Norwescon 12 Program Book


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Norwescon 12 Program Book


Norwescon 12


The full souvenir program book for Norwescon 12.


Michael Brocha, Michael Citrak, Robert Suryan, Judy Suryan, Yvonne Richardson




March 29-April 1, 1990



Contents Copyright © 1990 by the Northwest Science Fiction Society for the contributors.



Text Item Type Metadata


The Northwest Science Fiction Society proudly presents

Norwescon 12

March 29-April 1, 1990
Annual Northwest Regional Science Fiction Convention

(AD) Rustycon

Puget Sound Area Science Fiction Convention

January 18, 19 & 20, 1991

Guests of Honor
Dr. Robert Forward
Randall Spangler

membership rates:
$18.00 until March 31, 1990
$22.00 until July 31, 1990
$25.00 until December 31, 1990
$28.00 at the door

RUSTYCON8 P.O. Box 84291
Seattle, WA 98124-5591

Art Show • Dealers Room • Hospitality • Masquerade • Casino • 2 Dances • Gaming • Video Programming • Guests • Panel Programming • Parties • Costumes

We're Looking for a Few Good Fen

The Northwest Science Fiction Society proudly presents Norwescon 12

March 29-April 1, 1990
Annual Northwest Regional Science Fiction Convention


Twelth Annual Northwest Regional Science Fiction Convention

Sponsored by the:
Northwest Science Fiction Society
P.O. Box 24207
Seattle, WA 98124

Guest of Honor

Artist Guest of Honor

Science Guest of Honor

Fan Guest of Honor


Program Book Production: Michael Brocha, Michael Citrak, Robert Suryan, Judy Suryan, Yvonne Richardson

Program Book Printouts: Designer Service Bureau, Olympia, WA


Chairman: Elizabeth Warren
Convention Secretary: Claudia Quale, Vicki Glover
Hospitality: Debbie Tatarek, Pait Kernovan, Matt Winkelman
Business Manager: Mary Hamburger
Treasurer: Richard Wright
Membership Services: Carolyn Palms, Diane Kuulei Villaflor, Paul Schaper
Mail Services: Lauraine Miranda
Publications: Michael Brocha
Photo Services: Peter Citrak, John Sabotta
Convention Services: Judy Suryan
Operations: Robert Suryan
Office: Beckv Simpson, Dave Sullivan
Lost & Found: Lauraine Miranda
Information: Doug Booze
Medical: Judy Suryan
Site Services: Kathy Smith
Peacebonding: Marni Smith
Rovers: Peter Horvath
Watch: Julia Mueller
Gophers: Dave Sullivan
Signs: Janis Worrell
Maintenance: Janis Worrell
Programming/Stage Services: Michael Citrak
Stage Management: Jodi Kimball, Cherie Playter
Masquerade: Hans Meier, Bob Grieve, Antony Ferruci
Stardance: Keith Johnson, Michael Citrak
Saturday Night Dance: Shawn Marier, Peter Kafka D'Anglemont
Ice Cream Social: Judy Survan, Kathy Smith
Prop Room: Pat Oros, Becky Fallis, Lou Anna Valentine
Fannish Olympics: Mark Richardson
Technical Services: Keith Johnson
Tech Gofer: Lindy Pangan
Volunteer Services: Shelia Glassburn
Staff Lounge: Toni Elton
KidKon III: Sue Bartroff, Director, Mica Hellinger, Andrew Bartroff, Susan Dahlin, Frnn Beslanowich, Andy LaPlant
Static Programming: Jodi Kimbell
Gaming: Craig Bowie, Stacie Bowie
Art Show: Katherine Howes
Dealers: Don Forbis, Holly Forbis
Fanzine Room: Mark Manning
My Science Project: Jodi Kimbell
Programming Director: Yvonne V. Richardson
Assistant Programming Director: "Jolly" Roger E. Steppe
Honorary Assistant Program Director: Keith Johnson
Programming Assistants: Steve Bard, Sue Bartroff, Linda Bray, some guy named Michael Brocha program book guy, Karen Lee Carmack, Michael Citrak, D'Artagnan, Randoph P. Filthyrich, Maura Garrett, Hank Graham, Kim Graham, Mary Hamburger, Leslie Howle, Andrea Hunt, Kendra Hunt, Lisa Marie Hunt, Tom Kennedy, Mark Laville, Casey Leichter, Jessica Maldonado, Andrew P. McQuiddy, Hans Meier, Lonnie Morford, Margaret Organ, Claudie Quate, Mark Richardson, Judy Suryan, Laura Toeepel, Elizabeth Warren, Richard Wright
Computing Services Director: Yvonne V. Richardson
Computing Services: John Brautlacht, Michael Citrak, Jim Lane, Roger E. Steppe
Quality Control: Michael Brocha the program book guy, Randolph P. Filthyrich, Yvonne V. Richardson
Green Room: Dora Shirk, Doug Shirk
Banquet Arrangements: Judy Suryan
Writers Workshops: Michael Scanlon
Media Services Director: Chris McDonell
Video Program Director: Walter Jung
Video Programming Assistants: CERTAIN Fannish Olympics Teams, Scott Anderson, Jim C. Clowers, Jim Cobb, Hank Graham, Hugh Gregory, Jeff Harris, Ryan K. Johnson, Cindy Ketterling, Chris Ketunnen, Patrick R. LaBlanc, Gary Malkasian, Paul Morris, Hilarie Morris, Jordan Orr, Mark Schellberg, Tempus, Dennis Virzi, Tim Young, Matt Zukouski
Page 3 Boy: Mgungu Yabba Mgungu

Table of Contents

Cover: A Stitch in Time © 1990 by David A. Cherry
Programming: 2
Guest of Honor: Roger Zelazny by Fred Saberhangen: 20
Art Guest of Honor: David A. Cherry by Raymond E. Feist: 22
Fan Guest of Honor: Pat Mueller by Allen Varney: 26
Science Guest of Honor: Dr. John G. Cramer by William R. Warren Jr.: 28
Volunteer Guest of Honor: Joe Wheeler by Doug Shirk: 30
Toastmaster: Dan Reeder: 32
Gallery I: 34
Fiction: by John Cramer: 44
Guests of Norwescon: 48
Fact: Gauze Celebre by Pat Mueller: 64
Gallery II: 68
Fiction: Time Considered As a Helix of Lavender Ribbon by Deborah Wessell: 78
Volunteers: 80
Fiction: The Last Star Trek Parody by Steven Bryan Bieler: 82
Members of Norwescon: 84
Advertisers & Art Credits: 87
Acknowledgements: 88
Back Cover La Belle Dame Du Rocher © 1990 by David A. Cherry
Nametag El Paradoja © 1990 by Mark a. Skullerud

Contents Copyright © 1990 by the Northwest Science Fiction Society for the contributors.
All opinions expressed in this publication are those of the authors and not necessarily those of Norwescon or the Northwest Science Fiction Society


[Artwork] Sight Seer cover for the anthology Visible Light by C.J. Cherryh, published by Phantasia Press. © 1990 by David A. Cherry.


The Norwescon Program can be regarded as sort of "meta-convention"-that is, the raw materials out of which one can construct one's own convention. We hope that no one attending Norwescon will experience exactly the same con, but do hope we've provided you with the opportunity to have the convention you want.

The following schedule shows most of the programming events, but not all. Whereas much work has gone into the scheduling of events and making the listings as complete and accurate as possible, things tend to change and panelists sometimes have to drop out. Pay close attention to your Pocket Program, because time changes and additional events will appear there. For your convenience, we have compilied much of the programming into several catagories at the end of this schedule.

Some programs are marked as being of particular interest to children and teens. For the most part they are not intended solely for kids and teens and may be enjoyed by all, either by participating or observing. ¶ indicate those programs of interest to children and their parents, ¥ indicates those for teens.

Please do not leave children ages 12 and under at these events unattended to be amused. Parents are still responsible for these children and are expected to be with them at all times. The convention committee welcomes you to Norwescon 12 and hopes that you have an enjoyable convention.



Conference Room

5 PM

Ballrooms 1 & 2
Prominent scientists and science writers gather to tell us how much closer we've gotten to the forefront of science, and what new horizons may be in view.

Ballroom 3

Ballroom 4

Pavilion F

6 PM

If we get enough people at this event, it will happen. How much is enough, and what will happen? Come find out!!

Ballroom 3

Ballroom 4
The written word as electrical impulse. What are the effects, benefits, and drawbacks? What about the literary, social, cultural, and economic implications?

Conference Room

Pavilion F

7 PM

Ballrooms 1 & 2
Publishing houses are putting out more and more F/SF in shorter times than ever before. How much of it is any good? Are they publishing new and different things for everyone, or is it more of the same. How much is from writers that are truly producing, and how much is from the "formula" bandwagon? Whether or not they are "formula" books, do they hold your attention? Are they worth buying as well as reading?

8 PM

Ballrooms 1 & 2 ¥¶
Roger Zelazny, Pat Mueller, John G. Cramer, Dan Reeder (M), Avram Davidson, David A. Cherry, Joe Wheeler, Becky Simpson, Elizabeth Warren, Judy Suryan, Yvonne V. Richardson
A glimpse of what awaits you this weekend, featuring our Guests of Honor and some of the Norwescon staff.

9 PM - 1 AM



9 AM

Pavilion Prefunction Area
Steve Barnes (M)
Tai chi is neither a martial art nor is it aerobics; however, it is a wonderful method of schooling the body AND the mind. Steve Barnes will lead you through some of the disciplines of Tai Chi before you get started on your day at Norwescon.

10 AM

Ballrooms 1 & 2

Ballroom 3
Steve Barnes (M)

Ballroom 4

Pavilion E

Pavilion F
Margaret Organ (M), Margaret Organ
New F/SF artists 'feed' on their predecessors. This is not uncommon; almost all artists learn how to draw by copying presumably better artists. In fact, the copying of old masters in actively encouraged in traditional art schools. Unfortunately, the pool of 'old masters' in the F/SF genre is extremely limited compared to those outside the genre. So, what sources and traditions outside the genre can be drawn from as learning material?

[Artwork] Cold Cuts, cover for The Year's Best Horror Vol XV, published by DAW © 1990 by Michael Whelan

[Artwork] © 1990 by Monika Livingston

11 AM

Ballrooms 1 & 2
David A. Cherry

Ballroom 3
Everyone enjoys a good fantasy novel now and then. But as fantasy becomes more popular and more formula- driven, one sometimes wonders if light fantasy is beginning to be like light beer or light margarine- all fluff and no substance. What is causing this market trend, and is there still hope for high fantasy?

Ballroom 4
A popular program on putting depth into your art and fiction. Exactly how do you transfer a texture or a sunset from your brain to the page or canvas?

Pavilion E ¥
Clairaudience, clairvoyance, precognition, psychometry, telekinesis and telepathy are all descriptive terms for paranormal behavior. Is extrasensory perception normal human behavior? Or is it created by a vivid imagination?

Pavilion F
Colleen Anderson (M)

11:30 AM

Pavilion F


Ballrooms 1 & 2
Pat Mueller, Richard Wright (M)

Ballroom 3
Whatever happened to the lurker at the threshold, the monster under the bed, or the horror around the corner? Has our need for detail, spurred on by the special effects industry, created a market for blood and gore rather than thrills and suspense?

Ballroom 4 ¥
There are formal and informal activities which will help sharpen your professional skills as an artist or writer. Workshopping, the "old friend" network, school, convention demonstrations, and socializing with those who share your interests are all ways to keep your talent and motivation alive. What else is there? Our panelists will share those ideas with you, as well as what has worked for them.

Conference Room
Mario Milosevic, Kim Antieau

Pavilion E

Pavilion F

Forum Room ¥


Ballrooms 1 & 2
John G. Cramer

Ballroom 3

Ballroom 4


[Artwork] © 1990 by Ingrid Neilson

Pavilion F
Sharon Sinclair (M)
Eastern, Western, and Native American esoteric systems have similar core elements. How do these disciplines differ from the l980's wave of New Age thought?

Conference Room

Fanzine Room
Dresden Moss, Getsu-Shin Moss
The folks at Miscellania Unlimited have a deal for you!! Those who participate in this event will receive copies of the Norwescon 12 Comic Strip for a small fee. Of course, that means you have to help draw it. Have some fun, illustrate the con, and learn a bit about B&W comic publishing while you're at it.

2 PM

Ballrooms 1 & 2
Urban myths and legends are an increasingly popular motif in F/SF. The Big Bad Wolf of the Forest has been replaced with The Big Bad Bum in the Alley, and the bain sidhe by the river has been elbowed aside by the pirhana in the swimming pool. Although our civilization seems to be getting farther away from nature, we still fulfill our need for its magic, both fair and foul. Was that a yellow brick I just saw? Nah, not on this road.

Ballroom 3
The Association of Science Fiction and Fantasy Artists is

Ballroom 4
Robert Jacobson, Thomas A. Furness

Conference Room

Pavilion D
Hans Meier (M)
This is your first chance to meet with the Masquerade crew and discuss what's needed to be a Masquerade participant. Missing both this meeting and the other mandatory meeting implies that you will not be in the masquerade; however, you only need to attend one of these two meetings.

Pavilion F
Bill Ransom (M), Joe Wheeler

Forum Room
Mark Richardson

Rotunda Balcony
Jon Gustafson (M)

(AD) Arkadian Bookshop

Arkadian Bookshop

Specializing in Science Fiction, Fantasy, & Horror
New * Used * Rare
Generous Trade-In Policy * Free Search Service
Mail Order
Frequent Autographing Parties

5232 University Way NE
Seattle, WA 98105

Kristi N. Austin, Proprietor

3 PM

Ballrooms 1 & 2 ¥¶
More and more of our youth is turning to drugs, drugs which can kill. Officer Dan Still, from the Tacoma Police D.A.R.E. program, is here to tell you how to combat this menace which can steal your will, your self-esteem, your mind, and even your life. People of ALL ages are encouraged to attend this panel; either you'll run into drugs or you'll run into someone who needs your help in the fight against the beast.

Ballroom 3
There have been countless changes in tax laws in the past few years, especially for those who are self-employed. This is even more true for writers, artists, composers, and others who are employed in bringing the products of creative processes to the public. Cyn Mason is here to discuss the IRS point of view, and perhaps give you some pointers to help you meet April 15 with alacrity instead of trepidation.

[Artwork] © 1990 by Margaret Organ

Ballroom 4
Algis Budrys (M)
Everything you ever wanted to know about writing, in less time than it takes to ask (almost). Noted author/ editor (not futurist) Algis Budrys will share his insights with you, so LISTEN FAST!!

Conference Room

Pavilion F
Sharan Sinclair
Both the Old and New Worlds have produced magical systems. This panel will explore some common patterns in the areas of natural, folk, and formal magic.

Forum Room

Rotunda Balcony
David A. Cherry (M)

4 PM

Ballrooms 1 & 2 ¥¶
Margaret Organ (M), Donna Barr, Karen Lee Carmack
See a mural(???) take shape before your eyes as a small horde of professional artists trade canvases in much the same fashion that jazz musicians trade motifs. Of course, the wild and wacky ideas that will be let loose upon an unsuspecting world may very well bring a new meaning to the phrase “performing arts" ...

Ballroom 3
Avram Davidson*
A small, quiet talk with Special Guest Avram Davidson.

Ballroom 4

Conference Room
John Barnes (M)

[Artwork] © 1990 by Ingrid Neilson

Pavilion E

Pavilion F
Mark Richardson (M)

5 PM

Ballroom 3

Ballroom 4
Yvonne V. Richardson
From the pulps of the thirties to the flicks of the eighties, multitudes have been drawn to some form of F/SF and the various factions of fandom. Let's talk about what it WAS to be a fan, what it means NOW, and whether peaceful coexistence among factions is possible.

Pavilion F
Built any new lifeforms lately? Panelists and audience together will explore the discoveries and ramifications of this hotly-debated field. Disease building and eradication, genetic adaptations, and human tissue cultures will be discussed.

6 PM

Conference Room

Forum Room
Sheila Glassburn (M)
The inimitable Professor Sheila Glassburn is here to welcome newcomers to the families of fandom and give you pointers on how to make Norwescon 12 a unique and memorable experience. A quick course on convention etiquette which will make you want to come back for more—and make us want to have you back.

(AD) Ace Science Fiction & Fantasy

Poul Anderson, Anne McCaffrey, Larry Niven, Christopher Stasheff, and others in...


Edited by David Drake and Bill Fawcett

The brave men and women of the Fleet have fought the most fiery battle the stars will ever witness in the remote darkness of space. They've had to ward off the ruthless Khalian horde on hellish planets with poisoned atmospheres. Now they're about to face their greatest challenge. From missiles endowed with human minds to self-replicating mechanical monsters, the war of the millennium will never be the same!

More hilarious than a visit to Callahan's Crosstime Saloon - it's a brand-new adventure in the bestselling Callahan series!


By Hugo and Nebula award-winning author Spider Robinson

Everyone for millions of miles around thought Callahan's Crosstime Saloon was the greatest place to visit in the galaxy. Then they discovered Lady Sally's House. Sally's a true professional,and her beautiful and dedicated staff aim to please.

So shed your inhibitions and join the fun with Callahan's Lady and her girls. Satisfaction guaranteed...

[Artwork] © 1990 by John Alvarez

7:30 PM

Ballrooms 1,2,3 & 4
Everyone's invited to this party, to meet some new people, collect a few autographs, and renew old acquaintances. Writers, artists, agents, and other guests will be in attendance; if you don't have other collectibles for them to sign, you can always have your Norwescon 12 Program Book autographed.

9 PM - 2 AM

Michael Citrak
The biggest dance of the convention, the largest gathering of Northwest fen, the STARDANCE and ICE CREAM SOCIAL happens again!! The Boogie Beings are back, and will transform the Pavilion into a panorama of lights, a wall of sound, and a floorful of DANCERS!! There will be a special opening number to let you know exactly what the Boogie Being means when he says “boogie". And when you don't feel like dancing, there's always ice cream . . .

