Norwescon 33 Pocket Program


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Norwescon 33 Pocket Program


The full pocket program for Norwescon 33, including daily schedules and panel descriptions.

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Norwescon 33 Pocket Program & Event Descriptions

Northwest's Premier Science Fiction & Fantasy Convention

April 1-4 2010


The Convention Committee wishes to welcome you to Norwescon 33! This pocket program contains information on the location and schedules for events and services that are available throughout the convention. For more information on these events look in our Program Book, or visit the information table located in the convention space lobby. Also remember to check out the Dailyzine for announcements, changes and updates to the programming schedule.

Again we the Norwescon ConCom hope you have a Great Time!


Norwescon 33's volunteers - staff, leads, and assistants - wish to thank those of you who have given so much to make this event possible. From those who made up Norwescon 33's Executive Team, to concom staff and their assistants, to the fellow who walked in the door and asked, "Where do you need me?" You are all gems in the sea of humanity, and for that you deserve a heartfelt THANK YOU. Without you, this event would not have been possible.

Brian Pickett
Norwescon 33
Volunteer Services Lead


Publications Director

Design & Layout




Hours of Operation ....................................................... 2
Members Rules ............................................................ 3
Convention Hints ......................................................... 5
Guest of Honor Locations ................................................ 11
Autograph Sessions ...................................................... 13
Thursday Programming Grids .............................................. 14
Thursday Programming by Subject ......................................... 22
Friday Programming Grids ................................................ 32
Friday Programming by Subject ........................................... 40
Saturday Programming Grids .............................................. 66
Saturday Programming by Subject ......................................... 74
Sunday Programming Grids ............................................... 102
Sunday Programming by Subject .......................................... 106
Gaming Schedule ........................................................ 114
Gaming by Subject ...................................................... 115
Exhibiting Artists ..................................................... 120
Artists Alley Participants ............................................. 121
Dealers ................................................................ 121
Lobby Tables ........................................................... 122
Video Programming ...................................................... 124
Where Things Are ....................................................... 129
Map 1st Floor .......................................................... 130
Map 2nd Floor .......................................................... 131
Map Wings .............................................................. 132
Map 14th Floor ......................................................... 133
Notes .................................................................. 134


Art Auction
Sunday 11:30am-2:00pm

Art Show
Friday 10:00am-8:00pm
Saturday 10:00am-7:00pm (Bidding closes Saturday at 7:00pm)
Sunday 10:00am-3:00pm (Only open for direct sales)

Artists Alley
Thursday 4:00pm-6:00pm
Friday 9:00am-6:00pm
Saturday 9:00am-6:00pm
Sunday 10:00am-2:00pm

Cloak Room
Thursday noon-Sunday 6:00pm

Con Office
Thursday 9:00am-10:00pm
Friday 9:00am-10:00pm
Saturday 9:00am-10:00pm
Sunday 9:00am-3:00pm

Con Security
Available by calling 77108 from any house phone

Dealers Room
Thursday 4:00pm-8:00pm
Friday 11:00am-6:00pm
Saturday 11:00am-6:00pm
Sunday 11:00am-4:00pm

Gaming, Open (Rotunda 1 and 2)
Thursday noon-6:00am
Friday 8:00am-6:00am
Saturday 8:00am-6:00am
Sunday 8:00am-4:00pm

Gaming, scheduled (Cascade 11/12)
Thursday noon-11:00pm
Friday 8:00am-11:00pm
Saturday 8:00am-11:00pm
Sunday 8:00am-4:00pm

Thursday noon-4:00pm, 6:00pm-11:00pm
Friday 9:00am-4:00pm, 6:00pm-11:00pm
Saturday 9:00am-4:00pm, 6:00pm-11:00pm
Sunday 9:00am-4:00pm

Hotel Dining:
Espresso Cart: 6 am – 8 pm
Coffee Garden: 6 am – 11 pm
Seaports: 11 am – 2 am
Maxi's Lounge – See Pocket Program for Special Events - Open to NWC Attendee's Only: 21 and Over Only
Room Service Hours: 6 am – 11 am, 5 pm - Midnight

Thursday noon-10:00pm
Friday 9:00am-10:00pm
Saturday 9:00am-10:00pm
Sunday 9:00am-5:00pm

Volunteer Lounge
Thursday 3:00pm-10:00pm
Friday 9:00am-11:00pm
Saturday 9:00am-11:00pm
Sunday 9:00-noon



Everyone attending Norwescon 12 year of age and over are required to fill out a membership form before receiving a membership badge. Signing the membership form indicates that you understand the rules of conduct as listed in this document and agree to abide by them.

Membership includes:

  • The right to attend the convention
  • Membership badge
  • Program Book, Pocket Program, and Member's Guide
  • Post-Con Report (for all current members)

Your membership badge must be visibly displayed while in designated convention space. Anyone who cannot produce a current membership badge upon request will be asked to leave convention space.

Badge Replacement Fee

If you lose your membership badge, you are encouraged to search everywhere before a new one is issued. Make sure you check with Lost and Found (both the hotel and the convention have Lost and Found departments), Registration, and Security prior to purchasing a replacement badge. There is a replacement fee of $40 for lost badges.

Right of Refusal

Norwescon reserves the right to refuse or withdraw membership.


Child & Teen Rules

The Norwescon convention committee welcomes young and future fans. Please refer to the pocket program guide for information about programming for children, tweens and teens. Children attending Norwescon must be registered convention attendees and wear their convention badge. Parents must have a permission slip on file at registration. Parents or adults guardians must accompany children under 12 years of age of at all times.

Weapons Policy



  3. This policy includes all real and replicated weapons of any type that may be construed as a projectile weapon or any extension of the human hand.

  4. Peacebonding will be available next to the Information Table during open registration hours and in the Security Office when the Peacebonding table is closed.

  5. Peacebonding is required on all weapons worn/carried on the hotel property including parking areas and indoor spaces. The only type of peacebonding allowed is that provided by the convention. Fashion coordinated substitutes are not sufficient.

    a. NO unsheathed weapon allowed in ANY public space (unless approved in advance for Masquerade or programming event in which bonding ties will be removed for such an event and replaced immediately afterward).

    i. All bladed/pointed weapons will be appropriately covered in all public areas and function spaces. This includes but is not limited to: Daggers, Swords, Pikes, Axes, and Polearms, be they made of steel, plastic or any other hard material.

    ii. Polearms, Spears, Staves and other such weapons shall be kept upright at all times and have weapon heads sheathed and bonded. The ends of said weapons must never project more than 12" from the bearer's body.

    b. Some weapons are not allowed at all: Tazers and batons; real guns, pepper spray, crossbows, slingshots, pellet guns, water pistols, blowguns, catapults or any type of functioning projectile weapon.


  1. "Airsoft-style" or "Nerf-style" weapons:

  2. At NO time is ammo allowed, on person, in weapon or in magazine.

  3. Empty magazines are NOT allowed in the weapon, but allowed on the belt or in a pouch for costume purposes (again NO ammo allowed).

  4. Bows (again, crossbows are NOT allowed):

  5. Arrows must be proven to be secured in such a manner as to be unable to be removed from their container and be secured by Peacebonding the same as all other weapons.

  6. Any obvious appearing toy "side arms" such as Disruptors, Phasers, Laser Tag pistols/rifles, laser pointers, or any other item that can project/ emit light or sound shall be peacebonded and remain in an appropriate holster at all times or held in an appropriate manner. Exemptions must be authorized by qualified Security personnel.

  7. Special consideration will be granted by the Convention Services Executive or a select designee by said Executive to Merchants or Dealers who display or show for the purpose of sale. Any weapons removed from Dealers Room will fall under above guidelines.

  8. No weapons are allowed in the Lounges and Restaurants open to the public.

  9. This policy complies with hotel policy and local, state, and federal laws.


  11. This policy supersedes all previous versions.


If you must drive, please let others know, so that they can help you stay away from alcohol (whatever form it takes) and stay sober so that you arrive at your destination safely. If you plan to drink, PLEASE, do not drive. There is another topic under the heading of responsible drinking which is a touchy subject . . . persons under 21 indulging in alcohol and other drugs. We, the Norwescon Committee, are realistic enough to know that if a young adult is determined to drink, it is not always possible to stop them. We do require that all parties serving alcohol check ID. Washington law forbids serving alcohol to minors with the exception of your own children and then only in your own home when there are no visitors. Responsible imbibing by those over 21 (that means not getting falling down drunk or becoming a menace to yourself and others) will not be noticed as much, and the heavy hand of the hotel detective and/or our Site Services director may not be felt. We want all of our members to have a good time at Norwescon, and we want you all to return home safely.


Guest rooms in Wing 5b and suites will be available for social events. A "social event" is a reception or open house type event held in a guest room in Wing 5b or a hotel suite. Food and beverages may be served in compliance with hotel, state and local regulations. Maximum occupancy guidelines will be enforced. Service of alcohol must be in accordance with Washington State Liquor Control Board provisions. A special occasion license or banquet permit must be obtained and posted in the suite. Events that do not qualify for a special license or permit must not serve alcohol. Alcohol service times must be in accordance with state regulations. Social Event guidelines will be posted on the Norwescon web site by October prior to the convention.


Washington State law states that smoking is prohibited within a presumptively reasonable minimum distance of twenty-five feet from entrances, exits, windows that open, and ventilation intakes that serve an enclosed area where smoking is prohibited so as to ensure that tobacco smoke does not enter the area through entrances, exits, open windows, or other means. Smoking areas at the hotel are clearly marked.


Service animals only are allowed in Norwescon function space. Service animals will be issued convention identification at registration. Contact the hotel for their rules about animals in the guest rooms and public hotel areas.


Flyers may be posted only on the paper or cloth covered kiosks that we have provided. Check at the Information Table for locations. Do not attach anything to walls, windows, or doors. The hotel and/ or the convention will remove any flyers found in unauthorized places.


One word to say on this subject . . . Don't.


Attach your badge to the outside of your outfit. It saves you from having to fish it out when asked by door guards or convention security.

Remember to carry your identification (driver's licenses, state identification, etc.) with you at all times. Identification is required at the hotel bars and room parties. Also, remember to bring money or your credit card—you never know when you will see something you want in the Dealers' Room or the Art Show.

Note: You may be asked to provide your identification for entry into events and panels labeled "A" for adult, you must be at least 18 years of age. Without your ID you may be refused entry.

Carry the Pocket Program with you so that you know what's happening and where to find it. Highlight the panels you want to attend so that you don't miss them.

Pick up a Daily 'Zine every morning to see what is happening that day and to learn of any changes to the daily schedule.

Check out the Voodoo Message Board daily to see if you have messages.

Stop by Hospitality to see who you know and who you want to know.

Smile and say "Hi" to the people around you! You never know who is standing next to you. They may be the next big author or artist. Then you can say "I knew them when …"


Norwescon welcomes it's young and future fans. To do this, we have programs planned throughout the convention that are geared for different age groups.

Children attending Norwescon must be registered and wear convention identification. There is no charge for Children under 12 years of age. Parents must have a permission slip on file at Registration. Children under 12 years of age must be accompanied by a parent or adult guardian at all times. All teens must have a parent/guardian on site at all times; but they need not be physically with them.

Please have your child stay close to you when in public areas of the hotel, as it is often hard to distinguish that the parent is at hand and the child is not lost. The DoubleTree Hotel Seattle Airport has a relationship with Best Sitters, Inc., more information on Best Sitters can be found at 206-682-2556


Philip K. Dick Award Ceremony

The Philip K. Dick Award is presented annually for distinguished science fiction published in paperback original form in the United States. The Philadelphia Science Fiction Society sponsors the award and the Northwest Science Fiction Society and Norwescon sponsor the award ceremony. For more information on the award, see

The first time the PK Dick Award was presented at Norwescon was at Norwescon 7 to William Gibson for Neuromancer. See your Pocket Program for the location and time of the ceremony.

Artist Alley

Come see artists in action! Artist Alley is a very special event where you can interact directly with the artists while they work. See the process unfold and ask questions as several real artists, working in multiple media, show how they do it. If you're having difficulties with your own art, bring it down and seek advice on getting past your block. Alternately, if you have an idea or would like a sketch of yourself done, many of the artists will do on-the-spot custom work (fees may be charged and will vary by artist). Come down and take a look!

If you like what you see, original work will be available on a limited basis. Artist Alley is located on the first floor corridor just after the turn to Wing 7.

Art Show

Bag Check: For the safety and protection of the artwork, some personal items may have to be checked at the time you enter the art show, at the bag check station. These items may include, but are not limited to, all bags, large coats or cloaks, and any large costume accessories that may cause safety concerns.

Bidding: Your badge number is your bidding number. Write your name, badge number, and bid on the bid tag associated with the item. Remember that a written bid is a commitment to buy and you will be held to that commitment. Under no circumstances may you withdraw your bid. So, consider carefully before you place any bids. It is not fair to the artist or other potential bidders if you bid on a piece and then decide you do not want it.

Direct Sale: If you purchase a piece at the Direct Sale price, it belongs to you and will be marked SOLD. It must remain on display until Sunday morning. When you make a Direct Sale purchase, you will be given a receipt. You must present this receipt when you come to pick up your art on Sunday.

Auction: Items purchased at auction will be paid for at the Art Show checkout.

Print Shop: Many of our artists bring prints of their work. A copy of the print is hanging in their panel, with the additional copies located in the Print Shop. Print Shop items can be purchased at any time during the convention. If the print is not the one hanging on the panel, the print can be removed at time of purchase.

Norwescon 32 Masquerade

Each year the Norwescon masquerade showcases the works of many of the best costumers in the Pacific Northwest and beyond. The masquerade is held Saturday night in Grand Ballrooms 2 and 3 and is open to all Norwescon attendees.

If you are interested in participating in the masquerade, there is still time. Pick up the masquerade rules and entry form at the Norwescon information table and carefully read them. You must go to ONE of the two masquerade panels listed in the pocket program, as this is where you will get all your questions answered and it is where you turn in your forms and music.

If you have never seen a masquerade, here are a few tidbits to help orient you to what to expect.

Entries are categorized by skill divisions. The divisions are based on the guidelines of the International Costumers Guild ( The divisions are:

Rising Star is for any contestant 13 years of age or younger who is not part of an adult group. Rising Star costumes must be made by the entrant with no more than a minimum amount of supervisory help. An adult-made costume may not be entered in this category and should instead be entered in the appropriate skill division of the adult or in the children's masquerade.

Novice is for any contestant who has not previously won an award for a costume in any masquerade, or who has won a maximum of two awards in the Novice division for different costumes at a world-class convention masquerade such as World Con or Costume Con, or at a regional convention masquerade such as Norwescon or Westercon.

Journeyman is for any contestant who has won a maximum of three awards for different costumes in the Journeyman division at a world-class or regional convention masquerade.

Master is for any contestant who has won four or more awards for different costumes in the Journeyman or Master division, or who has won one or more Best in Show awards, at a regional or world-class convention masquerade. Professional costumers must enter the Master division.

Judging for the masquerade has two components: Presentation and Workmanship.

Presenting Judging

Presentation judging evaluates the presentation as it is displayed on stage. It judges the costume's appearance from the audience, how the contestant acts and moves, the effectiveness of the music

and voiceovers, and more. The Judges give awards that are divided by skill levels and excellence of performance within those different skill levels.

Workmanship Judging

Workmanship judging is optional. It takes place in the masquerade backstage area before the show begins. It allows the workmanship judges to consider exceptional accomplishment in crafting costumes, props, and accessories. This is the place where exquisite attention to detail is recognized.

During the judging process, there is a half time presentation. During the halftime there will be movie previews, special announcements, and the announcement of next years Guests of Honors, after which the masquerade awards are announced. You will miss a lot of great things of you leave early, so you should definitely stay until the end and applaud the winners.


Cloak Room

The Cloak Room is located in Wing 7, room 7101. See the Pocket Program for hours of operation. This is a free service provided by the convention for the use of convention members. The Cloak Room is for temporary storage of parcels, coats, and bags; and is not meant as a substitute hotel room or food locker. Please make other arrangements for inappropriate items. We reserve the right to refuse any article.

Norwescon is not responsible for items left in the Cloak Room. Use of the room is at your own risk. We suggest that before you place your items in the room, you make certain to understand the hours the room will be open. In addition, please do not linger at the dance, the Cloak Room staff will not. There is a 25¢ charge for lost claim tags.

Convention and Security Offices

The nerve centers of the convention are the Convention Offices located in Wing 7. The main Convention Office is located in room 7106 while the Convention Security Office is in 7108. You can find one of these open all hours of the day to help iron out any wrinkles you may encounter.

Daily 'Zine

Norwescon's official daily 'zine carries news, schedule updates, and entertainment. After 9:00 a.m., copies can be found in numerous locations throughout the convention.

As always, news, information, and other tidbits, from members of the con, are welcome and strongly encouraged. Boxes for your submissions are placed at some of the distribution points around the con. Items left by 10:30 p.m. will be eligible to be included in the next day's edition.

First Aid

A limited supply of first aid equipment is available in the Convention Office (room 7106). There are bandages for cut fingers and wrapping for sprains. There is also a supply of various medications for your headache or upset stomach. None of our staff can administer medication. If you have a genuine medical emergency, and you need to go to an emergency room, we can call 911 for you.

Information Table

Information about the convention, the hotel, and the area can be found at the Information Table, which is located in the convention lobby, across from Registration. If you have questions after the Information Table closes, you can go to the Convention Office in room 7106 or the Security Office in room 7108.

Lost & Found

The Lost & Found is located in the Cloak Room, room 7101. During the time the room is closed, lost items should be taken to Convention Security in 7108, or to the DoubleTree front desk. Lost ID badges should go to Registration or to Convention Security. If you lost something during the convention, be sure to check both with the convention's Lost & Found, and with the hotel. If it does not turn up right away, check back on Sunday afternoon; sometimes things take a little while to be discovered and filter in.

Unclaimed articles left in the cloakroom after 4:00 p.m. on Sunday, will go into the hotel's Lost & Found, or will go home with Norwescon's Lost & Found Manager. Determination of which location items will be placed will depend on their nature;

luggage and like items with the hotel's Lost & Found, miscellaneous objects and small items with the Norwescon Lost & Found. Again, be sure to check with both the convention and the hotel's Lost & Found departments for items that you may have misplaced during the convention.

After the convention, inquiries about lost items can be made to or P.O. Box 68547, Seattle, WA 98168-0547. Inquiries should also be made with the hotel. Lost items will be kept until July 1 of the convention year. After that date, any unclaimed items will be auctioned at the Volunteer Picnic, with the proceeds going to the Northwest Science Fiction Society (NWSFS).



Teens and Teen Runners

Norwescon recognizes that the future of convention attendees and volunteering staff will come from the teens currently attending the convention with their parents. In an effort to give you, our younger members, the opportunity to gain firsthand experience, and a behind the scenes look into the world of conventions, Norwescon implemented the "Teen Runner" program. So, if you are between the ages of 12 and 17, and you are looking for things to do at the convention, stop by Volunteers and try your hand in helping out as a Runner. There are jobs in areas such as: Registration, Technical Services, Office Service, Volunteers, Masquerade, and Dispatch that have jobs, suitable for teenagers and are vital to the convention.

Voodoo Message Board

Have you ever wanted to know if your friends have arrived at the con? Have you ever wanted to leave a message for somebody but didn't know if they are staying in a room?

Norwescon offers members a way to leave messages for each other by means of a Voodoo Message Board. The board is located by the restrooms near Registration and will have a list of all pre-registered convention members. When you get to the convention, please place a check mark next to your name or add your name to the list in alphabetical order. This will let others know that you are on-site and will be checking for messages.

To leave a message for another convention member, write the message on one of the provided index cards, and place it in the appropriate slot in the file box. Then place one of the pins, which are provided next to the member's name. Everyone is encouraged to check the board for messages.


Norwescon runs on volunteers - without them there would be no convention. As such, everybody is encouraged to volunteer at the convention for a few hours. There are many things that you can volunteer for that still let you attend certain events. As a bonus, volunteers who have helped at any time during the con have early entry into the Masquerade; may attend a special event arranged for them; are invited to a post-con party during the summer; may be entered in drawings for special gifts; and receive tokens to show our appreciation. Go to the Volunteer Table in the convention lobby or the Volunteer Office and sign up for a shift (or two, or three, or four, or five).

Single Pattern Contents

The single pattern contest focuses on wearable art pieces created from a preselected pattern. Each year the contest coordinator selects a pattern, which often ties in with the convention's theme. The entrants then create their designs prior to the convention. Entrants show their creations at the Single Pattern Contest Fashion Show. In addition to the Judges Awards, there is also a Fan Favorite Award that is given based on votes received from the audience.

If you would like information on entering future Single Pattern Contests watch the Norwescon website or register for the Norwescon eNewsletter.

Hotel Shuttle

The hotel shuttle can transport you to SeaTac International Airport as well as the Hilton. Check with the Concierge for availability, departure and return times.

Hotel Pool and Hot Tub

The pool and hot tub are open to hotel guests 24 hours a day and can be accessed with a hotel room key. The pool and hot tub will be closed for scheduled cleaning and maintenance during part of the day. Please read the pool and hot tub rules posted in that area. The rules must be obeyed if we want to keep this area open for the weekend.

Internet Access

High speed internet (DSL) access is available in all guest rooms during Norwescon for a fee. Please call the hotel front desk for access.


The Hotel has a monitored parking system. There are four entry gates into the hotel parking lot. Tickets are dispensed at each gate and payment is made as you leave or in one of the marked kiosk in the hotel lobby. Offsite parking is available in the area as well.

Hotel Parking Rates
  • The first car registered to each hotel room is free.
  • Any additional cars registered to the same hotel room are charged $8.00 per day and receive in/out privileges.
  • Attendees who drive to the convention, but do not stay at the hotel, will be charged $8.00 per 24-hour day with NO in/out privileges.
  • Motorcycles are charged the same convention rate of $8.00 per 24-hour day. There are no special motorcycle parking spaces and a standard parking space needs to be used.
  • If you are pulling a trailer and use more than one space, the parking fee will be based on the number of parking stalls you use.
  • Handicapped parking stalls are charged the same convention rate of $8.00 per day.

Parking is always limited at Norwescon. Do not park in fire lanes. Do not park in spaces marked for those with disabilities unless you have a valid handicap permit. Vehicles parked in unauthorized areas (including that which is set aside for reserved parking spaces) will be towed. Please park legally and walk the distance rather than parking where you should not. There are many parking lots in the area and some provide transport to and from the airport and hotel.

Restairamts amd Bars

The Coffee Garden: The Coffee Garden offers a comfortable, casual dining area, serving breakfast, lunch, and dinner with a straightforward approach to American cuisine and express buffet.

Seaports: Seaports restaurant and lounge offers fine dining in a comfortable Norwescon atmosphere. Open for lunch and dinner.

Room Service: Room Service is available during specific hours. See Hours of Operations in the Pocket Program for details.

Espresso stand: espresso drinks, coffee, juice, soft drinks, cookies, and pastries.

Maxi's Lounge: (Open Friday and Saturday evenings) Maxi's is open to Norwescon attendees exclusively.

You must be 21 years of age, have legal I.D. AND the current Norwescon convention badge to enter. Members wearing costumes, especially those that obscure the face and preclude identification, may be denied alcohol and/or entrance to lounge.



  • 13 Coins - 18000 Pacific Highway South, 206.243.9500. Five minute walk north of hotel. Serving up hearty fare 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.
  • Denny's - 18623 Pacific Highway South, 206.248.1558. Across Pacific Highway from hotel. Open 24 hours.
  • Dave's Diner and Brew - 19204 Pacific Highway, 206.277.7196. Diner open 6:00 am - 10:00 pm., Lounge open until 2:00 a.m., 2 min. walk. Classic diner food.
  • Sharp's Roaster & Ale House - 18427 Pacific Highway South, 206.241.5744. [redacted] Across from hotel. Features rotisserie chicken, baby back ribs, smoked meats, and American food. Sunday – Thursday 11:00 a.m. – midnight, Friday – Saturday 11:00 a.m. – 12:30 a.m.
  • Taco Bell - 18812 Pacific Highway South, 206.243.8171. Across 188th from the hotel. 9:00 a.m. – 10:00 p.m.
  • Jack-In-The-Box - 2840 South 188th, 206.244.6293. Across Pacific Highway from the hotel. Open 24 hours.

Grocery Stores

  • Costco - 1160 Saxon Drive, 206.575.9191. Fifteen minute drive east of hotel. Open Monday - Friday 9:00 a.m. - 8:30 p.m., Saturday 9:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m., Sunday 10:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. Costco membership required.
  • Tukwila Trading Company - 3725 S 144th St., phone 206.242.5290. Open 6:00 a.m. - 10:00 pm. In the location of the former Larry's Market, they carry many of the same types of products.
  • Safeway - 4011 S 164th, phone 206.244.2567. Includes a Deli, Bakery, Pharmacy, Starbucks, Floral, Video, Liquor, and Produce departments.

Banks & ATMs

There is an ATM in the hotel lobby. There is a Chase bank at the north end of the parking lot and is a fullservice bank with ATM. Both the Tukwila Trading Company and Safeway listed above have bank facilities and or ATMs.

Learn to walk like a zombie!

