends and how to construct a story for a young adult audience. Given that many young adult speculative fiction novels are actually bought and read by adults, what is young adult fiction doing well that could benefit any writer?

Tori Centanni (M), Cassandra Clarke, Aibhinn, Lauren Dixon, Lish McBride, Cassandra Clarke

10am Cascade 7&8
Putting the Epic in Epic Fantasy

Epic fantasy is different - but why? What makes it epic? Is it the immersion in a new world or just the sheer weight of the book? Come join us as we talk about this massive subgenre of fantasy and what makes it tick.

Bradley P. Beaulieu (M), Stina Leicht, Janna Silverstein, Duane Wilkins

10am Cascade 9
Wizards' Staffs and Witches' Brooms

Finish your magical costume with a dramatic hand prop that you can create quickly and inexpensively. Our costume pros show some of their favorite techniques for making dramatic walking sticks that will complete your ensemble.

Richard Stephens (M), Carmen Beaudry, Vicki Glover

10am Cascade 10
The Problems of First Contact

First contact is one of the lasting tropes of SF. But once contact has happened, then what? Should an advanced race hide itself from us for fear of stunting our natural growth? Is it immoral to leave individuals in primitive poverty in the hope that they might one day develop their own culture? Can advanced peoples colonize a planet inhabited by primitives and live in peace with them? Are there any useful object lessons from science fiction? How about from our own history?

James C. Glass (M), Russell Ervin, Dr. Kent Welter

10am -- Noon Cascade 12
Let's Make a Movie: Shoot It!

You were there for the previous parts, right, where we figured out what we needed and planned this movie all out? Quick! Time travel! Or, drop in anyway and become a Valued Actor Person. In part 4, we shoot like mad weasels, because there's not much time and if we're going to make a movie at light speed, then we have to move like light! So, don't be late, or you'll just see red-shifted versions of us. The key to making a movie, of course, is to get the footage in the can! Or, "box," actually, because we're shooting video. But you know what we mean. Note - you don't have to attend all the parts to enjoy the workshop, but attending all the parts gets you the best possible experience!

Edward Martin III (M), Ryan K. Johnson, Brian D. Oberquell, Lisa Sherman

10am Cascade 13
Artist Koffee Klatch

Come spend an hour with some of our fine artists in an informal setting.

10am Evergreen 1&2
Weapons of the Middle Ages: A Hands-on Experience

See and feel how hand weapons changed and developed from late Roman times until the Renaissance. All weapons will be explained and presented for safe handling by the participants. This experience will be like a museum where you can touch the artifacts. Handouts will be available.

Bill Gruner (M), William Elder, A.M. Brosius, Norman K. Moss, Michael Tinker Pearce, Ann Shilling

10am Evergreen 3&4
What's New from 47North

Spotlight Publisher 47North gives us a tour of the great new titles coming soon. Come for the information, stay for the giveaways!

Alex Carr, David Pomerico

10am Olympic 1
Airship Regatta

Build and fly your own airship using balloons, popsicle sticks, and other items provided.

Camin Bradbury (M), Katrina Marier

10:30am Cascade 1
Reading: Heather Dale

The Legends of King Arthur. Heather Dale reads (and sings! from her story/songbook "The Legends of King Arthur," in this unusual performance! Rated G

Heather Dale

11am Cascade 1
Reading: PK Dick Nominee Anne Charnock

"Something New." A short or short-short story. Rated PG

Anne Charnock

11am Cascade 2
She's Not Just a Spaceship, She's a Starship

Starships exist today in two types: very, very slow ones that will take tens of thousands of years to get to the nearest star and as constructs in fiction. But some serious engineering has been done to define the basic requirements for a workable starship. Propulsion, life support, and navigation can be explored even though we do not have the ability to build a functional craft...yet. Our panel will explore the basic and exotic concepts for star travel. Audience participation welcome!

Dan Dubrick (M), Dana Andrews, G. David Nordley, Jon Rogers

11am Cascade 3&4
Single Pattern Contest Show and Tell

Fashion show and awards presentation for the Single Pattern Contest. Come and see all the wonderful entries of the contest, cheer on the contestants, vote for your favorite, and see the presentation of the awards. Along with the judge's awards we'll be presenting the Fan Favorite award - maybe your favorite will win!

SunnyJim Morgan (M)

11am Cascade 5
Perfect Pitch

It's part interview, part final exam, and part first date. No wonder writers sweat bullets over pitching their work to an editor or agent! Learn how to present your project clearly and concisely, and get feedback from the group on your all-important opening line and summary sentence.

Sara Stamey (M), Wolfgang Baur, Bradley P. Beaulieu, Charles "Zan" Christensen

11am Cascade 6
Comics for Young Adults and Teens

Our panelists will discuss a range of comics that are age-appropriate for a younger audience, including graphic novels like Bone as well as popular titles like Adventure Time.

Spencer Ellsworth (M), G. Willow Wilson

11am Cascade 7&8
Evolution of a Writing Career

Join award-winning author Ken Scholes as he explores his writing career in context of your questions. This is an interactive workshop where you posit questions about craft, publishing, career, etc. Ken will give insight into how he made his first sales, sold his novels, and about anything you can imagine. This is your

chance to ask all those questions you've been wondering about from someone who has no problem sharing his successes and failures. Bring an open mind and don't be afraid to ask your question. All questions are valid.

Ken Scholes (M)

11am Cascade 9
The Future of the Future

Why isn't there more science fiction that has grand generational or eons of focus? Where is the human race going?

Kurt Cagle (M), Elton Elliott, Russell Ervin, James C. Glass, Sean Hagle

11am Cascade 10
Selling Your Art As Prints and Reproductions

So you've finished your piece of art and now you want to make prints so you can sell it to as many people as possible. What is the best way to go about doing this? What the heck is a giclee print anyways? Learn about all your different printing options and where to go for them. Do you really need to spend a lot of money for a high quality print or, is there a less expensive but still acceptable middle ground?

Jeliza Patterson-McGuire (M), Robert Gould, John R. Gray III, Jeff Sturgeon

11am Cascade 13
Will It Blend? A Crossover/AU Fanfic Workshop

Bring your favorite fandoms and your most treasured AU scenarios, then write (and maybe even share a flash-fic! After a brief introduction, we will brainstorm fandoms and AU scenarios and then get to writing! During the last 30 minutes those who wish to can share their stories.

Berlynn Wohl (M), keerawa

11am Evergreen 1&2
Medieval Armour: A Hands-on Experience

See and feel how body armour evolved and developed from late Roman times until the Renaissance. Various types of armour will be displayed and described. Participants will be able to freely handle real pieces of armour and modern replicas. This experience will be like a museum where you can try on the artifacts. Handouts will be available.

Bill Gruner (M), A.M. Brosius, Norman K. Moss, Michael Ormes, Alan Paulsen, Michael Tinker Pearce, Ann Shilling, GregRobin Smith

11am Evergreen 3&4
Michael Moorcock Q&A

A Q&A session with Norwescon 37 Author Guest of Honor Michael Moorcock.

Michael Moorcock, Pierce Watters

11am Olympic 1
Mask Making Extravaganza

A return of this all-ages favorite, members of the Beyond Reality Costumer's Guild provide materials and assistance so you can make your very own unique piece of wearable art using mask forms and lots of "stuff," including (but not limited to fabric, trims, jewels, jewelry bits, and handmade shoji paper. Due to the use of low-temp hot glue guns and other adhesives, children must be accompanied by their adults, but all will have fun. Come and create, and feel free to come and work on something to enhance your costume!

Vicki Glover (M)

11:30am Cascade 1
Reading: Camille Alexa

Something new and awesome. Rated G Camille Alexa

Noon Cascade 2
Intro to Health At Every Size

HAES is not about diets or losing weight - it's about exercising and eating well with the goal of health, not size. It's about learning how to work out without hurting yourself, what foods your body wants and needs to keep you going, how to avoid sacrificing your mental health for an arbitrary definition of fitness, and how to be comfortable in your skin instead of living by a number on a scale. Come share your stories and discover how this health movement is the opposite of giving up.

Mickey Schulz (M), Jen K, Jeliza Patterson-McGuire

Noon Cascade 3&4
Medicine of the Future

Will we ever have medical tricorders or pills that can regrow a kidney? Glue that can repair broken bones in minutes? What about bionic eyes, or nanobots clearing our bodies of cancer cells? Our panelists will talk about the medical gee-wizzery they would like to see made real and whether such science fiction might someday become science fact.

Janet Freeman-Daily (M), Jason V Brock, Dr. Misty Marshall, Sar Surmick

Noon Cascade 6
Japanese SF: Coming to America

Anime and manga have been a part of the American science fiction scene for a generation, but Japanese prose SF has only been making its presence known in the US for the past few years. The forthcoming feature film Edge of Tomorrow, starring Tom Cruise and based on Hiroshi Sakurazaka's All You Need is Kill, may be a game changer. Come hear what's up with science fiction in Japan and what may be coming to these shores soon.

Masumi Washington (M), Toh EnJoe, Nick Mamatas

Noon Cascade 7&8
Dr. Kindle-love or How I Learned to Relax and Love Ebooks...

