Norwescon 16 Program Book


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Norwescon 16 Program Book


Norwescon 16


The full souvenir program book for Norwescon 16.


Michael Brocha, J.C. Armbruster, Michael Citrak, Amy Lowenthal, Deborah Wood, Becky Simpson


Northwest Science Fiction Society (NWSFS)


March 25-28, 1993


Contents Copyright © 1993 by the Northwest Science Fiction Society for the contributors.



Text Item Type Metadata


The Northwest Science Fiction Society proudly presents

Norwescon 16

March 25-28, 1993
Annual Northwest Science Fiction Convention

(Ad) Westercon


$45.00 through May 31, 1993
$55.00 at the door
$20.00 supporting membership until June 20

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Seattle, Washington 98124

$40 Special Rate at Norwescon Only.
Drop by the WESTERCON table today.
Current membership rate is $45. You save $5!

It's About Time...


GREG BEAR Writer Guest of Honor
GEORGE BARR Artist Guest of Honor

Plus multi-track programming: authors, artists, editors, scientists, publishers, readings, writers’ workshops, masquerade, art show, science, hospitality, dealers, videos, anime, gaming, costuming and other fun and fantastic things to see and do!

Norwescon 16

Program Book Production:
Michael Brocha, J.C. Armbruster, Michael Citrak, Amy Lowenthal, Deborah Wood, Becky Simpson

Program Book Printouts:
Designers Service Bureau, Olympia, WA


Chairman: Judy Suryan
Prom Queen: Kimmerly Valentine
Convention Secretary: Pat Oros
Hospitality Dept. Head: Terry Wyatt
Hospitality Dept. Seconds: Terri Jones-Wyatt, Theresa Wilson, Tony Case, Eric Carlson, Keri-Lynn Downey, Lettie Smith
Mail Services: Lauraine Miranda
Business Manager: Doug Booze
Treasurer: Paul Schaper
Budget: Doug Booze
Contracts/Legal: Paul Schaper, Judy Suryan
Public Relations: Richard Wright
Membership Services: Deb Anderson, Scott Anderson, Paul Schaper, Carolyn Palms
Publications: Michael Brocha
Photo Services: Thom Walls, Bob Youngs
Convention Services: Judy Suryan
Operations Manager: Michael Citrak
Assistant to Michael Citrak: Paul Wocken
Room Layouts: Judy Suryan, Chuck van der Linden, Hans Meier, Michael Citrak
Office: Pat Oros
Office Second: Jodi Scanlon
Blood/Food Drive: Pat Oros
Gophers: Jodi Scanlon
Lost & Found: Lauraine Miranda
Staff I.D.: Cherie Playter
Information: Mike Bentley
Site Services: Kathy Smith
Rovers Dept. Head: Peter Horvath
Rovers Dept. Seconds: Jamie Walker, Peter Kafka d'Alglemont
Watch Dept. Head: Steve Davies
Watch Dept. Second: Styvesen
Peacebonding: Don Kimberline
Signs: Robin Smith
Programming/Stage Services: Hans Meier
Stage Management: Vickey McCortney
Masquerade: Rick Bligh, Vickie Bligh
Stardance: Keith Johnson
Resurrection Dance: Shawn Marier
One Step Beyond Dance: Peter Kafka d'Anglemont
Properties: LouAnna Valentine
Technical Services: David Valentine
Volunteer Services: Carolyn Palms
Volunteering Recruiting: Julia McKinney
Staff Lounge: Carolyn Palms
KidKon VI: Sue Bartroff, Director
First Shift: Susan Allen
Second Shift: Mica Bartroff
Assistants: Jessica Holman, Shannon Hillinger, Katheryn Greene-Brocha, Elizabeth Brocha
Set-up & Tear-down/Security/Video: Andrew Bartroff
Static Programming: Dave Howell
Art Show: Katherine Howes, Tiffany Putman
Gaming: Pro Ray, Robert Moshell
Exhibit Tables: Becky Simpson
Dealers: Jane Larsen
Costume Gallery: Carol Monahan
Netgaming: Dave Howell
Programming Director: Sue Bartroff
Co-director / Computer Services: Sharon Sinclair
On-Site Programming: Richard Wright
Norwescon Writers Workshop: Michael Scanlon
The Olympic View Writers Workshop: Sharon Sinclair
VIP Guest Relations: Richard Wright
Green Room: Raymond Burke
Special Events
Banquets: Judy Suryan
Entertainment: Telgar Wyer, Leith & Allasandra, David Denz, James Ernest
Autograph Party: Michael Brocha
Movie Previews: Leif Brandon
Lazer Tag: Brian Smith
SCA Tourney: Joel Card
Fannish Olympics: Mark Richardson
Filking: Mary K. Kare
Media Services Director: Chris McDonell
Video Program: Joel Getschman, Terrence Hatcher, Ray Irish, Andrew Bartroff
Event Broadcasts/Media Technician: Chris McDonell
Media Programming: Joel Getschman

The Northwest Science Fiction Society proudly presents
March 25-28, 1993
Annual Northwest Science Fiction Convention


Sixteenth Annual Northwest Regional Science Fiction Convention

Sponsored by the:
Northwest Science Fiction Society
P.O. Box 24207
Seattle, WA 98124


Special Guest of Honor

Artist Guest of Honor

Science Guest of Honor

Fan Guest of Honor

Volunteer Guest of Honor


Table of Contents

Curse of the Mistwraith © 1993 by Janny Wurts.
Cover for her forthcoming book, to be published by Harper Collins: Cover
Programming: 2
Guest of Honor: Betty Ballantine by Anne McCaffrey: 28
Special Guest of Honor: Anne McCaffrey by Elizabeth Ann Scarborough: 30
Art Guest of Honor: Janny Wurts by Raymond E. Feist: 33
Science Guest of Honor: Chris Jonientz-Trisler by Janet Tanaka: 35
Fan Guest of Honor: Jane Hawkins by Jane Hawkins: 37
Volunteer Guest of Honor: Theresa Janssen by Becky Rariden: 39
Toastmaster: Bonnie Baker by Bonnie Baker & Judy Suryan: 41
Fiction: Mistwriath by Janny Wurts: 43
Travel: 45
Gallery I: 49
Guests of Norwescon: 53
Gallery II: 83
Dealers: 93
Members of Norwescon: 95
Advertisers & Art Credits: 99
Acknowledgements: Inside back cover
Nametag © 1993 by Rob Alexander

Contents Copyright © 1993 by the Northwest Science Fiction Society for the contributors.

All opinions expressed in this publication are those of the authors and not necessarily those of Norwescon or the Northwest Science Fiction Society


[Artwork] Shadowfane © 1993 by fanny Wurts. Cover for her book, published by Ace Books.


The Norwescon Program can be regarded as sort of "meta-convention"—that is, the raw materials out of which one can construct one's own convention. We expect that no one attending Norwescon will experience exactly the same con, but do hope we've provided you with the opportunity to have the convention you want.

The following schedule shows most of the programming events. Whereas much work has gone into the scheduling of events and making the listings as complete and accurate as possible, things tend to change and panelists sometimes have to drop out. Be sure to check the Pocket Program to verify that the programs you wish to attend are still listed for the same time and location. More up-to-the-minute changes are listed at the Information Table, behind the elevators on the convention floor.

The convention committee welcomes you to Norwescon 16 and hopes that you have an enjoyable convention.



The Olympic View Writers' Conference Check-In
Olympic View I
Sharon Sinclair, A.L.H. Robkin, Lenora Rain-Lee Good, Terry Lusian, George E. Nyhen, Andrew Hamlin, Terry A. Fowler, Edward Martin III
Stop bv to visit and get oriented. Inking packets should be turned in.

1 PM

Designing A New Society
Leonardo D. Rufo (M), Steve Gallacci, Quinton Hoover, Melinda Jodry, Carol Monahan
This group of costumers, artists and writers design a society. Remember that form follows function. Just how would this work?

Exhibit 3
Richard A. Wright
Come experience other cultures through alien eyes.

2 PM

Why I Collect Comics Idylwood
Chris Lightfoot (M), lames Ernest (M)
The audience is the panel here. Why you collect, what you collect, where you collect.

Bruce Byfield Reading

3 PM

Censorship: Books, Comics, Games
Jon M. Gustafson, Lonnie G. Davis, Jesper Myrfors, Phil Foglio
Who controls what you read and see?

Star Trek: What's Next?
Carol Severance, Elton T. Elliott, Douglas Herring, Duane Wilkins, Ray Williams, Lisa Stevens
This group of authors, artists, and booksellers look ahead 'Where no script writer has gone before'.

Fantasy Art In The 90's
Julia E. Lacquement-Kerr, Freddie Baer, Kaja Murphy
A look at the current work of three artists who differ greatly in style, media and technique.

Military SF Overlake/Glendale/Sahalee
Don McQuinn, Gregory Bennett
The role of the military in SF, and future trends in this sub-genre.

Earthquake Hazards At Home And Work
Chris Jonientz-Trisler, Janet Tanaka, Lisa Woodings
Not just things falling, but chemicals hazards, gas explosions, fire. How to prevent problems in the future.

The Future Of Religion
Mike Moscoe (M), Deborah Hudson, David Wolverton
Which global pressures might effect religion the most in the last decade of the 20th Century.

Amy Thomson Reading

S.F. Sings
Exhibit 1
Mary K. Kare, David Denz
Filking with Mary K. Kare and David Denz.

If I Ran The Zoo
Exhibit 3
Richard A. Wright
How to run a science fiction convention.

Agent Interview: James Allen
Olympic View II
By appointment only. To obtain an appointment, it was necessary to submit a request prior to the convention.

3:30 PM

Tony Daniel Reading

4 PM

The Ren And Stimpy Hour
Bonnie Baker, Dennis Cripps, Anthony Pryor
Officiandos of this classless cartoon series speak out on why you watch, who you watch with and have you experienced brain damage from watching it?

Costume Design
David Tackett, John Alvarez, Carol Monahan
Where do these people get those great ideas?

Kevin Brockschmidt
An hour with Kevin Brockschmidt, a rising young artist whose work is frequently seen in Starlog.

New TV Shows
Andrew Hamlin, Bonnie Baker
What do you think of the new TV shows? Andrew Hamlin MC's, but the audience supplies the questions and the answers.

Affordable Collecting
Chris Lightfoot, John Pelan, Brian Snoddy, Dave Smeds
Books? Art? Comics? How to start and what to collect. Is your collecting for investment or enjoyment?

[Artwork] Copyright © 1993 by Margaret Organ-Kean

Workshops Workshop: Short Story 1
NWC Writers Workshop
Michael Scanlon, Bruce Taylor, Robin Burchett, T. Jackson King
By invitation only. In order to participate in this type of writers' workshop, it was necessary to submit a manuscript prior to the convention.

Writers' Workshop: 409
Olympic View 1
A.L.H. Robkin, Bill Ransom
By invitation only. In order to participate in this type of writers' workshop it was necessary to submit a manuscript prior to the convention.

5 PM

Star Trek Universe: The Good, The Bad and The Q
Lisa Woodings, Chris Lightfoot, Lisa Stevens, Leonardo D. Rufo, Betsy Mott
What's new, what's old, what is Q? Audience participation requested!

Theater Costuming
A.L.H. Robkin, Kaja Murphy, Carol Monahan, Richard Stevens
The history of theater costuming and its influence today.

Movie Models & FX
Dragon, David Tackett, Bill Hay, Lita R. Smith-Gharet, Bear Burge, Sean Runyons
These model makers and FX specialists are straight from their latest triumph in Hollywood. They will talk about their trade, show a videotape of upcoming FX scenes, and bring actual props used in Terminator, Highlander, Deep Space 9, and ST:TNG.

The Arthurian Legends
Greg Cox, Ru Emerson, Rebecca V. Neason
Why does this legend persist and appear in so many guises throughout literature?

Northern Exposure: Fact Or Fantasy
Janet Tanaka, Quinton Hoover
A look at an unfolding Northwest drama.

[Artwork] Jack of Shadows © 1993 by Richard Hescox. Cover for the book by Roger Zelazny, published by Signet Books (NAL).

Alien Flora & Fauna
Bill Ransom, Odell Garrett, Toivo Rovainen, Dr. Robin Wright, Phil Foglio
When writers and artists apply 'what if' to biology, strange mutations may appear. This group of writers and scientists will consider the possible, the ridiculous and the impossible.

Freddie Baer: Collage
Freddie Baer
While you watch, bits and pieces will be shaped into form.

Acting Workshop
Exhibit 1
Linda M. Keen, Gerrold Keen, Dee Weiss
A discussion on developing your persona for role playing, gaming, and hall or masquerade costume presentations. If you are interested in participating in the Crossed Arrows Workshop this is the place to get the information.

The Olympic View Writers' Conference® Open House
Olympic View 1
Sharon Sinclair, A.L.H. Robkin, Lenora Rain-Lee Good, Terry Lusian, Andrew Hamlin, Edward Martin III
Stop by for a visit. Inking packets need to be turned in.

6 PM

Sexy Male Costumes
David Tackett, Joy Day, Donna Strub, Bernard Street, Richard Stevens, Judy Smith, Thinker
What women find sexy in men's costuming.

New Movies
Andrew Hamlin, Bonnie Baker
What do you think of the new movies? You, the audience ask the questions and provide all the answers.

Physics 100 For Writers And Artists
Greg Cox, James Ernest, Stephanie Ann Johanson, Mark Bourne, James Glass
Elementary physics for artists and writers.

Anthony Pryor, Don FL DeBrandt, Ray Williams, Douglas Herring
The function and role of the Super-hero in society today. Why we need them. Who they are. What role they play in their society and culture as well as ours.

Props For Costumers
Exhibit 1
Richard Stevens, Judy Smith
Do you have props and don't know what to do with them? Do you want props and don't know where to find them? Should you have props and don't know it yet? This is the panel for you!

7 PM

L-5 Society
Bryce Walden
A discussion about space program budget cuts.

Myths Of Western Society
Beverly Marshall Sating, KaJa Murphy, Brian Snoddy
A look at myths from those surrounding Christanity to those of 'the Old West'.

NASA Space Station
T. Jackson King, Karl Johanson, Melinda Jodry
An update and concerns.

Quick Sketch: Super-heroes
John Alvarez
Lightning drawings of super-heros, known and unknown.

Lisa Jean Bothell Reading

Military Futures Of Science Fiction
Exhibit 1
Mike Kelly
A comparison of military gaming and science fiction: Dorsai, Starship Troopers, Battletech, etc.

Writers' Workshop: 504
Olympic View 1
A.L.H. Robkin, Bridget McKenna, J.P. McLaughlin
By invitation only. In order to participate in this type of writers' workshop it was necessary to submit a manuscript prior to the convention.

7:30 PM

John De Camp Reading

8 PM

Opening Cermonies
Judy Suryan
Meet our Guests of Honor, hear about the new program items, see James Ernest juggle and catch first glimpses of the NWC movie previews.

Jon M. Gustafson, Steve Gallacci, Dennis Cripps, Phil Foglio, Edward Martin III
A dialogue and practical demonstration.

Publishing Economics: Small Press
Elton T. Elliott, John Pelan
The reality of small press publishing—money is hard to find.

Government Funded Health Care
Lonnie Davis, Kyle Kirkwood, Terry A. Fowler, Michael Kerr
A discussion of one of today's largest problems facing citizens on both sides of the border.

(Ad) Baen

A Hunting We Will Go With Baen in July 1993


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But all is not as it seems aboard the good ship Sweet Delight, and soon Heris finds herself fighting for her life against as varied and villainous a bunch of cut-throats, smugglers, and “sportsmen” as ever had the misfortune to cross her path when she was a captain of the Fleet.

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Thursday 8 PM (Continued)

Scrimshaw With Kathy McLean
Kathy McLean
The art of scrimshaw using everything from plastic spoons to steak bones.

Graphic Novel/Comic Book Roundtable
Olympic View I
Barbara Randall Kesel, Edward Martin III, Kij Johnson
Inking workshop check in.

9 PM

Millennium III
Dr. Thomas W. Sine, Jr.
As we approach the threshold of the third millennium, we will briefly discuss some of the challenges that are likely to face us in tomorrow's world. Against this backdrop, we will use the past to explore the kind of future we want.

Movie Previews
Lief Brandon
A one hour look at what's new at the movies, hosted by Lief Brandon.

Resurrection Dance
Music of the '70s and '80s programmed by Shawn Merrier and Peter Kafka.

M. Elayn Harvey Reading
A costumed poetry reading by the author and her friends.

Robin Hood
Rebecca V. Neason
Hero or anti-hero?

The Sci-Fi Channel
Kent Patterson
What is it. Where is it. Why don't all cable channels carry it?

Lost Wax Techniques
Lauri Lynn L. Miller
A master at 3-D artwork shares some of her techniques.

10 PM

Super-heroes In Comic Books
Barbara Randall Kesel
The super-hero: past, present and future. A dialogue with the Managing Editor of Dark Horse Comics.

Juggling With James Ernest
Janies Ernest
James will demonstrate the inside and outside tricks to this fancinating skill.

Non-Traditional Religions
Stan Hyde, T. Jackson King
A look at non-traditional, sometimes controversial religious groups.

Artist's Block
Jesper Myrfors, Freddie Baer, Steve Gallacci, Edward Martin III, Brian Snoddy, Stephanie Ann Johanson
When the creative process stalls, the panel has some ideas on how to get it started again.

Quick Sketch: Spaceships
Douglas Herring, Toivo Rovainen, Leonardo D. Rufo
Imagination, not necessarily engineering, is what this panel of artists specializing in spaceships will be using.

11 PM

Raven C.S. McCraken, Bruce Byfield, Ru Emerson, Brynne Stephens, Kent Patterson, Bridget McKenna, Jak Koke, Bruce Byfield, Phyllis Ann Karr, Michael Reaves

[Artwork] Copyright © 1993 by Kaja Murphy

Vampire Books & Movies
Nick Pollotta, Stan Hyde, Lynn S. Adams
The vampire in books and movies: frequent appearances of the undead on the big screen, the small screen, and the printed page.

Fantastic Animals & Silly Beasts
Phil Foglio, Kaja Murphy
Quick sketches of the fantastic and the odd.

Midnight Horror Readings
D.T. Steiner
Your host, D.T. Steiner, welcomes you to join in the fun.


SF Sings
Mary K. Kare
Lead by Mary K. Kare.


9 AM

Open Gaming
Back Exhibit Hall

Tai Chi: Steven E. Barnes
Exhibit 1
This is a good way to start the morning!

10 AM

Hubble Update
Mark Bourne
From new planetary systems to black holes, the latest astronomical images and discoveries from the Hubble Telescope.

Writing About Women
Idylwood / Fairweather
Betty Ballantine, Anne McCaffrey, Carol Severance, Tom Doherty
Authors, editor and publisher converse on this subject with Anne McCaffrey (on telelink from her home in Ireland).

Dinosaurs On The Moon
Bonnie Baker, Kij Johnson, Gregory Bennett, Steve Gallicci, Kevin Brockschmidt
A tongue-in-cheek look at Tabloid Science News.

(Ad) Baen

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Enter Lord Charles Francis Carrington of the British Empire, on a secret mission to the mysterious Chin Empire. Tamai will be his guide east, past the demons that have isolated the Chin Empire for hundreds of years.

Together Carrington and Tamai will discover just why it is the Chin Empire is defended by demons—and in so doing change the course of time itself....

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Friday 10 AM (Continued)

[Artwork] Copyright © 1993 by Douglas Herring

Childrens' Literature
Jan King, Claudia McCormick, Rebecca V. Neason
Good kids' books that teach values as well as entertain.

David Wolverton Reading
The author reads from his new novel, Star Wars: The Courtship of Princess Leia.

Freddie Baer At Work
Freddie Baer
Artist at work. You are welcome to watch and ask questions.

Leonardo Rufo At Work
George Peirson At Work
Julia E. Lacquement-Kerr At Work
Artists at work. You are welcome to watch and ask questions.

Todd Logan Reading

Keeping Your Facts Straight
Exhibit 1
Chris Jonientz-Trisler, Janet Tanaka, Jean M. Auel
The importance of both field and library research.

Life Drawing: Tom Verre
Exhibit 2
Draw the costumed human figure. Artist Tom Verre will be there to assist you. Norwescon costumers will be your models. Bring your sketch pad and pencil.

Blood Drive
Exhibit 3
When you give blood, you help heal the world in a practical way.

Workshop: Novel 1
NWC Writers Workshop
Michael Scanlon, James Class, Kate Flynn Connolly, Amy Thompson
By invitation only. In order to participate in this type of writers' workshop, it was necessary to submit a manuscript prior to the convention.

Writers' Workshop: Novel 406
Olympic View I
Lenora Rain-Lee Good, Mark Coen, Barbara Denz
By invitation only. In order to participate in this type of writers' workshop it was necessary to submit a manuscript prior to the convention.

Agent Interview: James Allen
Olympic View II
By appointment only. To obtain an appointment it was necessary to submit a request prior to the convention.

10:15 AM

Tracy Vaughn Moore Reading
Author reads from his work.

10:30 AM

Kurt Giambastiani Reading

11 AM

Bloopers Reel
Pat Oros, David Valentine, Chris McDonell
Our technical crew, who spent a week in Ireland with Anne McCaffrey, will share their experiences and show a video of their visit.

Virtual Sound
Ari Hollander, Mark Takacs
The manipulation of sound, courtesy of the University of Washington's Human Interface Laboratory.

Star Wars & Star Trek Philosophy
S. Mike Tanaka, Janet Tanaka, Rebecca V. Neason, David Wolverton
The influence of the Bahai faith on these science fiction cultures.

Writer's Block
Carol Severance, David E. Myers, Tony Daniel, Phil Foglio, Nick Pollotta
What is it and what to do about it.

Richard Hescox Slide Show
Artist shows slides of his work.

Stephen L. Gillett Reading

Megan Lindholm Reading
Exhibit 1

Writers' Workshop: Short Story 515
Olympic View I
A.L.H. Robkin, Maya Kaathryn Bohnhoff, Terry A. Fowler
By invitation only. In order to participate in this type of writers' workshop it was necessary to submit a manuscript prior to the convention.


OMSI's Star Trek: Federation Science
Mark Bourne
Take a look behind the scenes of the Oregon Museum of Science and Industry's Star Trek science exhibit and planetarium show with its author. Find out how OMSI went where no science museum has gone before (and why Paramount will never do it again).

Jean M. Auel Interview
Dr. Robin Wright, Jean M. Auel
A conversation with Jean about herself, her books, her research methods, and what's next.

Artificial Intelligence
Overlake /Glendale / Sahalee
Burt Webb, Zen Foulkes, Jane Hawkins, Bryce Walden
The search goes on.

Overpopulation: Fact Or Fiction?
Lisa Woodings, Kyle Kirkwood, Vicki Mitchell, Lisa Jean Bothell, Greg Cox
How do we keep from overflowing the planet?

Humorous Objects
Kevin Brockschmidt
Kev will show how to take any object and find its humor!

Richard A. Scott At Work
Artist at work. You are welcome to watch and ask questions.

Ru Emerson Reading

Alien Psychology
Exhibit 1
Terry A. Fowler, Harley Hashman, Bruce Taylor, Burt Webb, Gregory Kusnick, Craig Figley
On the planet, Wdjgl, the residents live in hexagons, eat dirt and think the sky is down. What kind of psychological problems might they experience and how would you treat them?

Workshop: Short Story 2
NWC Writers Workshop
Michael Scanlon, Patrick Swenson, Lisa Smedman, Todd Logan
By invitation only. In order to participate in this type of writers' workshop, it was necessary to submit a manuscript prior to the convention.

Writers' Workshop: Novel 408
Olympic View I
James Allen, Bob Howe, Nick Pollotta
By invitation only. In order to participate in this type of writers' workshop it was necessary to submit a manuscript prior to the convention.

Agent Interviews: Mary Alice Kier
Olympic View II
By appointment only. To obtain an appointment it was necessary to submit a request prior to the convention.

1 PM

Janny Wurts Slide Show
Our Guest of Honor presents slides of her work.

Working With An Agent
Mary Alice Kier
What a writer expects from an agent; what an agent expects from a writer.

Science Fiction Poetry
John De Camp, Bill Ransom, Rhea Rose, Tony Daniel
The elements that make up a science fiction poem.

Craig Figley At Work
Artist at work. You are welcome to watch and ask questions.

Carla J. Mills Reading

Life Writing Seminar: Steven E. Barnes
Exhibit 1
This is a brief version of a much longer seminar. Its focus is to improve your life view.

Self-Publication Computer Support
Exhibit 2
Johnathan C. Hendee, Raven C.S. McCracken, Jon M. Gustafson, Jeffery Ferris
The ins and outs of desktop publishing for the small press or fanzine.

Writers' Workshop: Novel 404
Olympic View I
James Allen, Megan Lindholm, Claudia McCormick
By invitation only. In order to participate in this type of writers' workshop it was necessary to submit a manuscript prior to the convention.

Cascade Comic Book Club Workshop
Olympic View II
Barbara Randall Kesel, Edward Martin III
By invitation only. To participate in this type of workshop it was necessary to submit material prior to the convention.

1:30 PM

Jane Hawkins Reading
Jane Hawkins

2 PM

Hobby To Job
Dr. Sharon Russell, (Popular Culture Academic); Edward Martin III, (Submissions Editor); James Allen, (Literary Agent); Joan Kotker, (Popular Culture Academic); Megan Lindholm, (Author); Jesper Myrfors, (Art Director); Peter Adkison, (Game Publisher); Dragon, (His Dreams Of Hollywood Came True)
The panelists share their stories on how they got started and give you tips on how to join them.

[Artwork] The Mind Pool © 1993 by David Mattingly. Cover for the book by Charles Sheffield, published by Baen Books. (Can you find the cat?)

Ram Accelerator
Dr. Carl Knowlen, Andrew Higgins
Latest information on the University of Washington's Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics 'Direct Launch Systems for Space Cargo' project. See the first pictures of big boar firings to be shown to the public. Yep, this is the spacegun!

Your First Con(vention)
Jane Hawkins, Bonnie Baker, Teresa Janssen, Pat Oros, Richard A. Wright, Ben Yalow
You are attending your first science fiction convention and you are no longer sure which section of the galactic map you are in! These panelists will be happy to answer your questions.

Mythology Of Volcanos
Janet Tanaka
The symbolism of the volcano.

Quinton Hoover
Artist demonstrates the fine art of inking.

Vicki Mitchell Reading
Author reads from her latest Star Trek novel.

Crossed Arrows Acting Workshop
Exhibit 2
Linda M. Keen, Gerald Keen
This open actors' workshop will again help you find the persona within your costume or gaming character.

Back Exhibit Hall

Workshop: Short Story 3
NWC Writers Workshop
Michael Scanlon, David E. Myers, Tom Lindell, Kurt Giambastiani
By invitation only. In order to participate in this type of writers' workshop, it was necessary to submit a manuscript prior to the convention.

Writers' Workshop: Novel 407
Olympic View I
Rebecca V. Neason, L. Dean James
By invitation only. In order to participate in this type of writers' workshop it was necessary to submit a manuscript prior to the convention.

3 PM

Don Maitz Slide Show
This gifted artist presents a slide show of his work.

Seattle Shakes I, II & III
Seattle Shakes I
Chris Jonientz-Trisler,Janny Wurts, Janet Tanaka, Frank Catalano, Michael Dean, Harley Hashman, Ray Vukcevich, Barb Hendee, Bridget McKenna, Carol Monahan
Seattle Shakes II
Kaja Murphy, Phil Foglio, James W. Fiscus, Mary K. Whittington, Todd Logan, D.T. Steiner, Robin Burchett, Kij Johnson, Sonia Orin Lyris,
Seattle Shakes III
Richard A. Scott, Jak Koke, Ru Emerson, Mark Coen, Raven C.S. McCracken, Steve Gallacci, Kevin Brockschmidt Our Science GoH Chris Jonientz-Trisler
Our Science GoH Chris Jonientz-Trisler presents the latest evidence on the Elliott Bay fault. We asked a group of writers and artists to adapt this information for different genres (horror, sf, fantasy, etc.) and markets (humor, media, juvenile, etc.)

Klingon 101
Betty Bigleow
Basic language instruction for those wishing to learn such immortal Klingon phrases such as 'the disrupter is on the desk' and 'summon the coronor, my friend has had an accident'.

Appraising SF Collectables
Chris Lightfoot, Jon M. Gustafson
Do you have a complete set of Star Wars figures, autographed pictures, Kirk & Spock salt & pepper shakers? This is the panel for you!

Margaret Organ-Kean Demo
Dressing your artistic pets.

Dave Smeds Reading

Jean M. Auel Reading
Exhibit 1
Jean reads scenes from her books and explains her use of source material.

Writers' Workshop: Poetry 201, 202
Olympic View I
Terry A. Fowler, John H. De Camp, Bill Ransom
By invitation only. In order to participate in this type of writers' workshop it was necessary to submit a manuscript prior to the convention.

Agent Interview: Mary Alice Kier
Olympic View II
By appointment only. To obtain an appointment it was necessary to submit a request prior to the convention.

4 PM

SF Fanzines
George E. Nyhen, Clifford W. Wind, Jeffrey Ferris, Suzanne Thompkins, Mike Glyer
The who, what, why and how of fanzines.

Dameon Willich Slide Show
Dameon presents a retrospective show of his work.

Comic Book Coloring
Julia E. Lacquement-Kerr
Julia shares her knowledge about comic book coloring. This is her last Norwescon for awhile, so take advantage of this demonstration.

Mike Moscoe Reading

[Artwork] Copyright © 1993 by Margaret Organ-Kean

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Friday 4 PM (Continued)

Plagerism And Infringement
Exhibit 1
Jane Hawkens (M), Dean Wesley Smith, Barbara Randall Kesel, Ray Williams, Nick Pollotto, Marilyn J. Holt, Peter D. Adkison, Barbara Denz, Anthony Pryor, Steve Fahnestalk
This should be a very lively look at two very serious issues.

Basic Art Kit
Exhibit 2
Don Maitz, Cail Butler, Lynne Taylor Fahnestalk
What supplies you need and where to buy them. Tips on finding the best value for your money.

