Norwescon 36 Daily 'Zine (Friday)


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Norwescon 36 Daily 'Zine (Friday)


Norwescon 36


The daily informational bulletin for Friday of Norwescon 36




March 29, 2013


Michael Hanscom


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Friday 'Zine

Volume 1, issue 2
March 29, 2013
Norwescon 36

Philip K. Dick Award Ceremony

The Philip K. Dick Award is given annually for the best original paperback novel published in the USA. Come join us for a little music, some refreshments, and the 2012 Philip K. Dick Award presentation with readings from attending nominees.

William Sadorus (M), Ryan Boudinot, Moria Crone, Nancy Kress, Brian Slattery, Andri Snaer Magnason

In a first for Norwescon, we will have five of the seven nominated authors present to read from their work! We’re quite thrilled to have so many of the authors with us this year — hearing an author read their own work is always a treat.

Friday, 7pm-8:30pm, Grand 2


Come celebrate the Post-Mayan Apocalypse by throwing on a toga and dancing the night away at Maxi’s Lounge. As a special treat the models and designers of the Fannish Fetish Fashion show will be in attendance for up close looks and questions after their show.

Must be 21+ with ID and Convention membership Friday, 9pm-11pm, Grand 2&3

Fetish anyone?

The Fannish Fetish Fashion Show is pleased to have local designers showing off their latest Fashion creations based on the “Rule the World” theme.

Come see what Winter Fetish, VexxWear, Delightfully Deviant and others have in store for this year.

Must be 18+ with ID and Convention membership Friday, 9pm-10:30pm, Grand 2&3


The 'zine accepts submissions from attendees, staff and guests. Preferred submission format is via email to . Submissions are also accepted in the 'zine boxes located at the information table and in the convention office. Daily deadline is 10pm.


  • She’s in the closet and will be right out.
  • Cigarettes, Diet Coke and nachos; I’m ready
  • The radio made my pants fall down.

Movie News & Previews

Keith & Alan's Movie News & Previews are again ready to bring the latest news from Hollywood straight to your eye/earballs, with previews, too! This year there have been some changes - our panel on Friday is earlier in the day, there is no Saturday show, and our Sunday show now starts after the Fandance Film Festival. Check out our new schedule!

Friday - Previews Show #first - 12Noon-2pm - Grand 3 - Note earlier time!
Friday - Family Previews - 2:30-3:30pm - Olympic 1
Sunday - Previews Show #last - 2-4pm - Evergreen 1-2 - Note later time!
With no show on Saturday, Friday will be especially popular so get there early. See you there!

Open Mic Saturday @ 7pm in Evergreen 1&2

Sign up at information, or just show up when we start. Two songs or ten minutes, whichever is shorter!


  1. In The Legend of Zelda video game series, what is the hero’s default name? And what about his horse?
  2. What are the names of the ghosts who chase Pac Man and Ms. Pac Man?
  3. On average, how long are the dotted white lines between lanes on the road?
  4. What is the Mythbusters’ crash test dummy named?
  5. Before he got his own game, Mario appeared in Donkey Kong under a different name. What was it?
  6. Who was the captain of the Enterprise in the pilot episode of Star Trek?



“Norwescon 36 Daily 'Zine (Friday),” Norwescon History, accessed March 14, 2025,

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