Norwescon 43 February 1 Newsletter


Dublin Core


Norwescon 43 February 1 Newsletter


Norwescon 43


The 2/1/21 newsletter for Norwescon 43.







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News from Norwescon 43

"The Longest Night"

Experience Virtual Norwescon on Airmeet

Norwescon 43 will be accessed via Airmeet, an online conference platform. We're still working out all the details, but Airmeet will give us some great features to make it easy for our members to go to panels, attend special events, and socialize with eachother, all in one platform. Stay tuned for more details.

Virtual Movie Watch Parties at Norwescon

As part of virtual Norwescon, we will be hosting virtual watch parties on Thursday, Friday and Saturday night of the convention. What is a virtual watch party? It is a way to watch the same movies with other Norwescon members, and have a group text chat with them at the same time. We will be using a Chrome plugin called "Scener" which will sync all the video streaming and provide the group chat functionality.

Due to licensing issues, you will need to have an account on a major video streaming service to join the watch party. We will use a different streaming service each night. The current plan is to use Netflix, Amazon Prime, and HBO Max.

As we get closer to the convention, we will announce the movies and post a list on the website.

Spotlight Publisher: TOR Books

Claire Eddy is an executive editor at Tor/Forge Books and has been with the company for over 30 years. Her many passions in genre fiction, including fantasy, science fiction, horror, and mysteries, have led her to work with many wonderful authors through the years. Her goal is to help authors make their stories and dreams the best they can be, whether through experience, support, or a kick in the butt as needed. After three decades, Claire is still excited to be working with authors to give readers new worlds to explore and puzzles to solve.

Reminder: GOH Tea

Don't miss the opportunity to get a ticket to the Guest of Honor Tea Party. The GoH Tea Party will provide a great way to spend time with our honored guests in an intimate setting. In addition to the opportunity to hang out with our GoHs, each attendee will have a special package shipped to them containing hand-selected teas, a commemorative Norwescon mug, and a delicious baked good from a local pastry chef.

This event is open to all Norwescon members. Tickets are available now for only $35 through the convention registration kiosk.

MoPop Virtual Student Clubs - Cosplay Club!

We're excited to announce MoPOP's Cosplay Club! Learn the essentials of cosplay from professional cosplayers. Join us on Zoom for live demos, expert instruction, and a chance to meet up with other youth in the cosplay community!

Are you passionate about costumes, crafting, fandoms, or learning new skills? Join MoPOP's virtual youth Cosplay Club for six weeks of collaborative creativity as we explore the art of cosplay. Each week club members will be taught by professional cosplay artists focused on a different element of cosplay: costume building, makeup, wig styling, and more! Our special teaching artists include Anna He, Abigail Gardner, Kirstie Kendall, and May Hemmer.

Club meetings will be conducted via Zoom and no specific materials will be required to participate. We are dedicated to making our education programs accessible. We encourage using found materials and DIY methods. At the end of the club, participants will have a fully formed cosplay costume and themed PPE facemask! Whether you're an avid cosplayer or you're just dipping your toe into the world, Cosplay Club is for you.

Cost: $40 per person

Ages: 11-18

When: Biweekly from February 10-April 21, 2021 | 4:00-5:30pm Register at

In This Issue

Virtual Norwescon on Airmeet
Virtual Movie Watch Parties
Spotlight Publisher: TOR Books
Reminder: GOH Tea MoPop's Cosplay Club


Pre-Registration for Norwescon 43 is open! Get your 4-day memberships today for only $35!


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“Norwescon 43 February 1 Newsletter,” Norwescon History, accessed February 6, 2025,

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