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  • Collection: Norwescon 3

An ad for Norwescon 3 from the Moscon 1 program book.

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Photo by Thom Walls of the Norwescon 3 executive committee. Five men sit on backwards chairs in the back row, five women sit in front of them, and a sixth man lays across the women's laps. All the clothing and hairstyles are very 1970s. Below the photo are the following names: Dennis Pernaa, Steve Bard, Frank Rabinovich, Gordon Erickson, Thom Walls, Lauraine Miranda, Janice Murray, Jane Hawkins, Shelly Dutton, Judy Lorent, Cliff Wind. Not pictured: Richard Wright, Linda Hoffer and Tony Pepin.
Photo of the NWC3 ConCom. In picture: Dennis Pernaa, Steve Bard, Frank Rabinovich, Gordon Erickson, Thom Walls, Lauraine Miranda, Janice Murray, Jane Hawkins, Shelly Dutton, Judy Lorent, Cliff Wind. Not pictured: Richard Wright, Pat Mallinson, Linda…

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NWC3 flyer 1.jpg
Advertising flyer for Norwescon 3

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NWC3 flyer 2.jpg
Advertising flyer for Norwescon 3.

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nwc3 flyer.jpg
Advertising flyer for Norwescon 3.

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Advertising flyer for Norwescon 3. Artwork by Wendy Schultz (later Wendy Wees).

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Photos from Norwescon 3.

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NWC3 pocket program.jpg
Foldable programming grid for Norwescon 3.

NWC3 PB-acc.pdf
The full souvenir program book for Norwescon 3. This copy includes autographs by the Guests of Honor and several attending pros and panelists.

Art of a white man wearing t-shirt, pants, and boots, covered in flames, falling out of a spiral with a blonde white woman's face in the center, printed in blues and oranges on yellow paper. Text says, "Norwescon 3, Seattle, March 28-30, 1980".
The cover of the NWC3 program book.
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