News from the Nevernever Issue 0


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News from the Nevernever Issue 0


Norwescon 46


The Wendesday issue of the Norwescon 46 daily zine.


Caitlin Cormier




March 27, 2024



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Notes from the Nevernever Issue 0

The official daily news sheet for Norwescon 46
Wednesday, 27 March 2024


We wish a warm welcome to staff, volunteers, members and our Guests of Honor. If you are not from this area, welcome to Cascadia! Bordered by the Pacific Ocean to the west and the Rocky Mountains to the east, the Pacific Northwest stretches from Oregon up through Washington, Idaho, and embracing British Columbia. Within Washington state, you’ll find dense forests, rising peaks, desert flats, rolling hills and deep lakes all nestled up next to the realms of Faerie.

Travel with us into the Wylde. While we're used to seeing the unusual at conventions, don't be surprised to see denizens of the Nevernever in attendance, as we invite those with benevolent intentions from the Wylde fae, Wee Folk, cryptids and the Fae Courts to join us. We've warded against any bad intent, but it is always wise to be on your guard. Tricksy faeries.

Your input needed for Con Stories

“Con Stories”are micro stories (just a couple paragraphs) of interesting or funny interactions you have at Norwescon 46. Think: The New York Times’ “Metropolitan Diary,” and you’ll have a good idea of what we’re looking for. Send your snippets of interaction to

Blast from the Past

Hello mortals, luminous beings and gentle fae. For the unaware, I am Bob – a spirit of intellect who resides in a human skull. I take paperback romances very seriously, and since I began residing with Waldo Butters (doctor, Knight of the Cross, fluffy-bunny-slippered aficionado of Polka and the wonderful world of cinema), I take movies very seriously.

So, I am the perfect host of “Blast from the Past,” where we’ll do a roundup of our favourite geeky classic films and why we love them. Send in the name your favourite movie and why it’s special in your memory, to


Please submit those "makes sense at a con, but not so much elsewhere" or “only at a sci fi/fantasy convention” things you overhear in our halls, panels, events and parties.

To prime the pump, here are a few from Norwescon 46 Chair SunnyJim Morgan. They are things she said she would never think she’d find herself saying – but did at a con:

  • “I have to go schedule the mermaids.”
  • “But my space kilt holds six beers!”
  • “I need a ninja wrangler.”

Send your own Overheard items to

Interested in volunteering?

Go to the volunteer table, located in the convention lobby. Even if it’s for a few hours a day, your time helping out at your convention, is appreciated.

Get linked up & plugged in

Change is the only constant, Greek philosopher Heraclitus told us more than 2550 years ago, and it’s true at conventions. But don’t be worried about missing something–we have Guidebook and our website to keep you in-the-know.

Guidebook is Norwescon’s online schedule app. It’s kept complete and up-to-date, so you have the latest info at all times. If you haven’t yet, download the app at

Also,the Norwescon 46 website will keep you informed:

You can locate updated daily schedules, event grids and a handy map at:

Norwescon hours

Follow and share

Norwescon is all over the socials. Follow us, converse with us and share what’s up. Please use #NWC46 on your posts.

Notes from the Nevernever

is the daily news sheet for Norwescon 46. It is published as a morning edition, released by 10 a.m. Articles and photos from you, the convention members, are welcome and encouraged. The deadline for each day's edition is 11 p.m. the previous evening. Email your photos, ideas, "Overheard," "Blast from the Past" and "Con Stories" submissions to

Your Wylde Hunt shifter ranger is Caitlin Cormier. Your color & design illusion mage is Shelley George. Special thanks to wizards Michael Hanscom, Michelle Morrell, Kevin Black and Alex Demboski, and adventuring party benefactors Kat Marier and SunnyJim Morgan.

Convention questions, concerns or cries of outrage– Nevernever, Bob the spirit of intellect and Toot-Toot copyright Jim Butcher, used with permission. (Get better soon, Jim.)



Caitlin Cormier, “News from the Nevernever Issue 0,” Norwescon History, accessed March 12, 2025,

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