4:30 PM

Gregory Bennett

5 PM

Autography Party
Assorted Guests of Norwescon
Many of our guests, including our Guests of Honor, will be here to sign their art, their books and your program books.

Medieval & Middle East Costumes
Betty Bigelow, Melinda Jodry, Carol Monahan
The design and evolution of the belly dance costume is only one aspect of this panel, but they plan to use a live model!

Writing Military SF
Tara K. Harper, J.P. McLaughlin, L. Dean James, Rhondi Vilott Salsitz, Don McQuinn
Creating realistic combat scenes and military organizations.

Sculpted Makeup
Richard Stevens, Terry 'Sprite' Sprech
Use common household items to create special makeup effects from monsters to aliens.

Mark Bourne Reading

Hats & Feet
Exhibit 2
Joy Day, Dave Tackett, Deborah Strub
What to do with your head and feet when you have finished the ultimate costume.

Clinton's First 60 Days
Exhibit 3
Kate Flynn Connolly, Garrett Odell, Astrid Anderson Bear, Steven E. Barnes, Stuart Royan, Andrew Higgins, Doug Zimmer
A dialogue.

Quick Draw
Back Exhibit Hall

Agent Interviews: Mary Alice Kier
Olympic View II
By appointment only. To obtain an appointment it was necessary to submit a request prior to the convention.

6 PM

Womens' Health Funding
Terry A. Fowler, Michael Kerr, MD, Elisabeth Waters
The politics of research.

Steve Gallacci At Work
Artist at work. You are welcome to watch and ask questions.

Andrew Hamlin Reading
Author reads short short stories!

6:15 PM

Steve Fahnestalk Reading

6:30 PM

T. Jackson King Reading Crossroads

7 PM

Lost Hour Of Space Rangers
Dragon, Bear Burge, Sean Runyons, Bill Hay
Insider stories and video.

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with a grant from the Addams Family.

Friday 7 PM (Continued)

The Short, Short Story
Ru Emerson
Writing a story in 100 words.

Plotting Your SF Novel
Greg Cox, Tara K. Harper, Vicki Mitchell, Richard Paul Russo,
Some writers dream their stories, others make intricate diagrams and outlines. Here are some tips from experts.

Kyle Kirkwood Reading

Comic Book Inking Workshop
Olympic View I
Barbara Randall Kesel, Edward Martin III
By invitation only. In order to participate in this type of workshop it was necessary to submit a manuscript prior to the convention.

7:15 PM

Patrick Swenson Reading

7:30 PM

Bridget McKenna Reading

Exhibit 1
Bonnie Baker, David Hartwell (Philip K. Dick Awards)
The Norwescon 16 Banquet is a Pernese feast celebrating a hatching of fire lizards at Telgar Weyr, entertainment by harpers (courtesy of the SCA), the Philip K. Dick Awards, and speeches by our GoH's.

8 PM

Artists Network
Cail Butler, Leslie T. Newcomer
Artists get together and exchange tips. Here is a chance to meet with old friends and new.

The Gaming Industry
Peter D. Adkison, Jay Hays, Jesper Myrfors, Lisa Stevens, Beverly Marshall Saling
Everything you need to know about how to get published in the gaming industry. This is an open workshop presented by the Wizards of the Coast staff.

Michael Kerr, MD, Elisabeth Waters, Elizabeth N. Moon, Kyle Kirkwood
With the arrival of drug-resistant bacterial strains, how hotly will the question of quarantine be debated?

Sculpy Dragons
Dennis Bergum
Don't miss this 3-D panel using sculpy (the Play-Dough of grownups) presented by this talented sculptor.

Robin Burchett Reading

8:30 PM

Jak Koke Reading

9 PM

SF Model Kits
Stan Hyde
For general fans and model builders. Where to find hard-to-get parts, the best garage kits, and unusual models.

R. Garcia y Robertson Reading
Author reads from his latest novel.

Art Gallery

10 PM

Keith Johnson, Boogie Being
This year's Stardance has a Sweet 16/Prom Night theme with photo opportunities and flowers for your sweetheart. Along with great dances tunes from yesterday and today, Keith will also play requests.

Keeping It Funny
Nick Pollotta, Robin Burchett, Phil Foglio, Kevin Brockschmidt, Kaja Murphy
How do you find humor and then pass it on without losing the funny.

[Artwork] Copyright © 1993 by Kaja Murphy

Making Costume Patterns
Richard Stevens
Did you ever need to create an animal costume, a monster, or a troll and could not find a pattern? Learn how to start making your own patterns.

Comic Book Language
Donna Barr
The language of sequential art is Donna Barr's topic. How the shape of the panels and balloons convey the timing and emotion of the comic book world.

Elizabeth Ann Scarborough Reading

Judging The Art Show
Art Gallery
Kathryn Howes, Janny Wurts, Don Maitz, Margaret Organ-Kean, Tom Verre, Lynne Taylor Fahnestalk, Michael Brocha

11 PM

Sharon Russell, Greg Cox
Is there a significance in the popularity of the vampire?

SF Sings
Mary K. Kare
With the Kares and other filkers.


Quick Sketch: Horror
Robert Alexander, Julia E. Lacquenient-Kerr, Lenorado D. Rufo
Come see your favorite ghosts, werewolves and other horror themes take shape in the talented hands of these artists.

Midnight Horror Reading
Jodi Scanlon
Open reading hosted by Jodi Scanlon.


9 AM

Northwest Convention League Breakfast
Hotel Snack Bar
Jon M. Gustafson (M)
No-host breakfast to discuss common convention business issues.

Tai Chi & Steven E. Barnes
Exhibit 1
Start the morning right.

KidKon Laser Tag
Exhibit 3
Sue Bartroff
While adults are sleeping in, the kids will play!

Open Gaming
Back Exhibit Hall

10 AM

Mt. Rainier
Chris Jonientz-Trisler, Janet Tanaka
Washington state's largest volcano, its recent activity, and future projections based on past erruptions.

Anne From Ireland: Slide Show
Anne McCaffrey, Narrator; David Valentine, Photographer
A view of Anne's Ireland, her home, her horses, her favorite spots.

[Artwork] Copyright © 1993 by Margaret Organ-Kean

Tachyons & Space Drives
Dr. John G. Cramer (M), Dr. Jordin Kare, Greg Bear, Dr. Stephen L. Gillett
There is evidence that neutrinos may be tachyons, particels that always travel faster than the speed of light. The panel will consider the implications of this for faster-than-light communications, backwards in time communications, and space drives.

Writing For Children
Mary K. Whittington, Jan King, Rhondi Vilott Salsitz
Writing stories for children and young adults.

Godzilla's Political Significance
Stan Hyde
Why does Japan lead the world in giant monster movies? An educational, tongue-in-cheek look at the resurgence of monstro giganticum in Japan.

Tara K. Harper
This talented artist shows unusual techniques and produces beautiful art using papier-mache.

Bill Ransom Reading
Author reads from his new book: Viravax.

Building A Masquerade Entry
Exhibit 1
David Tackett, Joy Day
You too can create an entry for the Masquerade. Come be part of this design and assembly project, and see your costume on stage tonight.

The Avatar In Science Fiction
Exhibit 2
Maya Kaathryn Bohnhoff(M), William C. Dietz, Sara L. Stamey, Chris Lightfoot
The role of the incarnate god or divine leader in science fiction.

Crossed Arrows Acting Workshop
Exhibit 3
Gerald Keen, Linda M. Keen, Company
This acting group will assist you with getting into your character for gaming without dice or rule book and will help you with your hall costume or masquerade persona. Watch for future workshops. Sign up at the Information Desk.

Workshop: Poetry 1
NWC Writers Workshop
Michael Scanlon, Tony Daniel, Rhea Rose, Todd Logan
By invitation only. In order to participate in this type of writers' workshop, it was necessary to submit a manuscript prior to the convention.

Writers' Workshop: Novel 410
Olympic View 1
A.L.H. Robkin, James Allen, Janny Wurts
By invitation only. In order to participate in this type of writers' workshop, it was necessary to submit a manuscript prior to the convention.

11 AM

Jean M. Auel & John De Camp Reading
Jean M. Auel and John De Camp read poetry.

What's New: H.I.T. Lab
Ari Hollander, Mark Takacs
The University of Washington's Human Interface Technology Labratory demonstrates their latest virtual reality projects.

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Saturday 11 AM (Continued)

Damsels To The Rescue
Mike Moscoe (M), Janny Wurts, Ru Emerson, Elizabeth Ann Scarborough, Maya Kaathryn Bohnhoff, Kate Flynn Connolly
Strong female characters—a new stereotype?

Klingon Transformations
Betty Bigelow
Watch while the Klingon alter ego emerges during the makeup and dressing process. Questions encouraged.

Steven E.Barnes Reading

Figment Magazine
Exhibit 2
Jonathon C. Hendee, Barb Hendee, Mark Coen, J. P. Mclaughlin
What to submit for publication and how to do it.

Hitting Your Mark
Back Exhibit Hall
Tony Furucci
If you are entering in masquerades, here is where you can learn effective stage blocking techniques from a master.

Writers' Workshop: Novel 402
Olympic View I
Sharon Sinclair, Dean Wesley Smith, David Wolverton
By invitation only. In order to participate in this type of writers' workshop, it was necessary to submit a manuscript prior to the convention.

[Artwork] Copyright © 1993 by Margaret Organ-Kean

Comic Book Writing Workshop
Olympic View I
Barbara Randall Kesel
By invitation only. In order to participate in this type of writers' workshop it was necessary to submit a manuscript prior to the convention.

Agent Interview: James Allen
Olympic View II
By appointment only. To obtain an appointment it was necessary to submit a request prior to the convention.


Marketing Science Fiction
Tom Doherty, Betty Ballantine
That book on the supermarket shelf has come a long ways to get there. How publishers and editors sell to the distributor first.

Richard Hescox: Mainstream Fantasy Art
Fantasy themes by mainstream artists.

1990s Science Trends
Dr. Carl Knowlen (M), Dr. Robert L. Forward, Professor Abraham Hertzberg
A look at what's going on now and what's coming in the near future by four preeminent scientists.

The Evil Empires
William C. Dietz, Don McQuinn, J.P. McLaughlin, Rhondi Vilott Salsitz, L. Dean James
Why are they necessary?

Janny Wurts Reading
Our Artist Guest of Honor reads from her latest novel.

Nick Pollotta Reading

Exhibit I
Dragon, Bear Burge, Sean Runyons, Bill Hay
A two-hour talk about, and with Norwescon's own Dragon. His dreams of Hollywood and what is next.

The Artist's Creative Responsibility
Exhibit 2
Don Maitz (M), Gail Butler, Rob Alexander, Lynne Taylor Fahnestalk
It is more than producing a great product.

Life Drawing: Margaret Organ-Kean
Exhibit 3
Another chance to draw the human figure under the kind guidance of Margaret Organ-Kean.

Workshop: Novel 2
NWC Writers Workshop
Michael Scanlon, R. Garcia y Robertson, Mary K. Whittington
By invitation only. In order to participate in this type of writers' workshop, it was necessary to submit a manuscript prior to the convention.

Writers' Workshop: Short Story 502
Olympic View I
Terry A. Fowler, Barbara Denz
By invitation only. In order to participate in this type of writers' workshop, it was necessary to submit a manuscript prior to the convention.

1 PM

Cat Stories
Kij Johnson, Bridgit McKenna, Carla J. Mills, Kent Patterson, John Pelan, Dean Wesley Smith, Bob Howe, Lynne Taylor Fahnestalk, Jonathon C. Hendee, Nina Kiriki Hoffman
Anyone who is owned by one or more cats will enjoy this panel.

Global Warming Seminar
Dr. Raymond B. Huey, Dr. Joel Kingsolver, Dr. Peter Karieva
The special presentation by the professors that wrote the textbook (***) brings you the latest news and advice. DO NOT MISS THIS PANEL. The future of the world may depend on you.

Gaming Character Creation
Peter D. Adkison, Jay Hays, Lisa Stevens, Lisa Smedman, Anthony Pryor, Jesper Myrfors
The process of creating a character to live in a role playing universe.

Pacific NW Writers' Workshops
Claudia McCormick (National Writers Club) (M); Jon M. Gustafson (Moscow Mafia); Don H. DeBrandt (V-Con); David E. Myers (Clarion); Michael Scanlon (Rustycon, Norwescon); Sharon Sinclair (The Olympic View Writers' Conference)
From Vancouver (BC) to Idaho there are several writers' workshops. Each has a different flavor. All have deadlines. Meet with their directors and find out the entry requirements of each.

Black & White Technique
Christopher Rush
Christopher Rush will show you how to produce a 3-D effect by using ink on both sides of bond paper. He used this technique for his self-portrait in the 'Guest' section of the program book.

Bruce Chrislip At Work
An artist at work. You may watch and ask questions.

Rebecca V. Neason Reading
Author reads from her forthcoming Star Trek novel, Guises of the Mind.

Computer Art
Exhibit 2
Douglas Herring, William R. Warren Jr, Michael Dean, L. Pierce Ludke
The how, the what, and the machine.

Writers Workshop: Short Stories 509, 510, 512
Olympic View I
A.L.H. Robkin, Barb Hendee, Nina Kiriki Hoffman, Rhondi Vilott Salsitz
By invitation only. In order to participate in this type of writers' workshop, it was necessary to submit a manuscript prior to the convention.

Agent Interview: Mary Alice Kier
Olympic View II
By appointment only. To obtain an appointment it was necessary to submit a request prior to the convention.

2 PM

Don Maitz's Pirates
This is a special show of work Don is doing now. The subject is 'Pirates'. There will be signed posters available for a small fee.

Role Playing Universe Creation
Jay Hays, Lisa Smedman, Anthony Pryor, Beverly Marshall Saling, Raven C.S. McCracken
This panel shares the thinking that is behind the creation of role playing universes.

Creating Atmosphere
Jonathan E. Bond, Julian May, Tara K. Harper, Ru Emerson
How to use the shape, sound and meaning of words to set the scene.

Commercial Art
Brian Snoddy
See the steps that go into producing a black & white or a color advertising mailer.

Douglas Herring At Work
Dameon Willich At Work
Artists at work. You may watch and ask questions.

Maya Kaathryn Bohnhoff Reading

Dark Horse: What's New
Exhibit 1
Barbara Randall Kesel, Kij Johnson, Edward Martin III
Editors from Dark Horse Comics give you tips on how to submit and what they are looking for.

Exhibit 2
Julian May
Information about the function and functions of the Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers Association.

Obstacle Course
Back Exhibit Hall

Workshop: Novel 4
NWC Writers Workshop
Michael Scanlon, Sara L. Stamey, Harley Hashman, Lisa Jean Bothell
By invitation only. In order to participate in this type of writers' workshop, it was necessary to submit a manuscript prior to the convention.

[Artwork] Copyright © 1993 by Kaja Murphy

Agent Interview: Mary Alice Kier
Olympic View II
By appointment only. To obtain an appointment it was necessary to submit a request prior to the convention.

2:30 PM

James Glass Reading

3 PM

Popular Culture Forum: Trends Of The '90s
Sharon Russell, Film (M); Many Alice Kier, Agent ;Tom Doherty, Publisher;Betty Ballantine, Editor; Barbara Randall Kesel, Comics; Terry A. Fowler, Psychology; Chris Jonientz-Trisler, Science; Michael Kerr, M.D., Medicine; Janny Wurts, Writing; Don Maitz, Art
What to look forward to in the publishing industry and popular press.

Market Research
William C. Dietz, Jonathon C. Hendee, Todd Logan, Jake Koke, J.P. McLaughlin
What it is, how it is done, and why you need to do it.

Smogmobile II
Professor Abraham Hertzberg
The smogmobile and other wrong turns in science! Professor Hertzberg is back with an update on the nitrogen car.

Elizabeth N. Moon Reading

Anne's Ireland
Exhibit 1
Elizabeth Ann Scarborough
Elizabeth Ann Scarborough is currently writing a book with Anne McCaffrey. She will tell you how they collaborated and about living in Ireland for four months last summer while working on the book.

Rubber Stamp Fantasy Art
Exhibit 2
Tracy Vaughn Moore
Converting a piece of fantasy art into a rubber stamp.

Writers Workshop: Novel 405
Olympic View I
A.L.H. Robkin, Bob Howe, Rebecca V. Neason
By invitation only. In order to participate in this type of writers' workshop it was necessary to submit a manuscript prior to the convention.

3:30 PM

Movie Previews
Lief Brandon
Lief Brandon (and perhaps a special guest or two) hosts clips and from upcoming releases.

4 PM

Writing A Horror Story
Dean Wesley Smith, Nina Kiriki Hoffman, Rhondi Vilott Salsitz
Crafting the well written, scary horror story.

Ray Williams Slide Show

Rob Alexander's Watercolor Workshop
This is a course in watercolor technique with a fantastic artist. You need to bring your own screw top water jug, brushes, disposable pallet and paper. Sign up at the Registration Table.

Jerry Oltion Reading
Author reads from his work.

Computer Stories
Exhibit 1
Amy Thompson, Mark Coen, David Addleman, Bruce Taylor, Kent Patterson, Maya Kaathryn Bohnhoff, Marilyn J. Holt, Tony Daniel
A writers' dialogue.

Spandex Police II
Exhibit 3
Doug Zimmer (M), Deanne Zimmer(M), Pat Oros
This dialogue on the issue of size acceptance will be lead by Doug and Deanne Zimmer, officers of NAFA, and Pat Oros.

Writers' Workshop: Novel 401
Olympic View I
Sharon Sinclair, James Allen, Barbara Marshall Saling
By invitation only. In order to participate in this type of writers' workshop it was necessary to submit a manuscript prior to the convention.

4:30 PM

J.P McLaughlin Reading

4:45 PM

Richard Paul Russo Reading

5 PM

Telgar Weyr
This group, who presented the hatching at the banquet, talks about weyr life and how to form a similiar group.

Interspecies Communication
Dr. Peter Karieva, Dr. Joel Kingsolver, Dr. Raymond B. Huey, Dr. Robin Wright, Dr. Garrett Odell
From pheromones to butterfly wings—all species communicate with each other and even with trees and plants.

Making A Press Kit
Betty Ballantine, Bill Ransom, Kevin Brockschmidt
How the artist and writer can best promote themselves.

Carol Severance Reading

[Artwork] Copyright © 1993 by Kaja Murphy

21st Century Medicine & Psychology
Exhibit 1
Jane Hawkins, Elizabeth Moon, Bruce Taylor, Claudia McCormick, Michael Kerr, MD, James Fiscus, Terry A. Fowler, Craig Figley
What new discoveries might be on the horizon?

Pulphouse: What's New
Exhibit 2
Dean Wesley Smith, Johnathan E. Bond
Publisher and editors discuss new titles, how to submit and when to submit.

Writers' Workshop: Short Stories 501, 516
Olympic View I
Terry Lusian, Sonia Orin Lyris, Mike Moscoe
By invitation only. In order to participate in this type of writers' workshop it was necessary to submit a manuscript prior to the convention.

Interviews: Dark Horse
Olympic View II
Barbara Randall Kesel, Edward Martin III
By appointment only. To obtain an appointment it was necessary to submit a request prior to the convention.

5:30 PM

Lisa Smedman Reading

5:45 PM

Tony Daniel Reading

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Saturday (Continued)

[Artwork] Copyright © 1993 by Kaja Murphy

6 PM

Art Directors
Jesper Myrfors, John Alvarez
The role of art directors in publishing.

Multimedia Today
Steve Gallacci, Leonardo D. Rufo, Michael Dean, Jerry Olton, William R. Warren Jr., L. Pierce Ludke
History and current uses of multimedia and computers.

Space Art
S. Mike Tanaka (M), Ray Williams, Douglas Herring, William R. Warren Jr., Dr. John G. Cramer, Lonnie C. Davis
A dialogue about space art and how it differs from science fiction art.

Harley Hashman Reading

Writers' Workshop: Short Story 513
Olympic View I
George E. Nyhen, Nick Pollotta, Dean Wesley Smith
By invitation only. In order to participate in this type of writers' workshop it was necessary to submit a manuscript prior to the convention.

Canadian Space Program
Exhibit 2
Karl Johanson, Steve Fahnestalk
What is going on besides the shuttle arm?

6:30 PM

William C. Dietz Reading

6:45 PM

Don McQuinn Reading

7 PM

Norwescon Masquerade
Rick Bligh, Vickie Bligh, Hans Meier, the magic of Keith Johnson and Michael Citrak, a team of dedicated volunteers, and many Masquerade Contestants
Our wonderful Masquerade team presents the Norwescon 16 Masquerade.

Todd Logan, Dr. Robin Wright, Dr. Garrett Odell, Dr. Peter Karieva, Dr. Joel Kingsolver, Dr. Raymond B. Huey
The coelacanth thought extinct for 30 million years thrives off Zanzibar. Could other species survive without our knowledge? Yeti, Big Foot, Nessie: fact or fiction?

Inventing Place Names
Jonathan E. Bond, Ray Vukcevich, Dave Smeds, Don H. DeBrandt, Don McQuinn
How do those writers keep coming up with all those names without repeating?

Slingshot To The Moon And Mars
Dr. Robert L. Forward
Dr. Forward discusses his latest project.

John Alvarez At Work
William R. Warren Jr. At Work
William R. Warren Jr.
Artists at work. You may watch and ask questions.

Bob Howe Reading

M. Elayn Harvey Reading
Exhibit 1
A costumed poetry reading.

Publishing Yourself
Exhibit 2
Peter D. Adkison, Rachel Holmen, Lisa Stevens, Lisa Jean Bothell
The risks and benefits of publishing yourself.

Open Gaming
Back Exhibit Hall

7:30 PM

Kij Johnson Reading

8 PM

Shipping Art
Don Maitz (M), Jon M. Gustafson, Lonnie C. Davis, Gail Butler
How to pack your art for shipping. Should you choose air cargo or baggage? Tips on how to prove what your art is worth to insurance companies.

Inventing Character Names
Kij Johnson, Michael Dean, Carol Severence, Bridget McKenna, Don McQuinn
Do character names reflect current fads? This panel demonstrates how to match name to character and do it originally.

Physics Of The 21st Century
Dr. John G. Cramer, Dr. Robert L. Forward, Dr. Jordin Kare, Dr. Stephen L. Gillett, Stan Love, Karl Johanson, Steve Fahnestalk, Dr. Carl Knowlen
A speculative look at what the next century might bring.

Bruce Taylor Reading

The Writers' Life: The Role Of The Book Store
Exhibit 2
Duane Wilkins, Lady Jane Larsen, Deborah Hudson
What a writer can expect from book stores and what book stores expect from a writer.

9 PM

** The Desert Peach Video**
Donna Barr, T. Brian Wagner
ADULTS ONLY to this video copy of the stage play by Donna Barr and T. Brian Wagner. Filmed by our own Chris McDonell.

The Occult Sciences For The Writer
Terry A. Fowler, Sharon Sinclair
How to mine the basic concepts of astrology and other divining arts for plot structure and character traits.

Shading Techniques
Steve Gallacci
How to shade black and white drawings using zip-a-tone and other shading techniques.

Jonathan E. Bond Reading

Telynor Concert
Exhibit 1
Anna Peekstok, John Peekstok
Folk singing.

Comic Book Inking Workshop
Olympic View I
Barbara Randall Kesel, Edward Martin III
By invitation only. In order to participate in this type of workshop, it was necessary to submit a manuscript prior to the convention.

Comic Book Roundtable
Olympic View I
Barbara Randall Kesel, Edward Martin III
Open session to discuss breaking into the comic book industry. Bring your portfolios.

9:30 PM

Elisabeth Waters Reading

10 PM

Forming A Writers' Circle
George E. Nyhen (M), Patrick Swenson, Bruce Taylor, Mary K. Whittington
You can find a writers' circle meeting at least once a month, while some writers' workshops are only once a year. Several local group representatives tell how to form a group and how their groups are working.

Rob Alexander At Work
Toivo Rovainen At Work
Lita R. Smith-Gharet At Work
Artists at work. You may watch and ask questions.

Nina Kiriki Hoffman Reading

Tania Opland Concert
Exhibit 1
Folk singing.

(Ad) What? Shop




Saturday (Continued)

10:30 PM

One Step Beyond Dance
Programming by Shawn Merrier and Peter Kafka. Today's music.

Dean Wesley Smith Reading

11 PM

Quick Sketch: Vampires
Jesper Myrfors, Julia E. Lacquement-Kerr, Leonardo D. Rufo
Watch the undead materalize under the pencils of these artists of the macabre.

An Hour With Richard Stevens
This premier costumer gives a peek at some costumes he is manufacturing now and talks with his fellow pros about past and future projects.

Interactive TV Games
Come play this game!

New Faces
Kevin Brockschmidt (M), Harley Hashman, Robin Burchett, Mark Coen, Kate Flynn Connolly, Kurt Gianibastiani, Quinton Hoover, Tom Lindell, Brian Snoddy, Tom Verve
These artists and writers are new to the Northwest convention scene. Join them as they discuss where they are in their careers and how they got here.

Saturday Nite Filking
Exhibit 1
Mary Kay Kare
Join the fun in making up science fiction songs.


Camarilla Conclave
This new group gathers for their meeting. All are welcome.

Midnight Horror Reading
Nina Kiriki Hoffman
Come join your host, Nina Kiriki Hoffman, for tonight's assortment of scary tales.


9 AM

Tai Chi & Steven E. Barnes
Exhibit 1
Start the last morning of the convention with an excercise session.

KidKon Laser Tag
Exhibit 3

Team Competition
Back Exhibit Hall

10 AM

Video Of Anne's Ireland
David Valentine, Pat Oros, Chris McDonell
Team Pern presents videos that were made in January when our technical crew visited Anne McCaffrey at her home in Ireland.

Writer's Basic Computer System
Clifford W. Wind, Lisa Jean Bothell, Vicki Mitchell, Bridget McKenna, L. Dean James, Kurt Gianibastiani
How many bells and whistles do you need to write your story? Can you still get by with a 286 or is a 486 necessary?

Costume Economics 101
David Tackett, Betty Bigelow, George Peirson, Melinda Jodry
How to afford a costume: budgeting, building, borrowing, making do.

[Artwork] Copyright © 1993 by Margaret Organ-Kean

21st Century Religion
T. Jackson King, Claudia McCormick, Janet Tanaka, S. Mike Tanaka, Glen Hiemstra, Raven C.S. McCracken
What form might religion take towards the end of the next century?

Quick Sketch: Super-heroes
Douglas Herring, Julia E. Lacquement-Kerr, Richard A. Scott
Our heroic team of artists dash off of quick sketchesof heroes: old, new, and unusual. How about doing the Flaming Carrot?

Rhondi Vilott Salsitz Reading

What Not To Say
Exhibit 2
Betty Ballantine, James Allen, Tom Doherty, Dean Wesley Smith
Things to never say to an agent, editor or publisher.

Writers Workshop: Short Story 4 Or Nonfiction
NWC Writers Workshop
Michael Scanlon, Marilyn J. Holt, Jak Koke, Ray Vukcevich
By invitation only. In order to participate in this type of writers' workshop, it was necessary to submit a manuscript prior to the convention.

Writers' Workshop: Novel 403
Olympic View I
Sharon Sinclair, James W. Fiscus, Bill Ransom
By invitation only. In order to participate in this type of writers' workshop, it was necessary to submit a manuscript prior to the convention.

Interviews: Dark Horse Comics
Olympic View II
Barbara Randall Kesel, Edward Martin III
By appointment only. To obtain an appointment it was necessary to submit a request prior to the convention.

10:15 AM

Lynn S. Adams Reading

10:30 AM

Mark Coen Reading

(Ad) Del Rey

Anne McCaffrey and Elizabeth Ann Scarborough
A New Name in Collaboration

From Del Rey Books
The First Name in Imagination

'Twas in the green of early spring came Annie Scarborough
To Anne McCaffrey's Dragonhold in Ireland's Wicklow.
She came to study all about the folk music of Eire
Instead she stayed to write a book that had them both afire.
A wonderful new world conceived by Anne and Ann as one
They thought together, wrote together, and had a lot of fun.
Between these two award winners a partnership did flower
And a very special book was born—because they have the power!



Sunday (Continued)

[Artwork] Copyright © 1993 by Kaja Murphy

11 AM

What's New?
Dr. Chris Esposito
A new technology looks ever forward!

New SF TV Script Requirements
Jerry T. Standal, Rebecca V. Neason, Vicki Mitchell
On the telephone from Hollywood is Arthur Loy Holcomb and friends with information on how to submit scripts for the new science fiction TV series.

Ru Emerson, Jane Hawkins, Carol Severance, Kent Patterson, Carla J. Mills, Ray Williams, David Wolverton, M. Elayn Harvey
The secrets of translating your observations of life into a fictional mode.

Makeup: Vampire
Richard Stevens, Lita R. Smith-Gharet
Two experts show different ways to create the vampire look.

Greg Bear Reading

Swords & Weapons Demo
Exhibit 1
Dragon, Bill Hay, Sean Runyons, Bear Burge
Our movie stunt men brought an assortment of weapons used in recent films and TV series. This is the place to see how the weapons were used.

Making Money From Art
Exhibit 2
Lonnie Davis
Artist's agent Lonnie Davis will provide tips for the financially struggling artist.

Parapsychology Dialogue
Exhibit 3
Terry A. Fowler, Harley Hashman, Bruce Taylor, Zen Faulkes, Burt Webb, Bryce Walden, Gregory Kusnick
This dialogue may cover various forms of Extra Sensory Perception. Or the state of invistigations. Or the status of the discipline within the scientific community. To say more might be foretelling the future.

Writers' Workshop: Short Stories 503, 505, 507
Olympic View I
Terry Lusian, David Addleman, Barb Hendee, Nina Kiriki Hoffman
By invitation only. In order to participate in this type of writers' workshop, it was necessary to submit a manuscript prior to the convention.


McCaffrey Collaborative Works
Elizabeth Ann Scarborough, Carol Severance
Anne's last telelink from Ireland. Her fellow collaborators will discuss the process of collaborating.

Rob Alexander Slide Show
A new slide show from one of the Northwest's great young artists.

