Norwescon 26 Progress Report Alpha

First page of the Norwescon 26 progress report alpha. Full text is available on this page or by downloading the PDF.

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Norwescon 26 Progress Report Alpha


The first update on the upcoming Norwescon 26

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Norwescon 26 PR Alpha

The Chairman Who Heard Dragons and Drakes and Wyrms

by Patricia Booze

So, my heads is spinning with questions. How many kinds of dragons are there? When did Wyrms become Dragons, or are they?, and what the heck are Drakes? I can’t sleep, I’m dreaming of winged creatures and hordes of gold in my basement, instead of the piles of boxes. Of course many of my friends dream of gold but in my dreams I smell sulfur.

Yes, yes, I know it may be time for me to see the man in the white coat but I have another alternative, which is cheaper and just a few months away... Norwescon! And with this year’s exciting line up of Guests it’s not to be missed! This year’s Guests of Honor are Jane Yolen, Jim Burns, Geoffrey Landis, Michael Whelan and Betsy Mitchell of Del Rey Books!

Jane Yolen has 250 books to her credit, writes for children, middles school, young adults and adults. There’s going to be something for everyone in Jane’s body of work that I know you’ll want to check out before Norwescon. There aren’t many authors that are published in all three major categories of literature as well as our own beloved science fiction. Please read her bio on the Norwescon website as well as checking her own website for a more in-depth information about this outstanding writer.

Geoffrey Landis is going to be one of the most exciting scientists we’ve had the privilege of having as our Science Guest of Honor. He is currently works for NASA and is a First Fellow of the NASA Institute of Advanced Concepts. He is a Hugo and Nebula winner for his science fiction works and once again you should check out our website because there’s just too much to list of his accomplishments.

This year Del Rey Book’s will be our Spotlighted Publisher and Betsy Mitchell will be doing the Honor as Del Rey’s representative. Del Rey has sent us the best of their best. She’s an editor for Del Rey and as brought to their rank such authors as Roger MacBride Alllen, Nalo Hopkinson, and Elizabeth Moon and as been the editor for William Gibson, Dan Simmons and Octavia Butler. Besides sharing her vast knowledge, she as great plans for us. Watch the list of panel participates on the website because she is planning on bringing us many of Del Rey’s best authors. Betsy Mitchell’s background, experience and credentials will make her contribution to this year’s Norwescon very special.

For me the next two Guests of Honor are, well, just two of the most amazing artists we’ve ever had—actually they are just the most amazing artists ever—Jim Burns and Michael Whelan. Normally I’d write separate paragraphs for each but I’d only write the same thing—outstanding, fabulous, incredible, award-winning, handsome, more talent and ability than scales on a dragon. And I don’t know about you, but I dream of owning their art. They are true masters in their field.

As I write this I’m becoming even more excited about Norwescon 26. When you’re the Chairman you always worry about how you can continue to top last year. How to keep it fresh and interesting, but I have little worries about that this year. With the already outstanding line up of Guests of Honor and panel participants, like Terry Brooks, David Hartwell and Richard Hexcox, it’s going to be great. We’re going to have more hours of programming and events than we have rooms to put them in and we’ve only just begin. So check out the website as we build up to this year’s event. And never forget that we can always use your talents and abilities. If it weren’t for our all-volunteer staff, there’d be no Norwescon, and without Norwescon what the heck would you do on Easter, chase bunnies?

So, now where’d I put that book, Medieval Murders of our Times or how St. George was a Big Fat Liar? Just a little lite reading to help me sleep.

Open the Door to Better Writing

Now’s your chance to advance your writing skills through critiques by professional writers. Norwescon 26 and the Fairwood Writers Group are sponsoring a science fiction, fantasy and horror writers’ workshop for short fiction up to 10,000 words and novel excerpts up to 15,000 words.

We offer individual sessions with a small group of the convention’s attending pros; we also offer short-story participants a group-session option that allows you to critique the other submitted manuscripts as well as receive feedback on your own.

Our submission deadline is January 31, 2003. Guidelines are posted at Please contact with any questions.

Dragons, Drakes and Wyrms

by Ali Grieve

The fascination and allure of dragons has long been a part of our genre. These amazing creatures hold the interest of fen, old and new alike. The theme for Norwescon 26 is Dragons, Drakes and Wyrms. This year we will not only explore the magnificent flying dragons, but we will also discover the similarities and differences they share with Drakes and Wyrms. What exactly is a Wyrm and what is a Drake? Why are people so absorbed in these creatures? What is the special power they have over us? So many questions, which means we will have so much to discover at the convention!