Do you love ebooks or hate them? Are you a paper-sniffer to the end? What changes do you predict (or wish for in print and digital books?

Tod McCoy (M), Jason Andrew, Suzanne Brahm, Tori Centanni, Aibhinn, Marta Murvosh

Noon Cascade 9
Constrained Writing: Writing in Hard Mode

Less is more. You've heard that before. "A blank canvas kills ideas." You've heard that, too. How do constraints actually stimulate creativity, and what's it like to write under particularly esoteric constraints? Can work made this way stand as something other than gimmick? Join our panelists as they explore - and demonstrate by example - how writing in Hard Mode stimulates the creative mind.

Nicole Dieker (Hello, The Future!) (M), C0splay of Death*Star, GregRobin Smith, Jonny Nero Action Hero

Noon Cascade 10
Kickstarter and Games

Games publishers both large and small have discovered that Kickstarter is a low risk way to publish games. Is Kickstarter the new direct marketing? What are the actual risks involved? What should you know before attempting to Kickstart a game? What are the alternatives? Does Kickstarter culture have mores and taboos? Come find out.

Julie Haehn (M), Wolfgang Baur, David Fooden, Adam Koebel, Sage LaTorra, John Picacio, Mike Selinker

Noon Cascade 12
Science Fiction vs. Fantasy: Fight!

Who would win in a fight? Captain Picard or Jack Sparrow? Come vote and defend your choices in the battle to end all battles. Two brackets, one for Science Fiction the other for Fantasy until only one character reigns supreme!

Fish (M), Janet Borkowski, Jean Carlos, Chris Nilsson

Noon Evergreen 1&2
Gender and Sexuality in SF & Fantasy

Many modern science fiction and fantasy authors, including Kameron Hurley, Elizabeth Bear, Trudi Canavan, and Paul Cornell include LGBTQ characters in their work. What does this mean to readers? How does it compare with the limited portrayal of gender and sexuality in many classic genre works? Come join us as we talk about how the changing portrayal of gender and sexuality is changing the face of our genre. Caren Gussoff (M), Cassandra Clarke, Erik Scott de Bie, Gregory Gadow

Noon Evergreen 3&4
Michael Moorcock Reading

Join Norwescon 37 Author Guest of Honor Michael Moorcock for a reading of original fiction.

Michael Moorcock

12:30pm Cascade 5
Hugo Nomination Announcement

Join us for a live webcast from Loncon announcing the nominees for the 2014 Hugo Awards!

Don Glover

1pm Cascade 1
Reading: Harold Gross

From his recent work. Rated PG

Harold Gross

1pm Cascade 2
The Best Science Fiction You're Not Playing

Video games have some of the best and most engaging narratives in modern Science Fiction and Fantasy. Why are these stories being played rather than read or watched? How many stories have come and gone that would have been classic films or literature if you didn't need to press Start? And why haven't you?

G. Willow Wilson (M), Lex Lingo

1pm Cascade 3&4
Defining Urban Fantasy

There are almost as many definitions of urban fantasy as there are readers. Is it simply a supernatural story in an urban setting? Does this mean the "mean streets" of urban fantasy are more metaphorical than actual? Is the fantastic in urban fantasy a part of the landscape, or can it just be an intrusion? The panel will look at different explanations, interpretations, and expectations that writers and readers bring to the genre.

Cat Rambo (M), Esther Jones, Stina Leicht, Kat Richardson, Duane Wilkins

1pm Cascade 6
Costumes from Literature

Recreating a costume for which there is no visual source, only a description. There's an app for that - our pros will walk you through the process of discovery and creativity.

Jonnalyhn Wolfcat (M), Tammie L Dupuis, Cymbric Early-Smith, Bethany Roullett

1pm Cascade 7&8
Advanced Polyamory

You've decided that poly is the way to go, so now what? How do you go about blending households, finances, and lives? What about negotiating (and renegotiating boundaries? How do you plan for the long term, and do you need a lawyer? And what if you figure out it's just not working? Our panelists have a wide variety of experiences, observations, and suggestions to share.

Sheye Anne Blaze (M), Eva-Lise Carlstrom, Jeremy Holcomb, Jeliza Patterson-McGuire

1pm Cascade 9
Cycle of the Horror Movie

Horror movies come in cycles: slasher, vampire, monster, zombie. Panelists will discuss what's old hat, what's current and hot, what's up and coming, and what never goes out of style for the horror genre film. Shannon from Seattle Geekly (M), Jennifer Brozek, Katie Cord, Eric Morgret

1pm Cascade 10
Creativity and Disabilities

Whether your problems are physical or psychological, there's no denying that being creative and creating art is difficult to almost impossible when a disability stands in your way. Come learn how different artists and writers work with, past, or through their personal disabilities and limitations to create their art.

Jeff Sturgeon (M), Jean Carlos, Rob Carlos, Michael Tinker Pearce

1pm Cascade 12
XCOR: Countdown to First Flight

XCOR Aerospace is preparing for the first flight of their Lynx manned suborbital spacecraft. First flight is only weeks away and may have happened by the time of the con. Arthur Bozlee, scheduled to fly the spacecraft as flight engineer, will present a new slide and video show outlining the progress. Arthur Bozlee (M), Mark Street

1pm Cascade 13
Making Art From Someone Else's Art

One of the touchiest subjects in some older fandoms, yet one of the most transparent, natural, and accepted parts of newer fandoms, is making art out of other peoples' art. Be it fanfic, remixes, fanart, parodies, Fire Ferrets T-shirts, invocations of Rule 34, MST3K, or even the highly-pop-culture-aware script stylings of Joss Whedon, all of these arts are specifically reliant upon other works to express their visions. When does this become cheating, or does it ever? Our panelists will discuss the good, the bad, the 50 Shades of Infuriating, and how close to the "legal infringement" line people will go and yet get away with it - or not.

Heather Dale (M), Vixy & Tony, Sunnie Larsen, Brian D. Oberquell

1pm Evergreen 1&2
Worldbuilding 101

How can you tell one werewolf universe from all the others or one alien planet from the next? We'll talk about worldbuilding and how to make the world you're building in your story stand out from the competition.

Brenda Carre (M), Rhiannon Held, Nancy Kress, Pat MacEwen, Angel Leigh McCoy

1pm Grand 1
Art Show Tour with Amber Clark

Amber Clark talks in depth about her work in the show and shares her thoughts about selected other works as well. Come enjoy an artist's perspective on the art show!

Amber Clark

1pm Grand 2
Guest of Honor Autograph Session

Our Guests of Honor are available to sign autographs. PLEASE NOTE: So that as many fans as possible can participate, we will be enforcing a three-items-at-a-time (or single-sketch autograph limit.

Robert Gould, Seanan McGuire, Michael Moorcock, Anima! X

1pm Olympic 1
Baby Lounge & Quiet Hour

Need a quiet place where you can release your babies from confinement and let them socialize while you relax? Drop in for an hour and let your little ones roam free in the room.

1:30pm Cascade 1
Reading: Keffy R. M. Kehrli

A new piece of fiction. Rated PG

Keffy R. M. Kehrli

2pm Cascade 1
Reading: PK Dick Nominee Jack Skillingstead

"Life On The Preservation." A selection from a novel. Rated PG

Jack Skillingstead

2pm Cascade 2
Wet Wear

You probably know someone who has a medical implant of some sort. You certainly know someone who has personal electronics. How long before you know someone with implanted personal electronics? Will it be you? What will it need to do before you say, "hook me up"?

Sean Hagle (M), David Shoemaker, Victoria Whitlock

2pm Cascade 3&4
Are We Done with Zombies?

From the fifteenth season of Walking Dead to the scrubbing bubbles from World War Z, when will our fascination with Romero's children finally die out or will it shamble on forever?

Chris Nilsson (M), Katie Cord, John R. Gray III, Lex Lingo, Fish

2pm Cascade 5
Backyard Conservation

Whether you have a large yard or a small apartment balcony, you can create a safe, welcoming space for wildlife. Join our experts as they talk about what you can do to help bees, bats, ladybugs, sparrows, and other critters (kid friendly .

Annie Morton (M), Mike Brennan, Dame Ruth, Jim Kling

2pm Cascade 6
Caring for Your Costumes

You have spent oodles of time and way too much money on your costumes to just let them languish in your closet after a few wearings. It is your investment; don't trust it to just any dry cleaner. Join our team of experts as they discuss methods for cleaning, storing, and giving your costumes the care they deserve. Carmen Beaudry (M), Adrienne Carlson, Jonna Hayden, Torrey Stenmark, Melissa Quinn

Cascade 7&8
Young & Queer: It Doesn't Always Get Better

The Trevor Project tells queer youth that "It gets better." But what if it doesn't? Or what if waiting for it to get better seems like an insurmountable task? Come talk to others who have survived, whether it "got better" or not, and share wisdom and comfort.

Gregory Gadow (M), Sara Twitty, Lilith von Fraumench, Gwen Yeh

2pm Cascade 9
Researching Your Fantasy

You're going to write a fantasy novel. You've come up with some characters; you've outlined your basic plot. Now what? How about research? The most important element of a fantasy novel is originality. How do you find out what's already out there? What familiar elements can you spin into the story to make the reader feel drawn in, and yet at the same time be fresh and exciting? Find out what to research and how to do it to make sure you're not treading well-worn ground.