Zombie 101, or Walk, Zombies, Walk Thursday, 8:00 p.m. Grand 2

Shamble yourselves down to Grand 2 to learn what it takes to be a zombie. Our zombie pros will teach you how to move, think, and act like a zombie. There will also be people available to apply basic zombie makeup to help you achieve that zombie feel. Wear old clothes and get in the spirit, because this is the start of the 1st Norwescon Zombie Walk. Feel free to come already zombified



Thursday, 5 - 7 p.m. Grand 2

Opening Ceremonies
Thursday, 7 p.m. Evergreen 1 & 2

The Universe is Changing!
Friday, Noon Evergreen 1

Interview with John Cramer
Friday, 1 p.m. Evergreen 3 & 4

The Large Hadron Collider
Friday, 3 p.m. Evergreen 1

Autograph Session #1
Friday, 4 - 5 p.m. Evergreen 3 & 4

PK Dick Awards
Friday, 7 - 8:30 p.m. Grand 2

Autograph Session #2
Saturday, 1 p.m. Evergreen 3 & 4

Autograph Session #3
Saturday, 2 p.m. Evergreen 3 & 4

Quantum Entanglement, Nonlocality, and Back-In-Time Messages
Saturday, 4 p.m. Evergreen 2

Closing Ceremonies
Sunday, 5 p.m. Evergreen 3 & 4


Thursday, 5 - 7 p.m. Grand 2

Opening Ceremonies
Thursday, 7 p.m. Evergreen 1 & 2

Computer Misconceptions in Science Fiction Literature and Film
Friday, 11 a.m. Grand 2

Intellectual Property and Creative Commons
Friday, 2 p.m. Evergreen 3 & 4

Autograph Session #1
Friday, 4 - 5 p.m. Evergreen 3 & 4

PK Dick Awards
Friday, 7 - 8:30 p.m. Grand 2

Writing For Young Adults
Saturday, 10 a.m. Evergreen 3 & 4

The Dilution of the Fannish
Ideal Saturday, 11 a.m. Cascade 9

Autograph Session #2
Saturday, 1 p.m. Evergreen 3 & 4

Autograph Session #3
Saturday, 2 p.m. Evergreen 3 & 4

Keysigning Reception
Saturday, 4 - 5:30 p.m. Presidential Suite

Surveillance in the 21st Century – is it good or bad?
Saturday, 6 p.m. Evergreen 1

Law and the Virtual World
Sunday, Noon Evergreen 3 & 4

Closing Ceremonies
Sunday, 5 p.m. Evergreen 3 & 4


Thursday, 5 - 7 p.m. Grand 2

Opening Ceremonies
Thursday, 7 p.m. Evergreen 1 & 2

The Years's Best Fantasy and Science Fiction of 2009
Saturday, 10 a.m. Evergreen 1

Spotlight Publisher: TOR
Saturday, Noon Evergreen 2

The Genre Divide
Saturday, 1 p.m. Cascade 9

Closing Ceremonies
Sunday, 5 p.m. Evergreen 3 & 4


Thursday, 5 - 7 p.m. Grand 2

Opening Ceremonies
Thursday, 7 p.m. Evergreen 1 & 2

Autograph Session #1
Friday, 4 - 5 p.m. Evergreen 3 & 4

PK Dick Awards
Friday, 7 - 8:30 p.m. Grand 2

John Jude Palencar Slideshow
Saturday, 10 a.m. Grand 2

Autograph Session #2
Saturday, 1 p.m. Evergreen 3 & 4

Autograph Session #3
Saturday, 2 p.m. Evergreen 3 & 4

Finding Inspiration
Saturday, 3 p.m. Cascade 9

The Business of Art
Saturday, 9 p.m. Cascade 9

Closing Ceremonies
Sunday, 5 p.m. Evergreen 3 & 4


Thursday, 5 - 7 p.m. Grand 2

Opening Ceremonies
Thursday, 7 p.m. Evergreen 1 & 2

If All the Computers Stopped Working
Friday, 10 a.m. Grand 2

What If the Singularity Does NOT Happen?
Friday, Noon Evergreen 3 & 4

Autograph Session #1
Friday, 4 - 5 p.m. Evergreen 3 & 4

PK Dick Awards
Friday, 7 - 8:30 p.m. Grand 2

Bureaucratic Mechanisms to Hasten (or retard) Humanity's Conquest of Space
Saturday, 11 a.m. Evergreen 3 & 4

Autograph Session #2
Saturday, 1 p.m. Evergreen 3 & 4

Autograph Session #3
Saturday, 2 p.m. Evergreen 3 & 4

Interview with Vernor Vinge
Saturday, 3 p.m. Evergreen 2

Space - Humanity's Best Hope for Long-Term Survival?
Sunday, 11 a.m. Evergreen 3 & 4

Closing Ceremonies
Sunday, 5 p.m. Evergreen 3 & 4



Autograph Session #1
Evergreen Rooms 3 & 4

Alexander James Adams, Alma Alexander, Bethalynne Bajema, Richard Baker, Steven Barnes, Arthur Bozlee, Andy R. Bunch, Alan M. Clark, Greg Cox, Dr. John G. Cramer, Cory Doctorow, Elton Elliott, James C. Glass, Todd Lockwood, Lisa Mantchev, John Jude Palencar, John A. Pitts, Mark Rahner, Leo Roberts, Merrillee Schedin, Jeanne C. Stein, Eric James Stone, Jeff Sturgeon, Vernor Vinge, Jaye Wells, Saje Williams


Autograph Session #2
Evergreen Rooms 3 & 4

John P. Alexander, Carol Berg, David Boop, SatyrPhil Brucato, Ted Butler, Bruce R. Cordell, Dr. John G. Cramer, Jeff Davis, A.M. Dellamonica, Cory Doctorow, James Ernest, Yasmine Galenorn, Daryl Gregory, Jeff Grubb, Eileen Gunn, Brandon Jerwa, Jak Koke, Ian McDonald, John Jude Palencar, Kevin Radthorne, Ken Scholes, Lorelei Shannon, Jack Skillingstead, G.Robin Smith, S. J. Tucker, Vernor Vinge, Gareth Von Kallenbach

Autograph Session #3
Evergreen Rooms 3 & 4

Myke Amend, Brenda Cooper, Dr. John G. Cramer, Cory Doctorow, S. Joe Downing, Roberta Gregory, Mark Henry, Jean Johnson, Rosemary Jones, Mary Robinette Kowal, G. David Nordley, John Jude Palencar, Joshua Palmatier, Adrian Phoenix, Cat Rambo, Sean K Reynolds, Renee Stern, Ben Thompson, Amy Thomson, Vernor Vinge, Rob Welch

Norwescon 34
Pre-register Sunday at the Registration Center

Match Game
Fri 9pm
Cascade 9&10

SF/F-themed version of the classic Match Game game show. Fill-in-the-blank questions such as 'Captain Kirk has the biggest ______ in Starfleet!'





Scheduled Gaming
Thursday, Noon – 11:00 p.m.
Cascade 11 & 12

You're at the Con, waiting for things to rev up, but we're already off and running in the scheduled gaming rooms! Come and see what we're playing and sign up for a game or two! We have card games, role-playing games, miniatures and more all lined up for YOU! Get in early! Bring in your game and schedule a spot to make new gaming friends! You could qualify for a prize!

Kathi Pickett

Open Gaming
Thursday, Noon – 6:00 a.m.
(yes, all night)
Rotunda 1 & 2

Got an hour before your next session? Stop by open gaming and play for a while. We have plenty of tables for fans to sit down with old friends (or new) and play... no sign-up sheet required. The Rotunda is available for open gaming all weekend on a first-come, first-serve basis.

Pro Roy

Thrill the World Dance Class
Thursday, 1:00 – 3:00 p.m.
Maxi's Ballroom

On October 26, 2009, 22,596 people worldwide participated in the 4th annual Thrill the World event dancing to Michael Jackson's entire Thriller song; yes, the entire 5 minutes, 58 seconds. Anyone in reasonable shape can learn this dance! If you're a little awkward – hey, you're a zombie! Dress comfortably and wear shoes you can dance in. We will teach the entire dance in each session. Thursday night at the end of the zombie walk, you are encouraged to join in as we perform this for the crowd at the dance!

Julie Zetterburg

Thursday Movie Matinee: Treasure Planet
Thursday, 2:00 – 4:00 p.m.
Olympic 1

LouAnna Valentine

Masterpieces in Motion
Thursday, 3:00 p.m.
Cascade 9

Using your favorite work of art and making it wearable. Inspiration hits in many ways: be a Picasso, wear a Calder on your head, dress like a Degas. Let us give you some ideas to help you bring Art to your life.

Janet Borkowski(M), Ieva Ohaks, Anita Taylor

Medieval Games & Pastimes
Thursday, 3:00 – 5:00 p.m.
Evergreen 3 & 4

Maypole, Skittles, Shut the Box, Drawing a Labyrinth, Blind Man's Bluff, Jousting at the Quintaine . . . Drop in for some interactive and fun medieval games!

Cymbric Early-Smith

No One Cares About NASA
Thursday, 4:00 p.m.
Cascade 6

Public interest in the space program seems to be at an all-time low, with news of massive budget overruns, internal scandals, and the general public not feeling any connection to space exploration contributing to this ennui. How do we revitalize the public's interest and best convey to them the benefits of space exploration?

Charles F Radley(M), Arthur Bozlee, Bart Kemper

You Are What You Play (Or are you?)
Thursday, 4:00 p.m.
Cascade 8

Maybe you always play a dwarf. Or an elf. Perhaps you're the half-orc type? Maybe you're a guy that prefers playing female characters? Or vice-versa? Perhaps you're the person that always, ALWAYS, plays the rogue-type? Or you're the one that plays the evil character pretending to be a good character? Yeah, sure … no one has figured you out yet. Come join our panelists in a discussion of what your favorite character says about you, the player.

Richard Baker(M), Eric Cagle, Dylan S.

Fantasy Footwear
Thursday, 4:00 p.m.
Cascade 9

Matching, complementary footwear is the final, essential part of completing any great costume. This popular panel returns with more practical, hands-on advice, show and tell on how to create new shoes for your costumes, and how to sew, attach and recover shoes to give them a period or historic look to make your costume look professionally finished.

Katrina Marier(M), Vicki Glover, Ieva Ohaks

Human Evolution
Thursday, 4:00 p.m.
Cascade 10

Are we still evolving? How will environmental effects from global warming and increased levels of pollutants, affect humanity? How soon will we be able see and measure the results of such effects? What will we become?

Mike Brennan(M), Jason Henninger, Annie Morton, Richard Sucgang

Thursday, 4:00 – 6:00 p.m.
Cascade 13

Come learn to make little creatures and then play a hilarious game with them. Much screaming and laughing for the whole family.

Betty Bigelow

Treasure MapQuest
Thursday, 4:00 p.m.
Olympic 1

All good aventurers need one simple thing to get started - a treasure map! Come make your own to get your adventure started!

Kim Poua

Thrill the World Dance Class
Thursday, 4:00 – 6:00 p.m.
Maxi's Ballroom

On October 26, 2009, 22,596 people worldwide participated in the 4th annual Thrill the World event dancing to Michael Jackson's entire Thriller song; yes, the entire 5 minutes, 58 seconds. Anyone in reasonable shape can learn this dance! If you're a little awkward – hey, you're a zombie! Dress comfortably and wear shoes you can dance in. We will teach the entire dance in each session. Thursday night at the end of the zombie walk, you are encouraged to join in as we perform this for the crowd at the dance!

Julie Zetterburg

Filk 101
Thursday, 5:00 p.m.
Cascade 6

The usual "what the hell is this?" panel.

Creede Lambard, David Nasset, Sr.

Activism Through SF/Fantasy Writing and Art
Thursday, 5:00 p.m.
Cascade 7

Can art change the world? What statement can you make through SF writing and art? Panelists will share success stories and discuss strategies for effective activism through art and writing.

Myke Amend(M), John R. Gray III, Tiffany Toland

Gadgets: Back to the Future
Thursday, 5:00 p.m.
Cascade 8

"I was promised flying cars! What happened to the flying cars?" What ever happened to the neat gadgets of oldtime SF? Weren't we supposed to have personal flying cars by now? Where are the atomic rockets (not to mention the atomic automobiles)? Personal jet packs? Dinner-in-a-pill? Helicopter flivvers? Visi-phones? Blasters? Are we doomed to a dull, mundane future?

Bart Kemper(M), Keffy R. M. Kehrli, Greg Paddock, Burt Webb

Get Your Diesel On!
Thursday, 5:00 p.m.
Cascade 9

Does steampunk leave you cold? Do you prefer the roar of a biplane engine, or the vroom-vroom of a tricked-out Indian with a sidecar? Would you much rather spend time with Sky Captain than Captain Nemo? A discussion of dieselpunk, and how it differs from steampunk.

Diana Vick(M), Neil (Lights) Duttkin, Katrina Marier

Low Budget Special Effects
Thursday, 5:00 – 7:00 p.m.
Cascade 10

Although each of us would love to have a hundred million dollars for the top-of-the-line special effects, the sad truth is that those PowerBall numbers remain as elusive as ever. In lieu of an unspeakable budget, here is a collection of techniques and tricks (including live demonstrations) of some special effects that you can do on a more "dinner-and-a-movie" budget!

Edward R. Martain III, Eric Morgret, Brian D. Oberquell, Ryan K. Johnson

You Never Forget Your First Doctor...
Thursday, 5:00 p.m.
Evergreen 1

The mantle of Doctor Who is soon going to fall on a new actor . . . the ELEVENTH to play the good Doctor. What are some of the great Doctor Who moments? How does new Who compare to the Old School? And where should it go from here?

Ryan K. Johnson(M), Janet Borkowski, Renee Stern

Story Hour
Thursday, 5:00 p.m.
Olympic 1

LouAnna Valentine

Thursday, 5:00 – 7:00 p.m.
Grand 2

Dr. John G. Cramer, Corey Doctorw, Caren Gustoff, David Hartwell, Lelsie How, John Jude Palencar, Vernor Vinge

Reading: Randy Henderson
Thursday, 6:00 – 6:30 p.m.
Cascade 3

Incrediguy Meets Bartholomew P. Lovelace, What happens when Incrediguy attempts to save a pastor who refuses to believe in him? Rating: PG

Randy Henderson

Comics and Horror
Thursday, 6:00 p.m.
Cascade 5

The Black Hole, Marvel Zombies, Walking Dead, 30 Days of Night. Horror stories have come a long way since Tales from the Crypt. Come take a look at some modern horror comics, upcoming trends in the genre, and what it's like writing scary stories in the comic format.

Mark Rahner(M), Anthony van Winkle

Dystopian versus Utopian Urban Fantasy
Thursday, 6:00 p.m.
Cascade 6

Dystopian urban fantasy seems to be the rule in this genre as authors use the boundaries and grittiness to probe societal issues. What about utopian urban fantasies though? Or is that what paranormal romance is for?

Mickey Phoenix(M), Bethalynne Bajema

Great Players Make Great Games
Thursday, 6:00 p.m.
Cascade 7

Experienced players and GMs gather to talk about what makes a good player and how to become one. Learn how to make your gaming experience better for yourself and your fellow gamers.

Tim Nightengale(M), Eric Cagle, Dylan S.

Tragedy, Comedy and Fantasy
Thursday, 6:00 p.m.
Cascade 8

Should all fantasy be escapist and always end in 'happily ever after?' Of course not. But how does a writer balance 'happily ever after' with 'the heroes paid a price for their triumph?' How much reality do readers want in fantasy, and when do real life consequences become a bummer at the end of the story? The best told tales balance dark and light. What is the current recipe for a book that both writers and readers enjoy?

Jean Johnson(M), Carol Berg, Keffy R. M. Kehrli, Kevin Radthorne, Garth Upshaw

The International Space Station: Was it Worth it?
Thursday, 6:00 p.m.
Cascade 9

The ISS was sold to Congress in the '80s on the platform that it would cure cancer, but it has since been advertised as an experiment in international cooperation. Has the massive cost of the station paid off?

Arthur Bozlee, Bob Crichton, Tanya N. Harrison, Charles F Radley

Art Aerobics
Thursday, 6:00 p.m.
Cascade 13

Just as one can get worn down and out of shape physically, one can also get worn down and out of shape mentally. Come to this panel and indulge in some fun and wacky exercises as our panelists help give your brains a fun workout that will get those neurons firing.

Wolf Lahti(M), Myke Amend, Rob Carlos, John R. Gray III

Reading: Kris Millering
Thursday, 6:30 – 7:00 p.m.
Cascade 3

The Isthmus Variation, Forthcoming in Beneath Ceaseless Skies. Rating: PG

Opening Ceremonies
Thursday, 7:00 p.m.
Evergreen 1 & 2

William Sadorus(M), Dr. John G. Cramer, Cory Doctorow, David Hartwell, John Jude Palencar, Vernor Vinge

Reading: Andrew Dolbeck
Thursday, 8:00– 8:30 p.m.
Cascade 3

Halloween Ladies, Rock Star. Supermodel. Witch. Ashleigh has everything. So why does she so desperately need to change? The Autumn book of the Witch Seasons. Rating: PG

Come On Baby Light My … Costume
Thursday, 8:00 p.m.
Cascade 5

Our panel of experts will discuss the many concepts of adding light to enhance your costume.

Jonnalyhn Wolfcat(M), Neil (Lights) Duttkin, Merrillee Schedin

Alternative Scene Etiquette
Thursday, 8:00 p.m.
Cascade 6

The etiquette for alternative culture events has become much more important in recent years. As the Goth, Con and Kink scenes seem to both blend and diverge, so can the rules that apply to appropriate social behaviors. Come and join the discussion!

Alexia Roy(M), Delta Hranek, Elisabeth Van Every, Jillian Venters

Testing the Limits of Urban Fantasy
Thursday, 8:00 p.m.
Cascade 7

What's beyond all the vamps, werewolves, angels, and demons? Having explored all of the old tropes, what's next?

Cat Rambo(M), Caren Gussoff, Jaye Wells

Thursday, 8:00 p.m.
Cascade 8

Last year, we deconstructed some classic fairy tales to analyze some of their origins. Now let's see where familiar stories are fitting into new, innovative re-tellings such as Wicked, The Last Wish, Tin Man and a host of other books, movies and games.

Chris Nilsson, Felicity Shoulders, S. J. Tucker

Horror on the Big (and Small) Screen
Thursday, 8:00 p.m.
Cascade 9

With The Walking Dead finally coming to AMC, what other horror stories would you like to see on the big or small screen? Come discuss which neglected or forgotten tales could be the next big fright. What lies beyond the umpteenth remake of Dracula?

Nathan Crowder(M), Mark Rahner, Lorelei Shannon

Best Games for Two Players
Thursday, 8:00 p.m.
Cascade 10

So, it's just two of you. You're looking for something to do... hey! Let's play a game! What game? Good question! Come to this panel, where our panelists will give you their recommendations for some of the best two-player board and card games out there today!

Tim Nightengale(M), Julie Haehn, Jeremy Holcomb

How I Got My Start
Thursday, 8:00 p.m.
Cascade 13

Did you always want to be an artist? Did it come upon you in the dark of the night, or did you work on it long and hard? What steps did you take to figure out what you wanted to make? What kind of an impact has your art made on your life? Come and hear the stories of some of our artists or share your own!

Rob Carlos(M), Bethalynne Bajema, Alan M. Clark, Claire Hummel, Betsy Mott

Lazer Tag
Thursday, 8:00– 11:00 p.m.
Evergreen 3 & 4

The only place in the convention you are allowed to draw your lazer weapons. We have equipment for use; it is compatible with the Tiger Lazer Tag system, not the Team Ops system. For those players who are under 18, you must have a parent or guardian present at the arena. Lazer Tag is a live action, NON-CONTACT sport.

Scott Perrin, Elizabeth Fellows

Zombie 101, or Walk, Zombies, Walk
Thursday, 8:00 p.m.
Grand 2

Shamble yourselves down to Grand 2 to learn what it takes to be a zombie. Our zombie pros will teach you how to move, think, and act like a zombie. There will also be people available to apply basic zombie makeup to help you achieve that zombie feel. Wear old clothes and get in the spirit, because this is the start of the 1st Norwescon Zombie Walk. Feel free to come already zombified.

Eric Pope

Poker Tournament Qualifying Round 1
Thursday, 8:00– 10:00 p.m.
Rotunda 2

Do you have a poker face like Worf? Able to bluff like Riker? Know a few Jedi mind tricks to float yourself successfully down the river? Or maybe you're just hoping to pull a Maverick with a royal flush. It's a social tournament; so whatever your skill level, there's a place for you at the table. If you're a beginner and would like some pre-game instruction, please come by a little early. Remember, the first place winner at the final table Saturday night wins a prepaid membership for Norwescon 34!

Mariah Johnson

Reading: Pat MacEwen
Thursday, 8:30 – 9:00 p.m.
Cascade 3

Under the Eye, An alien sex/whodunnit cross-genre. Rating: R

Friends of Bill W.
Thursday, 9:00 p.m.
Cascade 3

How Full of Crap Is Wikipedia?
Thursday, 9:00 p.m.
Cascade 6

Or is it really a solid source of information? How does the process of inputing, editing and reviewing data work? Are there enough protections in place to make certain it is accurate and not subject to personal interpretation? Or are we facing the "Survivor Phenomenon" when it comes to data, with popular vote determining what is truth?

Ted Butler(M), The Reverend En Fuego, Creede Lambard, John M. Lawler

Fans and the Effects of New Technologies on Fandom
Thursday, 9:00 p.m.
Cascade 7

The primary communication tools of fen in the early days were fanzines, newletters, letters, and gatherings at conventions. Now we have email lists, blogs, and social media. How has this changed fandom and fannish interaction?

Don Glover(M), Judith Herman, J. Grace McKelvy, Donna "Danicia" Prior

The Living Dead
Thursday, 9:00 p.m.
Cascade 8

Forty years after George Romero gave us Night of the Living Dead, his zombies still walk among us in remakes, new films from Romero himself, and astonishing recent movies ranging from Shaun of the Dead to 28 Weeks Later. Zombies are cropping up in popular literature as well. Why is this SF/horror subgenre so enduring? What are its classic books and films and which are merely the walking dead?

Mark Henry(M), Daryl Gregory, Randy Henderson, Jack Skillingstead, Anthony van Winkle

Star Trek: Where Does It Boldly Go Now?
Thursday, 9:00 p.m.
Cascade 9

J.J. Abrams rebooting/revisioning of Star Trek seems to have re-invigorated what many thought was a dying franchise. But where should it go from here, and what kinds of stories should it tell? Is it still true to Roddenberry's vision, and how important is it that it remain so?

Leo Roberts(M), Doug Odell, Merrillee Schedin

Let's Make a Movie: Intro!
Thursday, 9:00 – 11:00 p.m.
Cascade 10

It's our 11 year anniversary! For more than a decade, we've been making movies every Norwescon, like some sort of terrifying clockwork monkey. Be a part of history without actually burying yourself in the desert for a thousand years! In this introduction, see all the movies ever made at Norwescon as a part of this groundbreaking workshop, including hilarious video introductions by the filmmakers. Here's the best place to watch all these movies at once, and behold the genesis of one of the weirdest and funniest workshops ever to be tolerated by Norwescon! Learn about some of the weird and heinous behind-the-scenes stories! Feel free to ask the filmmakers questions afterwards, if they're brave enough to stick around! Be inspired for part 1!

Ryan K. Johnson, Edward R. Martain III, Eric Morgret, Brian D. Oberquell

The Shapes of Things That Were
Thursday, 9:00 p.m.
Cascade 13

Ever wonder how to describe or draw chainmail? Would you like to know what a real medieval siege-encampment might look like? Interested in incorporating realistic everyday objects into your next piece of poetry, music, writing, gaming or art? Bring along your cameras, art pencils or note-taking materials and come check out a selection of medieval style objects and ask our extremely knowledgeable panelists your questions about recreating a medieval environment.

Cymbric Early-Smith

Thursday Night Bardic Filk
Thursday, 9:00 p.m. – 2:00 a.m.
Evergreen 1 & 2

Come-as-you-are music performance, one song at a time, taking turns. Or just come and listen! Everyone welcome

1st Norwescon Zombie Walk
Thursday, 9:00 p.m.
Grand 2

Join us here to be a part of the 1st Norwescon Zombie Walk; take over the halls of the Doubletree. Zombies will shamble around the con, ending up in the dance where they can take part in the Thrill the World zombie dance to Michael Jackson's entire "Thriller." Please see the earlier panels today that will teach the Thrill the World dance if you wish to learn it in advance.

Eric Pope

Thursday Dance
Thursday, 9:00 p.m. – 2:00 a.m.
Grand 3

Join us for a Tour of a House of Horrors as DJ Irah hosts a night of frights and delights. Watch out for zombies on the dance floor as they "thrill" us with their moves, dancing to music from back in the day up to today's hottest hits.

Todd Clark(M), DJ Irah

Slash Goggles - the Joy of Subtext
Thursday, 10:00 p.m.
Cascade 6

For slashers only. How did you become a slasher? What are the best resources for finding subtext?

Cheryl Dyson(M), Byaghro Esby Gibson

Thursday, 10:00 p.m.
Cascade 7

Massively multiplayer online role-playing games have revolutionized computer gaming, and become the dominant model for computer role-playing games. Thought about playing one? Are the acronyms confusing? Can't follow the gaming chatter from your friends? Come learn about MMORPGs. Get suggestions from our panelists on what type of MMO would fit your gaming style, schedule, and budget.

Donna "Danicia" Prior(M), Jeff Grubb, Julie Haehn

Sex Tech
Thursday, 10:00 p.m.
Cascade 8

Where is it going? Sex Droids. VR Pleasure Dens. Neural net fantasies. Do we really need human interaction any more? How far are we from Gigolo Joe?

Mickey Phoenix(M), Kal Cobalt

Underneath And Over The Top
Thursday, 10:00 p.m.
Cascade 9

Building a costume infrastructure to create illusions, including using corsetry as more than supporting a bust and nipping in a waist by attaching fantasy armor bits, supporting a wing structure, battery pack for EL wire or lighting, and more.

Jonnalyhn Wolfcat(M), Molly Boone, Neil (Lights) Duttkin

21 and Over Only
Open to Norwescon Attendees Exclusively

Poker Tournament Qualifying Round 2
Thursday, 10:00 p.m. – Midnight
Rotunda 2

Do you have a poker face like Worf? Able to bluff like Riker? It's a social tournament; so whatever your skill level, there's a place for you at the table. With only a limited number of seats at the final table, you will need to win one of the qualifying rounds.

Mariah Johnson

Intro to Seattle Sex Positive Culture
Thursday, 11:00 p.m.
Cascade 9

What is "sex positive"? Where can you find sex positive environments? How can you get involved? Learn more about this movement and what it implies.

Laurie Reynolds(M), Matt Bamberger

Midnight Movie: Night of the Comet
Thursday, Midnight – 2:00 a.m.
Evergreen 3 & 4

Night of the Comet: What happens when the comet that made the dinosaurs disappear passes the Earth again? Red dust and zombies, of course. The comet wipes out most life on Earth, leaving two Valley Girls to shop, drive fast and shoot zombies. Move over Ellen Ripley, here come Regina and Samantha. They kick zombie butt with the help of Star Trek: Voyager's own Chakotay. A young Robert Beltran is the handsome truck driving, zombie killing Hector. You can't call your zombie movie collection complete until you have seen Night of the Comet (1984).

Barry Bloch

Poker Tournament Qualifying Round 3
Thursday, Midnight – 2:00 a.m.
Rotunda 2

Do you have a poker face like Worf? Able to bluff like Riker? It's a social tournament; so whatever your skill level, there's a place for you at the table. With only a limited number of seats at the final table, you will need to win one of the qualifying rounds.

Mariah Johnson

Onions & Roses
In order to maintain the quality of this convention we need your input. Share your experiences the good, the bad and the ugly

Pre-register Sunday
at the Registration Center




Scheduled Gaming
Friday, 8:00 a.m. – 11:00 p.m.
Cascade 11 & 12

The first full day of the con is packed with games! Stop in to see what we've added! There's always more than you find in the book, because game masters pop in and schedule at the last minute! Sit in on demos of new games! Chase ghosts, conquer kingdoms, and win riches! The only way you'll know what you're missing is by coming in! The more games you play the better chance you have at winning a prize!

Kathi Pickett

Open Gaming
Friday, 8:00 a.m. – 6:00 a.m.
(yes, all–night)
Rotunda 1 & 2

Got an hour before your next session? Stop by open gaming and play for a while. We have plenty of tables for fans to sit down with old friends (or new) and play... no sign-up sheet required. The Rotunda is available for open gaming all weekend on a first-come, first-serve basis.

Pro Roy

Fictional Linguistics
Friday, 9:00 a.m.
Cascade 6

A linguist discusses how to use existing languages as a model for fantasy or alien languages. A fascinating look at how what we say (or don't) shapes our world and how that principle affects alien tongues.