Interestingly enough, our Guests of Honor fit well into this theme. Jane Yolen has written numerous books about these creatures, especially her Heart’s Blood series. If you haven’t read it yet, be sure to do so before next April. You won’t want to miss out!

Our Artist GoH, Jim Burns, and our very Special Guest, Michael Whelan, can both render these beasts of mythology as no other artist. We are extremely blessed to have such legendary talents coming to the convention. The Norwescon 26 Art Show will be a real treat for the eyes. Plan now on making several trips through it!

Del Rey Books, who will be represented by the famous editorin-chief Betsy Mitchell, has published an abundance of books featuring these creatures. Hopefully, Betsy will let us all in on what is forthcoming from this publishing icon of sf/f—perhaps even more about dragons and their kin. Keep your fingers crossed!

Too much of anything can be boring, which is why you should be thrilled that Geoffrey Landis is our Science GoH. Take a break from our theme and find out the latest and greatest about Mars. Will we be going there anytime soon? What plans are in the works now and in the near future? Then, when you are done discussing everything about the 4th planet, ask him to read one of his award-winning sf poems!

Our Guests of Honor, as well as all our guests, are certain to unlock the doors of our imagination as they delve into the world of dragons, the majestic creatures of mythology, in their various forms. So hold onto your seats as Norwescon 26 prepares to propel you to new and exciting heights through our theme of Dragons, Drakes, and Wyrms!

Dealers Room

Vendor applications for the Norwescon 26 Dealers Room were mailed in October. Prospective vendors, or any vendor that has moved since last year’s convention, should contact Charlie Knoedler at or [omitted] to receive an application. The vendor application will also be available on the website. Rates will be the same as last year: $140 for a six-foot table, which includes one membership. There is a limit of two tables per vendor. Additional memberships may be purchased for $50 each for individuals age 13 and older.


Progress is being made in the planning for this year’s Hospitality Suite! We have a lot of ambitious ideas, and we’ll see how many of them make it from the drawing board to Norwescon. What’s new? How about a mid-con pajama party, and afternoon trivia. What’s back? The same good atmosphere, good company, and good food you’ve come to expect. The Dragon’s Lair will be the place to hang out and socialize, pick up a snack, catch up with old friends and make new ones.

Of course, welcoming you all into the Dragon’s Lair takes a lot of work, and we won’t be able to do it alone! Throughout the weekend, if you find yourself with a couple of hours to spare, come on down to Hospitality and lend a hand. It’s a fun place to volunteer, and you get to sample all the excellent cuisine we’re serving before anyone else. Those cheese trays don’t assemble themselves! We could also use a hand setting up (that is, transforming) the Hospitality Suite, and breaking it all down after the convention as well. You can contact the Volunteers Department by e-mail at, or you can contact us directly at We look forward to seeing you there!

Art Show

It’s that time! The summer was spent painting and fixing the art show panels and we are working daily on new ideas for the show. You can find the registration forms on the web site. Anyone interested in receiving these forms via snail mail should either e-mail or contact the art show via the Norwescon P.O. box. We look forward to receiving your application. Thank you.

Save Money—Join Early

Do you want to save money? The best way to save on a Norwescon membership is to buy it early. Not only will you save money, you’ll save time at the convention when you don’t have to wait in a long line to register. Take a moment right now to fill out the membership form in this publication and send it in. Why wait?

Now that you’ve taken care of your registration, why not volunteer to help register others? Working at registration is a great way to volunteer if you like working with people. You will be in the most central location of the convention, where everybody will eventually pass through. If you think you’d like to help, contact or come to a concom meeting. While we always welcome volunteers who show up at the event, the most valuable volunteers are the ones that we know are coming in advance. These people usually get to handle the more interesting parts of the job. Stay tuned for further details about registration training presented in the Spring. Abbreviated training will also be available at the con.

Fanzine Lending Library

Hey Fan Publishers!

The Norwescon 26 Fanzine Lending Library wants to know where the hell you are! Particularly if you might want to have a copy of your ’zine on display in the Library this year for general lending circulation. Whatever kind of sf, fantasy, horror, fandom, comics, costuming, or other fannish amateur publication you’re putting out, we want you on our mailing list so we can send you information later in the year. So please, let us know you’re out there, get us your mailing address, and we’ll mail you all the information you could want on the fanzine lending library, how it’s run, when things are due, and whatever else we think we should wedge into an envelope.

It’s best if you get us your address by the beginning of the year, but you’ll probably get away with later, too. Mail your contact information to:

Norwescon 26 Fanzine Lending Library
P.O. Box 68547
Seattle, WA 98168-0547



“Norwescon 26 Progress Report Alpha,” Norwescon History, accessed March 12, 2025,

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