Norwescon 43 September Newsletter


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Norwescon 43 September Newsletter


Norwescon 43


The 9/30/19 newsletter for Norwescon 43.







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News from Norwescon 43

"The Longest Night"

We Have Guests of Honor!

Announcing the Norwescon 43 Guests of Honor! New York bestselling Author, Jacqueline Carey (Writer), Eisner and Hugo Award-winning, Sana Takeda (Artist), Underwater Archaeologist for the State of Maryland, Dr. Susan Langley (Science), and multiple award-winning Maryland, Dr. Susan Langley (Science), and multiple award-winning science fiction publisher, Tor Books (Spotlight Publisher), represented by Executive Editor, Claire Eddy. Watch for more about our GoHs in the upcoming months, and for bios visit the GoH page on the website.

And a Theme!

Norwescon 43 Theme: The Longest Night

In Jacqueline Carey's Kushiel's Legacy series, The Longest Night is the major holiday of Terre d'Ange and it is celebrated on the winter solstice each year with a Midwinter Masque. Check out this article over at for Everything You Need to Know About Kushiel's Dart and prepare to celebrate at Norwescon on Saturday night when we hold our own Longest Night Ball!

TIP: Start planning and shopping for your masquerade costume now! Halloween is coming up and local stores are filled with masquerade masks and accessories. Represent one of the Thirteen Houses of the Night Court or create your own house and themed costumes! For inspiration, visit Norwescon on Pinterest.

Call for Panelists and Panel Ideas!

We are now accepting panelist applications and panel suggestions for Norwescon 43! We're looking for panelists or your creative panel ideas in these areas: art, biology, costuming, editing and publishing, fanfiction, gaming, hands-on workshops, history, horror, lifestyle and culture, meetups, military, music, pop media and culture, science fiction, space, technology, teen activities, writing, young adult lit, and youth activities. You'll find the forms in the Programming section of our website.

Norwescon Writers Workshop - Open for Submissions!

NWW accepts short story or novel excerpts in the science fiction, fantasy, and horror genres. Deadline is December 1. More information and guidelines are available at

October Board Game Day!

Please join us this coming Saturday, October 5th, at Fantasium Comics and Games (1500 S 336th St #12A, Federal Way, WA 98003) between 5 p.m. and 9 p.m. to play Arkham Horror, 3rd Edition. Feel free to bring a different game to play if you do not want to play Arkham Horror, or grab a game from Fantasium's game library.

For more information about Arkham Horror please check out third-edition/

In This Issue

NWC 43 Theme!
Writers Workshop!
Board Games!


Pre-Registration for Norwescon 43 is open! Get your 4-day memberships now for only $75!


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“Norwescon 43 September Newsletter,” Norwescon History, accessed March 13, 2025,

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