Stina Leicht (M), Brent Kellmer, Kat Richardson

2pm Cascade 10
Diversity in Fiction

How can fiction better incorporate characters and worlds representing diverse cultures, religions, sexual identities, and ethnicities? What do you need to do to accurately portray diverse groups that you aren't yourself a part of? What makes writing the "other" work, and how can you get beyond stereotypes to celebrate diversity?

Caren Gussoff (M), Susan DeFreitas, keerawa, Dennis R. Upkins

2pm Cascade 12
Tech at the Gaming Table

Do you involve technology into your tabletop game nights? What works and what is just a big distraction? This will cover tools to involve people further into your stories, and how to avoid the pitfalls of modern day attention getters driving distraction from the game. We will also talk about how to use Skype and other video conferencing to involve players from far away.

Lillian Cohen-Moore (M), Eric Cagle, Bruce R Cordell, Dylan S.

2pm Evergreen 3&4
Anima! X Q&A

A Q&A session with Norwescon 37 Costuming Guest of Honor Anima! X.

Mickey Schulz, Anima! X

2pm Grand 2
Autograph Session 1

Our Attending Professionals are available to sign autographs. PLEASE NOTE: So that as many fans as possible can participate, we will be enforcing a three-items-at-a-time (or single-sketch autograph limit. Jason Andrew, Steven Barnes, Bradley P. Beaulieu, Carol Berg, Shubzilla, Kurt Cagle, Cassandra Clarke, Erik Scott de Bie, Cymbric Early-Smith, Elton Elliott, Erin Evans, Steve Gillett, James C. Glass, Jude-Marie Green, Jeff Grubb, Rhiannon Held, Frog Jones, Karen Kincy, Nancy Kress, Pat MacEwen, Edward Martin III, Lish McBride, Angel Leigh McCoy, Darragh Metzger, G. David Nordley, Margaret Organ-Kean, Kevin Radthorne, Jon Rogers, Mike Selinker, Sara Stamey, G. Willow Wilson, Gregory A. Wilson

2pm Olympic 1

Sci-Fi Improv for Kids

Kids get to act out a variety of sci-fi related scenes, making things up as they go.

Gary Schwartz

2:30pm Cascade 1
Reading: Jennifer Brozek

Excerpt from KEYSTONES, Karen Wilson Chronicles, Book 3. When everything is going wrong and all of the places of power are being drained, Karen and her friends must sacrifice what they hold dear to save Kendrick from the avatar of Anu. Rated PG

Jennifer Brozek

2:30pm -- 4:30pm Cascade 13
Monster Mash for the Budding Bioengineer

Every budding mad scientist needs to start somewhere... and this is where! We will take cute fluffy stuffed animals and hack them into pieces only to reassemble them into marvelous monsters and creative chimera! Please bear in mind that to attend this workshop, one must be capable handling scissors and needles safely and if you cannot personally sew together your monster's various bit and pieces, you must bring a minion (aka "parent" to do the dirty work for you! The only skills required are rudimentary sewing skills (plush is very forgiving and a sick sense of humor. There will be a $5 materials fee per participant to cover the cost of DNA splitters, splicers, and experimental specimens. WARNING! Only adults serving as minions will be allowed to attend!

Mimi Noyes (M), Berlynn Wohl

3pm Cascade 1
Reading: Dean Wells

When Averly Fell From the Sky. Steampunk thriller. A renowned photographer on the run is held prisoner by the same man who saved his life. Heavy with the psychological themes of honor, duty, and redemption Rated PG

Dean Wells

3pm Cascade 2
The Young Adult Heroine

How does the new female hero in YA fantasy break traditional stereotypes and offer new challenges for teen readers? Are these female heroes really new, or are storytellers doing a kind of role reversal, exchanging handbags for hand grenades? This panel takes an in-depth look at the challenges authors face when creating a female hero for modern day readers.

Tori Centanni (M), Steven Barnes, Lauren Dixon, Karen Kincy

3pm Cascade 3&4
How Nanotechnology Makes Asteroid Resources Obsolete

Traditionally resource extraction is viewed as something highly energy intensive, but this is only because it's usually carried out with the application and extraction of enormous amounts of heat. Molecular separation is far less energy intensive and also can extract materials at far lower concentrations, as is shown by the capabilities of biological systems. In fact, resource extraction is just one case of a general technological problem, that of the separation of specific substances from a background of other substances: consider pollution control or purification. Molecular separation technologies will thus blur the distinction between a "pollutant" and a "resource."

Steve Gillett (M), Dana Andrews, G. David Nordley

3pm Cascade 5
Gaming Podcasts

There are a lot of gaming podcasts out there. What are they? Where do you find them? Which ones are the right ones for you?

Ogre Whiteside (M), Ryan Macklin, Mickey Schulz, Dylan S.

Cascade 6
Clothing of Ancient Greece and Rome

The lowly toga was more than just a giant piece of white or red cloth wrapped around the body. Both Greek and Roman clothing consisted of many components, each of which offers ample opportunities for embellishment and re-interpretation into other fashion eras. Intensely colored and decorated with intricate designs, clothing of these cultures is also usually based on rectangles and requires very little sewing.

Tammie L Dupuis (M), Adrienne Carlson, Richard Stephens

3pm Cascade 7&8
Fukushima: Lots of Entropy; Elegance, Not So Much

Three years ago, the Fukushima Daiichi facility was struck by a series of disasters, natural and manmade. What happened, what is happening now, and how does the reality compare to fictional nuclear disasters? Mike Brennan (M), Russell Ervin, Berry Sizemore, Dr. Kent Welter

3pm Cascade 9
The History of Jousting

The sport of man, horse, shield, and arms took many different forms over the centuries. There will be a comparison of the historic forms to what modern jousters are currently doing. Items of jousting equipment will be available for examination.

Ann Shilling (M), Darragh Metzger, Alan Paulsen

3pm Cascade 10
First Page Idol

Feeling brave and bold? Send us your novel's first page to be read aloud and critiqued by our pros. Email to by Friday!

Phoebe Kitanidis (M), Camille Alexa, David D. Levine, Cat Rambo, Kevin Scott

3pm Cascade 12
Introduction to Medieval and Renaissance Manuscript Art

Join us for an overview of the major styles of illuminated manuscript art, from the intricate Insular style of sixth century Irish monks, to the realism of the Italian artisans of the high Renaissance. Learn the distinguishing characteristics of the Carolingian, Romanesque, Ottonian, and Gothic styles, and the terminology used to describe the components of these historic art forms.

Anita Taylor (M), Buzzy, Deborah Strub

3pm -- 5pm Evergreen 1&2
Cascadia's Got Talent!

Do you have what it takes to gain the appreciation of our audience and panel of fan and celebrity d/r/u/n/k/s/ judges? FIND OUT! Bring your song, your work-in-progress, your shtick, your stand-up act, your freak show, your whatever - bring your talent to our free-form talent show! You have eight minutes, two songs, or until the gong gongs, whichever is shorter. Show us what you got!

Dara Korra'ti (M), Shubzilla, Nicole Dieker (Hello, The Future!), MC-3PO of Death*Star, C0splay of Death*Star

3pm Evergreen 3&4
Catherine Plesko Q&A

A Q&A session with Norwescon 37 Science Guest of Honor Catherine Plesko.

Alan Boyle, Catherine Plesko

3pm Grand 1
Art Show Tour with Robert Gould

Robert Gould talks in depth about his work in the art show, and shares his thoughts about selected other

works as well. Come enjoy an artist's perspective on the show! Robert Gould

3pm Grand 2
Autograph Session 2

Our attending professionals are available to sign autographs. Please note: so that as many fans as possible can participate, we will be enforcing a three items at-a-time (or single sketch autograph limit.

S. A. Bolich, Clinton J. Boomer, Jason V Brock, Paul Byers, Rob Carlos, Anne Charnock, Bruce R Cordell, Heather Dale, Lynn Flewelling, Diana Pharaoh Francis, M. Todd Gallowglas, Lex Lingo, Kay Kenyon, Jay Lake, Stina Leicht, Morgue Anne, Amy Raby, Kat Richardson, Ken Scholes, Jack Skillingstead, GregRobin Smith, Jeff Sturgeon, Patrick Swenson, Dennis R. Upkins

3pm Olympic 1
Stage Fighting

Learn the fundamentals of stage combat, fake punches, realistic deaths, et cetera.

Bill Gruner (M), Leith McCombs

3:30pm Cascade 1
Reading: G. Willow Wilson

Alif the Unseen. An action-filled excerpt from G. Willow Wilson's 2012 novel, a New York Times notable book and Locus Award finalist. Rated PG

G. Willow Wilson

4pm Cascade 1
Reading: Karen Kincy

Shadows of Asphodel. In her work as a mercenary for Austria-Hungary, Ardis has killed many men without hesitation. One more man shouldn't matter, even if he manages to be a charming bastard while he stands dying in the snow. But when he raises the dead to fight for him, she realizes she must save his life. If a necromancer like Wendel dies, he will return as a monster--or so the rumors say. Rated PG Karen Kincy

4pm Cascade 2
Legitimizing Legends

There is a tradition in science fiction of rehabilitating fantasy creatures by washing them in science. But is any of it good science? Could vampires, werewolves, zombies, fairies or ghosts really exist? Let's ask the experts.