9 PM - 11 PM

Forum Room

9:30 PM

Ballrooms 1,2, & 3
Tania Opland, Rebecca Neason, Anna Peekstok, Karen Lee Carmack (M)
Ever wonder what hidden talents those mysterious beings collectively known as "the pros" might be harboring? Then join us at Club Andromeda for an interdimensional musical romp starring pro writers, artist, and big name fans in a sophisticated, intergalactic coffeehouse setting. Highlighting the evening will be the duo Telynor with their unique blend of original and traditional tunes.


Ballroom 4


8:30 AM - 10 AM

Pavilion E & F
Don Forbis (M)

9 AM

Pavilion Prefunction Area
Steve Barnes (M)
It's Saturday morning!! Wake up your body and your mind with Tai Chi. This is an exercise that is as much mental as it is physical; it will help you find your centers of balance, control, and motivation, and maybe even give you the stamina to survive the hottest day of Norweson programming.

Rotunda Balcony

10 AM

Ballroom 1 & 2

[Artwork] © 1990 by Margaret Organ

Ballroom 3 ¥
Jordin Kare (M)
Livermore Labs proposes some interesting, innovative—and inexpensive technology for space stations and manned Mars missions.

Ballroom 4
Margaret Organ (M), William R. Warren Jr.
Leonardo da Vinci's Last Supper has been falling off the wall in tiny pieces for about 450 years. Had he used more permanent materials, his fresco would be in as good shape as Michelangelo's Sistine Chapel ceiling. How can YOU be sure your art will last over the centuries? Come to this panel and uncover the mysteries of dyes vs. pigments, Ph neutral papers, buffering, and binders.

Conference Room
So you'd like to see your work on the big silver screen, eh? You'll need to know about format, terminology, and selling your plays while keeping your rights. Listen to our attending screenwriters as they talk about the perils and pitfalls of producing plays.

Pavilion D
Hans Meier (M)
This is your LAST chance to meet with the Masquerade crew and discuss what's needed to be a Masquerade participant. If you missed the previous meeting, you MUST attend this one or you will not be in the masquerade; if you've already attended a mandatory masquerade meeting, please ignore this reminder.

Pavilion E & F
Deborah Wessel I (M)

Forum Room ¥
Sheila Glassburn
Come learn the secret language of conventioneering from the inimitable Professor Sheila Glassburn, back for a second lecture. Egoboo, smoffing, and FIAWOL vs. FIJAGH are some of the terms that will be discussed, along with the everpresent "please" and "thank you". A quick orientation will make your Norwescon experience a pleasant one for all involved.

10 AM - 5 PM

Pavilion Backstage
Hans Meier (M), Masquerade Technical judges (you know who you are).

10:30 AM

Pavilion E & F

11 AM

Ballrooms 1 & 2
Roger Zelazny

Ballroom 3
John G. Cramer

Conference Room

Pavilion E & F

Forum Room

11 AM -1 PM

Ballroom 4 Amateur filmmakers enter their most exciting new works in the annual Norwescon contest.

12 NOON - 4 PM

Bloodmobile in Courtyard


Ballrooms 1 & 2
Roger Zelazny (M)

Ballroom 3

Conference Room

Fanzine Room
When there are two or more notable conventions on the same weekend, many pros and fans are torn as to which one to attend. Since this is also the weekend of Readercon and I-con, we will attempt a fax hook-up to let members of all conventions get a feel for what's happening at the other cons.

Rotunda Balcony

1:00 PM

Ballrooms 1 & 2


Elton Elliott, Grant Fjermedal
The art of creating molecular machinery has been nicknamed "the ultimate Industrial Revolution". Why? What sciences are associated with it, and how can the average person benefit from it? Need we worry about "escapees" from labs or augmented humans taking our places on the socio-economic ladder? What are benefits currently available to us from this frontier, and what might be coming up in the next decade?

What's the best way to prepare a manuscript? To whom should you send it, and what protocols should be observed? There's more to selling a story than just mailing it--here are some suggestions.

Pavilion D

Pavilion E & F

2 PM

Ballrooms 1 & 2

[Artwork] © 1990 by Alicia Austin

Ballroom 3
More than any other genre, F/SF should be the one where any idea can be explored, whether in works of art or works of literature. But even here, there are often differences between what "should be" and what "is." Listen as writers, artists, and other professionals talk about the times they censored themselves ... even in this, the "free-est" of genres.

Ballroom 4

2:30 PM

Ballroom 4

3 PM

Ballrooms 1 & 2
A discourse on the actuality of these and other time-honored means of transport. A must for those of you who wish to provide a means to get a character from here to there (and now to then) with as little fuss and as much plausibility as possible.

Ballroom 3

Ballroom 4

Conference Room
Luella W. Burrows, Sara L. Stamey (M)

Pavilion D
Hans Meier (M), Steve Barnes
You miss this, you miss being in the masquerade. Costume optional, except for feet, heads, and other problem pieces.

(AD) Ace Science Fiction & Fantasy

Nebula Award-nominated author of The Tales of Nedao
Ru Emerson
—Katherine Eliska Kimbriel, author of Fire Sanctuary


A stunning tapestry of dark magic and dangerous romance. A brilliantly haunting fairy tale you will never forget...

Young Prince Conrad had never seen such a beautiful maiden. Her name was Sofia, and she was magic. Bewitching, beguiling, was as if she had cast a spell on him. But was it true love that captured his heart? Or a dark, powerful sorcery as tempting and inescapable as evil itself?

"Emerson writes delightfully clear prose, with a deft and loving touch."
—Tad Willlams, author of Tailchaser's Song


4 PM

Ballrooms 1 & 2
Mark Skullerud (M)

Ballroom 3

Ballroom 4
Leslie Howie (M), Steve Barnes, Edward Bryant
Here's your last chance to view the Clarion Auction items before the auction itself. Come on, you REALLY want that galley proof, don't you? And the suspenders of disbelief-one size fits all...

Conference Room ¥
Steven A. Gallacci (M)

Pavilion E & F
Dan Reeder

4:30 PM - 7 PM

Ballroom 4
Edward Bryant (M), Leslie Howie, Steve Barnes, Deborah Wessell
Signed books, artwork, T-shirts, and other special itemswill be auctioned to benefit the Clarion West Scholarship Fund. Auctioneers Ed Bryant and Steve Barnes will do their best to convince each and every one of you that you HAVE to have that special item more than that person over there does. GoinG. GoinG.

(AD) Pacific Northwest Theatre Associates


Stage Lighting • Sound • Special Effects
Sales • Rentals
Event Services
Professional Design • Delivery • Set-up

Free Catalog
Same day service on orders placed by 1:00pm

[redacted] • SEATTLE: 622-7850 • FAX [redacted]

5 PM

Ballrooms 1 & 2
Roger Zelazny, Leslie Howle (M)

Ballroom 3
Some of the area's most prominent artists in the computer art field are here to give you their opinions, a glimpse of their computer-aided creations, and a demo or two.

Fanzine Room
A general discussion of what zines are, how they came to be, and why they diversified into news, media, personal, electronic, general, and/ or fanzines. Where are they today, and where are they headed? Do they prepare writers and artists for "the big time", or are they just letters for larger audiences?

6 PM

Ballrooms 1 & 2
Remember the good old days when you knew everybody at a convention AND could see them all—simultaneously? Most conventions are no longer just a quick trip across town; now they inhabit entire hotels and have official airlines, rent-a-car services, and restaurants. WHAT HAPPENED? Has the science fiction convention become such a social event that there's no room left for the science—or the fiction?

Ballroom 3
More and more people network via bulletin boards, e-mail, uplinks and downlinks. As a consequence, the world information network is growing exponentially. That which is suppressed at one source is easily obtained from another; socio-political boundaries are often ignored. When a majority of the world can network, will government as we now know it cease to exist? What might take its place?

Conference Room
How do the literate transmit the importance of literacy to an increasingly illiterate society? How do those who are not literate become so? Is it possible to get people "turned on" to the written word before they have a chance to "turn off"?

7:30 PM

Hans Meier (M), Steve Barnes
This year's Masquerade is being emceed by Steve Barnes. Come watch the fantastic panorama of glittering costumes, wonderful stage shows, and terrific half-time entertainment!

8:10 PM

Ch 6 (North room)
For those of you who don't wish to fight the crowds, the Norwescon 12 Masquerade will be videotaped live and beamed into your hotel rooms via the Truly Mondo Channel. Or, it can be watched in the Truly Mondo Video room, also known as the North Room. Truly Mondo Video courtesy of Keith Johnson.

9 PM -11 PM

Forum Room

[Artwork] Message From A Friend © 1990 by Rob Alexander

10 PM

Ballrooms 1,2,3, & 4
Well, the Oldies Dance was Thursday night, and the Stardance was last night. For those of you who just CAN'T get enough, Peter Kafka and Shawn Marier are here to offer you a new and special mix of dance tunes.

(AD) Laurie Edison

I regret that I am unable to display my work at this year’s Norwescon. I look forward to seeing you at the Portland Westercon.

Laurie Edison
Sign of the Unicorn

Box 77370
San Francisco, CA 94107

11 PM

Karen Lee Carmack, Dennis Virzi (M)
Dennis Virzi and friends take a humorous view of the question: "What is a Trufan?"


Pavilion D


9 AM

Dealer's Room
Richard Wright (M)

Pavilion Prefunction Area
Steve Barnes (M)
The final Tai Chi class of this year's Norwescon should clearyourmind, wake up your body, and get you ready for the last full day of Norwescon 12.

[Artwork] © 1990 by Ingrid Neilson

[Artwork] © 1990 by Lita Smith-Gharet

10 AM

Ballrooms 1 & 2 ¥¶
Dan Reeder (M)

Ballroom 3

Ballroom 4
Pat Mueller

Pavilion Backstage
Hans Meier (M)
Masquerade competitors and Event Staff meet to compare notes, exchange information, and talk about what went wrong and what went right.

Pavilion E
Michael G. Coney

Pavilion F
Who are the Science Fiction Writers of America? What are membership requirements, duties, and responsibilities? What can SFWA do for the active writer? Is there a relationship between being in SFWA and being a pro at your average con?

Conference Room

Forum Room

10:30 AM

Pavilion E
Kathleen Alcala (M)

11 AM

Ballrooms 1 & 2

Ballroom 3
Elizabeth Warren, Becky Simpson, David A. Cherry, Judy Suryan, John G. Cramer, Pat Mueller, Dan Reeder, Yvonne V. Richardson, Joe Wheeler, Roger Zelazny, Avram Davidson
This is a special hour for volunteers only. Spend some time with our Guests of Honor and other pros you didn't get to see because you were working. Those who help make a convention run sometimes DO get special rewards, and we have some for you.

Ballroom 4
Jim Cobb (M)
Come see the film(s) judged to be the best of this year's Amateur Film Contest.

Conference Room
Donna Barr (M)

Pavilion E
Dragon (M) ¥

Pavilion F
Congratulations--you finally have your name in print, or have begun to sell your works to that ever-elusive creature, "the buyer". What's the next step? How do you turn your work into a full-time job instead of just a fun hobby? How do you go from being "a flash in the pan" to being a steady producer-- and seller? News on markets, publishing, marketing, and promoting your work.


Ballrooms 1 & 2

Ballroom 3

Ballroom 4

Conference Room
How do you make terrific films with little or no budget? Some of the Northwest filmmakers are here to share a few secrets with you.

12 NOON - 2:30 PM

Pavilion D ¥¶

(AD) Glass Onion Graphics

Michael Whelan


For more than a decade, MICHAEL WHELAN has been the most respected artist in the SF/Fantasy field. Glass Onion Graphics is pleased to offer reproductions of this 10-time HUGO Award-winning artist through our full-color catalog.

Send $2.00 to:

P.O. BOX 88

1PM - 3 PM

Ballrooms 1 & 2
Of course, this event takes place when we're at our silliest. How would YOU draw "it was a dark and stormy night"?

1 PM

Ballroom 3
Artists, editors, publishers, writers, and/or readers are invited to share viewpoints on non-white characters and illustrations. What are their associated messages, outlooks, and futures? Are they still putting aliens on the covers because non-white humans won't sell books? Worse yet, are we still blaming the artists?

Ballroom 4

Conference Room
An anonymously donated manuscript will be publicly critqued. Sit in on this event and see what REALLY happens in a writers' workshop. This is a great way to find out whether writers' workshops are really for YOU, and where to go for more information on them.

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1:30 PM - 5 PM

Pavilion E & F
Katherine Howes (M)
Now's your chance to pick up the pieces you've been bidding on all weekend-assuming you can still outbid your competitors. If not, well, it's your last chance to see all that incredible artwork find new homes with OTHER PEOPLE. You don't really want to say goodbye to it, do you?

2 PM

Ballroom 3
What was once the Science Fiction Convention League is now a more informal gathering for people who are involved in the formation and running of conventions. Bonnie Baker will be discussing the business of conventioneering—from the hotel's perspective. Other issues that conventioneers would like to address can also be aired.

Ballroom 4
Eileen Gunn (M)

Conference Room

2:30 PM

Ballroom 4
Donna Barr (M)

(AD) Avon Books


“His eclectic enthusiasm adds sparkle to his new collection of stories.”
The New York Times

“Fantastic concepts and characters... Zelazny is a clear, limber stylist and a generous, thoughtful soul."


Hugo and Nebula Award-winning author • A collection of his finest short stories and essays


The Hearst Corporation

3 PM

Ballrooms 1 & 2
You are aboard the S. S. Winnow when suddenly a monsoon strikes. You escape with your life and a small portion of the Winnow's cargo: BOOKS!! If you were marooned on a tropical island with nothing to do but read, what works would you choose to be marooned with you? Sit right back and choose some tales, some tales for your fateful trip . ..

Ballroom 4
Mark Richardson (M), Michael Bentley

Forum Room
It was a dark and stormy night. I dropped my hat, and stooped to pick it up. Suddenly a shot rang out. It ricocheted off the lamppost behind me, exactly where my nose would have been had I not lost my hat; the sound of the bullet breaking the window of the car across the street reached my ears at the same instant that the dying scream of its unintended victim did. Can you top that for convoluted writing? Better yet, can you come up with more of the story? If you can, just put it in the "Bulwar-Lytton Box" at the Information Table, and your prose will be read Sunday morning. If you dare put your name on it, there may even be a prize or two . ..


4 PM - 6 PM

Ballrooms 1 & 2
Now's the time for a talk with the Convention Committee and hotel staff about this year's convention. From your viewpoint, what went wrong? What went right? What were your likes and dislikes? What would you like to see next year, other than 16 more elevators for the hotel? (Sorry folks, THAT we can't do.) Serious input from you now (which includes offers for volunteering) can be used in the planning of Norwescon '91.

6 PM - 7:30 PM

Ballrooms 1 & 2 ¥¶
Pat Mueller, Joe Wheeler, Becky Simpson, David A. Cherry, Avram Davidson, Dan Reeder (M), 'Yvonne V. Richardson, Roger Zelazny, John G. Cramer, Elizabeth Warren
It's over once again, and time to thank all those who participated in creating a wonderful weekend. Applause, awards, and appreciation all around!! But we'll keep it short, 'cuz we're tired and we want to go home too.


Ballrooms 1,2, & 3 ¥¶
Adrian Nikolas Phoenix, Michael Citrak (M)
For those of you that 3 days of programming and 3 nights of serious partying didn't bum out, we're going to give it one last try. Mix-and-match dance cuts from the previous evenings ought to do the trick. Dare you out-boogie the Boogie Being? Come dance with the best of us— and the last of us.

(AD) Gross Prophets

If God did not exist, it would be necessary to invent him.

  • Voltaire

with a grant from the Addams Family.

[Artwork] © 1990 by John Sabotta

Guest of Honor Roger Zelazny

Roger Zelazny by Fred Saberhagen

[Photo] Guest of Honor Roger Zelazny, photo by Nancy Ellis

I'm proud and happy to have known Roger Zelazny since some time in the early 1960s, when both of us took seriously to writing Science Fiction, and I began attending conventions. Roger was a serious writer for some years before that. He was a poet when he started, and has never stopped being one.

The finest stylist writing in our field avoids the electronic ghosts of word processing, though a few years back his fifty-mile-distant neighbors the Saberhagens talked him into getting a Macintosh—his three kids get a fair amount of use out of that computer, I understand. Roger himself still connects his awesome brain to paper through the medium of an old-fashioned typewriter cradled in his lap, and puts in an occasional correction by hand, in an inimitable script that's at once nearly microscopic and finely legible.

This act began back East somewhere, but for more than fifteen years now it's been happening on the outskirts of Santa Fe, New Mexico, in the foothills of the Sangre de Cristos, inside a bookwalled study containing also a great number of awards (they ought to be listed elsewhere in this book), every one of them profoundly deserved.

Some months back, when I felt the need of a collaborator capable of capturing the style as well as the spirit of Edgar Allan Poe, there was never any doubt in my mind as to whose phone I ought to ring. The same bell would have dinged had I been bent on pastiching Shakespeare, Edgar Rice (or William) Burroughs, T. S. Eliot. .. you get the idea.

(But if I ever want to duplicate Zelazny, I know I'm out of luck. You folk up there in the Northwest, enjoy him while you can!)

For of course the same call would be made—has been made—when the need is for pure originality. A few years back I was putting together an anthology of original fiction having to do with chess. Naturally I turned to Roger, and with his usual willingness to oblige he agreed to write a new chess story. What I didn't learn until a little later was that two other anthologists, hoping for original stories concerning saloons and unicorns respectively, had approached him at almost the same time. Staying in character, he obliged them too.

