Norwescon 43 February Newsletter


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Norwescon 43 February Newsletter


Norwescon 43


The 2/18/20 newsletter for Norwescon 43.




February 18, 2020



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News from Norwescon 43

"The Longest Night"

Save the Date!

Join us on Sunday, April 5th for the annual Norwescon Stuffing Party! Be the first in your neighborhood to see what sort of goodies everyone will receive in their swag bags! We might even have the latest programming grids on the wall for your perusal.

Working at the stuffing party counts towards hours worked at the con. Stuffing will start at approximately 1:00 pm, although volunteers are advised to arrive a bit early to find a good spot.

If you or your organization has fliers or other material that you wish to include in the packets, you may either arrange to get them to the Norwescon Logistics Department by Thursday, April 2, or bring them to the hotel on April 5th no later than noon.

If you wish to mail in materials, please email

Art Show is Sold Out!

Many thanks to our attending artists for signing up to guarantee another amazing art show at Norwescon 43! If you procrastinated and missed out entering on the show this year, we always need volunteers to help out, and don't forget to sign up early this fall for next year! Check out our awesome lineup at the Norwescon Art Show page.

Catan U.S. Nationals Qualifier Tournament!

Norwescon is hosting an official Catan US Nationals Qualifier Tournament! The Qualifier Champion will win a guaranteed seat at the 2020 Catan US Nationals Tournament at Origins Game Fair in Columbus, OH, June 2020.The Champion will join the other Qualifier Champions and Catan Studio for a celebratory dinner on Saturday night of Origins. The Catan US National Champion will be sent to the 2020 Catan World Championship in Malta, courtesy of Catan Studio. Want to sign up? Be sure to Register for Norwescon. The qualifier will be held on Saturday, April 11th. Once you register, you'll be eligible to join the qualifier hosted at the convention. Sign up here to reserve your seat before we fill up!

For more information, see Catan's tournament player information page. For any questions, contact

You must be 18+ and a US Citizen/Permanent Resident to participate.

Let's Make Stuff!

Once again we will be hosting the Single Pattern Contest and the Props Contest for all of you skilled with needles, thread, and crafty tools! For the Props Contest, prepare for the masked ball for the Longest Night, as we await the sun's return! Contestants are invited to create a mask or spear for this event.

This year's Single Pattern Contest features a cloak using Simplicity Pattern 8770: Unisex Costume Capes! A cloak can protect your fantastic garb on the way to a celebration, or protect you on an arduous trek across strange and dangerous lands. Functional, fashionable, or both--it's up to you!

Volunteer Positions Available!

If you want to help out the convention in between attending panels and events, consider volunteering! We would love to see your talents shine in these positions:

Info Table: Want a chill volunteer position that puts you front & center for costume watching? The Info Table needs YOU. Two-hours slots are available Thursday through Sunday, April 9 - 12. Contact to see if it's the right fit for you. Volunteer!? It's what the cool kids are doing.

Registration: The registration team is in need of a few hearty souls to assist as registration cashiers. A cashier shift is scheduled for 4.5 hours including a 30 minute break. We are particularity desirous of help on Thursday night and Friday morning. If you are old enough to work at McDonalds, can count change, compare a person's legal ID to text on a computer screen, and like talking to other fans, then volunteering at registration is the gig for you. Don't have 4.5 hours? Coordinate with a friend to split a shift or reach out to for accommodations. Have a friend who needs a staff position? If they can commit to three cashier shifts during the convention they can be official registration staff! Sign up to help at

Fan Wranglers: We also need people interested in being registration kiosk guides / fan wranglers. This position entails being stationed on the member side of the registration kiosks and helping people navigate the system. Includes line management and resetting of passwords. Contact for the sign up link.

Convention Lounge Host: The convention lounge is a place for attendees to sit down, relax, and converse with their fellow con-goers. As a lounge host, you will assist in planning food and/or decorations for the lounge, and assist with pre-preparation. You will be responsible for at least one shift per day at-con and assist with additional shifts. For more information, contact

Don't forget! Teens can also help out with many convention positions! Be sure to check the Open Positions Page or email

GOH Spotlight: Dr. Susan Langley

Dr. Langley is the State Underwater Archaeologist for Maryland, a Dive Safety Officer, and a Master Scuba Diver Trainer through PADI. She received her B.A. in anthropology from the University of Toronto with a minor in Far Eastern Art and Architecture, her M.A. and Ph.D. in archaeology, and a Certificate in Heritage Resource Management from the University of Calgary. She teaches undergraduate and graduate courses for several colleges and universities on maritime archaeology and the anthropology of piracy. In addition to maritime archaeology and the history and anthropology of piracy, she is a recognized authority on textiles and beekeeping, both past and present. We look forward to hearing about her many adventures at the convention!

February Book Club

If you're a fast reader, there is still time to devour Parable of the Sower by Octavia E. Butler before the Norwescon Book Club meeting on Sunday, February 23 from 4-6 p.m. We will meet at Panera Bread at 521 2nd Place North, Kent, WA

RSVP on Facebook and discuss on Goodreads.

GOH Banquet Tickets Still Available!

Come join our Guests of Honor for a light dinner and interesting conversation at the Guest of Honor Banquet. In addition to our Guests of Honor, you will meet other fans in a relaxed setting. To purchase, simply click the registration button and add it to your cart! This works even if you've already registered and paid--you will only need to pay the ticket fee before exiting.

In This Issue

Stuffing Party!
Art Show Sold Out!
Single Pattern & Props Contest!
Volunteer Positions
GOH Spotlight
Book Club
GOH Banquet


Pre-Registration for Norwescon 43 is open! Get your 4-day memberships today for only $80!


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“Norwescon 43 February Newsletter,” Norwescon History, accessed February 6, 2025,

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