Norwescon 41 March 17 Newsletter


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Norwescon 41 March 17 Newsletter


Norwescon 41


The 3/17/18 newsletter for Norwescon 41




March 17, 2018



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Norwescon 41

Uncovering Mysteries

Sign Up to Volunteer Now!

Norwescon is always in need of volunteers during the convention. This year we are excited to offer you the ability to sign up to volunteer before the convention starts, giving you the capability to better plan out your con weekend!! If you're interested, sign up right here!!

Don't Panic If You Lose Your Badge - Just Find Your Wallet!

Sew it on, clip it, pin it, but don't lose it. We want to make sure you understand that if you lose your membership badge, you will be charged a $65 replacement cost.

In the past we have been more flexible based on the circumstances, but unfortunately the increase in lost badges and some of the very creative stories being presented have made it clear that we've got to be more diligent on the enforcement of this policy. Now, things happen, and our registration team will work with you, but unless an Aerodactyl, Dragonair, or Onix ate your badge, be aware and plan to Ponta up for a new badge.

Movie News & Previews Is a Must- See!

Movie News & Previews isn't just a bunch of commercials! Alan Halfhill and Keith Johnson have been bringing their unique presentation to Norwescon for 12 years. They live to ferret out those little tidbits of fun-to-know behind-the-scenes news and analysis of the larger picture (no pun intended). And to be entertaining!

The first show starts early from 10 a.m.-noon on Friday morning in Grand 3. The Sunday show triumph is noon-2 p.m. in Evergreen 1&2. These shows are different! Friday will feature straight-ahead news and previews for two hours. The Sunday show is freeform and features the must-be-experienced-to-be-believed, "why? Why? WHY?" Come see the latest from Jurassic World, The Incredibles, Deadpool, Alita, Farenheit 451, Rampage, Red Dwarf 12, Teen Titans, Ready Player One, Pacific Rim: Uprising, and Avengers: Infinity War, plus other cool finds like Anna and the Apocalypse and Mortal Engines. They'll talk about Disney's Star Wars Land (now to include a hotel!), Game of Thrones, The Orville, Firefly, and the latest from the Star Wars franchise. On Sunday, they take time to talk about those remakes, reboots, and sequels you knew you didn't want but are getting anyway.

Because two shows aren't enough, there is a Movie News Discussion Group after party on Friday at 3 p.m. in the Convention Lounge with more in-depth information and discussion. Come to the whole set!

Norwescon Scavenger Hunt: Knights Templar vs. Archaeologists

Choose a team and get the most stamps. Who will win in this con rivalry? You can participate in the hunt by visiting the scavenger hunt club table throughout the weekend. Attend the Herocorps event on Saturday at 4 p.m. for the final showdown. The more stamps you get will help you beat the treasure hunt and gain advantage over your rivals. One person will win a grand prize.

Cards Against Humanity Tournament Is Back!

Play the party game for horrible people at our CAH tournament on Saturday at 9:30 p.m. in Maxi's Ballroom. Win prizes and earn the title of most horrible person at con.

Come Stuff With Us!

Please join us on Sunday, March 25 for fun and games as we take pieces of paper, paperback books, buttons and coupons and marry them together to form the packets that everybody receives at Registration. The more people we have, the faster it will go. Be the first in your neighborhood to see what sort of goodies everyone will receive. Cop a button or two advertising the next big movie. We might even have the latest programming grids on the wall for your perusal.

Working at the stuffing party counts towards hours worked at the con. Norwescon volunteers receive perks like early seating at the Masquerade and are entered into drawings for many items donated by Norwescon dealers. The drawings take place early Sunday afternoon of the con.

Please arrive by 1:00 p.m. at the DoubleTree by Hilton Seattle Airport and be ready to join the assembly line!

In This Issue

Volunteer Now!
Lost Badge Policy
Movie News & Previews
Scavenger Hunt
Cards Against Humanity
Stuffing Party


Full Four Day Memberships for $85 at the door!

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“Norwescon 41 March 17 Newsletter,” Norwescon History, accessed March 30, 2025,

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