Would I mind, Roger asked me presently, if the story written for my book appeared in a couple of other places as well? Of course I wouldn't mind—when you get a Zelazny story, you rather expect that.

And of course what the man wrote for me—for us—was "Unicorn Variation", a story about— what else?—a unicorn who plays chess in a bar.

I'm proud to be able to report that we've worked together now on three other books. By special invitation Roger contributed "Itself Suprised", a Berserker story, to Berserker Base; a few years ago we did Coils in collaboration, and we currently have under construction that Poe tale I mentioned above, "The Black Throne". One of my brightest hopes is that the list can stretch on and on into the future.

Because, you see, this is not just a fine writer we're talking about, folks. Not just a conscientious craftsman, though that's certainly true. (I believe that the name, in the Polish of its origin, means "blacksmith". But you'll have to check with the proprietor on that.) This man is a gentleman. Easy to work with. No fits of ego here. One who listens as well as he talks, and talks, one on one or with an audience, like an old friend with something very interesting to say-informal courtesy is the watchword. You're in for a treat up there, folks!

Zelazny talks, as I say, almost as beautifully as he writes— and he never, I swear, never, forgets anything he reads, or anything interesting or pleasant or funny that's ever happened to him. Want to hear about the world? He's been to Hong Kong, Australia, Moscow, Paris—even College Station, Texas—and picked up awards in most of those places. Want to hear a crazy theory? Ask him about lucky eggs. Want to see him eat three desserts and never gain an ounce? No problem.

Just don't keep him too long up there. We want him back.

© 1990 by Fred Saberhagen

Fred Saberhagen is the author of about fifty books, among them several Science Fiction and Fantasy series, including the Berserkers, the Books of Swords, and half a dozen Dracula novels. He has lived in New Mexico since 1975.

The following is a partial bibliography and honors for Roger Zelazny

This Immortal, Ace pb, 1966
The Dream Master, Ace pb, 1966
Four for Tomorrow, Ace pb, 1967
Lord of Light, Doubleday hc, 1967; Avon pb, 1969
Nebula Award Stories Three, Ed. Doubleday hc, 1968; Pocket Books pb, 1970
Isle of the Dead, Ace pb, 1969
Creatures of Light and Darkness, Doubleday hc, 1969; Avon pb, 1970
Damnation Alley, Putman hc, 1969; Berkley pb, 1970; Tor pb, 1984
Nine Princes in Amber Doubleday hc, 1969; Avon pb, 1972
The Doors of His Face, The Lamps of His Mouth, and Other Stories, collection; Doubleday hc, 1971; Avon pb, 1974
Jack of Shadows, Walker hc, 1971; Signet pb, 1972
The Guns of Avalon, Doubleday hc, 1972; Avon pb, 1974
Today We Choose Faces, Signet pb, 1973
To Die in Italbar, Doubleday hc, 1973; DAW pb, 1974
Sign of the Unicorn, Doubleday hc, 1975; Avon pb, 1976
Doorways in the Sand, Harper & Row hc, 1976; Avon pb, 1977
My Name is Legion, Ballantine pb, 1976
The Hand of Oberon, Doubleday hc, 1976; Avon pb, 1977
Bridge of Ashes, Signet pb, 1976
Deus Irea, with Philip K. Dick; Doubleday hc, 1976; Ace pb, 1979
The Courts of Chaos, Doubleday hc, 1978; Avon pb, 1979
The Chronicles of Amber, 2 vol.; Doubleday hc, 1979
Roadmarks, Del Rey/Ballantine hc, 1979; Ballantine pb, 1980
The Last Defender of Camelot, Underwood-Miller limited paperbound edition of 275, 1980
For a Breath I Tarry, Underwood-Miller, three editions, 1980
Changeling, Ace trade pb, 1980; Ace pb, 1981
When Pussywillows Last in the Catyard Bloomed, poetry; Norstrillia Press, three editions, 1980
The Last Defender of Camelot, collection; Pocket Books pb, 1980; Underwood-Miller hc, 1981
The Changing Land, Ballantine pb, 1981; Underwood-Miller hc, 1981
Madwand, Phantasia Press hc, 1981; Ace trade pb, 1981; Ace pb, 1982
A Rhaposdy in Amber, chapbook; Cheap Street, 1981
To Spin is Miracle Cat, poetry; Underwood-Miller hc, 1981
Coils, with Fred Saberhagen; Simon & Schuster Wallaby trade pb, 1982; Tor pb, 1982
Eye of Cat, Timescape, Simon & Schuster hc, 1982; Underwood-Miller hc, 1982; Timescape Pocket Books, 1982
Dilvish, the Damned, Ballantine pb, 1982; Underwood-Miller hc, 1983
Unicorn Variations, collection; Timescape, Simon & Schuster hc, 1983; Avon pb, 1987
Trumps of Doom, Arbor House hc, 1985; Underwood-Miller hc, 1985; Avon pb, 1986
Blood of Amber, Arbor House hc, 1986; Underwood-Miller hc, 1986; Avon pb, 1987
A Dark Traveling, Walker hc, 1987; Avon pb, 1989
Sign of Chaos, Arbor House hc, 1987; Avon pb, 1988
Roger Zelazny's Visual Guide to Castle Amber, with Neil Randall; Avon trade pb, 1988
Frost & Fire, collection; William Morrow hc, 1989
Knight of Shadows, William Morrow hc, 1989
Alien Speedway series, outlined by Zelazny, Clypsis by Jeffrey A. Carver, Bantam pb, 1987, Pitfall by Thomas Wylde, Bantam pb, 1988, The Web by Thomas Wylde, Bantam pb, 1988

Six time Hugo winner
Three time Nebula winner
Two time Balrog winner
Locus Award, 1986
Guest of Honor, 1974 WorldCon
Guest of Honor, 1978 Australian National SF Convention
U.S. Guest of Honor, 1984 European SF Convention (SEACON)

ArtGoH David Cherry

David Cherry by Raymond E. Feist

[Photo] Artist Guest of Honor David Cherry

When did I meet David Cherry? I know I met David Cherry at a convention, though I'm not sure which one and who introduced us. It's really not crucial, for David's one of those people that once you've met him, you fall into the habit of feeling as if you've known him all your life. He's like that, a friendly, outgoing, charming man who can make even a chance acquaintance feel like an old friend. He has the knack of making even the most self-conscious person relax and enjoy his company. He speaks easily on a wide range of topics, yet he doesn't come across as pedantic or condescending. If anything, he comes across as “just one of the guys." Nothing special. Well, that's deceiving, for there's a lot special about David Cherry.

Ah, yes, I think I first met David at a World Fantasy Convention. I'm pretty sure Don Maitz introduced us. Any way, I discovered that David was a bright fellow who had practiced law in Oklahoma before decided one fair day to chuck his law practice and become an artist. Which, in my humble opinion, is making the world a far better place, one less lawyer, one more artist. Now, before you let that pass, consider that while there are lots of lawyers and Artist Guest of Honor David Cherry not that many artists, all things being relative, there are a lot more lawyers making a decent living compared to artists making a living, again, relatively speaking. So even if he didn't work unusually hard as a lawyer, David was likely to make enough to pay the rent and put three squares on the table. But ask any artist and they'll tell you the number of painters around who can get by without a husband or wife who holds down a steady job is few and far between. I'd guess there's maybe a dozen or so. Heck of a lot more successful single lawyers running around than successful single artists, in any event. So we can agree this is what you might call a major career decision. And, probably, not a lot of people who would call it a smart career decision.

Maybe I first met David at a Boskone. And I think it was Janny Wurts who introduced us. In any event, David simply took on the task of becoming an artist in much the same way you or I might decide to take up tennis. He was never one to be intimidated by the concept of being a “born" or “natural" artist. For David is one of those impressive people who simply goes after what he wants. And with that determination in mind, he became an artist. And he did it in a very logical, very studied, very analytical way. Which is not to underplay his talent, but rather to show you what an unusual mind the man possesses. For as mentioned already, not only can he talk on a wide range of topics, he can speak on them in an informed way. Everyone's got opinions, but David usually has an informed opinion.

It could have been that David and I met at a Westercon. And it was his sister, C.J. Cherry h who introduced us. Now, most people who set about undertaking this sort of change in career might be content to paint in obscurity and someday allow a few friends to see his or her work—while not quitting his or her day job. Not David. He not only set out to be an artist, he set out to become a professional. He decided that it was not necessarily noble to suffer for art, so he decided he'd also make a living doing what he enjoyed. And he somehow managed to pull off the feat. How did he do that? By applying himself to his craft and demanding of himself the best effort possible at every step of the way. Also by applying himself to the business of being a professional, David took the skills he learned as a lawyer, using them in conjunction with his natural charm and humor and armed with a portfolio, set out to gain recognition and work. He managed to gain both. Moreover, he managed to achieve the respect of his colleagues. For the rigors of the craft never bothered David, as he is a man who deals with his choices in a rigorous manner. He doesn't dabble in anything, he does his very best or he doesn't agree to the task in the first place.

I think I know! I met David at a NASFiC. And Ken, I introduced Ken Macklin to David, so I must have already known David. Anyway, let me tell you about David and Ken. You might not know the work of Ken Macklin, unless you're a fan of comic books and humorous fantasy illustrations—maybe you saw his Doctor Watchstop in EPIC magazine— but Ken is considered something of a wonder at technique. At the NASFiC in question, in Phoenix in 1987, Ken was lurking in the hall outside the room where David was going to do a slide-show on technique. I had seen Ken pack a room full of artists, professional and amateur both, craning their necks to see him give his lecture "How to Paint a Rock," (which is crammed full of tips on how to get different textures and other things artists consider nifty by using all manner of odd tools, from sponges to old shoe heels) and here he was, himself sitting avidly watching David give his slide show, drinking in everything David said.

Oh, the slide show. I think I first saw it at Sci-con, after Stephen Hickman introduced David to me. David told me later that he had started out studying books on this and that, and was very disappointed that there was no single, simple, step-by-step approach to painting, one that showed everything from preparation of canvas or masonite, to final glaze and varnish, with everything in between. I'm certain David's going to be doing the slide show and if you want an one hour education in how a painting is made, go see it. It's a fascinating study in one painting, photographed every step of the way by David as he worked, as a means of self-instruction, so that he could observe just what he was doing while he was doing it.

[Artwork] His Future Awaits © 1990 by David A. Cherry

Anyway, back to Ken Macklin and David. I introduced them and discovered them to be a mutual admiration society, for David knew of and admired Ken's work as much as Ken admired David's. That's the sort of fellow David is. Not only does he demand things of himself, he measures himself against whatever else is going on out there. Given this means he's looking at everything from fan art to the works of Michael Whelan and Don Maitz, David's seen a lot of art, and has considered its merits and flaws. And he's constantly seeking to improve his own quality. It's also something he does in a non-competitive way- Da vid's not the sort of man who would say, "I want to be better than this or that artist." David's the sort of man who is constantly saying, "I want to be better than I am now." And this is said with full knowledge that he is better than he was last year and that was pretty good.

So, don't ask David to criticize his art. There was this time in Tucson (or maybe it was Nashville), but wherever it was, it was World Fantasy (a different one than the other one I told you about) and it was just after David and I bumped into each other at the bar (no one introduced us), and David and I were talking about art. He proceeded to tell me in great detail what he didn't like about what he was doing. That's the sort of confident, knowledgeable person David is, for he is never satisfied with his current level of accomplishment, always seeking to improve. Not that he's inclined toward self-deprecation; far from it. He knows what he does well, but he's also very unforgiving toward himself for what he sees as correctable flaws. And it's this honest sort of self-appraisal that lets him judge his own work with a certain detachment rarely seen in anyone who is involved in creating something. I can speak with authority that I know only a few writers who can do it. In any event, at another World Fantasy, in Ottawa, where David and I were introduced by either Stephen King, Peter Straub, or the bartender, I forget which, I heard David give one of the most honest appraisals of the state of illustration in publishing today. It's not surprising to discover that, today, David is, and has been for the last two years, the President of ASFA, the Association of Science Fiction Artists, where his training and background as a lawyer has helped make the organization more professional in approach to the industry and has given artists everywhere an advocate. David believes in fair treatment for those who use paints and pencil to express themselves and has worked hard, behind the scenes, insuring that his fellow artists are treated as well as he demands he be treated. I would say that in many respects, this commitment to fair treatment for illustrators has put David's career on hold for that time, so much energy has he put into other people's problems, but then David's career is never really on hold, for he's always learning, and growing. That's the sort of fellow he is.

Maybe it was WorldCon in Atlanta, and the fan with all the buttons on his vest introduced us. David is very approachable, and last year in Ottawa was a fine example of just how generous he can be with his time and interest. A young artist of obvious gifts was toastmaster at a convention at which David and I were both Guests of Honor. Showing both of us his work, this young man let it be known he didn't have any idea how to launch into a professional career. The last night of the convention, I was supposed to have drinks with David, after he gave the young artist a quick course in both techniques and "how to be a pro." David, of course, never showed up, as his quick meeting turned into a multi-hour clinic. For David would never be comfortable brushing off someone with a short and simple explanation if he thinks he or she would truly benefit from a long and complex one. While he has little use for fools, David is generous to the sincere. If you come across as a ninny or buffoon, David will gracefully tell you to get lost, but if you come across as a committed "wannabe," a young artist who is determined to become a professional, David will give you whatever help time and circumstances permit. That's the sort of fellow he is, too.

Well, whenever it was I met David, and who ever introduced us, I must confess that it's been one of the better events in my experience at convention going. For David Cherry is one of those people who makes going to conventions worthwhile, and the time you spend with him is always a pleasure. Toward that end I suggest you spend some time with David, at his panels, observing his slide show, taking in his art in the Art Show, or simply sitting and talking to him at a party or in the hotel lounge. Talking to David is its own reward. And while it seems like I've known him as long as I can remember, I still consider that a privilege every chance I have to visit with him. For while there may be many artists who deserve honors for their art, David is also one who deserves it also for just being the genuine sort of person he is. While we all gather here to celebrate our love of Fantasy and Science Fiction, and while we also elect to honor certain individuals, the best honor is ours, for having people like David in our lives professionally and socially. The best thing about David is that I have the rare privilege of being able to call him my friend.

© 1990 by Raymond E. Feist

Raymond E. Feist is the author of numerous Fantasy books including Faerie Tale, Prince of the Blood, Daughter of the Empire and Silverthorn.


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FanGoH Pat Mueller

Pat Mueller by Allen Varney

(From The New SMOF Times, 18 Nov 2026. Newseds note: 4STAR priority Netdist.)

NEW STOCKHOLM, EEC (API)-The 2026 Nobel Prize in Fandom was awarded today to Pat Mueller, magnate of the Pirate Jenny publishing empire and beloved “Worldwide Ambassador of Fanzines."

In this hundredth-anniversary year of modern science fiction, the Nobel Award Committee recognized Madame Mueller's pivotal role in popularizing science fiction, the major literary form of the new millennium.

“In her distinguished career Patricia Mueller has always shown the characteristic virtues of fans," read the committee's brief award announcement. “Creativity, humor, tolerance, and enthusiasm have been her bywords in setting a new standard for 21st-century fanzines."

Early Years

During a childhood she once described as "Tom Sawyer as written by Joyce Carol Oates," Pat Mueller followed the traditional proto-fan behavior of reading everything she could find. “When I got a paper route that took me past the library," she wrote, "those poor people who lived on the far side of the library got their evening papers at least an hour later than the lucky ones who happened to live on the near side."

In 1977, while attending college in East Lansing, Michigan, she discovered fandom. And, again following the traditional pattern, her life changed. Meeting other fans long-distance through the Arizona Amateur Press Association (AZA PA), she soon began publishing her own fanzines (now sought-after collector's items) and, in her own words, “started enjoying life."

"Fandom, to me, is like my family and peer group, all rolled into one big unruly bundle.... I've found my niche. There aren't any of the impersonal pressures of the 'real world' here -- if things get too difficult, I know my friends will help me out. After all, I'm in this for my friends — and for myself!"

These words became Pat Mueller's unofficial credo in the decades that followed, decades that transformed sf fandom from an obscure subculture into society's organizing principle.

The Texas SF Inquirer: Landmark in History

The first convention Mueller helped run was Iguanacon, the 1978 Phoenix Worldcon. Biographers ascribe this to her youth and inexperience, though to this day Madame Mueller defends her own small role in the otherwise igno- minious fiasco. Far more successful was her central role in the bid for the 1985 NASFiC, Lone Star Con in Austin, Texas. Mueller, who had moved to Austin in 1982, began in the following year to produce the convention's bidzine, The Texas SF Inquirer.

Under her guidance the publication soon grew beyond a simple bidzine and became an excellent genzine. She uploaded each issue to Austin's SMOF-BBS computer bulletin board, making the Inquirer one of the first online fanzines. Showcasing some of the most talented writers and cartoonists in fandom, as well as her own proficiency in layout and graphics, The Texas SF Inquirer garnered ever-greater attention, culminating in a well-deserved Hugo Award at Nolacon in 1988.

The complete run of the Inquirer has since been reprinted in slipcased hardcover and bestselling paperback editions, with a preface by longtime Inquirer reader, sf writer, and newly-elected chairman of the Republican National Committee, John Shirley.

Proving that fandom can be reconciled with a "normal" life (a point in some dispute during the 20th Century), Pat Mueller married fellow fan Dennis Virziin 1986-during the Armadillocon science fiction convention. Her wedding ensemble included a white propeller beanie. The union produced the excellent Fanthology 1986 anthology and also a daughter, Madeline Frances Virzi, born July 14,1989.

A plateau period in Madame Mueller's career followed her first Hugo victory. Preoccupied first with her mundane job and her marriage, later with full-time parenting, she managed only a few rare, much sought-after issues of Pirate Jenny in the early post-Nolacon years.