Dame Ruth (M), Jim Kling, Dr. Misty Marshall

4pm Cascade 3&4
Same Character, Different World

There's a popular trend in fanfic to take characters and cross them over into completely different worlds and stories than they originally came from, with no connection whatsoever to their original location, time, or pursuits. What are the challenges of writing AUs that go beyond just a slight shift in environment or abilities? How does one keep iconic characters themselves regardless of setting or situation? Why are such wildly divergent crossovers and AUs so popular to read and write, and how can one make them believable and compelling?

Aibhinn (M), Chasing River, thatworldinverted

4pm Cascade 5
Your Anti-Procrastination First Aid Kit

Do you love to write, but don't get as much writing done as you'd like? Conquer your fears... and your rough draft.

Craig English (M), Anne Charnock, Erin Evans, Caren Gussoff, Frog Jones

4pm Cascade 6
The Subculture of Games that are Meant to be PLAYED

Dwarf Fortress. Minecraft. While mainstream gaming continues to get closer to bridging the uncanny valley, there are more and more cult classic games popping up that turn away from graphics in favor of levels of playability that inspire freakishly loyal cults of players. Let's talk about it.

Sar Surmick (M), Berry Sizemore

4pm Cascade 7&8
Women in Games

Our annual discussion of women in both the games industry, and gaming as a hobby.

Julie Haehn (M), Lillian Cohen-Moore, Angel Leigh McCoy, Gwen Yeh

4pm Cascade 9
Costume Myth Busters

Writers and other storytellers--what happens if your character tries to run in a hoopskirt? What can a lady really hide in her reticule (or bodice, or... ? Can the hero really tear a corset off? The answers to these and other questions from our panel of experts.

Julie Zetterberg (M), Tammie L Dupuis, Bethany Roullett, Anita Taylor, Beth Wade

4pm Cascade 10
The Many Sides of Hard SF

While some predicted the decline of hard SF in the 1960s and 1970s, it's alive and thriving. What makes SF hard SF? Does it have to play 100% by known physical laws, or can it break them in some areas? Are all sciences open to hard SF, or are some a better fit than others? Come and join us for a lively discussion. Jason Bourget (M), Elton Elliott, Russell Ervin, Nancy Kress, David D. Levine

4pm Cascade 12
The Future of Artists in SF/F

Professional working artists in the 21st century are creating new career avenues to connect their work with new audiences. Join our panel of artists for a visual presentation and discussion.

John Picacio (M), Lee Moyer

4pm Evergreen 3&4
An Exaltation of Drones: The Humor of P.G. Wodehouse

P.G. Wodehouse may be considered the finest humorist of the 20th century. Author of 96 books, Wodehouse is best known for creating the characters Jeeves and Wooster (played by Stephen Fry and Hugh Laurie in the BBC series . Many of Wodehouse's stories and novels involve the English upper class. The young men of the upper class were often waiting upon an inheritance with not much to do otherwise. In the Wodehousian world they belong to the Drones Club (so like bees, males with no tasks , where they while away the hours chatting, drinking, playing toss-the-card-in-the-hat, and gambling. Modern Wodehouse fans have formed their own Drones Club. This panel of Drones will discuss the works of Pelham Graham Wodehouse.

Pierce Watters (M), Wolfgang Baur, Jeff Grubb, Michael Moorcock, Brooks Peck, Mike Selinker

4:30pm Cascade 1
Reading: Phil Foglio

Agatha H and the Voice of the Castle. The third Girl Genius novel. Rated G

Phil Foglio

4:30pm -- 7pm Olympic 1
Build and Destroy a City Kaiju Style!

Youngsters will use boxes, paper, tape, and markers to build an amazing city. And then they dress up like Kaiju and destroy it!

Cheryl Dyson, Patrick McKinnion

5pm Cascade 1
Reading: Cat Rambo

All the Pretty Little Mermaids. Near-future feminist SF that recently appeared in Asimov's. Some adult language and mild violence. Rated R

Cat Rambo

5pm Cascade 2
Private Spaceflight: Is it Safe?

The era of private spaceflight has arrived via companies like Virgin Galactic, Blue Origin, SpaceX and XCOR Aerospace. But is it safe? What happens when the first accident happens? And does the development of commercial aviation in the first half of the 20th century offer any reliable guidelines?

Alan Boyle (M), Arthur Bozlee, Dave Davis, Jon Rogers

5pm Cascade 3&4
Honorable Mentions: Positive Examples of Race, Gender, and Sexual Identity in Popular Media

This year we focus mainly on what we've seen, read, and heard that has made us proud of the work we've done to treat each other with more respect and decency than we did last year. What must be done to make next year's media even better?

Dennis R. Upkins (M), Caren Gussoff, Morgue Anne, Jamala N. Henderson

5pm Cascade 5
Writing a Series

Many of the most commercially successful speculative novels are series. Authors talk about how (and whether they planned to write a series. How do you avoid repetition while keeping the setting and characters consistent from book to book?

Kat Richardson (M), Carol Berg, Phoebe Kitanidis, Ken Scholes

5pm Cascade 6
Best Horror Comics

Horror comics have been around for decades. What makes a great horror comic? Panelists will discuss the best horror comics they know, from golden oldies to the newest hotness on the market.

Jason V Brock (M)

5pm Cascade 7&8
Adding Realistic Medieval Details in a Fantasy Setting

Have you ever had a reading or viewing experience in the fantasy genre which was ruined by anachronisms and details that were just plain wrong? Where the writer just didn't bother or know enough to get it right? The emphasis of this discussion will be on finding and placing accurate medieval/historical details into a fantasy setting so that it becomes real to the reader. How to make rich texture while avoiding clichés and faux pas.

Adrienne Carlson (M), Alan Andrist, William Elder, Michael Tinker Pearce

5pm Cascade 9
Dressing the Bard

Shakespeare gave us an incredible catalogue of dramas and comedies that plumb the depth of the human condition. Over the years his plays have provided fertile ground for costumers to comment on Shakespeare's characters and society. We look at various depictions on stage and screen, and share some

of our favorite fashion interpretations of Shakespeare's characters.

Cymbric Early-Smith (M), Carmen Beaudry, Jonna Hayden, Beth Wade

5pm Cascade 10
Data Forever!

The difference between Egyptian hieroglyphs and your most valuable computer files is that in twenty years people will still be able to read hieroglyphs. What can be done to make data last forever? Do we really want it to?

Victoria Whitlock (M), Matthew 'Fish' Dockrey, Sean Hagle, Michael Ormes

5pm Cascade 12
The Art of Elric

Robert Gould and John Picacio present a slideshow and Q&A highlighting artwork from the history of Michael Moorcock's Elric of Melnibone.

John Picacio (M), Robert Gould, Michael Moorcock

5pm Evergreen 1&2
Find Your Instrument: An Instrument Petting Zoo

Have you ever wondered how people figure out what kind of musical instrument they want to play?

Several of our pros have volunteered to bring their instruments and introduce them to people. This is a hands-on workshop. After the introduction of the instruments, participants will have the opportunity to try out various instruments, and to be given brief instructions on how to play them by their owners. This panel is aimed at teens and adults. Kids are welcome, but must be of an age and attitude appropriate to handle other peoples' musical instruments!

Dara Korra'ti (M), John R. Gray III, Sunnie Larsen, Leith McCombs, GregRobin Smith

5pm Evergreen 3&4
Seanan McGuire Q&A

A Q&A session with Norwescon 37 Special Guest of Honor Seanan McGuire.

Lillian Cohen-Moore, Seanan McGuire

5:30pm Cascade 1
Reading: Jay Lake

Original fiction. Rated R

Jay Lake

6pm Cascade 1
Reading: Tim McDaniel

Something new. Rated G

Tim McDaniel

6pm Cascade 2
Kids Masquerade Staging

Is your young one ready to dive into the wonderful world of costuming? The children's masquerade gives children under 13 the ability to show off their budding skills. Bring your miniature star to this meeting and fill out the required forms. A parent or guardian must be attendance. The children will be escorted in a group down to Grand 3 to strut their stuff at the very start of the Masquerade. Parents will be able to watch from reserved seating. All children planning to enter the children's masquerade must meet here for staging.

Alan Bond (M), Ari Provencher, Dana Provencher

Cascade 3&4
How to Be a (Good) Playtester

Games producers both large and small have a nearly inexhaustible need for playtesters. It can be very rewarding to help out, but how do you get started, and what is good playtesting and what isn't?

Jeremy Holcomb (M), Christopher Bodan, David Fooden, Adam Koebel

6pm Cascade 5
Sex and Gender Fluidity

We are used to thinking about people in binary terms, but reality is nowhere near that simple. Join our panelists as they discuss what we know - and do not know - about the biology of sex and gender.

Gregory Gadow (M), Sean Hagle, Annie Morton, Sar Surmick

6pm Cascade 6
Night Vale: Where and What Is It?