Choosing What To Publish
Janny Wurts, James Allen, Betty Ballantine, Tom Doherty
How the four sides of the publishing world make their decisions: writer, agent, editor, and publisher.

Chris Jonientz-Trisler, Janet Tanaka, Amy Thomson
Creating a new planet: geologically unstable.

Kate Flynn Connolly Reading

Christian Fans
Exhibit 3
No host gathering.

12:30 PM

Lenora Rain-Lee Good Reading
Author reads her poetry.

12:45 PM

Rhea Rose Reading

1 PM

The Virtual Organization
Dr. Jerry T. Standal (Evolution Of The Virtual Organization); Dr. C.A.P. Smith (Electronic Decision Making); Dr. Richard C. Harkness (Status Of TeleCommuting); Dr. Chris Esposito (Virtual Reality Technology); Dr. Glen Hiemstra (Social Implications Of TeleCommuting)
A symposium on the corporate organization for the future work place. Our professional team will explore what might happen to our social structure if we replace transportation to central work locations with telecommunications from our home.

New Computer Technology
Gregory Kusnick, Garett Odell, Todd Logan, J. P. McLaughlin, John Brasher, Michael McLaughlin
Where do we go from here?

Polishing A Manuscript
Greg Cox, Nick Pollotta, Tony Daniel, Jerry Oltion
Make your words flow!

Hall Costumes
Dameon Willich
Functional and wearable hall costumes with Dameon.

Quick Sketch: Spaceships
Steve Gallacci, Richard A. Scott, William R. Warren Jr.
Fantastic vehicles to travel to the Moon and beyond. Some might even work!

Jodi Scanlon Reading

Art Auction
Exhibit 1
Going, going, gone! And the next item up for bid is .. .

Back Exhibit Hall

(Ad) Expanse Magazine



More exciting stories - by the names you know. Less advertising. And great new art! Finally, a science fiction magazine that publishes science fiction! Not fantasy or horror. And articles that go beyond the superficial. We dig deep and explore the limitless expanse of time, space and the human imagination! Intelligent science fiction for the serious reader, in a full-size format...

Order your copy of the Premiere Issue today! Send $4 to:

EXPANSE Magazine
Box 43547, Dept. G
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(MD residents please add 5% sales tax)

Attn. Booksellers: Special promotional opportunities and deep discounts available on quantity subscription orders

Sunday 1 PM (Continued)

Writers' Workshop: Short Story 511
Olympic View I
Terry Lusian, Kij Johnson, Mike Moscoe
By invitation only. In order to participate in this type of writers' workshop, it was necessary to submit a manuscript prior to the convention.

2 PM

Emergency Preparedness
Chris Jonientz-Trisler
Our Science GoH talks about her role at FEMA and what all of us need to know to be prepared for earthquakes, erupting volcanos, big wind storms, floods, etc.

Manuscript Submission
Betty Ballantine, Jonathon C. Hendee, Rachel Holmen, Elton T. Elliot
From our group of editors, learn the tricks and techniques that get your manuscript read and accepted.

Evolution Of Womens' Costumes
Richard Stevens, Lita R. Smith-Gharet
A slide show presentation of the evolution of womens' costuming from Barbarella to Ripley.

Costumers Talk
Hans Meier, David Tackett
An informal visit with David Tackett and Hans Meier.

Writers And Illustrators Of The Future
David Wolverton
The coordinating judge explains how to enter and what happens if you win.

Agent Interview: James Allen
Olympic View II
By appointment only. To obtain an appointment, it was necessary to submit a request prior to the convention.

3 PM

Movie Model Construction
Dragon, Bear Burge, Sean Runyons, Bill Hay
Our Hollywood model makers show more videos and discuss the tricks to constructing props for films.

Volunteer Hour
Judy Suryan, Janny Wurts, Betty Ballantine, Chris Jonientz-Trisler, Jane Hawkins, Teresa Janssen, Bonnie Baker, Carolyn Palms
An appreciation hour for all volunteers. Prizes and awards.

SF Sings
Mary K. Kare, David Denz
Filking with Mary K. Kare and David Denz.

Rebecca V. Neason, Vicki Mitchell, David Wolverton
You have had your manuscript accepted by an agent, an editor, or a publisher, but they would like a few changes. Enter yea into the Realm of Rewrite!

Casting Pewter Jewelery & Models
Chris Fuhr
Videotapes and actual demonstrations of the techniques used.

Airbrush Technique
Steve Gallacci
In the first hour Steve will explain airbrush techniques. In the second hour you can watch him work on a project.

Goddess Cults
Doug Zimmer, Kate Flynn Connolly, Dianne Zimmer
Come see if this panel is really about what you think it is about.

Agent Interviews: James Allen
Olympic View II
By appointment only. To obtain an appointment, it was necessary to submit a request prior to the convention.

4 PM

Onions & Roses
Judy Suryan, Sue Bartroff, Keith Johnson, Rick Bligh, Vickie Bligh, Michael Citrak
How did Norwescon 16 go for you? Suggestions? Ideas? Comments!

SF Mysteries
David Addleman, Joan Kotker
How to write the science fiction detective story.

Margaret Organ-Kean At Work
Stephanie Ann Johanson At Work
Artists at work. You are welcome to watch and ask questions.

4:30 PM

Costume Parade
Staircase & Hallway
Watch great Costumes of the Past come down the grand staircase and proceed into the closing ceremonies.

5 PM

Closing Ceremonies & Movie Previews
Judy Suryan, Janny Wurts, Betty Ballantine, Chris Jonientz-Trisler, Jane Hawkins, Teresa Janssen, Bonnie Baker, Sue Bartroff
This event begins with the Costume Parade and ends with the movie previews. Come say your farewells and hear our thank yous. This is where the Volunteer Guest of Honor drawing for next year is held. (You don't need to be present to win, but you do need to volunteer enough time to put your name in the hat.)

Fannish Olympics
Mark Richardson
With Mark Richardson and a team of able judges (who can be bribed). Create a team and enter this zany event-fun for all.

8 PM

Dead Sasquatch & Spring Rites Dance
The Dead Sasquatch & Rites of Spring Dance is designed by Michael Citrak and friends.


The following lists are provided as an aid in finding programming events that fall into similar categories and to help locate descriptions in the programming sectin. Due to time and space limitations, not all program events and programs of the same type are listed. Please check the Pocket Program to verify times and locations.

Anne McCaffrey

Anne From Ireland: Slide Show: Sat 10am
Anne's Ireland: Sat 3pm
Bloopers Reel: Fri 11am
McCaffrey Collaborative Works: Sun 12noon
Telgar Weyr: Sat 5pm
Video Of Anne's Ireland: Sun 10am
Writing About Women: Fri 11am

Art Demonstrations

Airbrush Technique: Sun 3pm
Black & White Technique: Sat 1pm
Casting Pewter: Sun 3pm
Comic Book Coloring: Fri 4pm
Comic Book Language: Fri 10pm
Freddie Baer: Collage: Thurs 5pm
Humorous Objects: Fri 12noon
Lost Wax Techniques: Thurs 9pm
Margaret Organ-Kean Demo: Fri 3pm
Papier Mache: Sat 10am
Rubber Stamp Fantasy Art: Sat 3pm
Scrimshaw With Kathy McLean: Thurs 8pm
Sculpy Dragons: Fri 8pm
Shading Techniques: Sat 9pm


'KEV': Thurs 4pm
Art directors: Sat 6pm
Artists At Work: Everday
Artist's Block: Thurs 10pm
Artists Network: Fri 8pm
Basic Art Kit: Fri 4pm
Black & White Technique: Sat 1pm
Cartooning: Thurs 8pm
Commercial Art: Sat 2pm
Computer Art: Sat 1pm
Dameon Willich Slide Show: Fri 4pm
Don Maitz Slide Show: Fri 3pm
Don Maitz's Pirates: Sat 2pm
Fantastic Animals & Silly Beasts: Thurs 11pm
Fantasy Art In The '90s: Thurs 3pm
Inking: Fri 2pm
Janny Wurts Slide Show: Fri 1pm
Life Drawing: Organ-Kean: Sat 12noon
Life Drawing: Tom Verre: Fri 10am
Lost Wax Techniques: Thurs 9pm
Making Money From Art: Sun 11am
Margaret Organ-Kean Demo: Fri 3pm
Papier Mache: Sat 10am
Quick Sketch: Humor: Fri 12 Midnight
Quick Sketch: Spaceships: Thurs 10pm, Sun 1pm
Quick Sketch: Super-heroes: Thurs 7pm, Sun 10am
Ray Williams Slide Show: Sat 4pm
Richard Hescox Slide Show: Fri 11am
Richard Hescox: Main Stream Fantasy Art: Sat 12noon
Rob Alexander slide show: Sun 12noon
Rob Alexander's Watercolor Workshop: Sat 4pm
Rubber Stamp Fantasy Art: Sat 3pm
Shipping Art: Sat 8pm
SF Model Kits: Fri 9pm
Space Art: Sat 6pm
the Artist's Creative Responsibility: Sat 12noon


Affordable Collecting: Thurs 4pm
Appraising SF Collectables: Fri 3pm
Why I Collect Comics: Thurs 2pm


Comic Book Coloring: Fri 4pm
Comic Book Language: Fri 10pm
Keeping It Funny: Fri 10pm
Super-heroes In Comic Books: Thurs 10pm


Artificial Intelligence: Fri 12noon
Computer Stories: Sat 4pm
Multimedia Today: Sat 6pm
New Computer Technology: Sun 1pm
Self-Publication Computer Support: Fri 1pm
Writer's Basic Computer System: Sun 10am


Acting Workshop: Thurs 5pm
An Hour with Richard Stevens: Sat 11pm
Building A Masquerade Entry: Sat 10am
Costume Design: Thurs 4pm
Costume Economics 101: Sun 10am
Costume Parade: Sun 4:30pm
Costumers Talk: Sun 2pm
Crossed Arrows Acting Workshop: Fri 2pm, Sat 10am
Evolution Of Womens' Costumes: Sun 2pm
Hall Costumes: Sun 1pm
Hats & Feet: Fri 5pm
Hitting Your Mark: Sat 11am
Klingon Transformations: Sat 11am
Makeup: Vampire: Sun 11am
Making Costume Patterns: Fri 10pm
Medieval & Middle East Costumes: Fri 5pm
Props For Costumers: Thurs 6pm
Sculpted Makeup: Fri 5pm
Sexy Male Costumes: Thurs 6pm
Theater Costuming: Thurs 5pm


21st Century Medicine & Psychology: Sat 5pm
Millennium III: Thurs 9pm
Physics Of the 21st Century: Sat 8pm
The Virtual Organization: Sun 1pm


Gaming Character Creation: Sat 1pm
Interactive TV Games: Sat 11pm
Military Future Of Science Fiction: Thurs 7pm
Role Playing Universe Creation: Sat 2pm
The Gaming Industry: Fri 8pm


Cat Stories: Sat 1pm
Computer Stories: Sat 4pm
Dinosaurs On the Moon: Fri 10am
Godzilla's Political Significance: Sat 10am
Humorous Objects: Fri 12noon
Keeping It Funny: Fri 10pm
Quick Sketch: Humor: Fri 12 Midnight
The Ren And Stimpy Hour: Thurs 4pm

Laser Tag

Arcade: Sun 1pm
KidKon Laser Tag: Sat 9am, Sun 9am
Obstacle Course: Sat 2pm
Open Gaming: Fri 9am, Sat 9am, Sat 7pm
Quick Draw: Fri 5pm
Sharpshooter: Fri 2pm
Team Competition: Sun 9am


Interactive TV Games: Sat 11pm
Lst Hour of Space Rangers: Fri 7pm
Movie Models & FX: Thurs 5pm
Movie Previews: Thurs 9pm, Sat 3:30pm
Multi-Media Today: Sat 6pm
New Movies: Thurs 6pm
New SF TV Script Requirements: Sun 11am
New TV Shows: Thurs 4pm
Northern Exposure: Fact Or Fantasy: Thurs 5pm
OMSI's Star Trek: Federation: Fri 12noon
Star Trek Universe: The Good, the Bad, and The Q: Thurs 5pm
Star Trek: What's Next?: Thurs 3pm
The Desert Peach Video: Sat 9pm
The Sci Fi Channel: Thurs 9pm


Saturday Nite Filking: Sat 11pm
SF Sings: Thurs 3pm, Thurs 12Mid, Fri 11pm, Sun 3pm
Tania Opland Concert: Sat 10pm
Telynor Concert: Sat 9pm


Goddess Cults: Sun 3pm
Mythology Of Volcanos: Fri 2pm
Myths Of Western Society: Thurs 7pm
Robin Hood: Thurs 9pm
The Arthurian Legends: Thurs 5pm

Norwescon University

Alien Flora & Fauna: Thurs 5pm
Choosing What To Publish: Sat 12noon
Earthquake Hazards At Home And Work: Thurs 3pm
Klingon 101: Fri 3pm
Myths Of Western Society: Thurs 7pm
Northern Exposure: Fact Or Fantasy: Thurs 5pm
Parapsychology Dialogue: Sun 11am
Physics 100 For Writers And Artists: Thurs 6pm
Polishing A Manuscript: Sun 1pm


Art Directors: Sat 6pm
Censorship: Books, Comics, Games: Thurs 3pm
Choosing What To Publish: Sun 12noon
Dark Horse: What's New: Sat 2pm
Figment Magazine: Sat 11am
Making A Press Kit: Sat 5pm
Manuscript Submission: Sun 2pm
Market Research: Sat 3pm
Marketing Science Fiction: Sat 12noon
Plagerism and Infringement: Fri 4pm
Publishing Economics: Small Press: Thurs 8pm
Publishing Yourself: Sat 7pm
Self-Publication Computer Support: Fri 1pm
SF Fanzines: Fri 4pm
The Gaming Industry: Fri 8pm
The Writers' Life: The Role Of The Book Store: Sat 8pm
What Not To Say: Sun 10am
Working With An Agent: Fri 1pm
Writers And Illustrators Of The Future: Sun 2pm


1990s Science Trends: Sat 12noon
Canadian Space Program: Sat 6pm
Cryptozoology: Sat 7pm
Earthquake Hazards At Home And Work: Thurs 3pm
Global Warming Seminar: Sat 1pm
Hubble Update: Fri 10am
Interspecies Communication: Sat 5pm
L-5 Society: Thurs 7pm
Mt. Rainier: Sat 10am
NASA Space Station: Thurs 7pm
New Computer Technology: Sun 1pm
Ram Accelerator: Fri 2pm
Seattle Shakes I, II, & III: Fri 3pm
Slingshot To The Moon And Mars: Sat 7pm
Smogmobile II: Sat 3pm
Tachyons & Space Drives: Sat 10am
Virtual Sound: Fri 11am
What's New: H.I.T. Lab: Sat 11am
What's New?: Sun 11am

Science Fiction

21st Century Medicine & Psychology: Sat 5pm
21st Century Religion: Sun 10am
Alien Flora & Fauna: Thurs 5pm
Alien Psychology: Fri 12noon
Designing A New Society: Thurs 1pm
Military SF: Thurs 3pm
Plotting Your SF Novel: Fri 7pm
Tachyons & Space Drives: Sat 10am
Terraforming: Sun 12noon
The Avatar In Science Fiction: Sat 10am
The Evil Empire: Sat 12noon
Writing Military SF: Fri 5pm

Social Issues

21st Century Religion: Sun 10am
BAFA-BAFA: Thurs 1pm
Children's Literature: Fri 10am
Clinton's First 60 Days: Fri 5pm
Emergency Prepardness: Sun 2pm
Goddess Cults: Sun 3pm
Government Funded Health Care: Thurs 8pm
Life Writing Seminar: Barnes: Fri 1pm
Millennium III: Thurs 9pm
Mt. Rainier: Sat 10am
Non-Traditional Religions: Thurs 10pm
Overpopulation: Fact Or Fiction?: Fri 12noon
Quarantine: Fri 8pm
Spandex Police II: Sat 4pm
Super-heroes: Thurs 6pm
The Artist's Creative Responsibility: Sat 12noon
The Future Of Religion: Thurs 3pm
The Virtual Organization: Sun 1pm
Womens' Health Funding: Fri 5pm


Camarilla Conclave: Sat 12midnight
Quick Sketch: Vampires: Sat 11pm
Makeup: Vampire: Sun 11am
Vampire Books & Movies: Thurs 11pm
Vampires: Fri 10pm


Childrens Literature: Fri 10am
Co-Authorship: Thurs 11pm
Creating Atmosphere: Sat 2pm
Damsels To The rescue: Sat 11am
Dark Horse: What's New: Sat 2pm
Eavesdropping: Sun 11am
Forming A Writers' Circle: Sat 10pm
Gaming Character Creation: Sat 1pm
Inventing Character Names: Sat 8pm
Inventing Place Names: Sat 7pm
Keeping Your Facts Straight: Fri 10am
Life Writing Seminar: Barnes: Fri 1pm
Manuscript Submission: Sun 2pm
Mythology Of Volcanos: Fri 2pm
New SF TV Script Requirements: Sun 11am
Pacific NW Writers' Workshops: Sat 1pm
Physics 100 For Writers And Artists: Thurs 6pm
Plagerism & Infringement: Fri 4pm
Plotting Your SF Novel: Fri 7pm
Polishing A Manuscript: Sun 1pm
Pulphouse: What's New: Sat 5pm
Rewriting: Sun 3pm
Role Playing Universe Creation: Sat 2pm
SF Mysteries: Sun 4pm
Star Trek: What's Next?: Thurs 3pm
The Arthurian Legends: Thurs 5pm
The Occult Sciences For The Writer: Sat 10pm
The Short, Short Story: Fri 7pm
This Is SFFWA: Sat 2pm
What Not To Say: Sun 10am
Working With An Agent: Fri 1pm
Writer's Basic Computer System: Sun 10am
Writer's Block: Fri 11am
Writers And Illustrators Of the Future: Sun 2pm
Writing A Horror Story: Sat 4pm
Writing About Women: Fri 10am
Writing For Children: Sat 10am
Writing Military SF: Fri 5pm

Guest of Honor Betty Ballantine

Betty Ballantine
A Few Chosen Words About (and not at all easy to find the right ones!)
by Anne McCaffrey

[Photo] Betty Ballantine

With certain trepidation and a sense of daunt, I approach the task of writing suitable remarks for this Convention Book on the subject of Betty Ballantine!

To get in the right mood, I put on my Flanders & Swann recording. I felt that appropriate. You see, Elizabeth Norah Jones started out as a good Anglo-Brit, getting herself born in Fyzabad, Innnnja.

You must admit she went out of her way to start her life off as bazaarly as possible. To compound such an original and prestigious beginning, her family sent her (as Anglo-British families did in those days) to finish her education at the Jersey (I'm talking about the Channel Island Jersey, not the soi-disant Garden State in which Ms. Ballantine has had the good sense not to live - I did once so I can only applaud her resolution not to.)

I do believe, and this is telling tales out of school of course (because I'd hate to tell <and that's really talking out of turn> you just what nth reunion she'd be attending at the Jersey Ladies College these days), that some of her antics nearly finished that educational institution.

The one I now tell - because it is relevant, I feel, to what she was going to do with the rest of her life - is the time that she and her classmates rigged up various pieces of equipment in their classroom with black thread.

By subtle manipulation, these inanimate objects moved.

Since the perfectly behaved young ladies observed the effect on their teacher, maintaining the polite look which finishing schools inculcate into their graduates, the woman did not know what was occurring and was certain she was going round the bend. Can you imagine Elizabeth Norah Jones having anything to do with something so clearly smacking of sorcery and the supernatural?

No, of course, you can't. Because the Betty Ballantine we all know, respect, revere and honour wouldn't descend to such pranks, now would she?

However, I do think that such finishment as the Jersey Ladies College provided has probably come to her aid in many instances since. I don't say she's rigged anything at this Convention, but why do you think I don't dare attend?

She never did tell me where she met the man she married, nor what she saw in him, except that he would grow eyebrows like a wayward elf and allow her to develop the talents her finishing school had so brightly burnished.

How she got into books, publishing, editing, the soothing and placating of authors lacking in self-confidence, spelling, grammar, syntax and ideas, is also glossed over with what I feel to be suspicious haste.

She did, however, pick up a Penguin. If you don't understand the reference, that's too bad. It's a very British one which I can indulge in because I've also picked up a Penguin (milk chocolate biscuit bar to you lot.) She also put all the Penguins she picked onto the shelves in the eeyrie inhabited by Ballantines in Bearsville. In fact, every single book she and Ian have ever published are shelved in that house. Amazing! I've been there and to see that many books and know that your hostess not only rend them all, but was instrumental in their publication, is daunting.

In 1940 she also published a son, Richard. (He isn't on the shelves.) I've met him - he's a very nice edition. So I can absolutely assure those in doubt that you can be a mother and have a career. But only if you are very organized, dedicated, willing to work extraordinary hours and race the two blocks between your office and your home to feed your bouncing baby boy while also contriving to do a spot of housework and/or cooking.

Thank goodness the American public required cover illustrations on their paperbacks, because that totally irrational requirement decided the Ballantines to leave Penguin, who thought the typographical covers were quite sufficient for an intelligent, informed reading public. Then Ian broke his ankle skiing and, somehow, Ballantine Books seemed to be the inevitable outcome of his convalescence. You may ask why. How would I know? Ian and Betty have the most unusual capacity for instant and serendipitous decisions.

Of course, the Ballantines diversified in order to get their embryo publishing house - run out of their six-room New York apartment - in a competitive position. But they also had the wisdom, far-sightedness, instinct, intuition and common sense to realize that the genre-to-come would be science fiction and fantasy!

I can't say that that incident I mentioned - the one about rigging the waste-basket and the blackboard eraser and the other inanimate objects that inhabit the ordinary classroom, even on the Channel Island of Jersey - had anything at all to do with Elizabeth Norah's serendipitous preference for fantasy and science fiction. But it might have, you know. Adolescent influences do have far-reaching results!

In those benighted days (the '50s & '60s) science fiction and fantasy were ill-considered by those writing contemporary Lit'rachure! To overcome this glitch, Betty not only cultivated and encouraged the writers of such original and creative works but also the artists whose cover art would tempt people into buying and reading the enticingly adorned books with the BB logo. In that wise, she did the entire field a double service, for science fiction and fantasy started to move out of the pulp category which had kept it in limbo long enough. (I wore out a lot of brown paper bags reading Amazing, Fantastic, Galaxy, IF, and Astounding magazines. Ballantine Books I could proudly read with their covers showing.)

Half the extant luminaries in the field gathered at the Ballantine apartment in the 50's: names who conjured magic, sorceries, futures - Fred Pohl, James Blish, Cyril Kornbluth, Lester del Rey, Robert Sheckley, Arthur Clarke, Isaac Asimov, Theodore Sturgeon, Henry Kuttner.

But that's only the tip of the Ballantine iceberg because Betty's love affair with science fiction reinforced a conviction that Earth ought to be resurrected out of the grave modern science was digging for it. From this concern came such books as Diet for a Small Planet and The Population Bomb. Many of Ballantine's non-fiction books, their joint encouragement of the Sierra Club and its projects, are as important as the fictional side of their publishing and may help give us back Spaceship Earth.

Along with the prolific Ballantine Books, Betty also had Rufus Press going...Rufus being Betty's long-time canine companion. (He signed company checks with a pawprint.) Not having near enough imprints to publish the scope of their interests, Peacock Press came into being, which brought the bemused reading public Gnomes, Fairies, (and I'll plug my favourite), Brian Froud, the Shirley MacLaine epics, Debbie Harri's fantasies, Chuck Yeager's series of air and space books, and most recently Dinotopia, a publishing success of unprecedented popularity. (The Ballantines plugged dragons long enough: they felt obliged to give dinosaurs equal time!)

Betty's been a skier, a horseback rider, a guitarist and a song-writer - her husband's favorite is "A Hard Working Woman and A Shiftless Man." Now she's about to learn scuba-diving. The string attached to that discipline is that it's necessary to the fantasy she's planning on The Secret Oceans, that fragile, threatened integument that holds our world together.

That's the barest glimpse of the fiftyfour years of publishing this remarkable woman has achieved so far; enough for several lifetimes. She has plans for the rest of her life, too. So you can see why I experienced a frisson of daunt in trying to encapsulate some of her achievements, and drive you to at least have a few words with an amazing personality while you have the chance at Norwescon.

And don't hang back. She's never bitten anyone in the nearly thirty years I've known her. Go up and bathe in the sheer good humour and gentle wisdom of this extraordinary personality: respond to the warm smile she gives when meeting anyone new. I can assure you that the most significant moment in my life was the day she decided to buy a first novel from an obscure Long Island housewife. But then, she appreciated that Restoree was taking the mickey out of the way women were being written in science fiction. And now more of us are writing the kind of science fiction Betty Ballantine gave us a chance to write.

So, g'wan now. Go up to Betty Ballantine and say 'hi!' to a woman who is a legend in her own time. You don't meet many of those - ever!


Copyright © 1993 by Anne McCaffrey

Special GoH Anne McCaffrey

[Photo] Anne McCaffrey. Photo © 1993 by David Valentine.

Anne McCaffrey
by Elizabeth Ann Scarborough

She's affectionately known to her fans as the Dragonlady, but Anne McCaffrey is as different from the long-nailed, villainous female Fu Manchu of comic strip fame as her dragons are from the maiden-munching marauders of medieval infamy. Like her dragons, Anne is one of the good guys.

The most obvious good thing she's done for most of us is that she invented the dragons—those jeweleyed Pernese dragons who heroically combat the burning threads menacing their planet and who have the sort of deep telepathic bond with their riders that everyone wishes they had with someone. She's also the creator of Helva, the singing spaceship, some rather charming dinosaurs, and an exciting alternative occupation for failed opera singers.

Besides which, she is kind to animals, has been known to take in stray children, and is a source of encouragement and morale support to many new writers. Like me.

The first time she helped me, she didn't know me and had not read anything I'd written. Which was logical enough, because I'd only written one book at the time, my first, still unpublished. After waiting seven months for a publisher's verdict, I fled my empty post office box in Fairbanks and flew to Kansas City to visit my parents during spring vacation from the University of Alaska. When I saw the notice in the Kansas City paper that the local library was having a signing party for Anne McCaffrey, I was so crazed with excitement my parents just about sent me back to Alaska to cool off. I was undaunted. "There is a reason for this," I told them portentously. "There has to be a reason why my favorite author is here in Kansas City during the same week I'm here. It's an omen." They looked doubtful, but my mother drove me to the autograph party, nevertheless, and loaned me the money to buy a hardback copy of one the dragon books for Anne to sign.

She looked pretty much like her oft-published self-description, "My eyes are green, my hair is silver and I freckle: the rest is still subject to change without notice." She tried to say a little something to each person there. I had hurriedly scrawled a handwritten note asking her all of the questions about writing and being a writer I had been dying to ask someone since I started my novel. I handed the note to her, and added that if she couldn't answer because she was too busy writing another book, I'd certainly understand. She smiled and admired my Eskimo snow-shirt and asked me about Alaska. I told her she had to come up and visit us sometime. She said she might. The next person in line shuffled nervously and I moved along, clutching my freshly signed book. I returned to my parents' house, ready to pounce on my Dad with an account of all the exciting details. Instead, he pounced on me, announcing that I had gotten a call from Alaska to tell me there was a letter from Bantam Books making me an offer on Song of Sorcery. After they scraped me off the ceiling, I tried to call Anne to tell her and thank her for being a harbinger of such happy news, but I didn't get to until a couple of years later when the Fairbanks Arts Association seconded my invitation to Anne to visit Alaska.

The plane trip to Fairbanks is not exactly restful. From Seattle it is a minimum of five hours and Anne had come from L.A. where she stopped on another of her marathon jaunts away from her home in Ireland. She must have felt somewhat daunted to see the entire population of the local Society for Creative Anachronism group fully garbed, waiting for her at the airport. But she looked delighted to see us, and amused, and stood for about twenty minutes answering questions.

"Why do all the dragons have names that end in 'th'?"

"Becauth," Anne explained, "Dragonth lithp. I don't know why they lithp. They jutht do."

I didn't have to worry about what I was going to say to her on the way to the hotel from the airport. I barely got a word in edgewise about how much I'd enjoyed Crystal Singer before she started telling me how much she enjoyed my books. I had asked Bantam to stop billing me as being "in the tradition of Anne McCaffrey and Ursula LeGuin", for fear the comparison might offend the ladies to whom I was being compared. Anne's response to this fear was to ask Bantam to send her my next book so she could give it an endorsement for its jacket. Since then, I have often received letters from her saying, "Watch for such-andsuch- a-book when it comes out! It's a knockout!" Tier enthusiastic comments crop up on the covers of previously unknown books by previously unknown writers with a frequency which is both generous and amazing—she actually seems to read as voraciously as all writers are supposed to, though she admits that like many of us, she too once had difficulty reading other peoples' work.

Nowadays, I suppose, she probably reads on planes a lot, since she travels frequently on business. Whether she's going to England to shop, to New York to her publishers, or to one or more cons scattered throughout the country, she always has to start with a transoceanic flight. She carries a portable electronic typewriter with her to work when she travels. Contrary to rumor, Dragonhold-Underhill, her home in Ireland, is not a castle but a comfortable looking suburban cottage without a tower or turret on the place. In 1984 Anne was able to purchase 47 additional acres for her horse business— I have not heard how many equine residents call the expanded Dragonholdings their home, but the human ones include Anne's daughter Gigi, her secretary, Jennifer, and her groom and long-time friend Dervil. Dervil was a partial inspiration for Menolly, the girl harper and dragonsinger.

Things have not always been so palatial around the McCaffrey household. Anne did not initially move to Ireland for the tax break, as is often assumed. When, shortly after her divorce, she transferred her mother and three children to the Emerald Isle, she didn't need a tax break. She didn't need it so badly that she worked part-time mucking out horse stalls to provide what her writing income didn't. What she did need was good schools for her kids and a mugger-free environment, which she found in County Wicklow in the southern Irish countryside. She says her children, tired of the nourishing but monotonous income her writing and part-time jobs provided, once asked, "Mama, wouldn't it be nice if we could have pancakes sometime because we liked them?"