"Most Enjoyable Weekend of My Life"

Biographers name the turning point, the catalyst, the Great Leap Forward in her publishing career, as the Norwescon 12 science fiction convention in Seattle, Washington (March 29-April 1, 1990).

Norwescon was the leading West Coast regional convention of the 20th century, reigning supreme until Seattle was submerged by greenhouse flooding in the 2020s. Though not her first Fan Guest of Honor appearance, and certainly not her last, the 1990 Norwescon convention reinvigorated Pat Mueller's love for fandom and fanac.

"I was up there all alone, worried about Dennis and Madeline back home, and I didn't know many people in Seattle. So I was nervous," she later wrote. "But everyone there treated me with perfect kindness. Strangers came up and said hello, introduced themselves, and made me feel at home. Some fans I met there became close friends. It was one of the most enjoyable weekends of my life."

Inspired by this display of all that is good in fandom, Mueller returned to Dallas and began an astounding program of fan publishing, publicity missions into the mundane community, and congressional lobbying for a network of neighborhood Free Fan Clinics. These Clinics, built nationwide starting in 1993, contained "core collection" fanzine libraries, complete desktop publishing systems for loan to qualified fans, and reams beyond counting of ditto paper. (The Mueller Clinic program is now credited with reversing America's late 20th-century trend toward illiteracy, voter apathy, and other social ills.)

During these years Pirate Jenny accumulated the first in a long sequence of awards, and shifted to monthly (1992), weekly (2002), daily (2015), twice-daily (2021), and at last hourly publication in 2024. The operation grew into a publishing empire rivalling and finally surpassing the Rupert Murdoch conglomerate, the Australia-New Zealand-America Publishing Axis (ANZAPA).

The great breakthrough in Madame Mueller's efforts came shortly after the millennium, and from an unexpected quarter. The International Scriptural Association fulfilled its stated mission of translating the Bible into all written languages. Looking for a new project to translate worldwide, they decided on the collected Pirate Jenny. Their efforts helped popularize the new "sf mentality" around the globe.

Tragedy Strikes

But in 2004, at the peak of her success, Madame Mueller and her husband Dennis Virzi endured a tragic accident. While attending Norwescon 26 in Seattle, the couple found time to witness the city's annual Frog Jump Jubilee. In those years the jumping contest, ordinarily the province of the common California frog, finally began permitting ringer entries of the African goliath species, Conrana goliath. One entry ("He- Frog, Croaker of the Universe") made a 40-foot leap on a stage only 35 feet deep.

The ten-pound frog overshot, striking Dennis Virzi, in the front row, headon. Pat Mueller recalled, "It was like he got hit by a cannonball. He fell down broken and bleeding. And the frog didn't look too good either."

Taken to Seattle's Joanna Russ Memorial Trauma Center & Psychiatric Clinic, Virzi recovered only slowly, and to this day he displays Aaronson-Zuckerman Amphibian-Phobic Anxiety (AZAPA) syndrome. He-Frog's fate is unknown.

But the tragedy brought the Mueller family back together after a split of some eight years.

Madeline Virzi initially flouted her parents' wishes for a fannish career, instead entering politics... and American political folklore. She served as Assistant Secretary of Transportation in the Swaggart Administration. During President Swaggart's first State of the Union Address, the entire U.S. Capitol, including Swaggart, most of the Administration and both houses of Congress, were obliterated by a lightning bolt out of a clear sky. With the deaths of all 735 people ahead of her in the chain of command, Madeline Virzi became acting President.

Virzi served the remaining three years of the term honorably, restoring what became known as "Secular Federalism." Under the Constitution she was too young to run for re-election; she ruled out any later attempt, saying, "No one but a madman would want that job."

Madeline Virzi has retired to Dallas to care for her father and supervise the new semi-hourly online edition of Pirate Jenny. She also works as a part-time administrator for the Dallas bureau of the American Zoological Association Public Affairs (AZAPA) division.

Warm Words From a Great Man

The Nobel award was presented to Madame Mueller by her friend, noted sf author and fan Wilson "Bob" Tucker. Through a regimen of Anagathic Zooplasty and Physiological Augmentation (AZAPA) treatments, Tucker (himself a Nobel Fandom laureate) remains healthy and active at 112 years old.

Speaking with his renowned grace, the tuxedo-clad Tucker said, "It was once a proud and lonely thing to be a fan, but in this new era we are all less lonely for knowing Pat Mueller. She combines the fan's adventurous intellect with an impish humor and, more importantly, a generous and kind-hearted nature.

"To meet her is to understand at once her charm, her infectious enthusiasm for all things fannish, and her wide experience in fandom. Through her tireless effort she has become a model of the fannish spirit, an inspiration to us all. Millions of fans worldwide owe their fannish initiation to her work.


© 1990 by Allen Varney

Allen Varney is a freelance writer and game designer in Austin, Texas. His fan writing appears in Pirate Jenny.

Science GoH Dr. John G. Cramer

Dr. John G. Cramer by William R. Warren Jr.

[Photo] Science Guest of Honor Dr. John G. Cramer

QUESTION: How many Guests of Honor can you fit in one pair of shoes?

Well, looking at the question realistically, the obvious answer would be "Just One”, but Ted Sturgeon demands that we ask the Next Question, which is this: "Exactly whose shoes are we talking about?”

The answer isn't as simple as it would first seem if the shoes belong to Dr. John Cramer. Let me give you a f'rinstance.

John Cramer started sending short non-fiction articles to the Northwest Science Fiction Society newsletter, West- Wind, when a call went out for interesting submissions. His column, which for several years ran under the banner "Better Than Fiction", explored some of the more fascinating aspects of nuclear reactions, astrophysics, and quantum mechanics. It was great success, one of the highlights of West Wind and a major contributing factor to the acclaim and international attention the magazine still enjoys.

These columns were produced in typical Phannish Phashion ... on his own time, at his own expense, and on a completely voluntary basis. He discoursed on subject matter he is familiar with, deeply cares about, and for no other motivation than he wanted to share something fascinating with other fans.

In the same spirit, he submitted some work to the prozines. It was good enough to get his science fact articles published four times, and a Guest Editorial to boot!

Does this sound familiar to you? This is the typical pattern of the Phan Writer. And to carry the pattern on to its logical (and oft-wished-for) extension, this Phan Writer came to the attention of the editor of a prozine, who asked him to do what he was doing for his own enjoyment on a regular basis in a monthly magazine, and get paid for it!

If you don't yet know the Fan Guest of Honor John Cramer, you may not recognize that this is a capsule history of "The Alternate View", a bimonthly column appearing in alternating issues of Analog, the premiere science fiction/science fact "pulp" that you can pick up at better newsstands everywhere.

But, surprise! John Cramer is NOT the Fan Guest of Honor.

How about this, then . . . F. M. Busby states, "John Cramer's first novel has fascination extrapolation, strong characters, and accelerating suspense. Once you've read Twistor, Cramer will be on you Must-Read list.” It is rare for a hard-science novel to draw almost universal acclaim, rarer still that the novel in question is an author's first novel, and to be immediately compared with the likes of Gregory Benford, David Brin, Jim Hogan, and Poul Anderson . . . well, perhaps it isn't unprecedented, but it happens about as often as chickens with lips make the comparison.

And Twistor is an exciting read ... equally exciting is the prospect that a sequel (entitled, last I heard, Twistor Ship) is also in the works. If you haven't bought this one yet, folks, I highly recommend it. It reads with authority, a sense of easy familiarity with the subject matter, and guess what? Some of you may recognize some of the characters in the book, and they may be you!

But surprise again! John Cramer is NOT the Pro Guest of Honor, either.

He could be these. He certainly fits the requirements. His delightful wife Pauline and daughter Karen are familiar attendees at conventions, when Pauline can pry herself away from her professional duties at one of the giantest aerospace corporations in the world. His son, John, isn't frequently seen on the convention circuit... but considering the fact that he already earned an MBA in the states, moved to Tokyo to tackle entrepreneurial adventures there (and did so well he sold his return ticket) and is currently working on a second MBA from the Japanese end, who can fault him? His elder daughter Kathryn may already be well known to you ... as a freelance editor and co-editor published by Arbor House (Christmas Ghosts) and Winwood (Christmas Spirits), her anthology Architecture of Fear won a World Fantasy Award as best in its field.

If a man be judged by the company he keeps, then how much more eloquently does his family stand in evidence! Pauline and John have managed all their professional credentials, their familial responsibilities, and judging by the outcome, did so spectacularly.

He is regularly found at conventions, pacing up and down in front of overhead projector discussing Einstein- Rosen Bridges, quantum black holes, time-dilations effects, tau-factors, relativistic mass effects, mu-mesons and quarks, and other esoteric topics with a rapt audience of wide-awake fans at the Deathly Hours of nine or ten ayem Sunday morning. I have never seen less from time to time . . . and I have NEVER seen a John Cramer panel that the audience didn't file out afterward babbling excitedly about time machines, wormholes, or other topics that Freak The Mundanes.

He's lucky if they let him go to his next panel when one ends ... usually, he gets cornered trying to collect his viewfoils and has to continue the lecture in the lobby for another half-hour. Minimum.

He's exciting to listen to! (He's excited, that makes him exciting!) He's knowledgeable, and he wants to share that knowledge! He wants to stimulate you into thinking things through, on your own, for yourself. And you get swept up in his enthusiasm and start looking up you own answers on you own time, in spite of yourself.

He'd make a perfect teacher. A Teacher Guest of Honor? Well, could be. He does that for a living. As a past Director for six years and a current Professor of Physics at the Nuclear Physics Laboratory of the University of Washington, some of the rest of his qualifications become clear. He writes with authority and familiarity because he damn well knows his subject matter!

Considering his work at the University of Munich Nuclear Physics Laboratory at Garching, his work at the Hahn-Meitner Institute in Berlin, and a benchmark paper on his own methodology ... a Transactional Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics — a paper longer than his original Doctoral thesis — which was published in the July 1986 issue of Review of Modern Physics - CONSIDERING THESE THINGS, he continued, I find it difficult to take without a grain (or lick) of sodium chloride when he modestly effaces, "The only reason they made me Director of the Lab was I was 'out of town' . . ." (read "researching in Berlin"—yrs truly)"... so I wasn't here to defend myself."

Fer cryin' out loud — how many times does he have to get hit in the face with it to recognize that he's exceptional? An award as a graduate student at Rice University for Best Thesis didn't do it. The coveted Bausch-Lomb Award as Outstanding Student at Lamar High School in Houston didn't do it? Maybe the testimony of one of his classmates (who remembers what I said about" . . . the company a person keeps..." a couple of words back) would make a difference. This guy is ALWAYS bragging up to his friends that "... I went to Edgar Allan Poe Elementary School with John Cramer."

In typical John Cramer fashion, HE always makes the same brag. "I went to elementary school with Gene Wolfe." Heavy sigh . . . they're both right. That school must have an amazing record if they produced both of these prodigies simultaneously.

To meet Dr. Cramer for the first time is to come face-to-face with the original absent-minded-professor ... until you realize that he really understands the fundamentals of the Entire Cosmos (enough that he knows how much more there is to learn and how little he really knows) and that he's a multitasking entity ... frequently working on more than one project at a time of which you are simply the newest.

Simply? No that's not fair. You are important to him, he's personable and friendly and has a sharp sense of humor. He's involved in the community at large and the phannish community in particular. He is a patron of the arts, a world traveller, a highly respected professional, an exceptional teacher, and for me at least, a deeply valued and loyal Friend.

Why did I "toss" loyal in? Did 1 fail to mention that I used to do the illustrations for the "Better Than Fiction" column? And did I further fail to mention that when Analog bought the option to do the "Alternate View" column, John asked if he could work with "... an illustrator he knew, who was local, and he could deal with face-to-face ..."? Because of John's faith in me, he gave me my big break into the prozines ... and in fact got me into the one magazine I'd always dreamed of being published in.

Well, John, I got my revenge for that act of kindness... I suggested that you get this invitation as Science Guest of Honor in the first place, and Elizabeth passed it on to the con committee.

And guess what? They all thought it was a terrific idea!

So here you are. Enjoy yourself.

So, how many Guests of Honor can you fit in one pair of shoes?

ANSWER: Just one. But if they're John Cramer's shoes, that's one helluva Guest of Honor!

© 1990 by William R. Warren Jr.

William R. Warren Jr. is an illustrator whose work appears regularly in Analog. He is also one of the judges for the L. Ron Hubbard's Illustrators of the Future Contest.

VolunteerGoH Joe Wheeler

Our Friend the VGoH -or- The Life of a Humble Man by Doug Shirk

[Photo] Volunteer Guest of Honor Joe Wheeler

The task of a writer is not a simple one, especially when the writer is yours truly. Here my task is more complex because I have to be tactful and skillful, the former being more difficult for me than the later. The job at hand? Write 1000 glowing words of bio information for our hardworking Green Room volunteer, making it sound good enough to please him, yet not so great that he won't work with Dora and me again this year. Here goes.

Born in a humble log cabin in the wilds of the great Pacific Northwest, Joe Wheeler rose from these shabby beginnings to a lofty seat on the throne of power in Washington politics.

Sounds good, doesn't it? It's not true, but it sounds good.

Actually, Joe was born not too far from the Tacoma Sheraton at the then Tacoma General Hospital (note: This is now the Tacoma City Hall, so it could be said that Joe was preordained to enter public service) about 6 blocks north of our con sight. Eventually (probably using bribes—more training for public service), he graduated from Washington State University in 1982 with a psych, degree, and escaped with his law degree from the University Of Puget Sound Law School (about a block north of the Sheraton on Broadway—that's a statue of Joe kissing the pavement out front). After interning in Port Townsend, he landed his first lawyer job in Wenatchee (where we first met him—Thanks loads, Lauraine), and is currently a Deputy Prosecuting Attorney in Grays Harbor County. That's the dry stuff.

When asked the important stuff like what got you into Science Fiction, he credits Heinlein's Puppet Masters, Herbert's Dune, and an "unremembered Poul Anderson novel that impressed an impressionable 13 year old."

Some guys have all the luck. Joe grew up in Port Townsend and became friends with Frank Herbert through his father, the founder of the Centrum Arts Association. The high point of that association was weeding Frank's strawberry patch for a couple of summers. (Must be a high point. His brother Jeff got to clean the chicken coop). Other stories of the association abound. I mean, how many people could tell you what kind of a foosball player Mr. Herbert was. A poor one, by the way. Or what kind of foosball player Jack Sikma is. A pretty good one for a big man. He's played them both. Together.

For the record, Jack was on his side. They won.

Another Centrum based friend is Bill Ransom, who Joe met when Bill was an artist in residence. This is a friendship that extends to this day.

Joe also got great law school training by working for his father at the Mastero Burger Drive Inn in Port Townsend. When asked what the greatest thing he as ever accomplished was, his response was making dynamite Chocolate/Banana milk shakes.

Oh, the second biggest? Being quoted in an Associated Press filler story run on the east coast concerning a court case he worked on.

Other notes?

Interview type questions like favorite author brought up Bill Ransom and Frank Herbert as responses, although anyone who catches his interest is a candidate. For favorite publications he listed West Wind and Locus (he specifically mentioned "Reel Time" and "Other Matters" in West Wind, but we're too humble to mention that).

Favorite new author? He's currently attracted to Daniel Simmons, but again that's an open category.

Joe lists two neat things that has happened to him at a con. One was shaking David Brin's hand and doing other "groupie stuff". And the other?

Well. . . remember Alternacon? He doesn't, or at least not much of it. Probably the worst fear of a con goer is that you'll miss a panel you really wanted to see by, maybe sleeping in, or having your car break down, or any number of things. Joe, on the other hand, missed the whole weekend. He had made arrangements to take off work early, get to con early, check into the Green Room early to get his shift assignments, the whole nine yards. Early? Missed it by that much, that much being a whole week. Rolled into the Hyatt on Friday, looked around, and said "Where are the people? Where is the con?"

"Oh, that's NEXT weekend," said the desk clerk.

"Oh *&#*," said Joe.

Showed up late Saturday next weekend, and had to leave early Sunday, he did. Worked a full shift, though.

All of the above stuff is true. Also true is that our Volunteer Guest of Honor is really a quiet fellow with a gentle sense of humor who came into the Green Room and did a hell of a job. Joe worked many more hours than he had to and probably saw much less con than he wanted. Dora and I were very happy when Joe's name was drawn for VGoH, but both he and us realize that he represents all of you who give your time to make Norwescon what it is today. He's not the Green Room GoH, he's yours.

Now Joe, about that shift that has to be covered during the banquet . . .

© 1990 by Doug Shirk

Doug Shirk is co-chair of the Norwescon Green Room, a place where attending pros and panelists can rest and meet to prepare for upcoming panels, and writes a cinema review column for WestWind.

Toastmaster Dan Reeder

...Or Simply, "Monster Man" A Biography of Dan Reeder by an anonymous, run-a-the-mill, convention going heathen

In searching for someone to author his biography, Dan started with a list of friends. He scratched off people he offended recently, those who sign their name with an "X", and those who think that a reduction in the capital gains tax would be nice. Then he asked me. I agreed, on the condition that I remain anonymous, and that Dan drive me to church for "confession" immediately afterwards. Following is a brief, insightful interview.

Dan was thirty-five years old about five years ago. He was born in Seattle and has lived a relatively cloistered life. His exploits have been, for the most part, limited to the three western states -- Washington, Oregon, and Los Angeles. However, that does not mean that Dan is world wise. As a young child in Catholic school, he looked extensively at National Geographic magazine, especially those issues that featured aboriginal African tribes. More than anything else, Dan would rather sit in his studio and create ugly things.