Are you a fan of Welcome to Night Vale? What is it that makes this bimonthly podcast so darn entertaining and successful? What does Cecil look like? What is up with Desert Bluffs? Come to share your pet theories with our panelists and join in the squee about this Internet phenomenon.

Mickey Schulz (M), Keffy R. M. Kehrli, thatworldinverted, Berlynn Wohl

6pm Cascade 7&8
The Broad Universe Rapid Fire Reading

Members of The Broad Universe, a network of female writers, read short excerpts from current works. There will be chocolate.

Mae Empson (M), Jennifer Brozek, Marta Murvosh

6pm Cascade 9
Intersectionality 101

What is intersectionality? Why is it so important in the struggle for social justice? Our panel gives a brief history of social justice movements and how they are (or should be linked together in the struggle for equality for all.

Sheye Anne Blaze (M), Amber Clark, Maida 'Mac' Combs, Gwen Yeh

6pm Cascade 10
So You've Finished Your Novel. Now What?

Will you take the agent query route, submit to publishers, or go indie? Learn the steps of every option. M. Todd Gallowglas (M), Bradley P. Beaulieu, Anne Charnock, Susan DeFreitas, Andrea Howe, Patrick Swenson

6pm Cascade 12
Let's Make a Movie: Edit It!

Let's make a movie! You were there for the previous parts, right, where we shot video like crazy? If not, now's a great time to master time travelling! In this part, we show you a bit about editing, how we put all that crazy footage together and make it into a movie that we hope makes some kind of sense. If you bought a computer within the past two years, chances are you have more digital video editing power at your fingertips than has ever before been in the reach of ordinary people. Learn to use this power for good. Or evil. We don't care! We only use it for fun. (Note - you don't have to attend all the parts to enjoy the workshop, but attending all the parts gets you the best possible experience!

Edward Martin III (M), Ryan K. Johnson, Eric Morgret, Brian D. Oberquell, Lisa Sherman

6pm Cascade 13
Figure Drawing Demo

Come watch, learn, and discuss how our professional artists draw the human figure.

Rob Carlos (M), Tammie L Dupuis, GregRobin Smith

6:30pm Cascade 1
Reading: Steven Barnes

Twelve Days. A simple love story set against the backdrop of Armageddon. Rated PG

Steven Barnes

7pm Cascade 1
Reading: Spencer Ellsworth

Something new! Rated PG

Spencer Ellsworth

7pm Cascade 3&4
The Elegant Theory

Evolution is the working model of how inherited traits change from generation to generation, producing variation and, eventually, new species. Our panelists will discuss what evolution is and isn't, and why it is the best theory we have to explain natural diversity.

Annie Morton (M), Dame Ruth, Jim Kling, Dr. Misty Marshall

7pm Cascade 5
Gender Representation in Comics

Cartoonists use simple representations of people to evoke specific character types and emotional reactions. How does this medium affect the representation of gender? Do different genres of comics show more or less gender fluidity? What comics are notable for breaking gender stereotypes, and how do the creators use their skills to do so?

Ashley Cook (M), Catherine Kyle, Mark Rahner

7pm Cascade 6
Beachhead to the Universe: Living on the Moon

How close are we to a viable lunar base or colony? Does technology exist to keep people alive, healthy, and happy on the moon? How much will it cost, how long will it take, and how do I qualify to live off- world?

Dan Dubrick (M), Dana Andrews, Steve Gillett, Greg Hallock

7pm Cascade 9
The Horse in Fact and Fiction

Which historical or fantasy novels and films have gotten it right, and which have thrown aside reality on horsemanship and a horse's capability? Join in with your favorite peeve!

Alan Paulsen (M), Major James Franklin (Ret.), Darragh Metzger

7pm Cascade 10
The Business of Art

There's more than talent to making a living as an artist. There's health insurance, taxes, marketing, organization, selling yourself, and portfolios. Where do you find the time to do all that, and still make art? Jean Carlos (M), Phil Foglio, John R. Gray III, Jeff Sturgeon

7pm Cascade 13
The Myths About Fan Fiction

How many negative things have you heard people say about fan fiction? "It's just Mary Sue self­indulgence." "Only women write it." "It's all smut." "It's breaking the law!" "It isn't 'real' writing." "People who write fanfic aren't creative or talented enough to write 'real' books." Our panelists will critically examine the various misconceptions about fan fiction, and explore the fascination that causes thousands to write it and tho sands more to read it.

Keerawa (M), Aibhinn, Berlynn Wohl, Cassandra Clarke

7pm Grand 2&3
Doors Open for Masquerade
7:30pm Cascade 1
Reading: Craig English

Black Swan. A tale of Wall Street greed, dragons, and mild-mannered Shakespeare professor Harold Swan. Rated R

Craig English

7:30pm Grand 2&3

(Doors open at 7pm. Come join our excited costumers as they showcase their hard work. Designers from all skill levels (youth, beginners, journeymen, and masters will thrill you with the elegance and entropy of this year's spectacular costumes.

Alan Bond (M), Julie Haehn, Lee Moyer, Jonnalyhn Wolfcat, Richard Stephens, Anima! X

8pm Cascade 1
Reading: Gregory A. Wilson

No More Empires. Coming out in a new Origins anthology in 2014, this is a story of mistaken identities, divided loyalties, regret, redemption... and wolves. Rated PG

Gregory A. Wilson

8pm Cascade 3&4
The Dark Sheen of Graphene

Graphene is so new, spell checkers don't even recognize it... yet. What is it, and why is it going to change your life?

Kurt Cagle (M), Steve Gillett, Greg Hallock, David Nasset, Sr., G. David Nordley

8pm Cascade 5
LARPing 101

Have you heard all about LARP games, but been too shy to ask about them? This panel is for you! Join our amazing panel of seasoned LARPers as they explain LARPing and share the different options out there. Jeremy Holcomb (M), Fish

8pm Cascade 6
Bullies Still Suck: Why We Don't Just Get Over It

Geeks have a high likelihood of having been bullied in their lives. People who tell us to just get over it don't seem to understand what exactly they're asking us to "get over." A lot of the time bullying isolates us, and makes us feel alone. You're not alone. Come to talk about strategies for moving past the pain that have worked for others, or just share the burden.

Sar Surmick (M), Eva-Lise Carlstrom, Frog Jones, Jonny Nero Action Hero

8pm Cascade 9
The Heroine's Journey

Is the heroine's journey different from the hero's? How does gender affect plot and character development? Join us as we talk about how and why a strong female protagonist is not the same as a guy who looks good in a dress.

Nisi Shawl (M), Susan DeFreitas, Diana Pharaoh Francis, Karen Kincy, Stina Leicht, Cassandra Clarke

8pm Cascade 10
Surviving the Slush Pile

From targeting agents to tracking submissions to the nuts and bolts of writing a successful query letter, this panel is about the skills you'll need to survive the slush.

Keffy R. M. Kehrli (M), Wolfgang Baur, Jennifer Brozek, Anne Charnock, Andrea Howe, Patrick Swenson

8pm Evergreen 1&2
Concert: Death*Star

The original fully-armed and operational nerdcore battlestation is back, leading off the Saturday showcase with their verbal skill, comic timing, and undeniable charm. If that doesn't get you salivating, you may want to consider sucking on a small pebble. I hear that helps.

MC-3PO, C0splay, Bill Beats

8pm Olympic 1
Give My Ideas A Voice! (Onions & Roses, Youth Edition)

Jot down your ideas, complaints (onions , praise (roses , and suggestions regarding the convention, fandom, panels, events, online activities, or anything at all on anonymous cards. We will choose the cards randomly and discuss.

Patrick McKinnion

8:30pm Cascade 1
Reading: Tod McCoy

The Resurrection Seduction. Rated R

Tod McCoy

9pm Cascade 1
Reading: Kim Ritchie

A new piece of fiction. Rated G

Kim Ritchie

9pm Cascade 3&4
From Lost Girls to Chester 5000

Yuri, Yaoi, Eros comics...whatever your pleasure, you can find it in comics. As erotic comics become more mainstream with webcomics like Chester 5000 and the recent Smut Peddler anthology, there is growing range of erotic comics that cater to women and the queer community as well. A look at the history of graphic erotica and what's currently available. Adult content.

Ashley Cook (M), Catherine Kyle

9pm Cascade 5
Being a Decent Ally

You may be a straight, white, able-bodied person who means well, but somehow you just seem to keep putting your foot in it while trying to be supportive. What does it mean to be an ally to groups you don't actually belong to? What can you do to help without silencing others or co-opting their message?

Sheye Anne Blaze (M), Nicole Dieker (Hello, The Future!), Keffy R. M. Kehrli, Gwen Yeh

9pm Cascade 6
Print Me the Future

It seems like every year there is a panel on 3-D printing. That's because every year the tech of 3-D printing changes and improves, and the number of things that can be done grows. What can be done now? When can I get my own printer?

Jon Rogers (M), Jason V Brock, G. David Nordley

9pm -- 11pm Cascade 7&8
Flirting 201: Advanced Flirting

You completed Flirting 101, did the homework, and are ready for more advanced topics. Bi, poly, pan, no­labels, typicals, and aliens are all welcome to this advanced session. Certificates awarded to those who attended both workshops, completed homework, and took final exam.