Pancake days have long since ended. Her writing has been growing in popularity with every passing year. Her first novel, Restores, was a send-up of the silly and superficial portrayals of women in the SF novels of the '50s. McCaffrey heroines are real people, from their humor to their heroism. Many credit Anne with being the first science fiction writer to make emotion an integral element in the genre and for leading science fiction out of the robotic characterizations of earlier times.

Even her cyborgs are caring human beings. Helva, The Ship Who Sang, is a tender and vulnerable lady despite her metal skin and computer- enhanced cerebrations. Anne wrote the first chapter in The Ship Who Sang (a collection of connected short stories) as a tribute to her father, a career military man who spent years overseas and died six months after rejoining his family. When Anne read the story to the Fairbanks audience, she and everyone else cried quietly as she ended the tale by singing Taps.

Music is a pervasive influence in Anne's work and in her life. Like her heroine Killashandra, she studied voice (for nine years) but learned that her voice was not quite up to the task. Unlike Killashandra, she did not drop out of the whole milieu, however, but turned to character acting, appearing in the first successful summer music circus in Lambersville, New Jersey, where she became intensely interested in the stage direction of opera and operetta, ending that phase of her experience with the stage direction of the American premier of Carl Orff's Ludus de Nato Infante Mirificus, in which she also played a witch. It was during this stage in her life that she met the prototype for Masterharper Robinton, Frederick H. Robinson, her friend and vocal coach. Amie has also been known to use her vocal gifts to indulge in singing tourneys with the late Isaac Asimov at SFWA functions.

Music appears in her work not so much as entertainment, but as power. In The Ship Who Sang, Kira, one of Helva's brawns, confesses to being a Dylanist, defining a Dylanist as "a social commentator, a protester, using music as a weapon, a stimulus." This definition immediately warmed the cockles of my folkmusic- loving heart. The Harper Hall of Pern provides far more than ditties to the Dragonriders. Harpers are the teachers and political arbiters of Pern and Masterharper Robinton is a skilled diplomat, a wise and respected voice in Pernese government. The young dragonsinger Menolly, a girl initially prevented from being a harper not by her lack of talent but by sexism, contributes both problems and solutions to her planet's welfare when she impresses miniature dragons known as fire lizards and teaches them to sing. In To Ride Pegasus, one of Anne's earlier works about telepathy, another predominant element in her books, one of the most dangerous and most endangered characters is a singer who broadcasts her emotions in her songs and controls crowds with her voice. And of course, there's Killashandra, the Crystal Singer, whose voice is her fortune as she uses her perfect pitch to mine for minerals that power a galaxy.

In The Ship Who Sang, Helva is asked by a rude visitor to the school where she is learning to function as a "brain" whether or not the students at the school were taught to have a sense of humor. Helva responds that she and her classmates, all of whom suffer from birth defects that make their bodies essentially useless, are imbued with "a sense of proportion, which is much the same thing". That line seems to me to pretty well sum up Helva's creator's general outlook—insightful, and with a wry, witty and sometimes bawdy perspective. Her stories make more fun of herself than anyone else. "I wrote my first novel in Latin class. I might have gotten an A had it been written in Latin."

Her literary efforts in English, however have more than made up for the forfeited A. She has had published (at last count) fifty-nine books, including science fiction, romantic mysteries, a cookbook and two anthologies, and roughly forty short stories and novellas. The White Dragon, Dragondrums, Crystal Singer, Moreta, Dragonlady of Pern, and Killashandra have been international bestsellers. She won the Hugo Award in 1968 for "Weyr Search", the opening chapter of the dragon books, a Nebula in 1969 for "Dragonrider". She won the E.E. "Doc" Smith award in 1975 and the Australian Ditmar Award for The White Dragon (set partially in a Pernese down-under) in 1979. The White Dragon won her a Gandalf in 1979 and the same book won her the Streza at Eurocon in the same year. She received Balrogs in 1980 for Dragondrums and for achievement in the field of science fiction. Dragonsinger won her an ALA Best Books for Young Adults award in 1977 and the same year she also won an ALA award for Notable Children's books for both Dragonsong and Dragonsinger. Dragonsong has also won awards from the Junior Literary Guild, the Hornbook Fanfare, and the Childrens Book Showcase in 1977. A production of Dragonsong was performed by the Children's Adventure Theatre of Bethesda, Maryland (written and directed by Irene Elliott) in 1980. A speaking record from Caedmon includes the story "A Time When" in its entirety and a taped interview, Flight With a Dragonlady, is available from Hourglass Productions. Composer Joanne Forman has produced a songbook and tape of Pernese music.

I can only add to this impressive list of accomplishments that Anne McCaffrey can also wolf down moose spaghetti with the best of them and is, when the occasion arises, a very game dog-musher. She is adventurous, romantic, and heroic by nature as well as being talented and practical enough to make her dreams and adventures real, at least within the pages of her books, Still, I fully believe that if there were dragons who could go between and they needed someone to ride back and pick up a cure for a dread plague, Anne, like Moreta, is the kind of person who would do it.

Copyright ©1993 by Elizabeth Ann Scarborough

Art GoH Janny Wurts

[Photo] Janny Wurts © 1993 by Greg Preston

Janny Wurts
by Raymond E. Feist

So they asked me to write this about Janny. And like an idiot, I said yes. Why idiot? Don't I get along with the woman after co-writing three novels? Of course I do, but idiot because trying to sum up Janny Wurts in a couple of pages is something akin to saying the Sistine Chapel's ceiling has a nice paint job. The lady in question is very complex.

I met Janny in 1983, at the World Fantasy Convention in Chicago, was introduced to her by Don Maitz, who is now married to her. One of the first things I noticed was that she can look terribly serious. Then she laughed and her face lit up like a child's, delighted by something Don said—most likely a pun and probably rude. Janny can't tell a joke to save her life, but she can laugh with the best of them.

But that's one of the only things that Janny can't do. In the nearly ten years I've known her I've discovered that besides being a writer and professional illustrator of no mean talent, she's got what jazz musicians call, "a lot of riffs." Speaking of jazz, Janny hates it, but I don't hold that against her; she may see the error of her ways yet. But that's about the only music she doesn't care for entirely.

There may be an instrument she doesn't play, like the African thumb piano or the flugelhorn, but you wouldn't know by seeing her collection of instruments. She even has her own bagpipes, which she plays from time to time—I don't know much about bagpipe music, but if volume is any indication, she's probably very good. And she knows about every Irish and Celtic folk song ever recorded, and she plays anything with strings on it.

Janny also sails. She used to scratch her itch for deep water sailing by flying down to the Caribbean and sailing other folks' yachts to Baltimore or Philadelphia all by herself, despite the risk of foul weather and the occasional drug smuggler playing pirate. There are moments that I wonder at her sanity, but that's Janny doing what she wants to do, despite the risk.

She's one of the best horsepeople I've run across over the years. A lot of what I know about the care and feeding of these critters I learned watching over Jann/s shoulder while she did her thing. While I'll never be the rider she is, spending time with Janny got me ready for living with my wife, who is also a serious horse nut.

So there you have a few things to chat about with Janny. Along with a host of others. She's not very interested in what's happening in the world of high fashion, but she can talk for hours on the proper way to paint costumes in fantasy art. She could care less about cluttering up her memory with lots of trivial facts, but she can tell you from memory all the things you need to do to make sure you don't sink before you cast off on a long sailing voyage. She's like that; she used to drive me crazy when we were working together because she wouldn't remember some of the things we discussed. Because they weren't things she considered important at the time. But she always remembered the stuff she does consider important. Once I understood this distinction, we got along fine. She doesn't want to know about the variety of grape going into the bottle of wine; she just wants to know that the person picking it from the wine list will pick a good one. That's part of what I like about her; it's hard to win her trust, but once you do, she's willing to give you the keys to her car or let you play her heirloom mandolin.

What else do you want to know? Well, she's creative, and has a driving desire to improve every time she sits down before the word-processor or picks up a paint brush. I've witnessed that improvement in both her writing and painting over the years and it's fully a testimony to her passion to never settle for less. When we worked together, she never let me get lazy, which is why I find the work we created, the Empire series, so rewarding.

Another thing about Wurts; she's honest. I've seen her say things that could be kindly called just a little over the line beyond "direct," but she's never lied to anyone about anything as long as I've known her. And she brings that honesty to her craft. Janny can tell you to a fare-thee-well what she doesn't like in her older work; she's as self-critical as they come. This makes compliments tough to handle; she finally has learned to simply smile and say, "Thank you," instead of getting flummoxed when someone says something nice about her writing, painting, singing, or hat. Took a while, though.

On the whole you'll discover that she's a complex woman of many interests who is worth the trouble to get to know. Despite being this tower of talent, she can be shy around strangers, so don't be put off if she looks a little like she's about to bolt and run when you're first introduced. She gets over that pretty quickly these days.

No, Janny's one of the more interesting folks to have entered my life and things are never dull with her around. Even if she still can't tell a joke.

Copyright © 1993 by Raymond E. Feist

Raymond E. Feist is the author of numerous fantasy books including Faerie Tale, Prince of the Blood, Daughter of the Empire and Silverthorn.

Science GoH Chris Jonientz-Trisler

[Photo] Chris Jonientz-Trisler

Chris Jonientz-Trisler
by Janet Tanaka

My first thought on meeting Chris Jonientz-Trisler was, "Hallelujah! At last, a WOMAN I can talk shop with!" Since then we've talked a lot of "shop"—vulcanology, seismicity of the Puget Sound region, earthquake preparedness, volcano mythology, and the politics of geohazards, to name a few. We've also talked about men, sex, kids, grandkids, and—honest—even exchanged some household hints. I guess you'd call us best friends. I also introduced her to an old rabblerousing geologist friend a few years ago, and he's since become the Number One man in her life—something for which she can't decide whether to thank or kick me.

One of the strongest bonds in our friendship is our shared love for the earth, especially volcanoes. If you start referring to volcanic activity or other tectonic processes as "evil" you'd better be wearing armorplate. To a dedicated geologist, Earth and everything in it comprise our shrines. Whether or not we hold a traditional concept of "God" or "religion," we are only too aware that we live in the midst of a mighty Power, and earth movements are His/Her/Its prophets!

In other words, as Chris agrees, God created the San Andreas Fault; She also gave us the brains to learn how it works and the good sense not to build nuclear power plants on it! Don't blame God (or the Universal Whatever) if you're dumb enough or stubborn enough to live on the slopes of an active volcano. After all, it is the nature of faults to move, volcanoes to erupt, wind to blow, and rivers to flood.

Astrologers may claim that the stars rule our destinies, but Chris' destiny seems to have been influenced by something closer to home. Her birthdate, March 27, not only coincides with some big eruptions, but with the dates of the Alaskan Good Friday Earthquake and the opening gun (vent-clearing eruption) of Mt. St. Helens in 1980. Born in West Seattle near where she now lives, Chris Jonientz was the eldest of three daughters of an avid hobbyist rockhound who took her on his rock and fossil collecting trips from the time she could walk. She was especially fascinated by volcanic rocks: "That something so cold and solid could once have been hot and flowing.." She and a playmate decided to study volcanoes or else "dig up dinosaur bones" when they grew up. Eventually she learned that their prized "sabre-toothed tiger teeth" were actually sea shells called dentalium, but there were still the volcanoes!

Think of Northwest earthquakes or Mt. St. Helens and there comes to mind a small, wiry woman with a faintly harried expression (grown more benign over the years) patiently explaining to news reporters and the public the hows and whys of western Washington's erratic geologic underpinnings. As the University of Washington's geophysical spokeswoman for ten years, Chris got a lot of TV exposure. It began on a frantic day in April 1981 in the midst of one of St. Helens' frequent eruptions.

"All the 'real scientists' were busy, and I (the student lab intern) was sent to deal with the media. I'd run down the hall to see what was going on, listen to what was being said, and then run back and try to sound as though I knew what I was talking about."

By the time her position at the University ended last summer, Chris Jonientz-Trisler had become an expert volcano seismologist, and The Authority on the internal and external movements of Mt. Rainier in particular. And although it sound glamorous and exciting, it often boils down to laborious hours of "measuring and categorizing squiggles—every damn squiggle!"

In June Chris was hired to manage volcano, earthquake, and dam safety programs for Region Ten, FEMA. But don't call her a Bureaucrat! Very much the scientist, she insisted that her contract allow for continuing her research at the University.

Does the media treat her any differently now that she's a Bur— well, a Managerial Scientist? "Whereas I used to be treated with respect, as someone who had The Answers, now I sometimes get attack questions. FEMA-bashing is the in thing right now, even though the things we get bashed for aren't always the agency's fault."

Turning to her appearance at Norwescon, Chris has loved science fiction since she was in high school, thrilling and agonizing over the adventures of spacemen and aliens . . . what people usually think of as "science fiction." But Webster's, she points out, defines it as:

"Fiction in which actual or potential scientific discovery or developments become part of the plot." Which takes it into the realm of geological fiction and earthquake/ volcano "disaster" fiction.

"Usually the characters are more realistic than the science. Sometimes the science is downright silly. An example is the yellow goop oozing from the ground in the movie about Mt. St. Helens. What was that stuff supposed to be?

"My favorite science fiction movie, and I've seen it many times, is Journey to the Center of the Earth. It has some flaws—nothing could survive being lifted the way they were, directly on the top of a magma column without being fried!! But the camaraderie between the scientists, and the way they cooperate to solve their situation is just great. And I like the way that, generally, women geologists are portrayed ... as intelligent, independent, serious scientists. They often come off better than the men, who sometimes are portrayed as cold and arrogant. Tremors and The Big One had a lot of scientific and engineering flaws, but I could really identify with the women seismologists."

The worst geological science movie? "St. Helens was one of them." (The Plan Nine From Outer Space of geology movies?) "It's so awfully awfully bad that it's good. We play it every year on May 18th. It's become sort of a tradition."

So what advice would she give a writer or producer embarking on an earthquake or volcano novel, miniseries, or movie?

The late, great American volcanologist, Gordon Macdonald, once said that if one is going to write a book about volcanoes, it behooves one to know something about them. Chris echoed that as the best advice possible.

"Study. Do your homework, but don't just read books. Go to the volcano you want to write about. Get to know it. . . materially, spiritually. Go to an earthquake fault; stand on it, feel the power latent in it. Meet the people in the profession. Drink coffee or beer with them. Hang out where they hang out. See where they work and what they do. One thing that struck me in the novel Fire Mountain was the accurate description of the seismology lab at the University of Washington. I was in that lab every day, and I knew that the author was at home in it, too. It made the rest of the book 'work' for me."

Copyright © 1993 Janet M. Tanaka

Janet Tanaka is a consultant in volcanic hazard management, a freelance writer, and Editor and Publisher of Volcano Quarterly, an international newsletter for volcanologists and volcanophiles.

Fan GoH Jane Hawkins

Confessions of An Eavesdropper
by Jane E. Hawkins

[Photo] Jane Hawkins

On my kitchen wall is a framed Jules Feiffer cartoon I cut out of the Cleveland Plain Dealer in 1972.

Diogenes is holding up a lantern. A woman asks what he's doing with it. He says, "I'm searching." She says, "For an honest man?" He says, "I gave that up long ago." She says, "For justice?" "Are you kidding?" "For happiness?" "Fat chance!" After several more exchanges, she says, "Then what are you searching for?" He says, "Someone to talk to."

That's what I was looking for in the early seventies. That's what I found when I discovered SF fandom.

When I was in high school, I didn't know about having people you could talk to. College was a revelation—bull sessions through the night with people who weren't afraid to say what they thought. After college, I went to work for Bell Labs in New Jersey. Lots of smart and interesting people there, but the talk was either about work or babies.

I was going nuts, stuck in all this suburban domesticity. New Jersey has a lot of people; I figured there had to be some I could talk to. I joined the bowling league and took my average from 92 to 166.1 joined the canoe club and had a great time paddling around on the Delaware River. I went to lectures and concerts. I got mildly involved in local politics. I found a few people I could talk with, but it was slow going.

In 1974 I hit pay dirt. I went to Boskone for the art show and found an amazing amount of good talk. In the lobby, the halls, at parties, over dinner—people everywhere running their mouths a mile a minute. Better still, they mostly didn't mind if a house-broken stranger (me) horned in. I was in Fat City.

Not that everything I heard interested me, but I figured the hit rate was close to one in ten. Given my recent experiences I thought that damn near a miracle and surely an anomaly, but I decided to try a few more conventions.

Maybe it was a miracle, but it wasn't an anomaly. I've now been to over sixty conventions, and the only time I failed to find interesting conversations was the 1976 Lunacon. Of course, I had a 103° fever, a kidney infection, infected tonsils, and a tendency to throw up regularly. Maybe that had something to do with it.

I now have stalking talk at conventions down to a science. I wander around with a can of Pepsi in my hand instead of a lantern. I admire good costumes, visit the art show, check out the dealers room, and maybe go to a panel or two. All the while, my real goal is those little clumps of people who stand around talking.

When I find one, I drift closer, eavesdropping to catch the topic. Oops, they're talking about whether Fred got laid last night or not. Never try to move in on conversations when you know nothing about the topic and don't care. I retreat.

Another clump of people. I circle. I overhear something promising, so I stand a few steps away and openly watch them, looking harmless. One of them notices and glares at me. Retreat again. No need to push, this sea has plenty of fish.

I find another group and repeat my harmlessness routine. A woman looks up, her face puzzled. I smile at her and then focus on whoever is talking. She also looks at that person, but moves back a half-step, creating a space in the conversational circle. Aha! I move in.

Which starts the next phase of getting into the conversation. At this point, everyone thinks someone else knows me. My job is to make sure they don't care when they realize the sordid truth. I keep my mouth shut and listen until I'm very sure I've got something relevant to say. If it goes down poorly, I drift off and continue cruising. If I get a good reaction, I'm home free.

I couldn't tell you how much fun talk I've found this way. I've also made friends, gotten lucky, and been fed. If you're looking for someone to talk to, I highly recommend this technique.

If you haven't got the chutzpah, there's another way to find good talk at a con—volunteer to work. They need you and you can find some fine folks that way. There is nothing like shared work for creating ties—people remember your name, they thank you, they include you in the dinner expedition. And the work itself is pretty easy. Ask around for the "Gopher Hole," and they'll put you to work.

Of course, there's a catch. You might get over-involved and become a con fan. I did.

I moved to Seattle on a two-year assignment in 1976 (ask me if I like this city). I checked the Locus con listings and got depressed. Two cons per year within an eight hour drive. This place is a fannish desert. How am I going to find people to talk to?

I saw a flyer asking for volunteers to work on a con and went to a meeting, but it turned out to be a comics con. I like comics and have quite a few, but they aren't my main interest. I started talking to a guy who had showed up for the same reason I had. I said, "Why aren't there any SF conventions around here?" He said, "I'll start one."

The guy was Greg Bennett, who chaired the first Norwescon. He once said I was the father of it all, because I impregnated him with the idea. Which would make him the mother of Norwescon, and sometimes he sure was one, but he was a damn good chair.

I figure that is why I'm Fan GoH here, in case you were wondering whether I would ever get around to that.

We gathered up people and started planning. (I'm still irked that no one liked my name suggestion: NorWetCon. OK, maybe it is a bit dumb.) I became Art Show Director because I ranted at one meeting about how we had to have an art show, and then I missed the next meeting. "Wait just one minute here," I said, but they had my number and knew it.

It was fun. Well, mostly. Four days before the convention my homebuilt art show hangings were still collapsing under the weight of a paper clip. I sat on the floor of my basement, and thought about taking a long trip to a far away place. But I did succeed in fixing the design and they didn't fall over at the con.

The show went smoothly until about an hour before the art show auction on Sunday, when I realized I didn't have an auctioneer. I couldn't believe it. I had planned all the paperwork, made up tags, etc., and hadn't thought once about recruiting a staff. I guess I was too preoccupied with getting the art show's hangings to stand. I shanghaied a friend, Cliff Wind, into cashiering and I did the auction myself.

Probably the best piece of performance art I will ever do. I was manic, I was determined to get their money, I had a captive audience who had just eaten a big meal and weren't inclined to move. I harassed them, I made them laugh, I praised every piece of art like Da Vinci had done it. The final sales count was three times what I had been told was the best we could expect. Maybe not my very finest hour, but right up there.

Since then I have done a lot of work at cons. I think my favorite job was day shift head of ops at the Atlanta WorldCon. That meant that if someone was really unhappy or causing a problem and local staff couldn't deal with it, they got sent to me. I was yelled at a lot and I could almost never give these people what they wanted.

Sounds horrible? Ah, but the thing is, I had a 100% rate at that con: every one of those people smiled at me when we were done, and most apologized for yelling. One of the angriest groups wound up wanting to take me out to dinner. When I said I couldn't leave, they returned in twenty minutes with take-out Chinese food. Now, that's something to shine your nails over.

These days I leave working the big cons to other people. I've found a lot of people to talk to, both through prowling the halls and through working. I've gotten lazy. But I'm still up for a good conversation. If that's your cup of tea, get out your lamp and track me down. I'll be around. Or someone like me.

Copyright © 1993 by Jane Hawkins

Volunteer GoH Teresa Janssen

[Photo] Teresa Janssen

Teresa Janssen
by Becky Rariden

"Attention, ladies and gentlemen, welcome to Flight 1806. Shuttle service from Seattle Colony to Pluto, non-stop. Because of limited oxygen inside the shuttle area, please refrain from smoking during the flight. Seats must remain in the upright position through takeoff and during landing. Baggage may be stored in the compartments above your heads. Because of the limited leg room, we ask that all items not needed during the flight be placed in these compartments. Emergency instructions are as follows........."

"This was a great idea you had, Aseret, going to Disneyland Station for a week to relax. I needed some time away after that trouble with Robert." Treycia fastened her seat belt and looked around for the stewardess to order her first drink of the flight.

After stowing her carry-on baggage above their seats, Aseret sat with a thump. "Boarding this thing sure took long enough. I thought we'd still be in line when the shuttle took off. This isn't starting very relaxing. Maybe I can work on my book a bit while we're in flight." She began looking in her bag for her notebook.

"Aseret, if you start on that book this early in our trip, I'm going to go find someone else to sit with," Treycia said with a huff. "You'll be buried in that paperwork and I'll have no one to talk to but the window."

"I'm sorry. What would you like to talk about?"

"Well, how about what we're going to do when we first get there. You know, I hear they have great shops with clothes from every cor- ner of the galaxy. Super prices too, I hear." Treycia looked at Aseret for a response.

Leaning back in her seat, Aseret's eyes were closed. "Well," exclaimed Treycia, "I like that, I talk and she falls asleep." Treycia poked Aseret in the ribs.

"Huh? What?" Aseret looked up. "Sorry, I was just thinking about the book I'm writing."

"All right, let's have it out. Maybe if you tell me about the book, I can help. At least, I won't be bored watching you write."

"If you're sure," Aseret started. "You see, it's about Teresa Janssen. A 20th century woman who had a rather large impact on our world as we know it now. She began as a normal enough person, but in her 40s she brought about changes that made it possible for this trip."

"Sounds good so far," Treycia replied, "Go on and let's see what's so amazing about this woman."

"Well, it took two years of research, and I think I've finally got enough information to begin writing. See, she was born November 19,1966, in Seattle, Washington. Back when a company known as Boeing was building airplanes, of all things. They hadn't begun interplanetary travel yet so they had no need of shuttlecrafts. Her father was a math teacher at Evergreen High School where Teresa graduated in 1985. It was located in a small suburb of Seattle. In high school, she was a very active person. She was a member of Future Business Leaders of America, Pep Club, German Club, and National Honor Society. She also found time for swim team and worked part time at the local county pool. At the swimming pool, she worked as a lifeguard and head cashier. She spent time on the weekends finding trouble with her friends.

Her family was very important to her, they were very close. Her mother stayed home with the children, two brothers and one sister, all older, and though they grew up in the '80s they had a home and a life style of the '50s. They ate all of their meals together and played cards at night. During the summers, they would travel to Idaho. There, her grandfather lived on a farm, and she would ride the horses and enjoy the roundup activities. Her friend Becky used to call her Joanie Cunningham after that ancient TV series Happy Days. After graduating from high school with honors, her ambition was to complete college and have a career, then get married and have children of her own. She graduated from college in 1987 and worked for various companies using her accounting skills."

"Imagine," interrupted Treycia, "all that work they did, we take for granted now, what with advanced technology and all. Please go on, she sounds intriguing."

"Yes, it's true at the beginning of the computer era all the computers did was create more paperwork. At that time computers were not self-aware, therefore, the programmers had to do all the work."

"Well, at age 24, she married Scott Janssen, a boyfriend of hers for many years. He was also born and raised in Seattle and graduated from Highline High School. After high school, he worked as bench technician for Boeing. Then he tried sales in a couple of companies, and then moved to the computer industry. Being a big fan of computers, working as a computer tech was a dream come true. In 1993, he worked at Compu Add, a pioneer in the field of technology at that time. He attended ITT Technical College and received a bachelors in electronics engineering technology in 1994. They had a happy marriage and their mutual interest eventually brought them into business together. In the year 2000, they opened up their own computer company working with several government agencies, including NASA. It was Scott's invention of a special computer disk that began the robot creations in the year 2017. This company went on to supply all computer equipment for the Northwest area, becoming the only company to survive the Second Great Depression of 2020."

"What did she do for excitement?"

"If you'd stop interrupting, I'll tell you." Aseret shifted in her seat. "During the day she worked as an accounting assistant for Trinity Technology Inc. At night, while Scott was at school, she went out with her friends. Winter was hard for her, but she looked forward to the summer. She and Scott took scuba diving classes and loved to dive. Her favorite memory of their honeymoon in the Bahamas was snorkeling on the reef off the Island of Freeport. She went back many times over the years. In 1993, there wasn't a whole lot to do. She mostly did things with her family and husband and her close friend, Becky. You know, the great author of the late 20th century. Her books are required reading in all the schools these days. It's said that Teresa helped to launch her career. You see, Teresa's husband was a science fiction fan. They went to most of the conventions that were held in their area. In 1993, Teresa was chosen to be Volunteer Guest of Honor at the Norwescon 16 in Bellevue, Washington. She asked her friend Becky to write her biography. After that, Becky went on to write several famous articles. With the knowledge she got from these conventions, and the help of her husband, Teresa went on to change the course of history. In the year 2025, she brought about the revolution which rocketed our world into interplanetary travel. Her two sons, John Allen and Marcus Damon, were pioneers in space travel. They traveled through the solar system making alliances and treaties with the inhabitants of other planets. Their work made it possible for us to call any planet our home. John Allen was well decorated by Planet Earth for his heroic efforts in the colonization of Mars. Marcus Damon married a young woman from Uranus and had one son who grew up to be on the Grand Council of Planets."

"That's wonderful!" exclaimed Treycia. "I can see now why you had a hard time stopping your research. What a remarkable woman and such a remarkable family. Flow primitive life was back when she was born! I'm so glad we live in this time and that she was there to make our times what they are. Well, I guess we owe this trip to her greatness and ingenuity."

"Yes, my friend, I guess we do. If the book sells, we can take a real vacation. There is only one thing she didn't change. I'm sure the universe would have enjoyed very much, if she could have done something about the stewards! All this time, and she's still talking."

"Emergency exits are located two to the front and two to the rear. In the event of a crash landing, your seats will act as escape pods. And thank you for flying Interplanet Air. If you will notice, the seat sign has been turned off and you are free to walk about the shuttle. Dinner will be served in 15 minutes beginning with the First Class section."

"Lord, we'll be lucky to get lunch before we land. Did you happen to notice what's on our menu?" Treycia looked about to see who else was traveling with them.

Aseret looked up and tried not to laugh. "I believe I saw liver and onions."

Treycia turned green just from the thought of rehydrated liver and onions, "I think maybe I'll skip dinner. I believe I'm fasting."

Copyright © 1993 by Becky Rariden

Toastmaster Bonnie Baker

[Photo] Bonnie Baker and her son Joey

Bonnie Baker
by Bonnie Baker & Judy Suryan

Bonnie Baker was born in, grew up in and was somewhat educated in the mid western part of these great United States. After graduation, marriage, childbirth and divorce, she escaped to Vail, Colorado, and began a career in the hospitality industry. Yes, folks, just another great mind reduced to running away from the Rat Race and living in the paradise of the Rocky Mountains. But she could only take just so much of the beautiful people and glamorous life, and, deciding she needed to be nearer to an ocean, relocated after 10 years to the Pacific Northwest, settling in Tacoma, Washington. Shortly thereafter she met Judy Suryan, became familiar with Norwescon, and her real education began. Yes, folks, she grew knowledgeable in the inner workings of Norwescon and, much to her amazement, grew quite fond of the people and personalities and peculiarities that make up Norwescon.

If you attended Norwescon at the Sheraton Tacoma Hotel, you certainly knew that she was instrumental in facilitating the con in Tacoma. It was a whole lot easier because of Bonnie's influence. Our first year there was also our first experience in a vertical hotel, and boy, did it show. After that con, Bonnie and Judy Suryan sat down to work out some of the more pressing problems. The move of Hospitality from the 17th floor suite to programming rooms on the 3rd floor (a very unusual and highly unprecedented move for a hotel) was pushed through management by Bonnie. Having hotel staff man the elevators was another of her innovations as well as the dinner, supplied by the hotel, at the volunteer sneak preview meetings a month before the con. She was always at the Onions and Roses panel on Sunday. She listened, took notes and answered questions from the audience. She then made changes in the way the hotel dealt with many Norwescon-related situations. Basically, Bonnie took the time to understand the needs of this somewhat unusual convention her hotel was to host.

She was contacted by the former General Manager of the Sheraton from his new hotel; he made Bonnie an offer too good to refuse (he knows a good sales manager when he sees one). So, with another divorce under her belt, and her grandson in her arms, and with webs between her toes, she departed the Pacific Northwest in the fall of 1991 for sunny southern California. Norwescon will never be the same. Or will it?

Bonnie returns to Norwescon this year as the Toastmaster. What better way to start off our stay at our new hotel than to have back on our team the woman who did so much for us. Her unique blend of humor and ignorance of what really happens during Norwescon will be interesting to watch. If you want to spend time with Bonnie, drop by the Convention Office at 4:00AM. She and Judy will be there, and this time it's for fun!