Jake Ballin(M), Brent Kellmer, John M. Lawler, Kris Millering

Climate Change in the 21st Century
Friday, 9:00 a.m.
Cascade 7

There is more CO2 in the atmosphere now than at any time during the last 650,000 years. Climate alterations are expected to be serious: more intense storms, more pronounced droughts, coastal areas more severely eroded by rising seas. At the high end of the predictions, the world could face abrupt, catastrophic, and irreversible consequences. Is there any chance at all that we can alter people's behavior enough to slow down global warming? If not, are there engineering solutions to climate change? Can giant space mirrors or salt water sprays realistically solve our problems?

Mary Rosenblum(M), Kurt Cagle, Brenda Cooper, Derek Zumsteg

European High Fashion of the 14th Century
Friday, 9:00 a.m.
Cascade 8

The age of chivalry and grand heraldic display marked a significant shift in fashion from the previous century. Tighter, shorter, and more colorful garments enraged some moralists of day, while others railed against women parading about in masculine attire. Jewels, furs, fine linens, and richly embroidered fabrics; hats, hoods, and sleeves of extravagant length with no purpose other than fashion were reproduced in great detail in manuscript illumination and sculpture. Join us for a survey of the clothing and accessories of this fashionable age and learn how to reproduce them using modern materials.

Anita Taylor(M), Cymbric Early-Smith, Jonnalyhn Wolfcat

Reading: John Alexander
Friday, 10:00 –10:30 a.m.
Cascade 3

I, Bonita, The misadventures of an immortal witch. Rating: PG

Artist Koffee Klatch
Friday, 10:00 a.m.
Cascade 4

Come spend an hour with some of our fine artists in an informal setting.

Russell D. Campbell, Alan M. Clark, Mark Roland

Space Propulsion Systems
Friday, 10:00 a.m.
Cascade 6

While the space shuttle is being retired, its successor is based on the same basic propulsion technology. What advances are in the pipeline, and what will we need to make space travel commonplace? Are there better technologies we could be using?

G. David Nordley(M), Greg Paddock, David Stuart

The Comics Format as a Storytelling Device
Friday, 10:00 a.m.
Cascade 7

How does the combination of words, sequential pictures, and art style affect the story being told? Do you need all three to tell a good story? Come take a look at the unique methods only available to the comic format.

Brandon Jerwa(M), Roberta Gregory, Anthony van Winkle

Stuck On The Surface
Friday, 10:00 a.m.
Cascade 8

From stencils to embroidery to flowers and feathers, embellishments add dimension and interest to a costume.

Melissa Quinn(M), Katrina Marier, Julie Zetterberg

Drowning in the Gene Pool
Friday, 10:00 a.m.
Cascade 9

What are the ethical problems of the Human Genome Project? Are we playing God when we fool around with genes and chromosomes? Can a world of all "perfect" blonde children be far behind? When we can work miracles on the molecular level, will the people in areas we can "correct" be discriminated against? Have we begun a massive eugenics project without knowing it?

Amy Thomson(M), Janet Freeman, Guy Immega, Felicity Shoulders

Let's Make a Movie: Plan It!
Friday, 10:00 a.m. – Noon
Cascade 10

You were there for part 0, right? Quick! Time travel! In part 1, we go over the plan, figure out the gear, work up a story, write the script, plan the shoot, and pretty much anything else we can think of. That's right, from soup to nuts, we're going to make an entire movie here at Norwescon. This is your chance to be a part of the annual fun and learn how to make a movie on a budget so tiny calling it "shoestring" would be an insult to shoestrings. The key to making a movie, of course, is good planning!

Ryan K. Johnson, Edward R. Martain III, Eric Morgret, Brian D. Oberquell

Friday, 10:00 a.m.
Cascade 13

Your basic course in basic paperfolding. Learn how to make hearts, stars, snowflakes, etc. while getting a solid grounding in the foundations of this craft. We'll show you how to read the instructions, and how to make a couple of nifty things out of plain old paper.

Jacqualynn D. Duram Nilsson(M), Alma Alexander, A.M. Dellamonica, Jean Johnson, Kevin Radthorne

Playing God, Part I: World Building
Friday, 10:00 a.m.
Evergreen 2

A world created in seven days? Yeah, right. Not in the gaming industry. Come hear what our industry professionals have to say about the back-breaking labor involved in shaping the huge backdrop that is a game's setting.

Clint Ogre Whiteside(M), James Jacobs, Andy Megowan, Anthony Pryor

Fly Me to the Moon: Fleet Workshop
Friday, 10:00 – 11:30 a.m.
Olympic 1

Design and assemble your own private fleet of futuristic paper aircraft. Then join us in the afternoon for intensive test flying and competition.

James Poua

If All the Computers Stopped Working
Friday, 10:00 a.m.
Grand 2

Do you remember a time before cell phones, iPods, and UPC codes? Computers affect just about every aspect of our daily lives now. Many people under the age of 30 do not remember the world before computers. How would your life change? What have we lost in the transition?

Don Glover(M), Christopher Konker, Charles F Radley, Vernor Vinge

Reading: Steven Barnes
Friday, 10:30 – 11:00 a.m.
Cascade 3

The Moon Maze Game, The fourth Dream Park novel. Rating: PG

Reading: Alma Alexander
Friday, 11:00 – 11:30 a.m.
Cascade 3

Rating: G

Urban Fantasy 101: Introduction to the Field
Friday, 11:00 a.m.
Cascade 4

What are the seminal works in this field? What should people be reading? Old classics, new roads?

Darragh Metzger(M), Mark Henry

Fandom in Daily Life
Friday, 11:00 a.m.
Cascade 5

Weird and/or geeky... and proud of it. Do you express your fannishness in daily life? Come participate in a discussion and share how you show your fannish colors.

Kevin Standlee(M), Joseph Hill, Jonnalyhn Wolfcat

Independent and Small Press Publishing
Friday, 11:00 a.m.
Cascade 6

Thinking about starting up a small press? What do you need to know? Where do you find authors and artists? What niche do your books fill? Do you need a million bucks, or will a couple hundred do? How do you get what you publish into stores? Are independent small press projects financially viable in today's market?

Caren Gussoff(M), Rosemary Jones, Rose O'Keefe, Mary Robinette Kowal

The Dark Side of Trek
Friday, 11:00 a.m.
Cascade 7

From the Mirror Universe, to the Borg, to distorting planets, come look at the dark side of Trek. The side that Starfleet doesn't want you to see.

Greg Cox(M), Ben Andrews, Leo Roberts, Merrillee Schedin

History of Underwear
Friday, 11:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.
Cascade 9

What did our ancestors wear under their clothing? How unmentionable were unmentionables, really? Find out the difference between stays, corsets, hoops, panniers, bustles, and more as we make a quick trip through the history of underwear.

Carmen Beaudry(M), Tammie L Dupuis, Deborah Strub, Anita Taylor

Tradition vs. Technology
Friday, 11:00 a.m.
Cascade 13

As art continues to evolve, has digital media made all other mediums obsolete? Or is there still value to be found in the hand-created object, be it collage, an oil painting, an acrylic painting, or a hand-pulled print?

Rob Carlos(M), Russell D. Campbell, Peggy Foy, Mark Roland, Jeff Sturgeon

Medieval Weaponry for Fun and Profit
Friday, 11:00 a.m.
Evergreen 1

An overview (in 50 minutes) of medieval weaponry, in all its fascinating variations. Who would have used them, how, and what kind of damage did they do? Is anyone still making this stuff, and if so, where can I get it?

Christopher Konker(M), Bill Gruner, Rebecca Neason

What is Consciousness?
Friday, 11:00 a.m.
Evergreen 2

How does the brain, with its diversely distributed functions, come to arrive at a unified sense of identity? As neuroscientists marvel at the patterns cascading from their high-resolution brain scanners, they are nagged by a mischievous question: who's running the show? Can we speak of a person's brain without, ultimately, speaking of the person? What is human consciousness? If the Singularity does happen, what will machine consciousness look like?

Janet Freeman(M), Daryl Gregory, Jason Henninger, Christian t. L. Mecham, Jack Skillingstead

Wargaming 101
Friday, 11:00 a.m.
Evergreen 3 & 4

What is miniatures wargaming? How does one get started? Do you really have to be a good painter? Do games last for hours? What is the difference between skirmish and battle? Is this a good hobby for women? Come learn more about miniatures wargaming, from historical to sci-fi/fantasy and steampunk. Our panelists will explain the attraction to the hobby and what types of games are available for everyone, from newbies to experienced players.

Dylan S.(M), Jason Bulmahn, Chris Pramas

Computer Misconceptions in Science Fiction Literature and Film
Friday, 11:00 a.m.
Grand 2

Viruses that take out alien computers, text that flows across the screen, code written in a few keystrokes to do complex tasks. How does the presentation of computers in literature and media affect the expectations of the public?

Ted Butler(M), Cory Doctorow, Brian David Johnson, David Shoemaker

Scavenger Hunt
Friday, 11:00 a.m.

Come participate in the Norwescon Scavenger Hunt! Grab your list, hear the rules, and then run amok through the Con, gathering items as you spot them. The winner will receive a paid membership to next year's Norwescon!

Sheye Blaze

Reading: Jennifer Brozek
Friday, 11:30 a.m. – Noon
Cascade 3

Grants Pass & In a Gilded Light, Horror/Dark Urban Fantasy. Rating: PG

SF Con or Pop Culture Event?
Friday, Noon
Cascade 4

When does a SF con lose its identity and become a Pop Culture Event? The nature of fandom and its acceptance into the mainstream has changed the nature of conventions. As more and more convention runners subscribe to the "grow huge or die" philosophy, the identity of conventions must change to accommodate it. What is lost in the change? Is the future of Norwescon headed this way?

Kevin Standlee(M), J. Grace McKelvy, Chris Nilsson, Jesse Simpson

Biology in SF: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly
Friday, Noon
Cascade 5

What science fiction movies or books handled biology well? Day of the Triffids, The Left Hand of Darkness, Battlestar Galactica: each of these dealt with biology and evolution. What other SF books and films have addressed this subject well and how did they do it?

Miki Garrison(M), John P. Alexander, Annie Morton

Beyond Doctor Who: Other British Sci-Fi
Friday, Noon
Cascade 6

Life on Mars, Ashes to Ashes, Blake's 7, and The Survivors. Come find out about other BBC sci-fi shows you may not have heard of.

Ryan K. Johnson(M), Janet Borkowski, Ian McDonald

Another Zombie Panel
Friday, Noon
Cascade 7

There can never be enough discussions about zombies. As the zeitgeist of our generation, we tend to think they shambled their way out of our recent imagination, but this is far from the case. A historical look at the evolution of zombies from the victims of voodoo ritual to Venus radiation, to virus spreaders who stumble and then run, we will poke and prod our way to the philosophical underpinnings that make these brain eaters so compelling.

Ciandi Patry(M), The Reverend En Fuego, Derek M. Koch

Survivor: Pandora
Friday, Noon
Cascade 8

Pandora, Skull Island, Jumanjii – all these fantasy locations had extremely hostile environments that make a reasonable person wonder – could anyone actually survive there? Survival strategies, discussion of arms, gear and more will be discussed.

Andy R. Bunch(M), Robert Grey, Jacqualynn D. Duram Nilsson

Alternative Energy: Its Political Implications
Friday, Noon
Cascade 10

Political and economic issues are inherent in any new source of power or "green energy" being developed. There are social implications as well. What new energy technologies are available, and what are their political, social, and economic consequences?

Mike Brennan(M), Bart Kemper, Eden Robins, Amy Thomson

Steampunk Art
Friday, Noon
Cascade 13

From gadgets to weapons to jewelry, we've all seen fabulous steampunk paraphernalia. But is steampunk only for costumes and cool devices? No, we say! Come meet some artists who represent both arenas to see how they imagine, design, and create these beautiful steampunk works of art!

Diana Vick(M), Myke Amend, Peggy Foy, Tiffany Toland

The Universe is Changing!
Friday, Noon
Evergreen 1

Or rather, our understanding of it is. Are cosmic strings still in? How much of the universe is dark matter? How many planets are there outside our solar system now? Come and discuss the current state of the universe.

G. David Nordley(M), Dr. John G. Cramer, James C. Glass

Build a Better Adventure
Friday, Noon
Evergreen 2

What makes a good adventure? One that players can't wait to continue; that they spend their off-time thinking about and planning for until they play again? Join our gaming panelists in a discussion of how to design better adventures

Erik Mona(M), Richard Baker, Bruce R. Cordell, James Jacobs

What If the Singularity Does NOT Happen?
Friday, Noon
Evergreen 3 & 4

Vernor Vinge still believes that a Singularity event in the next few decades is likely -that self-accelerating technologies will speed up to the point of so profound a transformation that the other side of it is unknowable. This transformation will be driven by Artificial Intelligences that, once they become self-educating and self-empowering, will soar beyond human capacity with shocking suddenness. But what if it doesn't happen? Vernor Vinge has come up with three possible scenarios outlining a non-Singularity future.

Come hear Vernor talk about A Return to MADness, The Golden Age, and The Wheel of Time.

Guy Immega(M), Brian Johnson, Vernor Vinge

Cool Summer Movie Stuff!
Friday, Noon
Olympic 1

Come see what cool (and family friendly) stuff is coming to the movies this summer

Keith Johnson(M), Alan Halfhill

Courage: The Series - A Firefly fan series panel and episode premier.
Friday, Noon – 2:00 p.m.
Grand 3

A two hour panel with the entire cast of the new fan series, Courage, based on Joss Whedon's Firefly universe. Ask the cast questions and get to see special footage followed by an episode premier! Attending cast include: David Townsend (Director), Chris Kimball (Director/Producer), Justin Rister (Creator/Actor), Phil Delorenzo (Actor), Daniel Wolf (Actor), Aimee Binford (Actress), John Branch (Actor), Erica Pomerleau (Actress), and Alyssa Roerenbeck (Actress).

Nathan Crowder

Reading: Carlos Cortes
Friday, 1:00 – 1:30 p.m.
Cascade 3

Devising Magical Systems
Friday, 1:00 p.m.
Cascade 4

How do you go about devising a magical system in urban fantasy? How fantastical is too fantastical? Do magic missiles work in this genre or is subtlety the key? What do you pick and choose from existing mythology, and how much do you invent yourself?

A.M. Dellamonica, Jeanne C. Stein, Saje Williams

Working On Your Craft: Writing as an Evolving Process
Friday, 1:00 p.m.
Cascade 5

As with any other art, writing requires practice; and a writer's skill can improve over time. Writers discuss techniques they have learned as they have evolved and ways in which they gained new levels of expertise. How can you tell when you're improving? How can you judge your own progress as a writer?

Cat Rambo(M), Daryl Gregory, Eileen Gunn, Randy Henderson, Jack Skillingstead

101 Songs Every Filker Should Know
Friday, 1:00 p.m.
Cascade 6

The list of songs every filker should know changes over time. Come discover some songs you don't know and probably should - and maybe bring a few you know that more people should learn.

Steven Dixon, Creede Lambard, David Nasset, Sr.

Tomorrow's World
Friday, 1:00 p.m.
Cascade 7

What amazing advances in technology are about to change the way we live? In the works are farmscrapers, cybertecture that integrates technology, multimedia, intelligent systems and user interactivity to create customizable living and working spaces, "nap pods" (sci-fi shaped sleep capsules) at the work place, energypositive buildings, software almost indistinguishable from reality, portable consoles embedded in sophisticated spectacles, or endlessly variable alternative worlds that demand you press emotional buttons, not plastic ones. We'll explore the science fiction that's on its way to becoming a reality.

Kurt Cagle, Guy Immega, David J. Williams

Copyright and You
Friday, 1:00 p.m.
Cascade 8

What do you need to know about copyright law to both protect your own work and ensure that you don't infringe on that of others? What are the best ways to get your art out into the public but protect it from being used without your permission? How do the new copyright extension laws affect artists today? Come to learn the answers to these questions and bring some more of your own.

Spring Schoenhuth, Tiffany Toland

The Latest Board and Card Games
Friday, 1:00 p.m.
Cascade 9

Board and card games certainly have changed since the early days of Monopoly and Candyland. With the economy a tangled mess, more people are buying board and card games instead of going out on the town. Find out which games are the most popular as well as which ones are worth the time and money investment.

Julie Haehn(M), Jason Bulmahn, Jeremy Holcomb

They're Gonna Put Me in a Spaceship!
Friday, 1:00 p.m.
Cascade 10

Art Bozlee is in training to fly the XCOR LYNX! Come find out more about this spacecraft program with film, photos, and actual prototype hardware, and see how easy it really could be for the average citizen to become an astronaut.

Arthur Bozlee

Angels and Demons – Costuming the Divine and the Damned
Friday, 1:00 p.m.
Cascade 13

How does one dress the armies of Heaven and Hell? Is there more to angelic garb than just a white robe? If dressing a demon, what further options are there than horns and forked tail? Our stellar panel wrestles with these cosmic challenges of how to costume the highest and lowest of celestial soldiers.

Richard Stephens, Garth Stubbs, Diana Vick, Jonnalyhn Wolfcat

Are Vampires Just for Tweens?
Friday, 1:00 p.m.
Evergreen 1

Why do people hate Twilight so much when it is getting young girls to geek out and read? Are there other new vampire stories being told these days that are targeted at a more mature audience? Or a better read for the YA audience?

Julie McGalliard(M), Rosemary Jones, J. Grace McKelvy, Adrian Phoenix, Jaye Wells

Future of Malware?
Friday, 1:00 p.m.
Evergreen 2

Malware (viruses, worms, trojans, etc.) is getting more sophisticated and widespread by the day (hour?). What happens when the network is in all our stuff? In our bodies? Just how scared of future malware should we be?

Don Glover(M), Ted Butler, Greg Paddock

Interview with John Cramer
Friday, 1:00 p.m.
Evergreen 3 & 4

Gothic Tea Party
Friday, 1:00 – 3:00 p.m.
Presidential Suite

What is a Gothic Tea Party? Don't be left in the dark, stop by and find out.

Jillian Venters

Reading: Spencer Ellsworth
Friday, 1:30 – 2:00 p.m.
Cascade 3

The Girl Who Was Loved By The Sea. Rating: PG

Reading: Ian McDonald
Friday, 2:00 – 2:30 p.m.
Cascade 3

Amateur Contributions to Space Exploration
Friday, 2:00 p.m.
Cascade 4

You don't have to have a Ph.D. or be a professor to make contributions to astronomy and planetary science! Come and hear about recent discoveries made by amateur astronomers that have excited the scientific community, and learn how you can get involved.

Tanya N. Harrison, David Stuart

Welcome to the Scary World of Horror
Friday, 2:00 p.m.
Cascade 5

Intro to horror fiction/movies "Horror 101" and/or Horror for non-horror geeks.

Jenna M. Pitman(M), SatyrPhil Brucato, Shannon Flowers

Performance Enhancement
Friday, 2:00 p.m.
Cascade 6

Do you want to play in front of others, but are shy about performing in front of crowds? Are you okay with crowds, but just don't know what you're doing? Do you just want some tips? Sign up for this workshop, play a song of your choice, and get feedback and commentary from our panel of experienced performers.

Steven Dixon, Creede Lambard, S. J. Tucker

Gay Characters in Comics
Friday, 2:00 p.m.
Cascade 7

Batwoman may be the first gay A-list superhero, but lesser known heroes have been around for a while, along with autobiographical comics. Come take a broad look at gay characters and creators in the industry, and the challenges they face.

Ashley Cook, Spencer Ellsworth

Bones, House, and CSI: Fantasy Masquerading as Reality
Friday, 2:00 p.m.
Cascade 8

More and more shows present unrealistic tech in the guise of realism. What does that mean for the everyday understanding of real science and technology? How does this affect our understanding of things such as our legal system? Our panelists discuss the worst offenders and the shows and movies that get it closer to real.

David Boop, A.M. Dellamonica, Miki Garrison

Artists' Sci-Fi/Fantasy Pictionary
Friday, 2:00 – 4:00 p.m.
Cascade 9

The audience comes up with the clues; the artists do their best to draw them! Let the games (and the silliness) begin!

Betty Bigelow(M), Myke Amend, John R. Gray III, Roberta Gregory

Vehicles Of Self Expression: Costuming For Wheelchairs, Walkers And Other Necessary Helpers
Friday, 2:00 p.m.
Cascade 10

Wheelchairs, walkers, canes, glasses, service dogs, and other helping apparatus don't need to harsh your mellow when it comes to costuming! Join us for what is sure to be a lively discussion and idea sketch show on what you can do with these necessary items to enhance your costume experience. If you have a wheel chair, you've got your very own star ship Enterprise!

Richard Stephens(M), Carmen Beaudry, Tammie L Dupuis, Deborah Strub, Garth Stubbs

Medieval Re-Creation and Medieval Re-Enactment Societies.
Friday, 2:00 p.m.
Cascade 13

An overview. The SCA, Realm of Chivalry, Medieval Studies & Recreation, Hastings, and others. Their histories and where to find them.

G.Robin Smith, Jonnalyhn Wolfcat

And They Pay Me for This!
Friday, 2:00 p.m.
Evergreen 1

There are jobs, careers even, that can satisfy the geekiest of us. Come listen to our panelists talk about what they do to feed their inner nerd and pay the bills.

L.J. Bothell, Todd Lockwood, Janna Silverstein

Rolling With the Dice: Role Playing, Pop Culture, and Philosophy
Friday, 2:00 p.m.
Evergreen 2

"Know Thyself. Nothing In Excess." These five words inspired over 2000 years of philosophical development in the West; while similar simple origins also compelled the philosophers of the East. Your panelists are here to argue that similar platitudes can be found in gaming, especially classic table top games such as Dungeons and Dragons, the World of Darkness, and GURPS. Your panelists will explore the various ways in which philosophy permeates gaming and how gaming can, in turn, influence philosophy. No a priori or a posteriori knowledge of philosophy is required, just bring your enquiring mind and a set of dice.

Mike Derheimer, Greg Lotz, Christian t. L. Mecham

Intellectual Property and Creative Commons
Friday, 2:00 p.m.
Evergreen 3 & 4

In this fast-changing world, new modes of publishing and production are leading to new ideas about ownership and rights. Creative Commons offers new possibilities and new challenges, but can also open writers up to exploitation. Where is the future of copyright and intellectual property going?

Eileen Gunn(M), Ben Dobyns, Cory Doctorow, Elton Elliott

I Robot
Friday, 2:00 p.m.
Olympic 1

Create fanciful robot paperdolls from a variety of materials

Kim Poua

Lazer Tag
Friday, 2:00 – 4:00 p.m.
Grand 2

The younger players are encouraged to come and play Lazer Tag for our first-ever daytime session. We have equipment for use; it is compatible with the Tiger Lazer Tag system, not the Team Ops system. For those players who are under 18, you must have a parent or guardian present at the arena. Lazer Tag is a live action, NONCONTACT sport.

Scott Perrin, Elizabeth Fellows

Attack of the Movie Previews!
Friday, 2:00 – 4:00 p.m.
Grand 3

Join us for the latest previews, news, and rumors – the hot topics and the latest trends – out of Hollywood.

Keith Johnson(M), Alan Halfhill

Reading: Daryl Gregory
Friday, 2:30 – 3:00 p.m.
Cascade 3

Becoming Digital, Author's note: the title doesn't mean what you think it means.

Rating: PG

Reading: A.M. Dellamonica
Friday, 3:00 – 3: 30 p.m.
Cascade 3

BLUE MAGIC, the sequel to INDIGO SPRINGS. Rating: PG

Crossing the Rainbow Bridge to Valhalla
Friday, 3:00 p.m.
Cascade 4

Valhalla: home of the fallen heroes and central focal point of Norse Mythology. We review the various concepts and conceits of Valhalla in pre-Christian Scandanavia and what the promise of living in the Halls of Heroes meant to average Norse men.

Jeff Davis, John A. Pitts, Ben Thompson

How to Run a Fest
Friday, 3:00 p.m.
Cascade 5

Interested in starting a fest or taking over one that has been abandoned? It's harder than it seems. Come discuss the pros and cons of fandom fests and formats, and if you are still interested, some tips and tricks to help you get started.

Cheryl Dyson, Byaghro Esby Gibson

Is Electronic Publishing the Future?
Friday, 3:00 p.m.
Cascade 6

With the advent of electronic readers like the Kindle and even iPhones, will all books eventually turn into ebooks? Books are being published on electronic readers along with your music and movies – is it all merging into one multi-media future?

L.J. Bothell, Ben Dobyns, Rosemary Jones, Jak Koke

Terraforming 101
Friday, 3:00 p.m.
Cascade 7

Can a lifeless planet really be made to support life? How might it be done? Is it practical? How do we know that said planet is indeed "lifeless?" What are the questions that would need to be asked to make that kind of decision?

Bob Crichton, Brent Kellmer, Pat MacEwen Mickey Phoenix

Personal Heads-Up Display
Friday, 3:00 p.m.
Cascade 8

Where's my personal heads-up-display?

Will the "contact lens display" work? What about personal-area networks, smart clothes, etc.? Come discuss the fusion of technology, communications, and clothes.

Chris Nilsson, Greg Paddock, Burt Webb

Did the Revolution of the '60s Succeed?
Friday, 3:00 p.m.
Cascade 10

The Women's Movement, the Anti-War Movement, the Civil Rights Movement - all of these were parts of one of the most significant, yet undigested, movements in America. Has there been a lasting effect? What have we learned? Why aren't there movements like these against the Iraq War?

Gordon Eklund, Julie McGalliard, Amy Thomson

Masquerade Tips
Friday, 3:00 p.m.
Cascade 13

How to write a presentation, move on stage, pick your music and generally look like you know what you are doing, even if it's your first time on stage.

Julie Zetterberg(M), Janet Borkowski, Peggy Stewart, Anita Taylor

The Large Hadron Collider
Friday, 3:00 p.m.
Evergreen 1

What are we going to learn from the LHC? Note: it's NOT going to create a black hole and destroy the Earth.

Dr. John G. Cramer, James C. Glass, Corry L. Lee

What is D&D?
Friday, 3:00 p.m.
Evergreen 2

D&D has been through a number of editions, each of which has changed the rules and the core setting around it. In the past few years, games like Pathfinder, Castles and Crusades, and Swords & Wizardry have emerged from the OGL to offer their take on traditional, D&D fantasy gaming. What is the core of D&D; and what allows it to remain so popular despite the rise of digital games?

Wolfgang Baur(M), Jason Bulmahn, Bruce R. Cordell, Chris Pramas

Story Hour
Friday, 3:00 p.m.
Olympic 1

Kim Poua

Reading: Brian Johnson
Friday, 3:30 – 4:00 p.m.
Cascade 3

Nebulous Mechanisms, Dr. Simon Egerton is sent to find out why the robots are going to church. Based on actual research in AI and robotics. Rating: PG

Reading: Jean Johnson
Friday, 4:00 – 4:30 p.m.
Cascade 3

Theirs Not To Reason Why: A Soldier's Duty, Futuristic Military Science Fiction. Rating: PG

Writing: The Long and the Short of It
Friday, 4:00 p.m.
Cascade 4

Why are some people good at writing novels but not short stories or vice versa? What does it take for an idea to be 'novel length?' Are short stories just like novels only you finish sooner?

