Norwescon 35 March 15 Newsletter

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Norwescon 35 March 15 Newsletter


Norwescon 35


The 3/15/12 newsletter for Norwescon 35




March 15, 2012



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Norwescon 35 April 5-8, 2012 SeaTac, WA

Norwescon eNewsletter March 2012

In This Issue

Special Events
Preregistration is now closed.
New hotel policy for NWC 36
Artists' Alley
Norwescon 35 GoH Awards Banquet
Think you are too young to volunteer?

Norwescon Special Events

Adding more to your excitement!

Apply your stealth and tracking skills at Norwescon 35!

Norwescon Clue Scavenger Hunt

It has come to our attention that a most heinous crime will occur at Norwescon 35. A member of the Science Fiction and Fantasy realm will be murdered. We don't know who, and it is not known what the murder weapon will be, nor do we know the room in which it will occur.

This is where you come in. For all that enjoy the game Clue, we are introducing the Norwescon Clue Game. You will need to search around the con areas for images of possible victims and potential weapons. Whatever person is not found, and whichever weapon is not seen will be the most likely victim and murder weapon. Whichever room is clean of clues is where the murder took place. Come one, come all, and be a detective in your own mind.

Norwescon CSI Game

What do you think when you see a pair of tights and a cape next to a glowing bar of Kryptonite? Use your crime scene savvy to make your best guess about what happened to the poor victim. The best answers will be published in the daily zine at the con!

Norwescon Stealth and Tracking

For those seeking a bit more hands-on activity, we are introducing a stealth and tracking game. Participants will sign up ahead of time and receive a packet containing information about their "victim". The victim will be stalked and neutralized (by secretively removing an identifying con-supplied item) and the item returned to the game mods for receipt of a new packet. The game will continue until one sneak is left standing (or until time runs out). Bring your ninja skills (and your ninja outfit, if you'd like) to Norwescon 35!

PREREGISTRATION is now closed!

However keep your towel handy.

You can still attend the convention for the at door price of $70 This still includes a full-weekend membership to attend the convention, a membership badge, souvenir book, pocket program, member's guide, and post-con report.

For more information, or to register by mail go to the membership page

New Room Deposit Policy!

A change is coming in the way we reserve rooms for Norwescon. It is a significant change for our members but we believe it will help us make more convention rooms available for our members at the cheaper convention rate.

Starting with Norwescon 36, we have asked the DoubleTree to collect a one-night room deposit when the room is first reserved. This deposit will remain fully refundable until 90 days before the convention, which for next year would be Friday, December 28, 2012. By agreement with the hotel, all rooms cancelled by this date will be returned to the room block and made available for reservation by other Norwescon members.

Read more....

Not Too Late for Artists' Alley

Artists' Alley is still taking applications ... for now! If you are an artist but don't know what AA is please check out our information on the site here.

Briefly Artists' Alley is a great way for you to connect with art lovers and to show and share your passion for what you do. Whether you are doing demos, talking about your work or just showing the finished product you will have a great time.

On the website you will find an application and a policies form. Just fill out the online form or email me directly at and I will send one to you. If you have any other doubts just check out the links of some of the great artists who have already joined the cause!

David Ketcherside
Artists' Alley Manager
Norwescon 35

NWC35 Progress Report

The latest progress report is winging its way to pre-registered members' mailboxes. If you haven't registered for this year's convention a reader copy is available here.

Join Our Mailing List

This Year's Guests of Honor

Stephen Baxter - Writer Guest of Honor
John Picacio - Artist Guest of Honor
Bridget Landry - Science Guest of Honor
DAW Books - Spotlight Publisher

read more . . .

Norwescon 35 GoH Awards Banquet

Tickets are limited!
Hurry and reserve your place now.

Will you join us in Grand Ballroom 2 for a delicious dinner where you get to wine and dine with the Guests of Honor? What a great way to start off your Norwescon weekend!