Copyright © 1993 by Bonnie Baker and Judy Suryan


by Janny Wurts

Exerpted from the forthcoming novel Curse of the Mistwraith, the first volume of a new epic series by Janny Wurts. Mistwraith will be published in England in May by Harper Collins and in the U.S. in January 1994 by ROC Books.

About Mistwraith and its characters

The world of Athera lives in eternal fog, its skies obscured by the malevolent Mistwraith. Only the combined powers of two half-brothers can challenge the Mistwraith's stranglehold:

Arithon—Master of Shadows

A complex, enigmatic, powerful man, Arithon had rather seek release from an incompatible sensitivity by pursuing his talents as a bard than embrace the consequences of violent action.

Lysaer—Lord of Light

Born to the unbending responsibilities of kingship, Lysaer is charismatic and single-minded, a crusader powered by righteous anger: a man who will see justice done, by the sword if need be.

Two brothers worlds apart, their fates interlocked in enmity by the curse of the Mistwraith they are called to subdue. Arithon and Lysaer will find that they are inescapably bound inside a pattern of events dictated by their deepest convictions. Yet there is much more at stake than one battle with the Mistwraith—as the sorcerers of the Fellowship of the Seven know well. For between them the half-brothers hold the balance of the world, its harmony and its future, in their hands.

Here begins an odyssey of the spirit in which no single character will emerge unchanged.

At council the following morning, the acknowledged prince of Rathain was conspicuous by his absence. Worn by the tact needed to smooth down mutinous factions of councilmen, and strung up from picking apart intrigues that clung and interwove between the guilds like dirtied layers of old cobwebs, Lysaer decided he needed air. Of late, he had been troubled by a succession of fierce headaches. Threatened by another recurrence, he begged leave of the proceedings when Sethvir called recess at noon.

Lysaer seemed the only one bothered enough to pursue his half-brother's irresponsibility.

A hurried check on the guest chambers at Lord Governor Morfett's mansion revealed Arithon nowhere in evidence. The bed with its orange tassels had not been slept in; the servants were quick to offer gossip. Laid out in atrociously warring colors over the divan by the escritoire were the gold-worked shirt and green tabard that should have attired the prince.

Alone with his annoyance in the vestibule, Lysaer cursed softly, then started as somebody answered out of the empty air.

"If you want your half-brother, he's not here."

"Kharadmon, I suppose," Lysaer snapped; the morning's dicey diplomacy had exhausted his tolerance for ghosts in dim corners who surprised him. "Why not be helpful by telling me where else he isn't."

Equably, the discorporate Sorcerer said, "I'll take you, unless you'd rather charge about swearing at empty rooms."

"It's unfair," Lysaer conceded, "but I'm not in the mood to apologize. Help find my pirate bastard of a half-brother, and that might improve my manners."

Kharadmon obliged by providing an address that turned out to be located in the most dismal section of the poor quarter.

"You don't seem concerned about assassins," Lysaer noted, his crossness now equally due to worry.

"Should I?" Kharadmon chuckled. "You may have a point, at that. It's Luhaine's turn for royal guard duty."

Etarra's back district alleys looped across themselves like a botched mesh of crochetwork. The paving was slimy and frost heaved. Lysaer ruined his best pair of boots splashing through sewage and spotted his doublet on the dubious fluids that dripped from a brothel's rotted balconies. He lost his way twice. The street of the horse knackers where he arrived at last reeked unbearably of rancid tallow, and of the waste from unwholesome carcasses.

He wanted to kick the next beggar who solicited him for coins; he had already given all he had, and against his promise to Kharadmon, his temper had done nothing but deteriorate.

Blackly annoyed for having volunteered responsibility for this errand, he stalked around the next corner.

Laughter lilted off the lichen-stained fronts of the warehouses, as incongruous in that dank, filthy alley as the chime of carillon bells.

The sound stopped Lysaer short. The joy he recognized for Arithon's, as jokingly out of character for the man as this unlikely, dreary setting.

Pique replaced by curiosity, Lysaer edged forward. Past the bend, under the gloom of close-set walls, he saw a band of raggedy waifs, his errant half-brother among them. The prince of Rathain had spurned fine clothes for what looked like a ragpicker's dress. The elegant presence of yesterday had been shed as if by a spell, leaving him noisome as his company, whose unwashed, cynical faces were enraptured by something that transpired on the ground.

Lysaer stepped cautiously around a maggot-crawling dump of gristle and tendons. His step disturbed older bones. Flies buzzed up in a cloud, and his eyes watered at the stink. He covered his nose with his sleeve, just as a brigantine fashioned of shadows scudded out from between one child's bare legs. Of unknown sex under its rags and tangled hair, the creature screamed in delight, while the ship caught an imaginary gust in her sailsand heeled, lee rail down, through a gutter of reeking brown run-off.

But the smell was forgotten totally, as Lysaer, also, became entranced.

The little vessel cleared the shoals of a clogged culvert, rounded, and curtseyed over imaginary waves. Banners flying, she executed a saucy jibe, and with the breeze now full astern, surged on a run straight for the mouth of the alley.

Lysaer's presence blocked her course. Caught by surprise, Arithon lost his grip on the complex assemblage of shadows that fashioned her planking and sails. His beautiful little vessel unravelled in a muddied smear of colors that dissolved half a second before impact.

Heartsick to have spoiled the illusion, Lysaer looked up.

To the children, his silks and fine velvets had already marked him for a figure of upper crust authority. Huge eyes in gaunt faces glowered at him in accusation. Arithon showed a flat lack of expression. The moment's overhead laughter now seemed passing fancy, a dream put to rout by abrupt and unnecessary awakening. Had Lysaer not sensed the entreaty most desperately masked behind each hostile expression, he might have felt physically threatened.

One of the taller figures in a tatterdemalion blanket sidled away into shadow. A second later, running footsteps fled splashing through a side alley too narrow to be seen from Lysaer's vantage.

Trapped in the role of despoiler, he gave way to irritation. Although Arithon had not spoken to inquire what brought him, his opening came out acerbic. "Do you know I've been smoothing over your absence from the governor's council all morning? The guild ministers here are slippery as sharks, and just as quick to turn. The commander of the guard and his captain would wind your guts on a pole for mere sport. There cannot be a kingdom where now there is discord if you don't show them a prince!"

"Such affairs are your passion, not mine," Arithon said in desperate, forced neutrality. Several more children bolted despite his denouncement. "Why ever didn't you stay there?"

He had not denied his origins.

The accusing stares of his audience were quick to transfer to him. The girl nearest his side recoiled in betrayal, that the man who had thrilled with his marvels was other than the beggar he appeared. Arithon reached out and cupped her cheek. His attempt at reassurance was pure instinct; and remarkable for its tenderness since every other sinew in his body was pitched taut in unwished-for challenge.

Rebuked by such care for the feelings of a vermin-infested urchin, Lysaer relented. "Arithon, these governors are your subjects, as difficult in their way to love as thieving children are to the wealthy whose pockets they pick. Show the councilmen even half the understanding you've lavished here, and you'll escape getting knifed by paid assassins."

Arithon abandoned his effort to hold his audience; their fragile trust had been broken and one by one they slipped off. Deserted in his squalid clothes amid a welter of stinking refuse, Arithon's reply came mild. "This bunch steals out of need."

"You feel the governor's lackeys don't? That's shallow! You're capable of truer perception." Lysaer shut his eyes, reaching deep for tact and patience. "Arithon, these merchants see in you an anathema made real. Records left from the uprising have been passed down grossly distorted. Etarrans are convinced the Fellowship Sorcerers mean to give them an eye for an eye, cast them from their homes and expose their daughters to be forced by barbarians. They need so very badly to see the musician in you. Show them fairness they can trust. Give to them. They'll respond, I promise, and become as fine a backbone for this realm as any king could ask."

"Well, why come here and trouble me? You seem to understand everything perfectly!" Arithon visibly resisted an urge to hammer his fist against a shanty wall. "You'vestated my fears to a fare thee well, that this city will ingratiate itself to become my indispensable right hand."

"What in Athera can be wrong with that?" Whipped on by Arithon's expert touch at provocation, Lysaer lost to exasperation.

"This!" Arithon gestured at the mildewed planks that enclosed the back of the knacker's shacks. "You socialize amid the glitter of the powerful, but how well do any of us know this city? Did Diegan's lovely sister tell you the guilds here steal children and lock them in warehouses for forced labor? Can I, dare I, stroke the Lord Governor and his cronies, while four-year-old girls and boys stir glue pots, and ten-year-olds gash their hands and die of gangrene while rendering half-rotten carcasses? Ath's infinite mercy, Lysaer! How can I live?" The fury driving Arithon's defense snapped at last to bare his nerve-jagged, impotent frustration. "The needs of this realm will swallow all that I am, and what will be left for the music?"

Lysaer stared down at the dirty rings that crawled up his gold-sewn boots. "Forgive me." He allowed his contrition to show, for after all, he had been presumptuous. "I didn't know."

Arithon's sorrow subsided to a gentleness surprisingly sincere. "You shouldn't want to know. Go back. I appreciate your help with the diplomacy, but this problem is mine. When I'm ready, never doubt, I'll give it my best effort."

Copyright © 1993 by Janny Wurts


Weyr, Oh Weyr Has My Little Dragon Gone? or
A Visit With Anne McCaffrey, At Home In Ireland By LouAnna Valentine

[Photo] The entrance to Dragonhold-Underhill. Note the dragons on each gate. Photo © 1993 by David Valentine.

[Photo] Photo © 1993 by Pat Oros.

“When I die, I want to come back as one of Anne's cats" is a common saying heard regularly among the denizens of the Southern Ireland Writer's Ghetto. This is what the neighborhood where Anne McCaffrey lives is known as. Her estate lies in rural Ireland, about 20 miles south of Dublin near a small village called Bray. At Anne's estate, Dragonhold-Underhill, she writes about dragons, raises and trains horses, and owns a magnificent Doberman Pincer named Saffron. But her true passion is her cats. Her four cats (two Boston Coon kittens and two more independent adult cats) reside in equal partnership with the humans in Anne's house, though some folks think that the cats have the better deal! They are denied nothing and allowed everything. And they are Anne's darlings.

In January of this year, three extremely fortunate individuals were selected by the Norwescon 16 Con Committee to sojourn to Ireland to visit with Anne McCaffrey in her home so that she could appear electronically at this year's convention. Chris McDonell, Pat Oros and David Valentine made a trip that many of Anne's devoted fans would consider a dream come true. They came home with hours of videotaped interviews and readings, rolls and rolls of exposed slide film and a determination, much like that of Anne's neighbors, to somehow be reincarnated as one of those darn cats!

Our intrepid team (hereby dubbed Team Pern, in true Norwescon tradition) spent four wonderful days in Anne's home learning first hand what it is like to be a pampered resident of Dragonhold. Anne held a small reception for our crew upon their arrival at her home where the stellar guests, Katherine Kurtz and her husband, Scott McMillan, Diane Duane and her husband, Peter Moorewood (do you see a pattern developing here?), and a visitor from the States, Paul Dini, who just happens to write for Batman: The Animated Series and Tiny Toon Adventures, all treated the Team like they were the celebrities! Flight fatigue was quickly banished to the hinterlands as Team Pern enjoyed the hospitality and gracious company of Anne and her neighbors well into the Irish night.

[Photo] Anne McCaffrey and Saffron. Photo © 1993 by David Valentine.

Now, you know as well as I do that you simply do not go calling without bearing gifts for your host or hostess. What to take along to Ireland for Anne was a much-debated topic amongst the Team before departure. A dragon of some sort seemed like a natural offering (but much too common for our taste). It was suggested that a smoked salmon product would be nice (it just so happens that smoked salmon is very common in Ireland as it is one of their biggest exports). Many other suggestions were tossed around like a frisbee, and produced just about as much excitement as one, too. So what did they take? At Anne's request, Team Pern traveled to Ireland with several pounds of bacon and hot dogs in their luggage! Apparently Irish bacon just doesn't measure up to its American counterpart. I'd love to know how they got all that smoked meat through customs without causing a riot amongst the airport police dogs! The very next day, Anne's housekeeper, Sira, cooked up the bacon and people started coming out of the proverbial woodwork as if they had "bacon radar". Everyone, including Team Pern, Anne's sister-in-law, Sis, Dearbhail, the woman who runs Anne's stables, Jenny, Anne's secretary, Sira, and Anne herself eagerly consumed the entire cache of bacon in the form of bacon, lettuce and tomato sandwiches.

[Photo] Photo © 1993 by Pat Oros.

[Photo] Anne McCaffrey, one of the trainers, and Pie. Photo © 1993 by Pat Oros.

Anne was a gracious and indulgent hostess who sat patiently through hours of videotaping and interview sessions both with, and without cats in attendance (be sure to catch these at the convention) and treated Team Pern to a grand tour of her estate, Dragonhold-Underhill and her working horse stables. In addition to the many large and lovely rooms in Anne's new home, she has an indoor, heated swimming pool that is a local Mecca to her friends and neighbors. A constant parade of bathers can be seen coming and going from Anne's house at all hours! And in every room, on every surface, are dragons. Glass dragons, pewter dragons, stuffed dragons, wooden dragons. Small dragons, large dragons, medium dragons, you name it, she's got it! Almost all of them gifts from devoted fans. Anne says that she doesn't collect dragons, they collect her.

[Photo] Dragonhold Stables. Photo © 1993 by David Valentine.

Team Pern then got a tour of the stables. Dragonhold Stables is well known in Ireland for training riders and horses to participate in a common Irish riding competition known as a three-day trial. The stables are run by a very competent young woman named Dearbhail Diamond whom Anne has known and worked with since Dearbhail was eleven. Dearbhail was even the model for one of Anne's characters, Melanie. While visiting the stables, the Team got to watch some of the students putting their horses through their paces. They were then granted an audience with Anne's own personal riding horse, Pie. Recently, a member if the Irish group U2, Adam Clayton, came to Anne's stable to learn how to ride using an Australian saddle (which Anne just happened to have) and was allowed to ride Pie for his lessons. Anne likes to say that now "my bum has sat where his bum sat!"

The Team made a day trip out into the countryside around Dragonhold hoping to discover a glimpse of Pern in the Irish landscape. Anne drove them to a place that her son had run across once, while out riding his motorcycle, called Sally Gap. He had returned to his mother's house and proclaimed that he had found Pern! Anne responded by saying "You couldn't have found Pern, I made it up." But, after seeing Sally Gap for herself, Anne agreed with him. Team Pern did, too, as they stood at the top of one peak, looking across the gap at the other peak, all the while trying to remain standing upright in a 35-40 mile per hour wind! You didn't have to close your eyes to envision dragons soaring overhead! And the temptation to scrutinize the rocky cliff faces for resting dragons and their riders was almost too much to resist. Team Pern came away from Sally Gap with a new insight into Anne's fictional world that they wish every fan who has dreamt dragons and Weyrs could experience.

[Photo] The writing area. Photo © 1993 by Pat Oros.

Anne treated the Team to exciting and fulfilling dinners at two of her favorite restaurants in Bray, The Hungry Monk and The Tree of Idleness (a Greek establishment, no less!). From what I've been told, it's a wonder that anyone was able to drag the "boys" away from the incredible dessert cart at The Tree of Idleness, which consisted of about twenty varieties of the most decadent of confections you could ever hope to dream up. If that dessert cart was even on the same continent as me, I'd gain 20 pounds!

A visit down the road to have afternoon tea at Katherine Kurtz's and Scott McMillan's granite Georgian mansion was an unexpected bonus and an incredible delight. Katherine and Scott were gracious hosts who gladly conducted a tour of their home for Team Pern and then taped interviews and readings to be shown at the convention (both Katherine and Scott have books due out this year, so don't miss their readings).

[Photo] Pern found. Sully Gap. Photo © 1993 by Pat Oros.

Suddenly, it was time to leave.

Gracious is a word I've used often in this writing, but no other word seems to be adequate to describe everyone's demeanor toward Team Pern during their visit. They were treated like visiting royalty by all the extraordinary people that they encountered, especially Anne herself. People will tell you that you can't ever really go home again, but if your are extremely lucky (or were born on the right cusp, or something) you will get to visit Anne McCaffrey in her home where you'll be treated better than you are by your own mother, but not quite as well as the cats!

[Photo] The curved walls and gates leading to Dragonhold-Underhill. Photo © 1993 by Pat Oros.

[Photo] Yard Sculpture. Photo © 1993 by Pat Oros.

Copyright © 1993 by LouAnna Valentine

[Artwork] Master of Whitestorm © 1993 by Janny Wurts. Cover for her book published by ROC Books.

[Artwork] Crises © 1993 by Janny Wurts. Cover for the book by James Gunn, published by Tor Books.

[Artwork] Sorcerer's Legacy © 1993 by Janny Wurts. Cover for her book, published by Bantam Books.

[Artwork] Shipwrecker © 1993 by Janny Wurts. Cover for the game, published by Mayfair Games.

[Artwork] Stormwarden © 1993 by Janny Wurts. Cover for her book, published by Ace Books.

[Artwork] Drawn Astray © 1993 by Janny Wurts. Published as a greeting card by Dragon Tales.

[Artwork] Planet in Peril ©1993 by Janny Wurts. Cover for the book by Gary Gygax, published by New Infinity Productions.

[Artwork] Firestorm © 1993 by Janny Wurts. Previously published as a cover for Science Fiction Chronicle.


LYNN S. ADAMS from Springfield, Oregon, is an avid cyberpunk, who enjoys gourmet food, movies, twisted humor, SF conventions, and even more twisted humor. Her short fiction is published in the Eugene Writer's Series anthology, Strained Relations, and The Olympic View '91 Anthology. She has coauthored an SF trilogy, currently under consideration at a large publishing house. She shares her life with her writing partner, D.T. Steiner, three alien cats, and a neurotic Sheltie.

DAVID ADDLEMAN is a long-time mystery writer with 17 short stories and a novel, A Contract On Stone. He has recently turned his attention to writing science fiction and fantasy. During 1991 and 1992, he sold 38 short stories to such magazines as: Aberations, Ellipsis, Figment, Heliocentric Net, Lighthouse, Marion Zimmer Bradley's Fantasy Magazine, Midnight Zoo, Pandora, Pulphouse, The Vampire's Crypt, Thin Ice, and Vision.

PETER D. ADKISON has always had an active interest in gaming. He began playing wargames with his father and his father's army buddies as his family traveled in the military from base to base. Eventually Peter realized that he wasn't going to "grow out of" gaming, so he got together with a bunch of his friends and started a gaming company called Wizards of the Coast. The first book published by this company was a book written primarily by Peter, called The Primal Order. Wizards of the Coast has continued Peter's high-quality tradition by publishing eight other books of comparable quality, including the revival of the award-winning Talislanta line. Peter is currently working on his next book, The Military Order, which is scheduled for release later this year.

ROB ALEXANDER is the winner of the final quarter of the Illustrators of the Future Contest and has received numerous convention awards for his paintings. Published in various magazines, he recently completed a book cover and frontispiece for the limited hardbound edition of Mike Resnick's short story collection Pink Elephants and Hairy Toads. Born and raised in Canada, Rob now lives in Seattle.

JOHN ALVAREZ is a freelance illustrator and graphic artist working out of the Portland area. John's work has appeared in The Horror Show, Science Fiction Review and on the cover of Pulphouse, the Hardback Magazine. John is also on the Executive Board of the Northwest Costumers Guild.

JEAN M. AUEL married at 18, by 25 had five children, then in 1964 at age 28 started college night courses, and worked full time at an electronics firm. She studied math, physics, and electronics, while progressing from clerical work, to circuit board design, to technical writer. She moved into management, and was granted an MBA in 1976 . . . none of which has much to do with an idea in 1977 of writing a story about a young woman who lived during the Ice Age. But a love of reading, plus an insatiable curiosity and a penchant for research probably did. Hours with books from the library and a long first draft fora sixpart novel, resulted in a plan for a six-book series instead. Additional library research, supplemented by field courses that included making stone tools, building a snow cave, and brain-tanning buckskin, plus travel to both western and eastern Europe, have helped to flesh out details for The Clan of the Cave Bear, The Valley of Horses, The Mammoth Hunters, The Plains of Passage, and two more "Earth's Children" books to come.
Photo © 1993 by John Emmerling

FREDDIE BAER is a graphic artist and illustrator who curently resides in San Francisco. Ecstatic Incisions: The Collages of Freddie Baer, a book of her collage work, was published in 1992 by AK Press of Edinburgh, Scotland. Her illustrations have been featured in Science Fiction Eye, Interzone, Semiotext(e): SF, Fifth Estate, Factsheet Five, and Anarchy: A Journal of Desire Armed.

DAMON BARD is a sculptor and artist whose statues have been winning awards at convention art shows for the past few years. Professionally he has done work for the film industry and has spent time working at Will Vinton Studios in Portland.

STEVE BARNES has authored a handful of short stories, the novels Streetlethal, The Gorgon Child, and The Kundalini Equation, and has co-authored (with Larry Niven) the novels Dream Park, The Barsoom Project, and The Descent of Anansi. He was a creative consultant for the animated film The Secret of NIMH, and adapted a Stanislaw Lem short story for the Disney Cable Network.

DONNA BARR has been involved in a lot of projects, and put out a lot of comic books. She's even produced a musical, The Desert Peach, based on the comic book by the same name. As a workshop, and as an audience-word-of-mouth production, it was a success. But for the foreseeable future, The Desert Peach, the comic/cartoon strip/book, will be occupying all her time. She's going to complete that story, if it takes the next 40 years...

GREG BEAR is married to Astrid Anderson Bear and the father of two, Erik and Alexandra. He is also the author of over twenty books, thirteen of them novels, including Hegira, Psychlone, Beyond Heaven's River, Strength of Stones, Eon, The Forge of God, and Blood Music. Tor Books will soon be publishing his next novel, Moving Mars.

GREGORY BENNETT, Norwescon's founder, returns this year as a professional science fiction writer. His first short story, "Protocol," saw print in the Mid-December 1992 Analog, and two novelettes will appear early this year. In 1976, Bennett founded both the Northwest Science Fiction Society and the first local chapter of the National Space Society. After three years of editing Westwind and serving as chairman of NWSFS, the first three Norwescons, and the Seattle in 1981 Worldcon bid, he absconded to Houston with NWSFS member Melva Lund. Today, he works at the Johnson Space Center as Manager of EVA Development for Space Station Freedom. Greg and Melva live in League City, Texas with their son, Alexander, and the family herald, Archimedes.

BETTY BIGELOW is both an award-winning science fiction costumer and artist from Seattle. She was Fan Guest of Honor at Noncon 7 and Rustycon 5. She is a professional belly dancer and artistic director of Shahrazad Ensemble in Seattle. She also holds the rank of Baroness in the Society for Creative Anachronism, and occasionally pretends she is a Klingon.

JONATHAN E. BOND has been writing for the last three years. In that time, he has sold stories to Pulphouse, Amazing Stories, Mystery Street, After Hours, and the Ultimate Witch anthology.

Jonathan is currently the editor for Pulphouse: A Fiction Magazine.

Traumatized by The Day the Earth Stood Still at age six, MAYA KAATHRYN BOHNHOFF immediately fell prey to mysterious urges. At twelve, she secretly created SF comics in the back row of a Nebraska schoolroom. Comics gave way to Trekkish and Poe-ish stories which remain, mercifully, unpublished.

In 1988, Maya surrendered to her perverse passions and began writing speculative fiction professionally. She lives in northern California with husband, Jeff, and son, Alex, where she records original rock music, designs software and writes as much as humanly possible.

LISA JEAN BOTHELL is the author of the novels Nashramh: The Red Thread and Nashramh: The Blue Thread. She has also sold several short stories and articles to small press publications such as Plots, Vandeloecht's Magazine, Nightside, Wordweavers, Crossroads, and the upcoming anthology No Cats Allowed, and is a member of SPWAO. She is currrently the publisher and editor of the magazine Heliocentric Net and of the quarterly H-Net Newsletter.

MARK BOURNE is an astromony writer/educator for the Oregon Museum of Science and Industry and its Sky Theater planetarium. He was the science writer for Star Trek: Federation Science, a nationally travelling, interactive science exhibit created at OMSI. He also wrote and produced Orion Rendezvous, the ST:TNG planetarium show starring LeVar Burton as Geordi LaForge and other actors from TNG. Currently, Orion Rendezvous and the Federation Science exhibit are breaking attendance records at the Boston Museum of Science. His newest show, Dream Worlds, opens at OMSI in June. A graduate of Clarion West '92, his story "Brokedown" is in this month's Fantasy & Science Fiction, and he has stories forthcoming in F&SF and Asimov's Science Fiction.

KEVIN "KEV" BROCKSCHMIDT is best-known for his cartooning and illustration work as a correspondent for Starlog. His other genre work includes cartoons in Comic Scene and Dragon, illustrations in Vision, and his self-published comic, Warped.

A freelance humorous illustrator by trade, Kev supports himself by stealing lunch money from junior high school students, as well as designing t-shirts, magazine illustrations, advertising art, and gag cartooning. Surprisingly, his most respected work is as editorial cartoonist for the Federal Way City Herald.

ALGIS BUDRYS is a Free Lithuanian citizen, but has resided in the USA since 1936. In the early 1950s, he began his career as a professional editor and SF writer.

He has quite recently become the publisher of Tomorrow, a new speculative fiction magazine, adding that title to the positions of Editor and Art Director he had held previously.

For eleven years, he was one of the Visiting Writers at the Clarion SF Writing workshops. He has also held other writing seminars at many locales.

His fiction includes about 200 short works, mostly SF, and a number of novels including Who?, Rogue Moon, The Falling Torch, Michaelmas, and most recently, Hard Landing. A number of his works have been nominated for Hugo and Nebula awards.
Photo ©1993 by J.K. Klein

ROBIN JAMES BURCHETT, though a long-time scribbler, is new to being published. His short stories appear in the January 1993 Heliocentric Net and a future issue of Midnight Zoo. He usually writes humorous, apocalyptic novels, inspired by Voltaire, Vonnegut, and the ubiquitous Seattle rain. His second book, Just Add Water, should be finished by convention time; editors beware. In the meantime, he gets by, selling plasma and skin grafts, which he claims makes him feel like "part of the community."

GAIL BUTLER—Air Force brat and ex-Army wife—having lived from coast to coast, now resides in Everett. Her art has appeared in Marion Zimmer Bradley's Fantasy Magazine, Fantasy Magazine, and various convention books.

Because of the company he keeps, BRUCE BYFIELD often believes that he is green, thirty-five centimeters long, and fond of cuttlebone. In fact, he is an itinerant college instructor who has taught science fiction and children's fantasy at Simon Fraser University and who regularly sneaks SF into regular courses. He has written articles on the works of several SF writers, including Diane Paxson and Paul Edwin Zimmer, and is the author of Witches of the Mind: A Critical Study of Fritz Leiber. In addition, he has had many fantasy-oriented poems published. He is presently working on a volume of selected letters of Fritz Leiber, which he hopes will concentrate on the correspondence with Harry Fischer in which the characters of Fafhrd and the Gray Mouser were created.

FRANK CATALANO is a computer industry marketer and award-winning broadcaster and writer. His essays, articles, columns, and fiction on the future of technology have appeared in Omni, the Seattle Times, MacWEEK, MacGuide, The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction, Analog, Writer's Digest, and others. Currently, he is a software and interactive technology marketing consultant, after five years as a marketing manager for Egghead Software and the Apple Programmers and Developers Association. He also spent 14 years as a broadcast journalist, and was regularly heard on KING-AM Seattle, NBC Radio, Mutual, UPI, and AP Radio.

BRUCE CHRISLIP is an artist who has had work published by Aardvark-Vanaheim, Eclipse, Starhead, Kitchen Sink Press, King Features Syndicate, United Features Syndicate, in the Seattle Times, Seattle Weekly, National Enquirer, and the Fandom Directory.

Bruce has also exhibited his art in various galleries around the country.

He is the current editor of Outside In.

MARK COEN is a 1991 graduate of the Clarion West Writers Workshop. He has had two short stories published to date, "Jolly Man" in Midnight Zoo (December 1991) and "Mullers Tunnel" in Fugue (Winter 1992). He is Associate Editor and movie reviewer for Figment: Tales of the Imagination, and with J.C. and Barb Hendee wades through about 500 manuscripts per month. Mark and his wife Juli live near Pullman, WA with their two cats, Spud and Sammy, and their 1957 Ford pickup. Mark is currently working on his first novel entitled Builder of the Gallows.

KATE FLYNN CONNOLLY has published articles about Irish politics and the Irish language, and her first novel, The Rising of the Moon, about a revolution in a near-future Ireland, will be published by Del Rey in September 1993. She is an editor at the University of Washington, where she will soon complete a master's degree in linguistics and has studied Spanish, French, Russian, German, Classical Hebrew, and Irish.

Kate lives in the Seattle area but wishes she were in Ireland.

GREG COX is an Associate Editor at Tor Books. In his spare time, he writes fiction. Recent stories have appeared in The Further Adventures of Batman, Vol. 2 (Bantam, 1992), The Further Adventures of Batman, Vol. 3 (Bantam, 1993), and Alien Pregnant by Elvis (DAW, 1993). A former resident of Seattle, he now lives in Manhattan.
Photo by Karen Palinko

JOHN G. CRAMER's first foray into SF writing was Twister, a near-future hard SF novel published by Arbor House. Since 1984 he has written the bi-monthly science column "The Alternative View" for Analog. John is Professor of Physics and Director of the Nuclear Physics Laboratory at the University of Washington. In addition to teaching, nuclear physics research, and science writing, he has contributed to the interpretation of quantum mechanics.

John was the Norwescon 12 Science Guest of Honor.

DENNIS CRIPPS was born in Philadelphia on April 22, 1955. As a child, and even today, he has enjoyed Supercar and Fireball X-L 5. He is the culprit behind the creation of Spleen Magazine, The Las Vegas Vatican and the Post Vegas Vatican. In 1982 he became the Pope of Las Vegas. That same year he clashed with the Subgenius Foundation and began doing politically incorrect cartoons for the Starkfist of Removal (The Church of the Subgenius' Heretically Dogmatic Journal) and other zines. He is currently trying to get feedback on his so-called "Paintings".

