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Advertising flyer for Norwescon 3. Artwork by Wendy Schultz (later Wendy Wees).

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The program for the Philip K. Dick awards presented at Norwescon 36

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Promotional armband for the Norwescon 36 FFFS

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Photographer's badge for the Norwescon 36 FFFS

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The cover of the Norwescon 36 program book

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The cover of the Norwescon 36 Pocket Program

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The cover of the Norwescon 38 Program Book

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The covers of the programming Pocket Programs for Norwescon 38

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The cover of the Norwescon 38 Planning and Membership Guidelines Pocket Program

Informational brochure about Norwescon's accessibility accommodations

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The covers of the Norwescon 39 Pocket Program

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The cover of the Norwescon 39 Planning & Membership Guide

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The cover of the Norwescon 39 program book.

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Archived website for Norwescon 39

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The Sunday daily 'zine for Norwescon 39.

The Saturday daily 'zine for Norwescon 39.

The Friday daily 'zine for Norwescon 39

The Thursday daily 'zine for Norwescon 39

Advertising flyer for Norwescon 39

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Archived Norwescon 38 website. NOTE: Archiving partially successful; content present but presentation not as intended.

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