We have several awards to present, and you will get to hear first hand from our honored guests and learn something about many of the exciting events that will take place over the weekend. Come and learn about the scholarships Norwescon is donating, and perhaps you will even win a door prize! This year we have a delicious Italian Buffet that you won't want to miss. Tickets are $40.00 per person and are going fast. You may purchase tickets through PayPal or by mail. Registration forms can be downloaded from the website. Last day to purchase tickets is March 20th.

Click here for the banquet menu or to pay online

Teen volunteers.

Teens, do you come to Norwescon with your parents and spend your time wandering aimlessly?
Do you get just a little bored in panels where people spend all their time talking?

The Volunteers department has activities and volunteer jobs for you!

Come down and make your own dog tags, decorate a seed pot, learn to make origami, make jewelry, and decorate your own rubber duck! Earn prizes from the dealers room, participate in daily volunteer mini-parties, and socialize with other teens. Come check us out in the Olympic Hallway, Wing 7 during the convention!

For those who wish they were still teens.

Norwescon 35 needs YOU!

Come volunteer your skills for event before the convention as well as after. Starting with the Stuffing Party where all those goody bags are put together (a great chance for a sneak peek at what everyone will get!), through the Monday after when everything is packed up and the pizza arrives. Register as a Volunteer early by contacting us at or simply come to our Volunteers Lounge during the convention and sign up!

Come and join the fun!

Come to our epic geekmusic concert line up!

nwcMUSIC is the geekmusic festival at Norwescon. We're in our second year as we build this new project.

And we are extremely proud to announce our 2012 lineup of chiptunes, J-Pop nerdcore (yeah that's right, J-pop nerdcore), filk, chiptunes, geek-rock, and steampunk! Please welcome our concert performers MC Firedrill, Rai Kamishiro, Kräken-Röhl, Alexander James Adams, Kirble Krackle, Creede Lambard, A Little Knight Music, Electric Children, Ultraklystron, Vixy & Tony, and The Doubleclicks for three nights of fantastically awesome concerts. Can you believe this lineup? We put it together, and we can't believe this lineup. I mean, damn!

Listen to samples, watch videos, and get more details at the Concerts page of the the Norwescon website: music page.

Open mic night at the Winking Skeever.

nwcMUSIC, the geekmusic festival of Norwescon, is holding its first ever open mic on Friday night at 10pm. Follow the final Friday concert act with YOU! on the very same stage! ALL GENRES WELCOME; 1-2 songs or eight minutes, whichever is shorter and upon how many people are queued up. No prizes here; just a chance in front of a supportive audience and see what it's like to take your turn on stage. Maybe it'll scare you. Maybe you'll fall in love with it. Find out!

Check out the music page for a wealth of opportunities.

Maxi's Lounge Exclusive

Open Friday and Saturday nights for Norwescon Members only (21+ WITH ID)

Norwescon 35, in conjunction with the DoubleTree by Hilton Seattle Airport, is pleased to announce that Maxi's Lounge will be open Friday and Saturday nights for the exclusive use of Norwescon 35 attendees. Maxi's will provid e a new and exciting space for all attendees 21+ (with ID and Norwescon badge) to drink, eat, dance and hang out. It will be open both Friday and Saturday night starting at 9 p.m. As with any bar, you must be recognizable as the person on your ID - no masks or feature-obscuring makeup.

We have two nights of exciting activities and entertainment lined up for you. Get on the first elevator you can, take it all the way to the top, and join us at Maxi's Lounge for an evening you will never forget!


Select the text above and get the #NWC35 schedule!

Planners rejoice!

The convention schedule is available on our schedule page. There you can find HTML and PDF versions of the daily events as well as the programming grids.

For those of you with mobile access, the schedule is available via Guidebook for smart phone, tablet, or computer. Select the logo to the left for free access.

(You are registered, right?)

Norwescon is a science, science fiction and fantasy convention that takes place on Easter Weekend each year. We are an all-volunteer organization and always have room for more dedicated volunteers. Without members, though, there would be no reason to hold a convention; thank you for your support.

Norwescon - PO Box 68547 - Seattle, Washington 98168



“Norwescon 35 March 15 Newsletter,” Norwescon History, accessed July 27, 2024,

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