TONY DANIEL grew up in Alabama, and now lives on Vashon Island, in Washington State. His first novel, Warpath, will be published in April by Tor Books. He has had stories in Asimov's and many other SF publications, along with poems and reviews. He's currently working on the story of the Olympic Pennisula's seccession from the Union.

LONNIE DAVIS is a representative for several artists whose work is often described as science fiction or fantasy. He is also an attorney working with a nonprofit public interest law firm which specializes in civil rights work for people with disabilities.

JOY DAY is a professional costume designer and artist. She has a B.F.A. in costume design and has been costuming for most of her life. She has designed costumes for many shows including Jesus Christ Superstar and The Nerd. She has won many awards and honors for her costumes and is a member of the Northwest Costumer's Guild. Joy recently founded Hairy Apteryx Productions, a costume and artwork design and production studio.

JOHN De CAMP is an Oregon poet who occasionally writes science fiction. Among his credits are a book, In the Shadow of Atlantis (Heron's Quill, 1977), a poem in Asimov's, and a short story in Wet Visions. Currently he has an action adventure novel circulating and a science fiction manuscript under construction.
Photo by Rick Hawes

WILLIAM C. DIETZ grew up in Seattle, served a hitch in the Navy, and graduated from the University of Washington with a degree in communications. He has worked as a surgical technician, news writer, television producerdirector, and is currently employed as a Marketing Communications Manager for one segment of a large telecommunications company. Dietz has had twelve novels published, of which Drifter’s War and Mars Prime are the latest. His next novel, Legion of the Damned, will be released in August of 1993. Dietz lives in Mill Creek, with his wife, daughters, and two cats.

MICHAEL DEAN, besides being a science fiction and mystery writer and a graphic designer, is the host of The Ether Patrol, a weekly half-hour science fiction radio show on Vancouver's CFRO radio. He was the editor of Horizons SF, a magazine published by the University of British Columbia's Science Fiction Society, and is a frequent contributor to Chuck's Bargin Basement, a B.C. based SF & fantasy journal. A former employee of the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation he can still be heard on the CBC stereo network from time to time. He has worked as a radio and TV actor and has been involved in a number of independent video projects.

He is currently in the midst of collecting as much Doc Savage paraphenalia as he can reasonably afford, most importantly the last 16 or so paperback reprints that he needs to complete his collection.

BARBARA A. DENZ remembers her first writing experience at a specialized daycare center at the age of five. It wasn't until years later that she became a published author. That first published story, "The Amethyst Carekeeper," was included in Marion Zimmer Bradley's Spells of Wonder and her second, "The Gift From Ardais," appeared in Domains of Darkover. She has recently sold "The Will" to Weird Tales From Shakespeare, an anthology edited by Katharine Kerr which will be published by DAW Books late in 1993, and is working on a mainstream novel, extending "Amethyst..." into a novel (or several), and outlines for young adult mainstream novels and fantasy short stories.

She and her husband, David, live in Suguamish and are owned by nine ferrets.

TOM DOHERTY has been in publishing for 30 years. He started as a salesman with Pocket Books, and rose to be Division Sales Manager. From there, he went to Simon and Schuster as National Sales Manager, then became Publisher of Tempo Books. He was the Publisher and General Manager of the Ace and Tempo divisions of Grossett & Dunlap before founding his own company, Tom Doherty Associates, Inc. (publishers of Tor Books), in 1980.

Tor was sold to St. Martin's Press in 1986, and Tom continues as the President and Publisher. Tor Books is preeminent in the science fiction field, and also publishes fantasy, horror, mainstream fiction, cartoons, and a line of young adult titles. Many of Tor's authors are Hugo and Nebula award-winners.

ELTON ELLIOTT'S over 150 published articles, essays, columns, reviews, poems, and stories have appeared in a variety of magazines and newspapers, from Amazing Stories and Galaxy, to The Pulphouse Report and the Starlog SF Yearbook. He is the co-author of four novels, as Richard Elliott (with Richard E. Geis), published by Ballantine Books, under the Fawcett Gold Medal imprint. Their first novel, The Sword of Allah, has been translated into Japanese, and published by Tokyo Sogen-Sha.
Photo by Craig Peterson

JAMES ERNEST is a professional juggler of ill repute whose many illustrious appearances have included the Elma Slug Fest, the Hillsboro Illinois Sherwood Forest Fair, and the Fall City Herb Farm Scarborough Fair and Llama Festival. He also draws pictures and writes stories.

RU EMERSON grew up in Butte, Montana, lived in some of the more "colorful" neighborhoods of Los Angeles for 17 years, and now resides on five rural acres in the foothills of Oregon's Coast Range, with ducks, geese, rabbits, pigeons, a Samoyed, six cats, and her roommate of 20 years, Doug.

Her first published novel was The Princess of Flames (Ace Fantasy, 1986). Since then, she has written over 14 books, nine of them published, including the recent Night-Threads trilogy for Ace and a novelization from the TV series, Beauty & the Beast, for Avon. Another Night-Threads novel is completed, as is Bard's Tale: Fortress of Frost and Fire (with Mercedes Lackey) and The Wind and the Lion (DAW).

LYNNE TAYLOR FAHNESTALK has been illustrating professionally for over 12 years. Her artwork has appeared in F&SF, Marion Zimmer Bradley's Fantasy Magazine, Dragon and Dungeon magazines, Pulphouse: The Hardback Magazine, Pulphouse Fantasy Magazine, Science Fiction Review, Fantasy Tales and On Spec magazine.

Lynne was the 1991 recipient of the Canadian Aurora Award for artistic achievement and is art director of On Spec, the Canadian Magazine of speculative fiction.

She lives in Edmonton, Alberta, with the lovely and talented Steve Fahnestalk, where she is illustrating a children's book due out this year.

STEVE FAHNESTALK has been a nuisance at Northwest conventions since the mid-'70s, and has even put on a few MosCons with a lot of help. He'll be FGoH at MosCon 15 in September.

His nonfiction has appeared in Amazing and Starlog, and he's sold stories to Pulphouse, the two Rat Tales anthologies (one of which has yet to appear) and an unnamed upcoming major theme anthology (he thinks). He's currently trying to take the jump from short stories to novels.

He lives in Edmonton, Alberta with the beautiful and talented Lynne Taylor Fahnestalk. His cat died.

ZEN FAULKES is a Buckaroo Banzai wannabe. He has one degree in psychology and is working on another in biology, lettered the comic Time City, has been published in The Skeptical Inquirer, Behavioral and Brain Sciences, and has worked at one time or another as a model, cartoonist, projectionist, movie extra, and editor. He lives in Victoria, B.C. You can be sure this is true since he penned this biography himself and his devotion to absolute veracity is notorious.

CRAIG FIGLEY is a self-taught science fiction illustrator whose design work has graced public buildings, publications, and byways in Eastern Washington. Formally trained as an educator with advanced degrees in Child Development and Applied Psychology, Craig is listed in the 1993 edition of Who's Who Among America's Teachers. His illustrations have won top awards at the Science Fiction Art Show in Los Angeles, and he also dabbles in acrylic sculpture, silkscreen printing, and music. He currently earns his living as an elementary school counselor and teaches college courses in Psychology, Child Development, and Sociology.

JIM FISCUS is an Oregon writer and photojournalist who specializes in medical issues. He is a staff writer with Managed Healthcare News and Northwest correspondent for the Medical Post of Toronto.

He has a Master's Degree in Middle East and Asian history, taught military history for two years, and has worked in transportation planning in Portland. Various writing assignments have taken him to the Canadian Arctic and to exotic sections of Portland.
Photo by Donna McMahon

PHIL FOGLIO claims to be all things to all people. As one might well imagine, this monumental task leaves him little time for the simple joys of life that the rest of the world is accustomed to, but such is the lot of humanity's self-appointed benefactor. In the few brief moments that he doesn't spend perfecting his new strain of perambulatory cacti, he enjoys writing and drawing science fiction comics such as Buck Godot—Zap Gun for Hire and XXXenophile.

DR. ROBERT L. FORWARD is a science fiction and science fact writer, and consulting scientist. For his thesis he built and operated the world's first bar antenna for the detction of gravitational radiation, now at the Smithsonian Museum. For 31 years he worked at the Hughes Research Laboratories where he wrote 80 scientific papers and obtained 18 patents. From 1983 to the present, Dr. Forward has had a series of contracts with NASA and the DoD to explore the forefront of physics and engineering in order to find new energy sources for spacecraft power and propulsion. His published works include two science fact books, Future Magic (Avon), and Mirror Matter: Pioneering Antimatter Physics with Joel Davis (Wiley), and five hard science fiction novels, Dragon's Egg (Del Rey) and its sequel Starquake (Del Rey), Rocheworld (Baen), Martian Rainbow (Del Rey), and Timemaster (Tor). He has three novels in press, Return to Rocheworld with Julie Forward Fuller (Baen), Marooned on Eden with Martha Dodson Forward (Baen), and Camelot 30 K (Tor).
Photo © 1993 by Claudia Kunin

KURT GIAMBASTIANI has been a bank teller, a teacher, a professional ballet dancer, head pressman for a newspaper, principal violist in a metropolitan orchestra, a house painter, and a computer programmer. He thought writing would be easy. He was wrong. With a handful of small press publications under his belt, he's aiming at the majors.

After spending several lifetimes being a fan and a conrunner (distant cousin to the rumrunner and lineal descendent to the roadrunner) TERRY FOWLER's curent incarnation is being spent earning her doctorate in Clinical Psychology in Chicago. She has been a part of The Olympic View Writers Conference® for the last several years. Terry's intimate and personal knowledge of alien psychology is an asset in both her work and play.

Born on the tenth anniversary of the Nagasaki atom bomb attack, STEVE GALLACCI was raised in the thick of a military-industrial complex. A technology fan first, he didn't get into science fiction fandom until he was well into a stint in the Air Force, at which time he went all out. By the time he was back in the world, he was selling SF art professionally at cons. Not long after, Steve started the critically noted SF "funny animal" comic book Albedo, which also was a major prompt to the creation of "furry" fandom. Since then, he has been involved in several other comics and role-playing games, emphasizing seriously hard SF.

STEVE GILLETT writes speculative science articles for publications such as Analog (most recently 'Titan as the Abode of Life", November 1992), and has been the science columnist for Amazing since January 1991. He has also written fiction, often in collaboration with Jerry Oltion. He has recently fled back to academia; after a stint as a consulting geologist, he is now a research associate at the Mackay School of Mines, University of Nevada, Reno, where among other things he works on Paleozoic paleomagnetism and lunar resources.

JAMES GLASS was the 1990 Gold Grand Prize winner of the L. Ron Hubbard Writers of the Future contest. His stories have sold to magazines such as Aboriginal SF, Pulphouse, Midnight Zoo, Figment, Eldritch Tales, and Writers of the Future VII. His novel Visions is searching for a home and he has just completed Toth. By day, Jim is Dean of the College of Science, Math and Technology at Eastern Washington University. He holds a Ph.D. degree in physics.

An editor for the Boeing Company, LENORA RAIN-LEE GOOD goes home and writes poetry, articles, and fiction for her own enjoyment. Her poetry has appeared, among other places, in the TOV '91 anthology (The Olympic View Writers' Conference®, 1991) and in Jerry Pournelle's There Will be War, Volume VIII (Tor Books) and will be included in forthcoming volumes. Her articles have appeared in local publications including The Portland Oregonian and the Seattle Times.

RICHARD GRANT is the author of Through The Heart (Bantam Spectra), a finalist for the 1992 Philip K. Dick Award. The P.K. Dick Award is given to the best SF paperback original of the previous year. The award is sponsored jointly with the Philadelphia Science Fiction Society and presented at Norwescon each year.

COLIN GREENWOOD is the author of Take Back Plenty (Avon), a finalist for the 1992 Philip K. Dick Award. The P.K. Dick Award is given to the best SF paperback original of the previous year. The award is sponsored jointly with the Philadelphia Science Fiction Society and presented at Norwescon each year.

JON GUSTAFSON began writing a column on art crticism for Science Fiction Review in 1974 and has since had articles on SF and fantasy art included in The Visual Encyclopedia of Science Fiction and Starlog Science Fiction Yearbook. He has also contributed over 80 biographies of SF artists for Peter Nicholl's The Encyclopedia of Science Fiction. In 1986 his first fiction appeared in Writers of the Future, Volume II, and he has had work included in Rat Tales and Figment Magazine. He is also the author of Chroma: The Art of Alex Schomburg.

In 1983 Jon started JMG Appraisals, the first professional SF/fantasy art and book appraisal service in North America.

He has finished editing a new anthology titled Rats in the Souffle which will be published in the summer of this year. He has written quarterly columns on SF art for Pulphouse: The Hardback Magazine, Figment and Science Fiction Review. He is now a contributing editor for Pulphouse: The Magazine and Figment.

Jon is married to the best-selling author V.E. (Vicki) Mitchell.

GEORGE GUTHRIDGE has thrice been nationally honored for his work teaching Alaskan Eskimos. He has also sold over 50 short stories, mostly to such magazines as Amazing, Analog, Asimov's, and F&SF, and has been a Hugo and Nebula finalist. His latest work, Child of the Light, written in collaboration with Janet Gluckman, was published by St. Martin's.

ANDREW HAMLIN was eight or nine years old when he beheld a potato sack with two black-jeaned legs sticking out of them, nonchalantly weaving in and out of foot traffic on University Way. He later attended The Evergreen State College in Olympia, where he contributed to and helped edit the campus newspaper and literary magazine. A lifelong resident of Washington state, he currently lives in a Seattle basement apartment with a six-foot long foam mattress and the ghost of a cat litter box. His short story "Fool of Grace" was published in the TOV '91 anthology.

TARA K. HARPER lives in Northwest Oregon. She hikes, rock-climbs, and collects and works with weapons from the modern to the primitive. These include swords, three sectional staves, compound bows, and boomerangs. She is a composer, violinist, painter, and stone sculptor. By combining her interests and nightmares, she creates SF novels such as Wolfwalker (1990), Shadow Leader (1991), and Lightwing (1992), all published by Del Rey Books.

Currently Tara works as a hightech writer, creative writing teacher, and community volunteer. She reads constantly, avoids health food, and prefers cold mornings in the mountains to temperate evenings in town.

The original Norwescon, the World Science Fiction Convention in Portland back in 1949, gave NORM HARTMAN a start on his wide circle of acquaintances among authors and editors. He appears frequently on panels, and has a wide knowledge of the genre. His stories and articles have appeared in various magazines and anthologies, and three novels are out to publishers. Norm presently writes book review columns for Midnight Zoo, Sharp Tooth, and Science Fiction Review. He lives in Tigard, Oregon with his wife Ann, and their Macintosh computers.
Illustration by Christine Markel

ELIZABETH HAND is the author of Æstival Tide (Bantam Spectra), a finalist for the 1992 Philip K. Dick Award. The P.K. Dick Award is given to the best SF paperback original of the previous year.

A former science teacher, HARLEY HASHMAN is a practicing pharmacist, a scuba diver, musician, sailor, and amateur astronomer. He is a published cartoonist and author of articles on space and astronomy. He is an agented author of the science fiction novel Somnium and is currently working on the sequel, Shades of Gray. Both books deal with virtual reality, the nature of perception, and the future of American society.

JAMES E. HAYS, JR. is the director of Research and Development and vicepresident of Wizards of the Coast, Inc., a Seattle-based game publishing company.

Jay has overseen the design and development of all seven books released by Wizards of the Coast in 1992. He currently reports that a dozen more books are in various stages of development.

BARB HENDEE has been the co-editor of Figment for the past three years. Her fiction has appeared in, or will soon appear in, Puplhouse, Bizarre Bazaar, Ghosttide, Cemetery Dance, Eldritch Tales, Deathrealm, After Hours, Not One of Us, and other publications. She will graduate from the University of Idaho this May with a B.A. in Literature/Creative Writing. She collects stray kittens and friends who are into weird humor.

Writer, poet, artist, columnist, J.C. HENDEE, is co-editor/publisher of Figment, Tales From the Imagination. He has sold work to Quantum, Midnight Zoo, Amazing Experiences, MZ Calendar 1992, Recursive Angel Anthology Vol. 2, Fugue, Hardware, GWN Magazine, Poetic Knight, the 1992 Worldcon Program Book, and others. He spends considerable time arguing with his computers (and losing), and refuses to admit that he enjoys inventing new swear words while crawling down muddy drainpipes to save kittens ... to which he is allergic.

DOUGLAS HERRING is a freelance artist and computer game designer whose art has appeared in SF, comic, and Trek fan publications throughout the '70s and '80s. His art has also been published professionally by Marvel Comics, Deluxe, Steel Dragon, and Eternity Comics. In the last year he did the preproduction game and art design on Ringworld: The Return, and is currently animating Spider-Man for the Sega Genesis CD. He is married to science fiction and mystery writer Bridget McKenna.

ABRAHAM HERTZBERG is a professor in the Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics and Director of the Aerospace and Energetics Research program at the University of Washington. His recent research has focused on the ram accelerator and its application as a launch system for space cargo.
Photo by Davis Freeman

RICHARD HESCOX is an artist of numerous magazine illustrations and book covers. Having lived in Southern California for many years, he did pre-production work for the movies The Howling and The Philadelphia Experiment and surrealistic paintings which were featured in House. He has also contributed to ad campaigns for many films including E.T., The Dark Crystal, and The Fly. His most memorable poster art was for Swamp Thing.

In recent years Richard has devoted himself exclusively to SF and fantasy paperback covers. His cover paintings have been exhibited at the Society of Illustrators and at the Delaware Art Museum.
Illustration © 1993 by Dave Stevens

GLEN HIEMSTRA is a consultant on vision-based planning, strategic change, and quality improvement to business, government, and communities. He has consulted with several members of Congress offering his insight in preferred futuring. Prior to going into private business, Glen spent a dozen years as a university educator at Whitworth College, the University of Washington, and Antioch University. In 1983 he coauthored (with Robert Theobald and Robert Gilman) a non-fiction book, At the Crossroads, about the necessary and possible societal changes in the late 20th Century. He is currently the president of his Redmond-based firm, Hiemstra International.

ANDREW HIGGINS is a graduate of the University of Illinois in Aeronautical and Astronautical Engineering. He currently works as a graduate student in the Ram Accelerator Laboratory at the University of Washington. His areas of research include hypersonic and detonative gas dynamics.

NINA KIRIKI HOFFMAN is the sixth of seven children and grew up in Southern California. Her "real" job involves channeling other writers, most of them still living. She is also the author of many short stories, the forthcoming novel The Threads That Bind the Bones (Avon, May 1993), and was the featured author in Weird Tales #306. Presently she resides in Eugene, Oregon, with three cats and a mannequin.
Photo ©1993 by N.K. Hoffman

ANDREW HIGGINS is a graduate of the University of Illinois in Aeronautical and Astronautical Engineering. He currently works as a graduate student in the Ram Accelerator Laboratory at the University of Washington. His areas of research include hypersonic and detonative gas dynamics.

ARI HOLLANDER grew up in the culturally anomalous Berkeley, California. He loved it there so much that he earned a B.A. in Astrophysics at U.C. Berkeley in 1991. While at U.C. he engaged in some interesting side activities: he created computer animation for the Grateful Dead's 1990 summer tour. He also worked as a peon for LucasFilm's computer games division.

Ari is now studying virtual reality for his M.S.I.E. at the University of Washington's Human Interface Technology Laboratory.

MARILYN J. HOLT, a co-founder and past Director of Clarion West, writes science fiction, mysteries, non-genre fiction, poetry and criticism, but owes close friends several years of correspondence. Her published nonfiction work includes critical studies of fiction by Joanna Russ, Rudyard Kipling, and Gertrude Atherton. She has also written for computer newsletters and is the author of Ventura: The Complete Reference.

QUINTON HOOVER is a 29-year-old, self-taught comic illustrator and freelance artist who enjoys small-town living with his wife and children in Baker City, Oregon. He currently pencils and letters Morgana X (Freeman/Hoover, Sky Comics), and pencils Twilight Agency: Vampires' Curse (RipOff Press).

RACHEL E. HOLMEN is the Managing Editor of Marion Zimmer Bradley's Fantasy Magazine, where she coordinates the magazine's production and promotion. She also serves as art director, copy editor, and database expert. She has been active in SF and fantasy publishing since 1979.

ROBERT J. HOWE has had his short fiction published in Analog, Pulphouse, Weird Tales, Newer York, Pandora, and several small press magazines. He is coauthor, with John Ordover, of Coney Island Wonder Stories, an anthology due out from Wildside Press in June. Robert is an assistant editor for The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction, and writes a non-fiction column for Pulphouse magazine. A native New Yorker, he and his wife, writer Kij Johnson, now live in Portland, Oregon, with their dog and cat, neither of whom have much in the way of publishing credits.

After DEBORAH HUDSON decided that teaching high school English was not her particular talent, she decided to make a profession of what had always been her avocation. Where had her time and money gone? Into books! And she began selling books 12 years ago. Presently she works for Puss & Books in Redmond, Washington as events coordinator, and science fiction and metaphysical buyer.

Science fiction has been a passion ever since she discovered her brother's Tom Corbett Space Cadet books. (However, she promptly added her own female character to the all-male crew!)

As well as a bookseller, Deborah is a professional storyteller and has presented programs in schools, libraries, and at special gatherings in the Seattle area.

RAYMOND B. HUEY, PH.D. is an evolutionary physiologist. He is especially interested in how heat and cold tolerances of organisms evolve in response to climate change. Currently he is studying both lizards and fruit flies. He has also done considerable research on the evolution of "athletic" abilities in lizards and on aging in natural populations of lizards. He received his A.B. degree in zoology from the University of California at Berkeley, a M.S. in zoology from the University of Texas at Austin, and a Ph.D. from Harvard University. He is currently Professor of Zoology at the University of Washington.

A founding member of The Science Fiction Association of Victoria, STAN G. HYDE now lives in Vancouver where his alter ego, "The Light Hearted Vituperator and Jolly Reviler" vituperates in BCSFAzine. Part of the research team which delves into the sex life of Godzilla at conventions, Stan is also a modelbuilder whose work has appeared in McDonald's Fun-Times magazine, along with two other monsters of his creation, children Sarah and Owen. Comic stories by Stan for Ninja High School and Mechamen should appear from Antaric Press soon. A past Honorable Mention in the Writers of the Future contest, he currently writes more prose and sniffs less model glue.

L. DEAN JAMES is still a newcomer to the publishing world. Her first novel, Sorcerer's Stone, was published in February of 1991 by TSR. Since then, three more have been published, and another three are slated for this year and next.

Ms. James, who has written horror and fantasy, now also writes science fiction. Her "first contact" novel, Mojave Wells, is due from AvoNova in July.

(Ad) Wizards of the Coast


An Art Show And Product Announcement
by Wizards of the Coast

April 11, 1993
Open to the public from 11AM to 5PM

wizards of the Coast is about to release their best game ever, a series of card games by Richard Garfield known as the DeckMaster series. The first game in this series, ManacLash, is more than just a new game--it's a new gaming form. Not since the invention of roleplying has such an innovative concept been introduced to the table gaming market.

Two Hundred and Forty-Two pieces of high quality color art have been commissioned for this game from over twenty fantasy artists, including works by Anson Maddocks, Mark Tedin, Jesper Myrfore, Melissa Benson, Mark Poole, Amy Weber, Jeff Menges, Daniel Gelon, Dan Frazler, Sandra Everingham, and Andi Rusu. ManacLash promises to be one of the more visually appealing games ever published.

This event will be held at the Wizards of the Coast office, also the home of Peter and Cathleeen Adkinson, at 23815 43rd Ave S., Kent, WA 98032. Phone numbers [redacted] (downstairs, Wizards of the Coast), [redacted] (upstairs, Adkinson residence), [redacted] (facsimile).

Directions: From I-5 take the Kent-Des Moines road exit (between Federal Way and tukwila). From the exit turn east onto Kent-Des Moines Road. Take the first legal right, south, onto Military Road. Take the first left, east, onto 239th street, at the end of 239th street you'll be forced to turn left onto 43rd Ave. It's the 5th house on the left, white with brown trim. Enter through the front ground-level sliding glass doors.

ManacLash and DeskMaster are trademarks of Garfield Games Inc.

Wizards of the Coast

Guests (Continued)

MELINDA JODRY is a dancer who is also a writer. She's been performing Raks Sharqi, commonly called "belly dance", for fifteen years, and is a member of the renowned Shahrazad Dance Ensemble of Seattle. Her research into ethnic Middle Eastern costume has resulted in several articles for regional publications. Ask her about the costumes and dancing in Aladdin.

She is now seeking a publisher for her first science fiction novel.

A passionate interest in sciences inspired KARL JOHANSON to write about inviromental and energy issues for newspapers and fanzines. This interest in science has also lead him to join such organizations as the "B.C. Skeptics", "The National Center for Science Education", and a "Canadian Humanist Association". Karl currently edits the Canadian SF newszine Under the Ozone Hole with John Wilcox Herbert.

STEPHANIE ANN JOHANSON is an artist from Victoria, B.C. Wire sculpture, carving, acrylic painting, and illustrating are some of the forms of art that occupy her. Stephanie has illustrated "The Hidden City: A Poem of Peru", written by Stanley K. Feiberg. She also is writing "Question of Art" for the Canadian newszine Under the Ozone Hole.

KIJ JOHNSON has had about twenty short stories published by or sold to markets including Asimov's, F&SF, Amazing, Weird Tales, and Pulphouse. Her first novel, The Fox Woman, is due to be published in hardcover by Tor Books in late 1994 or 1995. Curently she is the Books and Collections Editor for Dark Horse Comics in Portland. She has worked as a managing editor for Tor Books, a copy editor of romances and pornography, and a cocktail waitress. (And some other stuff, too.) Johnson is married to writer Robert J. Howe, with whom she shares a dog, a cat, a beat-up Mazda, and a nice duplex in Portland.

MARY KAY KARE has been working in libraries for, uh, well, a loooong time. She's also been going to cons for 16+ years; working on them for nearly that long. Somewhere along the way, she discovered filk. The most interesting result of that discovery was her husband Jordin. One of the positive results, for Norwescon anyway, has been that her interest led her to volunteer to help organize some filk here. The first year only a handful showed up; last year there were in excess of 50 people. Who knows what will happen this year . . . Mary Kay will also be in charge of music programming for the 1993 Worldcon in San Francisco. Pursuant to that she wishes everyone to know that she can be bribed with bittersweet chocolate, certain brands of Irish whiskey, and the chance to be immortalized in song.
Photo by Michael John

JORDIN KARE is a Generic Handwaving Physicist at Larry's Rad Lab—otherwise known as the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory. He's got alphabet soup from M.LT.(Class of 78) and went to U.C. Berkeley for his Ph.D. in astrophysics, which he got by hunting for supernova with an automated telescope. He's best known in fannish science circles for his work on laser launch systems. More recently he helped plan the "Clementine" satellite mission, which will map the moon in living (well, sort of) color early in 1994. He's married to Mary Kay Kare, and is currently commuting between D.O.E. HQ in Washington, D.C. and California every week or so (gaak!). Oh, yes, he also filks ... in public!

In 1988, Clifton Hoyt of rural Wisconsin asked the bookmobile providing him science fiction if they knew someone who wrote it; at that time PHYLLIS ANN KARR (actually a fantasy writer, but the genres get confused) was using the same bookmobile in another town. Breaking a rule, the bookmobile librarians gave him her address, for which both Clif and Phyllis remain very grateful. Legally and professionally, Phyllis retains her professional name; socially, she will answer to "Mrs. Hoyt."

JERRY KAUFMAN has been a fanzine contributor since 1966, a fanzine publisher since 1974, and a small press publisher since 1984. With Suzanne Tompkins, he has published The Spainish Inquisition and Mainstream (both have been nominated for the Best Fanzine Hugo). The most recent issue Mainstream includes material from 'live' Mainstreams performed at Minicon and Westercon. His small press, Serconia, has published books by Aldiss, Delany, and Clute, and includes books by James Triptree, Jr., and about Gene Wolfe in its upcoming list.

MICHAEL KERR is a graduate of the University of Washington with a degree in microbiology/immunology. And in exactly two months, six days, and some odd hours he will graduate from medical school (sounds of cheering from long-suffering friends, family, and wife). In addition, he speaks on a variety of science issues for the Washington Association for Biomedical Research.

BARBARA RANDALL KESEL lives in Portland, Oregon, with her husband Karl (a cartoonist working in the comics field, currently on illustrations for a Star Wars young adult book, coming from Bantam Books), and their Corgi, Bing. She has written a variety of comic books, and is the Managing Editor of Dark Horse Comics.

T. JACKSON KING is a writer and archaelogist who lives on 18 acres in the woods near Medford, Oregon, with his wife, fellow SF writer Paula E. Downing, and his three children, Keith, Karen, and Kevin. His first novel, Retread Shop, was published by Warner Books/Questar. He has sold short stories to Pulphouse, Tomorrow, Figment, Pandora, and Midnight Zoo, and is a member of SFWA and The Authors Guild. His nonfiction includes article sales to Writer's Digest, Byline, Small Press, Women & Guns, MZB’s Fantasy Magazine, the SFWA Handbook, the SFWA Bulletin, The Report, and Science Fiction Chronicle. King writes hard SF, social SF, and contemporary fantasy. He has just finished work on his ninth novel, The Turning of the Tide, an on-spec sequel to his first contemporary fantasy novel.
Photo by T. Jackson King

MARY ALICE KIER is part owner of Cine/Lit Representation, a full service literary agency based in Seattle. There, with partner Anna Cottle, she represents fiction and nonfiction writers, organizations, true-life stories, and original screenplays to publishers and the film industry. Mary began as a literary agent 15 years ago, and helped form Cine/Lit in 1982.

JOEL KINGSOLVER is Professor of Zoology at the University of Washington. He teaches and does research on a variety of topics in evolution, ecology, and mathematical modeling, including the evolution of insect wings and of butterfly color patterns, and the biological consequences of global warming. He has recently co-edited a book on global environmental change, Biotic Interactions and Global Change.