Mary Rosenblum(M), Daryl Gregory, Eileen Gunn, Mary Robinette Kowal, Jack Skillingstead

Will the Robots be Our Friends?
Friday, 4:00 p.m.
Cascade 5

How will the humanoid robots feel about us when we create them? As robotics and AI technologies mature, we will create beings that will have mobility and intelligence. When will they become sophisticated enough to pose a threat, and what will their attitude be toward their makers?

Brian David Johnson, David Shoemaker, Felicity Shoulders

The Medieval Night Sky - The State of Astronomy in the Middle Ages.
Friday, 4:00 p.m.
Cascade 6

How different cultures saw what we call the Big Dipper and other familiar constellations. How different Medieval cultures' cosmology worked.

Cymbric Early-Smith(M), Ben Andrews, Adrian Phoenix

Marty and Doc's Final Ride
Friday, 4:00 p.m.
Cascade 8

20 years ago, in 1990, Marty McFly and Doctor Emmet Brown embarked on their final adventures in time travel. Take a look back at Back to the Future III, as well as the other movies in the trilogy. Why has this trilogy stood the test of time? Is time travel truly possible, be it at 88 MPH or not? Perhaps someone may even answer that age old question: what the hell is a gigawatt?

David Boop(M), Shannon Flowers, Jeromie Foulger, Brandon Jerwa

Unusual Fibers (How'd You Get THAT!?)
Friday, 4:00 p.m.
Cascade 9

How to use items not usually considered as fabric or costume notions as materials for clothing or accessories. Cellophane, Angelline fiber, hot glue and more. This includes the use of an iron and ironing board, and can be done as a hands-on to even make a simple pair of wings or a necklace/brooch.

Jonnalyhn Wolfcat(M), Molly Boone, Katrina Marier, Deborah Strub

Geek Parents
Friday, 4:00 p.m.
Cascade 10

All 'lol virgin nerd' comments aside, there are a lot of geek/nerd parents in the world, and among the numerous other concerns that face them, they must confront some tough questions only nerds would know. How early should you involve your kids in your geeky activities? When do you start exposing them to fantasy literature and know they will understand the nuances of fiction? How do you balance gaming with child rearing? Are there activities that you both can enjoy that's fun and educational?

This will be a very discussion heavy panel, so come in with your ideas!

Michelle Lyons, Kris Millering, Dierdre Phoenix, Steve Savitzky, Leon J. West

Face Painting Basics
Friday, 4:00 p.m.
Cascade 13

Face paint is a quick way to take a costume from ordinary to FANTASTIC! We can show you the fundamentals to create fun characters, from animals to aliens to whatever your imagination can come up with!

Jacqualynn D. Duram Nilsson

Energy Weapons: A Reality Check
Friday, 4:00 p.m.
Evergreen 1

Flash Gordon aside, what are the weapons most likely to be used in the future?

Brent Kellmer, Greg Paddock, David J. Williams

Underwater Ninja Tigers! (or A Friendly Discussion on Monster Design)
Friday, 4:00 p.m.
Evergreen 2

What makes a truly great monster in a game? Our panelists discuss the best of the best in the gaming menagerie (or the worst of the worst, depending on your perspective), with an emphasis on the monsters themselves and not on any particular game systems statistics, and give their expert advice on how to come up with your own creations.

Erik Mona(M), Wolfgang Baur, James Jacobs

Autograph Session #1
Friday, 4:00 – 5:00 p.m.
Evergreen 3 & 4

Alexander James Adams, Alma Alexander, Bethalynne Bajema, Richard Baker, Steven Barnes, Arthur Bozlee, Andy R. Bunch, Alan M. Clark, Greg Cox, Dr. John G. Cramer, Cory Doctorow, Elton Elliott, James C. Glass, Todd Lockwood, Lisa Mantchev, John Jude Palencar, John A. Pitts, Mark Rahner, Leo Roberts, Merrillee Schedin, Jeanne C. Stein, Eric James Stone, Jeff Sturgeon, Vernor Vinge, Jaye Wells, Saje Williams

Alexander James Adams and Tricky Pixie in Concert
Friday, 4:00 – 6:00 p.m.
Grand 3

S J Tucker

Reading: Cat Rambo
Friday, 4:30 – 5:00 p.m.
Cascade 3

Queen of the Fireflies, Section from a horror novel. Rating: PG

Fly Me to the Moon: Test Flight & Competition
Friday, 4:30 – 5:00 p.m.
Grand 2

Join us in Grand 2 and test the mettle of your fleet against your fellow test pilots'.

James Poua

Reading: Jak Koke
Friday, 5:00 – 5:30 p.m.
Cascade 3

Edge of Chaos, a Forgotten Realms novel.

Rating: PG

Creating Your Voice
Friday, 5:00 p.m.
Cascade 4

Plot and character are critical; but voice and point of view can be just as important for crafting an effective work of fiction, and can even suggest interesting new stories. We'll explore point-of-view, tense, voice, and character choice, and we'll show how an understanding of these elements can actually create ideas and stories.

Mary Rosenblum(M), Eileen Gunn, Darragh Metzger, Kevin Radthorne, Mary Robinette Kowal

The Natural World
Friday, 5:00 p.m.
Cascade 5

Despite being set in urban locales, the natural world seems to creep into some urban fantasies quite regularly in the form of fairies, green things, and other aspects of the animalistic side of human nature. Is this just modern, tree-hugging environmentalism or does it speak to something deeper in our psyches?

A.M. Dellamonica, Adrian Phoenix

Biological and Scientific Accuracy in Your Art
Friday, 5:00 p.m.
Cascade 6

To draw a dragon is one thing. To draw a dragon that not only looks realistic, but in fact could be real, is quite another. Meet with some of our experts in how to make anything that doesn't currently exist look like the real thing.

John P. Alexander, Russell D. Campbell, Rob Carlos, David W. Ehlert, Tiffany Toland

Friday, 5:00 p.m.
Cascade 7

Are they replacing newspaper comics as the preferred daily/weekly comic strip? How does the medium affect the message – or at least the art and storyline? What are some of the challenges and limitations for creating webcomics?

SatyrPhil Brucato, Brandon Jerwa, Anthony van Winkle

Art of the Salon: Hosting the Dark and Decadent
Friday, 5:00 p.m.
Cascade 8

Some people claim there is no place for lively conversations and light refreshments in today's online universe of screen names and avatars. Fie, we say! Come and learn how to revive this ritual of human interaction in our increasingly cyber world.

Alexia Roy(M), Delta Hranek, Elisabeth Van Every, Jillian Venters

Floozies, Soiled Doves and Ladies of the Evening: The Oldest Profession in the Old West and What They Wore
Friday, 5:00 p.m.
Cascade 9

Join us while we explore the myths and truths of prostitution in the American West, and how prostitutes and dance hall girls dressed both in reality and in media portrayals.

Subject matter and reference material may not be suitable for those under age 16.

Carmen Beaudry(M), Janet Borkowski, Wendy Prather, Victoria Shaffer

The First One is Free!
Friday, 5:00 p.m.
Cascade 10

Casual games are usually free on-line or free to download and try; and are "casual" in that they have extremely simple gameplay, like a puzzle game, that can be played in a web browser or cell phone. And they are addictive. Oh, so addictive . . . Join our panelists in a discussion of the numerous types of casual games, how they've evolved from their humble beginnings, and how they affect the gaming market.

Donna "Danicia" Prior(M), James Ernest, Andy Megowan

What is the Future Made Of?
Friday, 5:00 p.m.
Cascade 13

Fullerenes. Buckypaper. Bose-Einstein condensates. Metallic glass. Quasi-crystals. Aerogels. Materials technology is finding strange and wonderful materials with fascinating properties at a rapid pace. What materials are out there, what can they do, and what is on the horizon? A look at materials technology and what it holds for our future.

David Nasset, Sr., G. David Nordley, Leon J. West

Language Fossils
Friday, 5:00 p.m.
Evergreen 1

Language evolves, leaving a trail of outmoded words and expressions behind it leading back to the past. How does language evolve and why?

John M. Lawler, Kris Millering, David R Silas

Female Friendly Horror
Friday, 5:00 p.m.
Evergreen 2

Some women are put off by horror films, but there has to be women-friendly horror out there. Join a discussion of the tropes, stereotypes, and archetypal themes that both bring women viewers flocking and turn them off, off, off.

Shannon Flowers(M), Jenna M. Pitman, Lorelei Shannon

Single Pattern Contest Judging
Friday, 5:00 – 7:00 p.m.
Olympic 1

Closed Judging session for the Single Pattern Contest entries. Judges and preregistered participants only.

Terri "Sprite" Specht(M), Richard Stephens, Garth Stubbs

Poker Tournament Qualifying Round 4
Friday, 5:00 – 7:00 p.m.
Rotunda 2

Do you have a poker face like Worf? Able to bluff like Riker? Know a few Jedi mind tricks to float yourself successfully down the river? Or maybe you're just hoping to pull a Maverick with a royal flush. It's a social tournament; so whatever your skill level, there's a place for you at the table. If you're a beginner and would like some pre-game instruction, please come by a little early. Remember, the first place winner at the final table Saturday night wins a prepaid membership for Norwescon 34!

Mariah Johnson


Reading: Wolf Lahti
Friday, 5:30 – 6:00 p.m.
Cascade 3

WIP: Wolf In Progress, Wolf reads from novels and novellas that aren't finished yet. (Maybe you could give him ideas?). Rating: G

Reading: John Pitts
Friday, 6:00 – 6:30 p.m.
Cascade 3

Black Blade Blues, Urban Fantasy Novel excerpt. Rating: PG

Non-Profits, Fundraising, Grassroots Awareness.
Friday, 6:00 p.m.
Cascade 4

"Fundraising is not about asking for money. It's about inspiring people to believe that they can make a difference, then helping them make that difference." WAYYY beyond putting a jar out on a counter or begging from your friends, fundraising is about time, ideas, and energy as well as money. How to encourage, network, respond, and change your thinking, from being on a board to developing a fundraising strategy. Taught by G.Robin Smith, the Washington Ambassador for SOFII (Showcase of Fundraising Innovation and Inspiration and the COO for Five Rivers Fundraising ( and the new marketing organizer for the SCA, Inc."

Useful to teachers, PTA members, concom leaders, and non-profit organizers.

Charles F Radley, Ken Scholes, G.Robin Smith

Alien Religions and Religious Practices
Friday, 6:00 p.m.
Cascade 5

Avatar gave us a serious look at aboriginal religious practices. We review other noted religious systems in SF/F and compare how they are similar and different.

Spencer Ellsworth, Brent Kellmer, Darragh Metzger

Relationship Woes: Or What Does It Take for a Supernatural Being to Find True Love?
Friday, 6:00 p.m.
Cascade 6

Urban fantasy protagonists often have difficult finding true love. Some sustain relationships for a couple of books, but then the relationship withers. Why do you think this is? Is it just easier/more exciting to throw relationship trouble at your characters? Is it that everyone wants to read about that "first blush" of love?

Rhiannon Held, Irene Radford, Mary Rodgers, Jaye Wells

Kaaaaaaate! We Have to Go Baaaaaaack!
Friday, 6:00 p.m.
Cascade 7

This is it. The 6th and final season of Lost is coming. It's been a wild ride; and they really dropped a bombshell last season. How do you think they'll be able to wrap up all the loose ends of the series without incident? Theories are all we've got at this point, so lets hear 'em!

Chris Nilsson(M), Andy R. Bunch, Judith Herman

Influence of Goth Subculture on Science Fiction, Fantasy, and Mainstream Media
Friday, 6:00 p.m.
Cascade 8

The goth aesthetic has moved out of the horror realm and become more prevalent in other genres during the past two decades. Join us for a discussion of how this happened and the impact it's had on media and culture.

Andrew Herington, Delta Hranek, Elisabeth Van Every, Jillian Venters

What Happened to Robots?
Friday, 6:00 p.m.
Cascade 9

By now we were supposed to have our own robotic servants cleaning our homes and doing all the hard work for us. What is the true state of robotic science and will there ever be humanoid robot companions in our kitchens?

David Boop(M), Janet Freeman, Guy Immega

Polyamory 101
Friday, 6:00 p.m.
Cascade 10

What is polyamory? Why would anyone want more than one partner? How does everyone interact so eveyone's needs are met and no one gets hurt? How do more conservative family members react to these plural relationships? Should you, shouldn't you? What are the pros and cons?

Robert Grey(M), Jake Ballin, Loree Parker

Thrifting Your Way To A Steampunk Wardrobe
Friday, 6:00 p.m.
Cascade 13

Where to look, what to look for and how to put it all together for a look that works. From everyday steam to steamy heroine, you can find everything you need if you look.

Victoria Shaffer(M), Janet Borkowski, Joanne Kirley, Wendy Prather, Diana Vick

Best Board Games for a Party
Friday, 6:00 p.m.
Evergreen 1

Tired of breaking out Pictionary, Trivial Pursuit, or, heaven forbid, Twister, at your parties so everyone can play a game together? Have no fear! Our panel of gaming experts can help you find a game for six or more players for your next shindig!

Mike Selinker(M), James Ernest, Jeremy Holcomb

Michael Ehart Book Launch Reception
Friday, 6:00 – 8:00 p.m.
Presidential Suite

Join Michael Ehart for the launch of his new book The Tears of Ishtar! Eat his food and drink his booze as he celebrates the launch of his best fantasy yet. Fantasy legend Michael Moorcock says "It's a very long time since I read a fantastic tale as good as this!" Dancing girls (and boys) are optional.

Michael Ehart

Reading: Jenna Pitman
Friday, 6:30 – 7:00 p.m.
Cascade 3

Chosen Dancer, Novel in progress: a young woman, the last queen of an ancient line of exiled rulers, must fight to bring her people into a land of safety. Rating: PG

Creede Lambard in Concert
Friday, 6:30 – 7:00 p.m.
Evergreen 2

Reading: Irene Radford
Friday, 7:00 – 7:30 p.m.
Cascade 3

Shadow Dancer, Steampunk about the premiere performance of Giselle.

Rating: PG

Medieval Characters - Women Authors
Friday, 7:00 p.m.
Cascade 4

Marjorie Kemp, Christine de Pisan, Marie de France, Hildegard of Bingen, the anchorite Julian of Norwich, etc. Their works and influences on their world and ours. An introduction and overview.

G.Robin Smith(M), Michelle Lyons, Rebecca Neason

The Amazon Princess
Friday, 7:00 p.m.
Cascade 5

Is Wonder Woman a feminist icon, a stereotype designed by and for men, an archetype, something of each of these, or something beyond? Come and take a fresh look at the most well known and influential superheroine.

Ashley Cook(M), Marcus Evenstar, Shannon Flowers

Star Trek Fans and the Changing of the Guard
Friday, 7:00 p.m.
Cascade 6

Most people (or so I am led to believe) love the new Star Trek movie, and a few don't. What does this mean for the future of Star Trek and Trekker/Trekkie fandom? Will Trekkie fandom split or is there room enough for everyone?

J Grace McKelvy(M), Ben Andrews, Christopher Konker, Jesse Simpson

How to Survive the Apocalypse
Friday, 7:00 p.m.
Cascade 7

If an asteroid was on a collision course with Earth, what could we do with today's technology to survive as a species? What are the challenges we would face in implementing them in time? And if we couldn't destroy the asteroid, could we still survive?

Pat MacEwen(M), David Stuart

Gamers Need Love, Too
Friday, 7:00 p.m.
Cascade 8

How to hook up at conventions. Hook-up safety, communications skills, and etiquette. Hey, you respect the GM and your fellow gamers, respect should follow you into the bedroom. How to not be "that creepy person" others avoid.

Loree Parker(M), Peggy Foy, Clint Ogre Whiteside

Aging and Distressing Costumes
Friday, 7:00 p.m.
Cascade 13

Ways to make your costumes look old and dirty without rolling in mud.

Diana Vick(M), Joanne Kirley, Ieva Ohaks, Julie Zetterberg

Single Pattern Contest Fashion Show
Friday, 7:00 p.m.
Evergreen 1

Fashion Show and Awards Presentation for the Single Pattern Contest. Come and see all the wonderful entries of the Single Pattern Contest, cheer on the contestants, vote for your favorite, and see the presentation of the awards. Along with the judge's awards we'll be presenting the Fan Favorite award and maybe your favorite will win.

Terri "Sprite" Specht(M), Richard Stephens, Garth Stubbs

Ash Productions in Concert
Friday, 7:00 – 7:30 p.m.
Evergreen 2

Lazer Tag
Friday, 7:00 p.m. – 11:00 p.m.
Evergreen 3 & 4

Join us for another exciting night of Lazer Tag action. We have equipment for use; it is compatible with the Tiger Lazer Tag system, not the Team Ops system. For those players who are under 18, you must have a parent or guardian present at the arena. Lazer Tag is a live action, NON-CONTACT sport.

Scott Perrin, Elizabeth Fellows

Pre-Masquerade Meeting
Friday, 7:00 p.m.
Olympic 1

To enter the Masquerade you MUST attend either this meeting or the Saturday morning pre-Masquerade meeting. You will receive the important information that you need to know to compete. This year, we are asking for everyone's music by the end of this panel, even if you can't stay for the panel. If you haven't already gotten your Masquerade forms at the Information Table, you can get them here. Please turn in your completed entry forms by the end of this panel (or you can turn your forms in at the Saturday morning panel), but the sooner the better. The hard deadline for both is Saturday morning at 10 a.m. If you have questions about entering, or aren't quite sure you want to, come to the meeting and all your questions will be answered.

Trent Lum

PK Dick Awards
Friday, 7:00 – 8:30 p.m.
Grand 2

William Sadorus(M), Carlos Cortes, Dr. John G. Cramer, Cory Doctorow, Daryl Gregory, David Hartwell, Ian McDonald, John Jude Palencar, Vernor Vinge

Reading: Kal Cobalt
Friday, 7:30 – 8:00 p.m.
Cascade 3

Agrathia's Freedom, A sentient spaceship is rescued by freedom fighters. Rating: R, for spaceship-on-human sexuality.

Tempered Glass in concert
Friday, 7:30 – 8:00 p.m.
Evergreen 2

Reading: Lorelei Shannon
Friday, 8:00– 8:30 p.m.
Cascade 3

Possum Kingdom, Supernatural Southern Gothic. Rating: R

What is Goth?
Friday, 8:00 p.m.
Cascade 4

Why is denying that you're Goth the most Goth thing you can do? What is up with all you freaks in black anyway? Are you really as spooky as you look?

Bryan Lovely, Alexia Roy, Elisabeth Van Every, Jillian Venters

Fanfic Love, Fanfic Hate
Friday, 8:00 p.m.
Cascade 5

Everyone writes down three things they love and three things they hate about fanfiction. Panelists will collect the lists -ranting and praise to follow.

Betty Bigelow

Steampunk Archetypes
Friday, 8:00 p.m.
Cascade 6

How to use the main archetypes to figure out how to dress. Are you an aviator, an explorer, or a mad scientist? What are the archetypes, and what would they wear?

Diana Vick(M), Peggy Foy, Victoria Shaffer

Can Hollywood Leave Joseph Campbell Alone Now?
Friday, 8:00 p.m.
Cascade 7

Somewhere in the '70s Hollywood suits discovered Joseph Campbell's theories on the "Hero's Journey" and it seemed every SF/F movie had a quest formula with certain archetypical characters, which has been repeated for the last 40 years. Is it time to retire this formula or does it still have value and meaning? Is the Hero's Journey different for men and women? Is the Journey always a quest?

Jesse Simpson(M), David Boop, Andy R. Bunch, Ben Dobyns, Andrew Dolbeck

BDSM 101
Friday, 8:00 p.m.
Cascade 8

Interested in BDSM? Want to find out what it's all about? What are these "limits," "boundaries," and "play" people keep talking about? Come to BDSM 101 and we will endeavor to answer your questions, or if we can't, we'll point you to a resource that can. We will also discuss BDSM etiquette and resources for you to find out more. Rating: A (18+ only, ID required)

Mickey Phoenix(M), Matt Bamberger, Clint Ogre Whiteside

"Controlled Accident" Demo
Friday, 8:00– 10:00 p.m.
Cascade 13

Artists Alan M. Clark and Mark Roland will demonstrate a style of painting by which techniques for creating textures, shapes, and contrasts inform the artist of exactly what the subject matter will become and what the final painting will be. Come watch two artists work to 'discover' a painting and make it come to life before your very eyes.

Alan M. Clark, Mark Roland

Totally Out-of-This World Pajama Party!
Friday, 8:00 – 9:00 p.m.
Olympic 1

Come decked out in your comfiest jammies and snazziest slippers and spend a couple of hours lounging around, playin' games, and engaging in the odd pillow fight or 2.

LouAnna Valentine

Poker Tournament Qualifying Round 5
Friday, 8:00– 10:00 p.m.
Rotunda 2

Do you have a poker face like Worf? Able to bluff like Riker? It's a social tournament; so whatever your skill level, there's a place for you at the table. With only a limited number of seats at the final table, you will need to win one of the qualifying rounds.

Mariah Johnson

Reading: Jack Skillingstead
Friday, 8:30 – 9:00 p.m.
Cascade 3

Rating: PG/R

Friends of Bill W.
Friday, 9:00 p.m.
Cascade 3

Hey, Check out the Sex Scene in My Fantasy
Friday, 9:00 p.m.
Cascade 4

Writers discuss the challenges and rewards of writing sex scenes. What do you need to construct believable sex scenes? How can you tell when they are a necessary addition to the plot? Is it O.K. to just be hot? How explicit do you need to be to best serve your story? Examples may be read aloud, so use your judgment if you are easily embarrassed.

Greg Cox(M), Mark Henry, Joshua Palmatier, Eden Robins

Philosophy and the Undead 101: Philosophical Zombies Think, Therefore Brains!
Friday, 9:00 p.m.
Cascade 5

Coming back like the proverbial cat, this year's "Philosophy of the Undead" panelists will continue their explorations down the dark alleys and graveyards of mind and matter. Join them as they link the walking dead of pop culture to the philosophies of Socrates, Augustine, Heidegger, and more. No background in philosophy required; the freshly unearthed are more than welcome to join us as we explore the epistemological, ethical, and metaphysical ramifications that our living impaired peers present to us.

Christian t. L. Mecham(M), Mike Derheimer, Greg Lotz, Sonia Orin Lyris, Ciandi Patry

Gender Queers in Urban Fantasy
Friday, 9:00 p.m.
Cascade 6

Where are the novels that discard the gender binary in this genre? Where are the drag queens and other gender queers?

K.C. Ball(M), A.M. Dellamonica, John A. Pitts

Alien Sex
Friday, 9:00 p.m.
Cascade 7

How might alien reproductive biology work? What are the questions you need to ask to "flesh" out a believable reproductive strategy? Come discuss how this might work and what resources for research are "out there."

Jake Ballin(M), Annie Morton, Amy Thomson

Steampunk Gaming
Friday, 9:00 p.m.
Cascade 8

With the arrival of more steampunk than ever in games, what makes this genre tick? What can players and game masters expect? What companies are supporting steampunk with rules, adventures, and settings? Our panel has a very genteel and civilized round of fisticuffs about the "new" style in games.

Julie Haehn(M), Wolfgang Baur, Donna "Danicia" Prior

Match Game
Friday, 9:00 p.m. – 1:00 a.m.
Cascade 9 & 10

Get ready to match the stars! In this SF/F-themed version of the classic Match Game game show, contestants will be randomly selected from the audience to compete in guessing how our panel will complete fill-in-the-blank questions such as 'Captain Kirk has the biggest _____ in Starfleet!'

Prizes include book packages worth more than $100, gift certificates to selected Norwescon dealers, and a membership to next year's Norwescon. All contestants will also receive "Lovely Parting Gifts."

Lisa Hayes(M), Andrew Dolbeck, Christopher Konker, Spring Schoenhuth, David Shoemaker, Kevin Standlee

Fannish Fetish Fashion Show
Friday, 9:00 p.m. – 11:00 p.m.
Evergreen 1 & 2 (18+)

We want … Flesh! Flesh for fantasy. Surrender your flesh to your fantasies of delicious latex and lustful corsets.

The Fannish Fetish Fashion Show is at it again! This year there is magic in the air, mystery around the corner, Tempting Tarts Burlesque and a few surprises hidden up our sleeves (or is that tucked away snug under that bustier?). You know you want to take a peek . . .Rating: A

Laurie Reynolds, emcee: Caren G.

Costumers Stitch & Bitch
Friday, 9:00 p.m. – 1:00 a.m.
Olympic 1

The traditional Friday night stitch & bitch.

Wendy Prather, Terri "Sprite" Specht

Friday, 9:00 p.m. – 2:00 a.m.
Grand 2 & 3

Come on down to Bartertown, that outpost of civilization on the edge of the apocalypse. Leave your weapons behind and be careful not to pick a fight or you might find yourself facing death in the Thunderdome! DJ's Girly Girl and Black Maru play music to accompany the end of the world as we know it.

Todd Clark(M), DJ Girly Girl, DJ Black Maru

Reading: Jaye Wells
Friday, 10:00 –10:30 a.m.
Cascade 3

The Mage in Black, urban fantasy. Rating: PG/R

Zombies: How Do They Happen?
Friday, 10:00 p.m.
Cascade 4

What makes a zombie? Viruses scare us now, but is that what creates a zombie? Come discuss all the possible origins of this loathesome creature, from the historical to the supernatural.

Derek M. Koch(M), Julie McGalliard, Mark Rahner

Graphic Design 101
Friday, 10:00 p.m.
Cascade 13

Come learn a wide-variety of tips and secrets to make your flyers, posters, party invites, or even homemade CD covers, stand out from the crowd. Simple rules covering the way we communicate visually, covering the gamut from print to web, taught by a working, professional graphic designer and art director. If you're brave, bring your con flyer or poster for an honest critique.

dQniel Kaufman (M)

Home Recording I
Friday, 10:00 p.m.
Cascade 5

Everybody wants to make a demo. What can you do with what you've got? If that won't do - and it probably won't - what do you really need to create a good demo? How little can you get away with; or, if you have even a small budget, what can you do to turn a spare bedroom into decent recording space?

Alexander James Adams, Steven Dixon, Vixy & Tony

Vampire World-Building
Friday, 10:00 p.m.
Cascade 6

Vampires in a Charlaine Harris' book can't handle daylight. Stephanie Myers' vampires can. It all depends on the writer who creates the rules. Are there any universal vampire rules that writers must follow? Writers discuss vampire world-building and culture, including vampire mythology from other countries.

Kris Millering(M), Adrian Phoenix, Jeanne C. Stein, Saje Williams

Thinking Small
Friday, 10:00 p.m.
Cascade 7

Where will the nanotech revolution lead?

At a recent meeting of the American Academy of Sciences, researchers reported that developments in nanotechnology are moving faster than predicted.

Nanotechnology will make the future very different from what many of us, and most science fiction stories, have suggested.