Sonia Orin Lyris (M)

9pm Cascade 9
Adult Content in RPGs

How to bring up adult content in a role-playing game without being a creep.

Mickey Schulz (M), Jason Andrew, Eric Cagle, Adam Koebel, Sar Surmick, Ogre Whiteside

9pm Cascade 10
The Role of Comedy in Horror Films

Most horror movies have comedic moments in them. This both distracts from the horror and enhances it. Panelists will discuss the role of comedy in horror, how it is used, and how it affects the viewer.

Clinton J. Boomer (M), Jude-Marie Green, Lish McBride, Eric Morgret, Bryan Syme

9pm -- 11pm Cascade 12
Movie Previews in the Peanut Gallery

Come throw popcorn at the screen, groan, insult, and boo previews for movies you know will be bad, were bad when you first saw them, and have been awful every time you watch your special collectors' edition Blu-Ray.

Fish (M)

9pm -- 2am Cascade 13
All Ages Scheduled Gaming

Come check out our youth gaming space! All ages are welcome but this section is specifically aimed at and run by the younger part of our community. We've got great games going all weekend, run by our game masters and pros! Don't forget to come sign up in advance. During this time block the Cascades is the only official all-ages gaming space.

Grizz O'Ryan (M), Earl McDanel

9pm Evergreen 1&2
Concert: The Doubleclicks

Wil Wheaton's favourite band; soon to be yours. This Portland cello and guitar or ukulele or occasionally keyboard cat duo write songs that are all at once snarky, geeky and sweet. They can also tell stories about Jonathan Coulton, but may choose not to. There's no way to know.

The Doubleclicks

9pm -- 1am Evergreen 3&4
Lazer Tag

The only place in the convention you are allowed to draw your lazer weapons. We have equipment for use. For those players who are under 18, you must have a parent or guardian present at the arena. Lazer Tag is a live action, NON-CONTACT sport.

Scott Perrin

9pm -- 2am Maxi's Ballroom
Adults-Only Scheduled Gaming - 21+ with ID

Come see the seedier side of gaming during our adults only block! Racier, more violent, and generally uncensored. We've got great games going all weekend, run by our game masters and pros. Don't forget to

sign up in advance! During this time block, the whole room is 21+.

9:30pm Cascade 1
Reading: Rhiannon Held

Reflected. An urban fantasy werewolf novel set in Seattle. PG

Rhiannon Held

10pm Cascade 2
Friends of Bill W.
10pm Cascade 3&4
Enthusiastic Consent

We're all here to have a good time, right? Let's make sure we're ALL having a good time. Tips and tricks to avoid miscommunication and accidentally hurting someone.

Mickey Schulz (M), Eva-Lise Carlstrom, Burton Gamble, Ogre Whiteside

10pm Cascade 10
Horror Stories: The Modern Day Fairytale

It's been said that horror stories are today's fairy tale. Panelists will discuss whether or not they agree and why. If they do, how are horror stories modern-day fairy tales? What is the moral of the story?

Jason Andrew (M), Jason Bourget, Jason V Brock, Tori Centanni, Lish McBride

10pm Evergreen 1&2
Concert: Molly Lewis

The one, the only, the ukulele YouTube monster, she made you a CD but she eated it, she started at w00tstock before things got really out of hand, and she got to sing her song about wanting to have Stephen Fry's babies to Stephen Fry himself at Harvard. She also has the unique ability to slam revolving doors. Seriously, you've got to hear this.

Molly Lewis, Betsy Tinney

10pm -- 2am Grand 2&3
Saturday Dance

"Pop Goes The World." Join mc300baud as he teases Norwescon's grooving masses with a mix of popular hits and convention favorites. From new wave to rave, disco to dubstep, and everything in between, he'll hit the highlights of many music genres from the past four decades with a few surprises thrown in. mc300baud (M)

10:30pm Cascade 1
Reading: Angel Leigh McCoy

Coquettrice. A horror story about a med student who decides to take matters into his own hands when he begins to suspect his girlfriend is cheating on him. From a collection of short stories coming in 2014. Rated R

Angel Leigh McCoy

11pm Cascade 1
Reading: Cymbric Early-Smith

In the magic and compelling tale of The Janus Paradox, Glen and Alyse are twinned-souls who have found and accompanied each other through hundreds of lifetimes. Their kinship is now mysteriously frayed by a modern peril, and can only be mended by traveling 900 years into their shared past to rekindle and reforge a bond for all times. Rated PG

Cymbric Early-Smith

11pm Cascade 3&4
Advanced BDSM

So you know the basics of BDSM - maybe you've engaged in play or had a kinky relationship. Where do you go next? And what exactly is edge play, anyway? We'll explain all that, and give suggestions on how to do the edgier things more safely and sanely. 18+ ONLY.

Ogre Whiteside (M), Mickey Schulz, Lilith von Fraumench

11pm Cascade 10
Turn Everyday Items into Objects of Terror

Anything can be turned into an object of terror. A pen. A doll. A phone. Anything. Panelists will discuss what they do to turn a mundane thing into something to be feared. Challenge our panelists to scare you on the fly.

Morgue Anne (M), Jason Andrew, Jude-Marie Green

11pm -- 2am Evergreen 1&2
Saturday Night Filk

Come play to and play along with the most supportive musical peer group you'll ever find. Bring an instrument or just your voice, or just come to listen - everyone is welcome!

11:30pm Cascade 1
Reading: Clinton J. Boomer

Something new. Rated R

Clinton J. Boomer

Midnight -- 2am Cascade 12
Midnight Movie: Knights of Badassdom

You have been summoned to the Fields of Evermore for an all-out battle. This movie follows three friends as they LARP their way through mayhem and fun to prove they are true Knights of Badassdom. This movie, starring Peter Dinklage, Steve Zahn, Summer Glau, Ryan Kwanten and Norwescon's own Wotan, is Rated R.


9am -- 2pm Maxi's Ballroom
Scheduled Gaming

Come on up to scheduled gaming at Maxi's. We've got great games going all weekend, with our game masters and some pros! Don't forget to sign up in advance! During this time block our whole room is all ages.

9am -- 2pm Rotunda 1&2
Open Gaming

Drop in to the Rotunda and check out what's happening! It's always changing, so every trip is a mystery! Grizz O'Ryan (M), Earl McDanel

9am -- 2pm Salon
Board & Card Gaming

Come on up and check out the dealer demonstrations running this year in the Salon. Play before you buy, and buy at your gaming table.

Grizz O'Ryan (M), Earl McDanel

10am Cascade 1
Reading: Nisi Shawl

Excerpts from Everfair, a Belgian Congo steampunk novel-in-progress forthcoming from Tor. Rated PG Nisi Shawl

10am Cascade 2
Hook 'Em When They're Young

Fandom has shaped many of our lives from an early age, and popular fiction has helped to grow a whole new generation of fans. Come talk with us about the best books and media of the past and present to get kids interested in science fiction and fantasy without freaking out their parents.

Marta Murvosh (M), Eva-Lise Carlstrom, David Shoemaker

10am Cascade 3&4
Editing, Laying Out, and Publishing an RPG

So you've designed and written a tabletop RPG. Good job! Now what? Our panelists walk you through the finishing touches of producing an RPG, and the second task of making it available.

Wolfgang Baur (M), Eric Cagle, Ryan Macklin

10am Cascade 5
"Hangover Detector" Costumes

Come to our panel and show off your hangover finest.

Vicki Glover (M), Buzzy, Deborah Strub

10am Cascade 6
The History of Fanfiction

One might think that fanfiction is something that came into being sometime around the 1960s, born out of a passionate love of Star Trek and other shows of the time... but one would be wrong! The idea of fanfiction has been around for a long, loooooooong time; it just wasn't given that name until fairly recently, historically speaking. Come and learn about the long and entertaining history of fanfiction throughout the years, and check out a few "relics".

Mimi Noyes (M), Dame Ruth, Janna Silverstein, Berlynn Wohl

10am Cascade 7&8
Tracking Your Fictional Universe

Did that character's blue eyes just turn brown? How do writers keep track of all the little details about

characters and worlds so that they aren't forgetting things or contradicting themselves? We'll discuss what sorts of information might be tracked, how to organize it, and how to store it.

Kurt Cagle (M), Erik Scott de Bie, Andrea Howe, Angel Leigh McCoy

10am Cascade 9
Where Is Everyone?

The universe is a really, really big place. Life should be abundant. Intelligent life, while probably not common, should be out there- yet we have neither seen nor heard a trace of them. Are they hiding, or are we alone in the universe? Either way, it's a staggering thought.

Steve Gillett (M), Elton Elliott, James C. Glass, David Nasset, Sr., Catherine Plesko

10am -- Noon Cascade 12
Masquerade Viewing

In case you missed it Saturday night or want to watch it again, please join us for a reshowing of Norwescon 37's masquerade.

Alan Bond (M)

10am Cascade 13
Special FX Makeup on the Cheap

Get tips on creating practical make-up effects cheaply. Panelists will share their hints, tips, and tricks for creating bruises, lacerations, bites, and wounds. Examples include how to use things like Knox unflavored gelatin, and making foam latex in your kitchen.

