Norwescon 36 December 1 Newsletter


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Norwescon 36 December 1 Newsletter


Norwescon 36


The 12/1/12 newsletter for Norwescon 36




December 1, 2012



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Norwescon 36

Save the World!
Norwescon 36 wil be March 28-31 2013

eNewsletter - November 2012

In This Issue

GoH Websites
Special Events

Join Our Mailing List!

Quick Links

Artists' Alley
Art Show
Dealers' Room
Guest of Honor Banquet
Lobby/Club Tables
NWC36 Guests of Honor

Dear (member),

Norwescon 36 (2013)

Still time for pre-registration!
Cost at this time is $55 through December 31st.
The rates will increase in January of 2013. Register today for the best rate!

Convention Registration* Hotel (room) Reservations**

*We offer a $5 discount for Northwest Science Fiction Society (NWSFS) members. Visit them at

** A deposit equal to the cost of one room night will be charged at the time of reservation; this charge will be fully refundable until Friday, December 28, 2012. For more information on this new policy, please see this weblog post.

Guest of Honor Websites

Norwescon 36 Guests of Honor

Author Guest of Honor: Catherine Asaro
Lee Moyer is our Artist Guest of Honor.
Terry Brooks will be joining us as well.

As more information is available it will be posted on the Guest of Honor page.

Have some spare time during the convention? Volunteer!

Norwescon needs you!

It is because of the many volunteers that we have succeeded in providing a great experience during Norwescon.

Help us repeat the success of years past and volunteer!

Come on down to the volunteer lounge and lend a hand.

Thank you,
Head of Volunteers

Scheduled Gaming...

The Scheduled Gaming signup forms are on the website, if you want to run a card or board game (or many) please fill out the form. We have upgraded GM status this year for those who qualify by signing up early. We are also looking for volunteers to staff the gaming room during the convention.

Upgraded Game Masters: We want to give those of you who put in dedicated time to plan and run games special recognition.Those Game Masters who sign up to run 12 or more hours of games will be granted the special status of Pro Game Master. Feel free to contact us for more details!

Donations for the Game Room: We are accepting charitable donations for the game room to be used for the Norwescon Scheduled Gaming Library and of course, door prizes. Those who donate will be recognized in the Scheduled Gaming Room, as well as in some of the Scheduled Gaming Advertisements this year. Contact Norwescon charities to donate and mention that your tax-deductible donation is for Scheduled Gaming.

Extended Gaming: We are looking for:

  • A dealer to run the poker tournament.
  • Someone to sponsor/run Magic: The Gathering Tournaments. It would be wonderful to have a sanctioned tournament.
  • Someone to run new D&D Next games.If you are interested in running a LARP, please contact us immediately in order to reserve your space!

Special Events: If you are thinking of entering the Masquerade, please join the Norwescon group on Facebook!We will be posting links and resources to brainstorm and assist one another up to the convention.Information and forms are available on the Norwescon website.

We are seeking someone to run an LBGT mixer or event this year, so if you are interested or know someone who might be, please contact us at before we run out of space!We are also seeking party planners to help us run two events in Maxie's Bar during the convention.Must be 21 and over!

Norwescon is a science, science fiction and fantasy convention that takes place on Easter Weekend each year. We are an all-volunteer organization and always have room for more dedicated volunteers. Without members, though, there would be no reason to hold a convention; thank you for your support!

Norwescon Publications Team
Norwescon 36 (2013)



“Norwescon 36 December 1 Newsletter,” Norwescon History, accessed March 12, 2025,

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