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  • Collection: Norwescon 10

Art by Ken Macklin of two humans, one blonde white man and one brunette woman, surrounded by various creatures, including a cat in a spacesuit, a troll, an armored ogre, a three-eyed alien, and a dinosaur. Typed text says, "77 Don Glover".
Badge #77

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greg interview.mp4
1988 interview with Greg Bennett, one of the Norwescon founders, from the public access cable show "Hadronic Charge".


The opening number for the Norwescon 10 Stardance was also our 10th birthday party, complete with party hats, singing and dancing, and a surprise guest!

A birthday party hat, handed out at the Norwescon 10 Birthday Party (which opened the Friday night Stardance).


The full Masquerade from Norwescon 10.

Badge #1010, in the plastic "license plate" badge frame.

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