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Westwind No. 140 May/June 1989, including the Norwescon 11 Post-Con Report

The pocket program for Norwescon 11.

The masquerade from Norwescon 11

Badge #101, in its plastic "license plate" frame.

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Art of rainbow trout floating in space near a blue planet, with a crystal that has an orange sphere inside it. Typed text applied with clear tape says, "Don Glover # 21".
Badge #21

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nwc10.5 program 1.jpg
The Norwescon 10.5 program book

The full Masquerade from Norwescon 10.

A birthday party hat, handed out at the Norwescon 10 Birthday Party (which opened the Friday night Stardance).


The opening number for the Norwescon 10 Stardance was also our 10th birthday party, complete with party hats, singing and dancing, and a surprise guest!

Badge #1010, in the plastic "license plate" badge frame.

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Art by Ken Macklin of two humans, one blonde white man and one brunette woman, surrounded by various creatures, including a cat in a spacesuit, a troll, an armored ogre, a three-eyed alien, and a dinosaur. Typed text says, "77 Don Glover".
Badge #77

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Membership badge for Norwescon 1.5

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This is a scan of the original art for the Norwescon 1 program book cover. The cover is by Bill Warren (William R. Warren, Jr.), 1978; India ink on vellum. The little gnome with the glowing guts sitting under the bridge with his quill is, of course,…

Cover of the Norwescon 1 program book. Full text is available on this page or by downloading the PDF.
The full program book for Norwescon 1. Notes from Gregory Bennett, Norwescon 1 chair: And yet another fun note about the Norwescon 1 program book and how it got to be that size. I had mentioned the pocket program at Midamericon in Kansas City in…

Photos from Norwescon 1

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A short newspaper blurb announcing the first Norwescon.


nwc1 flyer.jpg
Advertising flyer for Norwescon 1

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Bill Warren drew this cartoon depicting some members of the Norwescon 1 convention committee to fill a space in the program book. It was amusing enough, but there was depth to it. Many of the people in the cartoon are identifiable from Bill's…

Art by Bill Warren of a stone bridge over a river, with Norwescon 1978 engraved in the stones. Under the bridge is the text, "The Northwest Science Fiction Society, Seattle, Washington, USA, March 25 & 26". A waving ribbon leaves space for attendees to write in their name and badge number. On this one is written, "368" and "Don Glover".
Badge #368.

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