Raymond McCauley(M), Doug Odell, Burt Webb

Build Your Own Bimbo
Friday, 10:00 p.m.
Cascade 8

A fun way to build aliens and their cultures is to start with their sex lives... what kind of culture results when sex is fatal? When do you need four genders? What if males and females never meet? When gender depends on the time of day, how does that affect everything from the workplace and leisure pursuits to the act itself? A workshop with audience participation and/or role playing would be fun. Start with sex, and end with religion and politics.

Mickey Phoenix(M), Kal Cobalt, Pat MacEwen

First Ever!
Fannish Flea Market!
Barter Cash & Carry
10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.
Grand 3

Bring your cash and check out the bargains and incredible stuff Norwescon fans are getting rid of.

See page 107 for further info

Weird Tales party
Friday, 10:00 p.m. – 2:00 a.m.
Maxi's Lounge (21+)

Ready for an exciting night of music, drinking, dancing and literature? Yes, literature. Weird Tales is sponsoring tonight's party in Maxi's Lounge on the 14th floor. This is Norwescon's first year with exclusive use of Maxi's Lounge; help make it a huge success by joining Weird Tales and your friends up in our new space. Weird Tales and their fabulous authors will be providing the night's entertainment. It is 21 and over, with ID and Norwescon badges required. You must match your ID, so watch the makeup and masks. Weird Tales promises to give you a thrilling time you won't soon forget, so join us for the inaugural night in Maxi's Lounge. Rating: 21+ (photo ID required)

Peggy Stewart

Poker Tournament Qualifying Round 6
Friday, 10:00 p.m. – Midnight
Rotunda 2

Do you have a poker face like Worf? Able to bluff like Riker? It's a social tournament; so whatever your skill level, there's a place for you at the table. With only a limited number of seats at the final table, you will need to win one of the qualifying rounds.

Mariah Johnson

Reading: David Williams
Friday, 10:30 – 11:00 p.m.
Cascade 3

The Machinery of Light, Reading from forthcomng novel (Bantam Spectra May 2010). Rating: R

Slash Stereotypes
Friday, 11:00 p.m.
Cascade 4

Let's take the gloves off, and talk about slash stereotypes. Top/bottom roles, kink, hurt/comfort… what are the stereotypes that you love, and which ones get under your skin?. Rating: A

Cheryl Dyson

This Blood's for You
Friday, 11:00 p.m.
Cascade 5

True Blood's season two just wrapped. For the most part the producers and crew have stayed true to the Southern Vampire series by Charlaine Harris in this HBO adaptation, but so much has been added to the show it's like watching something new! What are some of our favorite moments from the show? Things that we could seriously do without? Do you love the additions, or do they make you wanna do bad things to the screen writers?

Ciandi Patry(M), Phillip Brugalette, Mimi Noyes

Victorian Sex
Friday, 11:00 p.m.
Cascade 6

Love the subtle bondage and discipline a corset implies? A hint of ankle or flash of stocking come across as shocking? Want to incorporate the Victorian sensibilities of steampunk into your "bedsport?" Come learn about the not-so-straightlaced Victorians and what was really going on underneath all that clothing. Rating: A

Mickey Schulz(M), Victoria Shaffer

Friday Night Open Filk
Friday, 11:00 p.m. – 2:00 a.m.
Evergreen 3 & 4

Come-as-you-are music performance, one song at a time, taking turns. Or just come and listen! Everyone welcome.

Midnight Movie - Rocky Horror Picture Show
Friday, Midnight (seating 11:30 p.m.)
Evergreen 1 & 2

The Vicarious Theatre Company returns to give you a night of live action Rocky Horror Picture Show that you will never forget. Seating starts at 11:30p.m., so don't be late!

Vicarious Theatre Company Rate: R

Let's Make a Movie: Intro!
9:00 – 11:00 p.m.
Cascade 10

Behold the genesis of one of the weirdest and funniest workshops ever to be tolerated by Norwescon!

See page 28 for further info

Let's Make a Movie: Plan It!
10:00 a.m. – Noon
Cascade 10

The key to making a movie, of course, is good planning! Learn how to make a movie on a budget.

See page 41 for further info

Fandance Film Festival
2:00 – 4:00 p.m.
Evergreen 1&2

The Fandance Film Festival is the final terrifying phase of the Let's Make a Movie Workshop

See page 113 for further info

11 Year Anniversary




Scheduled Gaming
Saturday, 8:00 a.m. – 11:00 p.m.
Cascade 11 & 12

Day three and scheduled games are still going strong! Come up and see what's on the table; you may have never seen it before! Fill in time between panels and events by learning a new game! The dice are hot, the cards are on the table and the miniatures are marching! Something new every day up in our corner of the Con! Take every opportunity to qualify for a great prize!

Kathi Pickett

Open Gaming
Saturday, 8:00 a.m. – 6:00 a.m. (yes, all–night)
Rotunda 1 & 2

Got an hour before your next session? Stop by open gaming and play for a while. We have plenty of tables for fans to sit down with old friends (or new) and play... no sign-up sheet required. The Rotunda is available for open gaming all weekend on a first-come, first-serve basis.

Pro Roy

Building a Balanced Mythos
Saturday, 9:00 a.m.
Cascade 5

When building a religion for your world, how do you make it balanced and plausible without riffing off of existing religions? How will myth and religion impact your plot and motivate your characters? Why should there be several types of belief systems on a world?

Mary Robinette Kowal(M), Jason Henninger, Joshua Palmatier, Mary Rodgers

Impact of Digital Media
Saturday, 9:00 a.m.
Cascade 6

Hand-held book readers, pocket computers, digital music players, and even cell phones. How have all of these devices changed the way that we access works of art, literature, and music? Where is the technology leading us?

Judith Herman(M), Ben Dobyns, S. Joe Downing, Chris Nilsson

Costume Design for Dummies
Saturday, 9:00 a.m.
Cascade 9

Ever wondered how to take the idea in your head and make it a reality? Ever sketched that idea and then got stumped on how to refine it? Ever refined an idea only to have it completely fall apart? Join us for a fun discussion on the elements of design and strategies and tips on how to get that idea from your head to become a reality.

Tammie L Dupuis(M), Katrina Marier, Melissa Quinn, Richard Stephens

Teaching the Middle Ages
Saturday, 9:00 a.m.
Cascade 10

How to make classes in the Middle Ages interactive and interesting. Hands-on approaches to what to teach and how to teach it to make this fascinating period understandable.

G Robin Smith(M), Jeff Davis, Ben Thompson

Pre-Masquerade Meeting
Saturday, 9:00 a.m.
Grand 3

To enter the Masquerade you MUST have attended last night's meeting or this preMasquerade meeting. You do not need to come to both. At this panel you will receive the important information that you need to know to compete. If you haven't already gotten your Masquerade forms at the Information Table, you can get them here. The deadline for all entry forms is 10 a.m. or the end of this panel. If you have questions about entering or aren't quite sure you want to, come to the meeting and all your questions will be answered.

Trent Lum

Reading: David Boop
Saturday, 10:00 –10:30 a.m.
Cascade 3

Murdered in a Mechanical World, Sci-fi Noir. Rating: PG

Resurrection...Good or Bad?
Saturday, 10:00 a.m.
Cascade 5

Is the constant revival of dead superheroes good, or is it time to push the stories forward? Should American comics borrow from anime and truly kill popular characters off? Should characters like Bruce Wayne and Wolverine ever really die?

Andrew Dolbeck(M), Marcus Evenstar, Brandon Jerwa

The Return of Mythology
Saturday, 10:00 a.m.
Cascade 6

Pull out that dusty copy of Bulfinch's because you're going to need it! Clash of the Titans is getting a fresh coat of computer-generated paint, Percy Jackson has a pantheon of a cast, Dante's Inferno is going to be a hell of a game and the third installation in the God of War series proves just how much we love ripping the heads off Gorgons. Why do these stories have such staying power and why do we keep recreating them in new ways? Are this generation's interpretations of classical mythology darker than those previously seen?

Spencer Ellsworth(M), Yasmine Galenorn, Jason Henninger

The Ethics of War Machines
Saturday, 10:00 a.m.
Cascade 7

The military is investing serious bucks in military robots. Some are perfectly benign, like robot logistical transport vehicles. But last year one blew up a house in Pakistan, killing 18 people. What happens if we give robots the decision-making authority of when and whom to kill? How will you feel about the Marines looking for a few good circuits? And who does the programming for these machines? What happens to the 3 Laws?

Brenda Cooper(M), Mike Brennan, Robert Grey

Queen Elizabeth Goes To The Movies
Saturday, 10:00 a.m.
Cascade 8

Distinctive elements of Elizabethan clothing have influenced costume designers since the start of movie making. Join us for a survey of costumes/movies spanning several decades as we see where Elizabethan fashion finds itself and how it's re-done to fit into various cinematic worlds such as Dune, Star Wars, and other blockbusters.

Tammie L Dupuis(M), Julie Zetterberg

Alien Biology
Saturday, 10:00 a.m.
Cascade 9

How would alien bodies operate?

How would they move? Breathe? Eat? Reproduce? Would their biochemical mechanisms be similar to ours, or would they evolve entirely different paths? Would they need all of the same functions that we have?

Brent Kellmer(M), Pat MacEwen, Annie Morton

Family-Friendly Games
Saturday, 10:00 a.m.
Cascade 10

Panel experts discuss what makes a familyfriendly game and what options are out there for the family that wants to game together. Our panelists will discuss age-and family-appropriate games for all ages, covering everything from board and card games to video games.

Chris Pramas(M), James Ernest, Mike Selinker

Monster Mash
Saturday, 10:00 a.m. – Noon
Cascade 13

Don your best mad scientist outfit and come create marvelous monsters and creative chimera along with Dr. Meme No/ Yes, Master Monster Maker! We will take cute fluffy animals, hack them into pieces, and then reassemble them in wholly unnatural ways. WARNING! Not for the easily distressed or children! We will be working with scissors and needles, and as such only mature mad scientists will be allowed to participate. The only skills required are the most rudimentary of sewing skills (plush is very forgiving) and a sick sense of humor. There will be a $5 materials fee per participant to cover the cost of DNA splitters, splicers, and experimental specimens. Rating: PG

Mimi Noyes(M), Roberta Gregory

The Years's Best Fantasy and Science Fiction of 2009
Saturday, 10:00 a.m.
Evergreen 1

Our panel will discuss the best stories and/ or novels they read in 2009 and explain what made them great. You'll come away with a reading list of books you might not otherwise have heard of!

Derek Zumsteg(M), David Hartwell, Bob Kruger

Let's Make a Movie: Shoot It!
Saturday, 10:00 a.m. – Noon
Evergreen 2

You were there for Part 1, right, where we figured out what we needed and planned this movie all out? Quick! Time travel! In part 2, we shoot like mad weasels, because there's not much time and if we're going to make a movie at light speed, then we have to move like light! So, don't be late, or you'll just see red-shifted versions of us. The key to making a movie, of course, is to get the footage in the can! Or, "box", actually, because we're shooting video. But you know what we mean.

Ryan K. Johnson, Edward R. Martin III, Eric Morgret, Brian D. Oberquell

Writing For Young Adults
Saturday, 10:00 a.m.
Evergreen 3 & 4

Does it take special training or knowledge to write for young adults? Are they different from adult works in any way, other than vocabulary? How do you break in? What are the boundaries? How do you stay honest to the story's integrity and still be sensitive to the need to restrict content for young readers?

Steven Barnes(M), Alma Alexander, Cory Doctorow, Lisa Mantchev

The Trouble with Tribbles Workshop
Saturday, 10:00 a.m. – Noon
Olympic 1

Everyone wants a fuzzy Tribble or two, don't they? Since it is illegal to transport them, come and make your own! We'll help with the cutting, sewing, and stuffing (but we won't feed them!).

LouAnna Valentine

John Jude Palencar Slideshow
Saturday, 10:00 a.m.
Grand 2

501st Charity Event Saturday, 10:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. Rotunda 2

Have you ever wanted to have your picture taken with Darth Vader and/or Storm Troopers on the Death Star? Your dreams can come true; the 501st Legion is back again, but in a new location. You can find them in the second floor Rotunda where a photographer will take your picture in front of a backdrop of the Death Star. Your picture will be printed out on-site, ready to show off to your friends! This year all proceeds will be donated to Clarion West, a charity that provides high-quality educational opportunities for writers of speculative fiction at the start of their careers. Norwescon is very excited to be sponsoring Clarion West this year as it is dear to many of our panelists and guests.

Marc Semenchuk

Scavenger Hunt
Saturday, 10:00 a.m.

Latecomers welcome! Even if you missed Friday's session, you can still join the Norwescon Scavenger Hunt! Stop by to pick up the list and the rules. If you are already hunting, feel free to ask for clarification on what we are looking for and see how the other teams are doing.

Sheye Blaze

Reading: Rosemary Jones
Saturday, 10:30 – 11:00 a.m.
Cascade 3

Dusty Bones, A graveyard adventure in Waterdeep. Rating: G

Reading: Lisa Mantchev
Saturday, 11:00 – 11:30 a.m.
Cascade 3

Backstage at the Théâtre Illuminata, Join the author for further tales of Beatrice Shakespeare Smith and her fairy friends, with a sneak preview of Book 2 in the series, Perchance To Dream. Door prizes, chocolate, and mayhem guaranteed! Rating: G

The Themes and Career of Poul Anderson
Saturday, 11:00 a.m.
Cascade 4

Poul Anderson is remembered as one of the most imaginative and hugely prolific authors of science fiction's Golden Age, yet his solid body of work spans decades beyond. The winner of, or nominee for, at least 30 major science fiction awards, he wrote some 70 novels, and over 100 short stories (plus novellas and novelettes and even a handful of chapbooks). We'll discuss some of the themes and high points in the work of this popular award-winning author.

Astrid Anderson Bear(M), John P. Alexander, Elton Elliott, Doug Odell, Renee Stern

Old-Fashioned Horror
Saturday, 11:00 a.m.
Cascade 5

100 years ago, the first Frankenstein movie was filmed. 50 years later came Hitchcock's Psycho. What has scared us in the past 100 years to get where we are now? Have we moved beyond these two classic films (and others), or do they still have an impact on us?

Julie McGalliard(M), Phillip Brugalette, Derek M. Koch

The Editor and Writer Relationship
Saturday, 11:00 a.m.
Cascade 6

A good editor can be a writer's best friend. What should a writer expect from their editor? What should they ask for; and how should they respond to their editor's requests for changes? Editors will provide guidelines for new writers on the etiquette of the editor/writer relationship.

Greg Cox(M), Ian McDonald, Anthony Pryor, Ken Scholes, Janna Silverstein

The Best and Worst Movies of 2009
Saturday, 11:00 a.m.
Cascade 7

2009 was an interesting year for movies - it brought us the resurgence of Captain Kirk and the even harder downfall of two Hasbro toy franchises. Come debate with your fellow critics on what were the best and worst movies of 2009.

Gareth Von Kallenbach(M), Steven Barnes, Shannon Flowers, Judith Herman, Keith Johnson

Forgotten Realms: Past, Present, Future
Saturday, 11:00 a.m.
Cascade 8

Since 1987, this campaign setting has grown and developed, generating over two hundred novels, dozens of computer RPGs, and a host of adventures and gaming supplements. Join our distinguished group of gaming professionals as they discuss the Forgotten Realms and their parts in developing it.

Jeff Grubb(M), Richard Baker, Bruce R. Cordell

The Dilution of the Fannish Ideal
Saturday, 11:00 a.m.
Cascade 9

Fen once believed that we were a breed apart from the general population and now fandom is nearly mainstream. What does that mean for the future fandom? If everyone is a fan are we now all mundanes?

Don Glover(M), Cory Doctorow, Chris Nilsson

Evolution of the Spacesuit
Saturday, 11:00 a.m.
Cascade 10

It's not easy to design a suit to shield you from the harshness of space (or moondust!) and allow you to work at the same time. Come and discuss how spacesuit design has evolved over time, and the latest advances attempting to make suits lighter and with greater mobility.

Arthur Bozlee, Guy Immega, David Stuart, Chris Vancil

Theatrical Period Undergarments Revealed
Saturday, 11:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.
Evergreen 1

The very popular Seattle Opera Trunk Show returns with a two hour costume showcase featuring Period Undergarments from the Seattle Opera Collection. Dress forms will be layered up with various period undergarments and then dressed with era-appropriate clothes to demonstrate how foundation garments create an authentic historical look. Discussion will include the differences between true historic foundation garments and the concessions that are necessary for modern theatrical use.

Richard Stephens, Ieva Ohaks

Bureaucratic Mechanisms to Hasten (or Retard) Humanity's Conquest of Space
Saturday, 11:00 a.m.
Evergreen 3 & 4

What can we do to push space exploration through the labyrinth of political agendas, funding faux pas, and bureaucratic stalemates? Is it even possible? Are there alternative possibilities (public and private)? Are self-sufficient space colonies a possible reality or a fantasy?

Derek Zumsteg(M), Greg Bear, Brenda Cooper, Vernor Vinge

Star Trek: Phoenix Premiere
Saturday, 11:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.
Grand 2

Star Trek: Phoenix is returning to Norwescon! Cast and crew are coming back to share the premiere in a special fan screening of the Phoenix pilot, 'Cloak & Dagger,' on April 3. The pilot takes place in 2422, one year into the USS Phoenix's maiden voyage. After a major attack on the ship, the captain and crew launch a mission to rescue an away team stranded on the remote planet Katrassii Prime. But, the closer they get to rescuing their shipmates, the more they become entangled in the secrets contained on the perilous, hostile planet. A "Making Of" documentary and a Q&A session featuring cast and producers follow the screening. Star Trek: Phoenix is a fan-based series set 42 years in the future from Star Trek: Nemesis. http://www.

Leo Roberts(M), Ben Andrews, Joe Downing, Merilee Shedin, Rob Welch

Reading: J. McKelvy
Saturday, 11:30 a.m. – Noon
Cascade 3

The Watermelon Patch, A caretaker discovers the true sweetness of his assignment. Rating: G

Reading: Darragh Metzger
Saturday, Noon – 12:30 p.m.
Cascade 3

Green Triad, 4th in a series; fantasy adventure. Rating: PG

Sucks To Be Medusa
Saturday, Noon
Cascade 4

The story of Medusa is one of the most tragic in Greek lore and yet her iconic image continues to haunt and intrigue us to this day. Find out how a wig of snakes was one of the least of this poor girl's problems and how her tragic story is a commentary on the culture that spawned her.

Mark Roland(M), Bethalynne Bajema, S. J. Tucker

Write a Story in an Hour
Saturday, Noon
Cascade 5

Prompts will be given to attendees and they will be given time to write a story. Discussion to follow – where did you go with your story? What fandom did you choose?

Cheryl Dyson, Byaghro Esby Gibson

Feminist Female Protagonists in Urban Fantasy?
Saturday, Noon
Cascade 6

In urban fantasy, we have violent, kick-ass heroines . . . who are also subject to insecurities and exhibit several other problematic traits that bring their real, functional strength into question. This genre is admired for its strong women characters—that's often the reason given for its appeal and popularity —but is the genre also guilty of undermining some of those strengths?

Jeanne C. Stein(M), Mark Henry, Loree Parker, Saje Williams

Fone in the Filk
Saturday, Noon
Cascade 7

The left side of the audience will be given lines from filk songs and told to whisper them to their neighbours on the right. Our pros will plug whatever comes out the right side back into the songs, and try to sing them verbatim. Good luck with that!

David Nasset, Sr., Mickey Phoenix, Vixy & Tony

Augmented Reality
Saturday, Noon
Cascade 8

Imagine a future when you can overlay reality with any additional information or images you like. It's starting to happen now, with smartphone applications available any day now (already?). To what uses will it be put? Will we lose touch with actual reality?

Miki Garrison(M), Kurt Cagle, Sonia Orin Lyris, Burt Webb

Writing for the Gaming Industry
Saturday, Noon
Cascade 10

How do you write for a game? How does it differ from writing a novel or short story? How does writing for a video game differ from RPGs or board games? What are they looking for? Our panel of editors, publishers, and gaming authors and freelancers share what is wanted - nay! what is needed! – from writers in the gaming industry.

Sean K Reynolds(M), Michelle Lyons, Mike Mearls, Andy Megowan

Polymer Clay Demo
Saturday, Noon
Cascade 13

Come learn to work with polymer clay and make the creatures you love!

Jacqualynn D. Duram Nilsson(M), Myke Amend

Spotlight Publisher: TOR
Saturday, Noon
Evergreen 2

David Hartwell

Reading: G. Nordley
Saturday, 12:30 – 1:00 p.m.
Cascade 3

To Climb a Flat Mtn, Novel excerpt: marooned on a cubical world. Rating: PG

Reading: Adrian Phoenix
Saturday, 1:00 – 1:30 p.m.
Cascade 3

Black Dust Mambo, urban fantasy novel. Rating: PG

That Was a Great YA Series! Mmm. What Next?
Saturday, 1:00 p.m.
Cascade 4

Just finished a great book or series? What should you read next? The YA choices have grown by leaps and bounds; and we've got the inside scoop on the next great thing you'll love to read.

Lisa Mantchev(M), Spencer Ellsworth, Rosemary Jones

Women Characters in Comics
Saturday, 1:00 p.m.
Cascade 5

A look at some well known female characters and related themes. How do portrayals of women in manga and other foreign comics differ from portrayals in the U.S.? Are there some universal constants?

Is the "Women in refrigerators" theory relevant? Not to mention universal…

Ashley Cook(M), Andrew Dolbeck, Marcus Evenstar

Attaching This to That
Saturday, 1:00 p.m.
Cascade 6

Ever ask yourself, "How the heck can I attach foo to bar?" Should I weld it? Sew it? Glue it? Tape it? And if so, what kind of welding material? What kind of glue? What kind of tape? Artists using all types of different media will be here to offer their expertise, share their own stories, and answer your questions.

Jeff Sturgeon(M), Durlyn, Neil (Lights) Duttkin, Peggy Foy, John R. Gray III

Hollywood Goes Green! Wait, They're Remaking What?
Saturday, 1:00 p.m.
Cascade 7

Yeah, we all know that asteroid was a potato, that doesn't mean they need to re-shoot the entire movie 30 years later! Hollywood is on an updating rampage, and everything from The Prisoner to The Smurfs is scheduled for a 21st century makeover. My childhood is rolling in its grave. And that's not even mentioning everything they've already gotten their "artistic license" on! Panelists will discuss the influence the modern world has on the various TV shows and movies we grew up with and whether "modernization" was for the better. Do the remakes make the grade?

Brian D. Oberquell(M), Mark Rahner, Jesse Simpson

Mars: Where We Are and Where to Go From Here
Saturday, 1:00 p.m.
Cascade 8

Come and hear about the latest discoveries on Mars and discuss NASA's new joint plan with the European Space Agency for the future of Mars exploration.

Spring Schoenhuth(M), Tanya N. Harrison, David Stuart, Chris Vancil

The Genre Divide
Saturday, 1:00 p.m.
Cascade 9

What are the differences between literature and genre fiction? Are they real or artificial? What differentiates fantasy from horror? Does New York hate what we do?

Cat Rambo(M), Greg Bear, Greg Cox, David Hartwell, Janna Silverstein

The Greener Revolution
Saturday, 1:00 p.m.
Cascade 10

The 1960s saw vast improvements in worldwide crop yields. How will we feed the world's growing population? Genetically engineered crops? Vertical farms? Will there be a place for organic agriculture?

Annie Morton(M), Russell D. Campbell, Amy Thomson

Mask Making
Saturday, 1:00 – 3:00 p.m.
Cascade 13

A return of this all-ages favorite, members of the Beyond Reality Costumer's Guild assist you in making your own unique piece of wearable art using poster board, fabric, adhesives, trim, jewelry bits, low-temp hot glue, and more. Children need to be accompanied by their adults, but all will have fun. If you have special bits you would like to use, bring them, but otherwise materials are provided.

Vicki Glover(M), Terri "Sprite" Specht

Ask the Gamemasters
Saturday, 1:00 p.m.
Evergreen 1

Has your current campaign reached a dead end? Not sure how to keep your players happy? Have a problem player that you need to deal with? Want to add some house rules to your game, but unsure how to make them work? Come to this panel with questions about your RPG campaign.

Erik Mona(M), Jason Bulmahn, Sean K Reynolds

Once More, With Feeling: the Joss Whedon Sing-a-Long
Saturday, 1:00 – 3:00 p.m.
Evergreen 2

Sing along with the Buffy musical - full version!

Autograph Session #2
Saturday, 1:00 p.m.
Evergreen 3 & 4

John P. Alexander, Carol Berg, David Boop, SatyrPhil Brucato, Ted Butler, Bruce R. Cordell, Dr. John G. Cramer, Jeff Davis, A.M. Dellamonica, Cory Doctorow, James Ernest, Yasmine Galenorn, Daryl Gregory, Jeff Grubb, Eileen Gunn, Brandon Jerwa, Jak Koke, Ian McDonald, John Jude Palencar, Kevin Radthorne, Ken Scholes, Lorelei Shannon, Jack Skillingstead, G.Robin Smith, S. J. Tucker, Vernor Vinge, Gareth Von Kallenbach

Star Trek Scene-It
Saturday, 1:00 p.m.
Olympic 1

Test your knowledge of all things Star Trek against like-minded humanoids.

James Poua

Poker Tournament Qualifying Round 7
Saturday, 1:00 – 3:00 p.m.
Rotunda 2

Do you have a poker face like Worf? Able to bluff like Riker? Know a few Jedi mind tricks to float yourself successfully down the river? Or maybe you're just hoping to pull a Maverick with a royal flush. It's a social tournament; so whatever your skill level, there's a place for you at the table. If you're a beginner and would like some pre-game instruction, please come by a little early. Remember, the first place winner at the final table Saturday night wins a prepaid membership for Norwescon 34!

Mariah Johnson

The Dummy Is You!
Saturday, 1:00 – 3:00 p.m.

Learn how to create your own paper tape and or duct tape custom dress form that you can use to sculpt and build fit specific clothing. This workshop will show you how to build, stabilize and maintain your duct tape form and how having a custom built dress form will improve and enhance your costuming skills. You will need to bring your own materials: A t-shirt that can be cut up, and a roll of paper (painters) tape.

Molly Boone, Jonnalyhn Wolfcat

Reading: Mary Robinette Kowal
Saturday, 1:30 – 2:00 p.m.
Cascade 3

Excerpt from Shades of Milk and Honey, Mary Robinette Kowal's debut novel, coming out from Tor in Spring of 2010. It's what Jane Austen would write, if she wrote fantasy. Rating: G

Reading: S. Tucker
Saturday, 2:00 – 2:30 p.m.
Cascade 3

Rabbit's Song, Trickster chooses Rabbit, Coyote, Raven, and Crow to help him teach humans the value of laughter. Rating: G

Little Known Horror Movies
Saturday, 2:00 p.m.
Cascade 4

Are there horror movies that every horror fan should see but they might not have heard about? Come hear about the forgotten, neglected, lost, and even foreign films you shouldn't watch at 3:00 a.m.