Amber Clark (M), Richard Stephens

10am Evergreen 3&4
The Universal Rules of the Fight

Hand-to-hand combat forms vary, but there are certain rules that apply to all close-combat. These rules will be presented, discussed, debated slowly, and carefully demonstrated with **light, slow **demos and a hand-out.

Michael Tinker Pearce (M), Steven Barnes, William Elder, Bill Gruner, Leith McCombs, Ogre Whiteside

10am -- 2pm Grand 3
Norwescon Robotics Fair

Syfy promises a future filled with robots, but you don't have to wait! Robots are becoming cheaper and more accessible every day. The Norwescon Robotics Fair is your chance to get involved by getting some hands on experience with some entry level robots that are kid friendly and won't break the bank. Meet representatives from robotics teams, see robots that more seasoned engineers are making, or just come and play with the swarm of robots that we will be unleashing.

Richard Albritton

10am Olympic 1
Easter Egg Hunt: 4 and under

Children 4 years old and under are encouraged to join us for an Easter egg hunt in Olympic 1!

Michaela Zielke

10:30am Cascade 1
Reading: Bradley P. Beaulieu

Twelve Kings in Sharakhai. The Amber Jewel of the Desert fights in the pits to scrape a living. She, like so many in the city, pray for the downfall of the cruel, immortal Kings of Sharakhai, but she's never been able to do anything about it. This all changes when she goes out on the night of Beht Zha'ir, the holy night when all are forbidden from walking the streets. Rated PG

Bradley P. Beaulieu

10:30am Olympic 1
Easter Egg Hunt 5-8

Children 5-8 years old are encouraged to join us for an Easter egg hunt in Olympic 1!

Michaela Zielke

11am Cascade 1
Reading: Randy Henderson

A reading experience! There will be no eye-glazing here! It may be humorous urban fantasy, (forthcoming from TOR or something new, and reading will only be the half of it. Come join the fun. Rated PG Randy Henderson

11am Cascade 2
Building a Navy in Your SF Universe

Much of military science fiction is naval in nature - face it, space battles are just cool. But so many space navies make little sense in practical terms. So many of them are based on outdated historical models, or simply "what sounds cool." Come join our panelists as they discuss who does it well, and how you can create a realistic space armada.

Mike Brennan (M), Paul Byers, Russell Ervin, Douglas Herring, Brent Kellmer

11am Cascade 3&4
Twitter and Tumblr and Facebook, OH MY!

Where do you get your fandom fixes? Every social media has it's own culture. What's different about the various social medias, and how do they interact within themselves and with each other in spreading fandom.

Jen K (M), David D. Levine, Donna Prior,Sara Twitty, Jonny Nero Action Hero

11am Cascade 5
Haute Hats

An overview of the iconic men's and women's hat fashions that keep coming back into style, such as the Smurf Hat, formerly known as the Liberty Cap from the French Revolution, which had its roots in Anglo- Saxon and Greek fashions. Or the simple Pill Box, worn in 14th century Greenland and made famous again by the Pan Am Stewardesses of the 1960's. What do you hope will be the next historic hat to come back in style?

Anita Taylor (M), Carmen Beaudry, Katrina Marier, Torrey Stenmark, Janet Borkowski

11am Cascade 6
LARPing in Washington

What is there to do, how much does it cost, and when does it happen?

Jennifer Brozek (M), Fish

11am Cascade 7&8
How to Write Vivid Scenes

What makes writing vivid? What does vivid writing do for the reader? How can you edit existing writing to make it more vivid? How to use all five senses.

Carol Berg (M), S. A. Bolich, Lynn Flewelling, Diana Pharaoh Francis, Nancy Kress

11am Cascade 9
The Next Generation: Gaming with Kids

Games for the younger generation. What are good starter board, card, electronic, and tabletop roleplaying games for the young people in your life, and what can they help us teach them?

Jeremy Holcomb (M), Wednesday (Nessie) Phoenix, Berry Sizemore, Dylan S.

11am Cascade 10
My Toys are Cooler than Your Toys

And by "cooler" we mean "geekier". This is show and tell: Bring your cool things for the delight of the crowd and the panel. Items should not explode, burn, discharge excessive energy outside the auditory and visual spectrums, nor alter the space-time continuum in any significant way.

Chris Nilsson (M), Matthew 'Fish' Dockrey, Brian D. Oberquell

11am Cascade 13
What Makes Something Art?

Crafts, just messing around -- when does something become art, and who decides?

Jeliza Patterson-McGuire (M), SunnyJim Morgan, Betsy Mott

11am Olympic 1
Easter Egg Hunt 9-12

Children 9-12 years old are encouraged to join us for an Easter Egg Hunt in Olympic 1!

Michaela Zielke

11:30am Cascade 1
Reading: Kay Kenyon

A Thousand Perfect Things. An epic tale of magic in a reimagined England and India, when a Victorian woman takes on the scientific establishment, palace intrigues, ghosts and a great mutiny by marshaling the powers of magic. Rated G

Kay Kenyon

11:30am -- 2pm Grand 2
Art & Charity Auction

Join our auctioneers for a fun filled last chance to purchase that original piece of art you saw in the art show that you just know you can't live without. Or help us raise funds for our charities by bidding on items that have been donated by our artists, dealers, and fans to support Northwest Harvest and Clarion West Writers Workshop.

Pat Booze

Noon Cascade 1
Reading: Janet Freeman-Daily

Life Between Scans. Snapshots of living in 8-week increments (non-fiction . Warning: involves frank discussions of terminal illness. Rated PG

Janet Freeman-Daily

Noon Cascade 2
Safety is Not Always an Option

NASA spends hundreds of millions of dollars to make sure spaceflight is as safe as possible for its flight crews. While no one wants accidents, is the current risk-averse safety culture hindering efforts to make spaceflight routine and economical?

Greg Hallock (M), Arthur Bozlee, Mike Brennan, David Shoemaker

Noon Cascade 3&4
Cosplaying While Fat

Body shaming is rife in cosplay circles, with constant cries for bigger fans to play "body appropriate" characters- because there are so many of those to choose from? What do you do if you don't have the body type of your favorite character? We'll show you why it's okay to be a plus size Wonder Woman, Power Girl, or Superman.

Mickey Schulz (M), Jonna Hayden, Melissa Quinn, Jonnalyhn Wolfcat

Noon Cascade 5
Writing What You Don't Know

Many writers have heard the advice to "write what you know." But have you really met any dragons, or robots, or zombies, or vampires? How do you write about something that you haven't experienced personally? Tips for how to (and how not to use research and common sense to improve your writing. Cat Rambo (M), Ann Gimpel, Kat Richardson

Noon Cascade 6
Where Do I Find Fic? Or an Audience?

With the steady decline of Livejournal - which hosted many fandom groups whose sole purpose was to provide a place to announce your latest work or recommend a fic - it seems that it's gotten harder and harder to find fanfic, or inversely, find a following. Or is it? What are the advantages and disadvantages of posting in places like AO3, tumblr, or Is the only way to find readers for your stories to post on sites and hope that you get seen and recced? Where can you find communities dedicated to creating a space where people can share their works and follow other writers and artists? Do you have to dig and hunt and sniff out new writers by going to a million different rec sites? Or is there a better way to get your fandom fix?

Cheryl Dyson (M), Berry Sizemore, Chasing River, thatworldinverted

Noon Cascade 7&8
Home Recording I

Everybody wants to make a demo. What can you do with what you've got? If that won't do - and it probably won't - what do you really need to create a good demo? How little can you get away with? Or, if you have even a small budget, what can you do to turn a spare bedroom into decent recording space? Hardware and software solutions are discussed.

Vixy & Tony (M), Lex Lingo, Dara Korra'ti

Noon Cascade 9
Collaborative Writing Game

More and more stories these days are being co-written, but how do writers actually make it work? What does it feel like to negotiate, to co-create on the fly, or to be part of a team writing in another author's setting? The audience will break into groups and do a collaborative writing exercise. Then we'll discuss how it went and brainstorm how to maximize the benefits of collaboration and avoid its pitfalls.

Phoebe Kitanidis (M), Craig English, Esther Jones, Kevin Scott, GregRobin Smith

Noon Cascade 10
Queen Victoria's Fantastical Fiction

Steampunk is no longer a fad, but its own subgenre. What makes it so appealing? Is steampunk different from other forms of fantasy? Join our panelists as they look at recent works, discuss where steampunk is going, and who might take it there.

Nisi Shawl (M), Phil Foglio, Karen Kincy, Marta Murvosh, Dean Wells

Noon Cascade 12
Scavenger Hunt Final

Come find out the results of the 2nd Annual Digital Scavenger Hunt. Check out some of cool photos that were gathered during the convention.

Trent Lum (M)

Noon Cascade 13
40 Minute Horror Makeups for Photography

Have you ever wanted to create kick-ass horror photos? Our panelists will show you how to get that gruesome make-up just right for both color and black and white photography. Live make up demo included.