JAN KING is an educator from Colville, Washington. She co-sponsors a science fiction and fantasy club for high school students where she can share her passion for literature, art, costuming, future worlds, and Star Trek. For several years, she has chaperoned groups of young people at the con so she can watch them expand their horizons (zing!) and experience how creative, intelligent grown-ups have fun! Jan is constantly researching science fiction and fantasy literature for children/young adults and would appreciate any suggestions you have for her list. Off and on, she collects rocks and minerals and writes as a member of the Telgar Weyr for The Telgar Times.

KYLE R. KIRKWOOD is married to a wonderfully patient and intelligent wife. She slaves night and day for the little toad who swapped his computer for his wife's (because hers was faster); who never answers his own mail; and generally drinks far too much Cherry Coke. On the positive side he is a science teacher, but he does spend too much time marking and not enough with his wife. Oh yes, he does a radio show called The Ether Patrol.

CARL KNOWLEN is a postdoctoral research associate in the Aerospace and Energetics Research Program at the University of Washington. Dr. Knowlen has been involved with the ram accelerator program since its inception in 1983 and is co-inventor of several techniques for initiating and stabilizing combustion for this in-tube ramjet concept. He has also contributed to the development of liquid droplet radiator technology and has played a significant part in developing the microsecond shock wave reactor concept. In addition, Dr. Knowlen is part of the research team that is developing a cryogenic-powered automobile concept which provides an attractive alternative to battery-powered electric vehicles.

JAK KOKE has sold short stories to Amazing Stories, Aberations, After Hours, Pulphouse and Science Fiction Review and several anthologies. His most recent publications include "Deadwise" {Amazing, August 1992) and "Target Practice" (After Hours, January 1993), both in collaboration with Jonathon Bond.

Jak is currently working with the layout and design team of Pulphouse: A Fiction Magazine, which he does when he's not writing or working in the laboratory. His lab work focuses on molecular and neuro-biology, specifically studying the localization of ion channels in auditory receptor cells. In the past he's worked with DNA (cloning, sequencing, PCR) and protein (expression, purification, x-ray crystallography).

Jak is married to a future marine biologist/ ecologist currently working in a neuroscience laboratory. They have a three-month-old daughter who takes up all the rest of their time.

JULIA LACQUEMENT-KERR is a French-Canadian-born artist who was kidnapped by gypsies and sold into slavery to DC Comics. When not chained to the drawing board, hoarding what crumbs are tossed to lowly color artists, she draws and paints her own work that can seen at finer science fiction conventions in your neighborhood. Currently living in Seattle with her cat and, incidentally, her husband, she is about to relocate to parts unknown. Take this time to say goodbye.

JOAN KOTKER obtained her B.A. and M.A. in creative writing from Ohio State University. She was an assistant editor of The Ohio Journal while in graduate school. Joan is an English instructor at Bellevue Community College and her primary interests are creative writing, mystery and detective fiction, popular culture and sports literature. Her short stories, poetry, and articles have appeared in both literary journals and national publications. She reviews books for the Journal American and Armchair Detective.

R.A. LAFFERTY is the author of Iron Tears (Edgewood Press), a finalist for the 1992 Philip K. Dick Award. The P.K. Dick Award is given to the best SF paperback original of the previous year. The award is sponsored jointly with the Philadelphia Science Fiction Society and presented at Norwescon each year.

CHRIS LIGHTFOOT, a native Seattleite, is thrilled to attend Norwescon as a pro for the first time. Chris has been involved in fandon since mainlining Star Trek as a child. Chris is involved with the local small press scene, and most of his work has been published by Seattle's MU Press. His most recent fiction was the framing sequence for volume two of The Furkindred, which he cowrote with his wife and fellow author, Leslie Lightfoot. They also collaborated on a three-year-old monster named Nicholas. When not reading or writing comic books and science fiction, Chris is selling them as a manager at Golden Age Collectables.

THOMAS J. LINDELL's first sale, a collaborative piece written with Jonathan Bond, will appear in the anthology The Ultimate Witch (September 1993). Thomas has also made sales to Pulphouse: A Fiction Magazine and the anthology Splatterfairies. When he isn't writing, Tom works as a system administrator for the March of Dimes. He lives in Seattle with his wife, two cats, and a tyrannical computer.

MEGAN LINDHOLM was raised in Alaska, but has been a resident of Washington State for 12 years now. She currently resides in Roy, a very small town, on a little farm where she raises ducks and chickens, and tends her garden when not writing. Current books include Cloven Hooves and Alien Earth, both from Bantam, and The Gypsy, a collaboration with Steven Brust from St. Martin's Press. Her short work has been nominated for both the Hugo and Nebula awards. Other books include Wizard of the Pigeons, The Reindeer People and Wolf's Brother.

To support his chronic writing disorder, TODD LOGAN works half-time as a computer geek. He endures the sort of mundane, tedious existence that demands brutal creativity in response, and his main foci have been poetry and short stories. His first fiction to be published, "Non-Potential Citizen," appears in Tall Tales and Short Stories. He has also recently completed his first hard SF novel. Todd's other adventures include: stage acting, producing an album of his own folk music (Modern Panic), designing a role-playing system, and battling mediocrity in its myriad manifestations.

When not working as a drafting waldo for Boeing, L. PIERCE LUDKE is an artist. She works in various media (as she feels dictated by the subject/emotion of the piece) including ink, colored pencil, acrylic, and computer. Science fiction and fantasy have been part of her life and art for at least two decades.

STAN LOVE is a doctoral candidate in astronomy at the University of Washington, where he is presently writing his dissertation on the sources of interplanetary dust particles. His professional interests span aspects of planetary science, meteor physics, space propulsion, space power, and science teaching. His leisure activities include outdoor sports, science fiction, and fantasy role-playing game design. It is possible that he will eventually get a real job.

TERRY LUSIAN assists with The Olympic View Writers' Conference® and her work has appeared in the TOV '91 Anthology (The Olympic View Writers' Conference®, 1991). She resides in a big old dilapidated house in Everett with her two sons, Jeff and Jordan, her housemate, Dave, and assorted birds, cats, dogs, and ferrets, plus Mel, the parrot.

SONIA ORIN LYRIS has been published in Midnight Zoo and has stories forthcoming in Asimov's and Pulphouse. She won first place for her fiction in the Kay Snow Writing Contest at the 1992 Willamette Writers Conference. Sonia is a graduate of Clarion West '92.

Sonia has been a software engineer, technical writer, and sculptor. She has had articles published on cyberspace, studied martial arts, and continues to dilligently quest for the finest bittersweet chocolate.
Photo by Volnack

When PETER MacDOUGALL first began to write, he wrote in longhand because affordable word processors were not yet available. This is how he learned to write succinctly. However, none of these have seen the light. They were illegible.

While struggling to master his native tounge, Peter also taught himself to draw with much more success. By the time he reached U.B.C. and began his first degree in molecular biology, he begun to earn a tiny income as a artist.

He has had several stories (written on a computer; more legible, less succinct) published in Horizon SF, and has recently been asked to try out as the inker for the comic book, DragonStar II.

Peter and his wife, Anne, live in Halifax.

EDWARD MARTIN III is an editor at Dark Horse Comics. His current projects include Predator Trading Cards, JBNM Trading Cards, and assisting on RoboCop—Prime Suspect. His own work has appeared in Dream International Quarterly, TOV '91 Anthology, Aquarium Fish Magazine, We Are the Weird, and a few other publications here and there.

He lives in Milwaukie, Oregon, with his beloved wife Katrina and a fish named Fish, who may eventually eat all of Creation.

DON MAITZ has achieved national acclaim for his many book cover illustrations. Specializing in fantasy and science fiction imagery, he has had some 175 commissioned works published by Simon & Schuster, Berkley Publishing, Doubleday & Co., Bantam Books, Dell, Warner Books, DAW Books, and others. Don has received the Hugo Award for Best Artist, a Silver Medal award from the Society of Illustrators, and the H.P. Lovecraft Award (World Fantasy Con). He was a driving force in the organization of the first major exhibition of SF and fantasy art at an American museum. Don's work is included in the permanent collections of The Delaware Museum and the New Britain Museum of American Art. A variety of his artwork can be see in his book, First Maitz.
Photo © 1993 by Greg Preston

JULIAN MAY's latest science fiction book, Jack the Bodiless, was published by Knopf. Her latest fantasy, Blood Trillium, was published by Bantam-Spectra. She has had more than 260 books published since her first piece of SF, the novelette "Dune Roller," was published by John W. Campbell Jr. in 1951. She lives in Washington State where she enjoys her hobbies of electronic music and flyfishing.
Photo by John Coker III

CLAUDIA McCORMICK was born into the world of story. Madgie the Magic Lady lived next door, Daddy was an artist and storyteller and Mum too.

What began at her husband's side in the ministry has now ended up as refuge for writers. That she can balance corporate books, write grants, or run college work-study programs is much more a source of amazement to her than the fact that she writes books.

Her first novel, Raven at Sunrise, was published in 1991. In 1986, she founded the Seattle Chapter of the National Writers Club.

RAVEN McCRACKEN is a writer, musician, comedian, and actor. His work has been published in Fantastic Images and Vortext Magazine. Raven has recently written a new edition of the world of Synnibarr for international release. His interests include writing, martial arts, acting, music, gymnastics, mechanical engineering, and of course, gaming. Raven modeled for the D.C./TSR comic of Avatar for the character of Kelemvore, donning armor for the occasion. Currently he lives in Seattle with his wife, Renee.

BRIDGET McKENNA lives in Nipinnawasee, California (Pop. 75), with her husband, artist Douglas Herring, twelve cats, and eleven koi. She has sold fiction to Writers of the Future, Volume II, Pulphouse, Asimov’s, Amazing Stories, F&SF, and Tomorrow Speculative Fiction. Her mystery novels, Murder Beach, Fire on the Mountain, and No Hate Lost will appear in 1993-1994 from Berkley/Diamond.
Photo by Douglas Herring

After spending most of the late 1970s running cons in the Los Angeles area, J.P. McLAUGHLIN formed the Space Science Media Group in 1978 to promote space sciences in L. A. high schools and community colleges. Later, he became interested in history as a means of understanding technological change and its implications for the future. Currently he is president of J.P McLaughlin & Associates, a high-tech consulting firm specializing in historical analysis, future studies, and corporate re-engineering. A contributing editor to Figment magazine since its inception, his essays and reviews on science fiction and related fields appear in every issue.

MICHAEL McLAUGHLIN is the publisher of Silver Salamander Press, a new small press that debuted in February with the publication of I, Said the Fly by Michael Shea. Michael recognized the lack of a market for quality works of fiction in the 20,000 to 30,000 word range; particularly work that might be considered somewhat "dangerous" or "unsuitable in content" by most of the trade publications. With that in mind he coaxed John Pelan (former editor of Axolotl Press) ou t of retirement, and the result is a new publishing company. Michael resides in Woodinville where he divides his time between publishing, Whirly-Ball, and a real job.

DON McQUINN is a transplanted Texan, now permanently rooted in the Pacific Northwest as the result of a serious addiction to gray weather. As a reader, he's had a lifelong interest in science fiction. As a writer, his first effort in the field is Warrior, published by Del Rey as volume one of a speculative fiction triology. Wanderer will appear in November of 1994. Don and his wife, Carol, live in Seattle.

ANNETTE MERCIER is a transplanted Texan who has been attending cons as an artist and costumer since 1980. She now lives on a small farm in Hansville, WA, where she shows her art in some of the local art shows and galleries, and stays busy with the local theatre group as a makeup artist, scenery painter, and sometimes actor. Perhaps you have seen her in one of her many disguises.

C.J. MILLS lives in a farmhouse more than 100 years old on three acres in rural Stillwater, Minnesota. She lives there with her husband, three almost-grown children, three cats, three dogs, two parrots, and some fish. She has a B.A. and M.A. in English, a kindergarten-to- 12th-grade teaching certificate in German, and loves to do historical research, which shows in both her SF and historical novels.

Active in the Northwest convention scene for many years, VICKI MITCHELL has won many awards for her costuming. In 1986 she won the Amazing Stories Calendar Story Contest and had a story included in a mainstream anthology. Her first novel, Enemy Unseen (a Star Trek novel published by Pocket Books), appeared in late 1990 and spent three weeks on the New York Times Best Seller list. Her second novel, Imbalance (a Star Trek: The Next Generation novel), was published in June 1992. She has also sold a novella, "Against the Night," to Amazing Stories. Her third Star Trek novel, Windows on a Lost World, is scheduled for release in June 1993. Four more novels are currently making the rounds of the publishers and she is working on her dissertation for a Ph.D. in geology.

She is married to Jon Gustafson and is owned by a gigantic and excessively silly dog, Mica.

CAROL MONAHAN has been amazing local and national artists with her cute, cuddly, brainless little rats for over six weeks. She is also a costumer and Middle Eastern dancer, and is a model wife (just ask her lovely and talented husband, James Ernest).

ELIZABETH MOON lives in a one-blinker-light, two-feed-store Texas town with her husband and son and two old horses. She has degrees in history and biology, served in the military, did volunteer time as a rural paramedic and city council member. She writes both science fiction and fantasy, with occasional forays into nonfiction. Her most recent book was Liar's Oath (Baen, 1992) and her next will be Hunting Party, coming this summer from Baen.

MIKE MOSCOE started writing with the U.S. Government twenty-five years ago, initially answering congressional inquiries. Once he ghosted a letter for Vice President Spiro T. Agnew's signature. Shortly after that, Agnew resigned to avoid prosecution. Of course, Mike had nothing to do with that. After two decades of writing instructional memos and policies, he decided to get real and write science fiction. Mike has appeared in Analog and Aboriginal. Mike's story "Smart Weapons" will be in High Tech War coming next year from Baen Books, if the situation in the former Soviet Union will stand still long enough to get the manuscript finalized.

Mike is an experienced public speaker. Recently he was nominated for "The Best Stand-up Comedy Routine" at a MOSS Software Users Convention. Admittedly, the competition was thin, but it's the thought that counts.

TRACY VAUGHN MOORE is a writer and artist whose work has appeared in Figment, Modern Gold Miner, Midnight Zoo, and RubberStampMadness. When he's not writing or creating rubber stamp-art, he divides his time between his rubber art-stamp business, Rabid Rubber, his fire protection contracting company, Moore Fire Protection, and teaching creative writing at Renton Vocational Technical Institute.

After nine years of college and two masters degrees (English literature and theatre) BETSY MOTT decided she loved painting more than almost anything else in the world. For the past eight years her award-winning media portraits and fantasy paintings have been seen at cons in the Northwest and in fanzines and private collections throughout the world. A fourth generation native of Spokane, her hobbies include gaming, kayak/sailing, researching obscure topics, and playing trumpet in local pit orchestras and bands.

KAJA MURPHY wanted to be an illustrator and cartoonist, but she accidentally attended the University of Washington's "Fine Art" department, where she learned how to paint cinder blocks orange, put them in a public place, and not be embarrassed. This has prepared her for a fine career as a pearl diver, terrorist, or hermit. Not to be discouraged, Kaja is currently teaching herself the basics of cartooning, and is starting to make a name for herself in fanzines and comics. Look for her latest strip, The Adventures of Lars—The Orange Cinder Block With No Shame, in the art show.

JESPER MYRFORS was born in Stockholm, Sweden, and moved to the United States when he was two years old. He has long had an interest in fantasy and art. Currently, Jesper is finishing his degree in illustration at Cornish College of the Arts, doing freelance illustration and working full time as art director for Wizards of the Coast and the newly formed Garfield Games.

DAVID E. MYERS holds a Ph.D. in experimental psychology and has published in academic journals and The New York Review of Science Fiction. A graduate of Clarion West, he now helps administer this renowned writer's workshop. His fiction has appeared in Twilight Zone, Alfred Hitchcock's, and Pulphouse. David lives in Seattle with his wife, Hali.

REBECCA V. NEASON is the author of numerous nonfiction articles and poems. In 1988, she was awarded a Certificate of Recognition for Outstanding Literary Merit by the Pacific Northwest Writers Conference. She is also a graduate of the Clarion West Writers Workshop, and the founder of the Enumclaw Writers Group. As well as speaking at SF conventions, Rebecca also guest lectures on pre-Christian through Medieval British History, Middle English, and the development of English as a written language. Last year she worked with grade school children on developing the creative process.

Rebecca's first novel, Guises of the Mind, is a Star Trek: The Next Generation novel due to be released in September. She also has a two-part fantasy, The First Epiphany, under consideration and is currently working on a post-Arthurian fantasy.

JERRY OLTION has written mostly science fiction and an occasional fantasy for Analog, Pulphouse, Science Fiction Review, and various anthologies. His story, "The Love Song of Laura Morrison," won the Analog readers' choice award for best short story of 1987. His novels include Frame of Reference (Questar, 1987), and two books in the Isaac Asimov's Robot City series, Alliance and Humanity. Upcoming stories will appear in Analog, Pulphouse, and F&SF. He is also the originator of the Jerry Oltion Really Good Story Award.

Vocalist/multi-instrumentalist TANIA OPLAND performs a variety of international music. She sings in English, Gaelic, Russian, Ukrainian, Greek, Macedonian and Uzbek; and plays guitar, violin, dulcimer, and recorder. Her performances are woven together with stories about the music and the interesting places and people from whence they came. She has travelled around the British Isles, through Scandanavia, across Russia and into Central Asia, playing and collecting music. She's also spent time swapping tunes with musicians from some of the Northwest's many ethnic communities, adding Chinese, Turkish, Persian, and Greek influences to her already wide-based repertoire of traditional music.

Originally on a more technical path, Tania has now nearly finished paying off loans for five years of study in aeronautical engineering and physics.

KENT PATTERSON has sold fiction to Analog, Amazing, F&SF, Pulphouse, and Sci-Fi Channel, and nonfiction to more places than he can remember. The advantage of fiction is that your characters don't threaten to sue you if you misquote them.

He is a regular at the Pulphouse Gang writer's workshop, which is a great source of friendship, advice, and struggling writer's mutual aid and protection.

Lately Kent has become uneasily aware that he may be the only pro on the West Coast who does not have a cat. However, he knows where he can borrow one if it becomes obligatory for the continuance of his career.

JOHN PELAN is the editor for Silver Salamander Press; a new small press that debuted in February with the publication of I, Said the Fly by Michael Shea. John was the founder of Axolotl Press, (now an imprint of Pulphouse), which produced the first hardcovers of authors such as Tim Powers, James Blaylock, Charles de Lint, and Michael Shea. John resides in Seattle with his wife, son, three cats, and numerous fish.

NICHOLAS POLLOTTA is a former stand-up comic from Manhattan. His humorous SF short stories have appeared in numerous magazines and his novels include Illegal Aliens (SF/humor with Phil Foglio), the fantasy/adventure series of Bureau 13, Doomsday Exam, and Full Monsters. His new SF/humor novel Satellite Night Live (published under the name Jack Hopkins), will be followed by Satellite Night Special (June, 1993), and Satellite Night Fever (October, 1993).

As Telynor, JOHN AND ANNA PEEKSTOK have been performing folk, traditional, and early music from the British Isles, France, and beyond since 1984. They have recorded three albums, Telynor (1987), Telynor 2 (1990), and Off the Beaten Track (1992); and authored The Telynor Songbook (1991), which contains lyrics and scores for all of the disparate music recorded on their first two albums.

Portland, Oregon resident ANTHONY PRYOR has been working professionally in the gaming industry since 1986. His published works include Technical Readout: 3025, Wolf's Dragoons Resource, More Tales of the Black Widow, Battle for Twycross, and Solaris VII: The Game World (for Battletech, published by FASA, Inc.); Tales of Lankhmar, Dune Trader, Patriots of Ulek and Rary the Traitor (for Dungeons and Dragons, TSR, Inc.) He also has an unpublished novel, which he would love to sell (hint, hint—Free Plug City—oh, God—he's shameless!)

BILL RANSOM volunteers in Central America as a medic and firefighter. His journalism, novels, and short fiction reflect this experience. He is the co-author of The Jesus Incident, The Lazarus Effect, and The Ascension Factor with Frank Herbert. His is also the author of Jaguar, published by Ace Books.

He is currently finishing Special Forces for Ace and working on a screenplay, ''Daughters of Salvador".
Photo © 1993 by M.C. Valada

MICHAEL REAVES is the author of many novels including Dragonworld, The Shattered World and its sequel, The Burning Realm. He has also written Dome and The Omega Cage with Steve Perry. He has had short stories published in F&SF, Twilight Zone, and Universe, among others. He has written several comic books and over two hundred teleplays for such live-action shows as Twilight Zone, Star Trek: The Next Generation, Captain Power, and Monsters. His animation work includes The Real Ghostbusters, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Superman, and Batman: The Animated Series. He lives in Southern California with his wife, Brynne Stephens, and their daughter Mallory.

RHEA ROSE lives in Coquitlam, B.C. Her short stories have appeared in Tesseracts, Tesseracts 2, and On Spec. Her work has been nominated for a Casper Award (Canada) and her short story "Duty Free" made preliminary nominations for a Nebula. She has a short story forthcoming. Rhea also writes poetry, speculative and mainstream. Her poetry has appeared in The Mythic Circle and The Olympic View Writers' anthology. She spent 1992 becoming a certified teacher and now works as such to support her writing habit. She is a member of The Science Fiction Writers of Canada and The Lonely Cry—a small group of authors organized to present their work in "theatrical" readings to anyone who will listen.

TOIVO ROVAINEN sewed, fought, and cartooned in the midwest SCA during his formative years. He has since found that he can make more money as a con artist (and occasional Dragon cartoonist). He edits the Comics Fandom Examiner (CF/X, published by Mu Press), a magazine devoted to news and reviews of small press comics. He also contributes art to various fanzines, and plans to open Seattle's first cat stretching center.

A.L.H. ROBKIN is a middle-aged, dumpy lady who was supposed to be a tall, gorgeous redhead, with a terrific figure, and eternally 25 years old. Of course, all she has to do to be revealed is to step into the nearest TARDIS. Oh, well. She has a Ph.D. in drama arts and is involved in The Olympic View Writers' Conference®. Two of her children write science fiction. She writes poetry, scholarly articles, and newsletters for several organizations.

STUART ROYAN (Stu! or sometimes the mysterious Kent Allard) is the producer of Canada's only "true" science fiction and fantasy radio show, The Ether Patrol. Stu has worked at eight radio stations all over B.C. including stints with award-winning CBC radio producer John Juliani and the legendary Jack Cullen. He has produced more than 80 radio dramas, interviewed countless writers and personalities, and writes and hosts a monthly column on what's on T.V. and radio in SF. Stu claims he has the strange and hypnotic ability to cloud his own mind at will. He often performs this feat to prove that he is indeed the nephew of "The Shadow."

Born in a far, far away land known as New York in a region called the Bronx, LEONARDO D. RUFO began making models from kits at a very early age. Bored with the mundane simplicity of pre-made kits, he began experimenting with kit-conversion and scratch building. As a young adult, Leonardo traveled across the continent and settled in a hamlet known as Eugene where he attended the University of Oregon. After receiving a degree in architecture, he heeded his true calling and immediately returned to model building, and was soon hired to work on a movie called The Adventures of the Space Beavers. Searching for a way to share his creations, Leonardo discovered the convention circuit and began exhibiting at Norwescon 14. He has since won numerous awards including Best of Show at Dreamcon 7. Leonardo continues to create models and miniatures for the movie industry and exhibit them in the art shows at cons.

SHARON RUSSELL teaches film and popular culture at Indiana State University. She is the head of the Detective and Mystery Fiction area of the Popular Culture Association and chair of D'97 for the International Association for the Fantastic in the Art's celebration of the publication of Dracula. She has published many articles on popular fiction and is currently contributor to and editor of Animals in Mystery which will be published by Popular Press.

Trained in graphic design and illustration, CHRISTOPHER RUSH enjoys logo design and illustration for fantasy gaming. Works published include illustrations for Pawns: The Opening Move and the forthcoming The Compleat Alchemist (both published by Wizards of the Coast). He has also illustrated a short-lived graphic story about a vampire living in Seattle, which was written by his wife, Lana. They both share a passion for vampires, legends, and heroic romance (in the true sense of the word).

RICHARD PAUL RUSSO has had close to two dozen stories published in most of the major SF magazines, and three novels: Inner Eclipse (Tor, 1988), Subterranean Gallery (Tor, 1989), and Destroying Angel (Ace, 1992). Subterranean Gallery was a finalist for the Arthur C. Clarke Award in England, and received the Philip K. Dick Award in 1990.

BEVERLY MARSHALL SALING is the executive editor at Wizards of the Coast. She has edited all of WotC's books, including The Primal Order, Pawns: The Opening Move, The Compleat Alchemist, and several books for the Talislanta game system. She also edited A Winter's Tale (1991) for White Wolf. When her blue pencil runs out, she relaxes with her husband, Rick, and their infamous cats, Morgana and Shakti, or haunts computer bulletin boards as Persistence.

ELIZABETH ANN SCARBOROUGH has written thirteen and a half novels, the half being her half of Powers That Be, the other half of which was written with Anne McCaffrey. While she and Anne wrote the novel, Elizabeth spent four months at Dragonhold-Underhill. Elizabeth is returning to Ireland to do the second book in the series, a totally new world for both authors set on an arctic planet which possesses something its corporate creators didn't plan on—an attitude. Elizabeth's most recent solo works include The Songkiller trilogy and a duet set in Tibet (rhyme intentional), Nothing Sacred and Last Refuge. Her 1989 novel, Healer's War, won the Nebula for novel of that year. Elizabeth is currently finishing The Godmother, in which a fairy godmother answers the wish of a Seattle social worker. She lives Port Townsend with three cats, Peaches, Mustard, and Popsicle, who will once more be attended by Neva Reece, to whom Powers That Be is dedicated, while Elizabeth is in Ireland. Powers That Be is a July 1993 Del Rel hardback.

RICHARD SCOTT has been working to get into the professional artist community for some years (21 at last count). He currently has been working for Science Fiction Review as a staff illustrator, and doing freelance work as well.

CAROL SEVERANCE is a Hawaii-based writer with a special interest in Pacific Island peoples and their environments. Carol is the author of Reefsong (Del Rey, 1991), a science fiction novel which received the 1992 Compton Crook Award for best first novel. She is also responsible for Demon Drums (Del Rey Discovery, 1992), the first book of the Island Warrior fantasy trilogy. Books two and three, Storm Caller and Sorcerous Sea, will be published by Del Rey in May and November 1993 respectively. Carol is a 1984 Clarion West graduate. She shares her Hilo home with a scholarly fisherman, a surfer and an undetermined number of geckos.

ROBERT SHECKLEY is best known for his SF short stories in collections such as Untouched by Human Hands and The Robot Who Looked Like Me. His novels include Journey Beyond Tommorow, Crompton Divided, and Dramocles.

SHERIDAN SIMON was born on April 20, 1947, and was for a short time thereafter the youngest person in the world. He received a Ph.D. in physics and astronomy from the University of Rochester, and is Professor of Physics at Guilford College. He has been published in places ranging from Astrophysical Journal to Astronomy, from Omni to Asimov's. He is the author of a biography of Stephen Hawking. His most unusual habit is designing planets for SF authors.

SHARON SINCLAIR is an historian whose research has ranged from the sacred snake of Asclepius to NASA's space medicine program. She coordinates The Olympic View Writers' Conference® and co-edited the TOV '91 Anthology (The Olympic View Writers' Conference®, 1991) with A.L.H. Robkin. Sharon collects hats and grows enough Nepeta to share with the neighborhood cats.

THOMAS W. SINE, JR. holds a Ph.D. in American history, minoring in the study of the future. He has been an instructor in social and behavioral science at Seattle Pacific University, intructor in future studies and ethical dilemmas at the U.W., Director of the Washington 2000 Demonstration Project, coordinator of Wheaton '83: A Christian Response to Human Need, and is currently a consultant with Mustard Seed Associates.

LISA SMEDMAN is the editor of Sounder Magazine, a monthly general interest community magazine. She has also worked as a journalist and columnist for a number of community newspapers. Her fiction has appeared in the anthology Civilization, as well as in Fictions, the magazine of the B.C. Science Fiction Association writer's workshop.

Lisa is also a game designer for TSR Inc., creators of Dungeons and Dragons. Her mini-module, The School of Nekros, appeared in Dungeon Magazine #27. She is co-designer of Dragon's Crown, a megamodule set in that world, that will be published in May as part of the module The Ivory Triangle. She is the designer of Castles Forlorn, a game set in the Ravenloft world and due for release in September. She has also written articles for Dragon Magazine.

Lisa also (under the name "Smedwoman") is an active member of the committee which puts on V-Con, Vancouver's annual science fiction convention. She chaired V-Con in 1990.

DAVE SMEDS is the author of The Sorcery Within, and its sequel, The Schemes of Dragons (both published by Ace Books). Works featuring his short fiction include In the Field of Fire, Full Spectrum 4, Far Frontiers 6, Dragons of Light, Sword & Sorceress 4, 5, 8 & 9, Asimov's, F&SF, Science Fiction Review, Ghosttide, Inside Karate, Penthouse Forum, Hot Talk, Genesis, Lui, Mayfair, Tales of the Unanticipated, Pulphouse, and Club. He was also the English-language rewriter of Justy, a Japanese "magna" SF mini-series released in the U.S. by VIZ Comics.

C.A.P. SMITH is an Assistant Professor of Management Information Systems at the University of Montana. Professor Smith has an engineering degree from M.I.T., and received his doctorate from the University of Arizona. Before starting his academic career, he worked for several years in the defense industry. His research interests are focused on the improvement of decision-making under time pressure; he has published serveral scholarly articles on this subject.

DEAN WESLEY SMITH is a writer, editor, and publisher. He has over 50 short stories published in professional markets such as F&SF, Amazing, Night Cry, The Horror Show, and Obscessions. His first novel made it to the final ballot of the Stoker Award. As an editor, he has twice been on the Hugo ballot, first for his editing with Kristine Kathryn Rusch of the SFWA Handbook and last year for his editing of Pulphouse: A Fiction Magazine. He is also the publisher of Pulphouse and Axolotl Press. He lives with Kristine Kathryn Rusch, the editor of F&SF, in a house in the Oregon coastal mountain range. They have ten cats.
Photo by Jack E. Smith

LITA R. SMITH-GHARET has been busy this last year working in the film industry on such movies as The Temp, Sam & Ed, Demolition Man, and assisted Visual Concepts, a special effects company.

