Badge for Norwescon 20. Shown alone (in plastic "license plate" holder) and with commemorative ribbon given to those who had attended all Norwescons to date.
The opening number for the Norwescon 10 Stardance was also our 10th birthday party, complete with party hats, singing and dancing, and a surprise guest!
The full 2016 Philip K. Dick Awards Ceremony at Norwescon 39.
Douglas Lain reads from AFTER THE SAUCERS LANDED
Brenda Cooper reads from EDGE OF DARK
Ramez Naam reads from APEX
PJ Manney reads from (R)EVOLUTION
Marguerite Reed reads from…
The full 2014 Philip K. Dick Awards ceremony at Norwescon 37, with readings from the nominated works by Anne Charnock, Cassandra Rose Clarke, David Tackett, Toh EnJoe, Terry Gallagher, Skillingstead, and Ben H. Winters.
The full closing ceremonies for Norwescon 36. Features short interviews with Writer Guest of Honor Catherine Asaro, Artist Guest of Honor Lee Moyer, Science Guest of Honor Edward Tenner, and Special Guest of Honor Gardner Dozois.