Amber Clark (M), Richard Stephens

Noon -- 2pm Evergreen 1&2
Fandance Film Festival

Now in its fifteenth year, the Festival is a celebration of low- and no-budget cinema, brought to wondrous lurching life by amateur filmmakers from all around the Pacific Northwest. More than just the movies, this one hundred twenty minute extravaganza of entertainment also includes the filmmakers, who will regale you with terrifying tales of their productions. Be there or be a regular right quadrilateral! The Fandance Film Festival is the final terrifying phase of the Let's Make a Movie Workshop, in which participants walk through every step of making a movie, from conception to the premiere of the finished product.

Edward Martin III (M), Ryan K. Johnson, Brian D. Oberquell, Lisa Sherman

Noon Evergreen 3&4
The Arrow and the Gonne: Tactical Innovations

What forced the mail-clad European warrior class to slowly adopt full plate armour, and then to abandon it at its peak of excellence? Good armour is proof against good hand weapons. But what of high energy projectiles that can ruin a skilled man's/woman's day?

Bill Gruner (M), Matt Case, William Elder, Douglas Herring, Michael Tinker Pearce

12:30pm Cascade 1
Reading: Diana Pharaoh Francis

Something new. Rated PG

Diana Pharaoh Francis

1pm Cascade 1
Reading: Susan DeFreitas

From a work in progress. Rated PG

Susan DeFreitas

1pm Cascade 2
Fandom In Daily Life

Are you weird, geeky, or a total nerd - and proud of it? Do you express your fannishness in daily life, or do you tone it down for your day job? Come participate in a discussion and share how you show your fannish colors.

Cheryl Dyson (M), Maida 'Mac' Combs, Andrea Howe, Chris Nilsson, C0splay of Death*Star

1pm Cascade 3&4

How do you choose a complementary B plot for your story - and where can you add in a C, D, and E plot? How do you know when subplots will make your story richer, and when they'll just add clutter and confusion?

Keffy R. M. Kehrli (M), Erik Scott de Bie, Erin Evans, Angel Leigh McCoy, Kevin Radthorne

1pm Cascade 5
Creating & Building Inclusive Gaming Groups

Enjoy board games? Love the idea of painting miniatures? Want to know how to find inclusive groups for gaming? How do you create your own gaming meet-ups? Our panelists will give you tips on creating game groups, finding public game meet-ups, and enjoying gaming conventions as a newbie. Want to be a better organizer? We'll work with you to build positivity in your current groups, how to find new players, and how

to encourage their participation.

Donna Prior (M), Berry Sizemore, Ogre Whiteside

1pm Cascade 6
Trench Coats, Capes and Wraps: Elegant Outerwear in The Movies

From Thor and The Avengers to Star Trek Into Darkness and the highly anticipated second installment of The Hobbit, long dramatic outerwear, such as cloaks, trench coats, wraps, and various types of jackets, are making a come-back in the movies. Join our lively panel as they discuss the various trends and the tricks of the trade for creating 'the look' or repurposing items to achieve that super flash style.

Janet Borkowski (M), Vicki Glover

1pm Cascade 7&8
Portraying Mental Illness in Comics

What are some examples of graphic novels or cartoons that have covered mental health issues, and how have creators used the medium to do this? Is the stereotype of the "crazy artist" true or exaggerated? How does the depiction of artists as crazy creative types hinder respect for their art?

Catherine Kyle (M), Ashley Cook

1pm Cascade 10
Some What-Ifs of Medieval History

Alternate timelines, quantum universes, or just plain-old time machines - all of these concepts create a way for an author to play with history. This will be an interactive panel where the audience will choose a significant event in Medieval history and come up with alternatives - and their consequences. A lively dialogue always ensues.

Russell Ervin (M), Adrienne Carlson, Cymbric Early-Smith, Bill Gruner, Buzzy, Richard Stephens

1pm Cascade 13
Finding Inspiration

The creative process can often be a tricky one, and it is easy to fall into ruts or hit a blank wall. Our panelists will discuss how to develop ideas, create compelling subject matter, and what to do when you find yourself stuck, not knowing what to do for your next piece of art.

Betsy Mott (M), Bryan Syme, Sara Twitty, Jeff Sturgeon

1pm Evergreen 3&4
Cypher vs. Housefilk: FIGHT!

Both nerdcore and filk have highly participatory traditions of informal performance gatherings, but never the twain have met. Should we get these guys together or what? We have nerdcore artists and filkers on the same panel talking about how to run cyphers and housefilks, and where to find out about them, so you can play away from the con as well.

Jonny Nero Action Hero (M), Shubzilla, Lex Lingo, Dara Korra'ti

1pm -- 3pm Olympic 1

What do you do with those games that have missing pieces? Put them all together to make a new game, of course!

Patrick McKinnion (M)

1:30pm Cascade 1
Reading: James C. Glass

A chapter of Eagle Squad. Intro to a murder mystery/science fiction novel about murders on the campus of a private university in the Minnesota north woods. Rated PG

James C. Glass

2pm Cascade 1
Reading: Roberta Gregory

Mother Mountain. A work in progress. Rated PG

Roberta Gregory

2pm Cascade 3&4
Writing Action

Penning a thrilling action sequence requires specific writing skills. Learn how to change up the tone of your prose, sequence events properly, and triple your pace without sacrificing clarity.

Craig English (M), Erik Scott de Bie, Erin Evans, Michael Tinker Pearce, Dean Wells

2pm Cascade 6
Fannish Home and Gardening

Tips on maintaining a fashionable, functional fannish household with ever-expanding collections of books, art, costumes, media, and other assorted stuff. How to showcase your geek aesthetic and not look like an audition for Hoarders. Also, how to include your interests into your landscaping . Our panelists will share what they have done to give their exo-structural habitat a little more character and made it more conducive to the fannish lifestyle.

Jonnalyhn Wolfcat (M), SunnyJim Morgan, Buzzy, Julie Zetterberg

2pm Cascade 7&8
Home Recording II

Everybody wants to make a demo. Okay, you have some equipment. Now what do you do with it? How do you set it up, and how do you use it to capture or create the best sounds you can? If you didn't make the first hour, that's okay - come anyway.

Vixy & Tony (M), Lex Lingo, Dara Korra'ti

2pm Cascade 9
Non-Western Settings in Fantasy

We're seeing more and more writers use non-western settings in fantasy these days - N.K. Jemisin, Bradley Beaulieu, and Saladin Ahmed, just to name a few. How well are these working for us? Does the scenery just seem tacked on, or is it integral to the story? Does this trend work equally well for doorstopper fantasy as it does for sword & sorcery, or do American readers not have the patience to deal with it for that long? Come join us as we talk about how it might fit your fantasy novel.

G. Willow Wilson (M), Brent Kellmer, Kay Kenyon, Pat MacEwen, Gregory A. Wilson

2pm Cascade 10
Near-Future Political Scenarios in SF

Most writers are afraid of writing near future scenarios because there is a good chance that they will be overtaken by real world events. This is especially true of political scenarios. Who has done this successfully, and what can we learn from them? What are the arguments for creating realistic near-future scenarios even if they are destined to become outmoded - i.e., is there something we get from these above and beyond mere prediction?

Kurt Cagle (M), Anne Charnock, Susan DeFreitas, Elton Elliott

2pm -- 4pm Evergreen 1&2
Movie Previews: What's New?

This is the panel where you watch previews that have (and have not been on iTunes for months now. See what's coming to the big, little, and streaming screen in the next few years, and some things you might have missed from the recent past.

Fish (M)

2:30pm Cascade 1
Reading: Amy Raby

Archer's Sin. Rated PG

Amy Raby

3pm Cascade 3&4
Medicine of Days Gone By

From skull surgery among Neolithic people to leeches in the Middle Ages to the development of germ theory in the 19th century, the theory and practice of medicine has changed a great deal. Our panelists will discuss some of the odder medical practices of the past, and why they seemed to be a good idea at the time.

Gregory Gadow (M), Dame Ruth, Annie Morton

3pm Cascade 6
The End

Endings can be the hardest of things to do well in a story. There are so many questions to be answered - whose end is it? Is it really the end- did you stop too soon, or too late? Happily-ever-after, or cliffhanger? Are there loose ends - and did you at least try to tie them all off, or did you tie them off too well? Should there be a twist or a surprise, or should there be total closure? How do you stop and where do you stop? Keffy R. M. Kehrli (M), James C. Glass, Jude-Marie Green, Frog Jones, Kay Kenyon

3pm Cascade 13
Steampunk Art: Beyond Goggles and Gears

To most people, steampunk summons visions of goggles, gears, and sepia-toned pseudo-Victorian England. But we know it's more than that, right? Right?

Matthew 'Fish' Dockrey (M), Berry Sizemore

4pm Evergreen 3&4
Closing Ceremonies

So long, farewell, auf Wiedersehen, goodbye - that's it for another year, folks. This is your last chance to say adios to our wonderful Guests of Honor. It's been fun. Let's do it again sometime.

Richard Stephens (M)

5pm Evergreen 3&4
Onions & Roses

Please join the Norwescon 37 Executive Team to review all the things that went right (Roses and those that didn't go as well as we would have liked (Onions .

Peggy Stewart (M), Joshua Keegan



“Norwescon 37 Panels,” Norwescon History, accessed March 13, 2025,

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