Norwescon 37 April 29 Newsletter


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Norwescon 37 April 29 Newsletter


Norwescon 37


The 4/29/14 newsletter for Norwescon 37




April 29, 2014



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News from Norwescon 37

In this issue!

Give Us Feedback
Volunteers at Norwescon
Philip K. Dick Award
Masquerade Winners
Clarion West Scholarship
Art Show
Single-Pattern Contest
Fickle Techie Award

Send Us Your Pictures!

Did you get pictures of the revelries this past weekend? Share them with us and with your fellow congoers by adding them to the Norwescon 37 group on Flickr!

EMP Discount

Did you know that your Norwescon 37 membership can get you a 10% discount on a membership at Seattle's Experience Music Project? Just bring your Norwescon 37 badge or receipt along when purchasing your EMP membership to get the discount. This is good until Dec. 31st, 2014!

Thanks to this year's Guests of Honor!

Writer Guest: Michael Moorcock
Artist Guest: Robert Gould
Science Guest: Catherine Plesko
Special Guest: Seanan McGuire
Costuming Guest: Anima! X
Spotlight Publisher: 47North

Photos and Bios

Philip K. Dick Nominees

A Calculated Life by Anne Charnock (47North)
The Mad Scientist's Daughter by Cassandra Rose Clarke (Angry Robot)
Self-Reference Engine by Toh EnJoe, trans. Terry Gallagher (Haikasoru)
Ancillary Justice by Ann Leckie (Orbit)
Life on the Preservation by Jack Skillingstead (Solaris)
Solaris Rising 2: The New Solaris Book of Science Fiction edited by Ian Whates (Solaris)
Countdown City by Ben H. Winters (Quirk Books)

Connect with us on Social Media!

Final News from Norwescon 37


Thanks for supporting Norwescon 37! On behalf of the convention staff and volunteers, we hope you had a fantastic time. Over 2,800 members attended our four-day convention, enjoying dozens of special events and over 450 hours of programming.

Give Us Feedback

We want to hear from you! If you want to comment on Norwescon 37, or have suggestions for the future, you can give us feedback in multiple ways.

You can leave feedback by answering the survey in Guidebook (limited time only). You can also send email to, or comment on your favorite social media sites using the hashtags #nwconion, #nwcrose, or #nwc37.

Volunteers at Norwescon

Thanks to a generous donation from the Washington Midsummer Renaissance Faire, we had four family passes to raffle off to our volunteers and staff. The drawing was held Sunday afternoon and the winners were notified. Those that did not pick up their passes at the convention will receive them by mail.

The chair is pleased to announce the convention's newest lifetime members. The lifetime member award is presented at the chair's discretion to someone who has been a positive influence on Norwescon for a period of time. This year, Peggy Stewart has selected Joshua Keegan and Brad Nelson to receive lifetime memberships. Congratulations to Josh and Brad!

Philip K. Dick Award

The winner for the Philip K. Dick Award was announced on Friday, April 18, at Norwescon 37. The Philip K. Dick Award is given to the best original science fiction paperback published for the first time during 2013.

For the full announcement click here. For video of the event, go here.

The winner is Countdown City by Ben H. Winters (Quirk Books).

Special citation was given to Self-Reference Engine by Toh EnJoe, translated by Terry Gallagher (Haikasoru). Both writers were present at the ceremony to accept their awards.

Masquerade Winners

Norwescon is pleased to announce the winners of the Norwescon 37 Masquerade!

Best in Show: Melissa Quinn and Alita Quinn - Bubbles Saves the Day
Best in Class (Rising Star): Gina Clark - Shadows Frost
Best in Class (Novice): Leslee Fuller, Tristan Fuller, and Scarlett Fuller - Hello Doctor
Best in Class (Journeyman): Darrell Parker, MJ Parker, Tracey Plunkett, and John Burton - Wreck-It Ralph
Best in Class (Master): Torrey Stenmark - Captain America: Stephanie Rogers
Best Workmanship (Rising Star): Moondragon (and her father) - Toothless
Best Workmanship (Novice): Heather Skaggs - Princess Leia Organa
Best Workmanship (Journeyman): Not Awarded
Best Workmanship (Master): Darrell Parker, MJ Parker, Tracey Plunkett, and John Burton - Wreck-It Ralph
Best Presentation (Rising Star): Moondragon (and her father) - Toothless
Best Presentation (Novice): Hadrian Perniciaro - Welcome the Creeper
Best Presentation (Journeyman): Not Awarded
Best Presentation (Master): Alicia Faires - Hotaru, the Girl Who Loved Fireflies
Director's Choice: Leslee Fuller, Tristan Fuller, and Scarlett Fuller - Hello Doctor
Judges' Choice: Susan Torgensen - Elegance in Rainbows
Best Use of Theme: Lisa Satterlund, Julie Zetterberg Sardo, Katrina Marier, Martha Eby, Victoria Shaffer, Gwendolyn Shaffer, Debbie Callaway, Katherine Daida, Kier Salmon, and Susan Courney - Pandora's Hat Box

Norwescon Clarion West Scholarship

Yang-Yang Wang is the winner of the Norwescon Scholarship for the Clarion West 2014 summer six-week workshop.

Norwescon 37 Art Show Awards

The Norwescon Art Show is proud to announce this year's winners and would like to thank all of our artists for their outstanding contribution to this year's show.

Judged Awards:

Best in Show: Annie Stegg - Calida and the Diamond
1st place: Margaret Organ-Kean - Cootie Catcher
2nd place: Jeff Sturgeon - Time for Reflection
3rd place: Echo Chernik - Goddess of Seafood
Best Color: Annie Stegg - Calida and the Diamond
Best Black & White: Mark Sutton - Maiden
Best Mixed Media: Michael Duquette - Eventuality
Best 3D: Elaine Woodhouse - Steamenagerie Parrot
Best Textile: Meredith Cook - The Gown of Fea the Soul Weaver
Best Jewelry: Scoop Erickson - An Arrant Thief
GoH Pick: Virginie Ropars - Lurking in the Woods

People's Choice:

Best of Show: Meredith Cook
Best Science Fiction: Jeff Sturgeon
Best Humor: Meredith Cook
Best Fantasy: Rob Carlos
Best Horror: Meredith Cook
Best 3D/Best Jewelry: Elaine Woodhouse

We would also like to thank this year's panel of judges- Robert Gould, Douglas Herring, Don Lacky, and Sally Woehrle for their generous time and knowledge in helping judge this year's show.

Pat and Doug Booze
Art Show Co-Managers

Single Pattern Contest

The Single Pattern Contest is an annual art competition at Norwescon. Entrants start with the year's selected pattern and create a one-of-a-kind item using the pattern as the starting point. Norwescon would like to congratulate this year's winners:

Best Workmanship: Susan Treloar
Best Use of Theme: Lady Bane and April Faires (Tied)
Judges' Choice: MJ Parker
Fan Favorite: MJ Parker

Fickle Techie

The recipient of the NWC 37 Fickle Techie award is Jackie Nordquist.

She was hired late in the year as Grand Ballroom 3 Tech Lead. This was a huge responsibility for her first year, and she did a great job! She has expressed an interest in doing it again.

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“Norwescon 37 April 29 Newsletter,” Norwescon History, accessed March 12, 2025,

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