Lita has also designed costumes and make-up for a Sid Mead computer game, Cyber Race, and for a variety of theatres in Michigan, California, and Oregon. She is currently bidding to supply leather costumes, stone jewelry, skull altars and staffs on several film projects.

BRIAN SNODDY has been working as a professional artist for the past seven years. Graduating from the Art Institute of Seattle in 1985, he starved for almost a year before being hired as head production artist at Egghead Software. In the past year, he has worked with Rick Hoberg as art assistant on four Batman coloring and story books. He is currently working with Mike Grell as art assistant on the Swamp Angel saga. Brian's fulltime job at Egghead helps to support his rather expensive Samurai armour habit.

SARA STAMEY, a fourth-generation Pacific Northwesterner, is the author of the SF series from Ace Books: Wild Card Run; Win, Lose, Draw; and Double Blind. She has recently finished a near-future novel set in the Greek islands, and a Pacific Northwest post-apocalyptic novel. A former nuclear reactor operations technican, and a scuba instructor in the Carribbean, Mediterranean, and Honduras, she now teaches occasional writing courses at WWU.

Following M.B.A. coursework at the University of Washington, DR. JERRY T. STANDAL completed a Ph.D. in business administration in 1974. In 1976, he studied international economics and international relations at Stanford University. He holds an M.A. in communications from the University of Washington and a B.A. in radio-television speech from Washington State University. He has been faculty and adjunct faculty in the Albers School and Graduate School of Business at Seattle University and adjunct faculty in the School of Business Administration, University of Washington. Co-author with Dr. Richard C. Harkness of several articles on telecommunications and transportation, he also published or presented materials on human resources and strategy.

D.T. STEINER lives in Springfield, Oregon with her writing partner, Lynn Adams, three cats and a weird dog. Hobbies include collecting books, badgers, bats and castles (of the last three, so far no real ones), gaming, and other things best left unmentioned.

She's had short fiction published in Strained Relations, Pulphouse Report, and The Lavender Network.

BRYNNE STEPHENS is best known for her work in television, having written for shows such as He-Man, Dungeons and Dragons, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, and the new Beany and Cecil. She was the story editor on the animated science fiction series Starcom, and coeditor, with Diane Duane, of Dinosaucers. She has also written comic books, computer games, and novels. She lives quite happily, thank you, in Southern California with her husband, Michael Reaves, and their daughter Mallory.

LISA STEVENS is a well-known game industry personality who began gaming in 1981. She was the vice president of Lion Rampant, a gaming company started in 1986 by fellow college gamers, Mark Rein-Hagen and Jonathan Tweet, where she edited every project and was a developer for the Ars Magica game system. In 1990, Lisa was instrumental in the merger between Lion Rampant and White Wolf Publishing, becoming the vice president of White Wolf and the assistant editor of White Wolf Magazine. Lisa was one of the authors of the Vampire role-playing game, authored adventures for Citybook IV: On the Road for Flying Buffalo, and has had articles and short stories published in White Wolf, Polyhedron, and the anthology Dragons Over England.

Lisa is currently the Vice President of Operations at Wizards of the Coast in Seattle. She also runs the Sales, Marketing, and Production Departments.

PATRICK J. SWENSON has had work appear in Marion Zimmer Bradley's Fantasy Magazine, Figment, Midnight Zoo, and Northwest Writers. He also has a music review column in Figment. He is a graduate of Clarion West, a member of the Pacific Northwest Writer's Conference, and belongs to the Fairwood Writers Group in Kent. His first novel is making the rounds with editors, and he's currently working on a mainstream/ghost/slice-of-life/environmental/nonfiction/fiction/what-have-you novel about the Olympic Peninsula and the rain forest, where he currently lives and works.

DAVID TACKETT was bitten by the costume bug while playing King Herod's Guard in a first grade Christmas play. He played with theatrical and Halloween costumes, toy gadgets, and scale models, finally moving to con masquerades where he has won a couple of nice awards. His dreams of going pro and being famous (infamous?) will be realized only when he can eat well enough to put on weight, and when he is caught in bed with Brooke Shields, Judy Tenuta, and Hilary Clinton, simultaneously. Meanwhile he searches for slack in his life and tries to use bike parts in all his projects. Look closely . . .

As for "talent" he feels the only thing setting him apart is that, like a writer, a costumer doesn't talk about it, he just does it. If you stop him in the halls and feed him, he will perform pet tricks as well as discuss costuming (of course). He will also relate the joys of masquerade run-thrus. (No really, they're a total hoot...) Always take him very seriously.

MARK TAKACS, a CSE refugee from the Midwest, moved to Seattle to pursue an M.S. at the U.W.'s Human Interface Technology Lab. Currently in his second year, Mark procrastinates on his thesis ("A God's Eye View") by exploring the Internet, programming Muds, and doing the Seattle club scene.

JANET TANAKA is best known in the Pacific Northwest for her work on Mt. Rainier mudflow hazards and her 1980 novel, Fire Mountain (Zebra Books). An associate editor of Volcano News, she now edits and publishes VN’s successor, Volcano Quarterly, in addition to being a volcanic and seismic hazards consultant in private practice. Janet has also published articles and papers on science and religion, personal spirituality, weightism, and domestic violence. She lives in Issaquah with engineer husband, Mike.

BRUCE TAYLOR has had stories published in New Dimensions 9 and 10 edited by Robert Silverberg, and was a featured reader in the 1981 Bumbershoot festival in Seattle. His story "Popcorn," published in Pulphouse (Fall edition, 1988), was nominated for the Nebula and Bram Stoker Awards. His stories have appeared in many publications including On Spec, Twilight Zone, Magic Realism, and Pulphouse. He has served as Vice President of the Seattle Chapter of the National Writers Club and as Chairperson for the Sharon Baker Memorial Award for the Pacific Northwest Writers Conference. When not writing, Bruce pays the mortgage by working on the locked, inpatient psychiatric unit at Harborview Hospital as a therapist, hypnotherapist, and all around Tour Guide Through Existential Nightmares, where he has given up trying to tell the difference between patients and government officials.

AMY THOMSON is a fan, critic, and writer of science fiction and fantasy. She was a critic of short fiction for Locus magazine for two years, and has reviewed science fiction and fantasy for the Seattle Times. She has also been involved in several apas and is currently the official editor of BWA, an international women's apa. Her first book, Virtual Girl, a novel about robots, artificial intelligence, and homelessness, will be published in July by Ace Books. She is currently working on her second novel, which is set in an alien rainforest.

SUZANNE TOMPKINS attended her first con in 1967. Since then she has coedited several fanzines, including two with Jerry Kaufman, The Spanish Inquistition and Mainstream, both of which were nominated for a Hugo. During college in Pittsburg, Suzanne helped found the local SF club and began helping organize and run conventions; in the '70s and '80s, worked on many regionals/ Worldcons on both coasts; and most recently served as hotel liaison for local cons such as the 1989 World Fantasy Con, '88 Corflu, and '92 Potlatch. In real life, Suzanne is office manager for a computer consulting firm and a professional meeting/conference planner.

ELISABETH VONARBURG is the author of In the Mothers' Land (Bantam Spectra), a finalist for the 1992 Philip K. Dick Award. The P.K. Dick Award is given to the best SF paperback original of the previous year. The award is sponsored in jointly with the Philadelphia Science Fiction Society and presented at Norwescon each year.

RAY VUKCEVICH is a writer, computer science teacher, research programmer, and graduate student in linguistics in Oregon. He has sold fiction to Aboriginal, Asimov's, F&SF, Pulphouse, and others.

T. BRIAN WAGNER is a performance artist most noted for his portrayal of Udo in the Desert Peach Pitt skits. He is also the co-writer and stage director of The Desert Peach musical which premiered last November at the Fremont Palace.

He is the designer of the live role playing games Conflict and Prisoner. He is the screenwriter of The Wolfe Project and the Doctor Who pastiche Broken Doors (both produced by Ryan K. Johnson).

BRYCE WALDEN has had a lifelong interest in hard science and science fiction. He has chaired a couple of SF conventions and helped with the development of Oregon Science Fiction Conventions, Inc. (OSFCI). He is a founder and officer of the Oregon L-5 Society, and an active researcher with the "Oregon Moonbase," an embryonic research facility including some caves near Bend, Oregon. Fie has authored and co-authored several papers on the use of lunar lava tube caverns for base siting, and been a consultant for Rockwell and NASA.

WILLIAM R. WARREN, JR. is an artist whose work has appeared in the Star Trek Concordance, Minus Ten and Counting, and L. Ron Hubbard’s Writers of the Future. He is currently one of the most-published illustrators in Analog and is producing illustrations for TSR's new full-color Amazing Stories. He works for Boeing Motion Picture and Television where, as an art director, he produces computer animation, miniatures and a variety of display and presentation graphics.

ELISABETH WATERS' short stories have appeared in The Keeper's Price, Greyhaven, Magic in Ithkar, Free Amazons of Darkover, Sword and Sorceress III, Red Sun of Darkover, Marion Zimmer Bradley's Fantasy Magazine, Four Moons of Darkover, Things That Go Bump in the Night, Domains of Darkover, Sword and Sorceress VI, and Tales of Witch World IV. She was a Grvphon Award winner in 1989.

BURT WEBB has appeared on radio, television, and in print on such topics as biology, cosmology, psychology, microcomputers, robotics, artificial intelligence, nanotechnology and virtual reality. He starred in the SF short film, Eat the Sun, and contributed computer graphics to The Search for Spock. His science column "On the Future" appeared in Science Fiction Review. His professional work is focused on hypermedia and artificial intelligence. He is working on two SF novels and collaborating on SF and fantasy scripts.

MARY K. WHITTINGTON (alias The Grammar Witch) lives in Kirkland and is the author of Carmina, Come Dance! (1989), Troll Games (1991), and Winter's Child (1992) (all published by Atheneum), The Patchwork Lady (Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1991), and stories in the HarperCollins anthologies (edited by Jane Yolen and Martin Greenberg): Werewolves (1988); Things That Go Bump in the Night (1989); and Vampires (1991). She also teaches creative writing at Lake Washington Technical College.

DUANE WILKINS is a native-born Seattlite who discovered Robert Heinlein and science fiction in second grade. Hooked ever since, he has been a SF bookseller for the past five years at the University Book Store where he orders most of the SF, controls the displays and inventory, sets up autograph sessions, readings, and other SF events.

RAY WILLIAMS is an artist, illustrator, and game designer. He has done illustrations for Dragon, Sorcerer's Apprentice, Other Worlds, and Fantasybook magazines, and has been showing his art at SF cons throughout the U.S. since 1980. His artwork has won awards including Best of Show, People's Choice and, at last year's Norwescon, Best Fantasy. He served as art director, gallery manager, T-shirt designer, and slave artist at Prism Printing and Design in Longview for the past year. He has recently left that position to pursue the vocation of starving artist, game designer and village idiot once more.

DAMEON WILLICH founded The Fantasy Alternative and co-founded the Northern Lights Artists Group. His cover art has appeared on Warner, Pioneer, DAW books and D.C. comic books. He worked on the comic series Avatar, James Bond and The Return of the Warlord. His paintings and drawings have taken multiple Best of Show, Best Fantasy, Best SF, Best Color, and Best Black and White awards at conventions.

DAVE WOLVERTON is the author of On My Way to Paradise (1989), Serpent Catch (1991), and Path of the Hero (April, 1993) and the upcoming Star Wars: The Courtship of Princess Leia (May, 1994), all published by Bantam.

Dave has had short fiction published in magazines such as Asimov's and Tomorrow, and in numerous anthologies.

In addition, Dave was recently made the Coordinating Judge for the L. Ron Hubbard Writers of the Future contest where, among other things, he edits the annual Writers of the Future anthology and teaches writing workshops.

LISA WOODINGS is a graduate student in enviromental engineering. She has worked for an environmental management company where she collected environmental samples at hazardous waste sites, oversaw sampling as an EPA subconsultant at Superfund sites, and managed the documents relating to a dioxin clean-up. She also taught physics and physical science at a private high school. In her theoretical spare time she enjoys hiking, skiing, historical recreation and costuming, and studying the history of religion.

RICHARD WRIGHT is a product manager for a nearby large aerospace firm, has written numerous technical articles and manuals, and has co-authored two college textbooks. In his spare (?) time he chairs Science Fiction Northwest, the Northwest Science Fiction Society, and the 1993 Westercon. He is also the Norwescon Program Director, a well-known panelist, a costumer, masquerade judge and MC, and a dedicated party thrower.
Illustration © 1993 by Frank Kelly Freas

ROBIN WRIGHT pursues basic biological research concerning cell structure, particularly in relation to cholesterol biosynthesis. Robin is an assistant professor in the Zoology Department at the University of Washington and has a B.S. from the University of Georgia, a Ph.D. from Carnegie-Mellon University, and has done post-doctoral studies at the University of California, Berkeley.

BEN YALOW will be attending his 400th convention in the next year or so. He passed the mark of working on 100 cons a few years ago. He has chaired a number of regional cons, and was one of the founders of SMOFcon (the international convention about running conventions). He's worked as divisional level staff for five Worldcons, and been on Chairman's staff twice. He's a member of NESFA (Boston), Fanoclasts (NY), FACT (Texas), SCIF1 (LA), and OSFCI (Portland). He travels too much.

DR. RICHARD C. HARKNESS has a B.S.E.E. from Duke University and a Ph.D. in urban systems planning from the University of Washington. He has held various planning and management positions with Boeing, Satellite Business Systems (IBM), Compression Labs, and Stanford Reasearch Institute. His main interests are stragic planning in the telecommunications and computing fields, where he has specialized in teleconferencing and telecommuting.

DRAGON is a local boy made good in the film industry. He was the lead model artist on Dreamer of Oz, sword master for Highlander II, and has also worked on Total Recall, Mr. Destiny, The Doors, The Addams Family Movie, and Deadlock. He is the designer of the sword which appears on the House of Lords album cover.

Dragon currently lives in L.A.
Photo by Jack Krolack


[Artwork] Death From the Depths © 1993 by Janny Wurts. Previously unpublished.


[Artwork] The Nine Lives of Catseye Gomez © 1993 by David Mattingly. Cover for the book by Simon Hawke, published by Questar Books.


[Artwork] The Door to Ambermere © 1993 by Richard Hescox. Cover for the book by J. Calvin Pierce, published by Ace Books.


[Artwork] Copyright © 1993 by Armand Cabrera.


[Artwork] Heavy Time © 1993 by Don Maitz. Cover for the book by C.J. Cherryh, published by Warner Books.


[Artwork] The Maji ©1993 by Ilene Meyer.


[Artwork] Insomniac © 1993 by Rob Alexander. Originally published by Amazing Stories.


[Artwork] Copyright © 1993 by Barclay Shaw.


[Artwork] Berserker Lies © 1993 by Alan Gutierrez. Cover for the book by Fred Saberhagen.

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Afterthought Images
P.O. Box 3096
Richland, Wa 99352
Peggy May

Angelwear Creations
P.O. Box 2753
Bellingham, WA 98227-2753
Angela Jones

Anna the Lost
1500-A E. College Way #386
Mt. Vernon, WA 98273
We make handcrafted jewelry in sterling silver, gold, bronze and copper. Fantasy and medieval designs are our specialty-rings, pendants, cloak clasps, fancy lacing hooks and eyes, penannular brooches, and cloisonne enamels. We also teach jewelry classes in many disciplines. Send an SASE for class descriptions, fees and dates.

Black Paw
2615 South Marion Street
Denver, CO 80210
Jamie Woodward
Meeting your needs with the largest selection of games and gaming supplies, paints and tools, miniatures and models, comics and magazines, swords and knives, and scenic supplies. We also give a discount for mail order shopping; please write us for more information.

Boar's Tusk
1420 NW Gilman #2309
Issaquah, WA 98027
Bob Powell
Come see our table of fine arts and armor. Custom orders taken. Featuring Mike "Tinker" Pearce, our new knifemaker. Compare our price with our competition and come dicker. We enjoy it!

The Carriage Trade
c/o 1824-24th E.
Seattle, WA 98112
John P. Toutonghi
Dealing mainly in out-of-print, collectible, hardback first editions in science fiction, dark fantasy or horror. Many small press limited editions. We also feature original watercolors, acrylics and oils by Northwest artist Zak Pasco.

Charae Crystals
7116 Stinson Avenue #212
Gig Harbor, WA 98332
Charlotte Davis
Gorgeous crystals, in hundreds of shapes and stones, of fine quality, at low prices. Chip necklaces and pink ice rings, earrings and pendants. Hanging "rainbow catchers" for your car or home. Pick your own personal crystal to enhance your life with positive energy.

Chimera Publishing
719 Arena Drive
Hamilton, NJ 08610
Norman Hood
We carry prints from over 300 different artists, mainly in science fiction and fantasy. If we do not have an available item in stock, we can order it.

Conquest Colours
608 Catskill
Richland, WA 99353
Craig Nilsen

Creative Fantasy Jewelry and Costumes
17910 Olympic View Drive
Edmonds, WA 98026
Create a unique look from BJ's custom- designed selection of jewelry, costumes, and accessories, for a look that's out of this world.

Crystal Abbey
P.O. Box 293
Molalla, OR 97038
Aurin Haber
Crystal Abbey has stones, crystals, incense and lots of that fun, transformative New Age stuff. We carry our own line of dynamic handcrafted jewelry, made of natural gem stones, sterling silver, 14K gold and gold-filled metals.

db Studios
1006 SW Henderson
Seattle, WA 98106
Denis Berghum

Designs by Sera
5650 Yelm Hwy. SE #37
Olympia, WA 98503
Sera Hartman

Dick Wald
7744 SW 49th
Portland, OR 97219
Dick Wald

Donna Barr
1318 N. Montgomery
Bremerton, WA 98312
Donna Barr
Carrying all issues of The Desert Peach, Stinz, including collections, or any that have not been sold out. Original art available at the table, as well as sketches done on order.

The Dragon Works
3710 Walnut Avenue SW
Seattle, WA 98116
L.J. Kuhns

14346 Wayne Place N.
Seattle, Wa 98133
Patricia McMahon
Unique costume accessories to please both science fiction and fantasy fans. Costume jewelry, decorated hairpins and hatpins, headbands, earcuffs, and earring cuffs (ear bondage). Remember, you are only limited by the imagination. All items are reasonably priced. Member of the Imaginators.

Escape Books
488 Willamette Street
Eugene, OR 97410
Bill Trojan
We have a full line of new science fiction, fantasy and horror hardcovers, paperbacks, magazines and role playing games. Come visit our extensive mystery section, especially if you're fond of private eye novels. We also carry used and collectable SF paperback and pulp magazines.

Everett Comics and Cards
2936 Colby Avenue
Everett, WA 98210

Express Yourself
PO Box 82383
Portland, OR 97212
Sam Butler

Games and Gizmos
211 Bellevue Way NE
Bellevue, WA 98004
Terrace Jerome

Games Plus
17612 140th Avenue NE
Woodinville, WA 98072
Don Forbis
Specializing in games and comics, Games Plus also carries entertainment for the whole family. Come look at our selection of darts, puzzles, computer games, pewter and lead miniatures, and our large selection of used games.

Gamesters Lair
4046 SW 337th Street
Federal Way, WA 98023
Leif Brandon
Why not have the convenience of shopping at home without paying high prices? With Gamesters Lair as your full-line science fiction supplier, you can easily collect the latest (as well as that old hard-to-find item) from Dr. Who, Star Wars, Thunderbirds, Godzilla, The Prisoner, and of course Star Trek! We carry everything in books, fanzines, toys, models, music, props, and much, much more.

Genteel Steel
7680 SW Escalon Place
Beaverton, OR 97005

Gnomenclature Collectibles
4527 NE 32nd Place
Portland, OR 97211
Jon Fraguadas

Hypatia Press
360 W. First
Eugene, OR 97401
Alan Newcomer

Head and Body Shoppe
7020 21st Drive NE
Marysville, WA 98271
Margie Goforth
Is your costume lacking that final accessory to make it perfect? Check the Head and Body Shoppe, and remember, ideas are free! Any idea worth having is worth sharing. Member of the Imaginators.

Isle of Pegacorn
55 Rainier Garden Road
Aberdeen, WA 98520
Laura Cook

James A. Dunithan
W 1701 Ford Loop Rd
Elma, WA 98541
James Dunithan

John Beau Bond
9032 10th Avenue SW
Seattle, WA 98106
John Beau Bond

Lady Jayne's Comics and Books
5969 6th Ave
Tacoma, WA 98406
Jane Larsen
Your fantasy and science fiction story in Tacoma. We carry a full line of fantasy and science fiction books, magazines, and adventure games, along with comics and other related merchandise. We welcome book searches and special requests. Visit our new store at Freighthouse Square.

The Magickal Aardvark, Ltd.
21632 High Rock Road
Monroe, WA 98272
Ardis Jakubaitis
Dragons! Hatching in 1993—Dragonus Magnificus—a winged dragon that can be fully posed to ride on your shoulder! Also available are bugbears, hatchlings, and other soft sculpture beasties, fantasy cloaks, crystal pendants, treasure pouches and more.

McGeeney's Books
1315 S. Mason
Tacoma, WA 98405
Bob McGeeney

McNamara's Green
PO Box 51188
Seattle, WA 98115
Katherine Moore
Specializing in Celtic jewelry, gifts, cards, decals, stickers and books. We have a wide assortment of Celtic, Arthurian and spiritual books.

Marian Zimmer Bradley's Fantasy Magazine
P.O. Box 249
Berkeley, CA 94701
Rachel Holmen

Mineral Magica
9706 120th Street E.
Puyallup, WA 98373
Jessica McLachlan
Mineral Magicka offers the finest in stone bookends, pewter figurines on amethyst, and pewter boxes. We carry seasonal exotic air plants attached to stones, as well as windstone statues. Stop by and enjoy our unique selections.

Necessary Accessories
PO Box 0088
Olalla, WA 98359-0088
Thomas Day

O'Leary's Books
3828 100th Street SW
Tacoma, WA 98499
Ron Trimble

Orion Unlimited
14920-113th Avenue Court E
Puyallup, WA 98374
Joann Gorshkoff

Otherworld Unltd.
PO Box 852
Roseburg, OR 97470
Don Dunlap
The finest drinking horns in the known universe. We also carry a fine selection of working crystal wands and incense.

Palliard Press West
9511 7th Avenue NW
Seattle, WA 98117
Phil Foglio

Paschelke & Stuart, Collectors
10571 SE Hillcrest Drive
Portland, OR 97266
Larry Paschelke

Pegleg Gifts and Crafts
11724-120th Avenue E.
Puyallup, WA 98374
Judy Sallee

Planets by Design
5723-A Bramblegate Drive
Greensboro, NC 27409
Sheridan Simon
I have been designing planets for SF authors since 1981. As a professional astrophysicist I offer you a unique combination of imagination and science. High resolution color graphics now available in sizes from 5x7 to 10x14, glossy or matte finish, framed or unframed.

Quicksilver Fantasies
W 1400 Ironhorse Drive #11
Post Falls, ID 83854
Pat Apodaca

Rabid Rubber
18603 SE May Valley Rd.
Issaquah, WA 98027
Jim Flagg
Rabid Rubber has a unique selection of unusual rubber art stamps. Daily demonstrations in stamp art techniques. Please stop by and see us.

Rhonda Gheen Sculptures
P.O. Box 946
Joseph, OR 97846-0946
Rhonda Gheen

Richard Hescox Illustration
1381 N. Dominion Avenue
Pasadena, CA 91104
Richard Hescox

Seattle Book Center
1832 N. 52nd Street
Seattle, WA 98103 Bob Brown

Second Genesis
4015 SE 56th
Portland, OR 97206
Richard Finn

Shersan the Buttonmaker
52311-127th Avenue E.
Eatonville, WA 98328
Sherry Anne Sanfilippo
Shersan, one of the Imaginators, will again be offering her buttons and custom button-making service. She will also have earwraps, necklaces and Beauty and the Beast fanzines.

Continued on page 99


[artwork] Shuttle Run © 1993 by Jauny Wurts. Originally published by the Science Fiction Book Club as an ad for Greg Bear's Eon.

Members of Norwescon 16 as of February 28,1993

[Member list redacted]

(Ad) Joy Lee Barnhart



SEATTLE, WA 98101-1591

[artwork] Fire Lord © 1993 by Richard Hescox. Cover for the book by Cheryl J. Franklin, published by DAW Books.

(Ad) The Game Place

The GAME Place
A valued resource of the game community.

  • Extensive selection of games & supplies - chess, roleplaying, cards, family & party games, darts, juggling, puzzles...You name it!
  • You'll find us in the University District at 4518 University Way NE, Seattle, WA 98105. Phone: [redacted]
  • We validate Diamond parking at 45th & 15th
  • For mail orders call: [redacted] We ship worldwide!
    Ask for your free catalog due this spring

10% off

The Game Place - Seattle, WA
This coupon is good for ten percent off at The Game Place or by mail. One coupon per customer. Not valid with other offers. No cash value. Valid thru June 1, 1993.

10% off



(Shape-changing Humans In Full Transformation)

A Lycanthrope Support Group

For More Information send your Name and Address to:

11725 - 15th Ave NE #306
Seattle, WA 98125

[artwork] Copyright © by Margaret Organ-Kean

Dealers (continued)

Continued from page 94

Simpson Nelson
W 6261 Shelton-Matlock Road
Shelton, WA 98584
Brenda Simpson Nelson

Stainless Steel Dragon
2950 Northlake Way, #21
Bremerton, WA 98312
John Volden

Starlance Publications
50 Basin Drive
Mesa, WA 99343
James King
Enjoy good humor? Science fiction and fantasy art? Come to our table and look at our fantasy cartoon books and other great books. Gamers, don't miss our gaming books and discounted gaming periodicals!

Steel Craft
PO Box 5264
Lynnwood, WA 98046
Ginger & Harry
We have many new items for 1993. Some became available so recently they do not appear in our catalog. If you don't see an item you want, please ask us. Between cons you can see our weapons at Drango's Lair in Everett [redacted] and New & Used Medieval Surplus in Puyallup [redacted].

Steelwolf Armourie
1980 Bennett Creek Road
Cottage Grove, OR 97424
Fine handcrafted knives and swords. Time-travelling intergalactic arms merchant. You draw it, we can build it (subject to local regulations and the laws of physics).

Sterling Spectrum
PO Box 387
Stayton, OR 97383
Mary Ann Koch
Sterling silver and 14k custom jewelry, crystals, stones, stone beads, Native American art, natural components for costumes, animals claws, teeth, shells and fun stuff.

Terra Nova Trading Co.
1350 Chambers
Eugene, OR 98402
Leslie Newcomer

Thoughts and Images
PO Box 19419
Seattle, WA 98109
Steve Gallacci

Wizards of the Coast
PO Box 707
Renton, WA 98057
Peter Adkison

Wrigley-Cross Books
8001 S. Powell Boulevard
(82nd and Powell)
Portland, OR 97206
Debbie Cross
Wrigley-Cross Books carries a wide variety of general used stock. We also feature collectibles in science fiction, mystery and horror. We specialize in new books in SF, mystery and horror small press, limited editions, and British imports.

Yarf! PO Box 1299
Cupertino, CA 95015
Jeff Ferris


Ace Books: 19
Baen Books: 5, 7, 11
Joy Lee Barnhart, Attorney: 96
Capitol City Press: Inside Back Cover
Del Rey Books: 23
Expanse Magazine: 25
GDW: 92
The Game Place: 97
S.H.I.F.T.: 98
Tor Books: 15
Westercon: Inside Front Cover
What? Shop: 21
Wizards of the Coast: 65


Rob Alexander: 89
Armand Cabrera: 86
Alan Gutierrez: 91
Douglas Herring: 8
Richard Hescox: 4, 85, 96
David Mattingly: 9, 84
Don Maitz: 87
Ilene Meyer: 88
Kaja Murphy: 6, 13, 17, 18, 20, 24, 26
Margaret Organ-Kean: 3, 10, 14, 16, 22, 98
Barclay Shaw: 90
Janny Wurts: Cover, 2, 49, 50, 51, 52, 83, 95


Sixteen years of age brings many things. Along with the usual birthday presents might come a "Sweet Sixteen" party and that long-awaited rite of passage, that certificate of freedom, your first driver's license. Well, Norwescon has finally turned sixteen and we have all earned our driver's licenses even though some of us may have played in the car once or twice and gotten into trouble. Some of us have even slipped the parking brake off and rolled into the neighbor's garage. But in the end, we all got our license. We're so happy to be able to go for a spin on our own that we just felt we had to show some of them to you.

VALID MARCH 25-28, 1993

Judy Suryan 8
Michael Citrak 29
Hans P. Meier 87
Pat Oros 82
Vickie L. Blight 233
Richard A. Bligh 234
Jody Scanlon 1067
Cerie Playter 482
Lauraine Miranda 19
Katherine Howes 17
Vickey McCortney 83
Carolyn Palms 7
Paul Schaper 346
Louanna Valentine 39
Scott Anderson 31
David Valentine 40
Deb Anderson 30
Tiffany Putman 1209
Raymond Burke 203
Kathryn Smith 45
Richard Wright 13
Kimmerly Valentine 38

We would like to thank the following for their help:

Bantam Books
Capitol City Press
B Dalton Bookseller, Southcenter
Vince & Shereen Collins
The Desert Peach
Designers Service Bureau
Fantastic Toys and Games
The Game Place
Garie's Games
Gasworks Kite Shop
Paul Grover - PDG Productions
King County Blood Bank
Lake City Sports Cards
Meier's House of Clocks
Alan Mullarkey
Craig Nelson
Northwest Harvest
Ranier Brewing Co.
Show Designs Inc.
Becky Simpson
Tor Books
Velocity Development

Capitol City Press, Inc.
OLYMPIA. WA » [redacted]



Michael Brocha, J.C. Armbruster, Michael Citrak, Amy Lowenthal, Deborah Wood, Becky Simpson, “Norwescon 16 Program Book,” Norwescon History, accessed February 6, 2025,

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