Lorelei Shannon(M), Phillip Brugalette, Nathan Crowder, James Jacobs, Anthony Pryor

The Clarion West Writers Workshop
Saturday, 2:00 p.m.
Cascade 5

The Clarion West Workshop is in its 27th year of providing a six-week workshop for writers of fantasy and science fiction. Graduates of Clarion West will talk about their experience and answer your questions.

Leslie Howle(M), Greg Cox, Caren Gussoff, Jordan Lapp, David J. Williams

Spaceships, Armor, and Machines, Oh My!
Saturday, 2:00 p.m.
Cascade 6

Drawing convincing looking spaceships, tanks, mechanized armor, vehicles, and other technology is a whole other animal in the arena of art. Come learn how to design and create science fiction technology that looks believable.

Brian Snoddy, Mark Tedin

Techno Greens Technology Vs. The Environment- Is it Really a Battle?
Saturday, 2:00 p.m.
Cascade 7

Is there a middle path between raping the land and living in a cave? Is there a midpoint between the classic anti-technology greens and the pro-technology polluters? Can you support both nuclear power and composting worms? Are we missing some part of the solution here, or are technology and the environment always at war? Can technology and environmentalism coexist? Do we have to give up our computers and cars to save the planet? If we are proscience, are we destroying the ecosystem? Are agricultural biotech, industrial advances, and all those non-biodegradable components in our ipods and cell phones going to spell the end of life as we know it? Or is technology the only thing that might save the earth in the end? Come help define the middle ground between the two extremes.

Jim Kling(M), Mike Brennan, Russell D. Campbell

Women in Gaming
Saturday, 2:00 p.m.
Cascade 8

Our all-female panel of gaming professionals discusses the growing presence / awareness of women in playing and designing games, not to mention busting those "girl gamer" myths. Our panelists will discuss gaming from card/ board games to video games, how they got started in the industry, and how you can, too!

Julie Haehn(M), Claire Hummel, Michelle Lyons, Donna "Danicia" Prior

Future of Medicine
Saturday, 2:00 p.m.
Cascade 9

What's the future of diseases and cures? Some forms of cancer may be caused by a virus. Some causes of cervical cancer may be prevented by a vaccine. Yet the new H1N1 flu shot was in short supply until recently. Even if we can "cure" cancer and other diseases, will new diseases crop up to replace the old scourges… and human nature being what it is, will everyone benefit from the "new medicine"?

Miki Garrison(M), Matt Bamberger, Matt Hammond

What Exactly is Medieval – And What Was it Really Like?
Saturday, 2:00 p.m.
Cascade 10

Thinking of finally writing that lovely historic fantasy set in "medieval" 17th century Florence? - Wondering what kind of castle, peasant or cow to draw for that new medieval-themed role-playing game? – Just wondering where to look for authentic inspiration for your school's next production of "The Tempest?" – Come partake of an hour's trip through the Middle Ages and discover the answers to these and many other questions.

Cymbric Early-Smith(M), Christopher Konker, Rebecca Neason

The Church of the SubGenius: The One True Religion, a Cheap Fraud, or Both?
Saturday, 2:00 p.m.
Evergreen 1

Let the Saint of Sales, J.R. "Bob" Dobbs, and his Church of the SubGenius wipe that smile back onto your face! Local SubGenius contributor Popess Lilith von Fraumench and others will explain the world's first Industrial Religion, do-it-yourself dogma for Superior Mutants, the precepts of Slack, the Arisal of the alien sex goddesses, and The Conspiracy Of Normalcy. Confused? After this lightning round of divine frenzy, confusion will be the least of your worries—but you'll laugh all the way to Planet X anyhow!

Lilith von Fraumench(M), Marcus Evenstar, Sonia Orin Lyris

Autograph Session #3
Saturday, 2:00 p.m.
Evergreen 3 & 4

Myke Amend, Brenda Cooper, Dr. John G. Cramer, Cory Doctorow, S. Joe Downing, Roberta Gregory, Mark Henry, Jean Johnson, Rosemary Jones, Mary Robinette Kowal, G. David Nordley, John Jude Palencar, Joshua Palmatier, Adrian Phoenix, Cat Rambo, Sean K Reynolds, Renee Stern, Ben Thompson, Amy Thomson, Vernor Vinge, Rob Welch

Reading: G.Robin Smith
Saturday, 2:30 – 3:00 p.m.
Cascade 3

EAS Androcles, Sci-fi, Earth Colonies, separated 100 years from us, reconnect but refuse to come back 'under' Earth's dominion. Rating: PG

Reading: Guy Immega
Saturday, 3:00 – 3:30 p.m.
Cascade 3

A Little Knowledge, Biological Singularity. Rating: G

It Ain't All Geetars and Mopy
Saturday, 3:00 p.m.
Cascade 4

Non-folk filk–nerdcore, chiptunes, internet musiks: it's here, it beeps, it rocks, and it raps. Get used to it.

Jess Hart, Steven Perry, Celene Ramadan

Developing a Writers Toolbox and Honing Your Skills
Saturday, 3:00 p.m.
Cascade 5

Do you keep submitting your work and receiving rejections? Have you hit a plateau with your writing? If you can't afford a six-week workshop like Clarion West, where can you go to hone your skills? We'll discuss writers' workshops, online critique groups, how to start a critique group of your own, and contests, like Writers of the Future, that offer workshops.

Leslie Howle(M), Ken Scholes, Jack Skillingstead, Patrick Swenson

Fanfiction and Fanart - Where to Find It, Where to Post It
Saturday, 3:00 p.m.
Cascade 6

A listing of where some of the best fanfiction and fanart can be found. Some suggested sites for finding it as well as how to locate where to post your own.

Cheryl Dyson, Peggy Stewart

LGBT in Fandom
Saturday, 3:00 p.m.
Cascade 7

Attitudes have changed a lot in the last twenty or so years; but how is it for those struggling with their identities and sexualities? We encourage young people with questions about their sexual identity and place in society and fandom to come to talk and share strength with each other and older fen who've been through it themselves.

Loree Parker(M), J. Grace McKelvy, Dierdre Phoenix, Mickey Schulz

Sci-fi and Fantasy shows on TV
Saturday, 3:00 p.m.
Cascade 8

Discussions regarding the current TV sci-fi and fantasy series. (ie. Heroes, Flash Forward, Doll House, Fringe, Chuck, Eureka, Bones, Stargate Universe, Sanctuary). The good, the bad, what works, what doesn't, and what folks like.

Chris Nilsson(M), Elton Elliott, Judith Herman, Brandon Jerwa, Doug Odell

Finding Inspiration
Saturday, 3:00 p.m.
Cascade 9

The creative process can often be a tricky one and it is easy to fall into ruts or hit a blank wall. Our panelists will discuss how to develop ideas, create compelling subject matter, and what to do when you find yourself stuck, not knowing what to do for your next piece of art.

Rob Carlos(M), Durlyn, Betsy Mott, John Jude Palencar, Mark Roland, Jeff Sturgeon

Best Sewing Advice I Ever Got
Saturday, 3:00 p.m.
Cascade 10

Our blue ribbon panel of experienced costume pros share the best advice they have had on topics ranging from laying out a sewing room, how to budget and shop for large costume projects, to fitting yourself and more.

Katrina Marier(M), Tammie L Dupuis, Joanne Kirley, Anita Taylor, Julie Zetterberg

Miniatures Painting 101 Workshop
Saturday, 3:00 – 5:00 p.m.
Cascade 13

See all the cool miniatures in the game & hobby stores? Want to paint up one for your D&D game or paint an entire army for miniatures gaming? Come learn the basics on how to get started painting miniatures. Paints to use and a miniature to keep will be provided for 25 people for a workshop fee of $5. If you would like to bring your own miniature, you are invited to attend if space is available.

Sean K Reynolds, Dylan S.

The Origin of the Species: Zombies
Saturday, 3:00 p.m.
Evergreen 1

Without Romero where would zombies be? Without 1968's Night of the Living Dead, would zombies be different in our media now, or would they be around at all? What seminal tropes did the classic film originate, or at least popularize?

Derek M. Koch(M), Steven Barnes, The Reverend En Fuego, Mark Rahner

Interview with Vernor Vinge
Saturday, 3:00 p.m.
Evergreen 2

Greg Bear

Road Warrior Arsenal Factory
Saturday, 3:00 – 5:00 p.m.
Olympic 1

Design and construct your own post-apocalypic arsenal from our wide variety of lost-and-found materials.

Kim Poua

Poker Tournament Qualifying Round 8
Saturday, 3:00 – 5:00 p.m.
Rotunda 2

Do you have a poker face like Worf? Able to bluff like Riker? It's a social tournament; so whatever your skill level, there's a place for you at the table. With only a limited number of seats at the final table, you will need to win one of the qualifying rounds.

Mariah Johnson

Reading: Eric James Stone
Saturday, 3:30 – 4:00 p.m.
Cascade 3

Rejiggering the Thingamajig, An intelligent T. Rex and a talking gun . . . Rating: PG

Reading: Victoria Shaffer
Saturday, 4:00 – 4:30 p.m.
Cascade 3

Counting Heartbeats, Poetic Prose.

Rating: PG

Military, War, and the Government: What's a Hero to Do?
Saturday, 4:00 p.m.
Cascade 4

As in other matters of morality, war is more ambiguous in urban fantasy than it is in traditional fantasy. With its emphasis on the individual, does urban fantasy often portray large units such as the military and government agencies as the Big Bad? Are they more likely to be the thing to escape than the thing to join?

Bart Kemper(M), Kim Ritchie, Jaye Wells

Comic Cross-overs and Tie-ins
Saturday, 4:00 p.m.
Cascade 5

As comics become ever more mainstream, more tie-ins are coming from popular video games, TV shows, and books. A look at the unique aspects of writing in an established universe defined by a different medium.

Greg Cox(M), Jeff Grubb, Brandon Jerwa

Spirits in my Television
Saturday, 4:00 p.m.
Cascade 6

A discussion regarding the impact, popularity, use of science and equipment etc., as well as the fascination of the paranormal genre from Ghost Hunters to Ghost Whisperer. Additionally, the ethical and legal issues that are raised by the depiction of purportedly paranormal events on a television program.

Janna Silverstein(M), Jeff Davis, Jeromie Foulger, Adrian Phoenix

Goth Parenting
Saturday, 4:00 p.m.
Cascade 7

Whether you're a gothic parent or the parent of a goth, subcultures add a whole new dimension to even the most basic of parenting topics. Come and join us as we discuss all things goth and parenting, from how to set boundaries on attire for your budding fashionista (while honoring her creativity) to finding gothy breast-feeding clothes.

Alexia Roy(M), Andrew Herington, Bryan Lovely, Jen Lovely

Computers and the Changing Face of Education
Saturday, 4:00 p.m. Cascade 8

The $100 laptop for the Third World, schools in the US that require each student to have a state-of-the-art laptop, accredited universities accepting online courses for class work, the prevalence of online research. Will there come a time when the traditional school disappears all together?

Sonia Orin Lyris(M), Ted Butler, Kurt Cagle, John M. Lawler

Artificial Intelligence: How Far Off Is HAL?
Saturday, 4:00 p.m.
Cascade 9

2001 has come and gone, yet we're nowhere near inventing a self-aware artificial personality. We'll explore what must happen before we can create an emotional, reasoning being. Along the way, we'll discuss state-of-the-art applications for AI elements such as heuristic learning, data-mining netbots, robotics, facial recognition, and natural language processing.

Mary Rosenblum(M), Ted Chiang, Janet Freeman, Brian David Johnson

Posing For The Camera
Saturday, 4:00 p.m.
Cascade 10

How to show off a costume to its best advantage, using props to their fullest, and creating a persona that reads right in a photo.

Jonnalyhn Wolfcat(M), Joanne Kirley, Diana Vick

Upcoming Video Games of 2010-2012
Saturday, 4:00 p.m.
Evergreen 1

A one-hour panel that looks at upcoming games as well as some of the movie tie ins. Q and A is involved as well as swag and gifts for congoers. Examples include new Star Wars, Star Trek, Alien; games from films, as well as stand alone games.

Gareth Von Kallenbach

Quantum Entanglement, Nonlocality, and Back-In-Time Messages
Saturday, 4:00 p.m.
Evergreen 2

Featured Presentation by Science Guest of Honor John Cramer

S.J. Tucker with guests Vixy and Tony in Concert
Saturday, 4:00 – 6:00 p.m.
Evergreen 3 & 4

Keysigning Reception
Saturday, 4:00 – 5:30 p.m.
Presidential Suite

Join Special Guest of Honor Cory Doctorow for a keysigning reception - bring your key! Don't know what keysigning is? Come find out!

Cory Doctorow

Reading: Andy Bunch
Saturday, 4:30 – 5:00 p.m.
Cascade 3

Suffering Rancor, gritty coming-of-age fantasy. Rating: PG 13, for epic battle scenes.

Reading: Bruce Cordell
Saturday, 5:00 – 5:30 p.m.
Cascade 3

Key of Stars, Book 3 of the Abolethic Sovereignty, FR, D&D. Rating: PG

The Publishing Revolution
Saturday, 5:00 p.m.
Cascade 4

The future of publishing is a big question mark right now as traditional publishing houses shrink along with the economy. At the same time, multiple versions of community-driven new media publishing models are popping up all over the internet; and some of the best fiction being written today is showing up on the web out of small independent publishers. What's happening, what's the future of publishing, and how can you become part of the publishing revolution?

Jak Koke(M), Bob Kruger, Chris Pramas, Patrick Swenson

Subversive Content in Sequential Art
Saturday, 5:00 p.m.
Cascade 5

Comics are seen as a juvenile medium here in the U.S. The benefits of this perception include more creative freedom than other media for social criticism, political satire, homosexual themes, and other controversial topics. Does the art form promote radical content, or does the lack of outside pressure from a wider audience give creators the freedom to say whatever the *%#& they want?

Mark Rahner(M), SatyrPhil Brucato, Roberta Gregory

Biological Inspirations
Saturday, 5:00 p.m.
Cascade 6

Mining biology for story ideas. What do you read to keep up with the field? What new discoveries are fodder for science fiction? How do you find good resources for research?

Annie Morton(M), David W. Ehlert, Miki Garrison, Raymond McCauley

Gender and Sexuality in SF/F
Saturday, 5:00 p.m.
Cascade 7

Does SF/F have a responsibility to work outside the gender norms? How do SF/F authors play with gender and sexuality in their works? Are the works of the early authors who played with gender, such as James Tiptree, Jr., still relevant? Up for discussion are the works of Tiptree, Jacqueline Carey, and others.

Jean Johnson(M), Jake Ballin, Keffy R. M. Kehrli

Narrative Structure
Saturday, 5:00 p.m.
Cascade 8

Most readers read for story; but a story has to hang from a structure, and if the structure fails the story will collapse. The story's structure dictates where the story starts, where it ends, where each of the plot elements fits, and charts the space in which your characters' change and developments take place. Structure more than anything else will keep the reader's eyes glued to the page to find out what happens next. Writers share how they approach narrative structure and plot.

Leslie Howle(M), Daryl Gregory, Ian McDonald, Cat Rambo, G.Robin Smith

Costumeblock: I'm Stuck and I'm Not Sure What to Do Next
Saturday, 5:00 p.m.
Cascade 9

I have this great costume (idea, in process, needs finish details) and I'm not sure what to do next. Come talk to others who experience the same issue and hear what they do to beat the dreaded affliction … Costumeblock.

Tammie L Dupuis(M), Janet Borkowski, Joanne Kirley, Wendy Prather

Meet the Cast of Star Trek: Phoenix
Saturday, 5:00 p.m.
Cascade 10

Start Trek: Phoenix is a fan based series set 42 years in the future from Star Trek: Nemesis. The Star Trek: Phoenix Cast Panel will feature the entire principal cast from the series including Ben Andrews (Avari), Ben Johnson (Jaryn), James Lyle (Alden), Roy Stanton (T'Von), Elle Viane Sonnet (Solara), Nicole Santora (Vu'Shan), S. Joe Downing (Niran), Vanessa Cobbs (Laenah), and Jesse Pattison (Karkko). Also joining the cast panel will be the creator and senior executive producer, Leo Roberts. This panel is open to Q&A from fans and discussion topics related to the pilot 'Cloak & Dagger' or the series in general. Find out more about us here:

Leo Roberts(M), Ben Andrews, S. Joe Downing, Merrillee Schedin, Rob Welch

Figure Drawing Demo
Saturday, 5:00 p.m.
Cascade 13

Come watch, learn, and discuss how our professional artists draw the human figure. Immediately following this panel will be the Costumed Figure Drawing Workshop, where attendees will have the chance to put what they've learned into practice.

Rob Carlos(M), Julie Baroh, Betty Bigelow

The Future of Human Spaceflight
Saturday, 5:00 p.m.
Evergreen 1

With the impending retirement of the space shuttle (and possibly the space station), there is no completed up-and-running replacement and a grim outlook from the Augustine Commission. What is the future of human spaceflight when it comes to NASA? Can private industry step up to the plate?

Charles F Radley(M), Arthur Bozlee, Elton Elliott, Doug Odell, David Stuart

Setting up the Pieces
Saturday, 5:00 p.m.
Evergreen 2

So, you have a great board game idea. You may even have a prototype, and have been playtesting it with friends. Or maybe you haven't. Join us to hear from people in the industry how to design your own board game (so that it can actually be made), and what you need to do to get your board game published.

James Ernest(M), Jeremy Holcomb, Mike Selinker

Story Hour
Saturday, 5:00 p.m.
Olympic 1

LouAnna Valentine

Reading: Christopher Bodan
Saturday, 5:30 – 6:00 p.m.
Cascade 3

The Hiss of Steam and the Scrape of Claws. Rating: PG

Reading: Joshua Palmatier
Saturday, 6:00 – 6:30 p.m.
Cascade 3

Mastihooba, SF Horror short story.

Rating: PG

What Popped Your Fannish Cherry?
Saturday, 6:00 p.m.
Cascade 4

How did you join fandom and how did your life change? Are you still interested in what brought you into fandom or have your tastes changed? Come share and learn with fellow fen.

J Grace McKelvy(M), Kevin Standlee, Amy Thomson

Comics and Film
Saturday, 6:00 p.m.
Cascade 5

The last decade has seen an explosion of comics being made into movies, both indie and mainstream. Do these films live up to the comics they are inspired by? Have we really reached the saturation point, like Spider-Man, where comics directors need to find new sources of inspiration? Is it time to take a break from the genre and reboot a few years from now?

John P. Alexander(M), Greg Cox, Nathan Crowder

How Sci-fi Shaped the Space Program
Saturday, 6:00 p.m.
Cascade 6

How has science fiction literature influenced the course of space exploration, and vice versa?

Brian David Johnson(M), Chris Vancil

Movie or Not to Movie
Saturday, 6:00 p.m.
Cascade 7

How do you feel when they take your favorite YA book and make it a movie? Do the characters look and act the way you think they should? How about that big part of the book they left out? A discussion for our younger members.

Lisa Mantchev(M), Dierdre Phoenix, Spring Schoenhuth

Low-energy Future?
Saturday, 6:00 p.m.
Cascade 8

Are we doomed to a low-energy future (Think bicycles instead of cars, etc.) by climate change, peak oil, and population growth? Can we avoid it with technology, like LEDs, hybrid cars, and small-scale solar, wind, and hydro?

Kurt Cagle(M), Jak Koke, Greg Paddock, Charles F Radley

Advanced Polyamory
Saturday, 6:00 p.m.
Cascade 9

So, you've decided that polyamory is the lifestyle for you. What are the legal ramifications of having more than one partner? What do you do about buying a house? Having children? Power of Attorney? Come and hear people who have successfully navigated the legal sea of polyamory.

Loree Parker(M), Kal Cobalt, Robert Grey

Costume Tips from Medieval Recreationists
Saturday, 6:00 p.m.
Cascade 10

Some of the best medieval recreationists around share their secrets. Get the inside scoop on finishing techniques, how to research period garb, how to execute these designs, and how to utilize modern techniques.

Cymbric Early-Smith(M), Tammie L Dupuis, Deborah Strub

Figure Drawing Workshop – Models In Costume
Saturday, 6:00 – 8:00 p.m.
Mascade 13

Models in costume will do a variety of short and medium length poses (3 to 10 minutes). Everyone is welcome to come and sketch or paint. Please bring your own drawing and painting supplies.

Anita Taylor(M), Victoria Shaffer, Diana Vick

Surveillance in the 21st Century – is it Good or Bad?
Saturday, 6:00 p.m.
Evergreen 1

This is the age of hidden cameras, X-ray scans, the e-mail trail, and the illegal act caught on tape. Surveillance immediately conjures up images of Big Brother and nefarious uses of eavesdropping technology. But it can have its positive uses, including the detection of robberies. Surveillance is everywhere, wanted or unwanted; is it good or bad? Where is surveillance technology going – what are the technologies and the implications?

Cat Rambo(M), Cory Doctorow, Eileen Gunn, Ian McDonald

Let's Make a Movie: Edit It!
Saturday, 6:00 – 8:00 p.m.
Evergreen 2

Let's make a movie! You were there for Part 2, right, where we shot video like crazy? Quick! Time travel! In part 3, we show you a little about editing, how we put all that crazy footage down and make it into a movie that makes some kind of sense. Actually, we hope it makes some kind of sense. We never really know. If you bought a computer within the past two years, chances are excellent that you have more digital video editing power at your fingertips than has ever been subject to the hands of Ordinary People. Learn about using this power for Good. Or Evil. We don't care, because we only use it for Fun. The key to making a movie, of course, is editing.

Edward R. Martin III, Eric Morgret, Brian D. Oberquell

Saturday, 6:00 p.m.
Olympic 1

Filk singalong for kids!

Ash Productions, Creede Lambard, David Nasset, Sr.

Saturday, 6:00 – 8:00 p.m.
Presidential Suite

Come join representatives from local fannish clubs and learn about opportunities to help your community while having fun! Several of our local fan groups will be available to fill you in on what their club does. If you've always wondered what these groups do, come meet them, and find out!

Reading: Renee Stern
Saturday, 6:30 – 7:00 p.m.
Cascade 3

Rating: PG?

Reading: Cymbric Early-Smith
Saturday, 7:00 – 7:30 p.m.
Cascade 3

Twinned Souls, Historic Fantasy. Rating: PG

Finding a Beta
Saturday, 7:00 p.m.
Cascade 4

What's the value of a good beta? We'll talk about where to find beta readers for different genres, and how to become a beta reader if you love to read and edit.

Byaghro Esby Gibson, Jean Johnson

Harm Me with Harmony
Saturday, 7:00 p.m.
Cascade 6

Want to sing along, but don't know how it works? Interested in exploring more than the melody line, but have no idea where to start? Come to this workshop on harmonies! Bring your voices or instruments to play along live.

Alexander James Adams, Ash Productions

Really Good Really Bad Guys
Saturday, 7:00 p.m.
Cascade 7

A good heroic fantasy needs a really good bad guy. What makes a villain truly vile? How do you make evil believable, understandable, perhaps sympathetic, and conquerable - without descending into campiness? Can a true villain be sympathetic, and, if so, how does that change the dynamic of the story?

Alma Alexander, Andy R. Bunch, Jordan Lapp, Ben Thompson

Urban Legends of History
Saturday, 7:00 p.m.
Cascade 8

Sometimes a piece of propaganda, a lie, can, by its endless repetition, work its way into accepted history. Think of Catherine the Great and her reputed love of horses. If it's true that the victors write the history books, what other urban legends have we been passing along to our children as history that simply are not based on facts?

Spencer Ellsworth(M), Bethalynne Bajema, Christopher Bodan, Ciandi Patry

What Is It With Lovecraft?
Saturday, 7:00 p.m.
Cascade 9

The Cthulhu Mythos has its filthy fingerprints all over Pathfinder, 4E D&D, and yes, even Call of Cthulhu RPGs, not to mention dozens of board and video games. What's the appeal? Is it just designers and GMs who love Cthulhu? And just how ruthless do you need to be to run a lone-survivor adventure, anyway? Lessons from the fringes of sanity….

Wolfgang Baur(M), Bruce R. Cordell, James Jacobs, Mike Mearls

Goth Fashion for Women
Saturday, 7:00 p.m.
Cascade 10

Not just corsets, hair dye, and nice boots, but also finding a style that's truly your own, how not to break the bank to look great, and why gothic style is about much, much more than just wearing black.

Alexia Roy(M), Elisabeth Van Every, Jillian Venters

Lazer Tag
Saturday, 7:00 – 11:00 p.m.
Evergreen 3 & 4

The third and final night of Lazer Tag. We have equipment for use; it is compatible with the Tiger Lazer Tag system, not the Team Ops system. For those players who are under 18, you must have a parent or guardian present at the arena. Lazer Tag is a live action, NON-CONTACT sport.

Scott Perrin, Elizabeth Fellows

Reading: Roberta Gregory
Saturday, 7:30 – 8:00 p.m.
Cascade 3

Mother Mountain. Rating: PG

Children's Masquerade
Saturday, 7:30 – 8:00 p.m.
Cascade 5

Have a Padawan learner in the family? Or a Crusader knight? A fairy princess who wants to show off her wings? Bring them to the Norwescon 33 Children's Masquerade! The children's masquerade allows children who are too young to compete as Rising Stars (self made costumes by children 13 years and under) to show off their costumes. The children will go on first. All children wishing to participate must meet here (with parents) to fill out the Children's Masquerade form. They will then walk as a group down to the masquerade.

Katrina Marier

Masquerade Seating
Saturday, 7:30 – 8:00 p.m.
Grand 2 & 3

Show up early to get the best seats in the house.

Trent Lum

Reading: Alan Clark
Saturday, 8:00– 8:30 p.m.
Cascade 3

D.D. Murphry, Secret Policeman, a new novel co-written by Alan M. Clark and

Elizabeth Massie. Rating: R

Cinema, Sci-fi and Classical Actors: An Interview with Sir Alec Guinness
Saturday, 8:00 p.m.
Cascade 4

From "Our Man in Havana" to "Our Man on the Millennium Falcon." His life and times, training, and winding up on a silly show about space (called Star Wars). Chautauqua (not 'Chewbacca') artist G.Robin Smith brings the character of Sir Alec to a panel for a polite and very comfortable Q&A.

G.Robin Smith

Scared Hot: Sex & Danger
Saturday, 8:00 p.m.
Cascade 6

Why are sex and danger often enmeshed? What is it about sexy vampires, seductive shape-shifters, and assorted creatures of the night who worm their ways into the protagonists' hearts and beds? Do we fear sex itself, possibly due to ingrained cultural guilt? Or is it the romantic surrender that is inherently dangerous and scary? Why?

Mary Rodgers(M), A.M. Dellamonica, Lawrence Kane, Garth Upshaw

ScI-fi through the Decades
Saturday, 8:00 p.m.
Cascade 7

Several films are celebrating milestone anniversaries this year. Included are: X-Men (10 years), Total Recall (20), Back to the Future (25), Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back (30) and The Time Machine (50). An overview look at the history and progress of cinematic science fiction.

Jesse Simpson(M), Jeromie Foulger, Merrillee Schedin, Spring Schoenhuth

Saturday, 8:00 p.m.
Cascade 8

Can we meld biology and machines? There has been much recent progress in the field of prosthetic limbs, even including an arm that responds to brain waves. Are we there yet? What comes next?