Dan is a budding (not to be confused with a mid-pubescent girl) Dan "the Toastmaster Man" and unidentified friend paper and cloth mache artist. His trademark has been an ugly little beast with a gaping mouth called a "Screamer." His book The Simple Screamer: A Guide to the Art of Papier and Cloth Mache details the making of one of these critters. Dan's work has evolved over the years and now encompasses much more than Simple Screamers. He has created everything from caricatures of distasteful people—to "Alien Sperm." Perhaps his most disgusting and misunderstood piece was titled "A Hard Day at the Orifice." The piece depicted an Aliens "face hugger" leaning back on its tail enjoying a cigarette after... well, doing its job. People who understood the reference were disgusted; people who didn't, really didn't like it either. (Of course, there was that one fan who kept trying to put it on her face.) Despite the changes in the work, Dan's approach and philosophy about art remain constant. His motto: "Make something ugly—for a change."

Dan's work is not without its admirers. Three years ago he was the Artist Guest of Honor at Norwescon's Alternacon. That year he won a couple of awards for his work. (Of course he was one of the judges.) He also received the "People's Choice" award at Norwescon 10 for his piece titled "The Birth of Artificial Intelligence." Last year Dan was the Artist Guest of Honor at Montana's infamous Miscon 4. Despite having the convention thrown out of the hotel the first night, Dan enjoyed himself immensely.

Dan continues to teach school, although he has left the "dog and pony show" of high school mathematics, for the "three ring circus" of elementary school. He has welcomed the chance to get back to the basics of teaching-drillin', readin', writin', screamin'. Besides, Dan notes, "Younger minds are much easier to warp."

Short, Insightful Interview

ME: Why do they call you Dan "the Monster Man?"

DAN: Because "man" rhymes with "Dan."

ME: Is it true that you got married recently?

DAN: Yes, I married a woman named Julie .. . now Julie "the Monster Man."

ME: But I heard you were an ardent bachelor?

DAN: Well, as those nuns used to say in school, "My opinions may change, but not the fact that I am right." Now I preach that marriage is a sacred covenant, and that everyone should try it at least once.

ME: How has your cat Butch adjusted to the change?

DAN: I haven't noticed any profound changes. He's still old. He still drools when he's happy, when he hears the can opener, and when he sees Julie naked.

ME: About your artwork... I've noticed that your Screamers don't have any "private parts."

DAN: They've been neutered.

ME: Do you have any advice for other ex-hippie, almost middle-aged artists?

DAN: Never diet. Undoubtedly there are nasty, lipidsoluble chemicals in your body that have been in hiding since the sixties. A sudden release of fat stored energy might propel you into cosmic consciousness (perhaps in the middle of your favorite T.V. show!), or worse yet, start that "Ina Godda Da Vida" tape in your head.

ME: Instead of being recognized for your art work, this year you were asked to be Toastmaster. What's your reaction to this?

DAN: I am very flattered, but a little worried that I will now be called Dan "the Toastmaster Man" . .. And, of course, then Julie would have to change her name too.

ME: On a more cosmic level, do you subscribe to a particular religion or philosophy?

DAN: I would call myself a dyslexic, agnostic, insomniac. I've spent many sleepless nights wondering if there really is a dog.

ME: With such strong philosophical anchor, do you have any fears?

DAN: Yes, my usual one. I worry that I will win the lottery, get Alzheimer's Disease, and then forget why I'm so happy.

ME: Finally, what is the meaning of life and/or why were we put on this earth?

DAN: I'm not completely sure. But I have discovered one universal truth. If after thinking about it, you decide that joining the army will make you "the best you can be," then it probably will.

ME: Thanks.

DAN: Don't mention it.


[Photo] John Carpenter’s Cookie Jar © 1990 by Dan Reeder


[Artwork] Soror Marium © 1990 by David A. Cherry


[Artwork] Born To Exile, cover for the book by Phyllis Eisenstein published by NAL. © 1990 by Richard Hescox


[Artwork] Siren's Cry © 1990 by Armand Cabrera


[Artwork] Erydice © 1990 by Barclay Shaw


[Artwork] © 1990 by Milo Duke. Member of the Dharmic Engineers


[Artwork] © 1990 by Wendy Wees. Member of the Dharmic Engineers


[Artwork] © 1990 by Rob Schouten. Member of the Dharmic Engineers


[Artwork] Accidental Tourist © 1990 by Ilene Meyer


[Artwork] © 1990 by Ray Pelley. Member of the Dharmic Engineers


[Photo] Rubbed the Wrong Way © 1990 by Dan Reeder


by John Cramer

What follows was originally a part of my first Science Fiction novel Twistor (Wm. Morrow, 1989). Twistor is about the accidental discovery of the “twistor effect", an unusual combination of electromagnetic fields that converts normal matter (the stuff we are made of) into shadow matter," a prediction of certain superstring theories. It will expand your sense of wonder with good measures of adventure, hard science, intrigue, computer hacking, romance, and discovery.

The published version of Twistor has three parts, but in the semi-final manuscript there was an additional fourth part. In it, several characters from the main novel read from a scrapbook containing newspaper clippings that, in episodic fashion, informed use about the ongoing worldwide impacts of the twistor effect.

David Hartwell, my editor at Morrow, decided that the scrapbook episodes were" too much" and that the novel was improved by cropping the manuscript at the end of part three. David should have himself checked for psychic powers. The recent events in Eastern Europe would have propelled Twistor into an alternate history, had David's scissors not done their job. Here are two of the clipping episodes, the first of which deals with an escape from East Berlin using the twistor effect to get through the Wall:

Wall is not barrier for TwisTech, E. German escapees reveal

Reuters - 10/09/95 - WEST BERLIN - A steady stream of East German scientists and engineers and their families have been arriving at this city for the past several months, literally walking through the Wall that since 1961 has isolated the German Democratic Republic from West Berlin. In an interview today one escapee described how their group, now all safely in West Berlin, used the new twistor technology. At a clandestine East Berlin location, dissident scientists had constructed a twistor unit capable of moving whole families to the “shadow Earth” made accessible with the Harrison-Gordon or twistor effect. The refugees then traveled by foot to a rendezvous point a few kilometers away. On signal they were returned to normal Earth, but now inside West Berlin. Sources suggest that the apparatus at the West Berlin terminus of the “underground railroad” may be located at the Technical University of Berlin, about 3 kilometers west of the Brandenburg Gate along the “Strasse des 17.juni”, a broad avenue commemorating the abortive East Berlin worker’s uprising of June 17,1953. East German officials declined comment.

* * *

Brandt looked around the old room in the sub-basement of the building occupied by the Institute for Fundamental Physics Research of the von Humboldt Universitat, Berlin. It had been used as a bomb shelter during the war, and few of the present occupants of the building were aware that it was here. A single dim bulb hung from the ceiling for illumination. Otherwise it was empty, although Brandt remembered that only a month ago it had been crammed with equipment and supplies. He looked at the white circle that had been drawn with chalk on the floor, then looked at his watch. They should be here soon.

There was a knock at the door, and Brandt pulled it open. On the bottom landing of the stairway stood Alois Dannhauser, an atomic physicist who worked at the Institute. He walked hesitantly into the room, followed by his blond wife and his three blond children, two boys and a little girl. He carried two battered cardboard suitcases. "Fertig?" he asked.

"Ja, Fertig," said Brandt quietly. He indicated that they should stand at the center of the circle and told them they must all sit close together on the floor. Dannhauser gathered his family around him, and Brandt joined them on the floor. He held the small twistor unit in his hand, pressed the button, and spoke into the sphere that formed at the end. In the background he heard a gasoline powered generator start.

His ears popped, and he blinked as the twistor translation was completed. There was an unmuffled gasoline engine running nearby, making a great deal of noise. Brandt looked around.

They were sitting in a grassy field on a big circle of concrete that stood a bit above the level of the ground. There were stands holding large copper coils, and with some electronics and a small control console. Klaus, the operator, motioned from the console, indication they should get off quickly. As soon as they were clear, there was an inrush of air and when Brandt looked around, he saw that as expected the concrete had been replaced by a patch of grass marked by a white circle of lime, like a football goal.

Klaus rose, killed the engine, and walked over to a tent where he seemed to have a folding chair, and bottle of beer, and a stack of textbooks. Brandt waved to him. "Only two more groups," he called to Klaus as he led the Dannhaiiser's off down the now familiar path through the field. They climbed a gentle hill.

When they were at the top, Brands stopped and allowed each of them to "peek" through the twistor sphere. The broad tree lined avenue of Unter den Linde spread in front of them, truncated at the end by the concrete and barbed wire barricades where helmeted guards with machine guns were posted near the Platz von der BrandeburgerTor.

After they had a last look, they all set out again with Brandt leading the Dannhauser family to the west, a song of freedom running through his head.

* * *

JPL reveals map of Earth-3, photos of large animals.

UPI - 3/18/94 - PASADENA - At a press conference at the CalTech Jet Propulsion Laboratory, spokesman revealed for the first time satellite mappings of E-3, the second and least explored of the two so-called “shadow-planet” twins of the Earth revealed by the recently discovered Harrison-Gordon or “twistor” effect. Spokesmen said that the planet has lush vegetation and that there is some evidence of large dinosaur-like animals. JPL spokesmen would not comment on whether the mapping was a prelude to manned exploration.

Roger and Denise were sitting at the big high-res monitor in the VIP briefing room when the data begin to stream in. The bird with the new twistor optics had just been launched from Vandenberg in a polar orbit. JPL was about to begin the mapping of two new planets. The work would really begin tomorrow. But already there was something to see.

The total of the scan information was going onto the triple redundant silvery laser disks that spun a the rear of the big room next door, but the bit stream was also sampled in real time and put up for display. This was partly to entertain the mapping group (and in this case an after-hours guest), and partly to make sure that the data was OK and would make sense later when the more detailed analysis was performed. It was now after 11 PM. The swing shift crew and a few reporters were clustered around the big screen next door, but here there was nobody but Roger and Denise, and the view was the same. Earlier that evening Roger had met Denise at a party. She and he seemed to hit it off well, and they had left together. On the way to her apartment he noticed they were near JPL and had the idea of showing her where he worked. He had noticed previously that certain of his lady friends seemed to be quite turned on by the flashy computer hardware and the colorful displays. Somehow it stimulated an excitement that he found very . . . interesting.

The security guard on duty was a friend of his, and he knew the routine with Roger's ladies. There had been no trouble getting her a visitor's badge.

The screen was slowly filling with a bright hued picture as the bird made its way up an unknown continent. This was the first pass of the converted surveillance satellite up the backside of E-3, the planet that, in the second shadow universe, otherwise know as U-3, occupied the same orbit as our earth, E-l. The path of the bird took it over what in our E-l was Eastern Russia, Iran, Saudi Arabia, and the Indian Ocean.

"If it's orbiting in one of those shadow universes, how is it that we can receive the satellite signals?" Denise asked. She had been reading about them in the popular press, which was having a field day with various weakly grounded speculations about the 'shadow worlds' and their contents.

Roger turned to her. "Good question." he smiled, looking directly into her eyes. "The trick is that satellite isn't really in U-3 at all, it says in our universe. It's optics are enclosed in a light-tight black box, and there's a twistor field just in front of the object lens that twists light from the shadow world to ours. The bird 'sees' what's in the other universe, but it remains in ours."

"Gee, that's really neat! Is that the place where David Harrison and those two children were?" she asked, pointing at the screen. "That TV docu-drama about them was really exciting."

"No," said Roger. "There are two of the six shadow universes that have earth equivalents. This is the other one, the one Harrison didn't go to. We started with this one for technical reasons. This twistor transition puts a slightly bigger load on the birds' electrical system, so we want to do it first while the batteries are still fresh and the solar panels are still in peak condition." Roger looked at the screen. The shape of an unfamiliar coastline was emerging. There were lots of light and dark reds in the false-color display, indication the presence of abundant vegetation. "That's a coastal mountain range there with some active volcanoes," he commented, pointing at the several white splatters on the field of red.

"What's that?" she asked, pointing to a dark bluish area.

"It's a big lake," he said. "Since it's so big and almost a perfect circle, I'd guess it's a hole left from a big volcanic explosion, like Crater Lake in Oregon. Let's, have a closer look." He framed the lake with the cursor and expanded the magnification. The data stream resided temporarily in the big bulk memory of the process computer until it grew "stale" and new data from the stream was written over it. It was easy to zoom in on an area of interest, and this also showed off the superb resolution of the bird's optical system. The circular lake filled the screen in striking detail.

"I wonder what those dots in the comer are," Denise said, pointing to one yellowish area near the bottom.

"We can have an even closer look," said Roger, framing the area and zooming in again. A curving lake shore like with what were now visible as trees appeared, and along one bank were the yellowish objects, now irregular blobs.

"Does that one have a neck?" Denise pointed.

Roger zoomed again, then gasped.

The screen was filled with what looked for all the world like the top view of a brontosaurus.

© 1990 by John Cramer

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[Artwork] Atwork ©1990 by Alfred Klosterman

April 1990, Issue No. 3 $3.95

(AD) ConDiego

Not going to world con this year? Come to San Diego for science fiction fun in the sun!

The North American Science Fiction Convention

Aug. 30-Sept. 3, 1990

• San Diego Convention and Performing Arts Center • Omni San Diego Hotel

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Memberships: $75 until July 1 • $85 at door
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"North American Science Fiction Convention" ("NASFiC"), "World Science Fiction Society" and "World Con" are service marks of the World Science Fiction Society, an unincorporated literary society.


Norwescon Class of '90

Nickname Filthy stinking ninja
Credits Sumi-e paintings for title pages of the limited edition Tea with the Black Dragon (Hypatia Press, 1989), two stories published in Strained Relations, (the first issue of the Eugene Writers series), inclusion in Spicy Zeppelin Stories, an anthology edited by Orson Scott Card (1990).
Current Home Springfield, OR
Hobbies Wargaming, Egyptology, two cats, Stephen J. Cannell television, Jeopardy, creative jewelry and sculpture with crystals.
Favorite Phrase "Peace through superior firepower and absolute retaliation."
Ambition I suppose becoming a god is out of the question...

Nickname Kathy
Credits "Sweetheart" in Asimov's (forthcoming), "The Transforming Eye," Calyx (1989), The Fire of San Marcos," Chirich (1989) among others. Clarion West 1987 graduate, winner of the Western Colorado Science Fiction Association short story contest, 1981.
Current Home Seattle, WA
Hobbies Eavesdropping on conversations on buses.
Favorite Phrase "En boca cerrada no entran moscas."
Ambition To visit Machu Picchu.

Credits Artwork published in magazines and fanzines.
Current Home Seattle, WA
Hobbies Music, theatre, camping.
Ambition Ultimately: Gallery work and matte painting for films.

Credits John's artwork has appeared in The Horror Show and on the cover of Pulphouse. His work was also chosen as a finalist in the L. Ron Hubbard's Illustrators of the Future Contest, 4th quarter 1989.
Current Home Tigard, OR
Hobbies Hunting cat fleas with surgical tweezers (on the cat).
Favorite Phrase "But she looked 18!!!"
Ambition The greatest art legend of modern history.

Credits 1970 Hugo Award for Best New Artist, 1979 Howard Award for Best Fantasy Artist, 1979 Balrog Award for Best Professional Publication for the anthology of her work, Age of Dreams: The Illustrations of Alicia Austin.
Current Home West Hills, CA
Hobbies Interpretation of European, Russian, Oriental and other ethnic folklore and mythology through art. Special interest in Southwest and Native American culture.

Nickname SplatterQueen (unjustly earned at Clarion West 1987).
Credits Shari Meakin Scholarship (1987). Poetry published: "Talesen's Traps: Thena" in Starline; "Parsival’s Remorse" in The Round Table (1989), "A Strange Attraction” in Amazing (1989).
Current Home Vancouver, B.C.
Hobbies Drawing, calligraphy and illumination, walking, sleeping.
Favorite Phrase "There's never enough time."
Ambition To travel the world doing photography and documentary writing.

Credits Author of two novels, The Man Who Pulled Down the Sky and Sin of Origin, and numerous stories which have appeared in CoEvolution Quarterly, Amazing, F&SF, Analog and Asimov's.

Credits Stories published in F&SF, Asimov's, Pulphouse, Shadows 8 & Shadows 9, The Year's Best Fantasy Stories: 13, Twilight Zone, Final Shadows, and others. Just finished writing a SF book set in Portland titled A Vagabond for Genesis.
Current Home Columbia Gorge
Hobbies Being stressed out, worrying about the dying Earth, other similar things.
Ambition To stop being stressed out, to stop worrying about the Earth, to breathe clean air on a regular basis.

Nickname Rose o' Shar'n
Credits Novels Burning Tears of Sassurum, Journey to Membliar, Quarrelling, They Met the Dragon (all published by Avon). This year: short story in Houses of Horror (Morrow), poem in Now We Are Sick (Dream Press).
Current Home Seattle, WA
Hobbies Skiing, Chinese brushstroke painting, sailing, horseback riding, Karate, giving away kittens, raising four children and six exchange students.
Favorite Phrase"I'm sorry I'm late, but..."
Ambition To excavate cities in Syria.

Credits Short stories and novels including Streetlethal, The Gorgon Child, and The Kundalini Equation. Co-author of Dream Park, The Barsoom Project, and The Descent of Anansi with Larry Niven. Creative consultant for The Secret of NIMH.
Current Home CA

Credits Short storys have appeared in Trilobyte (Axolotl Press), Night Visions 4 (Dark Harvest), and Wild Cards (Bantam) shared-world anthologies. Book reviewer for Twilight Zone Mile High Futures, and Locus.
Current Home Denver, CO
Photo by Karen Coulson

Nickname The Nazi Kike Dyke Bitch from Hell
Credits Creator of The Desert Peach and Stinz comic series and The Totally Socially Unacceptable Alphabet (1986).
Current Home Bremerton, WA
Hobbies Reading and trying to get some sleep.
Favorite Phrase "The slut used duct tape."
Ambition Not to live over three-quarters of a century and to get paid.

