Norwescon 36 Daily 'Zine (Saturday)


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Norwescon 36 Daily 'Zine (Saturday)


Norwescon 36


Daily informational bulletin for Saturday of Norwescon 36.




March 30, 2013


Michael Hanscom


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Saturday 'Zine

Volume 1, issue 3
March 30, 2013
Norwescon 36

Philip K Dick award ceremony results.

The Philip K. Dick Award for distinguished science fiction published in paperback original format in the United States in the 2012 award year was presented at 7pm in Grand Ballroom 2 to Bryan Slattery for Lost Everything. The special citation went to Love Star by Andri Snaer Magnason.


New this year! We will offer a photo op at half-time for those of you who want to photograph the contestants without leaving your chairs behind! At half-time don't go away but hang out to see the Beyond Reality Costumers Guild parade of hall costumes followed by a photo op of the competitive costumes right before the judges return to announce the awards.

Sci-Fi Pub Quiz

Join Geeks Who Drink for a sci-fi pub quiz. Pit your knowledge against other congoers for a prize. Become a team of 6 or take em on yourself. Afterwards enjoy the music styling of DJ Lee Fuller.

Must be 21+ with ID and Convention membership Saturday, 9pm-2am, Maxi s Lounge

Digital Scavenger Hunt

Is your camera ready? Is your imagination good? Come see us in the salon Saturday at 10am. After 11am item lists will be available at the information desk.

Charity Ribbons

Donate to Northwest Harvest (or donate to the auction) and get a sparkly new badge ribbon.

Come on and be a superhero! Philip Buff is the charity liaison and will be happy to reward your efforts with some bling.


The 'zine accepts submissions from attendees, staff and guests. Preferred submission format is via email to . Submissions are also accepted in the 'zine boxes located at the information table and in the convention office. Daily deadline is 10pm.

Take Note:

  • Banging your head against the wall burns 150 calories an hour.
  • Slamming your keyboard against your desk only burns 75 calories an hour, but is much more rewarding.


  • OMG I ve been zip tied!
  • If you get Josh talking in a cockney accent he becomes unable to talk normally, try it and see!
  • We've come a long way baby . . . At Norwescon 1 the spot light for the masquerade was actually a slide projector held by someone standing on a chair.


  • Hall costumers please take advantage of the open photo area just past Artists' Alley (in the east concourse).

  • Don't forget "Cascadia's Got Tallent"! Please sign up to strut your stuff at the information table.

  • Due to the lovely institution of Daylight Saving time the Hugo Nominations will take place at 1pm NOT noon.

156 huh???

Who ARE The 156, you ask? Well the full answer is a bit too long for right here, but the short answer is those silly people who keep "shield crashing" their forearms wherever they spot one another. Put another way, they are 156 attendees (one not even a year old!) who are part of an analog social networking viral pyramid scheme game (really it's multi-level marketing and all legal).

BRCG Raffle

The Beyond Reality Costumer's Guild is sponsoring a raffle. You can win your choice of a sewing machine, a leather jacket, or an awesome Costumer's Sewstravaganza Kit; a 3-drawer container stuffed with trims, ribbons, beads, notions, patterns and crafting accessories, with an additional container of fabric and books. Raffle is in support of an animal charity. Drawing will be held Sunday noon; need not be present to win (but must be able to pick up items by 2 PM Sunday.) For tickets or more info, visit the BRCG table in the lobby.

Movie News & Previews are off the air

No Movie News & Previews panel today, but we will be back Sunday after The Fandance Film Festival at 2pm with our last show. News, rumors, previews, swag - it will all be there.


  1. In The Legend of Zelda video game series, what is the hero's default name? And what about his horse? — Link, who rides Epona
  2. What are the names of the ghosts who chase Pac Man and Ms. Pac Man? — Inky, Blinky, Pinky, and Clyde
  3. On average, how long are the white lines between lanes on the road? — I thought they were about three feet long, apparently most people say two feet, but they are really 10 to 15 feet long (three or four meters).
  4. What is the Mythbusters' crash test dummy named? — Buster
  5. Before he got his own game, Mario appeared in Donkey Kong under a different name. What was it? — Jumpman
  6. Who was the captain of the Enterprise in the pilot episode of Star Trek? — Captain Christopher Pike



“Norwescon 36 Daily 'Zine (Saturday),” Norwescon History, accessed March 14, 2025,

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