Mickey Phoenix(M), Jake Ballin, Russell D. Campbell, Bob Crichton, David Shoemaker

Sci-fi and Modern Technology
Saturday, 8:00 p.m.
Cascade 9

What effect has science fiction had on modern technology? Star Trek communicators brought us the modern cellular flip-phone - what other current marvels have the imaginations of SF authors brought us?

Chris Nilsson(M), Brian David Johnson

Advanced BDSM
Saturday, 8:00– 10:00 p.m.
Cascade 10

OK, you know about BDSM. You've even engaged in play and perhaps had a kinky relationship. Where do you go from there? Do you necessarily have to? What is "Edge Play"? We'll explain all that and how to do the edgier things safely and sanely. Rating: A (18+ only, ID required)

Mickey Schulz(M), Matt Bamberger, Kal Cobalt

Making Gothic Mini Hats
Saturday, 8:00 p.m.
Cascade 13

Come and join us for a hands-on demonstration on how to make, decorate, and wear Gothic Lolita mini hats. Materials are provided so you can wear your creation when you're done, but space is limited, so arrive early!

Alexia Roy(M), Delta Hranek, Elisabeth Van Every, Jillian Venters

A Little Knight Music in Concert
Saturday, 8:00 p.m.
Evergreen 1

Talebones Live!
Saturday, 8:00– 10:00 p.m.
Evergreen 2

Writers who have contributed to the Talebones collection will give readings of their works.

Julie McGalliard, Patrick Swenson

Saturday, 8:00– 10:00 p.m.
Grand 2 & 3

Spacemen, fairies, bounty hunters and Stargates; we've seen some amazing costumes and performances in the past, so come and see what this year's Masquerade has to offer! Also watch 45 minutes (or more!) of the latest and greatest movie previews while the judges debate during half time. If you leave, you will miss the exciting announcement of who our Norwescon 34 Guests of Honor will be.

Trent Lum

Reading: Mark Henry
Saturday, 8:30 – 9:00 p.m.
Cascade 3

Battle of the Network Zombies, Zombie comedy. Rating: R

Friends of Bill W.
Saturday, 9:00 p.m.
Cascade 3

Saturday, 9:00 p.m.
Cascade 4

A veiled, Jungian metaphor for the bestial nature inherent in all men? A Freudian image of savage sexuality? Werewolves have haunted our collective imagination for centuries and now they are back, bigger and badder than ever. Find out the underpinnings of this most mortal of monsters.

SatyrPhil Brucato, Adrian Phoenix, Kim Ritchie

Gothic Fashion for Men
Saturday, 9:00 p.m.
Cascade 6

There's no reason to leave the gents out! Find out where to get a great wardrobe, how to create your own look, the difference between a fop and a dandy, and why the male goth is a bastion of style in an increasingly casual society.

Bryan Lovely(M), Andrew Herington, Kevin Matthews, Alex Von Hochtritt

It's the End of the World as We Know It
Saturday, 9:00 p.m.
Cascade 7

Recent years have given rise to an increase in post-apocalyptic storytelling. Games like Borderlands, Fallout 3, and Darksiders give the player a chance to roam a world devastated. Upcoming films like The Book of Eli and The Road play on our fear of the loss of civilization. What can we learn from these End World scenarios and what is said by our present love of them?

Robert Grey(M), Derek M. Koch, Anthony van Winkle

Novelization of a Game
Saturday, 9:00 p.m.
Cascade 8

Many video games today have accompanying fiction which often provides a more detailed storyline of current events as well as past or future action. Many role-playing games have companion series of novels expanding their worlds with characters and cities and events that become canon in that setting. Join our panelists as they discuss how a game's setting is translated into a novel that, in turn, gives back to the game.

Jeff Grubb(M), Richard Baker, Saje Williams

The Business of Art
Saturday, 9:00 p.m.
Cascade 9

You need more than talent to make a living as an artist. A monthly salary, health insurance, taxes, marketing, organization, promotion, portfolios – where do you find the time to do all that and still make art?

Todd Lockwood(M), John R. Gray III, John Jude Palencar, Tiffany Toland

Foreign Horror
Saturday, 9:00 p.m.
Cascade 13

Horror isn't just American. Let's discuss books, TV shows, and movies from other countries that people should try to watch.

Lorelei Shannon(M), Phillip Brugalette

Pondside Music In Concert
Saturday, 9:00 p.m.
Evergreen 1

Son of the Movie Previews!
Saturday, ~ 9:00 p.m.
Grand 2 & 3

A concise summary of what's coming at the movies, with the weekends' best sound and screen.

Keith Johnson(M), Alan Halfhill

Queer Eye for the . . . Con Goer
Saturday, 9:00 p.m.
Maxi's Ballroom (18+)

Sure he's dressed up like a gay sci-fi why is he checking out Xena's chest? Oh wow, 7 of 9 is making out with a girl?! But will she make out with a grrl or a boi? Between the costumes, booze, and sleep dep, how can you tell who's batting for what team? EASY! Come to our Queer Eye for the Con Goer Mixer! Enjoy a night of speed dating and LGBT/Alt.-friendly games! And if that isn't enough, The Tempting Tarts Burlesque will tantalize you with their sci-fi based burlesque. Rating: 21+ only, ID required

Laurie Reynolds

Maxi's Lounge Party (21+)
Saturday, 9:00 p.m. – 2:00 a.m.
Maxi's Lounge (21+)

Beam up to Maxi's Lounge and have some drinks with your fellow congoers! This fabulous event will be sponsored by Star Trek: Phoenix so prepare to boldly go where no congoer has gone before. Make sure you bring your Norwescon badge and your photo ID (21 and over). The drinks will be out of this world and the music hopping, so don't miss your opportunity to be part of this brand new event. Rating: 21+ (photo ID required)

Star Trek: Phoenix

Broad Universe Rapid Fire Reading
Saturday, 10:00 p.m. – Midnight
Cascade 4

Can We Change the World through Science Fiction?
Saturday, 10:00 p.m.
Cascade 6

The literature of speculative fiction provides the perfect oeuvre to hold a mirror up to humanity and look at who we are and what we might become. By telling tales of "the other" we discover ourselves. By projecting current trends forward, we ask "what if?" and compare the world that is with worlds that might be. Fantastic fiction has long been the home of astute social commentary and in-depth exploration of what it means to be human; but can it be used as an art form to teach critical thinking? Writers have long used SF to tell allegorical stories that criticize political realties and challenge us to question the status quo. How deep of an impact can literature, or any art form, have on informing people's thoughts and behavior?

Leslie Howle(M), Caren Gussoff, Todd Lockwood, Ian McDonald, David J. Williams

Avoiding Cliches in Urban Fantasy
Saturday, 10:00 p.m.
Cascade 7

How many hard-boiled PIs does one genre need? Gritty locales are fun, but why can't we ever be at the beach? Magic users, vampires, and werewolves, oh my! Do we need something more original?

K.C. Ball(M), John A. Pitts

Voodoo Science
Saturday, 10:00 p.m.
Cascade 8

Even in our high tech age, pseudoscience is on the rise. Is scientific progress threatened? Why are people so ready to abandon scientific principles and is there anything we can do about it? Is education reform the answer? Is there an answer?

Jim Kling(M), Miki Garrison, Jak Koke, Julie McGalliard

Putting the "R" in RPG
Saturday, 10:00 p.m.
Cascade 9

Not a 13-year old gamer anymore? Wanting your games to have some more mature content? Our panelists will discuss how to successfully incorporate the "R-rated" elements of sex and/or violence into your game or campaign.

Clint Ogre Whiteside(M), Wolfgang Baur, SatyrPhil Brucato, Mickey Schulz

Alt. Sex for Writers and Artists
Saturday, 10:00 p.m. – Midnight
Cascade 10

What does it look like? Feel like? How long can you tie someone up and have them still like you? How the human body does and doesn't work. This panel includes a one hour live modeling display of bondage and body positioning to understand the practicality and functionality of those beautiful images we love to write and draw. Rating: A

Jake Ballin(M), Matt Bamberger, Kal Cobalt

Artist's Jam
Saturday, 10:00 p.m. – Midnight
Cascade 13

Hang out with other artists, show your sketchbooks, and collaborate together.

Tiffany Toland(M), Lara Larson

JourneyQuest Preview
Saturday, 10:00 p.m.
Evergreen 2

First look at JourneyQuest with Dead Gentlemen and Zombie Orpheus Entertainment. Come meet the cast and see some footage prior to its release.

The Dead Gentlemen

Poker Tournament Final Table
Saturday, 10:00 p.m. – Midnight
Rotunda 2

The winners of all the qualifying rounds will compete to see who Norwescon's best poker player is. Oh did we mention there will be a prize for the winner?

Mariah Johnson

Reading: Leon West
Saturday, 10:30 – 11:00 p.m.
Cascade 3

The Voyeur's Guide to Sleepwalking, Crime/ sex. Rating: R

Death*Star in Concert
Saturday, 10:30 – 11:00 p.m.
Evergreen 1

Saturday Night Hoedown
Saturday, 10:30 p.m. – 3:00 a.m.
Grand 2 & 3

Put on your best square dancing shoes and help put Norwescon to bed with mc300baud and his eclectic collection of tracks. Expect the unexpected as he spins rave, wave, goth, alternative, electronica and more late into the night and won't let up until the cows come home.

Todd Clark(M), DJ mc300baud (Todd Clark)

Reading: Jeanne Stein
Saturday, 11:00 p.m.
Cascade 3

Retribution, Book Five of the Anna Strong Chronicles. Rating: PG/R

Good Horror Video Games
Saturday, 11:00 p.m.
Cascade 7

Left 4 Dead 1&2, Plants vs. Zombies, Resident Evil, etc. Come discuss (or argue about) the best of the best in virtual space – and maybe get some tips and tricks for mowing down the undead onslaught.

Gareth Von Kallenbach

Philosophy and the Undead 201: Hell is Other Undead - Vampires and Philosophy
Saturday, 11:00 p.m.
Cascade 8

As our fanged friends continue to dominate various pop culture media (TV, movies, and literature), the lovers of wisdom once more turn their critical unblinking eyes to the nightly existence of the vampire. Come philosophize with your panelists as they present a series of case studies and thought experiments that draw from philosophies classic (Aristotle, Epicurus, Parmenides), modern (Kant, Hobbes, Locke), and contemporary (Sartre, Derrida, Heidegger) and are applied to modern vampire interpretations (Whedon, Blake, Meyer). Just remember - the panelists don't want to suck your blood, just your knowledge.

Christian t. L. Mecham(M), Mike Derheimer, Jason Henninger, Greg Lotz, Ciandi Patry

Lovecraft Mixed Media
Saturday, 11:00 p.m.
Cascade 9

What are some great Lovecraftian movies, books, comics? Lovecraft's works abound in rich imagery that has inspired many an author and artist; each medium portrays his vision differently. Is one better than the other? Are both equally horrific?

Eric Morgret(M), Edward R. Martin III, Mark Rahner

Saturday Night Chaos Filk
Saturday, 11:00 p.m. – 2:00 a.m.
Evergreen 1

Come-as-you-are music performance, one song at a time, taking turns. Or just come and listen! Everyone welcome.

Reading: Ben Thompson
Saturday, 11:30 p.m. – Midnight
Cascade 3

Wolf the Quarrelsome, Insane PowerPoint about an 11th century Irish Vikingdestroyer. Rating: PG-13

Midnight Movie: I am Virgin
Saturday, Midnight – 2:00 a.m.
Evergreen 3 & 4 (Rated "R")

I am Virgin: The sole human survivor in a world of sex-crazed, extremely hot and scantily clad vampires, Robby is desperate to survive with his virginity (and humanity) intact. Can Robby keep himself pure, or will he succumb and join the ranks of lusty bloodsuckers? Sean Skelding directed this movie, shot in Portland over a rigorous 20-day schedule, and it features a cameo by porn legend Ron Jeremy. Rating: R

Edward R Martin III(M), Barry Bloch




Scheduled Gaming
Sunday, 8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
Cascade 11 & 12

Wind down by winding up in a game! There's still plenty to enjoy in scheduled gaming. Maybe bring your cards in and do some trading with other players! And don't forget, the Grand Prize Drawing for all gaming attendees requires your presence to win!

Kathi Pickett

Open Gaming
Sunday, 8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
Rotunda 1 & 2

Got an hour before your next session? Stop by open gaming and play for a while. We have plenty of tables for fans to sit down with old friends (or new) and play . . . no sign-up sheet required. The Rotunda is available for open gaming all weekend on a first-come, first-serve basis.

Pro Roy

Reading: Keffy Kehrli
Sunday, 10:00 – 10:30 a.m.
Cascade 3

Daha's Son, Epic Fantasy, Rating: PG

Best Online Markets for Writers
Sunday, 10:00 a.m.
Cascade 6

What are the best online markets for short fiction in 2010? Who is publishing the best science fiction? Who is publishing the best fantasy? What's new and exciting? What are the bestpaying markets? We'll discuss the latest and greatest.

Cat Rambo(M), Caren Gussoff, Jordan Lapp, Eric James Stone

What Color is Your Dragon?
Sunday, 10:00 a.m.
Cascade 7

Proper care of a large flying reptile requires a great deal of material and labor, not to mention the numerous challenges involved in "breaking" or "domesticating" these large animals for our use. We talk food, grooming, tackle, dragon husbandry, flight issues, stabling and more – bring your own stories of experience and share your tips for the proper care and feeding of these scaly behomeths.

Irene Radford(M), Jonnalyhn Wolfcat

Future of Genetics
Sunday, 10:00 a.m.
Cascade 8

It's the 21st century. Where's my clone? Replacement organs genetically tailored to you; biological databanks to track criminals… or anyone else, depending on the need; cross-breeding humans with other lifeforms: Science fiction or science fact? Where do genetic technologies go from here?

Jim Kling(M), Janet Freeman, Guy Immega, Richard Sucgang

Couture Techniques for Novices
Sunday, 10:00 a.m.
Cascade 10

Take your sewing skills to a whole new level as our costume pros demonstrate sewing and finishing techniques that will give your garments a much more sophisticated, professional look. Practical couture techniques that will help anyone of any skill level.

Wendy Prather(M), Melissa Quinn, Deborah Strub, Julie Zetterberg

A Print By Any Other Name . . .
Sunday, 10:00 a.m.
Cascade 13

So you've finished your piece of art and now you want to make prints so you can sell it to as many people as possible. What is the best way to go about doing this? What the heck is a giclee print anyway? Learn about the different printing options available and where to go for them. Do you really need to spend a lot of money for a high quality print, or is there a less expensive but still acceptable middle ground?

Mark Roland(M), John P. Alexander, John R. Gray III, Tiffany Toland

Dungeon Masters Movie
Sunday, 10:00 a.m. – Noon
Evergreen 1 & 2 (Unrated)

The Dungeon Masters: An evil drow elf is displaced by Hurricane Katrina. A sanitation worker lures friends into a "Sphere of Annihilation." A failed super-villain starts a cable-access show involving ninjas, puppets, and a cooking segment. These are the characters, real and imagined, of Keven McAlester's documentary The Dungeon Masters. Against the backdrop of crumbling middle-class America, two men and one woman devote their lives to Dungeons & Dragons, the storied role-playing game, and its various descendants.

Barry Bloch

Science Fiction and Fantasy Short Film Festival 2010 Winners
Sunday, 10:00 a.m.
Evergreen 3 & 4

Come join in a screening and chat about this year's Science Fiction and Fantasy Short Film Festival winners.

Brooks Peck

Easter Egg Hunt
Sunday, 10:00 – 10:30 a.m.
Olympic 1

Ages 4 & Under.

LouAnna Valentine, Kim Poua

Fannish Flea Market
Sunday, 10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.
Grand 3

Love to go to flea markets and garage sales? Ever wished they had more fannish stuff? The SFFM is everything you have wished for: Norwescon attendees clear out their houses of stuff they don't want, and it is all here for you to buy or barter for. Bring your cash and check out the bargains and incredible stuff people are getting rid of.

Peggy Stewart

Reading: K.C. Ball
Sunday, 10:30 – 11:00 a.m.
Cascade 3

Flotsam, Near future science fiction, Rating: G

Easter Egg Hunt
Sunday, 10:30 – 11:00 a.m.
Olympic 1

Ages 5-8

LouAnna Valentine, Kim Poua

Reading: Carol Berg
Sunday, 11:00 – 11:30 a.m.
Cascade 3

The Soul Mirror. Rating: PG

Unintended Consequences
Sunday, 11:00 a.m.
Cascade 5

Indoor plumbing led to polio epidemics. Lead in paint and gas poisoned people. To what extent is modern science and technology responsible for figuring out whether or not something that seems good might also cause serious problems?

Matt Bamberger(M), Bob Crichton, Jim Kling

Creating a Movie Massacre: or, What Have They Done to My Book?
Sunday, 11:00 a.m.
Cascade 7

You've read the book. You've seen the movie. Why do some books seem to translate to the screen beautifully, while others just get butchered? What contributes to this phenomenon? Can it be avoided, and how?

Brian D. Oberquell(M), Ash Productions

Playing God, Part II: Gods and Religion
Sunday, 11:00 a.m.
Cascade 8

Part of world building is designing the pantheon responsible for the whole thing. Our game experts discuss how they go about filling the cosmos with deities worthy of a hero's worship; and how they manage to stay upright on such a slippery slope as religion in gaming.

Sean K Reynolds(M), Jeff Grubb, Christian t. L. Mecham

Rock Stars Are Aliens
Sunday, 11:00 a.m.
Cascade 10

From Ziggy Stardust to Lady GaGa, rock and roll has teased our imaginations with powerful and provocative fashion icons of fantasy and science fiction. We review the looks and the influence of major fashion forward groups and individuals from KISS to Michael Jackson, obscurer acts like Devo, the Tubes, Dark Fantasy of Marilyn Manson, Siouxie and the Banshees, Judas Priest, and much more. It's back to the Yellow Brick Road with Elton John, Cher, Tina Turner, Prince and Patti La Belle.

Carmen Beaudry(M), Melissa Quinn, Richard Stephens

Illustration, Art, and the Economic Recession
Sunday, 11:00 a.m.
Cascade 13

Illustrators Mark Tedin, Julie Baroh, and Brian Snoddy discuss the various traditional and non-traditional forms of surviving as an illustrator and artist during this current recession.

Julie Baroh, Brian Snoddy, Mark Tedin

Space - Humanity's Best Hope for Long-Term Survival?
Sunday, 11:00 a.m.
Evergreen 3 & 4

People like Stephen Hawking have said that self-sufficient, off-Earth settlements are humanity's best hope for long-term survival; and of course, such settlements were at the heart of much of the 20th century's science-fiction. Is it possible that, in this century, the idea could move back to center stage? Is pursuing space just a distraction from the life-and-death priority of cleaning up the mess we have made of Earth? There is no other planet in the solar system that can support life "as is." Can we create a reasonable habitat within the solar system or find a habitable planet that is not already in use beyond the solar system?

Brenda Cooper(M), Guy Immega, G. David Nordley, Vernor Vinge

Easter Egg Hunt
Sunday, 11:00 – 11:30 a.m.
Olympic 1

Ages 9-12

LouAnna Valentine, Kim Poua

Graphic Design 201
Sunday 11:00 a.m.
Cascade 4

More advanced tips from Norwescon's program designer include how to lay out multi-page documents (like your newsletter) and more detailed study of fonts and color. Also tips on workflow, organization of files and projects and user friendly interfaces in both print and web. Recommend to have some design experience or have attended Graphic Design 101.

dQniel Kaufman(M)

Reading: Phil Brucato
Sunday, 11:30 a.m. – Noon
Cascade 3

Echo Chamber, The caretaker of an ailing game company encounters a zombie apocalypse., Rating: PG

NWC 33 Art Auction
Sunday, 11:30 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.
Grand 2

The Norwescon Art Auction will be a fun and exciting battle for most desired works of art from this year's art show. And if that isn't enough, come help support our two charities this year, Clarion West and Northwest Harvest, by bidding on art, jewelry, and other objects of interest that have been donated by our dealers, professional guests, and fans to support these two great organizations!

Pat Booze(M), Betty Bigelow

Reading: Kim Ritchie
Sunday, Noon – 12:30 p.m.
Cascade 3

The Ash Grove, A time warp fantasy. Rating: PG

E.T., Are You out There?
Sunday, Noon
Cascade 5

This year marks the 50th year of attempting to contact extraterrestrial life using SETI, without an answer. What, if anything, are we doing wrong? Should we ever expect to get an answer?

David Stuart(M), Arthur Bozlee

*POW!* Breaking into Comics
Sunday, Noon
Cascade 6

All the insider advice you could want: publishing tips and tricks, art tools, collaboration advice, do's and don'ts, and a whole lot more.

Roberta Gregory(M), Brandon Jerwa

Online Writing Resources
Sunday, Noon
Cascade 7

Online sites that can assist not only with fanfiction, but with writing in general. We'll talk about Ficfinishing, NaNoWriMo, and others – bring your own favorites.

Cheryl Dyson

Exploring the Human Condition
Sunday, Noon
Cascade 8

Good fantasy is social commentary combined with good storytelling. How do we use fantasy as the lens through which we view the world? Many forms of literature use fantasy as the bedrock of good story because it transcends its own form in wider scope than any other type of writing. We'll discuss how the evocation of myths can be used to stylize the real world in order to get at key issues for intellectual, moral, and political life, using the allegorical and heroic aspects of stories to concretize philosophical musings.

Nathan Crowder(M), Ben Andrews, Christian t. L. Mecham, Kevin Radthorne

Home Recording II
Sunday, Noon
Cascade 9

Everybody wants to make a demo. Okay, you have some equipment. Now what do you do with it? How do you set it up; how do you use it to capture or create the best sounds you can? If you didn't make the first hour; that's okay, come anyway.

Alexander Adams, Jess Hart, Steven Perry, Vixy & Tony

Finishing Touches
Sunday, Noon
Cascade 10

So you've got an outfit. Don't think you're done costuming: What about makeup? Hair? Accessories? Props? It's time for research, creativity, and fun!

Victoria Shaffer(M), Deborah Strub, Garth Stubbs, Julie Zetterberg

Recycled Paper Bead Workshop
Sunday, Noon
Cascade 13

Making your own jewelry doesn't have to be expensive. We'll do a beaded necklace with recycled paper, scissors and glue.

SunnyJim Morgan

Revenge of the Movie Previews!
Sunday, Noon – 2:00 p.m.
Evergreen 1 & 2

Your final chance for the latest previews, news and rumors from Hollywood.

Including, at no additional cost, the famous, "why? Why? WHY?"

Keith Johnson(M), Alan Halfhill

Law and the Virtual World
Sunday, Noon
Evergreen 3 & 4

As virtual goods in Second Life, Everquest, and other online games have taken on real world value, new questions arise on who has jurisdiction over these transactions. In addition, there is a move afoot to tax the goods even if you never turn them into real world cash. Will we have a two-tiered system of law? Will there be new virtual crime?

Cory Doctorow, Andrea Howe, Burt Webb

Scavenger Hunt Finals
Sunday, Noon – 2:00 p.m.

The teams have been hunting all weekend to find all the items on their lists. Now is the time for them to present their scavenged items to the judges. Remember, it is not always what you find, but how you present it that determines the winner!

Sheye Blaze

Reading: Ted Butler
Sunday, 12:30 – 1:00 p.m.
Cascade 3

New unpublished SF series, Rating: G

Reading: Kurt Cagle
Sunday, 1:00 – 1:30 p.m.
Cascade 3

The Healer's War, Chapter from a work-inprogress about early 22nd century England, genetic engineering, awesome hacking, and magic., Rating: PG

Video Game Art
Sunday, 1:00 p.m.
Cascade 6

As technology continues to advance, more and more artists are moving into the realm of video games. Come and learn what goes on behind the creation of these games: programs and techniques the artists use, the challenges of this new medium, and what the future of the business holds.

Claire Hummel(M), Andy Megowan, Brian Snoddy

V: The Visitors
Sunday, 1:00 p.m.
Cascade 7

Our panelists compare the new V series with the original miniseries in the '80s and the subsequent television series run. What are the differences? What worked in the new series that didn't work prior, and vice versa?

Gareth Von Kallenbach(M), Leo Roberts, Jesse Simpson

What are you a fan of?
Sunday, 1:00 p.m.
Cascade 8

Books, movies, going to conventions - what is it that makes you a fan vs. someone who just really enjoys a particular medium?

Amy Thomson(M), David Nasset, Sr.,

Chris Nilsson

Playing with Medieval History -Wheeee!
Sunday, 1:00 p.m.
Cascade 9

"Alternate Timelines," "Quantum Universes," or just plain-old Time Machines - all of these concepts create ways for an author to 'play with history'. This will be an interactive panel where the audience will choose a significant event in Medieval history and come up with alternatives -and their consequences. A lively dialogue always ensues – Come join us!

Cymbric Early-Smith(M), Rebecca Neason

Capture The Rainbow – Fabric Color Techniques
Sunday, 1:00 p.m.
Cascade 13

There are a number of ways to turn fabric different colors, each creating a different effect. We'll show you the tools and tips for coloring fabric, along with examples of myriad techniques. Shibori, batik, tie dye, discharge, serti painting, vat dying, paints, transfers, pens, and crayons - everything is fair game!

SunnyJim Morgan(M), Janet Borkowski, Katrina Marier

Trouble Clef Jam (Songs in the Key of R)
Sunday, 1:00 – 3:00 p.m.
Evergreen 3 & 4

A Norwescon tradition. Join our pros, and anyone else that cares to join in, for a fun musical jam.

Easter Carnival
Sunday, 1:00 – 3:00 p.m.
Olympic 1

LouAnna Valentine, Kim Poua

Reading: Elton Elliott
Sunday, 1:30 – 2:00 p.m.
Cascade 3

BISHOP OF ROME, Book Two: Nanoclone Trilogy, Rating: PG

Reading: James Glass
Sunday, 2:00 – 2:30 p.m.
Cascade 3

Branegate, , Rating: G

SWOC Meeting
Sunday, 2:00 p.m.
Cascade 4

So You Think You Can Make Dance Costumes
Sunday, 2:00 p.m.
Cascade 5

Costuming for the dance stage is one of the biggest challenges a designer faces. Learn the practical ways to create costumes that move with the dancer and how to build garments that will last, hold up to multiple washings, and take a beating.

Richard Stephens(M), Carmen Beaudry, Betty Bigelow, Molly Boone

Science as Weapon
Sunday, 2:00 p.m.
Cascade 6

In today's world, everything can be a weapon, for war or terrorism. What kinds of scenarios are really possible when biotechnologists, nanotechnologists, and other fanatic mad scientists get together? Is bioterrorism old news and what we really need to worry about now involves mini black holes or silicon-digesting nanotech?

Jim Kling(M), Brenda Cooper, Brent Kellmer

Masquerade Debriefing
Sunday, 2:00 p.m.
Cascade 7

Come and tell us what we did well and how we can improve the Masquerade in the future. Any awards or trophies not picked up at the masquerade will be available at this meeting. Please stop by and pick yours up.

