Norwescon 43 December Newsletter


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Norwescon 43 December Newsletter


Norwescon 43


The 12/22/19 newsletter for Norwescon 43.







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News from Norwescon 43

"The Longest Night"

Happy Holidays from Norwescon!

As we say goodbye to 2019 and hello to 2020, remember there is still time to purchase your discounted membership at the low rate of $75 to enjoy four full days of programming! The price is set to increase on January 1st so click HERE to buy your membership now!

Write Out of This World!

MoPop's Write Out of This World: Science Fiction and Fantasy Short Story and Comic Contest provides an opportunity for tomorrow's storytellers to create, improve, and share their work with the world (and beyond)!

This contest gives writers between grades 3 and 12 a platform to share their short story writing and comic work. Submissions are open from January 1, 2020 to February 1, 2020. Please visit MoPop's Write out of this World page for more information.

Little Free Library

The Norwescon 42 Little Free Library was a great success and will be back for 2020! We are looking for donations of books, magazines, comics, and media. We distributed well over a thousand items last year and are anticipating even more demand next year! As the new year approaches, if "organizing my books" is on your resolution list, please think of us! Bring your books to con or contact us for larger pick up in the general Seattle area. Until then, happy reading!

GOH Spotlight: Jacqueline Carey

New York Times bestseller Jacqueline Carey is the author of the critically acclaimed and award-winning Kushiel's Legacy series of historical fantasy novels, The Sundering tragedy duology, postmodern fables "Santa Olivia" and "Saints Astray", the Agent of Hel contemporary paranormal trilogy, Shakespearean adaptation Miranda and Caliban, and the epic fantasy standalone, Starless. Jacqueline enjoys doing research on a wide variety of arcane topics, and an affinity for travel has taken her from Iceland to China to date. She currently lives in west Michigan. We are excited to host her at Norwescon 43!

January Book Club

Book Club did not meet in December, so that gives you extra time to prepare for January! Please join us on Sunday, January 26 from 4-6 p.m. We will meet at Panera Bread at 521 2nd Place North, Kent, WA

January's selection is The Windup Girl by Paolo Bacigalupi. RSVP on Facebook, and discuss on Goodreads.

In This Issue

Writers Workshop Deadline
Teen Pros Wanted
Holiday Party!
Harassment Policy


Pre-Registration for Norwescon 43 is open!

Get your 4-day memberships for $75 until December 31, 2019!


Quick Links

Norwescon Website
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Anti-harassment Policy

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Download Guidebook

Guidebook App Programming materials are still available on the Norwescon 42 guide!



“Norwescon 43 December Newsletter,” Norwescon History, accessed March 13, 2025,

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