Nickname Varying with the speaker, either Lue, Miss Luella, or Grama.
Credits None of the writing sort, unless Clarion survival counts.
Current Home Seattle, WA
Favorite Phrase "I found it at Value Village."
Ambition To write a book that might not be interesting or well written, but would suit the publisher's needs at that time.

Credits My stories have appeared in Asimov's, Clinton Street Quarterly, Full Spectrum, Heroic Visions, New Dimensions, Pacific, Pulphouse, Seattle Review, Seattle Weekly, and Unearth. In the adult world, I'm the copy editor for Seattle Weekly.
Current Home Seattle, WA
Hobbies Chess club, JV Baseball, school paper, marching band (air guitar).
Ambition To see humanity back on the moon, the Democrats back in the White House, and the Mariners (finally) in the World Series.
Photo by Deborah Wessel

Credits Editor, Clarion teacher, book reviewer and advertising consultant. Author of over 200 pieces of fiction including the novels Michaelmas, Rouge Moon, The Falling Torch, Some Will Not Die, and Who? Heavily involved with L. Ron Hubbard Writers of the Future Contest. Toastmaster of Norwescon 6 and Guest of Honor of Norwescon 12.
Current Home Evanston, IL
Hobbies Bicycling.

Nickname Greymoone (Perfect-Pitch) Harper
Credits Thousands (millions and billions!) of pieces of original art (inc. scrimshaw), prints, fanzine contributions, and various mundane publications.
Current Home Kirkland, WA, Ecotopia
Hobbies Cats, gardens, Tai Chi Ch'uan, hiking, ecodefense, music
Favorite Phrase "It's not nice to fool with Mother Nature!"
Ambition To save the world from the dominant paradigm.

Credits The Phoenix in the Mirror, Rork!, Mutiny in Space, Rouge Dragon, Ursus of Ultima Thule. Special Guest of Norwescons 10,11, and 12.
Current Home Bremerton, WA

Nickname Francesco Hans Catalano
Credits Special Projects, Egghead Discount Software. Published in Omni, F&SF, Analog, Amazing, Writer's Digest, MacWeek, MacGuide, Rigel. Professional hired voice (national award-winning).
Current Home Sumner, WA (Lake Tapps)
Hobbies Chasing three year old offspring.
Favorite Phrase "You can never overestimate stupidity."
Ambition To play first-string on the SFWA basketball team.

Credits Over 70 game and book covers.
Current Home Huntsville, AL
Hobbies Hiking and camping, canoe club, history, mountain bicycling.
Favorite Phrase "It’s never too late to start a happy childhood."
Ambition To host Saturday Night Live.

Credits King of the Scepter'd Isle (NAL 1989), Fang, the Gnome (NAL 1988), Gods of the Greatway (Houghton Mifflin 1984), Celestial Steam Locomotive (Houghton Mifflin 1983).
Current Home Sidney, B.C.
Hobbies Sailing, gardening, architecture, travel, lop-eared rabbits.
Favorite Phrase Sunday brunch - all you can eat.
Ambition To receive unstinted public adulation.

Credits Author of War World, Freehold, Imperial Bounty, and Prison Planet. Coauthor of Cluster Command, Crises of Empire Volume II with David Drake.
Current Home Seattle, WA

Credits Freelance journalist in the computer industry. Past employment includes actor, tour guide, literary agent and graphic artist.

Nickname Super Sparrow
Credits Princess of Flames (Ace 1986), Nedao Trilogy (Ace 1987-89), Spell Bound (Ace 1990), Night-Threads I (Ace 1990), Beauty and the Beast #2 (Avon 1990).
Current Home Dallas, OR (not The Dalles!)
Hobbies Cycling, weight training, skiing, quilting, gardening, etc., etc., etc.
Ambition To sing the lead in Cenerenterola or the gypsy in Trovatore.
Photo by David Bickford

Nickname Lizard-dude
Credits Scholarship to Renaissance School of Art (age 13); Best of Show, Westercon 40; Best Nightmare, Westercon 38; Winner of Morrey Turner Amateur Film Award. Constructed fibre optic city in Mirage Hotel, Las Vegas.
Current Home Los Angeles, CA
Hobbies Fencing, sculpting, painting, collecting SF space ships, making costumes.
Favorite Phrase "Holy Sheep Dip!"
Ambition Come back home to Seattle!!! After I do a few movies ...
Photo by Jack Krolack

Credits Artwork and cartoons in F&SF, Dragon, Dungeon, Fantasy Tales (England), Space & Time, Nor'westing, and Signature. Co-owner of Northwest Fine Arts Press 1984-1989.
Current Home Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
Hobbies Video movie marathons, reading Dave Barry books.
Favorite Phrase "Shut up, Chu!"
Ambition » To be Gary Larson.

Credits Editor and publisher of Science Fiction Review. Co-author of four novels with Richard Geis (all under the pseudonym of 'Richard Elliott').
Current Home Portland, OR
Photo by Craig Peterson

Credits Non-fiction: Amazing, Starlog Yearbook #1. Fiction: Rats Tales (anthology), Pulphouse Report, Writers of the Future Honorable Mention.
Current Home Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
Hobbies Work, play, eating/drinking, sleeping.
Favorite Phrase "There are some things man was not meant to know."
Ambition To - dare I say it? - someday...rule the world!

Credits Author of Magician: Apprentice, Magician: Master, Silverthorn, A Darkness at Sethanon, and the Riftwar series.
Current Home San Jose, CA

Credits Author and illustrator of Albedo, Anthropomorphics and Zell, Sworddancer. Co-artist and sometime co-author of Fusion and Birthright. Once upon a time slave-artist for West Wind and the Norwescon Program Book.
Current Home Seattle, Wa
Hobbies Military machinery and any type of flying machine.
Favorite Phrase "He's just this guy, ya know..."
Ambition To be as rich and famous as everbody thinks he should be.

Credits Former reporter for the Seattle Times, author of non-fiction books The Tomorrow Makers, which looks at artificial intelligence, and Magic Bullets, a behind-the-scenes view of medical research and monoclonal antibodies.
Current Home Seattle, WA

Credits Science writer published in Analog, Astronomy, Amazing, Asimov’s and technical journals.
Current Home Ellensberg, WA
Hobbies Active in the L-5 Society.

Nickname Mirendil
Credits Pioneer Memorial Theatre, 4 years; Utah Shakespearean Festival, 2 years; currently at Seattle Opera, Working on War and Peace (as a costumer, not a singer, that is ...)
Current Home Seattle, WA
Hobbies Folksinging, SCA (13 years), eclectic reading, dancing.
Favorite Phrase "si faciendo ne facio." (If I had to do it, I wouldn't).
Ambition is a good servant but a bad master.

Credits Voyager Neptune Flyby, video compilation. Lighting director for "1/2 Time Peaches," Donna Barr's wacky Africa Corp. show.
Current Home Vancouver, B.C.
Hobbies Space FLT videos, flying, umpiring cricket, skydiving and reading SF.
Favorite Phrase "Woftam, so moomba." (Australian Aborigine)
Ambition Canada's answer to Art Bozlee!

Credits Winging It (1988), Sheila and the Unicorn (1988), various other comics too numerous to mention.
Current Home Seattle, WA
Hobbies Trying to find some "spare time".
Favorite Phrase "No kidding!"
Ambition To help bring about world peace, understanding between all people and to actually get paid for my artwork.

Nickname Turk
Credits Regular small press columnist for Amazing Heroes, co-creator, co-editor and writer of Comics F/X, Special Hugging #1 (comic strip about childhood), article about N.W. comics published in Writer's N.W.
Current Home Seattle, WA
Hobbies Nailing plastic onto people’s homes, pinball, crossword puzzles.
Favorite Phrase "Gidouddahere ya turkeyneck!"
Ambition To find a woman smarter than me who'll marry me anyway.

Credits Stories in Asimov's, Amazing, Tales by Moonlight, and others. Hugo nominee in 1989.
Current Home Seattle, WA
Hobbies Radar angling.
Favorite Phrase "Life is too short to write so slowly."
Ambition Not to lose the Hugo.

Credits Art/Poetry/Fantasy Editor for Figment: Digest of Fantasy, Horror & Science Fiction. Science Fiction and Fantasy short stories published in Paradise Creek Journal and Hardware, non-fiction published in Guidelines and SFFW Newsletter.
Current Home Moscow, ID
Hobbies Art, ancient handweapons, the arcane/occult, japanimation.
Favorite Phrase "If something gets in the way of your creative endeavors-kill it!"
Ambition Never to be bored—and so far, I've been overly successful.

Credits Art critic and columnist for Science Fiction Review (1974), and File 770. History of SF illustration included in The Visual Encyclopedia of Science Fiction and artist's biographies in Peter Nicholl's The Encyclopedia of Science Fiction. Fiction in Writers of the Future, Volume II. Author of CHROMA: The Art of Alex Schomburg. Founding member of PESFA, MosCon and Writer's Bloc. Founded JMG Appraisals, the first professional SF/F art appraisal service, in 1983.
Current Home Moscow, ID
Hobbies Art, art, books, bookshelves.

Credits 15 years as paperback cover artist for DAW, Ace, Bantam, Del Rey, Avon, Signet, Baen, Questar Books and Marvel Comics. Production illustrator for The Philadelphia Experiment, The Howling, House, and others. Advertising Illustrator for E.T., The Dark Crystal, Texas Chainsaw Massacre, The Fly, The Thing, and Swamp Thing.
Current Home Pasadena, CA

Credits Horror editor for Figment: Digest of Fantasy, Horror & Science Fiction. Short stories published in Richard Chizmar's Cemetery Dance and William Raley’s After Hours.
Current Home Moscow, ID
Hobbies Monty Python films and dusty old books.
Favorite Phrase "Life's too short for cheap wine."
Ambition To complete an M.F.A. in creative writing and my novel.

Credits Ph. D. in Generic Hand waving Physics, 1984.
Current Home Pleasanton, CA
Hobbies Cybernetic necromancy.
Favorite Phrase "Legalize Updoc!"
Ambition Invent teleportation (but will settle for cheap spaceflight).

Credits Ventura: The Complete Reference (Osborne/McGraw Hill 1989), NWVG Newsletter (Month Desktop Pub), Cofounder/ Director of Clarion West.
Current Home Seattle, WA
Favorite Phrase Whatever.
Ambition Have fun and be amused - and amusing.

Credits Color artist for various posters comics and graphic novels including Green Arrow, Sable, Butcher, Longbow Hunters, James Bond and Peter Pan.
Current Home Seattle, WA
Hobbies Making jewelry, beading anything, collecting black cats and triceratops.
Favorite Phrase "It's due when?!!!"
Ambition To get off deadline twice a year.

Nickname Phil
Credits The Bug Life Chronicles (Baen 1989), Tower to the Sky (Baen 1988), short stories in Asimov’s, Aboriginal SF, Amazing, and F&SF.
Current Home St. Cloud, MN
Hobbies Singing in church choir.
Favorite Phrase Whatever.
Ambition To sneak into the really great Norwescon party that only insiders know about.

Credits Wizard of the Pigeons (Ace), Reindeer People (Ace 1988), Luck of the Wheels (Ace 1989), Cloven Hooves (Bantam, forthcoming).
Current Home Roy, WA
Ambition Survival. Finding time to read.

Nickname Mickey, Cathy Pumpkin
Credits Raid on Nightmare Castle (TSR 1983), Trouble on Artule (TSR 1984), numerous non-fiction articles and poems.
Current Home Portland, OR
Hobbies Miniatures, fibre art, singing, gardening.
Favorite Phrase "Wherever you go - there you are."
Ambition To become ambitionless.

J.P. McLaughlin
Nickname Moose
Credits SF Editor and Business Manager for Figment: Digest of Fantasy, Horror & Science Fiction.
Current Home Moscow, ID
Hobbies Amateur astonomer, bad c programmer, voracious reader.
Favorite Phrase "Remember, you can't take it with you when you go."
Ambition To see every schlock "B" movie ever made.

Credits Numerous short stories.
Current Home Nipinnawasee, CA
Hobbies Reading, movies, eating raw fish.
Favorite Phrase (Unprintable)
Ambition Live long enough to speak fluent Japanese.

Credits Host of Fast Forward, a SF radio talk show, in 1987-88.1986 Clarion West graduate. Editor: Tand, various apazines. Reviewer of fanzines for WestWind. Member: NWSFS, N3F, FAPA, SAPS, SF Poetry Association.
Current Home Seattle, WA
Hobbies Fanzines, wine tasting, reading, philosophy, and Jack Vance.
Favorite Phrase "Today is very as-is."
Ambition To dance "Honor to Finuka" perfectly.

Credits Production assistant for *Figment: Digest of Fantasy, Horror & Science Fiction.
Current Home Moscow, ID
Hobbies Antiquarian bookhunting, kitty torture, wine tasting and expensive meals.
Favorite Phrase "I want it done yesterday!"
Ambition Find a way to have a career and still get some sleep.

Credits Published in Asimov's, SF Chronicle, and Analog. Editor of Wet Visions, an anthology of Pacific Norwest Science Fiction.
Current Home Seattle, WA
Photo © 1990 by Nina K. Hoffman

Credits The Warrior and the Witch (Ace 1990), Dragonbound (Ace 1988).
Current Home A deep forest near Redway, California
Hobbies Drawing and painting, folk guitar.
Favorite Phrase "Listen to the water, listen to the wind."
Ambition Second printing, third printing, eleventh printing, etc.
Photo by T.J. Jennings

Credits Feature screenwriter and short film director. Her short film, The Invitation, was an award winner in Starlog's Cinemagic Magazine Short Film Search.
Current Home Seattle, WA

Credits Inclusion in The Clarion Awards, Space and Time and Pulphouse Report.
Current Home White Salmon, WA

Credits Co-creator, illustrator, and publisher of Rhaj, voted Top Small Press Comic for 1989 by Amazing Heroes. Illustrations published in Argos. Rhaj is now published by Miscellania Unlimited.
Current Home Seattle, WA
Hobbies Japanimation, Asian culture, small press, getting a date with Isis.
Favorite Phrase "In Gold We Trust."
Ambition To be the cosmic bus driver instead of a passenger.

Credits Founding member of MosCon and Writer's Bloc. Award-winning costumer. Mainstream and SF/F short story writer, winner of the 1986 Amazing Stories Calendar Story Contest.
Current Home Moscow, ID

Credits Co-creator, illustrator, and publisher of Rhaj, voted Top Small Press Comic for 1989 by Amazing Heroes. Comic book reviewer for Comics FX.
Current Home Seattle, WA
Hobbies Asian culture, small press, Ikebana, reading, cooking.
Favorite Phrase "I don't need to make a lot of money, but then, I like to sleep nights.”
Ambition Drink cheap champagne at the Autograph Party.

Credits B.S. from UW, Ph.D. in Experimental Psychology from Purdue University, 1987 Clarion West graduate, short stories published in Twilight Zone and Alfred Hitchcock’s.
Current Home Seattle, WA
Favorite Phrase "Quayle is a weasel."
Ambition Dinner with former Vice President J. Danforth Quayle.

Credits Mom - photo. Dad - Hay bill. Smokey - Horse. Italian Renaissance - Major influence.
Current Home Seattle, WA
Hobbies Nordstrom's.
Favorite Phrase "The bone I have is not the bone I want."
Ambition Rule China.

Credits Poetry and non-fiction published both locally and nationally. 1988 Certificate of Recognition for Outstanding Literary Merit for the Pacific Northwest Writers Conference. Co-founder of the Enumclaw Writers Workshop. Currently working on the first book of a Science Fantasy trilogy. Professional vocalist and musician.
Current Home Enumclaw, WA
Hobbies British history, folkmusic, needlework, art, dance, ornithology, cats (11) and dogs (2).
Ambition Have you got five minutes?

Credits Six years performing as Telynor, a musical duo specializing in music from the Middle Agesand Renaissance, France and Eastern Europe and original pieces. Performances in the Downtown Seattle Association's Out to Lunch series, Northwest Folklife Festival, the Heritage Festival at Marymoor Park and Bumbershoot.
Current Home Seattle, WA

Credits The Dragon’s Harp (1977), Guinevere (1981), Chessboard Queen (1983), Guinevere Evermore (1985). All published by St. Martins.
Current Home The sunniest part of la-la land.
Hobbies Intense escapist sleeping.
Favorite Phrase "Don't tell me these aren't the Middle-Ages."
Ambition To dance Giselle at Lincoln Center.
Photo by J. Black

Credits Bachelor of Science in Mathematics and Poetry, Master of Science in Computers, and Ph. D. (all but Thesis) in Molecular Cybernetics. Working at Rockwell's International Space Division with software engineering, artificial intelligence, and manned lunar and planetary mission planning. Writer, editor and publisher of Science, Science Fiction, Fantasy, Futurology, Poetry, Criticism, Music and Drama. Listed in numerous Who’s Whos including Who’s Who of Emerging Leaders in America.
Current Home Altadena, CA

Nickname Nikki or Yo, Phoenix!
Credits Short fiction included in Rat Tales (Hypatia Press 1987), and Strained Relations (Hypatia Press 1989). "Sacrament" appeared in Amazing, Jan. 1990.
Current Home Eugene, OR
Hobbies Gaming, raising rats, people watching, heavy metal, Celtic history
Favorite Phrase "Wha . . . what are you doing?"
Ambition To communicate on a gut and spiritual level; to achieve immortality and embarrassing wealth wouldn't be bad either.

Credits The Labyrinth Gate, (Baen Books, 1988), Highroad Trilogy, Vol. 1: A Passage of Stars, (Bantam, Jan 1990), Vol. 2: Revolution's Shore, (Bantam, June 1990), Vol. 3: The Price of Ransom, (Bantam, Sept. 1990).
Current Home San Jose, CA
Hobbies I have a husband, a 2 1/2 year old daughter, and 8 month old twin boys. I don’t have time for hobbies.
Favorite Phrase "Challenge assumptions."
Ambition More time to write. Also, I'd still like to be crew on an interstellar exploratory vessel, if I ever get the chance.

