Norwescon 1

Dublin Core


Norwescon 1


Norwescon 1


Holiday Inn, Sea-Tac

Chair: Greg Bennett
Guest of Honor: Thodore Sturgeon
Fan Guest of Honor: John Berry
Toastmaster: Alan E. Nourse

Attendance: 415


March 25-26, 1978

Collection Items

Norwescon 1 Badge
Badge #368.

Norwescon 1 Flyer
Advertising flyer for Norwescon 1

Norwescon 1 Newspaper Announcement
A short newspaper blurb announcing the first Norwescon.

Norwescon 1 Program Book
The full program book for Norwescon 1. Notes from Gregory Bennett, Norwescon 1 chair: And yet another fun note about the Norwescon 1 program book and how it got to be that size. I had mentioned the pocket program at Midamericon in Kansas City in…

Norwescon 1 Program Book Cover Art
This is a scan of the original art for the Norwescon 1 program book cover. The cover is by Bill Warren (William R. Warren, Jr.), 1978; India ink on vellum. The little gnome with the glowing guts sitting under the bridge with his quill is, of course,…

Norwescon 1 ConCom Cartoon
Bill Warren drew this cartoon depicting some members of the Norwescon 1 convention committee to fill a space in the program book. It was amusing enough, but there was depth to it. Many of the people in the cartoon are identifiable from Bill's…

Photos from Norwescon 1
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