Norwescon 43 October 2 Newsletter


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Norwescon 43 October 2 Newsletter


Norwescon 43


The 10/2/20 newsletter for Norwescon 43.




October 2, 2020



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News from Norwescon 43

"The Longest Night"

Having A Virtual Convention

Norwescon goes virtual! But... what does that even mean?

We have to level with you. While we all really want to come together in person, we also want flying cars. Our crystal balls, psychics, and tea leaves are unable to guarantee that stuffing thousands of people into a hotel will be a good idea by next April. Instead, we will make a virtue of virtuality, and gather online, rather than stand in line.

Norwescon 43 will be held at its accustomed time. We will have much of what you love about our in-person con, and other things that can best, or only, be done in cyberspace. We are at least as excited by the possibilities as we are bummed by the limitations.

We expect this to be a limited time offer, because as soon as it's safe to do so, we will plan once again to brush elbows with all of you fine fans in person.

Norwescon 43 is, even more so than usual, a Work in Progress, and we would love to have you involved. If you would like to volunteer, please leave us a note at, or check out the open positions listed here. If you have an idea for programming tell us about it at You can join us on Facebook here.

Norwescon Writers Workshop -

Submission Deadline December 1

It's time to polish up your short story or novel, because the Norwescon Writers Workshop (NWW) deadline approaches! Now in its third year, NWW is a Milford-style workshop: a peer-to-peer critique facilitated by professional writers, editors, and agents. Past participants have had their work critiqued by Claire Eddy (Tor), Neil Clarke (Clarkesworld), Carol Berg, Curtis C. Chen, Craig Gidney, Nancy Kress, Cat Rambo, and Nisi Shawl. The moderators for Norwescon 43 will be announced soon!

Visit the workshop page on the website for guidelines. Questions? Email

Help us With Accessibility!

The Norwescon 43 Accessibility Team is seeking suggestions for strategies to make our online convention more accessible for our members with disabilities. If you are interested in joining the team, or have suggestions for technology solutions that have either worked well or were an absolute disaster, please let us know by contacting us here.

In This Issue

Norwescon Goes Virtual
Norwescon Writers Workshop


Pre-Registration for Norwescon 43 is open! Get your 4-day memberships today for only $35!

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“Norwescon 43 October 2 Newsletter,” Norwescon History, accessed March 13, 2025,

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