Nickname Word man
Credits Jaguar (Ace, July 1990), The Ascension Factor with Frank Herbert (Ace 1988), The Lazarus Effect with Frank Herbert (Ace 1983), The Jesus Incident with Frank Herbert (Ace 1979).
Current Home Port Townsend, WA
Hobbies Running, travel, Spanish, fishing.
Favorite Phrase "Mankind will not be free until the last king is strangled with the entrails of the last priest." - Diderot
Ambition To see a world without borders.
Photo by M.C. Valada

Credits "The Plague" in Domains of Darkover (1990), "If Only Banshees Could See" to be included in a forthcoming Darkover anthology.
Current Home Olympia, WA
Hobbies Making pine needle baskets, "camping" (in our motorhome).
Favorite Phrase "I'm sure there’s a way to do this ..."

Credits Short stories published in F&SF, Twilight Zone, and Universe and others. Novels include Dragonworld, The Shattered World, The Burning Realm and seven others. Co-author of Dome and The Omega Cage with Steve Perry. Writer of comic books, over two hundred teleplays (Twilight Zone, Star Trek: The Next Generation, Captain Power and Monsters), and animation scripts (The Real Ghostbusters, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, and Superman).
Current Home Woodlawn Hills, CA

Credits Tomoe Gozen, The Golden Naginata, The Swordsman and Ou Lu Khen and the Beautiful Madwoman. Editor of Amazons!, Amazons II, Heroic Visions and Tales by Moonlight. Short stories of Heroic Fantasy and Horror published in magazines and anthologies.
Current Home Seattle, WA
Hobbies Promoting classic and classic-style Fantasy and Horror.
Photo by Ileen Weber

Credits "Treed" (Argos, Winter 1988), book reviews (Argos, Summer 1988), "Kansa City Kitty" to be published in L. Ron Hubbard's Writers of the Future 6th Annual Anthology (forthcoming).
Current Home Seattle, WA
Hobbies Reading, collecting sunsets, watching penguin migration.
Ambition To support myself with something resembling writing.

Credits Stone and scrimshaw artist, her work has won over 70 awards nationwide and has been published in Lapidary Journal, Rock and Gem, and Rose Aris. Author of The Artistry in Scrimshaw, Finding Quartz Crystals, and The Petrified Forest.
Current Home Tigard, OR
Hobbies Hand beading evening gowns, working leather.
Favorite Phrase "Adequite."
Ambition Carving fire opals and writing more how-to books.

Credits Historian , researcher, and bibliographer. Coordinator for The Olympic View SF Writers' Conference; Fan Guest of Honor for Dreamcon 5 (Fall 1990).
Current Home Edmonds, WA
Hobbies Making teddy bears and porcelain dolls, cruising Puget Sound waters with her husband.
Favorite Phrase "When doing research, start with an Oxford Dictionary."

Credits Her SF series published by Ace, featuring a far-future gambler/turned spy/turned resistance agent against a repressive cybernetic network, includes Wild Card Run and Win, Lose, Draw. The third in the series, Double Blind, is scheduled to appear in May. She is currently completing a near-future novel set in the Greek islands.
Current Home Bellingham, WA
Hobbies Scuba, classical piano, mineral prospecting, hiking.
Favorite Phrase "The expedition goes on."
Ambition Take a freefall space walk.

Credits Science Fiction and Fantasy artist currently showing at the Kirstan Gallery in Seattle. Art show awards include Best of Show (Norwescon 6 and 9) and First Place (Boskone 1989).
Current Home Seattle, WA
Hobbies Telescopy, collecting radio shows.
Favorite Phrase "You must be thinking of my cousin..."
Ambition X-ray vision.

Nickname Kathy, Bucksnort, Hey You.
Credits Time in Mimi (forthcoming from Grafton, U.K. in 1991).
Current Home San Diego, CA
Hobbies Embroidery, skiing, torture of horses and cats.
Favorite Phrase "Oh, swell."
Ambition To become as "famous" as my husband, Ray Feist.

Credits Short story "The Being Game" included in Strained Relations (Hypatia Press 1989).
Current Home Springfield, OR
Hobbies Gaming, reading, collecting castles.
Ambition” To live in England at least a year.

Nickname The Dr. Pepper Kid
Credits Publisher and co-publisher of small press magazines and fanzines, writer for Blackbird Comics, columnist for Amazing Heroes, member of Rowbrazzle and Cartoonists Northwest.
Current Home Seattle, WA
Hobbies Collecting animation, drawing for fanzines.
Ambition Raising Dachsunds in Peru (I was a weird teenager!)

Credits Scripts for animated television shows including He-Man, Dungeons and Dragons, Teenage Muntant Ninja Turtles, and Beany and Cecil. Also written comic books, computer games and novels.
Current Home Woodlawn Hills, CA

Nickname The Magic Realist
Credits New Dimensions 9 and 10, Seattle P.I., Kopernikus 14, Science Fiction Jahrbuch, Twilight Zone, Pulphouse, Nebula nomination, Bram Stoker award, Member, Board of Directors, Clarion West. Will have a story included in the anthology October Dreams.
Current Home Seattle, WA
Hobbies Hiking and puttering around the condo, talking with friends far, far, into the night.
Favorite Phrase "Far f***ing out!"
Ambition To turn reality into Magic Realism.

Credits Fiction published in Asimov's, Sky Views, Copula, and others.
Current Home Seattle, WA
Hobbies Mountain climbing, bicycling in Europe.
Favorite Phrase "I’ll buy it."
Ambition » To see the earth from space first hand.
Photo by David Cortesi

DENNIS VIRZI Nickname Ever Ready
Credits Noted fan personality and convention organizer. Bubonicon 8, Lone Star Con, Idicon Towel Party. A founding director of FACT (Fandom Association of Central Texas).
Current Home Duncanville, TX
Hobbies Star Trek fans.
Favorite Phrase "What do you mean, ’Not tonight?’"
Ambition Four.

Nickname Lisa
Credits Short stories in The Keeper’s Price, Greyhaven, Magic in Ithkar, Free Amazons of Darkover, Sword and Sorceress III, Red Sun of Darkover, Marion Zimmer Bradley's Fantasy Magazine, Four Moons of Darkover, Things That Go Bump in the Night, and the forthcoming Domains of Darkover, Sword and Sorceress VI, and Tales of Witch World IV. Gryphon Award winner (1989).
Current Home Berkeley, CA
Hobbies Needlework, reading, ice skating.

Credits Fan Guest of Honor: Moscon, Leprecon, Rustycon. Ex-chair: Norwescon, NWSFS. Masquerade Best of Show: PSST III, SF Expo 8. Member of programming department for Austin and Phoenix NASFiCs. Author of two textbooks and numerous articles on computers.
Current Home Tukwila, WA
Hobbies Computers, bulletin boards, fantasy role playing, reading.
Favorite Phrase "It's not in the budget!"
Photo by N. Shehnerdine

Nickname Wes
Credits Stories in (or slated for) Asimov's, Universe, Fantasy & Science Fiction, Pulphouse, Seattle Review.
Current Home Seattle, WA
Hobbies Procrastination, angst, rock & roll.
Favorite Phrase "Lower your standards and keep going."
Ambition To cover my refrigerator with photos of my refrigerator covered with photos of...
Photo by Steven Bryan Bieler

Nickname Sir Lancelot
Credits Various poetry published in World of Poetry. Inclusions in Megan Lindholm's Luck of the Wheels.
Current Home Roy, WA
Hobbies Music, music, music, writing, art, horseback riding, astral projection, cars.
Favorite Phrase "Damn! Hate when that happens..."
Ambition Become more famous than the Beatles, and be richer than Michael Jackson.

Credits Artwork published in the Ballantine Star Trek Concordance, Minus 10 and Counting and Analog. Cover illustration for Analog for the beginning of the serialization of Fred Pohl's The Coming of the Quantum Cats. Another cover for Analog is in the works.
Current Home Tacoma, WA
Photo by Michael Citrak

You're right! We did cheat a lot with the alphbetizing.

[Photo] Principal Warren presides over pep rally.

[Photo] Chess Club

[Photo] Mr. Citrak the shop teacher, comes to work again with a snoot-full.

[Photo] Our beloved football team prepares before a big game.


Gauze Celebre a true story by Pat Mueller

Originally Published in Pirate Jenny, Spring 1988

I have lived with a long, wild and varied series of roommates in my time. We've done strange things together, I've done some strange things myself—and sometimes my roommates have done strange things on their own.

Once, a roommate ran amuck with her airbrush and painted a long white stripe down the back of a neighbor's black cat. After that, we airbrushed our hair white, to see what we'd look like in fifty years or so.

Another time, a roommate had a neurotic part-Siamese cat named Magnolia Thunderpussy (the name was lifted directly from an entry in the Los Angeles Phonebook). Magnolia had the disturbing habit to peeing on our phone jacks, which caused all the telephones in the house to act as thought they were possessed, ringing intermittently at odd hours.

Another roommate in the same household decided to “surprise" a friend who lived next door when he came home from work—so this roommate and about four of his friend draped towels over their heads, grabbed their machetes and plastic tommyguns and whatnot, and laid in wait on our neighbor's rooftop, planning to ambush him with a fake terrorist attack. Unfortunately, at least one apartment- dweller from just across the parking lost spotted them, and phoned the police, evidently babbling, "Terrorists! Arabs! Knives! Guns!" incoherently and at the top of their lungs. Helicopters and sniper squads and an entire battalion of police cars swarmed to the scene, just as our neighbor pulled into the driveway. And said neighbor was not terribly amused, as he had just moved in next door, hadn't gotten his address changed on his driver's license yet, and couldn't prove he actually lived there and wasn't part of the terrorist attack... It was all terribly exciting.

Oh, and let's not forget the time I'd been awake about forty eight hours straight and one of my roommates gave me a left-handed can-opener to use... the roommate who decided to use the mimeograph just outside my bedroom door at two o'clock a.m. on a weeknight... or the roommate who would stoop down to light his cigarettes off the gas burner on the stove (phew!)...

Now, don't get me wrong. I did my share of weird, and silly, and stupid things, too. And I'm sure my roommates have just as many stories about me, as I have about them.

But there's one roommate story that tops them all.

I was living in a two-bedroom house on Kumquat Court in Austin, Texas at the time. The rent was rather exorbitant for one person, but when split with a roommate it become more or less affordable. I had moved into the house with a friend who was an artist, and we signed a year's lease.

Well, about halfway though the lease, the artist (who is still a good friend, by the way) couldn't stand the summertime weather in Texas any longer "Too Hot," she said. "Too muggy. Too humid. Too bright."

"I'm moving to Seattle," she said.

"Um," I said. "Okay."

I was setting type part-time at a local printer, and making ends meet by doing freelance graphics work and keyboarding for various companies. I had been commissioning artwork from an out-oftown artist, though, who had expressed an interest in moving to Austin.

I called him up. "Hey, I know someone who needs a roommate," I said.

"Great," he said. He packed his car up about five minutes later, drove twelve hundred miles, and arrived about a day and a half later.

"Hi!" he said when he arrived on our doorstep.

"I'm not going to leave for Seattle for another two weeks," my first roommate said.

"That's okay, I'll sleep on the couch," the newly-arrived artist replied.

We both looked at him, and then looked at each other. "How old are you?" we asked.

"Nineteen," he replied.

Oh my, we thought.

So, the young artist camped out on my couch while my roommate cleared up some loose ends before leaving for Seattle. He got a job (her old job, in fact), and then quit after a few days.

Money was tight. I started worrying about having enough to pay all the bills.

"I really think you should get a job," I said.

"I tried," he said. "Nobody will hire me to do artwork. I'm too young."

Now, I'll have to admit one thing. This fellow was one Talented Artist, though a bit limited in repertoire. He seemed to have been drawing continually for all nineteen years of his life -- and his metier was the Comic Book Style. This fit in rather well with several of my freelance graphics clients, so I kept feeding him work so I could pay him and then he could give the money back to me for the rent he owed me...

The kid was also unfamiliar with various drawing material and techniques, so I started showing him new things, when I had a chance. Coquille board for a texturing effect, for instance. Felttipped "brush pens", for an easy and cheap way to vary line widths. Scraps of sponge, for applying watercolors in wide swatches.

The kid was fast, too. I'd give him an assignment you'd expect to be finished in a week — and he'd have it finished in a day and a half, maybe less. And it'd be good, too. It was disgusting.

"When are you going to buy some more groceries," he'd complain.

"Get some steady work," I'd say, and go back to pounding on a keyboard for a buck a thousand characters.

I couldn't kick him out -- what little money he brought in was better than nothing at all. Besides, how do you throw out a kid like that, and tell him to go live with his parents again? I was nineteen once, and am still glad nobody had done anything like that to me...

Meanwhile, Lone Star Con was fast approaching, and in addition to free-lancing and typesetting parttime, I was supposedly in charge of their Publications Division. Life started getting hairy.

The kid's work sources dried up. He got bored. He played the stereo real loud, and watched a lot of television, real loud. Soon, he was very bored.

I had just picked up a new keyboarding assignment the previous day, and figured that if I finished it the next day, I'd have enough money to buy groceries and pay my car insurance. The material was deadly dull, though — nothing by hundreds of pages of the Texas County Codes.

"Oh boy," I said. "Fingers, do your stuff.

I was about third of the way though the manuscript - just starting on a meaty section about the Texas Hide and Animal Inspectors. I could hardly tear myself away from it, and there were about two hundred more page to go.

It was three o'clock in the morning, and the house was suspiciously quiet.

"It's quiet," I said to myself. "Too quiet." I looked up from my computer screen.

Kid Artist was standing in my doorway. He's wearing a pair of Khaki cutoffs, no shirt, and no shoes. Somehow he didn't look bored any more.

"Do you have any gauze?" he asked.

Gauze? Gauze? Here I was, immersed in the fascination world of the Texas County Hide and Animal Inspector, and he wanted gauze.

Well, gosh, maybe he wanted to do something artistic with it. Experiment with new techniques, or something.

"I might have some in the medicine cabinet," I said. "Did you look there?"

"I couldn't find any."

Sighing heavily, I went to search for some gauze. I scrabbled around in the medicine cabinet, and then the hall closet. No luck.

"What do you need gauze for?" I ask.

Foolish me.

"I cut myself," he said.

I could see no evidence of cuts or wounds. Maybe he backed into an Xacto blade or something. "Here, put this on it," I said, hauling out a quart bottle of hydrogen peroxide. He disappeared into the bathroom and closed the door.

Moments later, I heard a loud, long hissing noise. The sort of noise a wounded teakettle would make, if you poured a quart of hydrogen peroxide all over it.

After about three minutes, the bathroom door open. Kid Artist emerged and handed me the bottle of peroxide. He as about twenty shades paler, and the bottle was almost empty.

I could still see no sign of injury. No gory wounds, no makeshift bandages. Anywhere.

My curiosity was piqued. The Texas County Hide and Animal Inspectors could wait a few more minutes — I wanted to know what the hell was going on.

"I cut myself," he said. A bit sheepishly.

"I figured that," I said. A bit perturbedly, "Where? How? With What?"

"I, uh, cut myself," he said again.

I was becoming more than a bit exasperated by the whole nonsense.

"It's kind of, uh, embarrassing," he said.

Oh, really.

I managed to pry the story out of him, between much stammer- ing and many "Uh"s, and before he bled to death on the carpet. It seems that when he was originally, uh, circumcised, the doctor kind of, uh, missed a piece, and like it was kind of annoying and painful...

...and like he was pretty bored, and thought he might take care of it himself, just snip and --

"With my embroidery scissors?” I was aghast.

"Um... yeah," he said. "I didn't think it would hurt as much as it does."

I made a sarcastic comment about the number of nerve endings in that particular portion of his anatomy. "Do you want me to take you to the emergency room?"

"I don't have any money," he said. "Besides, this is too embarrassing."

I bit back a number of sarcastic comments about gangrene.

"And it's bleeding an awful lot," he added. (I valiantly suppressed yet another sarcastic comment about the number of blood vessels in that area of his anatomy, as well.)

"I can't get it to stop bleeding," he said. "That's what I need the gauze for. I've already ruined two pairs of underwear."

Suddenly, I had a brainstorm. It hit me like a bolt out of the blue -- a moment of satori. Women prevent biology from ruining their underwear all the time!

"Hey, I've got a box of sanitary napkins —

"No, that would be stupid,” he said. And he had the effrontery to sneer when he said it.

Well, what can I say... I went out and bought a roll of gauze for the poor kid, and some Neosporin ointment, and then went back to the world of the Texas County Hide and Animal Inspectors.

He lived. It didn't fall off. About a month and a half later, he moved back to where he came from, back to live with his parents again. I haven't seen or heard from him since.

Thank goodness for small favors.

© 1990 by Pat Muelle

[Artwork] Sacred Herd © 1990 by Ilene Meyer

(AD) Gross Prophets

There is a pleasure in the pathless woods...
~ Lord Byron

with a grant from the Addams Family.


[Artwork] Quitting Time at Station Core © 1990 by David A. Cherry


[Artwork] The Voice of Cepheus, cover for the book by Kenneth P. Appleby published by Del Rey. © 1990 by David Mattingly.


[Artwork] Rimrunners, cover for the book by C.J. Cherryh published by Warner Books. © 1990 by Don Maitz


[Artwork] Far Horizons, Cover for the book The Heroes by Joel Rosenberg published by Science Fiction Book Club. © 1990 by Janny Wurts


[Artwork] © 1990 by Alicia Austin


[Artwork] Rude Awakening © 1990 by Lynne Taylor Fahnestalk


[Artwork] Detail from Foreign Language Editions © 1990 by William R. Warren jr. Published in Analog, for Michael F. Flynn's "Go Astounding Years." Dedicated to Frank, Polly, & Laura Brodian Kelly-Freas - with love.