Trent Lum

The Future of Gaming / Future of Game Design
Sunday, 2:00 p.m.
Cascade 8

Join our esteemed panel of gaming industry professionals in a discussion of their views on the current status of the industry. How has it changed in the past year or two? Where is it going?

Mike Selinker(M), Eric Cagle, Mike Mearls, Andy Megowan

Urban Fantasy: Bridge Over a Genre
Sunday, 2:00 p.m.
Cascade 9

This is a genre that seems to pull ideas and forms from many different worlds. A little noir here, some mystery there, and oh hey, look steampunk! Where does urban fantasy begin and end?

K.C. Ball(M), Adrian Phoenix

Make Your Own Magic Wand
Sunday, 2:00 p.m.
Cascade 13

All you need is a sheet of paper, some hot glue, a bit of paint, and about 40 minutes. No one will ever guess these wands are made of paper. They look like the real thing and can be customized to your own satisfaction!

Michaela Zielke

Fandance Film Festival
Sunday, 2:00 – 4:00 p.m.
Evergreen 1 & 2

In its eleventh year, the Festival is a celebration of low- and no-budget cinema, brought to wondrous lurching life by amateur filmmakers from all around the Pacific Northwest. More than just the movies, this 120-minute extravaganza of entertainment also includes the filmmakers regaling you with terrifying tales of their productions. Be there or be a regular right quadrilateral! The Fandance Film Festival is the final terrifying phase of the Let's Make a Movie Workshop, in which participants walk through every step of making a movie, from conception to the premiere of the finished product. This year at Norwescon marks the eleventh installment of the Let's Make a Movie Workshop!

Edward R. Martin III

Reading: Rhiannon Held
Sunday, 3:00 – 3: 30 p.m.
Cascade 3

Walks With Death, Urban fantasy novel, Rating: PG

Rhiannon Held

Believable Super Hero Garb
Sunday, 3:00 p.m.
Cascade 5

Christopher Nolan re-invented the Dark Knight with Batman Begins, offering a plausible look for a costumed superhero. What other films have given us a credible look for superheroes in a "realistic" setting?

Garth Stubbs(M), Neil (Lights) Duttkin, Melissa Quinn, Jonnalyhn Wolfcat

Bloggers as Public Intellectuals
Sunday, 3:00 p.m.
Cascade 6

Is the blogosphere spawning a contemporary generation of important public thinkers? Who are the ones you can't afford to miss? What are they saying?

Caren Gussoff(M), Kurt Cagle, Cat Rambo, Derek Zumsteg

Mars Conspiracy Theories Debunked
Sunday, 3:00 p.m.
Cascade 8

There are no pyramids, monoliths, or faces on Mars. We will discuss the reality of Martian conspiracy theories and explain what's really going on.

Chris Vancil(M), Arthur Bozlee, Tanya N. Harrison

Onions & Roses
Sunday, 4:00 p.m.
Evergreen 3 & 4

What worked? What didn't? Come give your feedback to the convention executives.

Tracy Knoedler, Jeannine Swanson, Charlie Knoedler

Closing Ceremonies
Sunday, 5:00 p.m.
Evergreen 3 & 4

William Sadorus(M), Dr. John G. Cramer, Cory Doctorow, David Hartwell, Tracey Knoedler, John Jude Palencar, Vernor Vinge


The Gaming department will do their best to maintain this schedule. The start times are set, the ending times will vary by game and players. If the game is listed as a drop in game, then you may join in anytime during the scheduled play. Some games may be expanded due to popularity or cancelled if player minimums are not met. We recommend that you sign up for those games that you really want to play. Remember, in the end, the Game Master is always right.


Cascade 11

Game Host Time
Feng Shui: Viking in L.A. Alan Bond 1:00 PM
RIFTS Richard Johnson 3:00 PM
Neverwhen Dragondyne Publishing 4:00 PM
D&D 4E 101 - Basics TBD TBA

Cascade 12

Game Host Time
Yu-Gi-Oh Jason Lum 2:00 PM
Kingdom Hearts Jason Lum 5:00 PM
Warhammer 40k - Dark Heresy Theodore Schiro-Miller 5:00 PM


Cascade 11

Game Host Time
Pathfinder #28 Pathfinder GM 10:00 AM
Pathfinder #43 Pathfinder GM 10:00 AM
Neverwhen Dragondyne Publishing 10:00 AM
Ghostbusters: Seattle Richard Johnson 1:00 PM
Shadow Run: Esp Bug City Alan Bond 1:00 PM
Jadeclaw: Sleeping Kittn Kathi Pickett 3:00 PM
Pathfinder: #30 Pathfinder GM 4:00 PM
Pathfinder: #45 Pathfinder GM 4:00 PM
Cyberpunk 2020: Dream Park Kamal Lombardi 7:00 PM
Ghostbusters Richard Johnson 7:00 PM
Tower of Mysteries Chris 7:30 PM
Call of Cthulhu: Mad House Pro Roy 10:00 PM
D&D 4E 101 - Basics TBD TBA

Cascade 12

Game Host Time
Malifaux Barry Wilson 10:00 AM
Kingdom Hearts Jason Lum 1:00 PM
Warhammer 40k - Dark Heresy Theodore Schiro-Miller 5:00 PM


Cascade 11

Game Host Time
AD&D 2E: City of Skulls Uncle 9:00 AM
Pathfinder: #5 Pathfinder GM 10:00 AM
Pathfinder: #28 Pathfinder GM 10:00 AM
Shadowrun 4th Ed:Shdw in Seattle Kamal Lombardi 11:00 AM
Ironclaw Kathi Pickett 12:00 PM
Red Dwarf Alan Bond 2:00 PM
Pathfinder: #35 Pathfinder GM 4:00 PM
Pathfinder: #30 Pathfinder GM 4:00 PM
Tower of Mysteries Chris 6:30 PM
Call of Cthulu 6th Edition Kamal Lombardi 7:00 PM
D&D 4E 101 - Basics TBD TBA

Cascade 12

Game Host Time
Malifaux Barry Wilson 10:00 AM
Neverwhen Dragondyne Publishing 10:00 AM
Warhammer 40k - Dark Heresy Theodore Schiro-Miller 5:00 PM


Cascade 11

Game Host Time
Pathfinder: #43 Pathfinder GM 10:00 AM
Pathfinder: #45 Pathfinder GM 10:00 AM
Cthulutech: Vancouver Kamal Lombardi 11:00 AM
Neverwhen Dragondyne Publishing 10:00 AM
Albedo: Drop and Roll Kathi Pickett 12:00 PM
D&D 4E 101 - Basics TBD TBA


AD&D 2E: To the City of Skulls

The dreadful jails below the appalling City of Skulls, Iuz's nightmare capital, contain many wretched and desperate captives. Among them is Earl Holmer, Knight Commander of the Shield Lands. A brave spy in Dorakaa has shown the way to find and free Holmer - but is your party up to the job of freeing him? King Belvor IV of Furyondy believes so. In the way stand fearsome priests and mages of the Lord of Pain; ogres, giants, fiends, and worse will hinder the struggle to defeat traps and guardians of Iuz. Plucking Holmer from his grasp will bring great renown, knighthood, and treasure - for those who survive. None have ever escaped Iuz's jails. Will you be the first to use stealth or storm to breach them?

Uncle (GM)

Albedo: Drop and Roll

Albedo is a game system based off the Anthropomorphic Comic of the same name by Steve Galacci. You play anthromoporphic (human-like) animals in a Science Fiction setting. You are all members of the Federation, serving in the conflict against the Independent Lapine Republic (ILR). Your crack team of commandos has been assigned to drop onto an ILR-claimed planet and acquire their newest warmachine - a land vehicle with weaponry and electronics far beyond the Federation's developments.

Kathi Pickett (GM)

Call of Cthulhu: Mad House

People are dying and terror stalks the night. But, is it truly an ancient evil? Or just the psychotic ravings of lunatics? The players must discover the truth...before it discovers them.

Pro Roy (GM)

Call of Cthulu 6th Edition: Mystic Alliances

Teenagers face the Mythos in this standalone setting for Call of Cthulu which takes place in the years 2009-2011. The Mythos are once again on the rise in Seattle in this time period.

Kamal Lombardi (GM)

Cthulutech: Vancouver Arcology

This is a game which takes place in a futuristic setting in which the Old Ones have returned and are assaulting a New Earth Government which is being defended by Evangelion-esque type mecha. The game is sort of modern day Cthulu mixed with mecha anime type situations. Your setting is that you are a team working for the Federal Security Bureau working as part of the Sectarian Crimes Division

Kamal Lombardi GM)

Cyberpunk 2020: Dream Park

Welcome to the Night City of the 2030's, a place that has been vastly transformed by the emergence of new megacorps who run elaborate roleplaying theme parks like Dream Park and the influence of Rising Seas. You are part of Night Squad, a team of Edgerunners who run security for Dream Park and also run themselves as an ops team doing jobs for various megacorps on the side. The adventure will use original Cyberpunk 2020 game rules.

Kamal Lombardi (GM)

D&D 4E 101 - Basics

Come and learn the basics of Dungeons & Dragons 4th Edition. Create a character and play through a short scenario. Host and times to be determined.


Dark Heresy - Warhammer 40 k RPG

In the grim darkness of the far future, you are all that stands between Humanity and its damnation. You are acolytes to one of the Emperors Inquisitors. Your duty is protect the Imperium from the predatations of the Heretic, The Xenos, and Chaos. Set in the Warhammer 40,000 tabletop miniature game. You are what stands between Damnation...and Death. Ave Imperator!

Theodore Schiro-Miller (GM)

Feng Shui: Vikings in L.A.

Alan Bond (GM)

Ghostbusters: Ghostbusters Seattle

(Pregen or pre-approved player provided characters) Ghostbusters Seattle Branch is continuing to operate at a high rate. You have several calls you need to take care of; who you gonna call? YOU!

Richard Johnson (GM)


(Pregen or Pre-Approved Player provided characters). Various missions and some down-time.

Richard Johnson GM)

Ironclaw: Cleansing the Sewers

Ironclaw is a game of Anthropomorphic animals in a setting roughly based on early Renaissance Europe. On the small continent of Calabria no city is more beautiful than Triskellion… until you look under her streets where the ingenious engineers routed her sewage. You have broken the law somehow, and your sentence is to spend the day breaking up blockages in the sewers. It's back-breaking and agonizing work for creatures of sensitive smelling! Not to mention those rumors of monsters that eat beings whole...

Kathi Pickett (GM)

Jadeclaw: The Sleeping Kitten

Jadeclaw is a game of Anthropomorphic animals in a land that is modeled after a combination of Japanese, Chinese and other Asian influences. You are a servant in the household of the Magistrate in the town of Li, in the State of Wen. The Magistrate's estate houses the Mystical Sleeping Kitten - a statue of the First Emporer holding a figure of a jade sleeping kitten on it's lap. The kitten has vanished and you and other servants are suspected of stealing it! You must work together to find the true thief before the Magistrate must hand down the severe punishment!

Kathi Pickett (GM)

Kingdom Hearts

Kingdom Hearts is a two-player battle card game that is based on the Video Games. Join Sora in his quest to rid the Worlds from the dark powers of the Heartless, with the help of your favorite Disney and Final Fantasy characters Donald, Goofy, Ariel... and more. Four sets have been released and with them come new deck types and advantages. The Darkness, where players get to use the Heartless to their advantage. Or The Organization, where players use the newest Nobody cards along with the familiar ORG XIII cards.

Jason Lum (GM)


Open Demos. Malifaux is a character-driven tabletop skirmish game comprising Crews of 5-7 miniatures for most games. Malifaux uses gothic, steampunk, Victorian horror with a dose of wild west to create a world of magical lawlessness rife with monsters, necropunks, man-machine hybrids, gunslingers, and power-hungry politicos. The unique card mechanic in Malifaux brings exciting levels of strategy to the wargame universe.

Barry Wilson (GM)


Welcome to the world of Neverwhen. Neverwhen is a d20 Campaign system that uses Wizards of the Coast's 4.0 gaming system license. It allows players and gamemasters to take items and/or characters from any d20 setting and use them in their own campaign. In addition we have provided a storyline that allows the inclusion of your campaign. We are doing demos of this new d20 role-playing game. Pre-Generated characters are available.

Dragondyne Publishing (GM)

Pathfinder: #5 Mists of Mwangi

Pathfinder Lugizar Trantos recently returned from the Mwangi Expanse with haunted eyes and a pack full of strange idols. Absalom's famed Blakros Museum purchased his pieces and Lugizar vanished. The strange monkey idols he pulled from the misty jungles of Mwangi carry with them a fell curse, and now their power has laid claim to the museum. Can the Pathfinder Society uncover the source of the curse in time, or will the Blackros Museum be forever lost to the mists of Mwangi? This is a Pathfinder Society Scenario designed for 1st to 5th level characters (Tiers: 1–2, 4–5).

Pathfinder (GM)

Pathfinder: #28 The Devil We Know -Part I, Shipyard Rats

When simultaneous kidnappings of Pathfinder and Aspis Consortium agents rock Cassomir's Imperial Naval Shipyards, the Society orders you to join forces with hated Aspis agents to solve the mystery. Can you work together with the enemies of the Society to uncover the source of the kidnappings, or will you perish in the shipyards of Cassomir? This is a Pathfinder Society Scenario designed for 1st to 7th level characters (Tiers: 1–2, 3–4, and 6–7)

Pathfinder GM (GM)

Pathfinder: #30 The Devil We Know -Part II Cassomir's Locker

The Pathfinder Society dispatches you to the catacombs called Cassomir's Locker to find the source of a rat cult breeding monstrous vermin. After clearing Cassomir's dank sewers and delving into the dirty dungeons below, will you find the artifact that powers Cassomir's Locker or bring about the destruction of Taldor's most important port? This is a Pathfinder Society Scenario designed for 1st to 7th level characters (Tiers: 1–2, 3–4, and 6–7).

Pathfinder (GM)

Pathfinder: #35 Voice in the Void

Mystery strikes again at the problem-plagued Blackros Museum in Absalom and its curator, Nigel Aldain, needs your help. When a famed Osirian tomb raider returns to Absalom and disappears in the museum's basement, Aldain fears the worst. When strange sounds echo from below and several of the curator's night watchmen go missing, he panics and begs the Society to investigate the mystery and save his museum from the darkness that infests it. This is a Pathfinder Society Scenario designed for 1st to 7th level characters (Tiers: 1–2, 3–4, and 6–7).

Pathfinder (GM)

Pathfinder: #43 The Pallid Plague

You are sent to Andoran's Darkmoon Vale to investigate the cause of a local plague said to cause certain death to fey--and possibly to humanity as well. This is a Pathfinder Society Scenario designed for 1st to 5th level characters (Tiers: 1–2 and 4–5).

Pathfinder GM (GM)

Pathfinder: #45 Delirium's Tangle

You owe Grandmaster Torch a favor and he's calling it in. It seems he ... misplaced ... a certain famous minotaur prince of Absalom and needs you to help recover the prince before the city discovers what he's done. This is a Pathfinder Society Scenario designed for 1st to 7th level characters (Tiers: 1–2, 3–4, and 7–8).

Pathfinder (GM)


(Pregen or pre-approved player provided characters) The Coalition has taken partial control of Clairfield in fringe space between the Republic of Texas and Coalition Control territory. You have obtained a request for medical assistance, in the process of delivering assistance a Coalition trooper has been discovered drowned in his own sealed armor.

Richard Johnson (GM)

Red Dwarf: Hop, Jump and Leap

Alan Bond (GM)

Shadow Run: Escape from Bug City

Alan Bond (GM)

Shadowrun 4th Edition: Shadows in Seattle

You're an up and coming team of runners, who are looking for your next shadowrun in Seattle when a fixer contacts you and tells you to meet at some location called Matchstick's down near the Space Needle. She suggests that she has put together a hand-picked team consisting of you and a bunch of other shadowrunners. Some megacorp is obviously behind the run, but she neglects to mention which one.

Kamal Lombardi (GM)

Tower of Mysteries

Chris (GM)

Warhammer 40k - Dark Heresy

In the grim darkness of the far future, you are all that stands between Humanity and its damnation. You are acolytes to one of the Emperors Inquisitors. Your duty is protect the Imperium from the predatations of the Heretic, The Xenos, and Chaos. Set in the Warhammer 40,000 tabletop miniature game. You are what stands between Damnation...and Death. Ave Imperator!

Theodore Schiro-Miller (GM)


In Neo Domino City, five Duelists are marked by destiny to uncover the secrets of the five dragons. The future of Yu-Gi-Oh is going into overdrive! Come to the place where Duelists get together to play and have fun with the Yu-Gi-OH Trading Card Game. Bring your decks and skills for what will be an enjoyable event. With the newest 5D's sets out, turn your deck and gaming experience into overdrive.

Jason Lum (GM)


Artist GoH
John Jude Palencar

Adele Lorienne
Aimee Stewart
Alan M. Clark
April Faires
Betsy Mott
Butch Honeck
Chris Sumption
Christine D. Winters
Christy "Goldenwolf" Granjean
Claudett Wagner
Collection of Becky Fallis
Collection of Mildred Downey Broxon
David Ketcherside
Donna Barr
Douglas Herring
Eden Hopkins
Elizabeth Fellows
Evening Angel
Gayle MacArthur
Gemma Woodhouse
Jeff Knutson
Jeff Sturgeon
Jennifer J. Kelley
Jo Brown
John P. Alexander
John R. Gray III
Joshua Foreman
Julie Baroh
K. Amarak Waters
Kevin Radthorne
Kyle Abernethy
Leslie Newcomer
Lily Munn Mad Bee
Margaret Organ-Kean
Mark Roland
Mark Tedin
Megan McBurney
Mimi Noyes
Monika Livingstone
Nina Tabares
Patty A. Watson
Peggy Foy
Peri Charlifu
Peter Pan
Philip Wagner
Phillip Brugalette
Rebecca Schumacher
Rena Bassilvergoran
Rita Townley
Rob Carlos dba Colorsmith Productions
Roberta Gregory
Roger Wheeler
Rory Clark
Russell D. Campbell
Ruth Peterson
Sandra Santara
Sarah Clemens
Stacey Hardin
Stephen Lestat
Strange World Studio
Stu Shepherd
TaBry Illustrations
Tammie Dupuis & Gwen McComb
Tattoo Stacy
Tenaya Sims
Teresa Miller
Theresa Lee Costanzo
Theresa Mather
Tiffany A. Toland
Tina Klein-Lebbink
Todd Lockwood


Jospeh Hill - Knitting Maille
Larry Lewis - Pencil, Pen-and-Ink 2D Art
Loren Damewood - Tieing Knots in Precious Metal
Chris Sumption - Illustration
Alton Lawson - Illustration
David Ketcherside - Digital Illustration
Mad Bee - Digital Art
Judy O - Handweaving - Inkle Looms


Angelwear Creations
Anna the Lost
Apex Publications
Art of Wings
Bad Dog Hats
Badgers Den
Bob Brown
Book Universe
Cargo Cult Books
Celtic Moonlighting
Cleo Wolfus Designs
Cordochorea Creations
Dawno's Beaded Lanyards
Dragon Hoard Games
Dragondyne Publishing
Eraserhead Press
Everett Comics
Firefly Cargo
Fur Connection
Games Plus
Guilded Quill
Gypsy Troll
Honeck Sculptures
Last Wear
Magickal Aardvark
Massoglia Books
OffWorld Designs
Ovation Productions
Paraselenic Studios
Perilous Press
Prose and Steel
Quicksilver Fantasies
Realm of Rreglia
Redwolf Hammer
Rob & June Edwards
Royal Magick
Runecraft Creations
Seafire Productions
Seams Like Magik
Sign of the Unicorn
Sinister Metalworks
Springtime Creations
Steelcraft/ Legends of Camelot
WR Slater Books


Group: 501st Garrison Titan
Contact: Marc Semenchuk
Email: [redacted]

Group: Alls Faire
Contact: Kristin Bartholomew
Email: [redacted]

Group: Alpha Base
Contact: Chuck Foltz
Email: [redacted]

Group: Beyond Reality Costumers Guild
Contact: Vicki Glover
Email: [redacted]

Group: Blue Falcon Editing
Contact: Andrea Howe
Email: [redacted]

Group: Camarilla Fan Group
Contact: Shane Freund
Email: [redacted]

Group: Colonial Defense Forces
Contact: Jeromie Foulger
Email: [redacted]

Group: EMP/SFM

Group: International Wenches Guild
Contact: Mary Weekman
Email: [redacted]

Group: ISS

Group: Jericho Fandom
Contact: Gwen
Email: [redacted]
Web: N/A

Group: MEW Convention
Contact: Kristin Bartholomew
Email: [redacted]

Group: National SpaceSociety-Seattle
Contact: David Stuart
Email: [redacted]

Group: Norwescon Charitable Events
Contact:Marlene Helms
Email: [redacted]

Group: NWSFS
Contact: Michael Citrak

Group: Reno in 2011 Westercon

Group: Seattle Browncoats
Contact: Robyn Haaf
Email: [redacted]

Group: Seattle in 2012

Group: Solseed

Group: Star Fleet International

Group: StarTrek Phoenix
Contact: Sue Mohn
Email: [redacted]

Group: SteamCon
Contact: Diana Vick
Email: [redacted]

Group: USS Aurora
Contact: Brian Pickett
Email: [redacted]

Group: USS Chinook
Contact: C.P.Dalen
Email: [redacted]

Group: Washington Renaissance Faire
Contact: Kate Gale
Email: [redacted]


TV Channel 46


Night of the Living Dead: 1968 NR 3:00 pm
Dr. Who: Planet of the Dead 4:40 pm
Torchwood: Children of Earth: Part 1 5:40 pm
Red Dwarf : The End 8:35 pm
RD Kryten 9:00 pm
Zombieland R 9:30 pm
Transfomers PG 11:00 pm


Transfomers 2 PG 1:20 am
Lexx: Eating Patten 3:50 am
Lexx: Super Nova 5:20 am
Ice Age 3 G 7:00 am
Dark Crystal PG 8:30 am
Battlestar Galactica: 1978 PG 10:00 am
Buck Rogers in the 25th Century PG 12:05 pm
Buck Rogers: Planet of the Slave Girls 1:35 pm
Torchwood: Children of Earth: Part 2 3:10 pm
Star Trek: 2009 PG 5:10 pm
Twilight PG-13 7:15 pm
South Park: Ungroundable 9:20 pm
Repo! The Genetic Opera R 9:40 pm
Rocky Horror Picture Show 11:20 pm


V: Series 1:00 am
Lexx: Lafftrak 4:10 am
Time Tunnel: The Day the Sky Fell-in 4:55 am
Labyrinth PG 7:30 am
Coraline PG 9:00 pm
Max Headroom: Blipuert 9:10 am
Bablon 5: The Lost Tales 10:00 am
Quark 11:10 am
Family Guy: Something Dark Side 11:35 am
Red Dwarf: Polymorph 12:30 pm
Red Dwarf: Back to Reality 1:00 pm
Red Dwarf: Back to Earth 1:25 pm
Max Headroom: Body Banks 2:35 pm
Red Dwarf: Only the Good 3:25 pm
Robot Chicken: Star Wars 2 3:55 pm
Dr. Who: The End of Word 4:35 pm
Norwescon Masquerade: Live! 7:00 pm
Under the Hood 9:30 pm
Watchmen: 12 episodes 10:05 pm


Teles of the Freights R 3:30 am
Lexx: I Worship His Shadow 3:55 am
Lexx: Giga Shadow 5:30 am
Peter Pan PG 7:00 am
Norwescon Masquerade: Taped 9:00 am
Transfomers 1 PG 10:00 am
Transfomers 2 PG 12:00 am

TV Channel 48


Cosmos 10:00 am
Theremin an Electronic Odyssey PG 4:05 pm
Meet Dave PG 5:30 pm
Speed Racer PG 7:00 pm
The Happening R 9:10 pm
Rollerball R 10:40 pm


Stargate PG 12:45 am
Doomsday R 2:50 am
Journey to the Center the Earth PG 4:40 am
Labyinth G 6:15 am
Mirrormask G 7:55 am
George Lucas in Love PG 9:35 am
Troop 10:00 am
Farscape: Premiere 10:10 am
Firefly: Sernity 11:00 am
Space: Above and Beyond - Pilot 12:30 pm
Time Tunnel 2:00 pm
Max Headroom: Rakers 2:50 pm
Flash Gordon: TV Series 3:40 pm
Flash Gordon: Movie PG 4:05 pm
Nosferatu PG 6:00 pm
Streets of Fire PG 7:20 pm
South Park: Major Boobage 8:50 pm
Heavy Metal R 9:10 pm
Kentucky Fried Movie R 10:40 pm


Cannibal the Musical R 12:05 am
Blade Runner R 1:40 am
Battlestar Galactica: 1978 PG 3:40 am
Max Headroom: War 5:45 am
Sarah Jane Adventures: Show 1 6:30 am
Sarah Jane Adventures: Show 2 7:30 am
Sarah Jane Adventures: Show 3 8:30 am
Man on the Wire PG 9:20 am
Batman: The Dark Knight PG-13 10:55 am
Farscape 1:30 pm
Moon PG-13 4:30 pm
Red Dwarf: Pet 6:10 pm
Norwescon Masquerade: Live! 7:00 pm
Harry Potter: Half-Blood Prince PG 9:30 pm


District 9 R 12:05 am
Aeonflux PG 1:55 am
Ultraviolet R 3:30 am
Futurama: The Beast with Back 5:05 am
Monster vs. Aliens G 5:20 am
Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs G 8:05 am
Star Trek: 2009 PG 9:35 am
Batman: The Dark Knight PG-13 11:40 am



Grand 1 Art Show
Grand 2 General Programning and Special Events
Grand 3 General Programning and Special Events
NW Ballrooms Dealers Room


Everygreen 1-4 General Rogramming and Special Events
Cascade 1 & 2 Green Room and Stage Managerment
Cascade 3 Readings / Evening General Programing
Cascade 4-10 & 13 General Pogramming
Cascade 11 & 12 Schedule Gaming

tower - floor 14

Maxies Bar General Programming and Special Events
Salon General Programming and Special Events
Mt. Barker/ Mt. Rainer Writers Workshop


Presidential Suit 1360 Special Progamming


Artist Alley


Olympic 1 Family Programming and Special Events
Olympic 2 Volunteers
Olympic 3 Hospitality
Room 7101 Cloakroom/ Lost & Found
Room 7106 Norwescon Office
Room 7108 Norwescon Security/ Dispatch


NORWESCON 33 Event Locations - First Floor

DoubleTree Ground Floor Check-In and Lobby Area

This Floor Contains
Art Show
Grand Ballroom
Dealer's Room

NORWESCON 33 Event Locations - Second Floor

DoubleTree Second Floor Cascade and Evergreen Rooms

This Floor Contains
Cascade Meeting Rooms
Green Room
Evergreen Meeting Rooms

NORWESCON 33 Event Locations - The Wings

This Floor Contains
Olympic Rooms
Convention Office
Cloak Room/Lost & Found




“Norwescon 33 Pocket Program,” Norwescon History, accessed March 13, 2025,

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