[Artwork] Aspect © 1990 by Mark a. Skullerud


[Artwork] © 1990 by Ken Kelly


[Artwork] Dragon Lake © 1990 by Michael Whelan. Cover for The Star Scroll by Melanie Rawn published by DAW.


Time Considered As a Helix of Lavender Ribbon by Deborah Wessell

Esmerelda Burnchurch, wealthy, willowy, and brimful of champagne, is not nearly as tipsy as she was an hour ago. An hour ago, the recentlysacked Time Czar Maxfield Singh broke the laws of God and man by sneaking her into Temp Central at two in the morning, without a plan or a permit or even a chauffeur.

Now, wavering at her own doorstep at dawn, feverish even in her gossamer gown, Esmerelda is very near to fainting daintily away beneath the boxwood hedge.

But not from champagne. From shock.

Because Maxie has actually done it: he's Tripped her to the precise moment she described to him, weeping pearly tears onto the lapels of his tuxedo at that revolting Inaugural Ball. There's the door of her old townhouse in New Francisco, there's the six-years ago sun about to come up, there's the coffee boy floating along the avenue on his magbike, slinging sacks of espresso onto the porches of the rich and famous.

And here on Esmerelda's porch, in all their delicate extravagance, are the roses which will convince her sixyears- ago self, any moment now, to elope with Nicholas Carletta instead of merging fortunes with his rival, Charles Devereaux-Brown.

Esmerelda sways against the iron filigree railing and tries to think. A breeze stirs the lavender ribbon in her waterfall hair and she yawns, inflating herself with morning to chase the champagne fumes away. Perhaps she's dreaming?

No. It's all too prosaic, and too precise. Door, sun, roses. An opportunity to repair the past. Just what she told Maxie she wanted, and just what he drunkenly vowed to give her. She has four minutes to undo the dreadful error of throwing over Charles, her ambitious, industrious, soon-to-be-senior-senator suitor, in favor of erratic, eccentric, never-to-be-anybody-but-a-saxophone player Nick. Now Charles is going to be President, Nick still isn't anybody, and Esmerelda wants to be First Spouse so much she can taste it.

"But I never expected to make it happen."

Her voice, too, sounds strangely mundane. Of course: no force field echo. Esmerelda has gone Tripping before, naturally. Everyone in her set has. The usual round, Columbus rowing ashore, Stonehenge at some ancient solstice, the Sermon on the Mount. But what with the roaring distortion of the force field, which keeps the tourists from mucking up destiny, and the five-centuries-andearlier rule, and the vast expense and the vaster paperwork, and the stingy little snippet of time that you're actually Back Then, surrounded by extremely tall and tedious guards -- it isn't really all that much fun. Pharaohs, triceratops, Big Bang, ho hum.

But this. This is her own destiny, and nothing to stop her tampering, not for two or three more minutes. Esmerelda is abruptly queasy. She lifts the exquisite porcelain vase, hauls out the bouquet - pink sweetheart roses, a special favorite that Nick somehow remembered and Charles always forgot -- and heroically tips a cascade of icy water down the cleavage of her gown.

The shock sets her gasping but clears her mind. Time for business. Nick is wrong for her, it's too bad, but there it is. His eccentric charm is wearing thin, even though they still have fun in bed. (Or did, until Charles' nomination underscored her second thoughts.) Life isn't just saxophones and sex, after all, and to reign in the White House with a strong, compelling man like Charles -- well, that will be a life. And surely she and Nick can manage an affair, very discreetly. No, Nicky wouldn't, he's idiotically ethical.

And romantic, in his own glib way. (Esmerelda cradles the roses in one arm.) But she's still going to thumbprint her wristband -- Max's contraband wristband -- and she and the flowers will flicker straight back to Temp Central and a life with the world's elite. (Rather trite, really, setting flowers at the doorway in the dead of night.) No bouquet in the morning will mean no fond thoughts of Nick uppermost in her six-years-ago mind. (The roses gleam like damask in the dawn.) No fond thoughts, no argument with Charles when she finds out he's had his secretary select their wedding rings. (She brushes her lips across the furled petals.) No argument, no impetuous telepix call to Nick. (The roses smell like raspberries, like wine.) No call, no golden afternoon on the cliffs above the sea, making love and gazing into his sea-green eyes. (The roses—

WHAP! An espresso sack sails over the hedge and smacks the steps at Esmerelda's feet. She jumps, heart slamming, and the empty vase cartwheels to the ground and cracks in two like a porcelain egg. The coffee boy floats off without a glance, but a light appears in the casement window overhead. Esmerelda can hear footsteps on the oak staircase inside. She remembers now, a sudden noise woke her that morning and she came down to discover—

Nick's ridiculous roses. The vase lies in pieces at Esmerelda's feet, the roses are loose in the crook of her arm. She slips the lavender ribbon from her hair and binds it around the stems, remembering as she does so that she's always kept that ribbon because Nick gave it to her, tied around an armful of pink sweetheart roses ...

The spiraling thought make Esmerelda dizzy, and the Trip make her dizzier still, as she sets down the roses and gathers up the vase and flickers into her future with the broken pieces in her hands.

© 1990 by Deborah Wessell

[Artwork] Tokens of a Gentleman © 1990 by Julia Lacquement-Kerr


On February 24th there was a Sneak Preview of Norwescon 12 at the Tacoma Sheraton. Everyone who was registered to attend the convention was invited to get a peek at some of the special events happening at Norwescon 12 and to find out what other programming events were scheduled.

The theme of the day was The Circus, highlighting the circus scheduled as a KidKon event on Saturday. In keeping with the circus theme, staff members were dressed for the part, and pop, popcorn and hot dogs were served (at no charge, unlike a real circus).

The main thrust of the day was to recruit those much-needed people that fill the positions and do the work that is a part of any convention. The jobs that need to be filled range from door-watching for a few hours, or making sure that panels run on time and have the equipment that they need, or helping setup and tear-down the art show, to Ringmaster & Animal Trainer Pat Oros being the second-in-command of a department that may have lost that person due to unforseen circumstances.

Volunteers that work a certain number of hours receive a token that represents the department they helped in and every volunteer has their name put into a drawing to choose the next Volunteer Guest of Honor, who receives noteriety and a paid hotel room. Tokens this year represent that department's animal designation. l.E. Tech Crew Pack Rats, Security Rovers or Art Show Flamingos. Volunteers also have access to the Staff Lounge where they can sit down for awhile, get a tired but sincere smile and a foot massage.

If you wish to volunteer, go to the volunteer's room and let them know that you have some time you wish to give to the convention. Its never too late to volunteer.

[Photo] Ringmaster & Animal Trainer Pat Oros

[Photo] The crowd waits to be thrilled and amazed.

[Photo] A short but inspiring performance.

[Photo] Michael Citrak reads his palm.

[Photo] Norwescon TV - All Day, All Night.

[Photo] Everybody waves goodbye after spending an exciting day at the circus.

Photos by John Sabotta and Peter Citrak


The Last Star Trek Parody By Steven Bryan Bieler

Originally published in Pacific Magazine

Capt. Kirk, Science Officer Spock, Chief Medical Officer "Bones" McCoy, and a geologist named Johnson, Jackson, or Chang beam down to an uncharted planet with breathable atmosphere, understandable natives, and a society resembling feudal Europe under the rule of Charlemagne. Despite their superior weaponry, the landing party is quickly captured by sword-swinging illiterates acting as agents of the insidious emperor who has eradicated any semblance of freedom from the planet. Johnson, Jackson, or Chang is killed. Kirk's shirt is ripped. Dr. McCoy is forced to provide medical care for the emperor's beautiful daughter, who has been stricken with terminal eyeliner, and from her learns that galactic war is imminent.

Meanwhile, Romulan starships have crossed the Neutral Zone and are attacking the Enterprise. Engineer Scott is in command and having a bad day: No. 4 shield has buckled, the warp engines are running amok, and he forgot his accent at home with his lunch. He decides that the ship can't take the pounding. He orders Lt. Uhura to contact Star Fleet Command, but the line is busy. Scotty pops the top off another beer and waits for the commercial to bail him out.

Down on the planet, Kirk seduces the emperor's daughter and learns the whereabouts of the rebel underground. The rebels are betrayed by spies and everyone is captured by the Klingons. Kirk challenges the head Klingon to a duel, first delivering a speech on universal peace. Spock computes the odds and McCoy holds the bets. The smart money is on the Klingon. He's twice Kirk's size and armed with a bazooka. Kirk only has his good looks and the Klingons have tied his shoelaces together. McCoy tells Spock to do something. Spock constructs a primitive molecular dehumidifier from old chicken bones and plugs the device into a convenient wall outlet. It works. Everyone escapes.

The emperor's daughter begs Kirk to stay with her, because she is in love with him and likes to have a man around the house. Kirk declines the offer. He is responsible for the lives of 400 crew members, and anyway he is already in love with the Enterprise. He feels guilty when he fools around. The emperor arrives on the scene in time for another speech by Kirk on the brotherhood of all living things, is swiftly humbled and promises a new way.

Spock constructs a primitive communicator from a pop-up toaster and contacts the ship. Scotty beams them aboard, but the transporter malfunctions and deposits Spock inside the Romulan flagship's video arcade. Now the Enterprise can't defend itself for fear of killing Spock. McCoy demands they do something. Kirk pounds his chair with his fist and punches buttons but can't find a station he likes. Scotty says the ship can't take the pounding. Kirk orders Uhura to call the Romulans and is angered when they refuse to accept the charges. He has Uhura open the "hailing frequency," which permits him to make calls without paying for them, and lets the Romulans know he is through being Mr. Nice Guy. He threatens to activate the recently installed bilateral hemostat. The Romulans have never heard of a bilateral hemostat. They panic and head for home. They have been duped by a clever bluff, and Kirk will be expecting a little extra something in his next paycheck from Star Fleet Command.

Scotty succeeds in overhauling the transporter. He wipes the windshield and turns it on. Spock is returned to the Enterprise, where he describes his experience as fascinating. He scored 5 million points on Galactic Planet-Eater. Time again to enjoy the fruits of liberty. McCoy insults Spock. Spock insults McCoy. Kirk doesn't get the joke but chuckles anyway. He orders Sulu to get them out of this episode.

But somebody plugged in a hair dryer while the bilateral hemostat was running, and the engines run amok, rocketing everyone backward through time at Warp Eleventeen. Sulu hits the brakes and stops the ship in the 20th century. They are orbiting a primitive planet whose only economic and cultural activity is the production of an endless series of Star Trek movies. Hollywood agents start calling, and Kirk and company realize that they have, at last, come home.


© 1990 by Steven Bryan Bieler

(AD) Jehlor Fantasy Fabrics

OVER 2000

  • Over 1000 SPECIALTY FABRICS including sequined chiffons, silks brocades, metallic sheers, glitter georgettes, satins, sparkle knits, lames, double georgettes, velvets and more than 80 colors of polyester chiffons.
  • More than 1000 TRIMS — braids, metallics, sequins, stretch sequins, maribou, beads and jewels.
  • BEADS — a complete selection of glass bugle and rocaille beads.
  • Sew on JEWELS, beaded and sequined MOTIFS in many sizes and colors.
  • SEQUINS and PAILLETTES in a rainbow of colors.
  • COSTUME COINS in gold silver and copper


Jehlor Fantasy Fabrics

730 Andover Park West, Seattle, WA 98188 • [redacted]


[Member list omitted]

[Artwork] © 1990 by Dresden Moss

[Artwork] © 1990 by Julia Laquement-Kerr

[Artwork] © 1990 by Margaret Organ

[Artwork] © 1990 by Russell D. Campbell

[Artwork] © 1990 by Sherri Sledge


Arkadian Bookshop: 5
Avon Books: 17
H.D. Baker: 16
Berkley/Ace: 7, 11
Capitol City Press: 88
ConDiego: 47
Figment Magazine: 46
Glass Onion Graphics: 15
Jehlor Fantasy Fabrics: 83
PNTA: 12
Rustycon: Inside Front Cover
Sign of the Unicorn: 13
TSR Inc: 25


Rob Alexander: 13
John Alvarez: 8
Alicia Austin: 10, 72
Armand Cabrera: 36
Russell Campbell: 86
David Cherry: Cover, 2, 23, 31, 34, 68, Back Cover
Milo Duke: 38
Lynne Taylor Fahnestalk: 73
Richard Hescox: 35
Ken Kelly: 76
Julia Lacquement-Kerr: 79, 85
Monika Livingston: 4
Don Maitz: 70
David Mattingly: 69
Ilene Meyer: 41, 66
Dresden Moss: 84
Ingrid Neilson: 4, 6, 9, 14
Margaret Organ: 6, 8, 86
Ray Pelley: 42
Dan Reeder: 33, 43
John Sabotta: 19
Rob Schouten: 40
Barclay Shaw: 37
Mark a. Skullerud: Namebadge, 75
Sherri Sledge: 87
Lita Smith-Gharet: 14
William R. Warren Jr.: 74
Wendy Wees: 39
Michael Whelan: 3, 77
Janny Wurts: 71


April 1, 1990
75¢/80¢ Canada



Degenerates ruin family name!

The New Partridge Family has issued a statement that they are once again going to reunite for a new album and world-wide tour. The announcement came as a shock to Shirley Partridge and the rest of the original Partridge Family who protested the forming of the group over twelve years ago. The new group became the defendents in a heated court battle over the Partridge family name when the New Partridge Family was formed by various blood relatives, inlaws and ex-spouses of the originals. The court found for the defendents in the suit stating that since the names of most of the New Partridges were legally “Partridge”, they were entitled to use their name if they differentiated themselves in some manner. At that time they chose to call themselves The New Partridge Family and perform in skin-tight gold lame costumes. Despite the recognition of the family name [some text lost in the scan here]

[...] ences. There was much talk about various legal problems and moral scandals involving the members of the group both seperatly and as a whole. The original members asked that the court revoke the rights to the name, but the decision stood firm. Finally it was the lack of sales and the disappearance of their leader, Salman Partridge, that broke the group up.

When the New Partridges were to reform and record three years ago, the originals tried to keep them from the name again but failed. No reunion happened at that time but they still retained the rights to the name. “I really can't believe that the court is willing to let these black sheep free to roam [some text lost in the scan here]

[...] tridge name,” said Shirley at the time. “I've a good mind to go out and reunite the original Partridge Family” she said.

New leader of the New Partridges, Manuel “just call me Sparky” Noriega-Partridge speaking from his jail cell yesterday said “When I get out of here there is going to be a great Partridge force on this earth, the like of which has never been seen before. If you thought Nazgul was something else, wait till you get a load of us. That Shirley-babe is going to learn a thing or two about
Cont. on page 5

[Photo] The New Partridge Family today: Sue Bartoff Partridge, Judy Suryan Partridge, Debbie Partridge Tatarek, Richard Wright Partridge, Don Forbis-Partridge, Chris McDonell Partridge (retired), Uncle Keith (honorary Partridge) Johnson, Cladia Quate Partridge, Yvonne Partridge Richardson, Elizabeth “Dragon Partridge” Warren, Hans Meier Partridge, Kathy “Little Partridge" Warren, Holly Partridge-Forbis, Lauraine Partridge Miranda, Sheila Glassburn Partridge, Walter Jung Partridge, Mary Partridge (nee Hamburger), Becky Partridge Simpson, Michael Citrak Partridge, Beth Dockins Partridge, and Kathy Smith-Partridge. Not Pictured: “Nose" Prartridge, Carolyn Partridge Palms, Michael "Hoops" Brocha-Partridge, Doug Booze Partridge, Peter Horvath Partridge, Julia Partridge-Mueller, Janis Worrell Partridge, Marnie Smith-Partridge, Pat Oros Partridge (original member), Jodi Kimbell Partridge, Katherine Howes Partridge (Portland), Craig Partridge Bowie, Mark Manning Partridge (Honorary), Michael Scanlon Partridge, Doug and Dora Shirk (Partridge on her side), Manuel Noriega-Partridge, [some text lost in the scan here]


Norwescon Chairman Elizabeth “The Dragon Lady” Warren says that everybody at Norwescon 12 owe a big thank you to the Tacoma Sheraton Hotel, PNTA, Cheryl Cleaveland and the Tacoma-Pierce County Blood Bank, Safeway Stores Inc., Event Rental, Ram Paging System, H.D. Baker Co., Aberg's, Tom and all the goood people at Capitol City Press, David Olson and Designers Service Bureau, Kristi Austin and Arkadian Bookshop, Toni Weisskopf and Baen Books, Leslie Howie and Clarion West, Lisa Feerick and Joel Davis Pubs., Terry Erdmann, Jeff Walker, Elisabeth Waters and MZB Ltd., Stacy Kentop and NW Aids Foundation, Scott Merritt and Pegasus Music, Eileen Deutscher and the Tacoma-Pierce County Health Department, Officer Daniel Stills and Tacoma Police D.A.R.E. Program, Dr. Thomas A. Furness III and Dr. Robert Jacobson of WA Technical Center UW, Rustycon, SchmarrMostafavinassab, Norah Hogoboom, Doug Booze and staff, Lauraine Miranda and staff, Dave Sullivan, Michael for chocolate and kisses and patience and shoulders, Bonnie Baker, Greg Bennett, Steve Bard, and all of the convention committee and volunteers that make all of this possible.

What Else? She tells everybody to have fun . . . or else! This spunky lass isn’t called “The Dragon Lady” for nothing!





Capitol City Press, Inc.
116 NORTH CAPITOL WAY - OLYMPIA, WA - [redacted]
Printer to the National Midnight Twaddle



Michael Brocha, Michael Citrak, Robert Suryan, Judy Suryan, Yvonne Richardson, “Norwescon 12 Program Book,” Norwescon History, accessed February 6, 2025,

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